‘Facebook Memories: 26 Jun 2024’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  26 Jun 2024’
(26 Jun 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found.
Content not found.
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my Slimandme.wordpress.com web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
26 Jun 2024

Facebook Memories:  26 Jun 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1 of 2:

(1, 2 are similar)


Vote wisely!



Sharon Nichols
26 Jun 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

Sinema turned out to be a waste of space.

– Sharon



We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

3 years ago



Sharon Nichols
June 26, 2018 ·
Shared with Public

This is a great starting point knowing about a candidate who is a member of Our Community.


There are many LGBT candidates who are Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable, Trumpflake.

Be smart who you support as your candidate, be smart who you vote for.

Voting for a candidate merely because that candidate is LGBT is no guarantee that that candidate supports LGBT issues and, once in office, will advance LGBT rights.

As you and I have seen, there are numerous members of our LGBT Community who are hard-core Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable, or Trumpflake. They drink the Kool Aid from their magic fountain, they succumb to its lure. Some are truly ignorant. Some are truly devious. The worst are those who claim a middle ground and sit on the fence; Elie Wiesel warned that those who do nothing are as compliant as those who destroy.

Same as I have said for years about voting for a woman or voting for a man. I never have and never shall vote for a woman only because she is a woman; I never have and never shall vote against a man only because he is a man. Beware! A woman can be a misogynist; a man can be a Feminist.

My candidate must be of the pro-Feminist and pro-LGBT persuasion; female, male, LGBT is secondary and supplemental.


Sylvia Howard

Here’s from an article about TERF bigotry that came to my Facebook feed:


This Trans Activist Became a Target Just For Being in a Lesbian Magazine

Some of the most virulent strains of TERFism come from within the queer community itself. Just ask Owl Fisher.

Mary Emily O’Hara
2 July 18

‘You likely already know of TERFs — Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, or people who, among other insidious ideas, believe that transgender and nonbinary people should be discluded from spaces for cisgender women or lesbians. You likely already know how treacherous and disconcertingly widespread their movement is. But you may not know that some of the most virulent strains of TERFism come from within the queer community and lesbian movement itself. Just ask Owl Fisher.

Inside the June 15 edition of DIVA, which bills itself as “Europe’s leading magazine for lesbians and bi women,” you’ll find Fisher’s personal essay about the complications that swimming can present for a nonbinary trans person. Fisher, who uses they/them pronouns and is also known as Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir, is an Icelandic writer, filmmaker, and trans activist who identifies as pansexual and bi. They have lived in the UK for the past two years, after relocating from Iceland to be with their partner Fox Fisher, also a nonbinary trans activist and artist.

When DIVA posted Fisher’s swimming article on its social media channels and named them #DIVAoftheweek, a wave of transphobic comments came pouring in. Some called Fisher a “man” and accused the magazine of “female erasure.” One commenter wrote, “I remember when this used to be a lesbian magazine.” In another tweet, one person referred to Fisher as a “colonizer.” While others chimed in at Fisher’s defense, the general reaction to DIVA featuring a trans person was vitriolic and unabashedly transphobic.

DIVA editor Carrie Lyell supports Fisher, telling them. in an email on Monday that “DIVA Magazine is explicitly trans inclusive.”

“We stand with our trans and non-binary siblings and condemn in the strongest terms transphobic abuse received by @UglaStefania and others,” says Lyell. “This kind of hate has no place in our community.”

Transphobia can be especially overt in British media; unlike in the U.S., where the most bluntly transphobic views are typically stated by the right-wing, Britain’s anti-trans rhetoric often stems from leftist feminist leaders like Germaine Greer. The UK’s media landscape is a tabloid-driven culture in which it’s not uncommon to see a newspaper cover blaring a headline like “The skirt on the drag queen goes swish swish swish” for a story about trans-inclusive education in schools.

The vitriol wasn’t surprising to Fisher, who says they get hateful comments online regularly. But for many readers, it highlighted the viciousness of attacks on trans women, which often come from surprising places within the LGBTQ+ community.

For femme-presenting trans and nonbinary people like Fisher, who already face dual harassment as trans people and as femmes, rejection from the lesbian community can be especially hurtful. But as trans acceptance grows in the LGBTQ+ community and beyond, so does a backlash of sorts — and TERFs are the anti-trans soldiers on the backlash’s front lines.’



