‘City Attack Against My Home’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over the ads that appear at this web-site.


‘City Attack Against My Home’
(10 Jun 2023)


Please see below (Additional Resources) for Update Posts. 


Dear Reader:

This City attacked our home – my peace, my Bestie’s peace. 

This narrative discusses the essence of the fruit of the poisoned tree, the consequences of illegal government action.  In other words, the legal position that anything and everything that happens as the result of the City’s illicit, illegal, or improper action is removed from evidence. 

Phoenix City agents came knocking at my front door about 8.30am, 7 Jun 2023.  She presented to me what she said was a Court Order dated March 2023 to seize and trash my personal property, to clear my land of its natural xeriscape vegetation, to blade the topsoil, claiming that the presence of natural xeriscape constituted the City’s determination to enforce the consequences of specious code violations.  I asked why the City never bothered to send that notice to me, allowing the opportunity for me to present my appeal to this unilateral City intrusion, considering that the City sends other Court notices, including notification at least of three court dates in this case when the City failed to appear, but the Court refused to issue a Default judgement on my behalf.  The City agent this day told me that the City doesn’t mail Court orders or notices.  She had no answer when I asked her how I am expected to know about these matters when the City fails to notify a homeowner. 

Only one City agent presented a business card.  I asked for one from at least three people presenting themselves as City agents.  They refused to state their names sufficiently, withholding their official ID, they concealed their true identification from me, inhibiting me the opportunity document their identities in order to fully and properly report them for their misconduct.  Their behaviour is unacceptable.  I submit that City operatives must fully identify themselves to homeowners. 

We are back to where we have repeatedly been.  The City agents made the false claim that I am responsible for City owned trees on City land.  They claimed that there is excessive growth of plants and vegetation on my land.  They added that trash is accumulated at my back patio.  All accusations are specious, malicious, and meritless.

Those trees are City trees on City land.  Past City agents admitted that.  Again today this agent admitted it – at least twice:  once when we stood in the street and again when we stood at the front patio.  She repeated to me what I have been consistently saying for several years, what other City agents have been admitting for several years, what I truthfully testified to in Court during February 2022 – the City plants their trees, the City maintains their trees, the City removes their dead trees, and the City will plant new trees to replace the removed trees.  That’s exactly what that City agent told me that morning:

 – ‘The City planted those trees, the City maintained those trees, the City removed those trees.  We’ll plant new trees. ‘

I directly challenge that City agent to admit the truth that she admitted to me in the presence of her fellow City agents, but, sadly, I expect that she and her cohorts will deny her admission when later confronted.  Deceit is the history that I experience with City officials. 

I asked the City agent whether she bothered to read the February 2022 Court transcript or listen to the hearing recordings when the Judge absolved me of City obligations regarding their property on their land.  She said that that is not part of her job responsibility.  No?  I submit that it certainly is her job responsibility to know the entirety of this case, not merely what she decides to know.  She admitted knowing nothing about the handful of prior City agents who admitted that the trees are City trees on City land.  She admitted not knowing that Parks and Recreation have a file about me as well as other departments, all exonerating me regarding City trees on City land.  Maybe this City agent will go back to her office and learn, will contact the other departments.  That is her job to do.

I asked about the stump from the first tree, the agent had no answer, she claimed knowing nothing about the first tree.  Why did she fail to do her work familiarising herself of this case!  Why do City agents from different departments fail to converse amongst themselves, fail to comprehend the contradictory actions of one department versus another?

Why did the City impose upon me the obligations to inform the City agent that Parks and Recreation took down the first tree, chipped the branches, and left the tall stump.  The City did all that without requesting my permission to enter my property or to chop down the tree because it was a City tree on City land.  Nor did the City bill me for their work conducting City business.  Rightly so. 

I reminded that City agent about their second tree.  City Parks and Recreation took down that second tree after a storm blew it over a car parked along the curb.  City Parks and Recreation removed a few cut stumps of that second tree, they scattered multiple cut stumps and branches littering my front yard, not on City property, eventually making City misconduct the basis for their charges on this day (7 Jun 2023).  The City agent is charging me for the incompetent and incomplete work that their own City department did to City trees on City property. 

I posted on Craig’s List an offer to people to collect firewood.  Some people came, but were obstructed by people parking their cars along the curb.

I reported to the City agent that there are numerous down City trees throughout the neighbourhood.  I asked this City agent why she and fellow City agents are not pursuing their similar allegations against those homeowners with the same zeal as she is against me.  Why?  Because these City agents know that they can abuse me, issue false charges against me, and are get away with it – either through their supervisor or through misguided court decisions. 

