‘Facebook Memories: 13 Jun 2024 – One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties (Parts 2, 3, 4)’


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DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  13 Jun 2024 – One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties (Parts 2, 3, 4)’
(13 Jun 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my Slimandme.wordpress.com web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2024

Facebook Memories:  13 Jun 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’

Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.

(Part 1)



Sharon Nichols
12 Jun 2021



‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’ (Part 1)
(28 Jun 2021)



1.  Facebook Memories Summary (13 Jun 2024)

2.  Facebook Memories Summary (13 Jun 2023)

3.  ‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’
Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.
(Part 4 of 4)

4.  ‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’
Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.
(Part 3 of 4)

5.  ‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’
Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.
(Part 2 of 4)

6.  12th Grade Memories
My information separated from the Karen Ulane post



1 of 6


Facebook Memories Summary (13 Jun 2023)





Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2023



Facebook Memories: 13 Jun 2023

1 of 5:

Facebook Memories list for 13 Jun 2022



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2022

2 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 4)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021


3 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 3)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

1 Comment

1 Share


Marjorie Hammer
17 Jun 2021

4 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 2)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

1 Comment

5 of 5:

Buena High School 12th Grade class-mate Keith and his Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are demanding the execution of Trans and LGBT people



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2019



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2020


Sharon Nichols
14 Jun 2021










2 of 6:


Facebook Memories Summary (13 Jun 2023)





Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2022



‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

Part 4 of 4


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

Part 3 of 4


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

Part 2 of 4


Remembering 12th Grade 
Separate information from the Karen Ulane post


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2019


RawStory:  True Believers


Sharon Nichols
12 Jun 2020



1 Share


Share #1


Facebook Memories Summary (13 Jun)





Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2023



Facebook Memories: 13 Jun 2023

1 of 5:

Facebook Memories list for 13 Jun 2022



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2022








5 of 6:

(3, 4, 5 are similar)


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.

(Part 2 of 4)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’

Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.

(Part 2)


Welcome, my friends, to this draft as I try to create a diary of my memories of Mommy Stretch, Dora, Eagle, and Shadow.

I’ll be making this Public when I finish it.

– Sharon


(Continued from the prior post.)

29 May 21:

Kitties are rambunctious. They are climbing the nursery box.

I saw what was happening to Eagle (that’s his name). His left eye has too much mucus. It was sealing his eye shut. I used water to gently wash away the mucus. Suddenly he went from lethargic to energised now that he can see.

I wet my finger with water and put my wet finger to each kitty’s mouth. Both Dora and the black kitty (Alana will later name him Shadow) got the concept and licked the water. Eagle will need to learn.

Spot was here watching the kitties when I came outside, but she ran away when I sat down by the nursery box.

My Bestie Alana and I went outside Saturday and did not see Stretch.

I tapped the dinner plates to summon the cats for dinner, still no Stretch.

I have a strong worry.

I don’t see Stretch anywhere.

She is usually here at the patio, especially coming here when I come outside.

By tonight (Saturday), Alana and I begin to know why kittens were anxious and fearful all day – Mommy Stretch abandoned her kitties.

30 May 21:

This past week has been busy.

Mommy Stretch abandoned her three kittens last week.

I’ve been mommy. Bottle feed the kittens. Get the kitties to pee and to poop. Bring the kitties inside my home each night. Sleepless days and nights caring for the kitties.

Dunno what will be their future without their mommy.

Ildi, my Friend from Baan Siri, told me that I should go to a pet store today and ask what to do.

I need to go.

I found a PetSmart on Camelback Road. PetSmart will be open til 7pm today.

Gonna go to the bathroom, take a rinse on the patio, and head to PetSmart.

Kitties will stay inside. Grandma Alana will stay home with kitties, at least they won’t be alone. Her hands are full – more fun with a box full of kitties.

I’ll leave the kitties and their food where Alana can get to them.

Shadow ate a few eye dropppers of gravy.

Even Eagle took one.

Dora doesn’t want to eat yet.

Spot is here on the patio, but no Stretch.


It’s slightly after 12 noon.

I went to PetSmart to buy some kitties supplies on Sunday.

As I walked from the bus stop, I realised which PetSmart this is. It’s by Fry’s and Best Buy.

I’ll start looking for something for kitties.

Meanwhile, at home with Grandma Alana, Dora has been asleep on her lap a long time. Shadow cried and cried, finally just settled down with Eagle. Everyone is listening to some New Age music, Alana thinks that it’s helping.


The time is 1pm. I’m at the Highland / 16th Street bus stop. Free WiFi. I send a text to Alana – I’ll be home soon.