See also:


Rachel Michele
30 Jun 2018

There is a divide in the country.
Half or more than half of the country wishes America would stay the way it was portrayed in a 1950’s movie.
Macho douche bags stomping around calling each other “faggots” , treating women like dog shit, and worshipping football players and monster trucks.
Unless you are absolutely clueless that is the gayest scene in history.
Macho is the biggest sign of the closet there is.
So basically the divide is as follows-
Keep the country in the closet or get real and deal with the fact that a third of the human race is gay.
That means out of all your macho friends , some of them are actually gay.
Take a look at the way guys act.
While they are drinking and watching sports somehow the gay jokes fly out of their mouths every five minutes and they just find it impossible to not touch each other constantly.
Not to mention coaches patting their players on the ass and now the unbelievable pelvic bumps done in baseball.
Homophobes are ALWAYS GAY but I am sorry for stating the extremely obvious.
This article is about Transgender people and has nothing to do with sexual orientation but I am sure it will be perceived as such.
Trans people represent less than one half of one percent of the human race. { .3 } percent.
And we are misgendered, disrespected, insulted, and bashed constantly by the GAY COMMUNITY.
You know, the community we are supposed to be part of.
See that, you just learned something today.
Trans is not gay.
Nor are we welcomed in the Skittles Parade Glitter party that is Pride.
Yeah, mind blown , I know.
So the country is simply divided into two teams.
Team one wishes to keep the closet door shut.
Team two wishes to open the closet door and let the truth in.
The world is not changing.
It’s just talking about what has always been reality.



Trans Lifeline
30 Jun 2018

“The cheesiest, stupidest thing I’ve ever heard is, ’What is going on with America? This is not who we are.’ It is exactly who we are. We were built on slavery, and genocide, and the oppression of marginalized people, and all of these different things that America has swept under the rug for so many generations.”



Jun 29, 2018 — Meet the Logo30:  Ashlee Marie Preston.  The transgender activist believes in doing whatever it takes to be heard and to get liberated. Culture.



Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





Every Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer And/Or Trans Woman Running for US Office in 2018

Much ado has been made in recent weeks about blue waves (for Democrats) and pink waves (for women), but there’s another surge worth noting this election cycle: a rainbow wave of LGBTQ candidates running for office.

As of this post going up, I’ve located 65 lesbian, bisexual, queer and/or trans women candidates. Some have a national platform; others are running for local office. Some proudly declare their identities on the landing pages of their websites; others quietly and casually mention same-sex partners in interviews. Most are progressive Democrats; but we also have Republican and Libertarian representation, too. All of them are dissatisfied with Trump’s status q uo. All have strong convictions. All want to make the world a better place.

Here are their stories. Write a note in the comments if you know of anyone else who should be here, and I’ll update the list. Most importantly: make sure you’re registered to vote.

[Update May 8: Thank you for your additions! The list is now up to 90 candidates.]

[Update May 9: Thank you to the readers who called me in on including straight trans women on this list. I particularly appreciated this note from Sage: “Of course, sexuality and gender identity are separate matters, but the fights for social justice are often common to the whole LGBTQ+ community. As well, at a time when we are still seeing many women not accepting trans women as ‘real’ or ‘genuine’ women, and excluding them from spaces, inclusion is a political stance.” You’re right, and I’m updating the list now. We are now up to 118 candidates.]

[Update May 10: 149 candidates.]

[Update May 13: 163 candidates and counting.]

[Update May 20: 171 candidates.]


Kelly Fryer

Governor | Primary Election August 28

“Like a lot of people in our state, I’m just fed up with the policies, decisions and budgets that are being passed in Arizona that are hurting the people I love and the communities I care about,” said Fryer in an interview with Red Rock News. “We need to win the election this year — it’s critical.”

Coming out of the Women’s March last year, Fryer was inspired to take a stand and run for office. Though she’s never held political office before, she has 25+ years of CEO-level experience under her belt, most recently as CEO of the YWCA Southern Arizona. Fryer was a founding board member and teacher in the Eller Social Innovation program at the University of Arizona, and previously was an assistant professor of leadership at Luther Seminary in St. Paul. She’s served as a pastor and has an incredible ability to bring people together with the power of her words.

Fryer is an out lesbian who supports tuition free community college; automatic voter registration for everyone over 18 in the state, and ending the voucher system for private schools.

