‘Facebook Memories: 23 May 2024 – Avari Merchant:  A List Of Crooked Drumpf’s anti-Trans And anti-LGBT Actions’


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‘Facebook Memories:  23 May 2024 – Avari Merchant:  A list of Crooked Drumpf’s anti-Trans and anti-LGBT actions’
(23 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

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Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my Slimandme.wordpress.com web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
23 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  23 May 2024

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1 of 7:

(1, 5 are similar)


Avari Merchant:  A list of Crooked Drumpf’s anti-Trans anti-LGBT actions


Mind you, this is barely a partial list during Crooked Drumpf’s first two years on the job.

Crooked Drumpf is accurate about one thing, er, three things – his Drumpfians and Deplorables are surely ‘Poorly Educated’, ‘Suckers’, and ‘Losers’, especially you of the Trans and LGBT Community.




Sharon Nichols
23 May 2023



‘The Scourge Of Crooked Drumpf Attacks Against Our Trans Community’
(23 May 2023)


The Scourge Of Crooked Drumpf Attacks Against Our Trans Community.

Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are ‘Pro-Life’???

There will be a running theme today.

For starters.

CBS News reported that 3% of Black Americans voted for Crooked Drumpf in the 2016 Election.

One Black person seems to be too many.

Every day, Spawn Robertson and his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show runs feature stories presenting Black Americans joining the Racist Republi-con Party and segregationist Christian Con-servative ideology.

Crooked Drumpf committed an intentional act of mass murder, Social Murder, and Genocide against American Black citizens.  Crooked Drumpf observed during the early stages of the Coronavirus Pandemic that it was killing Black people more than White people.  The British medical journal reported here in 2023 that Crooked Drumpf’s mishandling of Coronavirus during 2020 led directly to at least 500.000 deaths.

The more time passes, little changes, little improves.

Tiva James:

I hope that this article comes to your Feed.

– Sharon


Allow me to give credit to Avari Merchant, a few years late.  I was reading through some old articles and came across this today.

Avari charts an accounting of Crooked Drumpf’s crimes.

Her list was from four years ago, effective as of when she wrote it.

We need to know that Crooked Drumpf multiplied his transgressions since then.

Sadly, Garland has failed to so much as whisper any hint of prosecuting Crooked Drumpf for his innumerable crimes.  Nor has any state made any effective move, other than flapping some gums.  Oh, big noogies!  So one small prosecutor put out one piddling Civil case; Crooked Drumpf will never himself pay that $5 million fine.

– Sharon



Avari Merchant
22 May 2019

From a friend. Print this out and show it to any pro-Trump LGBT folks you know. If they still defend Trump, crumple the list and shove it up their ass…

You want a list of all the anti-trans anti-LGBT actions this administration has taken?

March 13, 2019: The Department of Defense laid out its plans for implementing its ban on transgender troops, giving an official implementation date of April 12.

January 23, 2019: The Department of Health & Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights granted an exemption to adoption and foster care agencies in South Carolina, allowing religiously-affiliated services to discriminate against current and aspiring LGBTQ caregivers.

November 23, 2018: The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) erased critical guidance that helped federal agency managers understand how to support transgender federal workers and respect their rights, replacing clear and specific guidance reflecting applicable law and regulations with vaguely worded guidance hostile to transgender workers. While this guidance change did not change the rights of transgender federal workers under applicable law, regulations, Executive Orders, and case law, it is likely to cause confusion and promote discrimination within the nation’s largest employer.

August 10, 2018: The Department of Labor released a new directive for Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) staff encouraging them to grant broad religious exemptions to federal contractors with religious-based objections to complying with nondiscrimination laws. It also deleted material from an OFCCP FAQ on LGBT nondiscrimination protections that previously clarified the limited scope of allowable religious exemptions.

June 11, 2018: Attorney General Jeff Sessions ruled that the federal government would no longer recognized gang violence or domestic violence as grounds for asylum, adopting a legal interpretation that could lead to rejecting most LGBT asylum-seekers.

May 11, 2018: The Bureau of Prisons in the Department of Justice adopted an illegal policy of almost entirely housing transgender people in federal prison facilities that match their sex assigned at birth, rolling back existing protections.

March 23, 2018: The Trump Administration announced an implementation plan for its discriminatory ban on transgender military service members.

February 18, 2018: The Department of Education announced it will summarily dismiss complaints from transgender students involving exclusion from school facilities and other claims based solely on gender identity discrimination.

January 26, 2018: The Department of Health and Human Services proposed a rule that encourages medical providers to use religious grounds to deny treatment to transgender people, people who need reproductive care, and others.

January 18, 2018: The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights opened a “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” that will promote discrimination by health care providers who can cite religious or moral reasons for denying care.

December 14, 2017: Staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were instructed not to use the words “transgender,” “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “fetus,” “evidence-based,” and “science-based” in official documents.

October 6, 2017: The Justice Department released a sweeping “license to discriminate” allowing federal agencies, government contractors, government grantees, and even private businesses to engage in illegal discrimination, as long as they can cite religious reasons for doing so.

October 5, 2017: The Justice Department released a memo instructing Department of Justice attorneys to take the legal position that federal law does not protect transgender workers from discrimination.

September 7, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing for a constitutional right for businesses to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and, implicitly, gender identity.

August 25, 2017: President Trump released a memo directing Defense Department to move forward with developing a plan to discharge transgender military service members and to maintain a ban on recruitment.

July 26, 2017: President Trump announced, via Twitter, that “the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.”

July 26, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, arguing that the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or, implicitly, gender identity.

June 14, 2017: The Department of Education withdrew its finding that an Ohio school district discriminated against a transgender girl. The Department gave no explanation for withdrawing the finding, which a federal judge upheld.

May 2, 2017: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a plan to roll back regulations interpreting the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination provisions to protect transgender people.

April 14, 2017: The Justice Department abandoned its historic lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s anti-transgender law. It did so after North Carolina replaced HB2 with a different anti-transgender law known as “HB 2.0.”

April 4, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Labor cancelled quarterly conference calls with LGBT organizations; on these calls, which had happened for years, government attorneys shared information on employment laws and cases.

March 31, 2017: The Justice Department announced it would review (and likely seek to scale back) numerous civil rights settlement agreements with police departments. These settlements were put in places where police departments were determined to be engaging in discriminatory and abusive policing, including racial and other profiling. Many of these agreements include critical protections for LGBT people.