Grandma Alana and kitties nodded off – three precious babies asleep on Grandma Alana’s lap.

I arrived home at 2pm. I’m hot. Gotta do a patio shower to cool down, and take a nap.

I woke up at 7pm.

I’ll take the kitties outside for fresh air and more dinner.

31 May 21 (Monday afternoon, 5pm):

I am inside for the day. Other than when I went to the bathroom a few hours ago, kitties have been outside their nursery box and exploring my bed and surroundings. Kitties don’t like being inside their nursery box.

Alana is not sure that she’d want them on her bed now that their plumbing is functioning. So far, Alana, no leaks.

Alana had another good thought – the kitties would like a plastic crate better than their cardboard box. They could see out the plastic crate and get airflow thru it

Yes. We can try that. There are spare plastic crates outside. I really need to go outside and get kitties more food.

1 Jun 21 (midnight):

Shadow woke up, fussing. I brought him out. He ate several gulps of formula.

I applied some of the saline water to Eagle’s eye. It washed off the mucus. He can see!

I thought that kitties and I were settled for the night. I heard a loud mewing. Shadow is hungry for a late night snack.

My concern is if anyone climbs out of their nursery box. I need to be aware of this; I need to count the kitties – one kitties, two kitties, three kitties. I make certain that everyone is inside their nursery box any time I wake up to go to the bathroom.

Good news! Shadow peed on the cardboard.

Shadow insists that he sleep outside his nursery box. I’m reluctant. I’ll place him on me and put my arms around him to feel if he tries to go anywhere. He must miss his Mommy Stretch.

Guess what else Shadow just did? I’ll have to wait til later to clean up.

But Shadow refuses to sleep inside his nursery box. He’s now insisting to sleep cuddled beside me. No, I need to move him back to lie down on me so that I can put my arms around him to alert me when he moves.

He fell asleep a short time ago. I put him into his nursery box. He continued sleeping for only a few minutes, then began climbing the box to get out.

Another short time later and Shadow is fast asleep now.

1 Jun 21 (Tuesday afternoon):

Kitties have been sleeping on me since this morning; I can’t move much. Shadow is purring.

I keep feeding them when they are hungry.

I think that I am discerning each of their individual mews. Shadow is high pitch. Dora has a gurgle. Eagle is low pitch.

Kitties refuse to stay inside their nursery box.

I’m going to take the kitties outside now (4pm).

This is not easy trying to put kitties to someplace safe as I try to position myself. They all three go from chaos demanding food, to squirming for a nap location, to dozing.

2 Jun 21:

One of the kitties peed on the cardboard. Yay!

They all wanted more snack.

Ildi told me to watch instructional YouTube videos to get kittens to poop and pee.

I think that I fell asleep after 5am. Maybe 6am?

We came outside about 9am. I tried to get kitties to poop. They pee okay.

Eagle pooped on his own.

Then Dora pooped.

Shadow still has not pooped.

Kitties have been napping.

I dozed for a few minutes.

I hosed the back patio with water several times to cool the area. The water dries fast. I’m not in a good position to do it again right now.

3 Jun 21:

I was planning to take the kitties outside in the early morning.

They ate breakfast. They peed.

I thought that I got them to sleep inside their nursery box long enough for me to go to the bathroom and then take them outside.


I was busy busy trying to keep feeding the kitties and refill their bottle. It got to be after 11am. I figured that there was no point that late. It was already hot outside.

Kitties settled down and I could take a nap – short ones anyway – this afternoon.

I try to keep their bottle full and ready. All three demand feeding at the same time. They drink a full bottle at one feeding now.

Dora is getting to be quite a tear and terror. He demands first feeding. He will scratch his brothers to get the bottle first – scratch their face and eyes. Maybe this is how Eagle and Shadow got their eye injuries; I notice how Dora has no eye injury.

Right now, Shadow is snoozing on my chest. He is regularly purring when he sleeps on my chest.

Can’t quite see the others to know which – one is sleeping between my legs and the other is wedged by my right side.

Today has been a lesson for me. I need to act quickly. Sometimes they all want to eat at the same time. Then it’s one at a time – one eats while the other two snooze.

Rare when all three sleep, and for long.

Kitties played round robin, moving from place to place.

Then they each wanted to eat.

I finished feeding everyone now, they are snoozing on me. Time to refill the bottle.


I am getting things ready to go outside with kitties (6pm).

I’ll try to work transitioning kitties to eat from a dish of moist biscuit ‘cookies’.

