Tag Archive | Corey Lewandowski

‘Republikans (Part … – Aw, Never Mind, They Keep On Blathering)’


‘Republikans (Part … – Aw, Never Mind, They Keep On Blathering)’


(12 Dec 17)

(1970 06) Slim - Crater Lake (sitting - portrait)*

Let’s examine another round of Republi-cons in their own words (followed by my own blathering).


Moore Republi-con Im-Moore-ality


‘Women are responsible for these sexual harassment complaints.  They dress provocatively.  Who do we call ‘Deep Throat’ (laughter)?’.

  • Don Imus, R (his radio show, 30 Nov 17)

(2)(2013 01 22) Pederast Priest Cover-up at Los Angeles

‘Roy Moore tweets ‘Hollywood elite’ and his Christian values.  There is nothing farther from being Christian values than molesting young girls. preying upon young girls.’  ‘You don’t get to hide behind the church when you are accused of molesting.  It’s disgusting!’  ‘This doesn’t matter, Moore will still win.’  ‘Moore will be in the Senate making laws against us.  We don’t want to be represented by a paedophile in the Senate.’  ‘Allegations against Moore made no difference in Alabama’s support of Moore.  Since when is child molestation a partisan issue?’  ‘We are in a bizarre time in America.’  ‘Moore will win.’  ‘White women support Trump.’  ‘Moore is a Breitbart candidate; Breitbart has power.’  ‘Republikans don’t care.  Republikans can never vote for a Democrat.’  ‘Republikans will vote for a paedophile.  Red-necks are supporting a paedophile.  It’s tribal.’

  • Comments  by:  Ana Navarro (R) and Meghan McCain (R) (‘The View’, 01 Dec 17)


‘The President had been dancing around his endorsement of Moore.  Called him to give him his endorsement.  Voters know about Moore and make their decision.’

‘Trump endorses Moore.  There’s a moral issue about Moore.  Voters make that bargain not to care about moral concerns.  Voters put Trump in office knowing about the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape.’

‘Moore leads the polls.  Trump gets in front of the parade.  Trump wants to be the one who makes Moore win.  A win for Trump and the Republikans in the Senate though they say he will be expelled if he wins.’

  • PBS Newshour (04 Dec 17)


‘A poll shows that 48% of Moore supporters consider him the best man for the job.  What’s the job?  Male strippers for nursing homes?’

  • Seth Meyers, R (‘Late Night with Seth Meyers’, 04 Dec 17)


‘Moore gets the backing of Trump and the Republikan National Committee over allegations of sexual misconduct against Moore.  Moore denies knowing any women who have made allegations against him.  Alabama Republkans (71%) say the allegations against Moore are false.  Moore’s representative says Moore knew his accusers, but does not recall their dates.’

‘Billy Bush pushed back hard against Trump on that ‘Access Hollywood’ tape released one month before the election.  Trump apologised the next day after it was released.  Then, after the election, Trump said that it was not his voice.  Trump said it with seven other guys on the ‘Access Hollywood’ bus.  Trump said it in 2005 when he was a big star on NBC.  Everybody had to kiss the ring of the Big Donald because he made lots of money for NBC.’

  • CBS News (05 Dec 17)


‘Moore will win.  It’s ‘inside the palace walls’ intrigue.  The RNC is giving money to Moore.  The optics is a lose-lose-lose for Republikans.  McConnell’s endorsements have a lot of power.  It will be okay to have a paedophile.  Republikan voters don’t believe the accusers of Moore.’

‘Just treat a woman like she’s human.’

  • Meghan McCain, R (ABC ‘The View’, 05 Dec 17)

‘We have a problem with values in Washington.  We shouldn’t disbelieve anybody.  It’s up to the people of Alabama to decide their morals and who they vote for.  You’re absolutely right, I’m the kinda guy if my 14-year old daughter was molested by a 34-year old man.’

  • Corey Lewandowski, R (ABC ‘The View’, 05 Dec 17)


‘Romney, McConnell, and the whole crowd.  Washington.  Hollywood.  Sexual misconduct allegations against Moore are a set-up.  It’s a scam.  Do not talk to me about honour and integrity.’

  • Steve Bannon, R (Moore campaign speech, CBS News, 6 Dec 17)


‘About that 14-year old, it was a molestation, not a rape.  A 30-something Moore had her mother’s permission to date that 14-year old girl.  Moore kissed her.  Voters went in with their eyes open and knew all they needed to know when they voted for Trump.  Alabama voters know everything there is to know about Moore and they will elect him.’

  • Lars Larsen, R (his radio show, 07 Dec 17)


‘The Repblikan Party is happy to fall in line with Trump’s agenda and that even includes backing an accused child molester.’

  • Seth Meyers, R (‘Late Night’, 07 Dec 17)


‘If you are a porn star and you have been sexually assaulted, then you have been sexually assaulted.  We don’t have to character-shame the women.’

  • Meghan McCain, R (ABC ‘The View’, 08 Dec 17)

‘The Democrats are taking the higher moral ground.  It forces us to have a conversation about Trump and Moore.  What are you gonna say of the eight Moore accusers who voted for Trump?’

  • Paula Ferris, R (ABC ‘The View’, 08 Dec 17)


‘You people have a collective amnesia about these con-servatives.  It’s so depressing!  I am so alone in this thing. I will survive with God’s will alone.  We are no longer a moral people.  I led you to vote for Trump for a year.’

  • Michael ‘savage’ Weiner, R (his radio show, 08 Dec 17)


‘A day of reckoning in Alabama.  A Jones win would trim the Republikan majority and deal a blow to Trump.  Alabama voters struggle with supporting Moore.  Moore’s loss is a huge defeat for Trump.’

  • CNN News (12 Dec 17)


‘It isn’t over!’

  • Roy Moore, R (ABC, CNN News, 12 Dec 17)

‘God is in control.  We’ve been painted in unfaithfull light.  God has heard my cry.  Praise our god and be moved.  We can’t wait til after 11 o’clock.  It’s not over!  It’s gonna take time.’

  • Roy Moore, R (post-campaign speech, ABC, CBS, NBC News, 12 Dec 17)

‘Sexual perversion and sodomy sweep this land!  Homosexuality is bestiality.  It is abhorrent, immoral, detestable, a crime against nature, and a violation of the laws of nature and nature’s god upon which this nation and our laws are predicated.’  ‘The US is the focus of evil in the world.  We promote a lot of bad things.’  ‘God is our only source of our law, liberty, and guh’mint.’

