‘Facebook Memories: 25 May 2024 – Supreme Leader Crooked Drumpf Is Your Morality, Your Mental Fitness’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … whew! … 

‘Facebook Memories:  25 May 2024 – Supreme Leader Crooked Drumpf is your morality, your mental fitness’
(25 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

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When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

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Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my Slimandme.wordpress.com web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
25 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  25 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1.  Occupy Democrats:  Add ‘Arrested While Black in Your Own Car Parked on Your Own Property’

2.  NowThis Politics:  Add ‘Driving While Black While the State Attourney’ and I’m gonna own you for this fraudulent stop

3.  Avari Merchant:  A List Of Crooked Drumpf’s anti-Trans and anti-LGBT Actions’

4, 11.  Trans In-Formation and Chris Paige

5.  Add ‘Parking Cattywampus During Early Morning Hours While Being Black’ that brings out the entire night shift and gets you manhandled, Tased, arrested, jailed, then no charges filed ‘Never Mind’ go home.

6.  Brad Chapdelaine

7, 10.  Shaun Irons Brand – Breaking News:  Here’s a list of the VERY active investigations throughout the United States that are targeting Crooked Drumpf and his criminal family and friends, that we know of, so far

8.  Jacqueline Kamel and Helen Boyd say it without my blathering.

9.  Supreme Leader Crooked Drumpf is your morality, your mental fitness

12.  Vote4Friendship:  The people of the United States of America would do well to learn from the European Union.

13.  Elite Post Cards from the Bubble:  Land of the Free?  Or rule by a Theocratic tyrant?

14.  Mic:  Serena Daniari has a powerful message about the Trans Community for the Con-servative





9 of 14:


Supreme Leader Crooked Drumpf is your morality, your mental fitness



Sharon Nichols
25 May 2020

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.



Sharon Nichols
(24 May 2018)

You –


Your Supreme Leader Crooked Drumpf is your morality, your mental fitness.


‘Emotion plays an important role in constraining dishonesty. If we feel bad when we lie, we are less likely to do so. But if this uncomfortable feeling were to magically disappear, research suggests we would in turn lie more.

Without that uncomfortable physiological feeling that accompanies dishonest behavior, people were more likely to cheat.’

– NBC News (23 May 18)


Easy to submit that the same applies to you. You find it easier to lie with each passing day because you lack the discomfort that normal people feel if they lie.

But that’s okay. You keep calling Liberalism a mental disease. I’d rather have a conscience than be a grifting cheater.


See also:








Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.



Democratic Coalition Against Trump
(24 May 2018)

#DonTheCon strikes again and again: “Our calculations suggest that if the current escalation rate remains steady, by the end of his term, the president could be making as many as 19 public false statements a day, on average.”

Tell the GOP to put country before party and start the impeachment process here – (http://bit.ly/2roqU7H) #ImpeachTrump



Trump’s lying seems to be getting worse. Psychology suggests there’s a reason why.

To psychologists interested in the science of lying, Trump’s increasing mendacity presents an interesting question.

Image: President Trump hosts the California Sanctuary State Roundtable
Research suggests voters (and perhaps even advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods over time.

May 23, 2018, 12:56 PM MST / Updated May 23, 2018, 12:56 PM MST
By Tali Sharot and Neil Garrett

Between when President Donald Trump assumed office in January 2017 and the end of April, the average number of public false or misleading statements he has made per day has been increasing. According to the Washington Post’s fact checkers on May 1, “for the president’s first 100 days, he averaged 4.9 claims a day… since we last updated this tally two months ago, the president has averaged about 9 claims a day.”

This is a significant rise. Our calculations suggest that if the current escalation rate remains steady, by the end of his term the president could be making as many as 19 public false statements a day, on average.

To psychologists interested in the science of lying, Trump’s increasing mendacity presents an interesting question: What might be causing this growth?