Kitties have all eaten tonight’s supper from the bottle.

Shadow peed on the cardboard.

Dora is now playing with a paper towel.

They are not as squirming now.

4 Jun 21 (3am):

The kittens’ nursery box is secure, but kitties don’t want to stay inside.

Kitties can sleep on me. They are asleep on my stomach.

I placed the cap with some gravy and moist biscuit ‘cookies’ inside their nursery box in case they get hungry and want to try to eat on their own.

(12 noon):

The kitties and I went outside for a few hours Friday morning.

Eagle tried to eat. He put his nose into the dish a few times.

Both Shadow and Dora still refuse to eat from the dish.

Kitties are getting sluggish, slow, no energy. I may need to give the bottle to them, if briefly.

Ildi insists that I take the kitties to a veterinarian. First, I need to find a few and ask for an appointment or exam. How will we ever get them there? We don’t have our own vehicle. Will the bus allow kitties?


There is no emergency or stand-by service.

I make an appointment for Monday:

Your request has been sent to Animal Care Hospital of Phoenix. They will contact you shortly to confirm the date and time.

Patient Name: Eagle, Dora, Shadow (3 kittens)

Client Name: Sharon Nichols

Date and Time

– First Choice: 6/7/2021 at 10:00AM

– Second Choice: 6/7/2021 at 11:00AM


* Three kittens born 9 May 21. Abandoned by their mother this week. I bottle feed kitten food. They pee and poop okay. They are not taking food in a dish. I don’t know what to do. *

Use our app to manage your pet’s profile and records.



I’m inside now. It’s too hot outside.

I fed the bottle to all three kittens when I came inside.

I came back to my bedroom and found two poops. That’s good.

Kitties are inside, sleeping on their towel.

Eagle woke up.

Both Dora and Eagle are hungry for more, they want their bottle.

Eagle will be snoozing with her sisters.


Alana will go shopping for a kitty carrier today.

First stop – PetSmart. Nothing on the shelf. Do they have the other carrier ‘in the back’? Or else order it? Maybe PetSmart can deliver the pet crate to this Camelback store by tomorrow morning.

She’ll try Target on Camelback Road just east of 16th Street. Nothing.

Goodwill on Indian School / 16th Street? Nothing.

Struck out at Target also.

Maybe try Walmart also.

Alana got the carrier. We’ll use it to go to the vet tomorrow morning.

Alana also bought chocolate ice cream to celebrate the kitties going to the veterinarian tomorrow. Oh, yummy! I shall not refuse chocolate ice cream.


Dora had another drink.

All three kittens are napping and quiet.


Shadow woke up, just drank half the bottle.


The vet did not call. Or maybe I did not know that they called.

Eagle was sitting on my chest, snoozing. He woke up and wanted his bottle. Then he peed on me. I can’t move. Eagle is back to sleep.

Dora and Shadow are snoozing now.


Alana arrives home.

I have two kitties to wake up.

5 Jun 21:

(Continued on next post.)




30 May (7am):

Dora is quite active. Shadow, a little bit less.

Eagle has something happening to her left eye – excess mucus. It forces her left eye to close. I try to wash her eye with water, that will help temporarily. She gets sluggish when her eye closes from the mucus, then becomes active when she can see again. She is not too readily accepting me to clean her eye, she does not understand.

Bad news. I went to check on kitties and Stretch yesterday afternoon. Spot was near the nursery box, but no Stretch. Seems that Stretch and Spot were becoming friends, maybe that explains why Spot was usually nearby.

Spot went away when I looked inside the nursery box.

Oh, well, I thought. Stretch will be here soon. She has been so attentive.

Alana and I sat outside on the patio til after 1am this morning. Still no Stretch.

I tried to feed kitties. I used the kitten chow and made gravy, then used an eye dropper to feed the kitties. Dora and Midnight kinda got the idea, Eagle doesn’t get the concept, she wants mommy.

I brought the kitties inside. I put the nursery box next to me. I tried to feed the kitties. Midnight took a couple servings, neither Dora nor Eagle wanted anything.

31 May (3pm):

I went to PetSmart yesterday to buy kitten supplies. I bought a feeding bottle and eye wash.

Alana came to babysit the kitties while I was away.

The kitties are eating well. I use kitten chow and make gravy from it. I feed the gravy to the kitties. It contains kitten nutrients. Cat web-sites say to never feed cow milk to kittens.

Alana and I spent most of Sunday afternoon and evening til past 11pm sitting on the back patio allowing the kitties to roam.

They slept with me – they inside their nursery box.

