‘Facebook Memories: 13 Jun 2024 – Remembering 12th Grade’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … 

‘Facebook Memories:  13 Jun 2024 – Remembering 12th Grade’
(13 Jun 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my Slimandme.wordpress.com web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2024

Facebook Memories:  13 Jun 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1.  Facebook Memories Summary (13 Jun 2024)

2.  Facebook Memories Summary (13 Jun 2023)

3.  ‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’
Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.
(Part 4 of 4)

4.  ‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’
Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.
(Part 3 of 4)

5.  ‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’
Kitties Diary: May – June 2021.
(Part 2 of 4)

6.  Remembering 12th Grade
My information separated from the Karen Ulane post
Buena High School 12th Grade class-mate Keith and his Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are demanding the execution of Trans and LGBT people



1 of 6


Facebook Memories Summary (13 Jun 2024)





Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2023



Facebook Memories: 13 Jun 2023

1 of 5:

Facebook Memories list for 13 Jun 2022



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2022

2 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 4)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021


3 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 3)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

1 Comment

1 Share


Marjorie Hammer
17 Jun 2021

4 of 5:

One kitties, two kitties, three kitties, pretty kitties (Part 2)



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

1 Comment

5 of 5:

Remembering 12th Grade

Buena High School 12th Grade class-mate Keith and his Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are demanding the execution of Trans and LGBT people



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2019



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2020


Sharon Nichols
14 Jun 2021






2 of 6:


Facebook Memories Summary (13 Jun 2023)





Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2022



‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

Part 4 of 4


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

Part 3 of 4


‘One Kitties, Two Kitties, Three Kitties, Pretty Kitties’


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2021

Part 2 of 4


Remembering 12th Grade

Separate information from the Karen Ulane post


Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2019


RawStory: True Believers


Sharon Nichols
12 Jun 2020



1 Share


Share #1


Facebook Memories Summary (13 Jun)





Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2023



Facebook Memories: 13 Jun 2023

1 of 5:

Facebook Memories list for 13 Jun 2022



Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2022






6 of 6:


Remembering 12th Grade


Buena High School 12th Grade class-mate Keith and his Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are demanding the execution of Trans and LGBT people


My information separated from the Karen Ulane post 





Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2019

Up-date (12 Jun 2019):

Here I am adding this update. I am posting this segment to its own. The beginning is essentially for me alone, for the record. Afterward is a bonus section of material for you who read – it ties in a subject of greater significance among the routine. It really does not belong with that article that I posted about Karen Ulane, her Pioneer status for today’s Trans airline pilots.

I don’t expect that people return to any of these posts once they read it. I also plan to post this experience to my web-site. That draws a likely different audience – people who occasionally browse old essays when they read the new essays. That I know because I check my statistics page. I am regularly amazed when I see that someone read an essay from the past. Thank you, Dear Reader.


I went to check on my post to the high school Facebook page. Wow – several comments, several ‘Like’.

Then it begins …

Keith was one of my class-mates who knew me during 12th Grade.

Keith wrote a comment – he wrote that he remembers me.


Which me? Nick? Sharon? Or does he think that Nick was Sharon? Not Nick? My ‘then’ picture is Nick, not Sharon. My current picture is Sharon, not Nick.

In proper respect for the Buena page, I decided to not explicitly state my Trans and Inter-sex past at the Buena page. That page is not the place, my post is not the time to present that piece of my personal history. If anyone browsing the Buena page is confused, if someone wants to learn more, then they can come to my page and read to their heart’s content.

I decided to browse Keith’s Facebook page to see where he is. Most high school students were military children whose parents worked at the military base.

He speaks on some pages. His voice is as I remember it.

Nope! That was as far as the positive goes.

I certainly knew going in that I would find possible danger.

He’s Republi-con and Christian Con-servative. Right from the beginning. He has an article supporting a Right-wing Republi-con Christian Con-servative. Someone whose political agenda is the total demise of LGBT.

Not one sign of rainbows, or unicorns, or glitter. No LGBT colors. No Trans colors.