  • Roy Moore, R (BBC News, 12 Dec 17)

(14)(2012 11 13) Adultery Comes Naturally

‘There are few US states as ruby red conservative.  The Republikan candidate had a cloud of controversy hanging over his head – not just sexual impropriety, but also inflammatory statements and legal run-ins that knocked him out of the Alabama Supreme Court twice.  There were Republikan voters who found his views on homosexuality and civil rights distastefull.  Democratic voter participation surged.  Progressives touted their resistance to Trump; their enthusiasm is translating into numbers at the ballot box.  Moore thinks homosexuality should be outlawed.  Moore likens homosexuality to ‘bestiality’.  He was dismissed from the Alabama Supreme Court after he refused a federal order to remove a massive stone statue of the ’10 Commandments’ from inside his courthouse.  His refusal to issue marriage certificates to Gay couples cost him his place on the bench for a second time.  Moore’s willingness toward evangelical issues and defy federal court orders won his following in the Bible Belt.  His views are extreme, offensive, help make him a vessel for Alabama voters.  Moore feels that the 9-11 attacks were a sign of god’s divine anger.  Moore thinks he’s like Putin.  In August, he praised Putin for his stance against Gay rights.’

  • BBC News (12 Dec 17)



There you go, these right-wing wack-os blame women.  They are also desperate to ‘eat their own’ Republi-cons.

Does rape exist in such Islamic nations where men force women to wear full burkas?  Hell, yes it does, in far worse numbers than any Western nation:

  • Men of Moslem nations blame women whom they rape,(2013 10 23)  Are They Serious
  • Men of Moslem nations blame Moslem women as dressing ‘provocatively’ in their burkas.
  • Moslem men execute Moslem women in the public square – the Moslem women whom they raped.
  • Moslem men praise themselves for their ‘honour killing’ of the Moslem women whom they rape and murder.
  • Moslem men go un-prosecuted, un-punished for raping Moslem women, for murdering Moslem women.

We heard misogyny when Imus and his patriarchal gang laugh about ‘Deep Throat’, a movie about a woman forced into sexual slavery and forced to endure oral rape.

We all endure misogyny that men (and women) of Alabama choose to vote for an admitted paedophile (Moore admitted that he obtained permission from the mothers of 14-years old girls to date their daughters when he himself was in his 30s) rather than vote for Doug Jones, a renowned state prosecutor of the crimes Moore admits he committed (Jones, the Democratic candidate, also successfully prosecuted Kluxers for their acts of terrorism).

Men, explain your vote for Moore, Alabama’ Republi-con Party candidate for US Senate who stands accused by several teen-aged girls as a ‘child molester’:

  • to your mother,
  • to your wife,
  • to your daughters,
  • to your sisters,
  • to all women.

Women, likewise, explain your vote for Moore the molester.  PLEASE!

Moore denies all knowledge of his accusers, yet Moore’s very own legal counsel admits that Moore knew his accusers.  Which is it?

Sadly, not all women support other women.  Republi-con women also vote for misogynists when they vote for Moore and Republi-cons.


Right-wing Christian Con-servative evangelical fundamentalist Amerikan Taliban boast that ‘morality does not matter’ – at least when it comes to fellow Republi-cons, it ‘matters’ only when they blame Democrats.  The Republi-con Party runs on its claim to ‘family values’.  These Republi-con  immoralities are their type of ‘family values’ of you Drumpfians, Deplorables.  The Moore accusers are themselves brainwashed, Drumpfians, and hard-core Republi-cons.  They voted for Trump and they may very well vote for Moore as fellow Republi-cons who can’t perceive ever voting Democratic.

Many people express outrage being sexually harassed; I am with them.  But the real sad point is how this abuse is both historically pernicious and culturally accepted.  We can see it clearly exemplified in our culture by old TV shows and movies.  Most TV that I currently watch date from 1950s, 1960’s.

  • Watch 1950s re-runs of ‘What’s My Line’ on BUZZR TV; the audience regularly subjects single women to wolf whistles while the panelists laugh at such rough attention and add their own crude remarks.  Their misogyny is blatant yet accepted.
  • Even some shows that we seem to idolise (‘Laugh-In’) are highly charged with racism and sexual harassment.
  • I recently watched a 1990s ‘Ellen’ sit-com episode on Laugh TV:  Ellen’s friend was routinely obliged to sleep with a movie producer to get ahead in her career as the story played to audience laughs throughout the episode.  I would hardly subject Ellen Degeneris to accusations that she and her scriptwriters were committing sexual harassment.

Sadly, American attitudes were atrocious in our past.  That does not exonerate those who committed willfull acts or crimes of misconduct, but we must see its pervasive nature even among the most innocent.

Drumpfian Weiner experiences his own doubts about Crooked Drumpf – but not too much ‘moral absolutism’.

Weiner talked about exposing fellow Republi-cons who commit their sex crimes.

Of course, only Weiner has his god, is so pure to throw that first stone, his stone, against only Democrats.

Meanwhile, Republi-cons boast their ‘moral absolutism’ while their own immorality comes home to roost.  They whine that what Moore did was in the past when it was moral and common for a 30-something years old man to marry a 14-years old teen girl.  Wait!  Where went that Republi-con ‘moral absolutism’?  Why do Republi-cons assail Democrats for their ‘past’?


Up-date (14 Dec 17):

Post-election Epilogue.


‘Marking a political set-back for Trump, Moore has not conceded in the race and called for a re-count.  Moore was a divisive candidate with excessive Christian views.  Jones prosecuted Ku Klux Klan members who bombed a church in the 1960s.’

  • NHK Newsline (13 Dec 17)



There you go, Dear Reader.  Crooked Drumpf can hardly accuse NHK of ‘fake snuze’.  NHK describes Moore as a religious extremist.  Maybe if Alabama were not tainted by their own right-wing Christian Con-servative evangelical fundamentalist Amerikan Taliban religious extremism, they’d be more aware that their fanaticism is equal to that of the ‘Islamic terrorism’ that they accuse as extreme.

Jones successfully prosecuting kluxers is one primary reason why Moore’s voters – pro-segregationists, bigots, extremists, racists, White supremists – oppose Jones.  ‘Cain’t be putting White men in jail for killing N****r chil’ren’, they would argue.