All day today, they have been sitting with me in my bed, sitting on me.

I feed them when they are hungry. They let me know – they mew quite loudly.

They are sleeping now – cuddling on my leg.

The kittens are cute and seem to enjoy their surroundings. That’s good. It’s good you’re staying occupied.

1 Jun (11am):

The kitties were not wanting to sleep in their nursery box last night and this morning. They slept on me.

I feed them when they mew for their bottle.

I am hearing and learning their different mews. Each one is different.

Shadow is a high squeak.

Eagle is a lower mew.

Dora kinda strings out her mew.


I bought a bag of kitten chow at the Fry’s grocery store.

The instructions say that kitties can begin consuming this at three weeks old. Kitties were born 9 May (Mother’s Day). They are four weeks old.

I don’t directly feed the solid dry food to the kitties.

I add water to make gravy. I put the gravy into a baby bottle and feed the gravy to the kitties.

Gradually, the dry food fully absorbs the water and I can then mix everything together because it is all liquid.

Kitties eat whenever they are hungry.

2 Jun (2pm):

I wanted to bring the kitties outside early today. We came outside about 9.30am. The temperature was okay.

It’s 2pm and hot. The weather bunnies forecast today’s high at 105F.

4 Jun (11am):

The kitties and I went outside for a few hours.

Eagle tried to eat. She put her nose into the dish a few times.

Both Shadow and Dora still refuse to eat from the dish.

Kitties are getting sluggish, slow, no energy. I may need to give the bottle to them, if briefly.

I’m inside now. It’s too hot.

The kitten food is good beginning at three weeks old. Kitties are four weeks old, going on five weeks.

I fed two whole bottles of kitten food liquid to all three kittens. They are sleeping now.

I went away a few minutes from where they are, I came back to two poops and pee. That’s good.

I made an appointment with a veterinarian on Monday.morning.

7 Jun (8pm):

I was supposed to have an appointment with a veterinarian this morning. The vet refused to see the kitties.

It’s more of an issue about their appointment schedule application and not really the vet.

The vet did take a brief look at the kitties and told me that they all seem in reasonably good health.

Mommy Stretch has not been here since a week ago Saturday.

Stretch’s friend Spot wanders through my back yard each day. Maybe she is seeing that the kitties are in good shape.

Today, Spot actually sat and watched both Alana and I care for the three kittens.

I certainly can not keep any kitties. I have no wherewithal for them as a single elderly woman. Can’t afford them. I have no way to keep them inside as house cats. Someday soon, they will need to fend for themselves.

I am hoping that maybe someone through the veterinarian will adopt all three together. I really think all three must stay together.

Cute pictures of the light colored 😺 kitty. Bright pink pads on the bottom of the feet. Do the kitties need to be dewormed?
9 Jun (11am):

Sad news.

Eagle died early morning Tuesday.

The kitties and I came inside early early Tuesday morning (maybe 12 midnight or 1am.

Only Dora came out of the carrier. Both Shadow and Eagle stayed inside, same as night before.

Dora slept with me.

Dora frequently woke me to feed her. I fed her. Both Shadow and Eagle also ate well before we came inside the house.

I awoke about 9.30am. I brought Shadow from the carrier.

Next I looked inside. Eagle was still. I attempted to wake her. She did not move. I lifted her from the carrier – she was dead.

Do not know why she died, how she died.

Alana and I were crying all day.

We buried Eagle by a tree in the back yard.

Both Eagle and Dora are kinda tan.

Eagle was a little darker than Dora. Eagle had faint streaks of darker hair.

Eagle is the kitty looking at the dish of food.

There is a picture of all three in front of a box. Eagle is on the right side.

10 Jun (7pm)

Eagle, Dora, and Shadow snuggled together when they slept, now only Dora and Shadow. They probably comprehend that Eagle is gone, they do not understand why.

Dora, especially, and Shadow will express themselves. They paw my face – tapping gently, no claws.

I took them to the veterinarian for their first visit.

The vet examined them and assured me that these kitties are reasonably healthy and to return in a few weeks when they are eligible for vaccines and de-worm.

This has been a responsibility that I didn’t expect.

I can’t keep these kitties as pets, they will remain outdoor neighbourhood cats.

I want the best for them.

I told the vet that if someone wants kittens, they would need to take both together as a pair. They need to stay with each other.



Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Never having been a mommy kitty, I browsed the Internet for web-sites to help care for kitties. I found this site most helpful.


Ildi offered this web-site for me.



I am working on an extended version of these posts to my web-site.