March 2017: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) removed links to four key resource documents from its website, which informed emergency shelters on best practices for serving transgender people facing homelessness and complying with HUD regulations.

March 28, 2017: The Census Bureau retracted a proposal to collect demographic information on LGBT people in the 2020 Census.

March 24, 2017: The Justice Department cancelled a long-planned National Institute of Corrections broadcast on “Transgender Persons in Custody: The Legal Landscape.”

March 13, 2017: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that its national survey of older adults, and the services they need, would no longer collect information on LGBT participants. HHS initially falsely claimed in its Federal Register announcement that it was making “no changes” to the survey.

March 13, 2017: The State Department announced the official U.S. delegation to the UN’s 61st annual Commission on the Status of Women conference would include two outspoken anti-LGBT organizations, including a representative of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM): an organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

March 10, 2017: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced it would withdraw two important agency-proposed policies designed to protect LGBT people experiencing homelessness. One proposed policy would have required HUD-funded emergency shelters to put up a poster or “notice” to residents of their right to be free from anti-LGBT discrimination under HUD regulations.

The other announced a survey to evaluate the impact of the LGBTQ Youth Homelessness Prevention Initiative, implemented by HUD and other agencies over the last three years. This multi-year project should be evaluated, and with this withdrawal, we may never learn what worked best in the project to help homeless LGBTQ youth.

March 8, 2017: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) removed demographic questions about LGBT people that Centers for Independent Living must fill out each year in their Annual Program Performance Report. This report helps HHS evaluate programs that serve people with disabilities.

March 2, 2017: The Department of Justice abandoned its request for a preliminary injunction against North Carolina’s anti-transgender House Bill 2, which prevented North Carolina from enforcing HB 2. This was an early sign that the Administration was giving up defending trans people (later, on April 14, it withdrew the lawsuit completely).

March 1, 2017: The Department of Justice took the highly unusual step of declining to appeal a nationwide preliminary court order temporarily halting enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination protections for transgender people. The injunction prevents HHS from taking any action to enforce transgender people’s rights from health care discrimination.

February 22, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Education withdrew landmark 2016 guidance explaining how schools must protect transgender students under the federal Title IX law.



Ana Andrea Molina
28 May 2019

A Latina trans woman died in the custody of ICE and the Government wanted to burn her body so that she would not be autopsied, now the autopsy reveals that she died of dehydration and body bumps as well as marks of ties on her feet and hands.

The voices of the community Need to be heard and people are dying in ICE custody.

Come and support us to demand justice for the death of Roxana Hernández, a trans immigrant Honduran immigrant, she lived under the status of hiv and received no care.



The Burka, Hijab, and other attire are products of Patriarchal and Misogynist nations, religions, and cultures; they are NOT a fashion statement.  Men impose these dress codes under force of law against girls and women.  The penalty for the slightest infraction is immediate death sentence.

Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are passing state and local laws governing similar dress laws against girls and women.  Sharia is a Christian Con-servative religious ally.

– Sharon



Trans In-Formation


Niambi E Stanley
19 May 2019

NOWWWWW! Lets see how much THIS gets shared, and whos just Full of shit….

3 lives GONE WAY TOO SOON. What in the hell are we gonna do about it?

I guess youll wait until she’s close to you!


Rest In Peace ladies!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

Trans In-Formation


Funeral In Dallas For Muhlaysia Booker:





Additional Resources:








Motherhood and More


We all have to recognize when we are being taken by extremism, and call out rhetoric and propaganda that creates fear and prejudice.

Let’s talk about extremism.

Not very many things scare me, but extremism in every form does. We hear a lot about the extremism of radicalized Islamic groups, and yes, those groups are worrisome. But the instant that fearmongerers equate those groups with the faith of Islam itself, they’ve started heading down a perilous path. Labeling an entire religious group with more than a billion followers as dangerous because of the heinous actions of its most radical minority element IS extremism and needs to be called out as such.

I generally think that comparing anyone to Hitler and/or the Nazis is overstating and exaggerative, but I don’t feel that way today. Some of the statements I’ve seen about Muslims from media pundits, political leaders, and average Joes echo anti-Jewish Nazi rhetoric in frightening ways.

‘All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.  It works the same way in every country.’

 – Hermann Goering, 18 Apr 1946

Hermann Goering, who is quoted in this meme and pictured to the right of Hitler, was one of the highest-ranking Nazis who was captured and put on trial by the Allies after World War II ended. He was found guilty on charges of “war crimes,” “crimes against peace,” and “crimes against humanity” by the Nuremberg tribunal and sentenced to death.

The quote comes from a published account of a private conversation with a renowned psychologist, in which Goering explained how “people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.”

We need to remember that Hitler and the Nazis didn’t start the Holocaust by gassing millions of Jews.

The Holocaust really started with words. Hitler and the Nazis took advantage of existing anti-Semitic sentiment by fomenting fear and prejudice and spreading false and/or misleading information (propaganda) about the Jewish people. They played on Germans’ patriotism, exploiting their fear and sense of righteousness, making them feel like it was the most logical and reasonable thing in the world to officially identify Jews and curtail their rights and freedoms in the name of security. They successfully made persecution of and violence against Jews and others seem not only acceptable, but necessary, as they clearly posed an imminent danger to the German way of life.

It was a long game. Hitler played his anti-Semitism up or down for years, depending on his audience. He wore down the humanity of his people with years of constant drips of prejudice and fear. He gave it time to sink in, slowly collecting economic, social, and political woes that he could twist to blame on the Jews.

The Holocaust started with years of rhetoric and propaganda paving the way for discrimination and oppression, largely in the name of safety and security.

Then came the internments.

Then the gas chambers.

And decent people who would normally be appalled by such things let it happen. That’s what fearmongering and propaganda do. And that’s why we all have to recognize it when we see it.

If you are getting your information about Islam from anti-Islamic websites or sources, or information about immigrants or refugees from anti-immigration websites or sources, pause for a minute and think. If you are a Christian, would you send someone to an anti-Christian website to find out what Christianity is really about? Would you send someone to an anti-Semitic website to learn about Judaism?

I could easily pull scripture from the Bible, pair it with stories of violence and extremism from Christian terrorist groups (yes, they exist—Google it) or individuals, and create a website that would make it look like Christians want to take over the world, kill adulterers, subjugate women, stone disobedient children, and force everyone to accept their beliefs. Would that website be an accurate place to go to learn about Christianity, if all I really knew about the religion was the violence I’d seen in the news from extremist groups and individuals?

