Archive | 11 May 2024

‘Music Saturday:  The Beatles – Reminiscing The Importance Of ‘Star Club’’


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‘Music Saturday:  The Beatles – Reminiscing the importance of ‘Star Club’’
(11 May 2024)


Dear Reader:

It’s Saturday evening at the United States of America.

Music Saturday.  Taking time out from my posts about Transsexual / Inter-sex and politics issues.  Almost.

Let’s have another Music Saturday!  It’s been a while.

What music has been rummaging throughout my mind?  What music have people been sharing with me?  Now is a good time to review what music came my way during the last time when we met on this topic.

Let’s see how I got here to this evening’s topic.


A few months have elapsed since the previous Music Saturday.  Beatles then, Beatles now.

Feel free to skip my reminiscing and go directly to the videos that follow this narrative.

You can read previous posts here about The Beatles, their ‘Now and Then’ release last Autumn, a 60 years milestone, other reminiscing, and music.  See the Resources section (below) for Post titles and URLs.

Allow me to take another effort at more Beatles here, sparked by an Original Post from a Beatles social media page published this past Tuesday.

Bestie Alana and I are both Beatles fans.  We watch Beatles movies and videos, listen to Beatles music that we have on record, CD, and digital.  We watch videos of The Beatles performances on The Ed Sullivan Show, tour the USA, introduce the country to Beatlemania and the British Invasion.

Bestie Alana surprised me Monday evening while deciding what music to play during dinner time.  Alana and I listened to ‘Star Club’.  I was rocking to it, all smiles.  Her copy was an abbreviated version, one album, not the double LP.   Fun to hear The Beatles play. 


I am stateside.

I obtained Beatles albums and 45rpm records throughout the years.  I’d copy them to audio cassette, to play the cassette and to preserve the quality of the record.

I found Vee Jay and Capitol albums throughout 1974, 1975, 1976 when I began buying records as an adult; I’d eventually obtain much of the entire Beatles catalogue of those labels.  I’d also obtain much of the Beatles catalogue of EMI Parlophone releases and other labels throughout the years.

I bought the 2-LP Star Club album about Easter weekend 1977, along with the Rutles album at the same time.  Both are great.  I’ve played them innumerable times. 


The following Original Post came to my feed Tuesday afternoon.  Coincidence to Monday evening?

Allow me to share my own thoughts and experiences sparked by that post and hearing Star Club on Monday evening.

I worked in radio as a side career, 1974 to 1985.  I worked in TV as a side career, 1986 to 2011.  I produced ‘Rock Club Rising’ (1995 – 2000):  video recording bands live on stage and in the raw, a TV show, as I wrote in the credits, inspired much along the lines as both the Cavern Club and the story about Star Club and a Germs album played on KLOS FM in 1985.

I tested the audio for RCR – live microphone versus clean through the audio board.  The audio board sounded great, but was too clean to pick up the energy of the live crowd necessary for the TV show.

Allow me to briefly add about some legal issues in the recording business, recording band performances.  I see it as basic trust and courtesy, as well.  These thoughts came to mind while reading the Comments to the attached social media post.

I am familiar about release forms.  Though my show was non-profit non-commercial TV and not requiring a release, I requested releases from every act, more than 500 through the course of production.  Our agreement, my written and personal agreement with each band and each member, was strictly and specifically limited to RCR, thus I respect the agreement and refrain from posting to YouTube or elsewhere.

In other words, I personally can’t and won’t publish any of the recordings that I made to current Internet applications.  The bands and I agreed that, for my obligation to them, the only public use was for RCR.  None of us had YouTube or similar opportunities to consider back then, three decades ago.  Any band who appeared on RCR is welcomed to correspond with me to amend our agreement and I can post their performances to a prospective RCR channel.  Of course, I take pleasure knowing if they choose to post their footage to their own Internet presence.  Linkin Park, Grey Days, and Trunk Federation posted video of their performances to their YouTube channels.

 – Sharon


Immediate Resources:




Beatles and Cavern Club Photos
6 May 2024

May 6th 1998 – George appears in court.

George Harrison testifies in an English court in another attempt by The Beatles to prevent a new release of the “Star-Club tapes.” Harrison calls the recording the “crummiest” ever in the group’s career, referring to the performance as “a lot of teen-agers getting drunk and playing rock and roll.” The man who made the recording of The Beatles on December 31st, 1962, Ted ‘King-Size’ Taylor, had previously testified that John Lennon had given him permission to make the recording. In rebuttal, The Beatles’ lawyer points out that The Beatles were contracted to EMI at the time, and Harrison remarks: “One drunken person recording another bunch of drunks does not constitute business deals. The only person who allegedly heard anything about it is the one person who is dead, who can’t actually come here and say it’s aload of rubbish.

When asked if John Lennon was the undisputed leader of The Beatles, George said: “We had a democratic thing going between us. Everyone had to agree with everything that was done, whether it was a concert in Liverpool or to go to Hamburg.”

He goes on to say that John turned to him for musical advice: “He had a little guitar with three strings tuned like a banjo. I had to show him the chords. When I first met him, I was very young, but so was he. He was 17 and I was maybe 14 or 15. But by the time we were in Hamburg, I’d grown up a lot, and I could certainly hold my own against him. He was the loudest, the noisiest, and the oldest. He could be wrong about something, but try and win the argument just by being loud.” When asked what he remembered about the Star-Club, he says: “It was a really rough place and the waiters used to let off tear-gas to get rid of the sailors if a fight started. I kept well out of it. But there were also some quite nice people who went to the club. They weren’t all gangsters and transvestites…there were teenagers and art students. But by 2:00 a.m. on Saturday night, it was hell!”





Phoenix New Times

Eat the Document

About halfway through the after-the-fact Seattle music-scene documentary Hype, there’s a piece of footage that has the authentic feel of history. You see Nirvana ripping into “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” for what the subtitles proclaim to be the first time ever. The hand-held camera work is amateurish, the picture is…
Gilbert Garcia
August 27, 1998

About halfway through the after-the-fact Seattle music-scene documentary Hype, there’s a piece of footage that has the authentic feel of history.

You see Nirvana ripping into “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” for what the subtitles proclaim to be the first time ever. The hand-held camera work is amateurish, the picture is grainier than the Zapruder film, and the sound feels like it’s been dubbed from someone else’s bootleg tape. But as the camera frames the beatific smile on Kurt Cobain’s face, you’re struck with the feeling that this is something rare and valuable, a moment that could have easily receded into the faulty memory banks of the relative few who were at the club that night, if someone hadn’t taken the time to capture it.

Some of that same vibe comes across when watching Rock Club Rising, a weekly music show on Access Phoenix (Channel 22) that painstakingly parades viewers through the Valley’s club scene, with fresh live footage of every imaginable local band. The picture tends to be dark, and the sound is fairly raw, but Rock Club Rising is the one place where you can see local music being documented, by people who really care about it.

When shock-industrial band BlessedBeThyName sacrificed four chickens before their Valley Art showcase at the New Times Music Awards in April, Rock Club Rising was there to capture them carefully applying greasepaint to their bodies and rubbing chicken feed into their hair before the show. When Nita’s Hideaway shut down last month in a blaze of creative destruction, Rock Club Rising saved it for posterity. And when Zia Enterprises threw a tribute show for its deceased founder, Brad Singer, only Rock Club Rising was there to preserve it.

The show was started by Sharon Nichols, a community radio veteran who developed an interest in the potential of video while working for the forest service in Utah.

“When I was in Utah, I started getting involved doing film photography, movie footage with my Super-8 camera,” says Nichols. “I would sometimes just go downtown and shoot footage of the people or the events. There was a lot of construction going on, so I filmed that. I did sort of a semi-amateur/semi-professional film on a historical hotel that somebody decided to demolish and make into that. So I did some filming of the demolition. One of the hotels let me have a rooftop vantage point that no one else had.”

Nichols moved to Tucson and began to work for the community station as a crew member on a variety of shows, from music, to religion, to talk, and call-in shows.

In 1991, she bought a video camera, and shortly thereafter moved to Phoenix. She was struck by how active the local music scene was, and became interested in documenting it. While she regularly credits the 1962 Cavern Club footage of The Beatles and a live bootleg of The Germs as her biggest inspirations, her most important local influence was Psycho Gypsy front man Eddie, who told her about the band’s own cable-access show and encouraged her to start Rock Club Rising.

The show’s debut episode taped in February 1995 at Mason Jar (though it didn’t air until the next season started in September of that year), with Arsenal and Raven Wolf. “It was fabulous,” Nichols gushes. “The guys liked it, and Franco [Gagliano of Mason Jar] was pleased.”

Since then, Nichols–with the help of metal/punk zealot Jim Dawson–has documented between 200 and 300 bands, displaying a catholic taste that makes the show highly erratic, if ultimately a fair representation of what goes on in clubs. One gets the impression that Nichols isn’t a particularly big music fan in the typical sense (she admits to not knowing who Frank Black was when she chatted him up before a show at Gibson’s), but simply enjoys the process of videotaping live performances. As a result, her shows will incorporate the most mind-numbing, derivative grindcore juxtaposed with the wit and ingenuity of a Trunk Federation or Les Payne Product.

Dawson, who dutifully takes his 11-year-old son Daniel with him on video assignments (Daniel even took over the camera at a Windigo show at the Nile Theatre so dad could jump into the mosh pit), offers more of a concrete musical sensibility. He likes it loud and he likes it angry, and that’s the type of footage he usually contributes to Rock Club Rising. He’s currently planning his own spin-off show, Metalize: Local Hardcore, which will focus more consistently on rock of the ear-shredding, teeth-gnashing variety.

Though Nichols and Dawson videotape some national acts, they say that they’re frequently stymied by promoters and agents who refuse to give them permission. Nichols was particularly frustrated about Frank Black’s show, because the former Pixies leader himself seemed eager to have the show taped, but was overruled by a rep from Evening Star Productions.

“I wasn’t even planning to do any taping, but I had the camera in my car,” she says. “Frank said, ‘Sure, c’mon, bring in the camera.’ He was like a child on Christmas morning, pleased as peach that someone was going to tape his show.” When Evening Star nixed the idea, she says, “You could see the dejection in [Black].”

Though the show poses no threat to ER’s Nielsen numbers, Nichols finds that more and more people she meets at club gigs seem to be aware of Rock Club Rising, and bands regularly approach her now, eager to appear on the show. In fact, Dawson first became involved with the show after accidentally catching it one night and meeting Nichols at Boston’s a month later. Beyond the obvious benefit for the bands involved, Rock Club Rising has also changed the way Nichols processes music.

“I guess because of my radio background, my concept of music was recorded music,” she says. “It was more of a concept of a band goes into a studio, puts together a recording, gets it out to radio stations, and maybe goes out live trying to re-create on stage what they’ve done in the studio. Over the course of doing live work, I’ve gone in just about the opposite way. Performance is the real deal, what can the band do live onstage? What you see is what you get onstage.”

–Gilbert Garcia

Rock Club Rising airs on Access Phoenix (Cox Channel 22) and Insight Cable (Channel 1) every Wednesday at 12:30 a.m.

Contact Gilbert Garcia at his online address:

Phoenix New Times

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9 Feb 2021

Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show (9 Feb 1964)









9 Feb 2021

The Fab Four’s debut performance on the Ed Sullivan Show, Feb. 9, 1964 – 57 yrs. ago today, The boys performed 5 songs total on the show.

Songs performed:

1. All My Loving.
2. Till There Was You.
3. She Loves You.

• • • • TV BREAK • • • •

4. I Saw Her Standing There.
5. I Want to Hold Your Hand.

#LiveLoveRock #HRCWorldWideVideo #TheBeatles #EdSullivanShow




The Fab 5
9 Feb 2024

On February 9, 1964, sixty years ago today, a historic television moment occurred that would forever change the landscape of music and pop culture. The Beatles, a young British band that was taking the world by storm, made their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, captivating the hearts and minds of millions of viewers. This iconic performance marked the beginning of the British Invasion, firmly establishing the Fab Four as one of the greatest bands in history.

At the time, The Ed Sullivan Show was one of the most popular television programs in the United States, with an estimated 73 million people tuning in that night. The anticipation leading up to the Beatles’ appearance was unprecedented, with thousands of fans gathered outside the studio, hoping to catch a glimpse of their musical heroes. Those lucky enough to secure a spot inside the studio were filled with excitement and anticipation as they eagerly awaited the band’s arrival.

As the Beatles took the stage, the energy in the room was palpable. Dressed in their trademark matching suits, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr launched into their opening number, “All My Loving.” Instantaneously, the audience erupted into screams and cheers, creating a deafening roar that established the frenzy that would become synonymous with Beatlemania.