There’s a post about his support for Chick-fil-A. To be fair, it is about good customer service. To be critical, I doubt that Chick would do the same for an LGBT customer.

Keith, you can browse my Facebook page as easily as I read your page.

Keith can decide what he wants to do after he sees my Facebook page. He can read that I graduated from a Baptist university. It has been a Baptist university for all its years. Keith would know about the university – know that it’s Baptist. Dunno if he thinks that I am Baptist.

When I attended two decades ago, there was little push about religion among the classes that I attended, among students, with the faculty and administrators. Many students were not Baptist, so Baptist people were ‘live and let live’ toward non Baptist and non Christian back then.

I was always respectful toward the university people – Baptist or not. Being deep stealth, I was certainly not going to out my presence to anyone; I still don’t.

I had a good two years there even though their policy openly prohibited LGBT – no LGBT students, no LGBT teachers, no LGBT administration. No LGBT on campus. Yet not once did anyone at university ever question me. I have no recollection that any one at any time ever said any thing derogatory about LGBT the entire time I attended as a student, came on campus as a community member. I was a good student doing both undergraduate and graduate coursework. Hey – I made ‘Dean’s List’. That ain’t chopped liver.

I recently read that the university is now an open and welcoming campus for LGBT.

I went away from the computer for a while then went to browse the Buena page where I posted to check for comments.

There is Ronda’s entry in my Notifications. When I tap it – blank screen, nothing.



– Is it there, but that it does not show on my connection?

– Is my page loading differently?

It was good that I made my screen print of the comments to my post.

The comment from Ronda with my reply, Keith’s reply that he remembers me, and my reply to Keith’s comment earlier this afternoon about our shared experiences – it’s all gone. Deleted. That entire group of comments are gone from my view, are gone from my post.

Keith removed his ‘Like’ from the post.

Did Ronda and Keith browse my Facebook page? Were they NOT amused?

At least my high school post remains – for now. For how long?

Meanwhile, I found a series of Keith’s comments from another post. Odd. Keith misses his brother’s death by a year. Keith, I comprehend his tragedy, but Robert died February 1977. Robert was supposed to teach hang-gliding to me; my fault, I kept delaying things.

I went to Keith’s Recent Activity page at the school’s page. There was an entry in Recent Activity for the missing thread. As I was about to make a screen print – it disappeared. Poof! Right before my eyes.

I located Ronda’s actual Facebook page. Ronda – maybe a troll – not much to her About page nor her Timeline page.

I sent a text message to the school moderator asking what happened and why the series of comments are deleted. No reply hours later.

I went to look at my post at the high school page a few more hours later. Those comments are still missing. More people are checking ‘Like’ – the count is more than 30.

I am having second thoughts. Maybe I made a big boo-boo. Maybe I should have just posted my current picture, should not have posted my ‘then’ picture from my graduation. I am Nick in my ‘then’ picture and now there’s Sharon in my current picture – that attracted the wrong attention. Lesson learned.

Okay. Gonna admit that I am making presumptions that might mean nothing at all. Kick me in the shins for this.

Lesson learned about Keith. I didn’t have any expectations from him. I hadn’t even thought about his politics – I certainly remember Keith, it was that I could not remember his name at first; I knew his brother Robert more than I knew Keith. To me, Keith demonstrated what his religion does for him – hate. He was okay about me til he probably came to my page, read my essays, and he likewise decided that I am not his idea of whomever he might have first presumed me to be.

Adulthood changes us. I consider that my change was helpt by Transition, that I became more open, more accepting, more understanding. Keith? What did he become? Did his Christian religion turn him toward antipathy about me?

All this is speculation about Keith. I base my current sentiment upon the information presently at hand. Keith can answer my questions, enlighten me, bring new information to let me re-assess my initial perspective. If you found my Facebook page, Keith, then here’s your chance to set the record straight with what you want to tell me.