Of course not. That would be the worst kind of propaganda and would paint an entirely false picture of what most Christians believe. But that’s the kind of thing many websites that claim to be educating people about Islam are pushing, and it’s terrifying that so many people don’t recognize it.

We’ve seen this before. This is why we study history. We now have all of the information about how one of the most atrocious stories in human history played out. I hope and pray that we are conscientious enough to not even flirt with the opening act.

The Holocaust Didn’t Begin With Mass Murder. It Began With Prejudice and Propaganda

If you enjoyed this post, please pass it along. You can follow Motherhood and More on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Annie writes about life, motherhood, world issues, beautiful places, and anything else that tickles her brain. On good days, she enjoys juggling life with her husband and homeschooling her children. On bad days, she binges on chocolate chips and dreams of traveling the world alone.


JANUARY 16, 2020 AT 5:26 PM
Bad people are part of every community, and if one what to learn about something it would refer to original book of the community, not some website, and people you have views on some community because they read something over some website then all I can say is GOD Blessed Them!

Hector Falcon
JUNE 18, 2019 AT 12:52 PM
The Holocaust began with Luther’s Two Kingdoms theology that isolated the prophetic voice of the church from the culture and actions of the state. Hitler even used Luther’s words to get the stupid church leaders to not only submit to him but to support his Aryan religious ideology. This Aryan ideology was never dealt with by the church and left to fester in the culture until Hitler flamed it into own ideology.

Rev. Laurel Phoenix
JUNE 17, 2019 AT 2:03 PM
If you fully understood fascism you’d *KNOW* we’re already fully past the first act and disgustingly well into the 3rd!

Immigrants are separated from their children, and all are already being held in interment camps. Immigrants are dying daily.

They’re attacking our Natives, women and LGBTQIA+ community while anti-semitic & xenophobic attacks against our Jewish and Islamic brethren have amplified tremendously.

Wakeup. If you don’t want history to repeat itself, do something about it .. VOTE!

Sovereign Mary
JUNE 17, 2019 AT 12:42 PM
I fully concur with Annie Reneau’s wonderfully clear, concise and rationally objective article.

JUNE 17, 2019 AT 7:39 AM
I agree with Annie Reneau that the Holocaust began with prejudice and propaganda but her comparison related to concerns about Islam are sadly mistaken. We need to distinguish between unfounded hate and realistic fear. The reality is that fundamentalist Islamists have much more in common with the Nazis than they have with the Jews. The Jews were not violent, not threatening anyone, but were too successful in their endeavours thus engendering jealousy and unfounded conspiracy theories fuelled by centuries of prejudice.

This is quite the opposite of the situation with radical Islam which is highly violent interpreting their scriptures as requiring violent jihad to conquer people and territory and using fear, abuse and domination which is very similar to the Nazis who also had an ideology of superiority, attack, violence and engendering fear. I agree it is vital to distinguish between Islamists and all Muslims. The majority of Muslims who wish to live in peace and positive co-existence with our diverse society need to have a way to separate themselves from their violent and fundamentalist brethren who preach hate of non Muslims. For example Ahmadiyya Muslims whose motto is Love For All Hatred For None reject the likes of ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram etc. Sadly most Muslims reject Ahmadiyya.

While there is undoubtedly violence and unacceptable views for modern ears in the bible (old/Hebrew testament), the key point is the overwhelming majority of Christians and Jews who revere the bible reject those violent scriptures as mandating modern behaviour (though there are clearly some issues around accepting various forms of sexuality) and do not used their scriptures to justify violence and domination today. There are of course a tiny minority of extremists in every religion. Unfortunately the issues with Islam are not about a tiny minority but about a significant minority.

The terrorism promoted and supported by this significant minority is a serious and growing issue worldwide. Because they are a minority it is vital that the majority of Muslims are not tarred with their brush, but that doesn’t mean that we should pretend that there isn’t a significant minority – eg in the UK, A YouGov survey for the Daily Telegraph, published two weeks after the July 2005 bombings in the London Underground, showed that 88% of British Muslims were opposed to the bombings, while 6% (about 100,000 individuals) fully supported them, and one British Muslim in four expressed some sympathy with the motives of the bombers. According to a 2007 poll conducted by the PolicyExchange think tank in Britain,36% of 16- to 24-year-olds British Muslims believed that those converting to another religion should be executed. Less than a fifth of those over 55 think so. So it seems the young are more aggressively minded. Currently the UK Security Service, MI5, has more than 3,000 subjects of interest (SOIs) on its watch list, more than it is capable of monitoring around the clock, as well as a pool of over 20,000 former SOIs, some of whom are thought capable of moving to violent action.

No major Muslim group (except Ahmadiyya) has ever repudiated the doctrines of armed jihad. The theology of jihad, which denies unbelievers equality of human rights and dignity, is available today for anyone with the will and means to bring it to life. Those of us who wish to continue to live in a tolerant diverse society need to realise that violent Islam needs to be opposed and it should be politically incorrect not to oppose it. We cannot afford to shut our eyes and ears to this reality.

Alex Heffron
JUNE 19, 2019 AT 8:25 AM
Thank you for your insightful reply, spot on! I see this article a spin on reality by attempting to normalize the hate that Muslims harbor against non-Muslim.

Eileen Llorens
JUNE 13, 2019 AT 5:36 AM
Puede ser algo manipulador.
Refuerza el tema del antisemitismo en la historia que conocemos.
Pero al igual que la propaganda que denuncia, existe la propaganda judía, de su minoría sionista, utilizando diversos medios insidiosamente, como puede ser este, y las películas que tira hollywood anualmente, apelando al holocausto, etc.
Pero mudos ante la atrocidad del genocidio palestino cometido por el régimen ilegal e immoral de Israel sionista.
Lo que hacen es peor que el holocausto.

JUNE 4, 2019 AT 10:13 PM
Annie’s write-up is both, historically and politically correct. It is a clear fact that ‘Brainwashing’ negatively towards any community, religion, caste and creed has always been a long term deadly game.
However, the more bothersome part is the attitude of denial and refusal of the problem, maintained by the masses at large.

Why are some people not able to connect the seemingly ‘harmless’ and ‘isolated’ dots, which when joined together form an ominous and a draconian picture??