The Beatles went on to perform five songs during their Ed Sullivan appearance, including “Till There Was You,” “She Loves You,” “I Saw Her Standing There,” and closing with their mega-hit “I Want to Hold Your Hand.” Each song was met with overwhelming enthusiasm from the crowd, and the charm and charisma of the band members were evident in their every move. The broadcast was an unforgettable spectacle of pure musical genius, showcased by the harmonious melodies, infectious hooks, and impeccable stage presence.

The impact of this performance was truly staggering. The Beatles’ appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show introduced their music to a whole new audience, catapulting them to instant superstardom in America. In the following weeks and months, the charts were dominated by the band’s infectious hits, and their influence on popular culture was undeniable. The Beatles would go on to release countless hit records and become pioneers of the music industry, with their unique sound and style serving as a blueprint for generations of musicians to come.

Beyond their musical talent, the Beatles also represented a cultural shift. With their charm, mop-top haircuts, and rebellious spirit, they captivated the hearts of the younger generation, transforming the way people perceived rock and roll. They brought a sense of excitement, freedom, and authenticity that resonated with millions across the globe, transcending age, race, and nationality.

To this day, February 9,1964, remains a significant moment in music history. The Beatles’ performance on The Ed Sullivan Show not only marked a turning point for the band but also symbolized a cultural revolution. Their music became an anthem for a generation, and their influence continues to inspire musicians and fans alike.

The Beatles’ appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show on February 9,1964, was a defining moment that has left an indelible mark on music history. It was the start of a remarkable journey that would change the face of popular culture forever. The band’s timeless music and unparalleled talent continue to captivate audiences today, ensuring that their legacy will live on for generations to come.





The Ed Sullivan Show – February 16, 1964

6 years ago

The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show in the Deauville Hotel in Miami, Florida on February 16, 1964.


The Beatles on Ed Sullivan

Beatles – I saw her standing there (February 9,1964)

Beatles – Till there was you (February 9,1964)

29:10 – 50 ans Beatles Ed Sullivan Show

The Beatles – She loves you 02-11-1964

Sir Paul McCartney ‘forgot’ John Lennon friendship
BangShowbiz Extra

The Beatles: By The Numbers

Beatles – I’m a loser 10-03-1964

Beatles – Kansas City 10-03-1964

Jackson 5 in The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour
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The Beatles – I’ll Get You (Live in Ready, Steady….Go!, 1963)
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Riptide 202 Where The Girls Are (10-02-84)

Hey Jude [Paul McCartney + Mariah Carey + Annie Lennox + Others] – Live The Live 8 [London’s Hyde Park] – 02-07-05
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Mike McCartney, Paul McCartney’s brother, was the original Beatles drummer
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Eu17.26-32 The Beatles Story 46 years, Cavern Beatles & Liverpool 1-2, Jun-Jul 2017

Beatles – I want to hold your hand (February 9,1964)

Eu17.27-32 The Beatles Story 46 years, Cavern Club & Liverpool 2-2, Beatles Walking Tour 1-2 @Picadilly Circus, Soho, Jun-Jul 2017

The Very Best of the Ed Sullivan Show 1 Part 1 (1991) [Hosted by Burt Reynolds]
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The Beatles – “Big Night Out” – February 23, 1964
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OZU Yasujiro Story / 小津安二郎物語 #1

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The Beatles
9 Feb 2024

On This Date in 1964 – 60 years ago today – The Beatles’ first live Ed Sullivan performance is aired.




Fab Four FAQ 2.0
15 Feb 2024

Also on February 16: On this day in 1964, The Beatles again performed on the Ed Sullivan Show.


The show was broadcast from Miami Beach as a sort of tie-in to the upcoming fight pitting loquacious upstart Cassius Clay against favorite (at 7-1) champion Sonny Liston.

This was the last show of the three taped, although the second one broadcast. This clip shows the rare taped rehearsal before the actual broadcast, with Lennon in rare form as usual.





John Lennon
29 Jan 2024

Apple Corps offices rooftop, 3 Savile Row, London
#onthisday 30 January 1969




All Things Music Plus
30 Jan 2024


January 30, 1969 – The Beatles, with Billy Preston, gave their final live performance atop the Apple building at 3 Savile Row, London, in what became the climax of their Let It Be film.

“We went on the roof in order to resolve the live concert idea, because it was much simpler than going anywhere else; also nobody had ever done that, so it would be interesting to see what happened when we started playing up there. It was a nice little social study. We set up a camera in the Apple reception area, behind a window so nobody could see it, and we filmed people coming in. The police and everybody came in saying, ‘You can’t do that! You’ve got to stop.’” ~ George Harrison, Anthology

January 30, 1969 in London was a cold day, and a bitter wind was blowing on the rooftop by midday. To cope with the weather, John Lennon borrowed Yoko Ono’s fur coat, and Ringo Starr wore his wife Maureen Starkey’s red mac.

There was a plan to play live somewhere. We were wondering where we could go – ‘Oh, the Palladium or the Sahara.’ But we would have had to take all the stuff, so we decided, ‘Let’s get up on the roof.’ We had Mal and Neil set the equipment up on the roof, and we did those tracks. I remember it was cold and windy and damp, but all the people looking out from offices were really enjoying it.” ~ Ringo Starr, Anthology

The 42-minute show was recorded onto two eight-track machines in the basement of Apple, by George Martin, engineer Glyn Johns and tape operator Alan Parsons. The tracks were filled with the following: Paul McCartney, vocals; John Lennon’s and George Harrison’s vocals; Billy Preston’s organ; McCartney’s bass guitar; a sync track for the film crew; Starr’s drums; Lennon’s guitar; Harrison’s guitar.

“That was one of the greatest and most exciting days of my life. To see The Beatles playing together and getting an instant feedback from the people around them, five cameras on the roof, cameras across the road, in the road, it was just unbelievable.” ~ Alan Parsons, The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions, Mark Lewisohn

The songs performed on the roof:

Get Back (five versions)
I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
Don’t Let Me Down (two versions)
I’ve Got A Feeling
One After 909
Danny Boy
Dig A Pony (two versions)
God Save The Queen
A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody

Brief, incomplete and off-the-cuff versions of I Want You (She’s So Heavy), God Save The Queen and A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody were fooled around with in between takes – as was Danny Boy, which was included in the film and on the album. None of these were serious group efforts, and one – the group and Preston performing God Save The Queen – was incomplete as it coincided with Alan Parsons changing tapes.

The Beatles’ rooftop show began at around midday. The timing coincided with the lunch hour of many nearby workplaces, which led to crowds quickly forming. Although few people could see them, crowds gathered in the streets below to hear The Beatles play.

“There were people hanging off balconies and out of every office window all around. The police were knocking on the door – George Martin went white! We really wanted to stop the traffic, we wanted to blast out the entire West End…” ~ Dave Harries, engineer, The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions, Mark Lewisohn

Traffic in Savile Row and neighbouring streets came to a halt, until police from the nearby West End Central police station, further up Savile Row, entered Apple and ordered the group to stop playing.

“It was good fun, actually. We had to set the mikes up and get a show together. I remember seeing Vicki Wickham of Ready, Steady, Go! (there’s a name to conjure with) on the opposite roof, for some reason, with the street between us. She and a couple of friends sat there, and then the secretaries from the lawyers’ offices next door came out on their roof.

We decided to go through all the stuff we’d been rehearsing and record it. If we got a good take on it then that would be the recording; if not, we’d use one of the earlier takes that we’d done downstairs in the basement. It was really good fun because it was outdoors, which was unusual for us. We hadn’t played outdoors for a long time.

It was a very strange location because there was no audience except for Vicki Wickham and a few others. So we were playing virtually to nothing – to the sky, which was quite nice. They filmed downstairs in the street – and there were a lot of city gents looking up: ‘What’s that noise?’” ~ Paul McCartney, Anthology

The Beatles began with a rehearsal of Get Back while the film cameras were being set up. At the end it was applauded by the spectators on the roof. In response, McCartney mumbled something about cricketer Ted Dexter, and Lennon announced: “We’ve had a request from Martin Luther.”

Another version of Get Back followed. An edit of these two versions was included in the Let It Be film. Afterwards Lennon said: “We’ve had a request for Daisy, Morris and Tommy.”

The third song was Don’t Let Me Down, as featured in the Let It Be film. At the end The Beatles went straight into I’ve Got A Feeling, which was used in both the film and the album.

George Harrison sang a few lines on I’ve Got A Feeling, his only vocals throughout the performance. At the end of the song Lennon can be heard saying: “Oh my soul, so hard.”

One After 909 was also used in the Let It Be film and album. At the end of it John Lennon broke out into a brief impromptu rendition of Conway Twitty’s 1959 hit Danny Boy.

The sixth song The Beatles played was Dig A Pony. A short rehearsal was played first, with Lennon asking for the lyrics. They then performed the song properly, with a production runner on the film, Kevin Harrington, kneeling in front of Lennon holding a clipboard with the words on. George Harrison, too, briefly knelt next to Harrington.

Dig A Pony began with a false start. In the film, Ringo Starr can be seen putting his cigarette down and crying out ‘Hold it!’ This, and the full version that followed, were both included in the album and film, although on the LP the ‘All I want is…” refrain which opened and closed the song were later cut by Phil Spector.

As Alan Parsons changed the recording tapes in Apple’s basement studio, The Beatles and Billy Preston performed an off-the-cuff version of God Save The Queen. This was never used; nor were second versions of I’ve Got A Feeling and Don’t Let Me Down.

The final full song was Get Back, although The Beatles nearly stopped performing when the police arrived on the roof. The officers demanded that Mal Evans turn off the group’s Fender Twin amplifiers. He complied, but George Harrison immediately turned his back on.

Evans realised his mistake and turned John Lennon’s back on too. The amplifiers took several seconds to start again, but The Beatles managed to continue long enough to see the song through to the end.

In the end it started to filter up from Mal that the police were complaining. We said, ‘We’re not stopping.’ He said, The police are going to arrest you.’ ‘Good end to the film. Let them do it. Great! That’s an end: “Beatles Busted on Rooftop Gig”.’

“We kept going to the bitter end and, as I say, it was quite enjoyable. I had my little Hofner bass – very light, very enjoyable to play. In the end the policeman, Number 503 of the Greater Westminster Council, made his way round the back: ‘You have to stop!’ We said, ‘Make him pull us off. This is a demo, man!’

I think they pulled the plug, and that was the end of the film.” ~ Paul McCartney, Anthology

As a climax it could scarcely be bettered, with McCartney brilliantly ad-libbing, “You’ve been playing on the roofs again, and that’s no good, and you know your Mummy doesn’t like that… she gets angry… she’s gonna have you arrested! Get back!”

The police presence ensured that The Beatles would play no more on the roof. The concert over, McCartney thanked Ringo Starr’s wife Maureen for her enthusiastic cheering with a simple “Thanks Mo”.

“I always feel let down about the police. Someone in the neighbourhood called the police, and when they came up I was playing away and I thought, ‘Oh great! I hope they drag me off.’ I wanted the cops to drag me off – ‘Get off those drums!’ – because we were being filmed and it would have looked really great, kicking the cymbals and everything. Well, they didn’t, of course; they just came bumbling in: ‘You’ve got to turn that sound down.’ It could have been fabulous” ~ Ringo Starr, Anthology

Then, of course, there was John Lennon’s immortal closing quote:

“I’d like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves, and I hope we passed the audition.” Both these comments were used at the end of Get Back on the Let It Be album, although the version of the song was not from the rooftop performance.

Around half of the performance was used in the Let It Be film. Furthermore, edits of I’ve Got A Feeling, One After 909 and Dig A Pony all featured on the Let It Be album.

The final Get Back take was included in the Let It Be film, and appeared on Anthology 3 in 1996.

An edit of the two Don’t Let Me Down takes was included on 2003’s Let It Be… Naked, due to John Lennon getting the vocals wrong at different points in both. That album also contained an edit of the rooftop performance of I’ve Got A Feeling and another version, recorded on another date.

#beatles #rooftop #johnlenon #paulmccartney #georgeharrison #ringostarr



The legend that will last a lunchtime:

‘The Rutles – All You Need Is Cash’.

I remember this TV movie when it first aired on Friday before Easter Sunday.  My father and I drove from our home at New Mexico to spend Easter weekend at the home of our Aunt Lena and Uncle Vic at Arizona.