Then the obvious hit me. My current icon is the Keira Butterfly in Trans blue, pink, and white. There are my featured pictures at my Facebook home page – including my array of Nick-to-Sharon photos. And you, my friends here at Facebook, who also proudly present your Trans and LGBT colors in my ‘Friends List’. Sheesh! I’m denser than anyone to have missed that.

Another ‘maybe’? I suppose that I am coming from knowing the Trans blue – pink – white Keira Butterfly. I am supposing that a Christian Con-servative would know; after all, they know who we are, they are posting about killing us all.


Here comes the bonus for you who have read this far.

Was this Keith four decades ago when I knew him during 12th Grade? Is this Keith now among the Christians described in these news reports?

First we have Sheriff’s Detective Fritts.

Fritts has been studying his bible.

He demands that civilian secular police – NOT Christians – arrest and execute LGBT. Apparently, Fritts doesn’t want to soil his hands with the lifeblood of the slaughtered LGBT. How Hitlerian!

Hmm? Seems similar about Jesus. The extremist Fundamentalist Jewish rabbis called upon secular Roman guards to arrest and execute Jesus and his Apostles, rather than themselves prosecuting Jesus and his Apostles through Rabbinical Law.

Why is Fritts only ‘under investigation’?

Fritts is calling for terrorism, for mass execution, for mass murder, for genocide.

I shall write it again.

More proof that Drumpf has his Amerika in Stage 3 of Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide:

– you have no rights
– you have no rights to live among us
– you have no rights to live.

From the article:


‘Homosexuality is a sin. A person will burn in their lust toward their same gender. God said Homosexuality should be punished with death. Federal, state, and county governments should arrest, convict, and “speedily” execute LGBTQ people on no more grounds than a cellphone photo showing participation in a Pride event. Such arrests and executions should be carried out by our government, not Christians (laughter) unless you’re a policeman.’

– Grayson Fritts, Knox County Sheriff Detective and Pastor of All Scripture Baptist Church (sermon given to his congregation, 2 Jun 2019; USA Today, 13 Jun 2019)

Tennessee detective’s church sermon calls for execution of LGBTQ people


Updated 6:07 a.m. MST June 13, 2019

Knox detective calls for execution of LGBTQ people during sermon

The Knox County Attorney General’s Office said it is looking into a detective that called for the government to arrest and execute LGBTQ community members.


KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The Knox County Attorney General’s Office said it is looking into a church sermon by a Knox County Sheriff’s detective that called for the government to arrest and execute LGBTQ community members.

In an hourlong video of the sermon online, Detective Grayson Fritts, also a pastor at All Scripture Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, tells his congregation that he believes federal, state and county governments should arrest, convict and “speedily” execute LGBTQ people on no more grounds than a cellphone photo showing participation in a Pride event.

The Knox County District Attorney General’s office knows about the matter and will respond accordingly, Attorney General Charme Allen said Tuesday.

“As district attorney, I have dedicated my career to the belief that justice is blind and that all people are entitled to equal protection of the law,” Allen said.

“I always have, and always will, prosecute fairly and justly, based upon the law and the evidence, without prejudice, bias, or discrimination of any kind.”

Grayson Fritts is a detective in Knox County, Tennessee.


Fritts delivered his sermon June 2 at the church near downtown Knoxville on the first Sunday of Pride Month, which honors the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots, considered a galvanizing moment in the gay rights movement.

More: Southern Baptists move to expel churches not addressing sexual abuse

More: Catholic Church rejects transgender identity as a ‘trend’

All Scripture Baptist Church describes itself as an “independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning church,” on its website. “Don’t expect anything liberal, watered down, or contemporary here,” it goes on to say.

Tennessee Equality Project executive director Chris Sanders called the use of religion and a law enforcement position to attack LGBTQ people “particularly reprehensible.”

“The symbolism is extremely palpable considering it is Pride Month and the anniversary of the Orlando pulse shooting,” Sanders said.

“We hope that there is a thorough quick investigation of this Knox County employee, and if all the facts are confirmed, he should not be in law enforcement.”