Is it because many of us carry a comfortable misconception that while the world perishes, in the fire of community, religion, caste and creed, we would remain ‘safely perched away’ from the embers of destruction??

Thanks Annie for your insightful views.

JUNE 2, 2019 AT 6:58 PM
A conversation with my brother this morning is what piqued my interest in this article. In his opinion, which I have always respected, all religions are based on following the “words and propaganda” of a powerful man, repeated over and over, then written in books and then preached to the masses by men who feel they are “qualified” to do so. I agree. Blind faith is Generated by fear. The Bible, first and second, is said to be written by men who received the words from God. Islam’s book is said to written by a prophet. The tenets by which the faithful live are all subject to interpretation. That’s where Rabbis, priests and Holy Men come in, to explain their interpretation of it.

I think the author was trying to show that it doesn’t take much, words and fear-mongering to ideate hate. One’s Higher Power is personal and one need not look further than their own mind/thoughts to find it. Accountability is not subjective. Atonement and confession is not going to “save” or forgive anyone one until you stop doing the offensive act.

Alden Johnson
MAY 28, 2019 AT 8:14 PM
“I could easily pull scripture from the Bible, pair it with stories of violence and extremism from Christian terrorist groups (yes, they exist—Google it) or individuals, and create a website that would make it look like Christians want to take over the world, kill adulterers, subjugate women, stone disobedient children, and force everyone to accept their beliefs. Would that website be an accurate place to go to learn about Christianity, if all I really knew about the religion was the violence I’d seen in the news from extremist groups and individuals?”
Unfortunately, you have erected a straw man argument which looks quite impregnable, but it’s easily demolished. Christians, true followers of Christ’s very limited commandments, wouldn’t be found guilty of making claims such as those made above: 1) Christians want to take over the world, 2) kill adulterers, 3) subjugate women, 4) stone disobedient children, and 5) force everyone to accept their beliefs, because none of these are found in Christ’s teachings. You could, in fact, pull scripture from throughout the Bible, but you couldn’t legitimately attribute disparate sections from the Bible as you have done and call it Christianity. You could create a website from such teachings directed to the ancient nation of Israel, but no true Christian would allow it to be representative of Christianity.
Those of us who have studied Islam with some degree of gathering enlightenment, are not getting our information from anti-Islamic websites; rather, we glean our understanding of Islam from the Quran, the Hadiths, the writings of Islamic scholars, and the compilations of umbrella organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood. You would then be quite well justified in asserting that all of the false assertions you made about ‘Christianity’ are actually attributable to followers of Islam (with the possible exception of stoning disobedient children). After reading the Quran, it would be extremely difficult to come away with something other than the very purpose of Islam is to conquer the world in such a fashion as to impose Islam on all people.

Howard Watkins
MAY 30, 2019 AT 10:16 PM
Sorry Mr. Alden, but you basically just did about Islam as you criticize the author about Christianity. In addition to passages in the Bible, one could quote excerpts from the minister and followers of the Westboro Baptist Church, or a “good” Christian like Timothy McVeigh who blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing many innocent children and people.

Charlene Mathe
JUNE 16, 2019 AT 11:40 AM
Timothy McVeigh was not “Christian,” though he may have been brought up as one. Neither is the Westboro Baptist Church representative of Christianity. Perhaps Torquemada could be your poster boy for “Christianity.”

Diane Boover
MAY 31, 2019 AT 10:22 AM
And yet they all seem to justify doing just that! Why, do you think? It seems that when the ego gets involved and propaganda infiltrates religious dialogue, people do become “brainwashed” and lose sight of those simple tenets that should be their guiding “light.” Charismatic, egotistical personalities have always managed to “influence” religious ideologies with their “personality cults.” There are plenty of examples of what Annie is talking about in the many religions of the world.

Tim Bryson
JUNE 1, 2019 AT 4:49 PM
But people who call themselves Christians do speak of “the other” in this way. You can cherry pick the good and bad parts of any religious text to show malignant intent.

What’s more, people who call themselves Christians did act on those malignant intentions to make the Holocaust a reality.

Charlene Mathe
JUNE 16, 2019 AT 11:33 AM
You are right that Germany was a “Christian” nation when it became a Nazi nation. But that was to abandon Christianity and embrace Nazism instead, or at least to subordinate Christianity to Nazism. Nazism was based in racial supremacism–an ideology of “the folk” themes in German legend and Nazi nonsense about “Aryan” nationalism. Few realize that German pastors were paid by the government. Those who had the moral courage to rebuke Nazism from the pulpit were soon silenced.

JUNE 2, 2019 AT 2:11 PM
I am sorry to inform you of this fact: Israelites have never wanted to take over the world. Only Canaan/Israel where we came from.

What are the Qu’ranic verses involving people of the Jewish faith?

And oh, by the way- don’t generalize about people/religions of which you have no direct knowledge.

Charlene Mathe
JUNE 16, 2019 AT 11:09 AM
Bingo! Thank you for a reasoned response. It is sad that so many Americans know so little about the Judeo-Christian values underpinning America, and so little about the history and doctrines of Islam, that they are ready to make a moral equivalency. In the interest of multicultural moralism, we are ready to sell our heritage for a pot of soup.

MAY 26, 2019 AT 1:34 AM
Very well expressed. Never forget. Never forget. It can’t happen here: it can happen here. So many dots when seen to follow. Parallels to the past in so many ways. Dark, or darker times may be ahead. The destruction of Europe by Nazi racism didn’t happen quickly…..it took years and years as you point out. Thank you for helping wake us.

MAY 24, 2019 AT 7:22 AM
Annie, I speak from a space of genuineness and calm – this is a very ‘uninformed’ story. Your points come from your ‘feelings’ and not facts. It seems you have not read any literature, or seen firsthand what you wrote about. You ar einawaremof what happens in third world countries like mine. You are unaware or oblivious that hate travels both ways.
I’d like to wrote further. But I don’t wish to disappoint you… And perhaps you will delete thic comment and my effort will be waster. Please do meet people and see firsthand the problems they face. Regards.

MAY 25, 2019 AT 4:05 PM
While your point about getting the personal perspectives of people in other countries is valid, Annie’s points in this post are all based on historical facts.

It would be wise of us to take heed to past world events, learning from the grave mistakes made so as to not repeat them in our time. Lives are at stake.

I fail to see logic in your comment.