I had my radio cassette with me as we drove, the radio had TV audio, I recorded the movie to audio cassette tape; I would listen to the movie countless times.  I went to a record store near the ASU campus to browse for records that Saturday.  I made two good finds – that Rutles album and The Beatles’ ‘Star Club’ double album.  I copied those two albums to cassette and listened to them numerous times.

Finally, early December 1978, I saw the TV movie for the first time.  I was travelling to my new job with the Forest Service.  I made it as far as Flagstaff.  The time was getting late. I spent Sunday night at a motel at Flagstaff because I was not certain that I would find a vacancy at Williams at such a late hour.  There it was, on the NBC Sunday Night Movie.  I made another, better, audio cassette recording.

A few years later, in the age of VCRs and VHS, I would get the video of the movie.  Bestie Alana and I watched the movie last month on YouTube.

 – Sharon


‘The Rutles – All You Need Is Cash’


Rushcutter Entertainment
11 Oct 2018



Monover Susstereo
14 Feb 2023



Fab Four FAQ 2.0
23 Feb 2024

Also on February 24:  On this day in 1978, The Rutles album was released.


It pre-dated the TV special by about a month. Conspicuously missing from this first issue was “Get Up and Go,” the song memorably seen as part of their rooftop performance. John advised Neil Innes that this particular pastiche was a little TOO close to the original model (“Get Back”) and that he’d best steer clear of unwanted attention from Northern Songs or ATV – their then owner.

It was too little, too late – they HAD noticed and after legal action ensued, songwriting credits were altered for some songs to Lennon-McCartney-Innes (see for details). Had Innes the funds to mount a legal challenge, he likely would’ve won, but the reality was, he was out-lawyered.



Katsu Rutles
16 Oct 2022

‘Get Up and Go – the making of The Rutles’ (2008)



Katsu Rutles
17 Oct 2022

‘Inside Shabby Road:  The music of The Rutles’ (2008)




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BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.

You can read these other Beatles compositions:


‘Music Saturday – Christmas With The Beatles’
(19 Dec 2020)


‘Music Saturday:  The Beatles – Then And Now’
(4 Nov 2023)


‘John Winston Ono Lennon’
(8 Dec 2023)


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.

A previous Music Saturday:




Additional Resources




(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 11 May 2024 – The Pain Of Being Transgender Is Almost Indescribable’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  11 May 2024 – The pain of being Transgender is almost Indescribable’
(11 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
11 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  11 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1 of 4:

(1, 4 are similar)


The pain of being Transgender is almost indescribable



Sharon Nichols shared a memory
11 May 2023

3 of 4:

Trans pain is indescribable


People Who Shared This

1 Year Ago
See your memories




1 Year Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2022
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from two years ago, from three years ago.

Beginning success with Cousin Gail, Cousin Jack, and Cousin Carole last year. Thank you. Hopefully again for this year.

– Sharon




People who shared this


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
npros1,9f8001a1 16yt2m2102Ml m92 ·
11 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Drumpfian and Deplorable loyalists: You can skip this. Keep your smug selves happy. Use your time to continue writing laws to criminalise us out of our existence.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
Shared with Public




Olivia Hope Matteo
May 11, 2019 ·


1 Comment

Alana Joy
This is excellent!
· Reply · 1y

Write a comment…






Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
npros1,9f8000a1 16yt2m2102Ml m92 ·
11 May 2020
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Thank you to my family for teaching me how to hate my self from the age of 3.

Thank you to my sister Kathy. She so excluded me from her life that she recently posted a comment to me that she has three children, not two as what she had told me during the past three decades. Amazing how a sister avoids telling a sibling about her children. Not bad for a Registered Nurse since the 1970s who still refers to my Transsexual and Inter-sex as a ‘sexual orientation’.

I seem to have only one cousin who intermittently checks ‘Like’, but doesn’t actually comment or correspond with me. She’s the apparent closest of family.

Sad that family treats one of their own so badly.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)




Olivia Hope Matteo
(11 May 2019)


Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.



Gail Petersen
I am so sorry Sharon! I hope you are doing ok. I care!

Sharon Nichols
Gail Petersen
Thank you.

Gail Petersen
You are so welcome!

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019
Shared with Public




Olivia Hope Matteo
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.








2 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Drumpfian and Deplorable loyalists: You can skip this. Keep your smug selves happy. Use your time to continue writing laws to criminalise us out of our existence.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
Shared with Public



Olivia Hope Matteo
May 11, 2019 ·

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.


1 Comment

Alana Joy
This is excellent!
· Reply · 1y

Write a comment…








3 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2020
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Thank you to my family for teaching me how to hate my self from the age of 3.

Thank you to my sister Kathy. She so excluded me from her life that she recently posted a comment to me that she has three children, not two as what she had told me during the past three decades. Amazing how a sister avoids telling a sibling about her children. Not bad for a Registered Nurse since the 1970s who still refers to my Transsexual and Inter-sex as a ‘sexual orientation’.

I seem to have only one cousin who intermittently checks ‘Like’, but doesn’t actually comment or correspond with me. She’s the apparent closest of family.

Sad that family treats one of their own so badly.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)



Olivia Hope Matteo
(11 May 2019)

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.


Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.








We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

4 Years Ago




Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2019
Shared with Public





Olivia Hope Matteo
11 May 2019
Shared with Friends

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

The loneliness, the sadness, the guilt, the shame, the anger, the fear of discovery, the absolute human anguish, all trapped inside your head… and no one in your life has a clue.

It gets compounded by the lack of sympathy, compassion, understanding and comfort from others, the fear of anyone knowing, the fear of being seen as a freak, the fear of rejection.

It has been part of you for years, for decades. It is lived every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minute by painful minute.

You started to learn how to hide your secret from when you were only child. You felt the “natural you” and you tried to simply live it. You were told it was wrong and you were regularly corrected. Everyone and everything around you told you what you should be. You were confused but you learned.

You learned that your feelings and sense of self were wrong. You learned to hide those feelings, those thoughts. They were bad. As a child what did you know? Mom, Dad, the older kids, they all knew better. You learned from them.

Your skill grew with time and experience. Everyone around you drove you to improve your skill in hiding. They were not allowed to know your secret because you learned quickly that they hated what you were hiding.

They were the enemy. They proved it time and time again. They were your parents, friends, family, spouses and children. They were the media, religious and political groups and society around you, on a global scale. You had a “disease” that no one wanted to understand and everyone seemed to hate.

You let no one in.

You were perpetually behind enemy lines.

Over time you became so skilled that hiding became second nature. You learned to cover your emotional tracks. No one saw you or knew you were there. They saw what you wanted them to see, knowing at all times they would never accept you.

You hid to prevent being an outcast. You wanted to just be accepted so you became what they wanted.

You found safe ways to take care of your inner self but even then, you were mean and cruel to yourself. You rejected what you saw. You saw your own disgust reflected in the mirror every time you looked.

You hated being you.

On and on this goes on for years. On and on you build a wall that excludes a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

It is exhausting, draining, soul crushing.

The exhaustion grows. You start to lose the strength you thought you could carry to the grave.

You just can’t do it anymore.

The strain and the pain become enormous. You try to find a solution, a way to escape the growing pain that comes with the emotional fatigue.

As you heroically try to keep up the wall in your emotional realities, you begin to realize that you can’t. You see your failure coming… and you are all alone in your crowded life.

You finally come to the point of a life altering moment offering two choices.

But you reject both.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.










People Who Share This


Marie Bobo-Smith
11 May 2020


“I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

The loneliness, the sadness, the guilt, the shame, the anger, the fear of discovery, the absolute human anguish, all trapped inside your head… and no one in your life has a clue.

It gets compounded by the lack of sympathy, compassion, understanding and comfort from others, the fear of anyone knowing, the fear of being seen as a freak, the fear of rejection.

It has been part of you for years, for decades. It is lived every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minute by painful minute.

You started to learn how to hide your secret from when you were only child. You felt the “natural you” and you tried to simply live it. You were told it was wrong and you were regularly corrected. Everyone and everything around you told you what you should be. You were confused but you learned.

You learned that your feelings and sense of self were wrong. You learned to hide those feelings, those thoughts. They were bad. As a child what did you know? Mom, Dad, the older kids, they all knew better. You learned from them.

Your skill grew with time and experience. Everyone around you drove you to improve your skill in hiding. They were not allowed to know your secret because you learned quickly that they hated what you were hiding.

They were the enemy. They proved it time and time again. They were your parents, friends, family, spouses and children. They were the media, religious and political groups and society around you, on a global scale. You had a “disease” that no one wanted to understand and everyone seemed to hate.

You let no one in.

You were perpetually behind enemy lines.

Over time you became so skilled that hiding became second nature. You learned to cover your emotional tracks. No one saw you or knew you were there. They saw what you wanted them to see, knowing at all times they would never accept you.

You hid to prevent being an outcast. You wanted to just be accepted so you became what they wanted.

You found safe ways to take care of your inner self but even then, you were mean and cruel to yourself. You rejected what you saw. You saw your own disgust reflected in the mirror every time you looked.

You hated being you.

On and on this goes on for years. On and on you build a wall that excludes a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

It is exhausting, draining, soul crushing.

The exhaustion grows. You start to lose the strength you thought you could carry to the grave.

You just can’t do it anymore.

The strain and the pain become enormous. You try to find a solution, a way to escape the growing pain that comes with the emotional fatigue.

As you heroically try to keep up the wall in your emotional realities, you begin to realize that you can’t. You see your failure coming… and you are all alone in your crowded life.

You finally come to the point of a life altering moment offering two choices.

But you reject both.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.”





4 of 4:

(1, 4 are similar)


The pain of being transgender



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2019




Olivia Hope Matteo
11 May 2019

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

The loneliness, the sadness, the guilt, the shame, the anger, the fear of discovery, the absolute human anguish, all trapped inside your head… and no one in your life has a clue.

It gets compounded by the lack of sympathy, compassion, understanding and comfort from others, the fear of anyone knowing, the fear of being seen as a freak, the fear of rejection.

It has been part of you for years, for decades. It is lived every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minute by painful minute.

You started to learn how to hide your secret from when you were only child. You felt the “natural you” and you tried to simply live it. You were told it was wrong and you were regularly corrected. Everyone and everything around you told you what you should be. You were confused but you learned.

You learned that your feelings and sense of self were wrong. You learned to hide those feelings, those thoughts. They were bad. As a child what did you know? Mom, Dad, the older kids, they all knew better. You learned from them.

Your skill grew with time and experience. Everyone around you drove you to improve your skill in hiding. They were not allowed to know your secret because you learned quickly that they hated what you were hiding.

They were the enemy. They proved it time and time again. They were your parents, friends, family, spouses and children. They were the media, religious and political groups and society around you, on a global scale. You had a “disease” that no one wanted to understand and everyone seemed to hate.

You let no one in.

You were perpetually behind enemy lines.

Over time you became so skilled that hiding became second nature. You learned to cover your emotional tracks. No one saw you or knew you were there. They saw what you wanted them to see, knowing at all times they would never accept you.

You hid to prevent being an outcast. You wanted to just be accepted so you became what they wanted.

You found safe ways to take care of your inner self but even then, you were mean and cruel to yourself. You rejected what you saw. You saw your own disgust reflected in the mirror every time you looked.

You hated being you.

On and on this goes on for years. On and on you build a wall that excludes a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

It is exhausting, draining, soul crushing.

The exhaustion grows. You start to lose the strength you thought you could carry to the grave.

You just can’t do it anymore.

The strain and the pain become enormous. You try to find a solution, a way to escape the growing pain that comes with the emotional fatigue.

As you heroically try to keep up the wall in your emotional realities, you begin to realize that you can’t. You see your failure coming… and you are all alone in your crowded life.

You finally come to the point of a life altering moment offering two choices.

But you reject both.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.





Share #1





Sharon Nichols
11 May 2020

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Thank you to my family for teaching me how to hate my self from the age of 3.

Thank you to my sister Kathy.  She so excluded me from her life that she recently posted a comment to me that she has three children, not two as what she had told me during the past three decades.  Amazing how a sister avoids telling a sibling about her children.  Not bad for a Registered Nurse since the 1970s who still refers to my Transsexual and Inter-sex as a ‘sexual orientation’.

I seem to have only one cousin who intermittently checks ‘Like’, but doesn’t actually comment or correspond with me.  She’s the apparent closest of family.

Sad that family treats one of their own so badly.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)



Olivia Hope Matteo
(11 May 2019)

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

The loneliness, the sadness, the guilt, the shame, the anger, the fear of discovery, the absolute human anguish, all trapped inside your head… and no one in your life has a clue.