The City agent today demanded to remove my front carport gate.  She told me that it required repair.  I had that gate there perhaps two years or more with the stated approval of City agents.  Today’s City agent refused to allow me to repair it.  Despite my gate being in decent and usable condition, her contract workers required at least two of them to use their chain saws to destroy my front gate, to cut it into several pieces.  Replacing my front gate will cost hundreds of Dollars to me, thanks to malicious City inconsideration.  I submit that the City must incur the full cost of replacing my front gate (upwards to $500 or more).

The City agent ordered the removal of my back fence and gate.  She refused the opportunity for me to repair it.  She ordered at least two, maybe there were three, contract workers to use a sledgehammer to demolish my backyard gate.  Then they used a chainsaw to cut my gate into multiple pieces to fit it inside their dump trailer.  How is this correct for the City to remove and destroy a good backyard gate!  And cost hundreds of Dollars for me to replace!  I submit that the City must incur the full cost of replacing my backyard gate and fencing that that City agents ordered destroyed (upwards to $200 or more for the gate, plus the stolen fencing of another $200 or more).

The City agent ordered that her contract workers chop down living trees in my backyard, uproot several oleander bushes along the alleyway and both sides of the backyard, and destroy a berry bush in the backyard – all legitimate xeriscape, NOT ‘weeds’.  The contract workers stepped on my new sapling trees, seriously damaging them.  The City agent ordered the contract workers to chop down living oleander bushes and uproot their living stumps.  Now, at the command of those City agents, I have no backyard privacy due to the illicit removal of my living oleander bushes and trees.  Replacing the destroyed and removed trees and bushes will cost perhaps hundreds of Dollars in expence and years to grow.  My Bestie and I are in our late-60s, few years to live at our home, enduring the loss of comfort and enjoyment of our trees, bushes, berries.  I submit that the City must incur the full cost of replacing my trees, oleander bushes, and berry bush (bushes can cost $25 or more each, plus the value of being mature plants, the berry bush giving berries each season).

The City agent ordered her contract crew to steal my wooden storage crate, contrary to her assurances to me that she would not order her crew to remove it.  I submit that the City must incur the full cost of replacing my wooden storage crate. 

The City agent ordered her contract crew to blade the back yard to bare dirt, leaving no natural top soil and ground covering for rain to moisten and nourish the trees, bushes, and grass.  I lost count, I witnessed that there must have been at least a dozen bucket containers of top soil that they dumpt into their trailer in the back, dunno how many more containers that they dumpt from the front yard.  The City agent was upset when I pled for the contract worker to not cut down a sapling tree of about five feet tall.  Yet, in contrast, the City agent tells me that City code requires ground covering and trees.  These City agents put me in legal jeopardy by their illicit commands.  I hold the City responsible.

City agents are responsible for supervising the contract work crew, for homeowner’s property that they take without permission.

Under the direct watch and supervision, the City agents further authorised their contract workers to steal other perfectly good property from me, that I didn’t notice because one City agent or another played tag team that hindered my ability to keep watch over the City agents.  The City agent allowed her contract crew to steal a solar powered yard light from the front yard ($15), a garden rake from my collection of yard tools ($25), three panels of wall boards ($25 each), several political signs from the past two elections (I collect political signs) (collectable value), two five-quart jugs of motor oil ($35), two lawn chairs ($35 each).  The City must compensate me for these losses (thefts).  My Bestie and I only noticed these thefts after the City agents and contract crew departed their last day. 

City agents are responsible for supervising the contract work crew, for the debris that falls out and damages other vehicles. 

City agents approved of the contract crew to over-fill their trailers with tree cuttings, yard debris, and my personal property that they ordered destroyed.  The City agent failed to supervise their contract workers who were negligent to not completely cover their trailer as legally required, easily allowing the contents to be falling out as they drove away.  There was only a small tarp that covered one trailer, but it failed to cover the contents as required by law.  Where were the City agents?  Why did they fail to supervise this?  Why did the City agents allow debris piled into the trailers to fall out along the way on City streets, to cause damage to other vehicles on the City streets?  Why did these City agents fail to comply with the laws that they swore under Oath to uphold!

I witnessed this twice from my home near 18th Street:  10.30am, 7 Jun 2023 and noon 8 Jun 2023 with these two vehicles:


Nissan pickup, grey. Black tandem wheels trailer (licence plate DWA 1KN)


F150 pickup truck, grey. White tandem wheels trailer (licence plate E1A3BKA)

I asked the City agent about unsolicited ads that appear as pop-ups on the Internet – ads that say that the City has assistance for home repair.  I live on $15.000 per year Social Security.  I need to replace my roof.  I requested roofers to provide bids a few years ago, the price would have ranged from $12.000 to $15.000.  I need to save to afford that expence.  The City agent wrote a note on the back of a generic City business card for me to contact a City department in charge of that assistance program.  I also asked about evaporative cooler repair. 

