Archive | 25 Jun 2023

‘A Rose By Any Other Name’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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‘A Rose By Any Other Name’
(25 Jun 2023)


Dear Reader:


I am ‘Transsexual’ and other words

They take different meaning depending upon who uses them and the context in which those words are used.

I remember, and have in my notes, one social media group that shall remain un-named for now. They had quite a fit when one member used the word ‘Transsexual’ (Wednesday, 24 Jun 2020).


Grab your pearls!

What say you?

Here were some Comments in support of the Original Post:


As is pointed out here, Transgender is an UMBRELLA term, iam Transgender, however iam also post op m2f therefore I am specifically a Transexual (as might also be a post op f2m) as akin to Nb, Is, or any other sub menu Trans, so stop getting your rightous knickers in a twist over a non issue !!!!!


I’m like you my outward sexual characteristics have changed. My internal sense of gender hasn’t, therefore I consider myself TS . I’m sorry but trans as a prefix means across or through . Why should we change accurate descriptions just because some people don’t understand the subtle differences. I’m also transgender just because of recent convention as it now appears to be an umbrella term . These are my own labels, I do not dictate other people’s. 


The irony of being offended by transexual on a page named SRS (Sex Reassignment Surgery).


gcs is the new pc term but this page is called srs. 


Here was my Post reacting about the disappearing post:

So, I suppose that I will be removed, too, for how I choose to describe my self?

I was an out M-F Transsexual child during the 1950s and the 1960s. I began my Transition at age 18 (1974).

Doctors later determined that I am Inter-sex (Hermaphrodite) (age 26, 1982).

I did NOT change my Gender, I changed the presentation of my Sex. Hermaphrodite derives from the Greek deities. I lived at Greece, I spoke Greek fluently. This term is a far greater term than others that I’ve heard people use.

I will use what terms you choose for your self. I prefer to use those terms for my own self. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?

If Q people can take back their Q word, then we who choose our own words will take them back with our own Pride.

Sorry that you disagree.


There were these three Comments to my Original Post:

Brianna T Sandy 
Perfectly stated, Sharon‼️ PC police in our community drive me crazy. You stated your case with humble, kind enlightenment. Proud of you, girl. Hugs 🤗 
#YouAreLoved 💗💜💙

Joy Denebeim
Well fwiw I find trans to be about the best generic term. It might get some people quibbling about the fact that it’s used as a prefix somtime, but nobody finds it actively offensive.

Lauren Chamoix
I am a transgender woman who also happens to be transsexual. Good post Sharon Nichols.


I was trying to tap ‘Like’ to those supporting Comments, that didn’t work.

I tried to copy additional supportive Comments when the entire post and thread disappeared. Did the group delete it?  

Have the group also banned me as they banned the woman who wrote the Original Post?





Dear Reader:

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Sharon Nichols
25 Jun 2023



Sharon Nichols
25 Jun 2022



Sharon Nichols 
25 Jun 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

The word arguments continue.

 – Sharon 





Sharon Nichols 
25 Jun 2020


Additional Resources:





(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n