‘Moore is refusing to concede defeat.  Trump is losing in this deepest of Red States.  Moore believes homosexuality is immoral and that Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress.  Hard-lined conservative Moore’s loss is a reflection of his candidacy, as a major snub to Trump who backed him.  It is a victory for the victims of sexual assault whose claims Moore dismissed as ‘fake news’.  Republikans are disappointed, they don’t believe the accusations against Moore.’  ‘It’s a protest vote against Trump.  Losing Moore thought that he was on his way to Washington.  Evangelicals believe they were betrayed.  A big black-eye for Trump and his playbook of ‘fake news’ and attacking accusers.  A defeat against the Republikan Party and Trump’s brand.  The Trump soul was divided across the state; suburban Republikan voters swung to Jones.  Bannon backed Moore and other candidates; he is threatening other Republikans.  Trump is all over the map, making chaos in Washington.  Only one Republikan defected on ‘tax reform’; they want to have accomplishment for the next election.’

  • BBC News (13 Dec 17)



Democrats would do well not to celebrate too much.  This was merely one victory due to a singular egregious circumstance.  This Alabama election merely split the Republi-con voters because of Moore’s personal misconduct that still garnered more than the majority of his core Republi-con constituency – right-wing Christian Con-servative evangelical fundamentalist Amerikan Taliban voters.  Moore received 48% of the vote, his core constituency is 38% of the electorate.

Republi-cons – desperate for ‘accomplishment’ – have plenty of ‘October Surprise’ dirty tricks up their collective sleeves for 2018.


‘Moore was a flawed candidate!’

  • Laura Ingraham, R (her radio show, 13 Dec 17)



Why did Ingraham boast about Moore all these past months if he is such a ‘flawed candidate’???

Ingraham went on to drivel how it was everyone else’s fault.  She blamed the Democrats.  She blamed all Moore’s accusers.  She blamed the Black voters.  She even blamed Crooked Drumpf for not campaigning enough.

She should have stopt at ‘flawed candidate’.


‘Moore’s campaign was hit hard by sexual misconduct decades ago.  Trump is now a two-time loser in Alabama, one of the most pro-Trump states.  Trump backed Strange in the primary, but he lost to Moore; now Moore lost.  The President’s agenda is deeply damaged.  Trump campaigned for Moore to drive up Republikan turn-out.  It didn’t work; GOP turn-out declined while Democratic turn-out surged.  Defying Trump was Bannon.  Defeat will galvanise Republikans on ‘tax reform’.  One top Trump advisor stated ‘Trump’s White House has the worst political operations in two generations – Republikan or Democrat.’.’

‘Look at this Trump administration and see how it is being run.’

  • CBS News (13 Dec 17)



That accumulation of accusations against Moore for his molestations made him that ‘flawed candidate’, that indecent choice for even the most ardent Republi-con voters who supported their indecent candidate.

Yeh, ‘two-time loser’ sounds good!  ‘Loser!  Loser!’

From now on, of course, Senate Republi-cons will vote in their bloc and not one will stray among their remaining 51; not one ‘moderate’ among them, not even ‘maverick’ McCain (‘Maverick’?  McCain votes solid Republi-con everytime).  Those 51 Republi-cons will pass their ‘flawed’ and ‘deeply damaged’ ‘tax reform’ with their 51 votes.

(2013 10 23)  Are They Serious 1Dunno what those ‘two generations’ means?  How many years?  How many presidents?

  • We know that Obama had an otherwise reasonably successfull administration despite Republi-cons’ self-avowed ‘No!  Hell NO!’ obstructionist damage.
  • We know that Baby Bush’s administration was quite a mess.
  • We know that Clinton had two positive terms.

So does that mean that Papa Bush was that prior ‘worst’?  Or maybe Reagan’s was that prior ‘worst’?

We already know that Reagan’s tax reform’ was the ‘worst’ because current Republi-cons campaign against it and are working to ‘reform’ it to Crooked Drumpf’s present legislation.


‘Trump’s coat-tails got chopt off.  How is this coming along in Alabama?  This thing with Moore?  All of a sudden this Jones defeated Moore.  There was a tremendous upset.  Is the country turning against Trump?  He’s got to do something!  They got to unify their Party.  The winds are blowing not very favourably for Republikans.  Moore isn’t giving up, he is not conceding.  Over 80% White evangelicals voted for Moore.  Democrats have momentum in deep-state Alabama; they are charged up.  The Deplorable Army need to regain that momentum for the next election.  A Democrat-controlled Congress – all will come out – impeachment – during the next two years.  There is a big concern in Republikan circles.  We are beginning to see a civil war.  Moore had a disastrous interview with Hannity that didn’t go well.  Evangelicals support Moore.  The women who were bringing these charges are readily credible – dating these 14-year old girls – molesting women.  He never gave anybody reason to believe these allegations were not true.  The Deplorable Army and Bannon have got to step up and bring more candidates.  The ‘tax reform’ is a cotton-pickin’ nightmare.’

  • Reverend Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 13 Dec 17)

(6)(2013 12 11) One Mind Already Wasted

‘This has been a culture that has been going on.  These sexual molestation and harassment claims are coming out – politics as an aphrodisiac – get ’em outta there.  Thank goodness Republikans didn’t elect somebody who had that stain that that man in Alabama had.  Republikans don’t have to be apologising for him.  They dodged a bullet in Alabama.’

  • Reverend Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 14 Dec 17)



Maybe a fresh wind is beginning to blow against the Crooked Drumpf empire?  Maybe a mere puff was enough for this instance.

Amazing post-election statistics include that:

  • more than 65% of White women voted for Moore
  • more than 95% of Black women voted for Jones

Looks like America’s Black women saved Alabama, saved America, again.  THANK YOU!  Let’s do it again in 2018.

Nor was this by any means a landslide for Jones.  Essentially, one-half of Alabama voters chose Jones while one-half chose Moore.  A clear division rather than a concensus:

  • Jones received 49% of the vote,
  • Moore received 48% of the vote,

though if these results were reversed, Crooked Drumpf would have called Moore’s 49% vote a ‘landslide’ victory and would have blamed ‘fake snuze’ for refusing to join in his characterisation.

Robertson, though, spent these past several months campaigning for Moore.  Now, all of a sudden, Robertson calls Moore a ‘stain’ for which his beloved Republi-cons would be forced to ‘apologise’, that Moore’s loss to Jones is ‘dodging a bullet’ of still another Republi-con sex abuse scandal.


Desperate Republi-con Fascism


‘It’s for the survival of our Republikan Party.  It’s our self-preservation!’

  • Reverend Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 28 Nov 17)


‘It’s about Republikan survival.  It’s gonna be a blood bath; Republikans, they’ve got to pass this thing.  Republikans lose on cutting your Medi-Care and your health benefits.  Republikans got to do it or they will lose their jobs, lose control of the Senate, Congress.’