It gets compounded by the lack of sympathy, compassion, understanding and comfort from others, the fear of anyone knowing, the fear of being seen as a freak, the fear of rejection.

It has been part of you for years, for decades. It is lived every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minute by painful minute.

You started to learn how to hide your secret from when you were only child. You felt the “natural you” and you tried to simply live it. You were told it was wrong and you were regularly corrected. Everyone and everything around you told you what you should be. You were confused but you learned.

You learned that your feelings and sense of self were wrong. You learned to hide those feelings, those thoughts. They were bad. As a child what did you know? Mom, Dad, the older kids, they all knew better. You learned from them.

Your skill grew with time and experience. Everyone around you drove you to improve your skill in hiding. They were not allowed to know your secret because you learned quickly that they hated what you were hiding.

They were the enemy. They proved it time and time again. They were your parents, friends, family, spouses and children. They were the media, religious and political groups and society around you, on a global scale. You had a “disease” that no one wanted to understand and everyone seemed to hate.

You let no one in.

You were perpetually behind enemy lines.

Over time you became so skilled that hiding became second nature. You learned to cover your emotional tracks. No one saw you or knew you were there. They saw what you wanted them to see, knowing at all times they would never accept you.

You hid to prevent being an outcast. You wanted to just be accepted so you became what they wanted.

You found safe ways to take care of your inner self but even then, you were mean and cruel to yourself. You rejected what you saw. You saw your own disgust reflected in the mirror every time you looked.

You hated being you.

On and on this goes on for years. On and on you build a wall that excludes a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

It is exhausting, draining, soul crushing.

The exhaustion grows. You start to lose the strength you thought you could carry to the grave.

You just can’t do it anymore.

The strain and the pain become enormous. You try to find a solution, a way to escape the growing pain that comes with the emotional fatigue.

As you heroically try to keep up the wall in your emotional realities, you begin to realize that you can’t. You see your failure coming… and you are all alone in your crowded life.

You finally come to the point of a life altering moment offering two choices.

But you reject both.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.


Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.






Gail Petersen
I am so sorry Sharon! I hope you are doing ok. I care!

Sharon Nichols
Gail Petersen
Thank you.

Gail Peterson
You are so welcome!



Share #2





Sharon Nichols
11 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Drumpfian and Deplorable loyalists: You can skip this. Keep your smug selves happy. Use your time to continue writing laws to criminalise us out of our existence.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
Shared with Public



Olivia Hope Matteo
Maay 11, 2019 ·

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

The loneliness, the sadness, the guilt, the shame, the anger, the fear of discovery, the absolute human anguish, all trapped inside your head… and no one in your life has a clue.

It gets compounded by the lack of sympathy, compassion, understanding and comfort from others, the fear of anyone knowing, the fear of being seen as a freak, the fear of rejection.

It has been part of you for years, for decades. It is lived every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minute by painful minute.

You started to learn how to hide your secret from when you were only child. You felt the “natural you” and you tried to simply live it. You were told it was wrong and you were regularly corrected. Everyone and everything around you told you what you should be. You were confused but you learned.

You learned that your feelings and sense of self were wrong. You learned to hide those feelings, those thoughts. They were bad. As a child what did you know? Mom, Dad, the older kids, they all knew better. You learned from them.

Your skill grew with time and experience. Everyone around you drove you to improve your skill in hiding. They were not allowed to know your secret because you learned quickly that they hated what you were hiding.

They were the enemy. They proved it time and time again. They were your parents, friends, family, spouses and children. They were the media, religious and political groups and society around you, on a global scale. You had a “disease” that no one wanted to understand and everyone seemed to hate.

You let no one in.

You were perpetually behind enemy lines.

Over time you became so skilled that hiding became second nature. You learned to cover your emotional tracks. No one saw you or knew you were there. They saw what you wanted them to see, knowing at all times they would never accept you.

You hid to prevent being an outcast. You wanted to just be accepted so you became what they wanted.

You found safe ways to take care of your inner self but even then, you were mean and cruel to yourself. You rejected what you saw. You saw your own disgust reflected in the mirror every time you looked.

You hated being you.

On and on this goes on for years. On and on you build a wall that excludes a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

It is exhausting, draining, soul crushing.

The exhaustion grows. You start to lose the strength you thought you could carry to the grave.

You just can’t do it anymore.

The strain and the pain become enormous. You try to find a solution, a way to escape the growing pain that comes with the emotional fatigue.

As you heroically try to keep up the wall in your emotional realities, you begin to realize that you can’t. You see your failure coming… and you are all alone in your crowded life.

You finally come to the point of a life altering moment offering two choices.

But you reject both.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.


1 Comment

Alana Joy
This is excellent!
· Reply · 1y

Write a comment…







Share #3





Sharon Nichols
12 May 2022

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from two years ago, from three years ago.

Beginning success with Cousin Gail, Cousin Jack, and Cousin Carole last year. Thank you. Hopefully again for this year.

– Sharon




People who shared this


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
npros1,9f8001a1 16yt2m2102Ml m92 ·
11 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Drumpfian and Deplorable loyalists: You can skip this. Keep your smug selves happy. Use your time to continue writing laws to criminalise us out of our existence.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
Shared with Public




Olivia Hope Matteo
Maay 11, 2019 ·


1 Comment

Alana Joy
This is excellent!
· Reply · 1y

Write a comment…






Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
npros1,9f8000a1 16yt2m2102Ml m92 ·
11 May 2020
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Thank you to my family for teaching me how to hate my self from the age of 3.

Thank you to my sister Kathy. She so excluded me from her life that she recently posted a comment to me that she has three children, not two as what she had told me during the past three decades. Amazing how a sister avoids telling a sibling about her children. Not bad for a Registered Nurse since the 1970s who still refers to my Transsexual and Inter-sex as a ‘sexual orientation’.

I seem to have only one cousin who intermittently checks ‘Like’, but doesn’t actually comment or correspond with me. She’s the apparent closest of family.

Sad that family treats one of their own so badly.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)




Olivia Hope Matteo
(11 May 2019)


Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.



Gail Petersen
I am so sorry Sharon! I hope you are doing ok. I care!

Sharon Nichols
Gail Petersen
Thank you.

Gail Petersen
You are so welcome!

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019
Shared with Public




Olivia Hope Matteo
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

The loneliness, the sadness, the guilt, the shame, the anger, the fear of discovery, the absolute human anguish, all trapped inside your head… and no one in your life has a clue.

It gets compounded by the lack of sympathy, compassion, understanding and comfort from others, the fear of anyone knowing, the fear of being seen as a freak, the fear of rejection.

It has been part of you for years, for decades. It is lived every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minute by painful minute.

You started to learn how to hide your secret from when you were only child. You felt the “natural you” and you tried to simply live it. You were told it was wrong and you were regularly corrected. Everyone and everything around you told you what you should be. You were confused but you learned.

You learned that your feelings and sense of self were wrong. You learned to hide those feelings, those thoughts. They were bad. As a child what did you know? Mom, Dad, the older kids, they all knew better. You learned from them.

Your skill grew with time and experience. Everyone around you drove you to improve your skill in hiding. They were not allowed to know your secret because you learned quickly that they hated what you were hiding.

They were the enemy. They proved it time and time again. They were your parents, friends, family, spouses and children. They were the media, religious and political groups and society around you, on a global scale. You had a “disease” that no one wanted to understand and everyone seemed to hate.

You let no one in.

You were perpetually behind enemy lines.

Over time you became so skilled that hiding became second nature. You learned to cover your emotional tracks. No one saw you or knew you were there. They saw what you wanted them to see, knowing at all times they would never accept you.

You hid to prevent being an outcast. You wanted to just be accepted so you became what they wanted.

You found safe ways to take care of your inner self but even then, you were mean and cruel to yourself. You rejected what you saw. You saw your own disgust reflected in the mirror every time you looked.

You hated being you.

On and on this goes on for years. On and on you build a wall that excludes a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

It is exhausting, draining, soul crushing.

The exhaustion grows. You start to lose the strength you thought you could carry to the grave.

You just can’t do it anymore.

The strain and the pain become enormous. You try to find a solution, a way to escape the growing pain that comes with the emotional fatigue.

As you heroically try to keep up the wall in your emotional realities, you begin to realize that you can’t. You see your failure coming… and you are all alone in your crowded life.

You finally come to the point of a life altering moment offering two choices.

But you reject both.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.




Bonus Shares:  2019 shows 3 Shares, 2023 shows 0 Shares.


People Who Shared This



Marie Bobo-Smith
11 May 2020


“I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

The loneliness, the sadness, the guilt, the shame, the anger, the fear of discovery, the absolute human anguish, all trapped inside your head… and no one in your life has a clue.

It gets compounded by the lack of sympathy, compassion, understanding and comfort from others, the fear of anyone knowing, the fear of being seen as a freak, the fear of rejection.

It has been part of you for years, for decades. It is lived every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minute by painful minute.

You started to learn how to hide your secret from when you were only child. You felt the “natural you” and you tried to simply live it. You were told it was wrong and you were regularly corrected. Everyone and everything around you told you what you should be. You were confused but you learned.

You learned that your feelings and sense of self were wrong. You learned to hide those feelings, those thoughts. They were bad. As a child what did you know? Mom, Dad, the older kids, they all knew better. You learned from them.

Your skill grew with time and experience. Everyone around you drove you to improve your skill in hiding. They were not allowed to know your secret because you learned quickly that they hated what you were hiding.

They were the enemy. They proved it time and time again. They were your parents, friends, family, spouses and children. They were the media, religious and political groups and society around you, on a global scale. You had a “disease” that no one wanted to understand and everyone seemed to hate.

You let no one in.

You were perpetually behind enemy lines.

Over time you became so skilled that hiding became second nature. You learned to cover your emotional tracks. No one saw you or knew you were there. They saw what you wanted them to see, knowing at all times they would never accept you.

You hid to prevent being an outcast. You wanted to just be accepted so you became what they wanted.

You found safe ways to take care of your inner self but even then, you were mean and cruel to yourself. You rejected what you saw. You saw your own disgust reflected in the mirror every time you looked.

You hated being you.

On and on this goes on for years. On and on you build a wall that excludes a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

It is exhausting, draining, soul crushing.

The exhaustion grows. You start to lose the strength you thought you could carry to the grave.

You just can’t do it anymore.

The strain and the pain become enormous. You try to find a solution, a way to escape the growing pain that comes with the emotional fatigue.

As you heroically try to keep up the wall in your emotional realities, you begin to realize that you can’t. You see your failure coming… and you are all alone in your crowded life.

You finally come to the point of a life altering moment offering two choices.

But you reject both.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.”





You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 11 May 2024 – Common Dreams:  20 Ways Crooked Drumpf Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric And Policies’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … whew! … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  11 May 2024 – Common Dreams:  20 Ways Crooked Drumpf Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies’
(11 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

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The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
11 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  11 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



2 of 4:


Common Dreams:  20 Ways Crooked Drumpf Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2020

It’s worth re-visiting this article (attached) every so often for what the author reminds us.

I address my concerns to you among my family, my ‘friends’, my social media ‘friends’:

– who are Right-wing Republi-con, Christian Con-servative, Drumpfian, Deplorable

– who loyally vote straight-ticket Republi-con

– who loyally voted for Crooked Drumpf in 2016

– who tell me that you are a Con-servative while telling me that you oppose Crooked Drumpf

– who will persist voting straight-ticket Republi-con and for Crooked Drumpf in 2020, 2024, 2028 – well, that depends upon what kind of ‘Elections’ you will allow.

You are NOT a friend in any sense of that appellation of ‘friend’.

You lack the ability of defending your position, either here in public or at your own hovel.

You are the one who wishes harm, wishes death to me, to my Friends, to my Allies, to my Community.  You have said so, either expressly or by the consequences of your actions.

You are described in the attached article.

You lack the capacity to read beyond the slogan of your MAGA baseball cap, you could not be bothered to read the attached article.

You are in history.  I studied you as a Student of the Shoah, I personally witnessed your aftermath of Dachau begotten by Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide – your own ideology:

– You have no Rights
– You have no Rights to live amongst us
– You have no Rights to live.

Those Three Stages to Genocide is the ideology of Amerikan Republi-cons.  Remember well what Republi-cons boasted during the 1930s and the 1940s – that they would rather vote for Hitler than ever vote for Roosevelt.

As Germany denied this throughout the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, well, at least through the 1970s, 1980s, so do you in the 2010s, 2020s, 2030s (?).  The crimes of your long arc will eventually come due, paid by your children and grandchildren.

I’m not finished here.  Even after you murder me in your coming Drumpficide, I shall mark you.