Joan Greene

U.S. House | Primary Election August 28

Joan Greene is a lifelong Arizonan and entrepreneur with a mission to make the American Dream available to everyone. Says Greene, “The American Dream is different for everyone but I believe with support from my platforms it can be a reality. People are not asking for a handout. They just want the opportunity to have a job that pays them a living wage, healthcare that is not just for the wealthy, education that provides for their future, affordable housing to raise their families and to be able to have money left over so they can invest in their retirement or take a vacation.” To get there, she’s prioritizing infrastructure investments, single-payer health coverage, and debt-free tuition for public Community Colleges, Universities and Vocational Schools.

Greene has a degree in psychology and is the owner of a small marketing company that just celebrated 30 years in business. She was motivated to run in part due to incumbent Representative Andy Biggs’s terribleness; among other appalling items, he’s continuously spoken out against same-sex marriage, including as recently as six months ago.

Karyn Lathan

Constable of University Lakes Justice Precinct

Karyn Lathan is an Air Force veteran with over 25 years experience in law enforcement, corrections, and victim advocacy, including as the Restorative Justice Coordinator for Arizona Department of Corrections. She first ran for office in 2011 in a district that was deemed to be “too red.” She closed the gap and made it a competitive district, and has been actively involved in Arizona politics ever since.

Lathan is a member of the LGBT community and current Vice Chair for the Arizona Democratic Party. In previous cycles, she’s spoken out in support of comprehensive sex education in schools. She’s active on Twitter at @Karyn4Constable.

Daria Lohman

Arizona State Senate, LD 23

Daria Lohman is an Army veteran who was raised on military bases around the US and England. She has a B.S. in both Physics and Mathematics, and 33 years of experience working in Software, Systems, and Cybersecurity Engineering. In addition to maintaining her career and raising her two children, Lohman has been active in local Democratic politics. She’s participated in the FBI Citizens Academy, and the Scottsdale City Government 101 Academy, Citizens Police Academy, and the Citizens Fire Academy. She also served on the Scottsdale City Human Relations Commission before resigning to run for the State Senate.

As Senator, Lohman will work to expand affordable healthcare and improve infrastructure and public education. If elected, she would make history as Arizona’s first transgender elected official (possibly alongside Brianna Westbrook, who is running in LD22!); and the second trans person to both be elected and serve in a state legislature.

Says Lohman, “We must take Arizona FORWARD in providing opportunities for ALL to live healthy, happy, productive lives. The road starts with a budget that provides resources to keep our good public school teachers and improve our public school facilities.”

M. Teresa Mabry

Justice of the Peace for the South Mountain Precinct in Phoenix | Election August 28

Kyrsten Sinema

U.S. Senate | Primary Election August 28

Representative Sinema has had a truly remarkable personal journey. Overcoming homelessness as a child (she lived in an old gas station for three years with no electricity or running water), Sinema became a social worker as an adult, then quickly rose through the state Legislature. She was the first openly bisexual person to ever be elected to Congress, and sees her place in the House as “working to pass tough immigration laws, securing funding for our vets, working to provide business incentives for job creation and fighting back against attempts to gut basic health care for kids, cuts to services for the elderly and dramatic drops to school funding.” Though Sinema was very progressive at the start of her career, she’s built bridges in an increasingly conservative state by moving towards the middle — a dynamic that informs the way she talks about immigration, for example.

Speaking at a dinner put on by the Human Rights Campaign, she recently shared, “The only way to find success, the only way to win these important fights, is if we’re willing to put aside our differences and engage each other in good faith. See, I’m running for the Senate, but I’m also running to stand up for the values that unite us as Americans. The right to define our own destinies. The belief that no one should be different in the eyes of the law. The freedom to reach for every opportunity and fulfill our greatest potential. We here, we together, we have a moral obligation to continue this work. And standing together, I know we can win. I know we can. There’s so much to be done. We’ve gotta do it this year. But I couldn’t be prouder to be in this fight with all of you. So let’s go get it.”

As candidate for Senate, Sinema is seen as the Democratic frontrunner in a real clusterfuck of a race. If elected, she would be the first openly bisexual person elected to the U.S. Senate and the second openly LGBT person ever to serve in the Senate.