Mark Burke
MAY 28, 2019 AT 8:50 AM
History does seem to be repeating itself and it does start with small things like words and ideas that later escalate into actions. We need to keep aware of what has happened in the not so distant past and speak out against those sowing the little seeds of prejudice and hate.

JUNE 2, 2019 AT 2:18 PM

One last word from me, The Muslim Brotherhood is considered a terrorist group.

You need to go back to source material.

Also, Hitler wanted all the Jews in the world dead. It was so IMPORTANT to him, that the world war he started was only priority #2. Killing all the Jews was priority #1.

Charlene Mathe
JUNE 16, 2019 AT 11:15 AM
Thank you for your important points. Isn’t it strange that the Muslim Brotherhood is considered a terrorist group; but all the consultants and leaders appointed by Bush and Obama are from the Muslim Brotherhood?? No wonder Americans are confused about the innocence and virtue vs the cultural clash and assimilation issues of Muslim immigrants to the West.

Charlene Mathe
JUNE 16, 2019 AT 11:24 AM
Right!! To know Islam, idealists like this author should look at the Muslim world; not suited-up apologists and propagandists like CAIR.
Many Muslim countries are governed by sharia law, which Islam believes should govern the world. Many Muslim immigrants believe sharia law trumps the political institutions of their host country; and why wouldn’t they believe this?
Too bad we don’t value our own heritage as much as so many Muslim’s adhere to theirs.

MARCH 17, 2019 AT 10:13 PM
Very good write up. It’s definitely an eye opener and should be taken seriously by anyone reading it.
Hate is a cancer that is slowly but surely eating away the very core of our humanity and empathy.
Just as we are encouraged to say NO to drugs, say NO to hate mongering, for it is the latest and most devastating drug out there.
Thanks for this expose Annie Reneau.

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Hi! I’m Annie Reneau. I have three kids, insatiable wanderlust, and a wicked love for coffee.

Have a seat, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s share some honest words about motherhood. (And don’t worry about your kids wiping their jam hands on my sofa. It’s seen worse.)

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The Magical Age When Parenting Gets Easier
A Love Letter to the Cycle Breakers
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My Morning Shower: A True Story








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Sharon Nichols

‘The Scourge Of Crooked Drumpf Attacks Against Our Trans Community’
(23 May 2023)





5 of 7:

(1, 5 are similar)


Avari Merchant:  A list of Crooked Drumpf’s anti-Trans anti-LGBT actions




Sharon Nichols
23 May 2019



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Human atrocity doesn’t start with violence. It starts with prejudice and propaganda.
Annie Reneau

Not very many things scare me, but extremism in every form does.

We hear a lot about the extremism of radicalized Islamic groups, and yes, such groups are worrisome. But labeling an entire religious group with more than a billion followers as dangerous because of the heinous actions of its most radical minority element isalso extremism and needs to be called out as such.

We hear about child traffickers trying to smuggle children across the border, and yes, those people are worrisome. But making sweeping generalizations about migrants from south of the border and putting asylum seekers into the same category as human traffickers is also extremism and needs to be called out as such.

When we don’t recognize extremist thinking in our own ranks, we are headed down a perilous path.

I generally think that comparing anyone to Hitler and/or the Nazis is overstating and exaggerative, but I don’t feel that way today. Some of the statements I’ve seen about Muslims and migrants from media pundits, political leaders, and average Joes echo anti-Jewish Nazi rhetoric in frightening ways.

‘All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.  It works the same way in every country.’

 – Hermann Goering, 18 Apr 1946

Credit unknown

Hermann Goering, who is quoted in this meme and pictured to the right of Hitler, was one of the highest-ranking Nazis who was captured and put on trial by the Allies after World War II ended. He was found guilty on charges of “war crimes,” “crimes against peace,” and “crimes against humanity” by the Nuremberg tribunal and sentenced to death.

The quote comes from a published account of a private conversation with a renowned psychologist, in which Goering explained how “people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.”

We need to remember that Hitler and the Nazis didn’t start the Holocaust by gassing millions of Jews.

The Holocaust started with words. Hitler and the Nazis took advantage of existing anti-Semitic sentiment by fomenting fear and prejudice and spreading false and/or misleading information (propaganda) about the Jewish people. They played on Germans’ patriotism, exploiting their fear and sense of righteousness, making them feel like it was the most logical and reasonable thing in the world to officially identify Jews and curtail their rights and freedoms in the name of security. They successfully made persecution of and violence against Jews and others seem not only acceptable, but necessary, as they clearly posed an imminent danger to the German way of life.

It was a long game. Hitler played his anti-Semitism up or down for years, depending on his audience. He wore down the humanity of his people with years of constant drips of prejudice and fear. He gave it time to sink in, slowly collecting economic, social, and political woes that he could twist to blame on the Jews.

The Holocaust started with years of rhetoric and propaganda paving the way for discrimination and oppression, largely in the name of safety and security.

Then came the internments.

Then the gas chambers.

And decent people who would normally be appalled by such things let it happen.

That’s what fearmongering and propaganda do. And that’s why we all have to recognize it when we see it.

If you are getting your information about Islam from anti-Islamic websites or sources, or information about immigrants or refugees from anti-immigration websites or sources, pause for a minute and think. If you are a Christian, would you send someone to an anti-Christian website to find out what Christianity is really about? Would you send someone to an anti-Semitic website to learn about Judaism?

I could easily pull scripture from the Bible, pair it with stories of violence and extremism from Christian terrorist groups (yes, they exist) or individuals, and create a website that would make it look like Christians want to take over the world, kill adulterers, subjugate women, stone disobedient children, and force everyone to accept their beliefs. Would that website be an accurate place to go to learn about Christianity, if all I really knew about the religion was the violence I’d seen in the news from extremist groups and individuals?

Of course not. That would be the worst kind of propaganda and would paint an entirely false picture of what most Christians believe. But that’s the kind of thing many websites that claim to be educating people about Islam are pushing, and it’s terrifying that so many people don’t recognize it.

We’ve seen this before. This is why we study history.

We now have all of the information about how one of the most atrocious stories in human history played out. I hope and pray that we are conscientious enough to not even flirt with the opening act.

This post originally appeared on Motherhood and More. You can read it here.


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Avari Merchant
22 May 2019

From a friend. Print this out and show it to any pro-Trump LGBT folks you know. If they still defend Trump, crumple the list and shove it up their ass…

You want a list of all the anti-trans anti-LGBT actions this administration has taken?