– Sharon



Published on
Friday, August 09, 2019
by Common Dreams

Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.
bySteven Rosenfeld

We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. (Photo: photolibrarian/Flickr/cc)

A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances are being pushed to the brink by a president who is consciously following Adolf Hitler’s extremist propaganda and policy template from the early 1930s—when the Nazis took power in Germany.

In When at Times the Mob Is Swayed: A Citizen’s Guide to Defending Our Republic, Burt Neuborne mostly focuses on how America’s constitutional foundation in 2019—an unrepresentative Congress, the Electoral College and a right-wing Supreme Court majority—is not positioned to withstand Trump’s extreme polarization and GOP power grabs. However, its second chapter, “Why the Sudden Concern About Fixing the Brakes?,” extensively details Trump’s mimicry of Hitler’s pre-war rhetoric and strategies.

Neuborne doesn’t make this comparison lightly. His 55-year career began by challenging the constitutionality of the Vietnam War in the 1960s. He became the ACLU’s national legal director in the 1980s under Ronald Reagan. He was founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School in the 1990s. He has been part of more than 200 Supreme Court cases and Holocaust reparation litigation.

“Why does an ignorant, narcissistic buffoon like Trump trigger such anxiety? Why do so many Americans feel it existentially (not just politically) important to resist our forty-fifth president?” he writes. “Partly it’s just aesthetics. Trump is such a coarse and appalling man that it’s hard to stomach his presence in Abraham Lincoln’s house. But that’s not enough to explain the intensity of my dread. LBJ was coarse. Gerald Ford and George W. Bush were dumb as rocks. Richard Nixon was an anti-Semite. Bill Clinton’s mistreatment of women dishonored his office. Ronald Reagan was a dangerous ideologue. I opposed each of them when they appeared to exceed their constitutional powers. But I never felt a sense of existential dread. I never sensed that the very existence of a tolerant democracy was in play.”

A younger Trump, according to his first wife’s divorce filings, kept and studied a book translating and annotating Adolf Hitler’s pre-World War II speeches in a locked bedside cabinet, Neuborne noted. The English edition of My New Order, published in 1941, also had analyses of the speeches’ impact on his era’s press and politics. “Ugly and appalling as they are, those speeches are masterpieces of demagogic manipulation,” Neuborne says.

“Watching Trump work his crowds, though, I see a dangerously manipulative narcissist unleashing the demagogic spells that he learned from studying Hitler’s speeches—spells that he cannot control and that are capable of eroding the fabric of American democracy,” Neuborne says. “You see, we’ve seen what these rhetorical techniques can do. Much of Trump’s rhetoric—as a candidate and in office—mirrors the strategies, even the language, used by Adolf Hitler in the early 1930s to erode German democracy.”

Many Americans may seize or condemn Neuborne’s analysis, which has more than 20 major points of comparison. The author repeatedly says his goal is not “equating” the men—as “it trivializes Hitler’s obscene crimes to compare them to Trump’s often pathetic foibles.”

Indeed, the book has a larger frame: whether federal checks and balances—Congress, the Supreme Court, the Electoral College—can contain the havoc that Trump thrives on and the Republican Party at large has embraced. But the Trump-Hitler compilation is a stunning warning, because, as many Holocaust survivors have said, few Germans or Europeans expected what unfolded in the years after Hitler amassed power.

Here’s how Neuborne introduces this section. Many recent presidents have been awful, “But then there was Donald Trump, the only president in recent American history to openly despise the twin ideals—individual dignity and fundamental equality—upon which the contemporary United States is built. When you confront the reality of a president like Trump, the state of both sets of brakes—internal [constitutional] and external [public resistance]—become hugely important because Donald Trump’s political train runs on the most potent and dangerous fuel of all: a steady diet of fear, greed, loathing, lies, and envy. It’s a toxic mixture that has destroyed democracies before, and can do so again.

“Give Trump credit,” he continues. “He did his homework well and became the twenty-first-century master of divisive rhetoric. We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. The Nazis did not overthrow the Weimar Republic. It fell into their hands as the fruit of Hitler’s satanic ability to mesmerize enough Germans to trade their birthright for a pottage of scapegoating, short-term economic gain, xenophobia, and racism. It could happen here.”

20 Common Themes, Rhetorical Tactics and Dangerous Policies

Here are 20 serious points of comparison between the early Hitler and Trump.

1. Neither was elected by a majority. Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, receiving votes by 25.3 percent of all eligible American voters. “That’s just a little less than the percentage of the German electorate that turned to the Nazi Party in 1932–33,” Neuborne writes. “Unlike the low turnouts in the United States, turnout in Weimar Germany averaged just over 80 percent of eligible voters.” He continues, “Once installed as a minority chancellor in January 1933, Hitler set about demonizing his political opponents, and no one—not the vaunted, intellectually brilliant German judiciary; not the respected, well-trained German police; not the revered, aristocratic German military; not the widely admired, efficient German government bureaucracy; not the wealthy, immensely powerful leaders of German industry; and not the powerful center-right political leaders of the Reichstag—mounted a serious effort to stop him.”

2. Both found direct communication channels to their base. By 1936’s Olympics, Nazi narratives dominated German cultural and political life. “How on earth did Hitler pull it off? What satanic magic did Trump find in Hitler’s speeches?” Neuborne asks. He addresses Hitler’s extreme rhetoric soon enough, but notes that Hitler found a direct communication pathway—the Nazi Party gave out radios with only one channel, tuned to Hitler’s voice, bypassing Germany’s news media. Trump has an online equivalent.

“Donald Trump’s tweets, often delivered between midnight and dawn, are the twenty-first century’s technological embodiment of Hitler’s free plastic radios,” Neuborne says. “Trump’s Twitter account, like Hitler’s radios, enables a charismatic leader to establish and maintain a personal, unfiltered line of communication with an adoring political base of about 30–40 percent of the population, many (but not all) of whom are only too willing, even anxious, to swallow Trump’s witches’ brew of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never ending-search for scapegoats.”

3. Both blame others and divide on racial lines. As Neuborne notes, “Hitler used his single-frequency radios to wax hysterical to his adoring base about his pathological racial and religious fantasies glorifying Aryans and demonizing Jews, blaming Jews (among other racial and religious scapegoats) for German society’s ills.” That is comparable to “Trump’s tweets and public statements, whether dealing with black-led demonstrations against police violence, white-led racist mob violence, threats posed by undocumented aliens, immigration policy generally, protests by black and white professional athletes, college admission policies, hate speech, even response to hurricane damage in Puerto Rico,” he says. Again and again, Trump uses “racially tinged messages calculated to divide whites from people of color.”

4. Both relentlessly demonize opponents. “Hitler’s radio harangues demonized his domestic political opponents, calling them parasites, criminals, cockroaches, and various categories of leftist scum,” Neuborne notes. “Trump’s tweets and speeches similarly demonize his political opponents. Trump talks about the country being ‘infested’ with dangerous aliens of color. He fantasizes about jailing Hillary Clinton, calls Mexicans rapists, refers to ‘shithole countries,’ degrades anyone who disagrees with him, and dreams of uprooting thousands of allegedly disloyal bureaucrats in the State Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the FBI, and the CIA, who he calls ‘the deep state’ and who, he claims, are sabotaging American greatness.”

5. They unceasingly attack objective truth. “Both Trump and Hitler maintained a relentless assault on the very idea of objective truth,” he continues. “Each began the assault by seeking to delegitimize the mainstream press. Hitler quickly coined the epithet Lügenpresse (literally ‘lying press’) to denigrate the mainstream press. Trump uses a paraphrase of Hitler’s lying press epithet—‘fake news’—cribbed, no doubt, from one of Hitler’s speeches. For Trump, the mainstream press is a ‘lying press’ that publishes ‘fake news.’” Hitler attacked his opponents as spreading false information to undermine his positions, Neuborne says, just as Trump has attacked “elites” for disseminating false news, “especially his possible links to the Kremlin.”

6. They relentlessly attack mainstream media. Trump’s assaults on the media echo Hitler’s, Neuborne says, noting that he “repeatedly attacks the ‘failing New York Times,’ leads crowds in chanting ‘CNN sucks,’ [and] is personally hostile to most reporters.” He cites the White House’s refusal to fly the flag at half-mast after the murder of five journalists in Annapolis in June 2018, Trump’s efforts to punish CNN by blocking a merger of its corporate parent, and trying to revoke federal Postal Service contracts held by Amazon, which was founded by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post.

7. Their attacks on truth include science. Neuborne notes, “Both Trump and Hitler intensified their assault on objective truth by deriding scientific experts, especially academics who question Hitler’s views on race or Trump’s views on climate change, immigration, or economics. For both Trump and Hitler, the goal is (and was) to eviscerate the very idea of objective truth, turning everything into grist for a populist jury subject to manipulation by a master puppeteer. In both Trump’s and Hitler’s worlds, public opinion ultimately defines what is true and what is false.”

8. Their lies blur reality—and supporters spread them. “Trump’s pathological penchant for repeatedly lying about his behavior can only succeed in a world where his supporters feel free to embrace Trump’s ‘alternative facts’ and treat his hyperbolic exaggerations as the gospel truth,” Neuborne says. “Once Hitler had delegitimized the mainstream media by a series of systematic attacks on its integrity, he constructed a fawning alternative mass media designed to reinforce his direct radio messages and enhance his personal power. Trump is following the same path, simultaneously launching bitter attacks on the mainstream press while embracing the so-called alt-right media, co-opting both Sinclair Broadcasting and the Rupert Murdoch–owned Fox Broadcasting Company as, essentially, a Trump Broadcasting Network.”

9. Both orchestrated mass rallies to show status. “Once Hitler had cemented his personal communications link with his base via free radios and a fawning media and had badly eroded the idea of objective truth, he reinforced his emotional bond with his base by holding a series of carefully orchestrated mass meetings dedicated to cementing his status as a charismatic leader, or Führer,” Neuborne writes. “The powerful personal bonds nurtured by Trump’s tweets and Fox’s fawning are also systematically reinforced by periodic, carefully orchestrated mass rallies (even going so far as to co-opt a Boy Scout Jamboree in 2017), reinforcing Trump’s insatiable narcissism and his status as a charismatic leader.”

10. They embrace extreme nationalism. “Hitler’s strident appeals to the base invoked an extreme version of German nationalism, extolling a brilliant German past and promising to restore Germany to its rightful place as a preeminent nation,” Neuborne says. “Trump echoes Hitler’s jingoistic appeal to ultranationalist fervor, extolling American exceptionalism right down to the slogan ‘Make America Great Again,’ a paraphrase of Hitler’s promise to restore German greatness.”

11. Both made closing borders a centerpiece. “Hitler all but closed Germany’s borders, freezing non-Aryan migration into the country and rendering it impossible for Germans to escape without official permission. Like Hitler, Trump has also made closed borders a centerpiece of his administration,” Neuborne continues. “Hitler barred Jews. Trump bars Muslims and seekers of sanctuary from Central America. When the lower courts blocked Trump’s Muslim travel ban, he unilaterally issued executive orders replacing it with a thinly disguised substitute that ultimately narrowly won Supreme Court approval under a theory of extreme deference to the president.”

12. They embraced mass detention and deportations. “Hitler promised to make Germany free from Jews and Slavs. Trump promises to slow, stop, and even reverse the flow of non-white immigrants, substituting Muslims, Africans, Mexicans, and Central Americans of color for Jews and Slavs as scapegoats for the nation’s ills. Trump’s efforts to cast dragnets to arrest undocumented aliens where they work, live, and worship, followed by mass deportation… echo Hitler’s promise to defend Germany’s racial identity,” he writes, also noting that Trump has “stooped to tearing children from their parents [as Nazis in World War II would do] to punish desperate efforts by migrants to find a better life.”

13. Both used borders to protect selected industries. “Like Hitler, Trump seeks to use national borders to protect his favored national interests, threatening to ignite protectionist trade wars with Europe, China, and Japan similar to the trade wars that, in earlier incarnations, helped to ignite World War I and World War II,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump aggressively uses our nation’s political and economic power to favor selected American corporate interests at the expense of foreign competitors and the environment, even at the price of international conflict, massive inefficiency, and irreversible pollution [climate change].”

14. They cemented their rule by enriching elites. “Hitler’s version of fascism shifted immense power—both political and financial—to the leaders of German industry. In fact, Hitler governed Germany largely through corporate executives,” he continues. “Trump has also presided over a massive empowerment—and enrichment—of corporate America. Under Trump, large corporations exercise immense political power while receiving huge economic windfalls and freedom from regulations designed to protect consumers and the labor force.