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’ (Part 1)
(28 Jun 2021)



1 Comment

Alita Jean








4 of 6:

(3, 4, 5 are similar)


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Kitties Diary:  May – June 2021.

(Part 3 of 4)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’

Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.

(Part 3)


Welcome, my friends, to this draft as I try to create a diary of my memories of Mommy Stretch, Dora, Eagle, and Shadow.

I’ll be making this Public when I finish it.

– Sharon


(Continued from the prior post.)

5 Jun 21:

Saturday afternoon. I have been bouncing between snoozing, then awake to feed the kitties, then fill the bottle, snooze, feed, fill.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Shadow has been by my feet for a while.

Eagle and Dora by my shoulders.

Everyone fighting for snack.

I found something better to refill the baby feeding bottle. No more eye dropper. I have a bottle with a nozzle that fits to fill the kitties’ baby bottle.

Kitties had another snack.

Kitties and I shall be outside on the back patio.

Kitties ate another serving.

Grandma Sharon cooled off with a patio shower.

6 Jun 21:

Kapung Khaf! Alana. Thank you for all your help!

And for the purchase of the kitty carrier.

7 Jun 21:

The personality of each kitty shows with the kitty carrier. ‘Awesome! Just like people.😊🐾🐾’, says Alana.

– When I put them inside the carrier and opened the top door, Dora climbed right out.

– Shadow is screaming, but makes no effort to look up and climb out.

– Eagle is still sleeping.


Eagle woke up. She’s experimenting with ways to climb out.

Dora is asleep.

The kitties leave their carrier to nuzzle me, to sleep with me – either at my shoulders or at my side. Sometimes, Shadow will sleep between my legs.

Good that I don’t move while I sleep. I’ve been keeping the dimmer light set low so that I can watch the kitties. When I wake up during the night, when I need to shift, I first look for all the kitties – one kitties, two kitties, three kitties – then I can move. I still count Eagle, in spirit.

7 Jun 21 (8am):

Monday morning. Rise and shine. I shall use the bathroom then get the kitties ready for their veterinarian appointment.

The plan is to be on our way to the bus no later than 9am.

I’ll bring my iPad so that Alana and I can correspond.


We are on our way to the veterinarian. It’s 9.15am when I arrived at the bus stop.

Damn! I forgot the kitty bag with their food bottle.

I hope that the veterinarian will have something for kitties.

I shall be coming straight home after the appointment.


I arrived okay to the veterinarian.

Their lobby is closed for Coronavirus precautions. People must wait inside their car til the veterinarian calls them. Cute! I don’t have a car, I don’t have a telephone. Now what!

I found the service entrance and bell. I rang it. A veterinarian asked a few questions, I explained that we made appointments for either 10am or 11am.

That vet sent me to wait at the front door.

Another vet came a few minutes later. She told me that their system rejected our appointments. She told me to return Thursday at 2pm.

The veterinarian did briefly look at the kitties. She said that they appear healthy, to continue what we are doing.



We’re home!

I’m on the back patio.

I hosed the patio to cool it.

I’d like to get back out and do a few errands today. Especially since today and tomorrow will be relatively mild.

I can bring the kitties inside. I think that they will stay together at my bed. We can do this as a test.

Kitties had their late morning snack and are sleeping.

Nope. I was too tired to do anything more.

I fed the kitties. They peed. They pooped. They ate some more.

We came inside to sleep for the night.

8 Jun 21:

The three kitties and I fell asleep Monday night, nothing unusual.

Dora slept on me; both Eagle and Shadow stayed inside their carrier all night, even with the top off.

I awoke Tuesday morning. Dora was ready for breakfast, Shadow was coming out of the carrier. I looked inside the carrier to see Eagle. He was motionless. My first thought was that he was sleeping. I tried to rouse him, he didn’t move, his hind legs were cold. I picked up little Eagle, I tried to revive him however I thought that I could. Eagle was dead. We don’t know how, we don’t know why.

Eagle was my favourite. I was cheering him on as the ‘runt of the litter’. I kept his eye washed from excessive mucus so that he could see better with both eyes. He sparkled when I cleaned his eye.

Alana came to comfort the kitties and me. I tried to comfort Alana.

We reminisced about Eagle.

We comforted Dora and Shadow.

We cried all day.

We reluctantly said our goodbyes to Eagle. We held a ceremony, then we dug a hole near a tree in the back yard. We buried Eagle this Tuesday at Sunset. May a new tall tree grow and eagles nest there.