Brianna Westbrook

Arizona State Senate, District 22 | General Election November 6

After a surprisingly strong showing in the February 27 special congressional primary, Brianna Westbrook was defeated but undeterred. Following the race, Westbrook met with Democratic party officials and – after briefly considering a do-over for the same seat in the House in August – decided instead to run for a Republican-held seat in the State Senate. She is now teaming up with her former opponent, helping register Democrats to vote and asking her supporters to get behind Hiral Tipirneni. In turn, Tipirneni will ask her supporters to vote for Westbrook.

In her announcement for the Senate run, Westbrook writes, “I’m aware that sometimes I seem too intense for some people, but my all-or-nothing tendency has helped me triumph every challenge I’ve faced, including:

Working my way out of poverty
Raising my daughter
Adopting and raising my three younger siblings
Coming out as transgender at age 27
Undergoing the transgender reassignment process and filming my entire transition on YouTube to educate and help others
Working full-time while running for U.S. House of Representatives in CD8.”
As a candidate, Westbrook supports automatic voter registration, ending private prisons, moving to 100% renewable energy, tuition-free higher education, and Medicare for all.

Rebecca Wininger

Encanto Justice of the Peace

bio written by Natalie

For years, as a part of Equality Arizona — first, as a board member and, eventually, as president — Rebecca Wininger has worked to achieve and maintain equal and legal rights for LGBT Arizonans. This year, she looks to broaden her life’s mission to extend dignity, respect and fairness to all those who come before the Encanto Justice of the Peace.

“I want to assure you that when I’m on the bench and somebody comes in my courtroom, they’re going to be listened to, I’m going to hear them, they’re going to be treated with compassion and respect,” Wininger told an audience at a May candidate forum.

Wininger brings a unique resume to the race for Encanto Justice of the Peace. She is not a lawyer; her career, which has included stints at Safeway, PetSmart and Amazon, is in management and information technology. Most recently, she’s been an independent consultant, working with non-profits and small businesses, like the one her mom started, on information technology and strategic planning. Wininger plans to utilize that unique skill set to make Encanto’s community court more responsive to its citizens.

Wininger has been married to her wife, Wendi, for two years and they live in North Encanto with their three dogs.



You’re All Caught Up

Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!







Sharon Nichols
3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
June 26, 2018 ·
Shared with Public
This is a great starting point knowing about a candidate who is a member of Our Community.


There are many LGBT candidates who are Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable, Trumpflake.

Be smart who you support as your candidate, be smart who you vote for.

Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.

Affirming Transgender Rights
June 23, 2018 ·

If anyone knows of a similar list including trans masc candidates, please let us know.

Every Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer And/Or Trans Woman Running for US Office in 2018



Every Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer And/Or Trans Woman Running for US Office in 2018

There’s rainbow wave of LGBQ candidates running for office. All of them are dissatisfied with Trump’s status quo, have strong convictions, and to make the world a better place. Here are…



Sylvia Howard
Thoughts on dropping the T?
· Reply · 3y

Sharon Nichols
Sylvia Howard
United we stand, divided we fall.
I have mixed feelings about this alphabet soup of sexuality, anatomy, orientation, identity.
My feet are in multiple categories:  Inter-sex, Transsexual, Lesbian for starters.
I don’t like being mistaken by ignorant or un-knowing people who presume everything to be the same.
Inter-sex is NOT my orientation or romantic interest.  My anatomy was mis-understood and mis-assigned by my birth room doctor who started a ball rolling down the wrong path.  My parents did nothing for me as a child of the 1950s and 1960s; maybe they are not to blame as much as circumstances of those years with less comprehension compared to nowadays. 
Transsexual is NOT part of orientation or romance.  It merely happened that I determined that I needed to live as the anatomical female who I am rather than a male characterisation that existed only in the efforts of a family who has nothing to do with me.
I am mostly Lesbian-aligned.  But romantic interest has nothing to do with whether I am Inter-sex or Transsexual.
Being XX karyotype female Inter-sex means that I am also technically, anatomically, and realistically Cis-female, not Cis-male.  I’ve learned that several Trans people whom I have met along the way during the past few years have ostracised me from their friendship; apparently my Transsexual experience does not qualify in their definition.  So much for LGBT unity, eh.
I participated in an LGB group for a couple years; I came to smarten up that they didn’t want my presence.
There are people of the LGB persuasion who want nothing of the T or I; some are quite hostile.  There are people of the T and I who want to leave the LGB.
So, as I began, either we work together toward our common goals, or we fail as separate entities because the majority portion refuses to acknowledge the different characteristics of the minorities.  Huh, same as the greater political struggle, the oppressed becomes the oppressor.
What else do you want to know?
· Reply · 2y

You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!