  • Reverend Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 30 Nov 17)


‘Our base fractures, people won’t write checks, our Party will collapse of its own weight if we don’t pass this tax bill.  This can’t fail.  This is unacceptable for the Republikan Party.  We have the House, Senate, and White House.’

  • Senator Lindsey Graham, R (CBS News, 01 Dec 17)

‘Bannon is a proxy for Trump.’

  • Lanhee Chen, R (CBS ‘Face the Nation’, 09 Dec 17)



Yet again we hear Republi-cons themselves persist saying that passing their Republi-con Party’s ‘tax reform’ is more important for their own Republi-con Party than for our American nation.  That Republi-con attitude is Fascism defined.

Republi-con Party insists that they must pass their ‘tax reform’ tax cuts for their wealthy buddies, who cares if they tinkle down to the lower class rabble.

There is no Republi-con regard for our American nation.

Beware those who call themselves ‘Independent’!  Republi-con Right-wing Christian Con-servative evangelical fundamentalist Amerikan Taliban hide as ‘Indy’ – defined as a Fascist move.  They prove sinister by ‘pushing’ their facade.  Today they are as those who support Crooked Drumpf in stealth.  As far as I know, I am my family’s only Leftie.  Cousin Jack exemplifies the typical of my family – cruel politics.  ‘with friends (family) like these, who needs enemies!’

Do I hear ‘sucker!’ again?

<*>(2017 06 23) Lube Syringe IMG_0529

Republi-con Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and the Corporations, Coal for Drumpfians and Deplorables


‘This current tax code is a big mess, a major failure.  My tax cuts are a tax cut for working families.  We are celebrating Merry Christmas with a big tax cut.’

  • Donald Trump, R (speech reported by ABC, CBN, CBS, NBC, PBS, 29 Nov 17)


‘Trump will personally save more than a billion Dollars while college students will lose out.  This tax code will tax student waivers and hit them with a 400% tax increase.  It is a tax cut for corporations and the rich.’

  • NBC News (29 Nov 17)


‘Taxpayers with incomes less than $75.000 per year will be paying more taxes.  Republikans know that passing ‘tax reform’ is do-or-die for them politically.  They are holding together.’

  • ABC News (30 Nov 17)


‘Senate Republikans are scrambling to save their tax bill after it hit a stumbling block over deficit concerns.  Their massive tax cut will add a trillion Dollars to the annual deficit.  Number crunchers found that the tax bill won’t pay for itself as the Republikans promised.  Protesters rallied against the bill,  ‘It will enrich the very wealthiest Americans’.  Republikans would rather move ahead with an imperfect bill.  Tax cuts are driving stock prices up.  Republikans are saying to ignore that the reports of trillion Dollar deficits are wrong.  It’s ‘trickle down economics’.  Wages are not rising for working class Americans.  We see more money going to line top executives’ pockets.  Republikans want to have the tax plan on Trump’s desk to sign for Christmas.’

  • CBS News (01 Dec 17)


‘Congress is rushing to pass something.  People don’t understand what they are doing.  None of us are aware of it and what it is gonna do to us.  Come up with a final bill and let us read it, how much it will add to the deficit.  Common sense doesn’t transcend to politics.’

  • KSAZ TV / Fox News (01 Dec 17)


‘Perception becomes reality.  ‘Tax reform’ will be in the Christmas stocking.  We will deliver it to the American people.  A miracle – $1200 in their pocket.  Wages will rise.  Believe in a great Christmas present.  We must not add a burden of debt to our children.  We will not see deficits from these cuts.  We’ll have more resources for our military.’

  • Mike Pence, R (CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 01 Dec 17)


‘You’ll see a bunch of Republikans speed up this tax bill, pass it, and get Trump to sign it. Then you’ll see a bunch of Republikans distancing themselves from it.’

  • NBC News (01 Dec 17)


‘Senator Flake got a deal extending business corporate tax deductions.  The final Senate vote came within hours without looking at the Bill.  Democrats were outraged, Republikans were confident.  We haven’t seen the language of the Bill, we don’t know how much time lawmakers will have time to read the Bill before voting on it.  The Bill will raise the tax break for family businesses like Trump’s.  The nation will have a $30 trillion debt in 10 years with this Bill while Republikans believe their sense that this Bill will decrease the deficits.  Republikans don’t believe deficits are a liability anymore.’

‘All their Republikan talk about deficits, there were no Republikan ‘Deficit Hawks’ this time.  Republlikans are supposed to be the Party of the Populists, the Blue Collar worker; they are failing.  Republikans will instead tag the Democrats.’

  •  Commentary:  Michael Gerson, R (PBS Newshour, 01 Dec 17)


‘Lower tax rates please investors.  Republikan Senator Corker could not cast aside his fiscal concerns and the national debt.  Republikans will be on track to get this to the President’s desk by Christmas.  This tax cut is less material for individuals than for corpoprations.’  ‘Fight over ‘tax reform’ is influenced by Congressional crises.  Republikans have nothing to run on for next year.  This bill is lobby-based for corporations reducing their rate from 35% to 20% without reforms.  Congressional leaders can keep the corporate side quiet.’

  • PBS Nightly Business Report (01 Dec 17)


‘The one and a half trillion Dollar bill is viewed as a victory for Trump.  It is massive tax cuts for businesses and high-income people.  Democrats bemoan the 500-page legislation and its last-minute additions to avoid ‘regular order’. Corker was turned off by the $1.5 Trillion price tag.  The corporate tax rate is slashed permanently, tax savings for a family of $75.000 income are temporary.’

‘This will be a one trillion Dollar hit on the deficit.  Republikans have learned how to avoid public outcry by grass-roots Americans.  We don’t know the implications.  The bill was cobbled together with lots of loopholes.  The federal government will be making money by people declaring bankruptcy and people making less than $40.000 a year by not having to cover people who drop out of Obama-care.  This bill is more beneficial to the wealthy and not to poor Americans.’

‘This bill will allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  No Senators read the whole thing and knew what was in it – the 500 pages of new tax policy.  How can you pass that without knowing what is in there.  You’ll see similar rush jobs at reconciliation.  We may have a government shut-down.’

  • CBS News (02 Dec 17)


‘Democrats were outraged at Republikan late-night chaos.  Protesters marched on Wall Street against the bill that slashes the corporate tax rate and eliminates the Obama-care mandate.  This bill could get done by Christmas.’

  • ABC News (02 Dec 17)


‘Trump’s victory looks thin to pass that massive tax plan that will add a trillion Dollars to the deficit.  The bill was approved minutes after Senators got their first look at the final bill.  Democrats promised they will fight this legislation.  Republikans want to get this to Trump before Christmas.’