Fritts screams into the microphone, advocates for police riot teams to haul off Pride participants en masse and uses multiple slurs against the LGBTQ community.

He also targets Christians and others who support the LGBTQ community.

Fritts references his law enforcement career multiple times during the sermon, first telling the congregation “such arrests and executions should be carried out by our government, not Christians,” pausing for laughter as he adds, “unless you’re a policeman.”

Fritts has worked for the Knox County Sheriff’s Office since 1999 and was named a detective of the month in 2017.

Follow Brittany Crocker on Twitter: @brittcrocker.

Detective’s church sermon calls for execution of LGBTQ people

Originally Published 12:51 p.m. MST June 12, 2019
Updated 6:07 a.m. MST June 13, 2019

Copyright Gannett 2019


Then we have this news report about this man who now stands accused as a mass murderer of Trans persons.

From the article:


Dallas Police Arrest Suspected Transgender Serial Killer Kendrell Lyles
Added by Kelli Busey on June 13, 2019.

Tags: Dallas Transgender Serial Killer
Kendrell Lyles / Dallas Police

Kendrell Lyles was charged Wednesday with the murder of transgender woman Muhlaysia Booker and two unidentified cisgender women. Police also named Lyles a person of interest in another transgender murder and may be linked to the murder of as many as four black trans women according to The Dallas Voice.

Investigators said Lyles is also a “person of interest” in the murder of Chynal Lindsey and is also possibly connected with the 2017 death of Armani Dante Morgan. Investigations continue into those deaths and the deaths of at least two other black transgender women in Dallas.

Kelli Busey
Editor in Chief at Planet Transgender | Website

Kelli Busey an outspoken gonzo style journalist has been writing since 2007. In 2008, she brought the Dallas Advocate on-line and has articles published by the Reconciling Ministries Network, The Transsexual Menace, The Daily Kos, Frock Magazine the TransAdvocate, the Dallas Voice and The Advocate. Kelli, an avid runner is editor in chief at Planet Transgender which she founded in 2007.


From this article:



Christian Hate-Preachers Are Hosting a “Make America Straight Again” Event
JUNE 12, 2019

This Friday, a group of New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (NIFB) preachers will be hosting a “Make America Straight Again” conference, spreading their anti-LGBTQ bigotry in the name of Christ.

They’re doing it during Pride month.

They’re doing it in Orlando.

And they’re doing it on a weekend when locals will be commemorating the third anniversary of the Pulse nightclub massacre.

The speakers include all kinds of despicable human beings.

There’s Steven Anderson, who celebrated the massacre as soon as it happened because there were “50 less pedophiles in this world.” He added that he’s “not gonna sit here and cry about it and say it’s a tragedy, because it’s not.” He’s also said if he could push a button and kill every homosexual, he would “push it until it breaks.”

There’s Roger Jimenez, who said the worst thing about the massacre was that the shooter “didn’t finish the job.” He also longed for the government to round up all the gay people, “put them up against a firing wall, put a firing squad in front of them, and blow their brains out.”

There’s Tommy McMurtry, who wishes we could go back to the time when society put gay people in their place: “six feet under.”

McMurtry also told his congregation that he hoped people would protest the MASA conference because it might get violent, and that could be a pretense for attendees to hurt or murder gay people.

… Pray that if they do any protests, that it gets violent. They have “Stand Your Ground” in Florida. So we’re allowed to fight back. So… I say “bring it!”

There’s Bruce Mejia, who says LGBTQ stands for “Let God Burn Them Quickly” and who thinks just preaching against gay people isn’t enough.

… we believe they should be put to death. They should die! And I will never grieve over a sodomite that is killed or that is put to death or any other way that they die, I will never grieve for that. In fact, I will rejoice over that.

Make a clip out of that and put that in the news.

Okay. Done.

This is nothing more than a hate rally masquerading as a Christian conference. This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of speakers and churches involved.

Anderson himself has been banned from several European countries because of his bigotry — and most of the speakers are just imitating him. I’m surprised a lynching isn’t already on the schedule.