Sharon Nichols
‘You pissed it all away because a Racist fed your fears and promised you things he never intended to deliver. ‘









2 of 2:

Page not found.
Content not found.
The page you requested was not found.

Censorship at Faceplop. 

Suck deleted my 2018 Original Post.  This 2020 Share Post documents that my 2018 Original Post was still active in 2020.  Suck deleted my 2018 Original Post some time after 2020.


(1, 2 are similar)


Vote wisely!



Sharon Nichols
26 Jun 2020

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Vote wisely.

A woman is not always a Feminist, does not always vote for women’s issues.

A man is not always a Misogynist, does not always vote against women’s issues.

A Trans candidate is not a guarantee of Trans Rights, too many are Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable – they hate their own Trans Community, oppose Constitutional Rights for the Trans Community.

A Cis candidate is not our enemy, far many are among our allies working tirelessly to secure our Constitutional Rights.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(28 Jun 2018)

This is a great starting point knowing about a candidate who is a member of Our Community.


There are many LGBT candidates who are Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable, Trumpflake.

Be smart who you support as your candidate, be smart who you vote for.

Voting for a candidate merely because that candidate is LGBT is no guarantee that that candidate supports LGBT issues and, once in office, will advance LGBT rights.

As you and I have seen, there are numerous members of our LGBT Community who are hard-core Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable, or Trumpflake.  They drink the Kool Aid from their magic fountain, they succumb to its lure.  Some are truly ignorant.  Some are truly devious.  The worst are those who claim a middle ground and sit on the fence; Elie Wiesel warned that those who do nothing are as compliant as those who destroy.

Same as I have said for years about voting for a woman or voting for a man.  I never have and never shall vote for a woman only because she is a woman; I never have and never shall vote against a man only because he is a man.  Beware!  A woman can be a misogynist; a man can be a Feminist.

My candidate must be of the pro-Feminist and pro-LGBT persuasion; female, male, LGBT is secondary and supplemental.


Sylvia Howard

Here’s from an article about TERF bigotry that came to my Facebook feed:


This Trans Activist Became a Target Just For Being in a Lesbian Magazine

Some of the most virulent strains of TERFism come from within the queer community itself. Just ask Owl Fisher.

Mary Emily O’Hara
2 July 18

‘You likely already know of TERFs — Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, or people who, among other insidious ideas, believe that transgender and nonbinary people should be discluded from spaces for cisgender women or lesbians. You likely already know how treacherous and disconcertingly widespread their movement is. But you may not know that some of the most virulent strains of TERFism come from within the queer community and lesbian movement itself. Just ask Owl Fisher.

Inside the June 15 edition of DIVA, which bills itself as “Europe’s leading magazine for lesbians and bi women,” you’ll find Fisher’s personal essay about the complications that swimming can present for a nonbinary trans person. Fisher, who uses they/them pronouns and is also known as Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir, is an Icelandic writer, filmmaker, and trans activist who identifies as pansexual and bi. They have lived in the UK for the past two years, after relocating from Iceland to be with their partner Fox Fisher, also a nonbinary trans activist and artist.

When DIVA posted Fisher’s swimming article on its social media channels and named them #DIVAoftheweek, a wave of transphobic comments came pouring in. Some called Fisher a “man” and accused the magazine of “female erasure.” One commenter wrote, “I remember when this used to be a lesbian magazine.” In another tweet, one person referred to Fisher as a “colonizer.” While others chimed in at Fisher’s defense, the general reaction to DIVA featuring a trans person was vitriolic and unabashedly transphobic.

DIVA editor Carrie Lyell supports Fisher, telling them. in an email on Monday that “DIVA Magazine is explicitly trans inclusive.”

“We stand with our trans and non-binary siblings and condemn in the strongest terms transphobic abuse received by @UglaStefania and others,” says Lyell. “This kind of hate has no place in our community.”