  • NBC News (02 Dec 17)


‘Americans making less than $75.000 per year will be paying more during the next 10 years.’

  • ABC News (03 Dec 17)


‘This is a dream bill for Republikans.  This bill cuts corporate taxes, gets rid of the Obama-care mandate, it shrinks federal giovernment.  It cuts MediAid and Food Stamps.’

‘The public is skeptical of this bill.  Only 25% support it.  Democrats know the weak points of the bill.  Democrats see this as a winner for them in 2018.  Democrats talk about healthcare, taxes, what’s going on in Washington.’

  • PBS Newshour (04 Dec 17)


‘Senate Republikans are forging ahead to slash taxes for corporations and the wealthy.  Senate Republikans overlooked the Flynn confession.  They were making handwritten changes behind closed doors.  It got worse than that.  If it’s in this bill, it’s definitely not a genius.  Reading it is like finding a secret message on the back of the Constitution.  It’s a giant tax cut for corporations.  By 2027, people making $40.000 to $50.000 would pay a combined $5.3 billion more in taxes while the group earning $1 million or more would get a $5.8 billion tax cut.  McConnell said a Middle-Class tax cut is ‘impossible’ to be done.  GOP repealed the Obama-care mandate.  Republikans will inevitably use the $1.5 trillion deficit they created to cut safety net programs and Social Security and MediCare spending.  It’s what Republikans are planning.  Republikans are cutting Social Security, MediCare, and MedicAid to pay for tax cuts for corporations and wealthy.  Trump revealed that if someone voted for him, he is ‘an ally who can turn against you’.

  • Seth Meyers, R (‘Late Night with Seth Meyers’, 04 Dec 17)


‘Republikans are hoping to get the final bill to Trump before the end of the year.  There’s unanimity in Republikan ranks.  I would love to design the TV for the next elections.  It will be a Donnybrook.  Democrats oppose the President.  I am excited at the Repiublikans when the pigs squeal.  It’s going to be a monster.  Don’t pay taxes.  Give a break to help  the wealthy.’

  • Reverend Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 05 Dec 17)


‘Stock prices are over-valued at least 40%.  They’re due for a correction.  Stocks are a bad bet.’

  • Del Walmsley, R (his radio show, 06 Dec 17)


‘This tax bill has not been sold.  It’s confusing.  Amerikans don’t know what it is doing.  There is a major corporate tax reduction that needs to be done immediately or they will lose a tremendous amount of political capital.  Some taxes will go up 100%.  We still have not seen the final draft.  You will not be able to deduct state and local taxes.  Republikans can’t be raising taxes.’

  • Reverend Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 11 Dec 17)


‘The market is drastically over-priced.  It could crash and burn at any time.’

  • ‘On-line Trading Academy’ right-wing conservative radio show (11 Dec 17)


‘Trump is marketing something different than the product he is selling.  He is constantly focused on the stock market and corporate profits as the proxy for his success for this ‘tax reform’ bill.  When he sells this on the campaign trail, he sells it as a benefit to the Working Class who support him.  It’s not clear this adds up to benefit the Working Class.  It would undoubtedly be a big boost to the corporations, but you’re not legislating  how corporations spend their profits.  You’re not forcing income growth.  You’re not making that worker take home more take-home pay.  You can’t force employment.  This gamble to the economic benefit for the country is what Trump focuses on – what is called ‘Trickle Down Economics’.’

  • Margaret Brennan, R (CBS ‘Face the Nation’, 09 Dec 17)


‘Investors are looking to diversify in an over-heated stock market.’  ‘New tax laws could be confusing.’

  • PBS Nightly Business Report (12 Dec 17)


Editor:(2013 10 02) The Tale of Two Insights

Well, of course it is a ‘big mess’ and a terribly ‘major failure’.

Reagan and his Republi-cons are the ones who passed this tax code in 1986 to benefit their own.  You want another Republi-con ‘big mess’ ‘major failure’ tax code for the next 30-some years?  Yeh, you go right ahead and get what you ask for.  Don’t come crying about it when this latest Republi-con ‘tax reform’ proves it is another Republi-con ‘big mess’ ‘major failure’ that benefits Crooked Drumpf at the expence of low income and college students trying to improve their lives.

Do you recall Baby Bush’s $300 tax giveaway from 2001?  This Editor, who prepared personal income returns, explained this to people who then had a difficult time comprehending that this tax cut was no giveaway, that they had to pay it back the next year.  Taxpayers could not accept that they had to pay back their tax cut the next year.  All those dupes and suckers – it was their own Republi-con con that re-elected more Republi-cons in 2002 and 2004 in disbelief.

Did you fall for Baby Bush’s Republ-con scam?

Lotta Crooked Drumpfians and the true believing Deplorables – they are the dupes and suckers this time.  They don’t learn.  They will get a few crumbs on next year’s taxes in time to influence their vote for the 2018 election only to have their income taxes increased each year thereafter – to a 25% increase by 2025 in time to forget who did this to them and to blame Democrats at the 2024 election.

Plus, this present ‘tax reform’ will either cut or eliminate federal funding for programs for low income Americans – dual blows – their Republi-con Party’s ol’ one-two Republi-con punch to their gut.

Republikans can find trillions of Dollars for innumerable contracts with corporate arms merchants, but can’t find one single thin dime for Social Security, MediCare, MedicAid.  Instead, they will again resort to Reagan and Baby Bush-era efforts to use budget deficits and the national debt to eliminate programs for the poor and indigent and to eliminate Social Security, MediCare, and MedicAid.  You Drumpfians and Deplorables who depend upon safety net programs, Social Security, MediCare, MedicAid – Trump is calling you ‘Suckers!’, he is that ‘ally who can turn against you’.

Republi-cons make no secret that this is primarily a tax cut to benefit Crooked Drumpf and his own ‘working family’, not you Deplorables and Drumpfians of the working class and working poor.  It’s a tax cut only for big business and corporate bosses who support Crooked Drumpf, any makings of a ‘tax cut’ that filters through ‘tinkle down economics’ will be little more than left-over crumbs.  Karma justice is that all you Drumpfians and Deplorables will be fighting for those Republi-cons table scraps.
Crooked Drumpf will say ‘Merry Christmas’ to you, to you Deplorables and Drumpfians of the working class and working poor, to you dupes and suckers.  Crooked Drumpf will deliver a lump of coal to you while he gives $1 billion to himself at your expence.