The exact location of the conference hasn’t been released yet — it will supposedly be revealed Friday — but the man hosting the conference is Patrick Boyle of Revival Baptist Church in Orlando, so it’s presumably at his church or somewhere close by. Boyle, by the way, insists he’s just echoing the Bible when he says gay people “are worthy of death.” (His church’s PayPal account was taken down after atheist activists reported it.)

More updates to follow… unfortunately.

(via New NIFB Cult)


JUNE 11, 2019
A Transgender Pastor Began an LGBTQ-Inclusive Church in Arkansas

JUNE 12, 2019
Irish Pastafarian Loses Battle Over Free Rail Tickets During 2018 Papal Mass

“A Christian Theocracy, with Evangelicals determining the enemies list.”

“There is one called S.M.A.R.T Recovery that is very good. Based on RET and CBT. …”

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Share #1






Sharon Nichols
13 Jun 2020

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

So many different topics relevant today come together in one post from last year.  You’ll see it if you read to the end.

Black Trans Lives Matter
Upstairs Massacre
Pulse Massacre
Christian Con-servative Incitement to Murder Trans and LGBT
Christian Con-servative Genocide Against Trans and LGBT

Thank you.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(13 Jun 2019)

Up-date (12 Jun 2019):

Here I am adding this update.  I am posting this segment to its own.  The beginning is essentially for me alone, for the record.  Afterward is a bonus section of material for you who read – it ties in a subject of greater significance among the routine.  It really does not belong with that article that I posted about Karen Ulane, her Pioneer status for today’s Trans airline pilots.

I don’t expect that people return to any of these posts once they read it.  I also plan to post this experience to my web-site.  That draws a likely different audience – people who occasionally browse old essays when they read the new essays.  That I know because I check my statistics page.  I am regularly amazed when I see that someone read an essay from the past.  Thank you, Dear Reader.


I went to check on my post to the high school Facebook page.  Wow – several comments, several ‘Like’.

Then it begins …

Keith was one of my class-mates who knew me during 12th Grade.

Keith wrote a comment – he wrote that he remembers me.


Which me?  Nick?  Sharon?  Or does he think that Nick was Sharon?  Not Nick?  My ‘then’ picture is Nick, not Sharon.  My current picture is Sharon, not Nick.

In proper respect for the Buena page, I decided to not explicitly state my Trans and Inter-sex past at the Buena page.  That page is not the place, my post is not the time to present that piece of my personal history.  If anyone browsing the Buena page is confused, if someone wants to learn more, then they can come to my page and read to their heart’s content.

I decided to browse Keith’s Facebook page to see where he is.  Most high school students were military children whose parents worked at the military base.

He speaks on some pages.  His voice is as I remember it.

Nope!  That was as far as the positive goes.

I certainly knew going in that I would find possible danger.

He’s Republi-con and Christian Con-servative.  Right from the beginning.  He has an article supporting a Right-wing Republi-con Christian Con-servative.  Someone whose political agenda is the total demise of LGBT.

Not one sign of rainbows, or unicorns, or glitter.  No LGBT colors.  No Trans colors.

There’s a post about his support for Chick-fil-A.  To be fair, it is about good customer service.  To be critical, I doubt that Chick would do the same for an LGBT customer.

Keith, you can browse my Facebook page as easily as I read your page.

Keith can decide what he wants to do after he sees my Facebook page.  He can read that I graduated from a Baptist university.  It has been a Baptist university for all its years.  Keith would know about the university – know that it’s Baptist.  Dunno if he thinks that I am Baptist.

When I attended two decades ago, there was little push about religion among the classes that I attended, among students, with the faculty and administrators.  Many students were not Baptist, so Baptist people were ‘live and let live’ toward non Baptist and non Christian back then.

I was always respectful toward the university people – Baptist or not.  Being deep stealth, I was certainly not going to out my presence to anyone; I still don’t.