Transphobia can be especially overt in British media; unlike in the U.S., where the most bluntly transphobic views are typically stated by the right-wing, Britain’s anti-trans rhetoric often stems from leftist feminist leaders like Germaine Greer. The UK’s media landscape is a tabloid-driven culture in which it’s not uncommon to see a newspaper cover blaring a headline like “The skirt on the drag queen goes swish swish swish” for a story about trans-inclusive education in schools.

The vitriol wasn’t surprising to Fisher, who says they get hateful comments online regularly. But for many readers, it highlighted the viciousness of attacks on trans women, which often come from surprising places within the LGBTQ+ community.

For femme-presenting trans and nonbinary people like Fisher, who already face dual harassment as trans people and as femmes, rejection from the lesbian community can be especially hurtful. But as trans acceptance grows in the LGBTQ+ community and beyond, so does a backlash of sorts — and TERFs are the anti-trans soldiers on the backlash’s front lines.’



See also:



Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.


Sharon Nichols
(27 Jun 2018)

Sylvia Howard

United we stand, divided we fall.

I have mixed feelings about this alphabet soup of sexuality, anatomy, orientation, identity.

My feet are in multiple categories:  Inter-sex, Transsexual, Lesbian for starters.

I don’t like being mistaken by ignorant or un-knowing people who presume everything to be the same.

Inter-sex is NOT my orientation or romantic interest.  My anatomy was mis-understood and mis-assigned by my birth room doctor who started a ball rolling down the wrong path.  My parents did nothing for me as a child of the 1950s and 1960s; maybe they are not to blame as much as circumstances of those years with less comprehension compared to nowadays.

Transsexual is NOT part of orientation or romance.  It merely happened that I determined that I needed to live as the anatomical female who I am rather than a male characterisation that existed only in the efforts of a family who has nothing to do with me.

I am mostly Lesbian-aligned.  But romantic interest has nothing to do with whether I am Inter-sex or Transsexual.

Being XX karyotype female Inter-sex means that I am also technically, anatomically, and realistically Cis-female, not Cis-male.  I’ve learned that several Trans people whom I have met along the way during the past few years have ostracised me from their friendship; apparently my Transsexual experience does not qualify in their definition.  So much for LGBT unity, eh.

I participated in an LGB group for a couple years; I came to smarten up that they didn’t want my presence.

There are people of the LGB persuasion who want nothing of the T or I; some are quite hostile.  There are people of the T and I who want to leave the LGB.

So, as I began, either we work together toward our common goals, or we fail as separate entities because the majority portion refuses to acknowledge the different characteristics of the minorities.  Huh, same as the greater political struggle, the oppressed becomes the oppressor.

What else do you want to know?



Affirming Transgender Rights
(23 Jun 2018)

If anyone knows of a similar list including trans masc candidates, please let us know.


Every Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer And/Or Trans Woman Running for US Office in 2018
MAY 7, 2018
2:00PM PDT

Much ado has been made in recent weeks about blue waves (for Democrats) and pink waves (for women), but there’s another surge worth noting this election cycle: a rainbow wave of LGBTQ candidates running for office.

As of this post going up, I’ve located 65 lesbian, bisexual, queer and/or trans women candidates. Some have a national platform; others are running for local office. Some proudly declare their identities on the landing pages of their websites; others quietly and casually mention same-sex partners in interviews. Most are progressive Democrats; but we also have Republican and Libertarian representation, too. All of them are dissatisfied with Trump’s status q uo. All have strong convictions. All want to make the world a better place.

Here are their stories. Write a note in the comments if you know of anyone else who should be here, and I’ll update the list. Most importantly: make sure you’re registered to vote.

[Update May 8: Thank you for your additions! The list is now up to 90 candidates.]

[Update May 9: Thank you to the readers who called me in on including straight trans women on this list. I particularly appreciated this note from Sage: “Of course, sexuality and gender identity are separate matters, but the fights for social justice are often common to the whole LGBTQ+ community. As well, at a time when we are still seeing many women not accepting trans women as ‘real’ or ‘genuine’ women, and excluding them from spaces, inclusion is a political stance.” You’re right, and I’m updating the list now. We are now up to 118 candidates.]

[Update May 10: 149 candidates.]


[Update May 13: 163 candidates and counting.]

[Update May 20: 171 candidates.]




1 Share
















You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to T-central.blogspot.com for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



BeHuman Campaign




This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
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