Another Crooked Drumpf coal in their stockings will be to charities.  Increasing the Standard Deduction will reduce deductible donations to charities; taxpayers will get credit for donations that do not occur.

‘Deficit Hawk’ Republi-cons campaign against all deficits:

  • ‘Deficits don’t matter’,
  • ‘We Republi-cons are good for lowering our taxes’,
  • ‘Republlikans will tag the Democrats.’  etc.

Yet here we have their demonstration that they promote as much as another $2 trillion annual deficit to give tax cuts to themselves.  After all, Drumpfian corporate bribers, er campaign contributors, need that ‘break’, need your ‘help’ – they need the taxpayers’ safety net, not you of the middle- and low-income.

You’re damn straight that Democrats solidly oppose Crooked Drumpf and the Republi-con tax cuts for their wealthy corporate buddies.  Democrats support tax relief to common Americans, Middle Class Americans, Working Class Americans, poor Americans, Americans who actually pay taxes, not Crooked Drumpf who brags that he has not paid taxes for 18 years, not Drumpfian Americans who live in the lap of luxury.

Arizona’s Republi-con Senator Jeff ‘Flakey’ Flake is supposedly one of those ‘Deficit Hawks’, yet he supports these Crooked Drumpf Republi-con tax cuts for the rich that will accumulate trillions of Dollars to our deficit while they collect the benefits of their own ‘tax reform’ tax cuts.

Republi-con ‘sense’ – nonsense!

Yep, ignore that small Drumpfman behind the curtain.

Why is your nest egg in Crooked Drumpf’s stock market at 24.000?  What are you doing to guard against the coming 40% drop to your current value?  How did you survive when Baby Bush’s market collapsed in 2007 and dropt all the way to 9.000?

The stock market experts cited – Del Walmsley and ‘On-line Trading Academy’ – are Drumpfians who warn of impending calamity.

The average mom-and-pop investor has made little to show for earnings as ‘On-line’ taught recently.  If you bought into the market when Baby Bush began his presidency and are still in that market 17 years, then you made little earnings.  Inflation averaged 2% these past 17 years while stock earnings average 2.5%.  Thus, each year, on your average, you are left with that .5% earnings – one-half of one per cent per year.  Hey all you true believer Drumpfians and Deplorables,  how’s that for your success in the stock market!(2013 12 10) Welcome to Your Next Stop - Pottersville

Same as Baby Bush, Crooked Drumpf is betting on the market crash after the next election.  He is campaigning on his ‘great economy’ bubble.  After 2018, he will blame Democrats for the post-election collapse, he will eliminate Social Security, MediCare, MedicAid, Food Stamps, and other safety net programs that help poor and low income Americans – those very same ‘Working Class’ who fail to perceive Crooked Drumpf is repeating history.  All those cuts will give billions of your tax Dollars to himself and his corporate buddies.  Crooked Drumpf is laughing at you.

So when this current Crooked Drumpf bubble market crashes by 40%, you will lose that 40%.  Only insiders and dealers beat this stock market, not you, the average investor.

It’s history repeating itself – from Reagan’s failed ‘Tinkle Down Economics’ to the Crooked Drumpf’s next Republi-con Great Depression.


Up-date (14 Dec 17):

Post-election Epilogue.


‘The tax reform is a cotton-pickin’ nightmare!  Instead of tax relief, it is a tax burden.  People don’t like it.  It hasn’t been carefully thought through.  The people will say Republikans can’t govern with the White House, the Congress, the Senate.  They can’t bring forth legislation.  The voters will kick them out.  They haven’t gotten it together.  We got to do something.  Delaying tax cuts will be devastating.  ‘Tax reform’ is not popular, it will hurt people.  It’s Bannon and the President and the Party that isn’t working together.  We’ll win the next election.’

  • Reverend Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 13 Dec 17)


‘Republikan ‘tax reform’ is gonna guarantee Trump another four years in office.  It’s a stroke of genius.  The vast majority – over 80% of American people – don’t pay any taxes at all.’

  • Reverend Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 14 Dec 17)



Robertson says it himself about Crooked Drumpf’s ‘tax reform’:

  • it’s a ‘tax burden’
  • not ‘carefully thought through’
  • ‘will be devastating’
  • ‘will hurt people’.

Yet Robertson flip-flops, he blathers that this Republi-con legislation will lead the way to Republi-con victory at next year’s elections and Crooked Drumpf’s re-election in 2020.

As for those who ‘don’t pay taxes’, Crookied Drumpf is among Americans who boasts that he paid no federal taxes for 18 years, yet manages to reap billions of American federal taxpayer Dollars in refund payments for himself.

On the other hand, this American taxpayer averages paying one-third of her meager $14.000 per year Social Security income in various taxes:  state taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, gasoline taxes, food taxes, restaurant taxes, automobile taxes, stadium district taxes, community college district taxes, library taxes, health district taxes.

Brennan boasted (see above:  CBS ‘Face the Nation’, 09 Dec 17) that there is no way to force corporate bosses to act in a way to benefit anyone other than themselves.  NHK news reports that Japan’s legislature is poised to pass their own ‘tax reform’ legislation that will do a ‘carrot and stick approach’ as they called it:

  • raise wages and you get a tax cut,
  • invest in your business and you get a tax cut,
  • increase your hiring and you get a tax cut.

But … if you fail taking action to improve the nation’s economy, then you get hit with a penalty tax.

‘Pay now or pay later’ as the saying goes.  Corporate Japan will have their choice – they will be required to either:

  • spend their profits to improve Japan’s workforce and economy or
  • get a financial hit that will force corporate officers to pay for their selfish actions.

Japan’s economists project that their tax policies will raise their national economic growth by more than 1%.

Those are ideas that Republi-cons will never enact here in their Amerika.  Selfish corporate bosses tell their Republi-con Con-gress to pass tax cuts to benefit themselves so that they can reap monetary windfalls at the expence of rank-and-file employees and diminsh the greater national economy.

Well there you have it, Crooked Drumpf and his Republi-cons are wrong again despite their whining that there is no way to impose any requirement to raise employee wages, to hire more employees, to expand their business rather than CEOs pocket all their corporate profits and stash the money at their off-shore tax havens.


Crooked Drumpf Gets Cozier with Cozy Bear


‘I believe Putin when he tells me he didn’t do it.  The former heads of CIA, DNI, and FBI are political hacks.  Putin didn’t meddle in the election.’