“Hitler despised the German labor movement, eventually destroying it and imprisoning its leaders. Trump also detests strong unions, seeking to undermine any effort to interfere with the prerogatives of management.”

15. Both rejected international norms. “Hitler’s foreign policy rejected international cooperation in favor of military and economic coercion, culminating in the annexation of the Sudetenland, the phony Hitler-Stalin nonaggression pact, the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the horrors of global war,” Neuborne notes. “Like Hitler, Trump is deeply hostile to multinational cooperation, withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the nuclear agreement with Iran, threatening to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement, abandoning our Kurdish allies in Syria, and even going so far as to question the value of NATO, our post-World War II military alliance with European democracies against Soviet expansionism.”

16. They attack domestic democratic processes. “Hitler attacked the legitimacy of democracy itself, purging the voting rolls, challenging the integrity of the electoral process, and questioning the ability of democratic government to solve Germany’s problems,” Neuborne notes. “Trump has also attacked the democratic process, declining to agree to be bound by the outcome of the 2016 elections when he thought he might lose, supporting the massive purge of the voting rolls allegedly designed to avoid (nonexistent) fraud, championing measures that make it harder to vote, tolerating—if not fomenting—massive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, encouraging mob violence at rallies, darkly hinting at violence if Democrats hold power, and constantly casting doubt on the legitimacy of elections unless he wins.”

17. Both attack the judiciary and rule of law. “Hitler politicized and eventually destroyed the vaunted German justice system. Trump also seeks to turn the American justice system into his personal playground,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump threatens the judicially enforced rule of law, bitterly attacking American judges who rule against him, slyly praising Andrew Jackson for defying the Supreme Court, and abusing the pardon power by pardoning an Arizona sheriff found guilty of criminal contempt of court for disobeying federal court orders to cease violating the Constitution.”

18. Both glorify the military and demand loyalty oaths. “Like Hitler, Trump glorifies the military, staffing his administration with layers of retired generals (who eventually were fired or resigned), relaxing control over the use of lethal force by the military and the police, and demanding a massive increase in military spending,” Neuborne writes. Just as Hitler “imposed an oath of personal loyalty on all German judges” and demanded courts defer to him, “Trump’s already gotten enough deference from five Republican [Supreme Court] justices to uphold a largely Muslim travel ban that is the epitome of racial and religious bigotry.”

Trump has also demanded loyalty oaths. “He fired James Comey, a Republican appointed in 2013 as FBI director by President Obama, for refusing to swear an oath of personal loyalty to the president; excoriated and then sacked Jeff Sessions, his handpicked attorney general, for failing to suppress the criminal investigation into… Trump’s possible collusion with Russia in influencing the 2016 elections; repeatedly threatened to dismiss Robert Mueller, the special counsel carrying out the investigation; and called again and again for the jailing of Hillary Clinton, his 2016 opponent, leading crowds in chants of ‘lock her up.’” A new chant, “send her back,” has since emerged at Trump rallies directed at non-white Democratic congresswomen.

19. They proclaim unchecked power. “Like Hitler, Trump has intensified a disturbing trend that predated his administration of governing unilaterally, largely through executive orders or proclamations,” Neuborne says, citing the Muslim travel ban, trade tariffs, unraveling of health and environmental safety nets, ban on transgender military service, and efforts to end President Obama’s protection for Dreamers. “Like Hitler, Trump claims the power to overrule Congress and govern all by himself. In 1933, Hitler used the pretext of the Reichstag fire to declare a national emergency and seize the power to govern unilaterally. The German judiciary did nothing to stop him. German democracy never recovered.”

“When Congress refused to give Trump funds for his border wall even after he threw a tantrum and shut down the government, Trump, like Hitler, declared a phony national emergency and claimed the power to ignore Congress,” Neuborne continues. “Don’t count on the Supreme Court to stop him. Five justices gave the game away on the President’s unilateral travel ban. They just might do the same thing on the border wall.” It did in late July, ruling that Trump could divert congressionally appropriated funds from the Pentagon budget—undermining constitutional separation of powers.

20. Both relegate women to subordinate roles. “Finally,” writes Neuborne, “Hitler propounded a misogynistic, stereotypical view of women, valuing them exclusively as wives and mothers while excluding them from full participation in German political and economic life. Trump may be the most openly misogynist figure ever to hold high public office in the United States, crassly treating women as sexual objects, using nondisclosure agreements and violating campaign finance laws to shield his sexual misbehavior from public knowledge, attacking women who come forward to accuse men of abusive behavior, undermining reproductive freedom, and opposing efforts by women to achieve economic equality.”

Whither Constitutional Checks and Balances?

Most of Neuborne’s book is not centered on Trump’s fealty to Hitler’s methods and early policies. He notes, as many commentators have, that Trump is following the well-known contours of authoritarian populists and dictators: “there’s always a charismatic leader, a disaffected mass, an adroit use of communications media, economic insecurity, racial or religious fault lines, xenophobia, a turn to violence, and a search for scapegoats.”

The bigger problem, and the subject of most of the book, is that the federal architecture intended to be a check and balance against tyrants, is not poised to act. Congressional representation is fundamentally anti-democratic. In the Senate, politicians representing 18 percent of the national population—epicenters of Trump’s base—can cast 51 percent of the chamber’s votes. A Republican majority from rural states, representing barely 40 percent of the population, controls the chamber. It repeatedly thwarts legislation reflecting multicultural America’s values—and creates a brick wall for impeachment.

The House of Representatives is not much better. Until 2018, this decade’s GOP-majority House, a product of 2011’s extreme Republican gerrymanders, was also unrepresentative of the nation’s demographics. That bias still exists in the Electoral College, as the size of a state’s congressional delegation equals its allocation of votes. That formula is fair as far as House members go, but allocating votes based on two senators per state hurts urban America. Consider that California’s population is 65 times larger than Wyoming’s.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court’s majority remains in the hands of justices appointed by Republican presidents—and favors that party’s agenda. Most Americans are unaware that the court’s partisan majority has only changed twice since the Civil War—in 1937, when a Democratic-appointed majority took over, and in 1972, when a Republican-appointed majority took over. Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s blocking of President Obama’s final nominee thwarted a twice-a-century change. Today’s hijacked Supreme Court majority has only just begun deferring to Trump’s agenda.

Neuborne wants to be optimistic that a wave of state-based resistance, call it progressive federalism, could blunt Trump’s power grabs and help the country return to a system embracing, rather than demonizing, individual dignity and fundamental equality. But he predicts that many Americans who supported Trump in 2016 (largely, he suggests, because their plights have been overlooked for many years by federal power centers and by America’s capitalist hubs) won’t desert Trump—not while he’s in power.

“When tyrants like Hitler are ultimately overthrown, their mass support vanishes retroactively—everyone turns out to have been in the resistance—but the mass support was undeniably there,” he writes. “There will, of course, be American quislings who will enthusiastically support an American tyrant. There always are—everywhere.”

Ultimately, Neuborne doesn’t expect there will be a “constitutional mechanic in the sky ready to swoop down and save American democracy from Donald Trump at the head of a populist mob.” Whatever Trump thinks he is or isn’t doing, his rhetorical and strategic role model—the early Hitler—is what makes Trump and today’s GOP so dangerous.

“Even if all that Trump is doing is marching to that populist drum, he is unleashing forces that imperil the fragile fabric of a multicultural democracy,” Neuborne writes. “But I think there’s more. The parallels—especially the links between Lügenpresse and ‘fake news,’ and promises to restore German greatness and ‘Make America Great Again’—are just too close to be coincidental. I’m pretty sure that Trump’s bedside study of Hitler’s speeches—especially the use of personal invective, white racism, and xenophobia—has shaped the way Trump seeks to gain political power in our time. I don’t for a moment believe that Trump admires what Hitler eventually did with his power [genocide], but he damn well admires—and is successfully copying—the way that Hitler got it.”

This article was produced by Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

Steven Rosenfeld is a senior writing fellow and the editor and chief correspondent of Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute. He is a national political reporter focusing on democracy issues. He has reported for nationwide public radio networks, websites, and newspapers and produced talk radio and music podcasts. He has written five books, including profiles of campaigns, voter suppression, voting rights guides, and a WWII survival story currently being made into a film. His latest book is Democracy Betrayed: How Superdelegates, Redistricting, Party Insiders, and the Electoral College Rigged the 2016 Election (Hot Books, March 2018).


Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article – some ‘Oldies but Goodies’, some new hits.  They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.  Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Crooked Drumpf will steal from anyone, even professional fighters.


Trump Blames China for COVID-19 Cover-up.


How many dead will satisfy you?


How Hitler and his NAZIs seized control of Germany – Crooked Drumpf’s blueprint to overthrow American Constitutional government.


Hitler seizes Catholic Austria – ‘Conquer Austria; use Austrian Catholicism to overthrow science.’


Republi-cons – Let the looting begin as their perfect crime unfolds to the witnessing public.


Barr directs DOJ to cover-up Drumpf’s crimes – in broad daylight.


Drumpf accuses Obama of committing the ‘crime’ of ‘Obamagate’.


Croaked Drumpf and Barr subvert the Rule of Law in favour of their abuse of Prosecutorial Discretion.



Crooked Drumpf lays bare his death cult of Coronavirus.


Crooked Drumpf uses Coronavirus to make himself into a profiteer.


The international loathing of crooked Drumpf.


These are the minions, Myrmidons, and psychophants of Crooked Drumpf.


ALEC’s Iron Hand and Closed-door Politics control America.





1 Comment


Jenji Learn
The quote about Christianity is out of context entirely. He is referring to conquering OTHER nations. In other words, teach them complacency and pacifism and a lack of concern for the order of the natural world so that they won’t make technological advances and have either the means or the will to fight.




Share #1





Sharon Nichols
11 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

You know who you are.

There’s plenty to read without my flapping my gums.

Crooked Drumpf does not stop.  He has his Suckers and Losers who surrender to his Big Lie.  A term fitting Hitler ideology.

Crooked Drumpf exposes the flaws in our Constitution – Republi-con-ism itself.

– Sharon



We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

1 year ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2020 ·
Shared with Public

It’s worth re-visiting this article (attached) every so often for what the author reminds us.

I address my concerns to you among my family, my ‘friends’, my social media ‘friends’:

– who are Right-wing Republi-con, Christian Con-servative, Drumpfian, Deplorable

– who loyally vote straight-ticket Republi-con

– who loyally voted for Crooked Drumpf in 2016

– who tell me that you are a Con-servative while telling me that you oppose Crooked Drumpf

– who will persist voting straight-ticket Republi-con and for Crooked Drumpf in 2020, 2024, 2028 – well, that depends upon what kind of ‘Elections’ you will allow.

You are NOT a friend in any sense of that appellation of ‘friend’.

You lack the ability of defending your position, either here in public or at your own hovel.

You are the one who wishes harm, wishes death to me, to my Friends, to my Allies, to my Community. You have said so, either expressly or by the consequences of your actions.

You are described in the attached article.

You lack the capacity to read beyond the slogan of your MAGA baseball cap, you could not be bothered to read the attached article.

You are in history. I studied you as a Student of the Shoah, I personally witnessed your aftermath of Dachau begotten by Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide – your own ideology:

– You have no Rights
– You have no Rights to live amongst us
– You have no Rights to live.

Those Three Stages to Genocide is the ideology of Amerikan Republi-cons. Remember well what Republi-cons boasted during the 1930s and the 1940s – that they would rather vote for Hitler than ever vote for Roosevelt.

As Germany denied this throughout the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, well, at least through the 1970s, 1980s, so do you in the 2010s, 2020s, 2030s (?). The crimes of your long arc will eventually come due, paid by your children and grandchildren.

I’m not finished here. Even after you murder me in your coming Drumpficide, I shall mark you.

– Sharon



Published on
Friday, August 09, 2019
by Common Dreams

Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.
bySteven Rosenfeld

We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. (Photo: photolibrarian/Flickr/cc)

A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances are being pushed to the brink by a president who is consciously following Adolf Hitler’s extremist propaganda and policy template from the early 1930s—when the Nazis took power in Germany.

In When at Times the Mob Is Swayed: A Citizen’s Guide to Defending Our Republic, Burt Neuborne mostly focuses on how America’s constitutional foundation in 2019—an unrepresentative Congress, the Electoral College and a right-wing Supreme Court majority—is not positioned to withstand Trump’s extreme polarization and GOP power grabs. However, its second chapter, “Why the Sudden Concern About Fixing the Brakes?,” extensively details Trump’s mimicry of Hitler’s pre-war rhetoric and strategies.