I had a good two years there even though their policy openly prohibited LGBT – no LGBT students, no LGBT teachers, no LGBT administration.  No LGBT on campus.  Yet not once did anyone at university ever question me.  I have no recollection that any one at any time ever said any thing derogatory about LGBT the entire time I attended as a student, came on campus as a community member.  I was a good student doing both undergraduate and graduate coursework.  Hey – I made ‘Dean’s List’.  That ain’t chopped liver.

I recently read that the university is now an open and welcoming campus for LGBT.

I went away from the computer for a while then went to browse the Buena page where I posted to check for comments.

There is Ronda’s entry in my Notifications.  When I tap it – blank screen, nothing.



– Is it there, but that it does not show on my connection?

– Is my page loading differently?

It was good that I made my screen print of the comments to my post.

The comment from Ronda with my reply, Keith’s reply that he remembers me, and my reply to Keith’s comment earlier this afternoon about our shared experiences – it’s all gone.  Deleted.  That entire group of comments are gone from my view, are gone from my post.

Keith removed his ‘Like’ from the post.

Did Ronda and Keith browse my Facebook page?  Were they NOT amused?

At least my high school post remains – for now.  For how long?

Meanwhile, I found a series of Keith’s comments from another post.  Odd.  Keith misses his brother’s death by a year.  Keith, I comprehend his tragedy, but Robert died February 1977.  Robert was supposed to teach hang-gliding to me; my fault, I kept delaying things.

I went to Keith’s Recent Activity page at the school’s page.  There was an entry in Recent Activity for the missing thread.  As I was about to make a screen print – it disappeared.  Poof!  Right before my eyes.

I located Ronda’s actual Facebook page.  Ronda – maybe a troll – not much to her About page nor her Timeline page.

I sent a text message to the school moderator asking what happened and why the series of comments are deleted.  No reply hours later.

I went to look at my post at the high school page a few more hours later.  Those comments are still missing.  More people are checking ‘Like’ – the count is more than 30.

I am having second thoughts.  Maybe I made a big boo-boo.  Maybe I should have just posted my current picture, should not have posted my ‘then’ picture from my graduation.  I am Nick in my ‘then’ picture and now there’s Sharon in my current picture – that attracted the wrong attention.  Lesson learned.

Okay.  Gonna admit that I am making presumptions that might mean nothing at all.  Kick me in the shins for this.

Lesson learned about Keith.  I didn’t have any expectations from him.  I hadn’t even thought about his politics – I certainly remember Keith, it was that I could not remember his name at first; I knew his brother Robert more than I knew Keith.  To me, Keith demonstrated what his religion does for him – hate.  He was okay about me til he probably came to my page, read my essays, and he likewise decided that I am not his idea of whomever he might have first presumed me to be.

Adulthood changes us.  I consider that my change was helpt by Transition, that I became more open, more accepting, more understanding.  Keith?  What did he become?  Did his Christian religion turn him toward antipathy about me?

All this is speculation about Keith.  I base my current sentiment upon the information presently at hand.  Keith can answer my questions, enlighten me, bring new information to let me re-assess my initial perspective.  If you found my Facebook page, Keith, then here’s your chance to set the record straight with what you want to tell me.

Then the obvious hit me.  My current icon is the Keira Butterfly in Trans blue, pink, and white.  There are my featured pictures at my Facebook home page – including my array of Nick-to-Sharon photos.  And you, my friends here at Facebook, who also proudly present your Trans and LGBT colors in my ‘Friends List’.  Sheesh!  I’m denser than anyone to have missed that.

Another ‘maybe’?  I suppose that I am coming from knowing the Trans blue – pink – white Keira Butterfly.  I am supposing that a Christian Con-servative would know; after all, they know who we are, they are posting about killing us all.


Here comes the bonus for you who have read this far.

Was this Keith four decades ago when I knew him during 12th Grade?  Is this Keith now among the Christians described in these news reports?

First we have Sheriff’s Detective Fritts.

Fritts has been studying his bible.

He demands that civilian secular police – NOT Christians – arrest and execute LGBT.  Apparently, Fritts doesn’t want to soil his hands with the lifeblood of the slaughtered LGBT.  How Hitlerian!