  • Donald Trump, R (speech and news conference, ABC, CBS, PBS news; 10 Nov 17)


‘The Department of Justice filed criminal charges against Flynn in their Russia investigation.  Flynn had two encounters with the Russian Ambassador in December 2016 to discuss reversing Obama’s sanctions.  Trump wanted Republikans to end this investigation into Russia meddling in the election to end quickly.  He asked this of Senator McConnell.’

  • CBS News (01 Dec 17)


‘There was collusion and Russian meddling about the election and sanctions.  If Flynn hadn’t lied.  If he had registered as a foreign agent.  Flynn’s guilty plea being uttered in court.  A very senior Trump official directed Flynn to reach out to the Russian Ambassador December 22nd.  On December 28th, the Russian Ambassador called Flynn.  Flynn called the Trump transition team about what to tell the Russian Ambassador about the sanctions and the Trump policy goals to withdraw the sanctions.  Flynn told Mueller about his conversations with the Russians.  Flynn admitted that he made false statements in his registration documents.  This will cause concern with Trump – Flynn co-operating with prosecutors.  Keep an eye on Kushner who filled the Cabinet and had his hands in all of this.  Keep an eye on Pence, Trump, Kushner.’

  • NBC News (01 Dec 17)


‘Flynn was charged with lying about Russia.’  ‘Trump tried to put a stop to this Russian investigation this past Summer.  Trump told Comey not to investigate Flynn.  Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI.’  ‘This is a recurrent theme with Trump – at least eight times interfering, obstructing with this investigation into Flynn.’  ‘Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI about his conversations with the Russians.’  ‘There is substantial evidence built by Mueller step-by-step into collusion with the Russians.’  ‘Flynn pled guilty to lying.’  ‘Lying to the FBI can mean five years in federal prison; Flynn was a general and he lied anyway.’  ‘Flynn has given Mueller something good.’  ‘A foreign government, a geo-political foe, interfered in our election.  Our intelligence agencies told us so.  Our elections are our bastions of our Democracy.’  ‘Conservatives think Putin is a murderous KGB dictator who aided and abetted Assad.  Strange that Trump has normalised relations with Russia and Putin with our Party.’  ‘Republikans are not against Russian thugs.’  ‘As a candidate, Trump directed Flynn to contact the Russians.’  ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like collusion.’  ‘The country is gonna rip itself apart.  This country is polarised.’  ‘This is an American moment.’  ‘A foreign power was invited in.’  It’s a sad day, a scary day, that Flynn was contacting the Russians when he was named National Security Advisor.  This former general knew what he was doing and Trump continues protecting him is scary as Hell.’  ‘There are a bunch of people in Alabama and in Red States saying that Mueller is taking down their president.  Trump could be indicted and impeached.’

  • ABC News (‘The View’, 01 Dec 17)


‘Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about meeting with Russia and interacting with Russia.’

  • KNXV TV / ABC News (01 Dec 17)


‘Flynn entered a guilty plea to making false statements to the FBI.  He is co-operating with the probe into Russian meddling.  He discussed sanctions with Russia during and after the campaign. A ‘senior’ official directed his actions.  Flynn was an ardent booster of Trump, leading chants against Clinton.  Flynn mis-led Trump about his relationship with Kislyak.  Flynn is also accused of lobbying for Turkey.  Flynn is in legal jeopardy on more than lying to the FBI.’  (News report)

‘Flynn violated the Foreign Agents Act.  He could spend time in prison.  Flynn lied about his contacts with the Russian Ambassador.  All eyes are now on Kushner, Bannon, and Priebus.  Trump has been trying to finish these investigations.  We do know Kushner met with investigators.  Flynn was fired by Obama, then served as a long-time advisor to Trump.  It’s not a good day for people who work the White House.’  (News report)

‘We now have the National Security Officer lying to the FBI.  This is serious.  He also pled guilty to making false statements in regard to the Foreign Agents Act.  He is providing statements indicating someone more culpable.  Trump told Comey in that secret meeting to let this investigation go.  This is another piece in that puzzle, Flynn pled guilty to a felony.  These charging documents tell the story.  Individuals who do not co-operate face serious charges.’ (News report)

‘There aren’t many people who are higher than Flynn.  He was turned to turn against others.  Why is everyone lying – to the FBI, to the American Public.  Don’t lie.  Every lie is leverage in this investigation.’

  • Commentary:  Michael Gerson, R (PBS Newshour, 01 Dec 17)


‘Flynn admits to lying to the FBI and says he is co-operating with the FBI.  Flynn is expected to testify that Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians; that news sent stocks falling.  Kushner is among the other officials.  Flynn is co-operating with the Special Counsel; it could go on for some time.  Trump faces potential legal troubles.  Trump asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn ‘

‘The market panicked and had a sell-off at Flynn’s admission that he was lying.  Trump’s core supporters are never gonna believe Flynn when he says that he was lying, they’ll stick by the President’

  • PBS Nightly Business Report (01 Dec 17)


‘Flynn pleads guilty and starts talking.  Flynn flips and puts Kushner in the cross-hairs.   Flynn is co-operating with Mueller’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 elections.  The Russian investigation is moving closer to Trump and his inner circle.  Flynn’s plea deal requires him to co-operate with the investigation.  Flynn otherwise faces decades behind bars.  Flynn said that he will be co-operating.  Flynn was in on top-level campaign discussions.  The Russians were intent on helping Trump.  Kushner has been under scrutiny.  He left a hundred meetings off a security clearance form including meetings with Russians and he was in on the firing of Flynn.  Trump fired Comey when he would not drop the investigations.  Ominous.’

‘This is a big deal.  Flynn is prepared to give testimony against bigger fish.  Mueller has his eyes on something big.’

  • CBS News (01 Dec 17)


‘Flynn said he lied about his contacts with Russia.  He is now co-operating with Mueller; that investigation is closing in on the West Wing.  Trump never before said that he fired Flynn for lying to the FBI, only lying to Pence.  If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI, it raises questions about Trump supporting Flynn.  Trump continues to praise Flynn and asked Comey to go easy on Flynn.  Flynn did not act alone.  He was directed to do so by Kushner.  He discussed Obama’s sanctions with Russia.  McFarland’s e-mails state that Russia will throw the election to Trump.  Mueller’s team is not done with Flynn.  His plea carries a maximum prison of five years.’

  • ABC News (02 Dec 17)


‘Trump indicated that he was aware that Flynn lied to the FBI and asked Comey to go easy on Flynn.  Was Trump obstructing justice when he asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn?  Why did Flynn lie?’

  • NBC News (02 Dec 17)


‘This city has been consumed by Flynn’s guilty plea.’