March 13, 2019: The Department of Defense laid out its plans for implementing its ban on transgender troops, giving an official implementation date of April 12.

January 23, 2019: The Department of Health & Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights granted an exemption to adoption and foster care agencies in South Carolina, allowing religiously-affiliated services to discriminate against current and aspiring LGBTQ caregivers.

November 23, 2018: The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) erased critical guidance that helped federal agency managers understand how to support transgender federal workers and respect their rights, replacing clear and specific guidance reflecting applicable law and regulations with vaguely worded guidance hostile to transgender workers. While this guidance change did not change the rights of transgender federal workers under applicable law, regulations, Executive Orders, and case law, it is likely to cause confusion and promote discrimination within the nation’s largest employer.

August 10, 2018: The Department of Labor released a new directive for Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) staff encouraging them to grant broad religious exemptions to federal contractors with religious-based objections to complying with nondiscrimination laws. It also deleted material from an OFCCP FAQ on LGBT nondiscrimination protections that previously clarified the limited scope of allowable religious exemptions.

June 11, 2018: Attorney General Jeff Sessions ruled that the federal government would no longer recognized gang violence or domestic violence as grounds for asylum, adopting a legal interpretation that could lead to rejecting most LGBT asylum-seekers.

May 11, 2018: The Bureau of Prisons in the Department of Justice adopted an illegal policy of almost entirely housing transgender people in federal prison facilities that match their sex assigned at birth, rolling back existing protections.

March 23, 2018: The Trump Administration announced an implementation plan for its discriminatory ban on transgender military service members.

February 18, 2018: The Department of Education announced it will summarily dismiss complaints from transgender students involving exclusion from school facilities and other claims based solely on gender identity discrimination.

January 26, 2018: The Department of Health and Human Services proposed a rule that encourages medical providers to use religious grounds to deny treatment to transgender people, people who need reproductive care, and others.

January 18, 2018: The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights opened a “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” that will promote discrimination by health care providers who can cite religious or moral reasons for denying care.

December 14, 2017: Staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were instructed not to use the words “transgender,” “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “fetus,” “evidence-based,” and “science-based” in official documents.

October 6, 2017: The Justice Department released a sweeping “license to discriminate” allowing federal agencies, government contractors, government grantees, and even private businesses to engage in illegal discrimination, as long as they can cite religious reasons for doing so.

October 5, 2017: The Justice Department released a memo instructing Department of Justice attorneys to take the legal position that federal law does not protect transgender workers from discrimination.

September 7, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing for a constitutional right for businesses to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and, implicitly, gender identity.

August 25, 2017: President Trump released a memo directing Defense Department to move forward with developing a plan to discharge transgender military service members and to maintain a ban on recruitment.

July 26, 2017: President Trump announced, via Twitter, that “the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.”

July 26, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, arguing that the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or, implicitly, gender identity.

June 14, 2017: The Department of Education withdrew its finding that an Ohio school district discriminated against a transgender girl. The Department gave no explanation for withdrawing the finding, which a federal judge upheld.

May 2, 2017: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a plan to roll back regulations interpreting the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination provisions to protect transgender people.

April 14, 2017: The Justice Department abandoned its historic lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s anti-transgender law. It did so after North Carolina replaced HB2 with a different anti-transgender law known as “HB 2.0.”

April 4, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Labor cancelled quarterly conference calls with LGBT organizations; on these calls, which had happened for years, government attorneys shared information on employment laws and cases.

March 31, 2017: The Justice Department announced it would review (and likely seek to scale back) numerous civil rights settlement agreements with police departments. These settlements were put in places where police departments were determined to be engaging in discriminatory and abusive policing, including racial and other profiling. Many of these agreements include critical protections for LGBT people.

March 2017: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) removed links to four key resource documents from its website, which informed emergency shelters on best practices for serving transgender people facing homelessness and complying with HUD regulations.

March 28, 2017: The Census Bureau retracted a proposal to collect demographic information on LGBT people in the 2020 Census.

March 24, 2017: The Justice Department cancelled a long-planned National Institute of Corrections broadcast on “Transgender Persons in Custody: The Legal Landscape.”

March 13, 2017: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that its national survey of older adults, and the services they need, would no longer collect information on LGBT participants. HHS initially falsely claimed in its Federal Register announcement that it was making “no changes” to the survey.

March 13, 2017: The State Department announced the official U.S. delegation to the UN’s 61st annual Commission on the Status of Women conference would include two outspoken anti-LGBT organizations, including a representative of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM): an organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

March 10, 2017: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced it would withdraw two important agency-proposed policies designed to protect LGBT people experiencing homelessness. One proposed policy would have required HUD-funded emergency shelters to put up a poster or “notice” to residents of their right to be free from anti-LGBT discrimination under HUD regulations.

The other announced a survey to evaluate the impact of the LGBTQ Youth Homelessness Prevention Initiative, implemented by HUD and other agencies over the last three years. This multi-year project should be evaluated, and with this withdrawal, we may never learn what worked best in the project to help homeless LGBTQ youth.

March 8, 2017: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) removed demographic questions about LGBT people that Centers for Independent Living must fill out each year in their Annual Program Performance Report. This report helps HHS evaluate programs that serve people with disabilities.

March 2, 2017: The Department of Justice abandoned its request for a preliminary injunction against North Carolina’s anti-transgender House Bill 2, which prevented North Carolina from enforcing HB 2. This was an early sign that the Administration was giving up defending trans people (later, on April 14, it withdrew the lawsuit completely).

March 1, 2017: The Department of Justice took the highly unusual step of declining to appeal a nationwide preliminary court order temporarily halting enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination protections for transgender people. The injunction prevents HHS from taking any action to enforce transgender people’s rights from health care discrimination.

February 22, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Education withdrew landmark 2016 guidance explaining how schools must protect transgender students under the federal Title IX law.






Share #1





Sharon Nichols
23 May 2020

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

There will be a running theme amongst today’s ‘Memories’.

For starters.

CBS News reported this past week that 3% of Black Americans voted for Crooked DrumpFuhrer in 2016.

One seems to be too many.

The more time passes, little changes, little improves.