I told the City agent that I received a letter in the mail telling me that I can’t register my car, can’t receive a tax refund because of their illicit disposition of this 2021 Court case.  The City agent tried to tell me that there is no such obstacle.  I requested that she read my City file and the Court file – that’s where I received that notice.  As such, I had been trying to save to repair my car.  But what is the point to repair my car when I can’t register it.  After countless circuitous denials, the City agent eventually admitted that indeed they put me in this unnecessary catch.  The City agent eventually admitted that they put a fraudulent lien on my home.  Their lien makes it impossible for me to apply for City services for low income and elderly homeowners as we are.  I discovered through the City Public Defender Office that the City agent imposes a lien exceeding $1000.  Why did the City agent lie to me?  Why are City agent lies required in their Job Description?

How can I save to pay for a new roof, repair my car, when the City imposes their unjust lien against my home, rendering me ineligible for City assistance?


Bestie and I went to the City department said to be in charge of the home improvement program (Friday, 9 Jun 2023).  Security only allowed us to talk to a clerk behind a plexiglass window and voice speaker.  I told this clerk that we were there at the City agent’s direction to apply for the home improvement roof replacement program.  She knew what we were asking because the City has a billboard poster to the side of the clerk behind the plexiglass. 

This clerk could not locate anyone at the department – she told me that no one was answering their telephone.  My Bestie and I watched the time, we waited for about an hour til this first clerk located a program agent to approve our presence at her 4th Floor office. 

The City agent at that 4th Floor department initially refused to see me.  I insisted.  I reminded her repeatedly that the City agent at my home told me to go to their office on Friday to submit an application because the deadline was that Friday.

We arrived at their department front counter – the office lights were turned off, the blinds were closed, there was complete silence.  Bestie and I could see only two City clerks working at that front area of more than a dozen cubicles.  One of the clerks finally coaxed a program agent to meet us – Paulina was the name that she later wrote on a generic City business card at the front counter.

Paulina, this City agent claiming to be in charge at the City, took me to a work room.  She talked to me.  She told me about the home improvement program. 

Paulina is a real piece of work, deceptive, avoided giving straight answers.

Paulina looked at her computer screen and told me that my status is blocked because of liens and actions against me and my home.  I need to see that documentation to contest its correctness and justification.  Paulina failed to provided proof or documentation to that effect.

Curious about whatever Paulina claimed was in my file on her computer screen.  Remember, the City agent at my home those two days repeatedly insisted – she went as far as assuring me – that my record was clean that day, til I probed to the point when she admitted lying to me right there at the front porch.  What is it with these City officials lying to we residents!

Paulina refused to explain where the funding comes from – private, federal, state.

Paulina finally admitted that the City puts a lien on your home for 20 years.  The homeowner could be on the hook to pay back the entire cost – $20.000 to $30.000.  Paulina remained vague about the specifics and the details no matter how I asked. 

Apparently, the City decides who will replace your roof – could be a fly-by-night roofer, could be an insider with connections between a construction contractor and a City official.  The homeowner is at the mercy of City bureaucrats.  The homeowner has no status in any decision what contractor does the work, no opportunity to object to the contractor or their work, no opportunity to file a claim for defective work or materials.

Paulina told me that I needed to provide my Birth Certificate.  Dog Whistle.  Exactly!  Apparently the program requirements include being a USA citizen, dunno, Paulina didn’t say that to me, she told me that I needed to present my Birth Certificate to her.  I offered my Passport, she stalled, then told me, reluctantly, that she will accept my Passport. 

Paulina told me that I need to provide the last six months of my credit union statements.  She didn’t say why she wants with them.  I’m on fixed income Social Security and a small State of Arizona pension, no other income, my bank balances reflect that fact.  My current Social Security letter and a document from Arizona State Retirement System should be sufficient. 

Then came the worst.  Paulina told me that I would not interact with her or anyone else for the remainder of this application process or the program.  She told me to make photocopies of all my documents and leave them in her agency drop box at the Security desk.  Talk about Paulina’s lack of customer service.  When I was a DES caseworker, we personally met with our clients as much as they needed, we made the photocopies rather than put that expence on a low-income customer, we even sent verification forms to their banks and other sources.  Paulina is stiffing this applicant.


There are ads throughout the Internet and social media touting this home improvement program – suggesting that the City, county, or state are providing free home improvements and financing.  The sources disguise their true identification.  These home improvement offers are a gimmick!

Notice the names in the Comment section of these ads?  Likely Bots. The names and the statements are similar from one version of any ad to another version.