Alana: ‘Our hearts are just broken. I hope we can both sleep tonight, maybe our little Eagle will be in our dreams? Bless his precious little soul.🙏🏼❤️🐾’

Kapung Khaf!

Thank you, Alana, for writing your very touching essay about our dear kitty friend Eagle. He had a short life here, we loved him in every moment.


Dora is sleeping next to me. He has suddenly become quite subdued. He consoles me. He will nuzzle me with his nose, no biting me. He gently puts his paw to my face, no claws.

Shadow stays inside the carrier even though the door is open. Perhaps he is waiting for Eagle to snuggle with him as they did previously.

9 Jun 21 (9am):

(Continued on the next post.)




Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Never having been a mommy kitty, I browsed the Internet for web-sites to help care for kitties. I found this site most helpful.


Ildi offered this web-site for me.



I am working on an extended version of these posts to my web-site.


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’ (Part 1)
(28 Jun 2021)



1 Comment 


Alita Jean
Love this!


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Marjorie Hammer
17 Jun 2021




























3 of 6:

(3, 4, 5 are similar)


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.

(Part 4 of 4)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’

Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.

(Part 4)


Welcome, my friends, to this draft as I try to create a diary of my memories of Mommy Stretch, Dora, Eagle, and Shadow.

I’ll be making this Public when I finish it.

– Sharon


(Continued from the prior post.)

9 Jun 21 (9am):

Kitties and I are outside for a few hours.

I washed the soiled towels, hosed the patio, turned on the fan.

Dora and Shadow are cuddling in the shade.

‘Yesterday was very stressful for all four of us.’ says Alana.


Kitties ate an afternoon snack and are now snoozing.

Nutty Dora. He will climb into the carrier from the side rather than use the doorway to walk inside. Likewise, he will climb out over the side rather than walk out through the doorway.

I dozed off shortly after 6pm, awoke after 7pm.

I was exchanging texts with Stephanie, my Elementary School class-mate.


The kitties were getting too frisky before bed time. Food did not matter. They were biting and clawing me. I put kitties inside the carrier for the night. They quickly began sleeping.

I checked Dora and Shadow throughout the night and early morning. I fed them when they wanted their bottle. They would each frequently drink about one-half of the bottle.

I opened their carrier now that they were calm and settled down.

They slept with me. They woke me each time when they wanted to eat. I kept their bottle filled and near me for all such times.

10 Jun 21 (10am):

Thursday morning. I need to start getting my day ready, take kitties outside for breakfast.

Both kitties had breakfast. They finished their bottle.

Plenty of time for kitties to poop and pee and clean them for their vet appointment.

Kitties look okay.

Alana will join me, we leave no later than about 1pm.


I was not too thrilled about the appointment.

The veterinarian required both Alana and me to wait outside in the afternoon heat.

About half an hour later, the vet came outside and told us that Dora and Shadow are well.

Alana and I return home.

We love the kitties, but wonder what we can do for them. Our home and our lives are not prepared to care for newborn kittens.

Yet we are cautious about their future. We want them to stay together if they ever go to another home.

Dora and Shadow enjoy the evening – eating, peeing, pooping, snoozing on us, going on us.

Good kitties!

Dora and Shadow spend their night with me at my bed, purring with contentment.

11 Jun 21:

A routine day as they had been. Feeding the kitties. Watching the kitties pee and poop. Then we go back to sleep.

A sudden knock at the door awakened me midday Friday. It’s Alberto from the veterinarian clinic, he says that he and his family have the opportunity to adopt both Dora and Shadow. He says that he has other cats who will be happy to welcome Dora and Shadow.

Alana and I are equally happy and sad. Happy for the kitties and their new lives, sad that we are losing them from our current lives.

We get the kitties ready for their sudden departure.

We say our goodbyes in tears of joy.

Eagle will be with his brothers in spirit.


So concludes a brief, unexpected, wonderful experience.

I shall miss feeding them – first using the eye dropper, then using the baby bottle. I shall miss their peeing and pooping – including my cleaning them and cleaning myself. I shall miss the kitties learning to climb up my arm or leg to come sit on my lap. I shall miss them crawling all over me in my bed, the kitties looking for the right spot to nuzzle and cuddle. I shall miss them snoozing with me, purring all the while. I shall forever smell their sweetness.

I could accept all the scratches and bites and pee and poop because the reward was all their cuddling and nuzzling and purring.

Dora, Eagle, and Shadow will always have their special place in my heart for them.




Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Never having been a mommy kitty, I browsed the Internet for web-sites to help care for kitties. I found this site most helpful.


Ildi offered this web-site for me.