Neuborne doesn’t make this comparison lightly. His 55-year career began by challenging the constitutionality of the Vietnam War in the 1960s. He became the ACLU’s national legal director in the 1980s under Ronald Reagan. He was founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School in the 1990s. He has been part of more than 200 Supreme Court cases and Holocaust reparation litigation.

“Why does an ignorant, narcissistic buffoon like Trump trigger such anxiety? Why do so many Americans feel it existentially (not just politically) important to resist our forty-fifth president?” he writes. “Partly it’s just aesthetics. Trump is such a coarse and appalling man that it’s hard to stomach his presence in Abraham Lincoln’s house. But that’s not enough to explain the intensity of my dread. LBJ was coarse. Gerald Ford and George W. Bush were dumb as rocks. Richard Nixon was an anti-Semite. Bill Clinton’s mistreatment of women dishonored his office. Ronald Reagan was a dangerous ideologue. I opposed each of them when they appeared to exceed their constitutional powers. But I never felt a sense of existential dread. I never sensed that the very existence of a tolerant democracy was in play.”

A younger Trump, according to his first wife’s divorce filings, kept and studied a book translating and annotating Adolf Hitler’s pre-World War II speeches in a locked bedside cabinet, Neuborne noted. The English edition of My New Order, published in 1941, also had analyses of the speeches’ impact on his era’s press and politics. “Ugly and appalling as they are, those speeches are masterpieces of demagogic manipulation,” Neuborne says.

“Watching Trump work his crowds, though, I see a dangerously manipulative narcissist unleashing the demagogic spells that he learned from studying Hitler’s speeches—spells that he cannot control and that are capable of eroding the fabric of American democracy,” Neuborne says. “You see, we’ve seen what these rhetorical techniques can do. Much of Trump’s rhetoric—as a candidate and in office—mirrors the strategies, even the language, used by Adolf Hitler in the early 1930s to erode German democracy.”

Many Americans may seize or condemn Neuborne’s analysis, which has more than 20 major points of comparison. The author repeatedly says his goal is not “equating” the men—as “it trivializes Hitler’s obscene crimes to compare them to Trump’s often pathetic foibles.”

Indeed, the book has a larger frame: whether federal checks and balances—Congress, the Supreme Court, the Electoral College—can contain the havoc that Trump thrives on and the Republican Party at large has embraced. But the Trump-Hitler compilation is a stunning warning, because, as many Holocaust survivors have said, few Germans or Europeans expected what unfolded in the years after Hitler amassed power.

Here’s how Neuborne introduces this section. Many recent presidents have been awful, “But then there was Donald Trump, the only president in recent American history to openly despise the twin ideals—individual dignity and fundamental equality—upon which the contemporary United States is built. When you confront the reality of a president like Trump, the state of both sets of brakes—internal [constitutional] and external [public resistance]—become hugely important because Donald Trump’s political train runs on the most potent and dangerous fuel of all: a steady diet of fear, greed, loathing, lies, and envy. It’s a toxic mixture that has destroyed democracies before, and can do so again.

“Give Trump credit,” he continues. “He did his homework well and became the twenty-first-century master of divisive rhetoric. We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. The Nazis did not overthrow the Weimar Republic. It fell into their hands as the fruit of Hitler’s satanic ability to mesmerize enough Germans to trade their birthright for a pottage of scapegoating, short-term economic gain, xenophobia, and racism. It could happen here.”

20 Common Themes, Rhetorical Tactics and Dangerous Policies

Here are 20 serious points of comparison between the early Hitler and Trump.

1. Neither was elected by a majority. Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, receiving votes by 25.3 percent of all eligible American voters. “That’s just a little less than the percentage of the German electorate that turned to the Nazi Party in 1932–33,” Neuborne writes. “Unlike the low turnouts in the United States, turnout in Weimar Germany averaged just over 80 percent of eligible voters.” He continues, “Once installed as a minority chancellor in January 1933, Hitler set about demonizing his political opponents, and no one—not the vaunted, intellectually brilliant German judiciary; not the respected, well-trained German police; not the revered, aristocratic German military; not the widely admired, efficient German government bureaucracy; not the wealthy, immensely powerful leaders of German industry; and not the powerful center-right political leaders of the Reichstag—mounted a serious effort to stop him.”

2. Both found direct communication channels to their base. By 1936’s Olympics, Nazi narratives dominated German cultural and political life. “How on earth did Hitler pull it off? What satanic magic did Trump find in Hitler’s speeches?” Neuborne asks. He addresses Hitler’s extreme rhetoric soon enough, but notes that Hitler found a direct communication pathway—the Nazi Party gave out radios with only one channel, tuned to Hitler’s voice, bypassing Germany’s news media. Trump has an online equivalent.

“Donald Trump’s tweets, often delivered between midnight and dawn, are the twenty-first century’s technological embodiment of Hitler’s free plastic radios,” Neuborne says. “Trump’s Twitter account, like Hitler’s radios, enables a charismatic leader to establish and maintain a personal, unfiltered line of communication with an adoring political base of about 30–40 percent of the population, many (but not all) of whom are only too willing, even anxious, to swallow Trump’s witches’ brew of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never ending-search for scapegoats.”

3. Both blame others and divide on racial lines. As Neuborne notes, “Hitler used his single-frequency radios to wax hysterical to his adoring base about his pathological racial and religious fantasies glorifying Aryans and demonizing Jews, blaming Jews (among other racial and religious scapegoats) for German society’s ills.” That is comparable to “Trump’s tweets and public statements, whether dealing with black-led demonstrations against police violence, white-led racist mob violence, threats posed by undocumented aliens, immigration policy generally, protests by black and white professional athletes, college admission policies, hate speech, even response to hurricane damage in Puerto Rico,” he says. Again and again, Trump uses “racially tinged messages calculated to divide whites from people of color.”

4. Both relentlessly demonize opponents. “Hitler’s radio harangues demonized his domestic political opponents, calling them parasites, criminals, cockroaches, and various categories of leftist scum,” Neuborne notes. “Trump’s tweets and speeches similarly demonize his political opponents. Trump talks about the country being ‘infested’ with dangerous aliens of color. He fantasizes about jailing Hillary Clinton, calls Mexicans rapists, refers to ‘shithole countries,’ degrades anyone who disagrees with him, and dreams of uprooting thousands of allegedly disloyal bureaucrats in the State Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the FBI, and the CIA, who he calls ‘the deep state’ and who, he claims, are sabotaging American greatness.”

5. They unceasingly attack objective truth. “Both Trump and Hitler maintained a relentless assault on the very idea of objective truth,” he continues. “Each began the assault by seeking to delegitimize the mainstream press. Hitler quickly coined the epithet Lügenpresse (literally ‘lying press’) to denigrate the mainstream press. Trump uses a paraphrase of Hitler’s lying press epithet—‘fake news’—cribbed, no doubt, from one of Hitler’s speeches. For Trump, the mainstream press is a ‘lying press’ that publishes ‘fake news.’” Hitler attacked his opponents as spreading false information to undermine his positions, Neuborne says, just as Trump has attacked “elites” for disseminating false news, “especially his possible links to the Kremlin.”

6. They relentlessly attack mainstream media. Trump’s assaults on the media echo Hitler’s, Neuborne says, noting that he “repeatedly attacks the ‘failing New York Times,’ leads crowds in chanting ‘CNN sucks,’ [and] is personally hostile to most reporters.” He cites the White House’s refusal to fly the flag at half-mast after the murder of five journalists in Annapolis in June 2018, Trump’s efforts to punish CNN by blocking a merger of its corporate parent, and trying to revoke federal Postal Service contracts held by Amazon, which was founded by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post.

7. Their attacks on truth include science. Neuborne notes, “Both Trump and Hitler intensified their assault on objective truth by deriding scientific experts, especially academics who question Hitler’s views on race or Trump’s views on climate change, immigration, or economics. For both Trump and Hitler, the goal is (and was) to eviscerate the very idea of objective truth, turning everything into grist for a populist jury subject to manipulation by a master puppeteer. In both Trump’s and Hitler’s worlds, public opinion ultimately defines what is true and what is false.”

8. Their lies blur reality—and supporters spread them. “Trump’s pathological penchant for repeatedly lying about his behavior can only succeed in a world where his supporters feel free to embrace Trump’s ‘alternative facts’ and treat his hyperbolic exaggerations as the gospel truth,” Neuborne says. “Once Hitler had delegitimized the mainstream media by a series of systematic attacks on its integrity, he constructed a fawning alternative mass media designed to reinforce his direct radio messages and enhance his personal power. Trump is following the same path, simultaneously launching bitter attacks on the mainstream press while embracing the so-called alt-right media, co-opting both Sinclair Broadcasting and the Rupert Murdoch–owned Fox Broadcasting Company as, essentially, a Trump Broadcasting Network.”

9. Both orchestrated mass rallies to show status. “Once Hitler had cemented his personal communications link with his base via free radios and a fawning media and had badly eroded the idea of objective truth, he reinforced his emotional bond with his base by holding a series of carefully orchestrated mass meetings dedicated to cementing his status as a charismatic leader, or Führer,” Neuborne writes. “The powerful personal bonds nurtured by Trump’s tweets and Fox’s fawning are also systematically reinforced by periodic, carefully orchestrated mass rallies (even going so far as to co-opt a Boy Scout Jamboree in 2017), reinforcing Trump’s insatiable narcissism and his status as a charismatic leader.”

10. They embrace extreme nationalism. “Hitler’s strident appeals to the base invoked an extreme version of German nationalism, extolling a brilliant German past and promising to restore Germany to its rightful place as a preeminent nation,” Neuborne says. “Trump echoes Hitler’s jingoistic appeal to ultranationalist fervor, extolling American exceptionalism right down to the slogan ‘Make America Great Again,’ a paraphrase of Hitler’s promise to restore German greatness.”

11. Both made closing borders a centerpiece. “Hitler all but closed Germany’s borders, freezing non-Aryan migration into the country and rendering it impossible for Germans to escape without official permission. Like Hitler, Trump has also made closed borders a centerpiece of his administration,” Neuborne continues. “Hitler barred Jews. Trump bars Muslims and seekers of sanctuary from Central America. When the lower courts blocked Trump’s Muslim travel ban, he unilaterally issued executive orders replacing it with a thinly disguised substitute that ultimately narrowly won Supreme Court approval under a theory of extreme deference to the president.”

12. They embraced mass detention and deportations. “Hitler promised to make Germany free from Jews and Slavs. Trump promises to slow, stop, and even reverse the flow of non-white immigrants, substituting Muslims, Africans, Mexicans, and Central Americans of color for Jews and Slavs as scapegoats for the nation’s ills. Trump’s efforts to cast dragnets to arrest undocumented aliens where they work, live, and worship, followed by mass deportation… echo Hitler’s promise to defend Germany’s racial identity,” he writes, also noting that Trump has “stooped to tearing children from their parents [as Nazis in World War II would do] to punish desperate efforts by migrants to find a better life.”

13. Both used borders to protect selected industries. “Like Hitler, Trump seeks to use national borders to protect his favored national interests, threatening to ignite protectionist trade wars with Europe, China, and Japan similar to the trade wars that, in earlier incarnations, helped to ignite World War I and World War II,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump aggressively uses our nation’s political and economic power to favor selected American corporate interests at the expense of foreign competitors and the environment, even at the price of international conflict, massive inefficiency, and irreversible pollution [climate change].”

14. They cemented their rule by enriching elites. “Hitler’s version of fascism shifted immense power—both political and financial—to the leaders of German industry. In fact, Hitler governed Germany largely through corporate executives,” he continues. “Trump has also presided over a massive empowerment—and enrichment—of corporate America. Under Trump, large corporations exercise immense political power while receiving huge economic windfalls and freedom from regulations designed to protect consumers and the labor force.

“Hitler despised the German labor movement, eventually destroying it and imprisoning its leaders. Trump also detests strong unions, seeking to undermine any effort to interfere with the prerogatives of management.”

15. Both rejected international norms. “Hitler’s foreign policy rejected international cooperation in favor of military and economic coercion, culminating in the annexation of the Sudetenland, the phony Hitler-Stalin nonaggression pact, the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the horrors of global war,” Neuborne notes. “Like Hitler, Trump is deeply hostile to multinational cooperation, withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the nuclear agreement with Iran, threatening to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement, abandoning our Kurdish allies in Syria, and even going so far as to question the value of NATO, our post-World War II military alliance with European democracies against Soviet expansionism.”