Tiva James:

I hope that this article comes to your Feed.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(23 May 2019)



Additional Resources:









Avari Merchant
(22 May 2019)

From a friend. Print this out and show it to any pro-Trump LGBT folks you know. If they still defend Trump, crumple the list and shove it up their ass…

You want a list of all the anti-trans anti-LGBT actions this administration has taken?

March 13, 2019: The Department of Defense laid out its plans for implementing its ban on transgender troops, giving an official implementation date of April 12.

January 23, 2019: The Department of Health & Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights granted an exemption to adoption and foster care agencies in South Carolina, allowing religiously-affiliated services to discriminate against current and aspiring LGBTQ caregivers.

November 23, 2018: The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) erased critical guidance that helped federal agency managers understand how to support transgender federal workers and respect their rights, replacing clear and specific guidance reflecting applicable law and regulations with vaguely worded guidance hostile to transgender workers. While this guidance change did not change the rights of transgender federal workers under applicable law, regulations, Executive Orders, and case law, it is likely to cause confusion and promote discrimination within the nation’s largest employer.

August 10, 2018: The Department of Labor released a new directive for Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) staff encouraging them to grant broad religious exemptions to federal contractors with religious-based objections to complying with nondiscrimination laws. It also deleted material from an OFCCP FAQ on LGBT nondiscrimination protections that previously clarified the limited scope of allowable religious exemptions.

June 11, 2018: Attorney General Jeff Sessions ruled that the federal government would no longer recognized gang violence or domestic violence as grounds for asylum, adopting a legal interpretation that could lead to rejecting most LGBT asylum-seekers.

May 11, 2018: The Bureau of Prisons in the Department of Justice adopted an illegal policy of almost entirely housing transgender people in federal prison facilities that match their sex assigned at birth, rolling back existing protections.

March 23, 2018: The Trump Administration announced an implementation plan for its discriminatory ban on transgender military service members.

February 18, 2018: The Department of Education announced it will summarily dismiss complaints from transgender students involving exclusion from school facilities and other claims based solely on gender identity discrimination.

January 26, 2018: The Department of Health and Human Services proposed a rule that encourages medical providers to use religious grounds to deny treatment to transgender people, people who need reproductive care, and others.

January 18, 2018: The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights opened a “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” that will promote discrimination by health care providers who can cite religious or moral reasons for denying care.

December 14, 2017: Staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were instructed not to use the words “transgender,” “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “fetus,” “evidence-based,” and “science-based” in official documents.

October 6, 2017: The Justice Department released a sweeping “license to discriminate” allowing federal agencies, government contractors, government grantees, and even private businesses to engage in illegal discrimination, as long as they can cite religious reasons for doing so.

October 5, 2017: The Justice Department released a memo instructing Department of Justice attorneys to take the legal position that federal law does not protect transgender workers from discrimination.

September 7, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing for a constitutional right for businesses to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and, implicitly, gender identity.

August 25, 2017: President Trump released a memo directing Defense Department to move forward with developing a plan to discharge transgender military service members and to maintain a ban on recruitment.

July 26, 2017: President Trump announced, via Twitter, that “the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.”

July 26, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, arguing that the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or, implicitly, gender identity.

June 14, 2017: The Department of Education withdrew its finding that an Ohio school district discriminated against a transgender girl. The Department gave no explanation for withdrawing the finding, which a federal judge upheld.

May 2, 2017: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a plan to roll back regulations interpreting the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination provisions to protect transgender people.

April 14, 2017: The Justice Department abandoned its historic lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s anti-transgender law. It did so after North Carolina replaced HB2 with a different anti-transgender law known as “HB 2.0.”

April 4, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Labor cancelled quarterly conference calls with LGBT organizations; on these calls, which had happened for years, government attorneys shared information on employment laws and cases.

March 31, 2017: The Justice Department announced it would review (and likely seek to scale back) numerous civil rights settlement agreements with police departments. These settlements were put in places where police departments were determined to be engaging in discriminatory and abusive policing, including racial and other profiling. Many of these agreements include critical protections for LGBT people.

March 2017: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) removed links to four key resource documents from its website, which informed emergency shelters on best practices for serving transgender people facing homelessness and complying with HUD regulations.

March 28, 2017: The Census Bureau retracted a proposal to collect demographic information on LGBT people in the 2020 Census.

March 24, 2017: The Justice Department cancelled a long-planned National Institute of Corrections broadcast on “Transgender Persons in Custody: The Legal Landscape.”

March 13, 2017: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that its national survey of older adults, and the services they need, would no longer collect information on LGBT participants. HHS initially falsely claimed in its Federal Register announcement that it was making “no changes” to the survey.

March 13, 2017: The State Department announced the official U.S. delegation to the UN’s 61st annual Commission on the Status of Women conference would include two outspoken anti-LGBT organizations, including a representative of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM): an organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

March 10, 2017: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced it would withdraw two important agency-proposed policies designed to protect LGBT people experiencing homelessness. One proposed policy would have required HUD-funded emergency shelters to put up a poster or “notice” to residents of their right to be free from anti-LGBT discrimination under HUD regulations.

The other announced a survey to evaluate the impact of the LGBTQ Youth Homelessness Prevention Initiative, implemented by HUD and other agencies over the last three years. This multi-year project should be evaluated, and with this withdrawal, we may never learn what worked best in the project to help homeless LGBTQ youth.

March 8, 2017: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) removed demographic questions about LGBT people that Centers for Independent Living must fill out each year in their Annual Program Performance Report. This report helps HHS evaluate programs that serve people with disabilities.

March 2, 2017: The Department of Justice abandoned its request for a preliminary injunction against North Carolina’s anti-transgender House Bill 2, which prevented North Carolina from enforcing HB 2. This was an early sign that the Administration was giving up defending trans people (later, on April 14, it withdrew the lawsuit completely).

March 1, 2017: The Department of Justice took the highly unusual step of declining to appeal a nationwide preliminary court order temporarily halting enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination protections for transgender people. The injunction prevents HHS from taking any action to enforce transgender people’s rights from health care discrimination.

February 22, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Education withdrew landmark 2016 guidance explaining how schools must protect transgender students under the federal Title IX law.




1 Comment

Karl David Reinhardt
I am guessing that this is not a COMPLETE list!




Share #2





Sharon Nichols
24 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

The scourge of Crooked Drumpf attacks against Our Trans Community.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 23, 2019 ·
Shared with Public

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Avari Merchant
May 22, 2019 ·

From a friend. Print this out and show it to any pro-Trump LGBT folks you know. If they still defend Trump, crumple the list and shove it up their ass…

You want a list of all the anti-trans anti-LGBT actions this administration has taken?