Hmm?  Seems similar about Jesus.  The extremist Fundamentalist Jewish rabbis called upon secular Roman guards to arrest and execute Jesus and his Apostles, rather than themselves prosecuting Jesus and his Apostles through Rabbinical Law.

Why is Fritts only ‘under investigation’?

Fritts is calling for terrorism, for mass execution, for mass murder, for genocide.

I shall write it again.

More proof that Drumpf has his Amerika in Stage 3 of Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide:

– you have no Rights
– you have no Rights to live among us
– you have no Rights to live.

From the article:


‘Homosexuality is a sin. A person will burn in their lust toward their same gender. God said Homosexuality should be punished with death. Federal, state, and county governments should arrest, convict, and “speedily” execute LGBTQ people on no more grounds than a cellphone photo showing participation in a Pride event. Such arrests and executions should be carried out by our government, not Christians (laughter) unless you’re a policeman.’

– Grayson Fritts, Knox County Sheriff Detective and Pastor of All Scripture Baptist Church (sermon given to his congregation, 2 Jun 2019; USA Today, 13 Jun 2019)

Tennessee detective’s church sermon calls for execution of LGBTQ people


Updated 6:07 a.m. MST June 13, 2019

Knox detective calls for execution of LGBTQ people during sermon

The Knox County Attorney General’s Office said it is looking into a detective that called for the government to arrest and execute LGBTQ community members.


KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The Knox County Attorney General’s Office said it is looking into a church sermon by a Knox County Sheriff’s detective that called for the government to arrest and execute LGBTQ community members.

In an hourlong video of the sermon online, Detective Grayson Fritts, also a pastor at All Scripture Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, tells his congregation that he believes federal, state and county governments should arrest, convict and “speedily” execute LGBTQ people on no more grounds than a cellphone photo showing participation in a Pride event.

The Knox County District Attorney General’s office knows about the matter and will respond accordingly, Attorney General Charme Allen said Tuesday.

“As district attorney, I have dedicated my career to the belief that justice is blind and that all people are entitled to equal protection of the law,” Allen said.

“I always have, and always will, prosecute fairly and justly, based upon the law and the evidence, without prejudice, bias, or discrimination of any kind.”

Grayson Fritts is a detective in Knox County, Tennessee.


Fritts delivered his sermon June 2 at the church near downtown Knoxville on the first Sunday of Pride Month, which honors the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots, considered a galvanizing moment in the gay rights movement.

More: Southern Baptists move to expel churches not addressing sexual abuse

More: Catholic Church rejects transgender identity as a ‘trend’

All Scripture Baptist Church describes itself as an “independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning church,” on its website. “Don’t expect anything liberal, watered down, or contemporary here,” it goes on to say.

Tennessee Equality Project executive director Chris Sanders called the use of religion and a law enforcement position to attack LGBTQ people “particularly reprehensible.”

“The symbolism is extremely palpable considering it is Pride Month and the anniversary of the Orlando pulse shooting,” Sanders said.

“We hope that there is a thorough quick investigation of this Knox County employee, and if all the facts are confirmed, he should not be in law enforcement.”

Fritts screams into the microphone, advocates for police riot teams to haul off Pride participants en masse and uses multiple slurs against the LGBTQ community.

He also targets Christians and others who support the LGBTQ community.

Fritts references his law enforcement career multiple times during the sermon, first telling the congregation “such arrests and executions should be carried out by our government, not Christians,” pausing for laughter as he adds, “unless you’re a policeman.”

Fritts has worked for the Knox County Sheriff’s Office since 1999 and was named a detective of the month in 2017.

Follow Brittany Crocker on Twitter: @brittcrocker.

Detective’s church sermon calls for execution of LGBTQ people

Originally Published 12:51 p.m. MST June 12, 2019
Updated 6:07 a.m. MST June 13, 2019

Copyright Gannett 2019


Then we have this news report about this man who now stands accused as a mass murderer of Trans persons.