Notice that expiration date in these ads?  It’s fake.  These ads keep changing the date, advancing it every week or so.  The dates are designed to rope in the mark.



Arizona News
9 Jun 2023

DEADLINE 23TH JUNE: Newly APPROVED Roof service is accepting 450 homeowners to get a new roof for their home. Those that are in need of a new roof must apply before 23TH JUNE.

There are 3 requirements:

– Must be an US resident✅
– Must live in an eligible zip code✅
– Must have a roof older than 9 years old✅



Arizona News
29 May 2023

June 2023: 🇺🇸 Homeowners with windows older than 10 years can now qualify for this newly APPROVED “Window Replacement Service.” Those that are in need of new windows must apply before JUNE 30TH. Click here to see which zip codes are covered.



Arizona News
9 Jun 2023

DEADLINE 23TH JUNE: Newly APPROVED Roof service is accepting 450 homeowners to get a new roof for their home. Those that are in need of a new roof must apply before 23TH JUNE.

There are 3 requirements:

– Must be an US resident✅
– Must live in an eligible zip code✅
– Must have a roof older than 9 years old✅



Arizona News
31 May 2023

June 2023: 🇺🇸 Homeowners with windows older than 10 years can now qualify for this new “Window Replacement Service.” Click here to see which zip codes are covered.




AZ Home Efficiency

✅  New funding was recently made available thanks to the “Inflation Reduction Act” that can be used to replace your ROOF!

Sound too good to be true? We know!

Click “learn more” on our post to see if you qualify and we will explain the details! 👇



Victoria Winters
5 Jun 2023

Maricopa County Homeowners with roofing OLDER than 7 years are getting help to install new, energy-efficient roofs on their homes! Tap on “Learn More” to get more details & check if your home can get our new, energy-efficient roofing, it only takes 1 minute



Arizona News
31 May 2023

June 2023: 🇺🇸 Homeowners with windows older than 10 years can now qualify for this new “Window Replacement Service.” Click here to see which zip codes are covered.


Homeowner beware!

Better to apply for a home improvement loan from your credit union.


As I began this narrative, the City’s actions happened as the direct result of their illegal conduct regarding City trees on City land.  Everything that resulted from the City’s illegal conduct is inadmissible against me!

I submit that there are covert factors in my case that these City agents are unwilling to admit – discriminatory issues of bigotry and prejudice.  Of course, one obvious concern is my being low income, leading to the fact that I lack the finance to seek and retain legal representation.  No doubt, if I could afford a lawyer, these rogue City agents would find themselves facing their due challenge.

These City agents are rogue, run amok in abuse of authority.  Remember when that one City agent boasted that he could come to my home every day and write as many citations as he wanted to do.  There’s your clear demonstration of the example of his abuse of authority. 

This abuse of authority also occurs in the Courtroom itself.  Remember that that City agent sat there during my February 2022 trial when he repeatedly lied and repeatedly accused me of lying.  Not once did the judge allow me the opportunity to present evidence that that City agent was committing perjury.

Add that judge.  I addressed the judge at the beginning of that trial and told her that I sought legal representation from the City Public Defender.  She promptly declared that I was lying.  I repeated to declare the truth while facing that judge’s false accusations.  Finally, that judge called a recess and sent a Court Clerk to the Public Defender’s Office.  Sure enough, lawyers from the Public Defener’s Office appeared at my trial and confirmed to that judge that they represented me.  Not once did I hear that judge apologise to me for her false charges, not once did she correct the record.  This is SO wrong!  More than a year later and the City Public Defender Office remembers my case, remember the injustice that their City agents and courts committed against me.

– Sharon




1 Comment


Alana Joy
Sharon Nichols A year later I still feel the same. I still fear both the City of Phoenix and someone attacking me outside when I go outside for water or whatever at night.

And I would NEVER rent nor buy property within the city limits of Phoenix, EVER!😢😡
7 Jun 2024




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to T-central.blogspot.com for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence. 

Please see this prior post for past information:


‘Ya Can’t Fight City Hall – But I’m Trying’
(06 Dec 2021)

… and this subsequent Update Post for 25 Jan 2024:


‘Facebook Memories: 25 Jan 2024’
(25 Jan 2024)


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.



Additional Resources:


Government abuse of authority. 

This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.




(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


4 thoughts on “‘City Attack Against My Home’

  1. Pingback: ‘Ya Can’t Fight City Hall – But I’m Trying’ | Slim and Me

  2. Pingback: ‘Facebook Memories: 6 Dec 2023’ | Slim and Me

  3. Pingback: ‘Facebook Memories: 25 Jan 2024’ | Slim and Me

  4. Pingback: ‘Facebook Memories: 7 Jun 2024’ | Slim and Me

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