  • PBS Newshour (04 Dec 17)


‘Flynn pleaded guilty for lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian Ambassador.  Like OJ pleading guilty to changing lanes without signalling.  Flynn might be co-operating with Mueller.  Trump is right to be worried about Flynn.  Flynn’s guity plea sheds new light when Trump wildly swung back and forth between saying he didn’t tell to Flynn to contact the Russians and when he said Flynn was right to contact the Russians.  Trump loves to give two-part answers – here’s one answer, then here’s a different answer when you find out your first answer was a lie.  Trump incriminated himself when he tried getting Comey to shut down the investigation of Flynn by calling Comey into the Oval Office and telling him to ‘let this go’.  Trump knew Flynn committed a crime by lying to the FBI and tried to stop the investigation of that crime.  Trump tweeted this.  It’s almost like Trump wants to get indicted.  Dowd’s lawyer basically admitted Trump committed a crime, that he admitted he obstructed justice.’

  • Seth Meyers, R (‘Late Night with Seth Meyers’, 04 Dec 17)


‘Mueller is building a case for ‘Obstruction of Justice’ against Trump.  White House Counsel reported to Trump that Flynn lied to the FBI.  Trump may have obstructed justice if he knew Flynn lied to the FBI at the same time when Trump urged Comey to stop investigating Flynn.  As Senator, Sessions argued Clinton ‘obstructed justice’ about his affair with Lewinsky.  Transcripts show Flynn lied to the FBI.  Trump knew early on that Flynn lied.’

‘The day after Flynn pled guilty to lying, Trump twittered that he fired Flynn because he lied to Pence and the FBI.’

‘Of course the President can commit ‘Obstruction of Justice’.  Ken Star said he could indict Clinton for ‘Obstruction of Justice’.  We know that charge was against Nixon.  Sessions made that charge against Clinton.  Speaking that creates a whole new problem.  Tweets are Trump’s official statement, part of the evidentiary arc of ‘Obstruction of Justice’.  Put it all in the basket for impeachment.  That basket is getting more and more full.’

  • CBS News (05 Dec 17)


‘Mike Flynn has to be accountable.  Anyone who breaks the law should be prosecuted and spend the rest of their lives in jail.  Nobody is above the law.  Trump saying ‘Mexicans are rapists’ is not racist.’

  • Corey Lewandowsky, R (ABC ‘TheView’, 05 Dec 17)


‘NBC News reports that Flynn sent a text to a former business associate 11 minutes after Trump was sworn in as President saying Russian sanctions would be ripped up once Trump was inside the White House.’

  • NBC News (07 Dec 17)


‘This was not an isolated incident.  Russian contacts repeatedly made overtures to Trump.  A Conservative operative offered Trump a Kremlin connection using the NRA ties.  Want did the Russians want in return for all this help?  Flynn pleaded guilty to lying about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador about sanctions against Russia.  It only took 11 minutes for everything to go to shit.  Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for interfering with our election and the first thing Trump wanted to do was get rid of sanctions.  That sounds very suspicious. The evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to undermine our Presidential election continues to mount.’

  • Seth Meyers, R (‘Late Night’, 07 Dec 17)

>(2017 01 31) Trump Beheaded the Statue of Liberty (blackhistory360.wordpress.com) (cropped-trum19)


Crooked Drumpf is more concerned defending his cozy relationship with Putin (the head of state of an adversarial nation) rather than supporting his own federal agency heads.  He’s about as close to treason (‘giving aid and comfort to the enemy’) as any American politician can approach.

Putin himself boasts that he and his Russian operatives interfered in our 2016 Election to con-vince Amerikans to vote for Crooked Donald:

– ‘I did it.  Yes!  I did it! ‘

Flynn negotiated with Russians and Ambassador Kislyak while he was a private citizen.  He was a private citizen acting outside the American government.

That gun is now more than ‘smoking’.  This time, it is not Crooked Drumpf shooting someone on the streets of New York City and getting away with murder, as he put it during his campaign. This time, our Constitution and our American rule of law have him in its cross-hairs.

Flynn is looking at ‘several score’ of years of prison time if he fails to full co-operate with federal investigators, FBI, and the Special Prosecutor.  His guilty pleas indicate he has offered valuable evidence against those ‘senior’ officials – both Kushner and Crooked Drumpf himself.

Obstruction of justice is an impeachable, convictable offence – whether you are a Democrat or a Republi-con.  Now if the Republi-cons would put that into their own majority rule and take care of America’s business against Crooked Drumpf.

Crooked Drumpf campaigned that he would ‘build that wall’, ‘cut taxes’, ‘create jobs’, ‘Lock her up!’, ‘repeal Obama-care’ all on his first day in office.  He failed you.  Instead, Crooked Drumpf’s first official act as US President was to continue his collusion with Putin and to repeal Obama’s sanctions against Russia for that collusion that fomented ‘fake news’ detrimental to Clinton and helpt elect Crooked Drumpf.

Crooked Drumpf ‘is not above the law’!

‘Lock him up!  Lock him up!’


Up-date (14 Dec 17):

Post-election Epilogue.


‘Trump is causing historic turmoil by refusing to agree that Russia interfered in our last election.  His personal insecurities are affecting our national security.  Elections are the pillar of our Democracy.  There are no Trump efforts to correct this.  The ‘Presidential Daily Briefing’ avoids upsetting Trump.’

‘Trump does not allow this discussion, it might upset him.  He tried to roll-back sanctions against Russia.  He finds ways to reverse sanctions against Russia.   There is no Trump panel to examine Russian interference.  He denies this reality.  Trump takes Russian interference as an affront, a de-legitimatisation of his election win.   His personal insecurities are affecting how this government responds to threats.  Trump does not pay attention to his ‘Presidential Daily Briefing’.

  • CBS News (14 Dec 17)



Crooked Drumpf fails to find reality.

Crooked Drumpf’s first official act was 11 minutes into being President when he ‘ripped up’ Obama sanctions against Russia for their interfering in our 2016 elections leading to Crooked Drumpf’s ‘October Surprise’ election (see above:  NBC News, 7 Dec 17).


This may be the beginning of the end for Crooked Donald.

Or maybe only the end of the beginning of eight years of Crooked Drumpf.

Hey, maybe many more years.  Putin is campaigning for still another term.

We must endure while the whole crooked Republi-con Party sees fit to go along with his antics.


Thank you, Dear Reader, for bearing with this.

I hope that these quotes and my two cents have not repelled you from returning to a future essay.

I suppose that I can find softer issues for the next essay.

Take care, all.