From the article:


Dallas Police Arrest Suspected Transgender Serial Killer Kendrell Lyles
Added by Kelli Busey on June 13, 2019.

Tags: Dallas Transgender Serial Killer
Kendrell Lyles / Dallas Police

Kendrell Lyles was charged Wednesday with the murder of transgender woman Muhlaysia Booker and two unidentified cisgender women. Police also named Lyles a person of interest in another transgender murder and may be linked to the murder of as many as four black trans women according to The Dallas Voice.

Investigators said Lyles is also a “person of interest” in the murder of Chynal Lindsey and is also possibly connected with the 2017 death of Armani Dante Morgan. Investigations continue into those deaths and the deaths of at least two other black transgender women in Dallas.

Kelli Busey
Editor in Chief at Planet Transgender | Website

Kelli Busey an outspoken gonzo style journalist has been writing since 2007. In 2008, she brought the Dallas Advocate on-line and has articles published by the Reconciling Ministries Network, The Transsexual Menace, The Daily Kos, Frock Magazine the TransAdvocate, the Dallas Voice and The Advocate. Kelli, an avid runner is editor in chief at Planet Transgender which she founded in 2007.


From this article:



Christian Hate-Preachers Are Hosting a “Make America Straight Again” Event
JUNE 12, 2019

This Friday, a group of New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (NIFB) preachers will be hosting a “Make America Straight Again” conference, spreading their anti-LGBTQ bigotry in the name of Christ.

They’re doing it during Pride month.

They’re doing it in Orlando.

And they’re doing it on a weekend when locals will be commemorating the third anniversary of the Pulse nightclub massacre.

The speakers include all kinds of despicable human beings.

There’s Steven Anderson, who celebrated the massacre as soon as it happened because there were “50 less pedophiles in this world.” He added that he’s “not gonna sit here and cry about it and say it’s a tragedy, because it’s not.” He’s also said if he could push a button and kill every homosexual, he would “push it until it breaks.”

There’s Roger Jimenez, who said the worst thing about the massacre was that the shooter “didn’t finish the job.” He also longed for the government to round up all the gay people, “put them up against a firing wall, put a firing squad in front of them, and blow their brains out.”

There’s Tommy McMurtry, who wishes we could go back to the time when society put gay people in their place: “six feet under.”

McMurtry also told his congregation that he hoped people would protest the MASA conference because it might get violent, and that could be a pretense for attendees to hurt or murder gay people.

… Pray that if they do any protests, that it gets violent. They have “Stand Your Ground” in Florida. So we’re allowed to fight back. So… I say “bring it!”

There’s Bruce Mejia, who says LGBTQ stands for “Let God Burn Them Quickly” and who thinks just preaching against gay people isn’t enough.

… we believe they should be put to death. They should die! And I will never grieve over a sodomite that is killed or that is put to death or any other way that they die, I will never grieve for that. In fact, I will rejoice over that.

Make a clip out of that and put that in the news.

Okay. Done.

This is nothing more than a hate rally masquerading as a Christian conference. This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of speakers and churches involved.

Anderson himself has been banned from several European countries because of his bigotry — and most of the speakers are just imitating him. I’m surprised a lynching isn’t already on the schedule.

The exact location of the conference hasn’t been released yet — it will supposedly be revealed Friday — but the man hosting the conference is Patrick Boyle of Revival Baptist Church in Orlando, so it’s presumably at his church or somewhere close by. Boyle, by the way, insists he’s just echoing the Bible when he says gay people “are worthy of death.” (His church’s PayPal account was taken down after atheist activists reported it.)

More updates to follow… unfortunately.

(via New NIFB Cult)


JUNE 11, 2019
A Transgender Pastor Began an LGBTQ-Inclusive Church in Arkansas

JUNE 12, 2019
Irish Pastafarian Loses Battle Over Free Rail Tickets During 2018 Papal Mass

“A Christian Theocracy, with Evangelicals determining the enemies list.”

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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
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