March 13, 2019: The Department of Defense laid out its plans for implementing its ban on transgender troops, giving an official implementation date of April 12.

January 23, 2019: The Department of Health & Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights granted an exemption to adoption and foster care agencies in South Carolina, allowing religiously-affiliated services to discriminate against current and aspiring LGBTQ caregivers.

November 23, 2018: The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) erased critical guidance that helped federal agency managers understand how to support transgender federal workers and respect their rights, replacing clear and specific guidance reflecting applicable law and regulations with vaguely worded guidance hostile to transgender workers. While this guidance change did not change the rights of transgender federal workers under applicable law, regulations, Executive Orders, and case law, it is likely to cause confusion and promote discrimination within the nation’s largest employer.

August 10, 2018: The Department of Labor released a new directive for Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) staff encouraging them to grant broad religious exemptions to federal contractors with religious-based objections to complying with nondiscrimination laws. It also deleted material from an OFCCP FAQ on LGBT nondiscrimination protections that previously clarified the limited scope of allowable religious exemptions.

June 11, 2018: Attorney General Jeff Sessions ruled that the federal government would no longer recognized gang violence or domestic violence as grounds for asylum, adopting a legal interpretation that could lead to rejecting most LGBT asylum-seekers.

May 11, 2018: The Bureau of Prisons in the Department of Justice adopted an illegal policy of almost entirely housing transgender people in federal prison facilities that match their sex assigned at birth, rolling back existing protections.

March 23, 2018: The Trump Administration announced an implementation plan for its discriminatory ban on transgender military service members.

February 18, 2018: The Department of Education announced it will summarily dismiss complaints from transgender students involving exclusion from school facilities and other claims based solely on gender identity discrimination.

January 26, 2018: The Department of Health and Human Services proposed a rule that encourages medical providers to use religious grounds to deny treatment to transgender people, people who need reproductive care, and others.

January 18, 2018: The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights opened a “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” that will promote discrimination by health care providers who can cite religious or moral reasons for denying care.

December 14, 2017: Staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were instructed not to use the words “transgender,” “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “fetus,” “evidence-based,” and “science-based” in official documents.

October 6, 2017: The Justice Department released a sweeping “license to discriminate” allowing federal agencies, government contractors, government grantees, and even private businesses to engage in illegal discrimination, as long as they can cite religious reasons for doing so.

October 5, 2017: The Justice Department released a memo instructing Department of Justice attorneys to take the legal position that federal law does not protect transgender workers from discrimination.

September 7, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing for a constitutional right for businesses to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and, implicitly, gender identity.

August 25, 2017: President Trump released a memo directing Defense Department to move forward with developing a plan to discharge transgender military service members and to maintain a ban on recruitment.

July 26, 2017: President Trump announced, via Twitter, that “the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.”

July 26, 2017: The Justice Department filed a legal brief on behalf of the United States in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, arguing that the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or, implicitly, gender identity.

June 14, 2017: The Department of Education withdrew its finding that an Ohio school district discriminated against a transgender girl. The Department gave no explanation for withdrawing the finding, which a federal judge upheld.

May 2, 2017: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a plan to roll back regulations interpreting the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination provisions to protect transgender people.

April 14, 2017: The Justice Department abandoned its historic lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s anti-transgender law. It did so after North Carolina replaced HB2 with a different anti-transgender law known as “HB 2.0.”

April 4, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Labor cancelled quarterly conference calls with LGBT organizations; on these calls, which had happened for years, government attorneys shared information on employment laws and cases.

March 31, 2017: The Justice Department announced it would review (and likely seek to scale back) numerous civil rights settlement agreements with police departments. These settlements were put in places where police departments were determined to be engaging in discriminatory and abusive policing, including racial and other profiling. Many of these agreements include critical protections for LGBT people.

March 2017: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) removed links to four key resource documents from its website, which informed emergency shelters on best practices for serving transgender people facing homelessness and complying with HUD regulations.

March 28, 2017: The Census Bureau retracted a proposal to collect demographic information on LGBT people in the 2020 Census.

March 24, 2017: The Justice Department cancelled a long-planned National Institute of Corrections broadcast on “Transgender Persons in Custody: The Legal Landscape.”

March 13, 2017: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that its national survey of older adults, and the services they need, would no longer collect information on LGBT participants. HHS initially falsely claimed in its Federal Register announcement that it was making “no changes” to the survey.

March 13, 2017: The State Department announced the official U.S. delegation to the UN’s 61st annual Commission on the Status of Women conference would include two outspoken anti-LGBT organizations, including a representative of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM): an organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

March 10, 2017: The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced it would withdraw two important agency-proposed policies designed to protect LGBT people experiencing homelessness. One proposed policy would have required HUD-funded emergency shelters to put up a poster or “notice” to residents of their right to be free from anti-LGBT discrimination under HUD regulations.

The other announced a survey to evaluate the impact of the LGBTQ Youth Homelessness Prevention Initiative, implemented by HUD and other agencies over the last three years. This multi-year project should be evaluated, and with this withdrawal, we may never learn what worked best in the project to help homeless LGBTQ youth.

March 8, 2017: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) removed demographic questions about LGBT people that Centers for Independent Living must fill out each year in their Annual Program Performance Report. This report helps HHS evaluate programs that serve people with disabilities.

March 2, 2017: The Department of Justice abandoned its request for a preliminary injunction against North Carolina’s anti-transgender House Bill 2, which prevented North Carolina from enforcing HB 2. This was an early sign that the Administration was giving up defending trans people (later, on April 14, it withdrew the lawsuit completely).

March 1, 2017: The Department of Justice took the highly unusual step of declining to appeal a nationwide preliminary court order temporarily halting enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination protections for transgender people. The injunction prevents HHS from taking any action to enforce transgender people’s rights from health care discrimination.

February 22, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Education withdrew landmark 2016 guidance explaining how schools must protect transgender students under the federal Title IX law.









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Karl David Reinhardt
23 May 2019




Avari Merchant
22 May 2019


1 Comment


Karl David Reinhardt
This list goes only up to March 13, 2019, so it is NOT the ENTIRE list of stunts pulled by Donnie, the Fraudulent Loser, and his #SwampAdministration!





You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


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