I am working on an extended version of these posts to my web-site.


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’ (Part 1)
(28 Jun 2021)





Gail Petersen
So precious. Thanks for taking such good care of them.

Raquel Baranow
One of the new strays we feed had 4 kittens, she was a kitten herself. Not too happy about it. We’ll get them spayed/ neutered and probably keep them





Share #1





Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2022


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

Part 4 of 4


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

Part 3 of 4


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

Part 2 of 4


Separate information from the Karen Ulane post


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2019


RawStory: True Believers


Sharon Nichols
12 Jun 2020



Sharon Nichols 
13 Jun 2021

‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’

Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.

(Part 4)


Welcome, my friends, to this draft as I try to create a diary of my memories of Mommy Stretch, Dora, Eagle, and Shadow.

I’ll be making this Public when I finish it.

– Sharon


(Continued from the prior post.)

9 Jun 21 (9am):

Kitties and I are outside for a few hours.

I washed the soiled towels, hosed the patio, turned on the fan.

Dora and Shadow are cuddling in the shade.

‘Yesterday was very stressful for all four of us.’ says Alana.


Kitties ate an afternoon snack and are now snoozing.

Nutty Dora. He will climb into the carrier from the side rather than use the doorway to walk inside. Likewise, he will climb out over the side rather than walk out through the doorway.

I dozed off shortly after 6pm, awoke after 7pm.

I was exchanging texts with Stephanie, my Elementary School class-mate.


The kitties were getting too frisky before bed time. Food did not matter. They were biting and clawing me. I put kitties inside the carrier for the night. They quickly began sleeping.

I checked Dora and Shadow throughout the night and early morning. I fed them when they wanted their bottle. They would each frequently drink about one-half of the bottle.

I opened their carrier now that they were calm and settled down.

They slept with me. They woke me each time when they wanted to eat. I kept their bottle filled and near me for all such times.

10 Jun 21 (10am):

Thursday morning. I need to start getting my day ready, take kitties outside for breakfast.

Both kitties had breakfast. They finished their bottle.

Plenty of time for kitties to poop and pee and clean them for their vet appointment.

Kitties look okay.

Alana will join me, we leave no later than about 1pm.


I was not too thrilled about the appointment.

The veterinarian required both Alana and me to wait outside in the afternoon heat.

About half an hour later, the vet came outside and told us that Dora and Shadow are well.

Alana and I return home.

We love the kitties, but wonder what we can do for them. Our home and our lives are not prepared to care for newborn kittens.

Yet we are cautious about their future. We want them to stay together if they ever go to another home.

Dora and Shadow enjoy the evening – eating, peeing, pooping, snoozing on us, going on us.

Good kitties!

Dora and Shadow spend their night with me at my bed, purring with contentment.

11 Jun 21:

A routine day as they had been. Feeding the kitties. Watching the kitties pee and poop. Then we go back to sleep.

A sudden knock at the door awakened me midday Friday. It’s Alberto from the veterinarian clinic, he says that he and his family have the opportunity to adopt both Dora and Shadow. He says that he has other cats who will be happy to welcome Dora and Shadow.

Alana and I are equally happy and sad. Happy for the kitties and their new lives, sad that we are losing them from our current lives.

We get the kitties ready for their sudden departure.

We say our goodbyes in tears of joy.

Eagle will be with his brothers in spirit.


So concludes a brief, unexpected, wonderful experience.

I shall miss feeding them – first using the eye dropper, then using the baby bottle. I shall miss their peeing and pooping – including my cleaning them and cleaning myself. I shall miss the kitties learning to climb up my arm or leg to come sit on my lap. I shall miss them crawling all over me in my bed, the kitties looking for the right spot to nuzzle and cuddle. I shall miss them snoozing with me, purring all the while. I shall forever smell their sweetness.

I could accept all the scratches and bites and pee and poop because the reward was all their cuddling and nuzzling and purring.

Dora, Eagle, and Shadow will always have their special place in my heart for them.




Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Never having been a mommy kitty, I browsed the Internet for web-sites to help care for kitties. I found this site most helpful.


Ildi offered this web-site for me.



I am working on an extended version of these posts to my web-site.