We first considered whether the increase could be explained by reporting bias. In other words, perhaps more falsehoods have been reported over time, rather than actually presented by the president. We found this explanation to be unlikely, as the Washington Post fact checkers stated they have scrutinized every single tweet, speech, statement and interview by the president since last January. (Importantly, this analysis is confined to public statements and it is difficult to know whether there has been a change in Trump’s total falsehoods.)

Emotion plays an important role in constraining dishonesty. If we feel bad when we lie, we are less likely to do so.
So if not reporting bias, what can explain the temporal increase of these falsehoods? Perhaps past lies needed to be covered up by more lies, or repeated falsehoods were eventually perceived as true making subsequent repetition likely. Or maybe falsehoods led to positive consequences, reinforcing such behavior further. These are all plausible explanations. But our research points to yet another intriguing explanation — a biological process called emotional adaptation.

Emotion plays an important role in constraining dishonesty. If we feel bad when we lie, we are less likely to do so. But if this uncomfortable feeling were to magically disappear, research suggests we would in turn lie more. In one study, students who were given a pill called a beta-blocker, which reduces emotional arousal, were more likely to cheat on an exam than students who were given a placebo. In other words, without that uncomfortable physiological feeling that accompanies dishonest behavior, people were more likely to cheat.

Research we conducted at University College London with our colleagues Dan Ariely and Stephanie Lazzaro, which was published in 2016 in the journal Nature Neuroscience, showed that the intensity of the emotional response people experience when they act dishonestly is reduced every time they lie. And this reduction (which scientists call emotional adaptation) makes them likely to lie more over time.

In our experiment, which was funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Center for Advanced Hindsight, we gave a group of 80 individuals the opportunity to lie again and again in a financial task in order to gain money at another person’s expense. We found that the volunteers started with relatively small lies, cheating by only a few cents, but slowly over the course of the experiment lied more and more. While they were doing so we recorded their brain activity using a brain imaging scanner. We found that the emotional network in the brain responded less with each additional lie. The greater the drop in the brain’s sensitivity to dishonesty, the more people lied the next time they had a chance.

Repeated dishonesty is a bit like a perfume you apply over and over. At first you easily detect the powerful scent of a new perfume. But over time and with more applications you can hardly sense its presence, so you apply more liberally. This happens because neurons in your olfactory bulb desensitize to the smell of the perfume. Similarly, it appears that our response to our own acts of dishonesty is strong at first, but over time decreases. Like students taking beta-blockers, your capacity for being dishonest increases.

Repeated dishonesty is a bit like a perfume you apply over and over. At first you easily detect the powerful scent of a new perfume. But over time and with more applications you can hardly sense its presence.
The picture becomes more alarming when we consider that individuals adapt not only to their own dishonesty but also to that of others. Research Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman shows that people are less likely to criticize the unethical actions of others when such behavior increases gradually over time. Politically speaking, this suggests that voters (and perhaps even the president’s own advisors) may desensitize to the president’s falsehoods in the same way that they do to overused perfume, making them less likely to act to correct this pattern of behavior. The absence of sanctions could in turn be interpreted as a “green light” by the president.

Indeed, in a recent study of 2,500 U.S. citizens, the psychologist Birony Swire-Thompson found that Trump supporters’ intentions to vote for him were not affected by learning that the president had provided false information. And a recent Gallup poll showed that while the percentage of Americans who believe the president is “honest and trustworthy” has decreased from 46 percent in February to 36 percent in April, his approval ratings remained relatively stable. Indeed, in the past few months his approval rating continues to rise.

It is thus likely that we will observe a continuing increase in the number of falsehoods emanating from the Oval Office, accompanied by less and less outrage from the public.

Tali Sharot is an associate professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London, the director of the Affective Brain Lab and author of “The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About our Power to Change Others.”

Neil Garrett is a postdoctoral researcher at The Princeton Neuroscience Institute.






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You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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BeHuman Campaign


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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


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