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’ (Part 1)
(28 Jun 2021)



1 Share


Bonus Share





Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2023


Facebook Memories: 13 Jun 2023

1 of 5:

Facebook Memories list for 13 Jun 2022


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2022

2 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 4)


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021


3 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 3)


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

1 Comment

1 Share

4 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 2)


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

1 Comment

5 of 5:

Buena High School class-mate Keith and his Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are demanding the execution of Trans and LGBT people


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2019







Share #2





Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2023



Facebook Memories: 13 Jun 2023

1 of 5:

Facebook Memories list for 13 Jun 2022



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2022

2 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 4)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021


3 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 3)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

1 Comment

1 Share


Marjorie Hammer
17 Jun 2021

4 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 2)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

1 Comment

5 of 5:

Buena High School class-mate Keith and his Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are demanding the execution of Trans and LGBT people



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2019



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2020


Sharon Nichols
14 Jun 2021



Sharon Nichols 
13 Jun 2021

‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’

Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.

(Part 4)


Welcome, my friends, to this draft as I try to create a diary of my memories of Mommy Stretch, Dora, Eagle, and Shadow.

I’ll be making this Public when I finish it.

– Sharon


(Continued from the prior post.)

9 Jun 21 (9am):

Kitties and I are outside for a few hours.

I washed the soiled towels, hosed the patio, turned on the fan.

Dora and Shadow are cuddling in the shade.

‘Yesterday was very stressful for all four of us.’ says Alana.


Kitties ate an afternoon snack and are now snoozing.

Nutty Dora. He will climb into the carrier from the side rather than use the doorway to walk inside. Likewise, he will climb out over the side rather than walk out through the doorway.

I dozed off shortly after 6pm, awoke after 7pm.

I was exchanging texts with Stephanie, my Elementary School class-mate.


The kitties were getting too frisky before bed time. Food did not matter. They were biting and clawing me. I put kitties inside the carrier for the night. They quickly began sleeping.

I checked Dora and Shadow throughout the night and early morning. I fed them when they wanted their bottle. They would each frequently drink about one-half of the bottle.

I opened their carrier now that they were calm and settled down.

They slept with me. They woke me each time when they wanted to eat. I kept their bottle filled and near me for all such times.

10 Jun 21 (10am):

Thursday morning. I need to start getting my day ready, take kitties outside for breakfast.

Both kitties had breakfast. They finished their bottle.

Plenty of time for kitties to poop and pee and clean them for their vet appointment.

Kitties look okay.

Alana will join me, we leave no later than about 1pm.


I was not too thrilled about the appointment.

The veterinarian required both Alana and me to wait outside in the afternoon heat.

About half an hour later, the vet came outside and told us that Dora and Shadow are well.

Alana and I return home.

We love the kitties, but wonder what we can do for them. Our home and our lives are not prepared to care for newborn kittens.

Yet we are cautious about their future. We want them to stay together if they ever go to another home.

Dora and Shadow enjoy the evening – eating, peeing, pooping, snoozing on us, going on us.

Good kitties!

Dora and Shadow spend their night with me at my bed, purring with contentment.

11 Jun 21:

A routine day as they had been. Feeding the kitties. Watching the kitties pee and poop. Then we go back to sleep.

A sudden knock at the door awakened me midday Friday. It’s Alberto from the veterinarian clinic, he says that he and his family have the opportunity to adopt both Dora and Shadow. He says that he has other cats who will be happy to welcome Dora and Shadow.

Alana and I are equally happy and sad. Happy for the kitties and their new lives, sad that we are losing them from our current lives.

We get the kitties ready for their sudden departure.

We say our goodbyes in tears of joy.

Eagle will be with his brothers in spirit.


So concludes a brief, unexpected, wonderful experience.

I shall miss feeding them – first using the eye dropper, then using the baby bottle. I shall miss their peeing and pooping – including my cleaning them and cleaning myself. I shall miss the kitties learning to climb up my arm or leg to come sit on my lap. I shall miss them crawling all over me in my bed, the kitties looking for the right spot to nuzzle and cuddle. I shall miss them snoozing with me, purring all the while. I shall forever smell their sweetness.

I could accept all the scratches and bites and pee and poop because the reward was all their cuddling and nuzzling and purring.

Dora, Eagle, and Shadow will always have their special place in my heart for them.




Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Never having been a mommy kitty, I browsed the Internet for web-sites to help care for kitties. I found this site most helpful.


Ildi offered this web-site for me.



I am working on an extended version of these posts to my web-site.


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’ (Part 1)
(28 Jun 2021)





You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to T-central.blogspot.com for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



BeHuman Campaign




This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


2 thoughts on “‘Facebook Memories: 13 Jun 2024 – One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties (Parts 2, 3, 4)’

  1. Pingback: ‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’ (Part 1) | Slim and Me

  2. Pingback: ‘Facebook Memories: 12 Jun 2024 – ‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’ (2)’ | Slim and Me

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