16. They attack domestic democratic processes. “Hitler attacked the legitimacy of democracy itself, purging the voting rolls, challenging the integrity of the electoral process, and questioning the ability of democratic government to solve Germany’s problems,” Neuborne notes. “Trump has also attacked the democratic process, declining to agree to be bound by the outcome of the 2016 elections when he thought he might lose, supporting the massive purge of the voting rolls allegedly designed to avoid (nonexistent) fraud, championing measures that make it harder to vote, tolerating—if not fomenting—massive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, encouraging mob violence at rallies, darkly hinting at violence if Democrats hold power, and constantly casting doubt on the legitimacy of elections unless he wins.”

17. Both attack the judiciary and rule of law. “Hitler politicized and eventually destroyed the vaunted German justice system. Trump also seeks to turn the American justice system into his personal playground,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump threatens the judicially enforced rule of law, bitterly attacking American judges who rule against him, slyly praising Andrew Jackson for defying the Supreme Court, and abusing the pardon power by pardoning an Arizona sheriff found guilty of criminal contempt of court for disobeying federal court orders to cease violating the Constitution.”

18. Both glorify the military and demand loyalty oaths. “Like Hitler, Trump glorifies the military, staffing his administration with layers of retired generals (who eventually were fired or resigned), relaxing control over the use of lethal force by the military and the police, and demanding a massive increase in military spending,” Neuborne writes. Just as Hitler “imposed an oath of personal loyalty on all German judges” and demanded courts defer to him, “Trump’s already gotten enough deference from five Republican [Supreme Court] justices to uphold a largely Muslim travel ban that is the epitome of racial and religious bigotry.”

Trump has also demanded loyalty oaths. “He fired James Comey, a Republican appointed in 2013 as FBI director by President Obama, for refusing to swear an oath of personal loyalty to the president; excoriated and then sacked Jeff Sessions, his handpicked attorney general, for failing to suppress the criminal investigation into… Trump’s possible collusion with Russia in influencing the 2016 elections; repeatedly threatened to dismiss Robert Mueller, the special counsel carrying out the investigation; and called again and again for the jailing of Hillary Clinton, his 2016 opponent, leading crowds in chants of ‘lock her up.’” A new chant, “send her back,” has since emerged at Trump rallies directed at non-white Democratic congresswomen.

19. They proclaim unchecked power. “Like Hitler, Trump has intensified a disturbing trend that predated his administration of governing unilaterally, largely through executive orders or proclamations,” Neuborne says, citing the Muslim travel ban, trade tariffs, unraveling of health and environmental safety nets, ban on transgender military service, and efforts to end President Obama’s protection for Dreamers. “Like Hitler, Trump claims the power to overrule Congress and govern all by himself. In 1933, Hitler used the pretext of the Reichstag fire to declare a national emergency and seize the power to govern unilaterally. The German judiciary did nothing to stop him. German democracy never recovered.”

“When Congress refused to give Trump funds for his border wall even after he threw a tantrum and shut down the government, Trump, like Hitler, declared a phony national emergency and claimed the power to ignore Congress,” Neuborne continues. “Don’t count on the Supreme Court to stop him. Five justices gave the game away on the President’s unilateral travel ban. They just might do the same thing on the border wall.” It did in late July, ruling that Trump could divert congressionally appropriated funds from the Pentagon budget—undermining constitutional separation of powers.

20. Both relegate women to subordinate roles. “Finally,” writes Neuborne, “Hitler propounded a misogynistic, stereotypical view of women, valuing them exclusively as wives and mothers while excluding them from full participation in German political and economic life. Trump may be the most openly misogynist figure ever to hold high public office in the United States, crassly treating women as sexual objects, using nondisclosure agreements and violating campaign finance laws to shield his sexual misbehavior from public knowledge, attacking women who come forward to accuse men of abusive behavior, undermining reproductive freedom, and opposing efforts by women to achieve economic equality.”

Whither Constitutional Checks and Balances?

Most of Neuborne’s book is not centered on Trump’s fealty to Hitler’s methods and early policies. He notes, as many commentators have, that Trump is following the well-known contours of authoritarian populists and dictators: “there’s always a charismatic leader, a disaffected mass, an adroit use of communications media, economic insecurity, racial or religious fault lines, xenophobia, a turn to violence, and a search for scapegoats.”

The bigger problem, and the subject of most of the book, is that the federal architecture intended to be a check and balance against tyrants, is not poised to act. Congressional representation is fundamentally anti-democratic. In the Senate, politicians representing 18 percent of the national population—epicenters of Trump’s base—can cast 51 percent of the chamber’s votes. A Republican majority from rural states, representing barely 40 percent of the population, controls the chamber. It repeatedly thwarts legislation reflecting multicultural America’s values—and creates a brick wall for impeachment.

The House of Representatives is not much better. Until 2018, this decade’s GOP-majority House, a product of 2011’s extreme Republican gerrymanders, was also unrepresentative of the nation’s demographics. That bias still exists in the Electoral College, as the size of a state’s congressional delegation equals its allocation of votes. That formula is fair as far as House members go, but allocating votes based on two senators per state hurts urban America. Consider that California’s population is 65 times larger than Wyoming’s.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court’s majority remains in the hands of justices appointed by Republican presidents—and favors that party’s agenda. Most Americans are unaware that the court’s partisan majority has only changed twice since the Civil War—in 1937, when a Democratic-appointed majority took over, and in 1972, when a Republican-appointed majority took over. Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s blocking of President Obama’s final nominee thwarted a twice-a-century change. Today’s hijacked Supreme Court majority has only just begun deferring to Trump’s agenda.

Neuborne wants to be optimistic that a wave of state-based resistance, call it progressive federalism, could blunt Trump’s power grabs and help the country return to a system embracing, rather than demonizing, individual dignity and fundamental equality. But he predicts that many Americans who supported Trump in 2016 (largely, he suggests, because their plights have been overlooked for many years by federal power centers and by America’s capitalist hubs) won’t desert Trump—not while he’s in power.

“When tyrants like Hitler are ultimately overthrown, their mass support vanishes retroactively—everyone turns out to have been in the resistance—but the mass support was undeniably there,” he writes. “There will, of course, be American quislings who will enthusiastically support an American tyrant. There always are—everywhere.”

Ultimately, Neuborne doesn’t expect there will be a “constitutional mechanic in the sky ready to swoop down and save American democracy from Donald Trump at the head of a populist mob.” Whatever Trump thinks he is or isn’t doing, his rhetorical and strategic role model—the early Hitler—is what makes Trump and today’s GOP so dangerous.

“Even if all that Trump is doing is marching to that populist drum, he is unleashing forces that imperil the fragile fabric of a multicultural democracy,” Neuborne writes. “But I think there’s more. The parallels—especially the links between Lügenpresse and ‘fake news,’ and promises to restore German greatness and ‘Make America Great Again’—are just too close to be coincidental. I’m pretty sure that Trump’s bedside study of Hitler’s speeches—especially the use of personal invective, white racism, and xenophobia—has shaped the way Trump seeks to gain political power in our time. I don’t for a moment believe that Trump admires what Hitler eventually did with his power [genocide], but he damn well admires—and is successfully copying—the way that Hitler got it.”

This article was produced by Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

Steven Rosenfeld is a senior writing fellow and the editor and chief correspondent of Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute. He is a national political reporter focusing on democracy issues. He has reported for nationwide public radio networks, websites, and newspapers and produced talk radio and music podcasts. He has written five books, including profiles of campaigns, voter suppression, voting rights guides, and a WWII survival story currently being made into a film. His latest book is Democracy Betrayed: How Superdelegates, Redistricting, Party Insiders, and the Electoral College Rigged the 2016 Election (Hot Books, March 2018).


Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article – some ‘Oldies but Goodies’, some new hits. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Crooked Drumpf will steal from anyone, even professional fighters.


Trump Blames China for COVID-19 Cover-up.


How many dead will satisfy you?


How Hitler and his NAZIs seized control of Germany – Crooked Drumpf’s blueprint to overthrow American Constitutional government.


Hitler seizes Catholic Austria – ‘Conquer Austria; use Austrian Catholicism to overthrow science.’


Republi-cons – Let the looting begin as their perfect crime unfolds to the witnessing public.


Barr directs DOJ to cover-up Drumpf’s crimes – in broad daylight.


Drumpf accuses Obama of committing the ‘crime’ of ‘Obamagate’.


Croaked Drumpf and Barr subvert the Rule of Law in favour of their abuse of Prosecutorial Discretion.



Crooked Drumpf lays bare his death cult of Coronavirus.


Crooked Drumpf uses Coronavirus to make himself into a profiteer.


The international loathing of crooked Drumpf.


These are the minions, Myrmidons, and psychophants of Crooked Drumpf.


ALEC’s Iron Hand and Closed-door Politics control America.



Jenji Learn
The quote about Christianity is out of context entirely. He is referring to conquering OTHER nations. In other words, teach them complacency and pacifism and a lack of concern for the order of the natural world so that they won’t make technological advances and have either the means or the will to fight.
· Reply · 52w

William Linden
Hey HEY! ur stupid’s hanging out 🙃🤪🤯💯
· Reply · 1w

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Share #2





Sharon Nichols
12 May 2022

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from two years ago, from four years ago.

More re-reading about the past, about Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika repeating Hitler’s NAZI history.

– Sharon




People who shared this

On this day
1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
oeSdpsoul0112h7f ayli2M 9411,0 ·
11 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

You know who you are.

There’s plenty to read without my flapping my gums.

Crooked Drumpf does not stop. He has his Suckers and Losers who surrender to his Big Lie. A term fitting Hitler ideology.

Crooked Drumpf exposes the flaws in our Constitution – Republi-con-ism itself.

– Sharon



We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

1 year ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2020 ·
Shared with Public





Published on
Friday, August 09, 2019
by Common Dreams




Jenji Learn
The quote about Christianity is out of context entirely. He is referring to conquering OTHER nations. In other words, teach them complacency and pacifism and a lack of concern for the order of the natural world so that they won’t make technological advances and have either the means or the will to fight.
· Reply · 52w

William Linden
Hey HEY! ur stupid’s hanging out 🙃🤪🤯💯
· Reply · 1w

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We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

On this day
2 years ago



Sharon Nichols
oSodf2i2a626 50 11My209g,0 ·
11 May 2020
Shared with Public

It’s worth re-visiting this article (attached) every so often for what the author reminds us.

I address my concerns to you among my family, my ‘friends’, my social media ‘friends’:

– who are Right-wing Republi-con, Christian Con-servative, Drumpfian, Deplorable

– who loyally vote straight-ticket Republi-con

– who loyally voted for Crooked Drumpf in 2016

– who tell me that you are a Con-servative while telling me that you oppose Crooked Drumpf

– who will persist voting straight-ticket Republi-con and for Crooked Drumpf in 2020, 2024, 2028 – well, that depends upon what kind of ‘Elections’ you will allow.

You are NOT a friend in any sense of that appellation of ‘friend’.

You lack the ability of defending your position, either here in public or at your own hovel.

You are the one who wishes harm, wishes death to me, to my Friends, to my Allies, to my Community. You have said so, either expressly or by the consequences of your actions.

You are described in the attached article.

You lack the capacity to read beyond the slogan of your MAGA baseball cap, you could not be bothered to read the attached article.

You are in history. I studied you as a Student of the Shoah, I personally witnessed your aftermath of Dachau begotten by Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide – your own ideology:

– You have no Rights
– You have no Rights to live amongst us
– You have no Rights to live.

Those Three Stages to Genocide is the ideology of Amerikan Republi-cons. Remember well what Republi-cons boasted during the 1930s and the 1940s – that they would rather vote for Hitler than ever vote for Roosevelt.

As Germany denied this throughout the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, well, at least through the 1970s, 1980s, so do you in the 2010s, 2020s, 2030s (?). The crimes of your long arc will eventually come due, paid by your children and grandchildren.

I’m not finished here. Even after you murder me in your coming Drumpficide, I shall mark you.

– Sharon



Published on
Friday, August 09, 2019
by Common Dreams

Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.
bySteven Rosenfeld

We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. (Photo: photolibrarian/Flickr/cc)

A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances are being pushed to the brink by a president who is consciously following Adolf Hitler’s extremist propaganda and policy template from the early 1930s—when the Nazis took power in Germany.

In When at Times the Mob Is Swayed: A Citizen’s Guide to Defending Our Republic, Burt Neuborne mostly focuses on how America’s constitutional foundation in 2019—an unrepresentative Congress, the Electoral College and a right-wing Supreme Court majority—is not positioned to withstand Trump’s extreme polarization and GOP power grabs. However, its second chapter, “Why the Sudden Concern About Fixing the Brakes?,” extensively details Trump’s mimicry of Hitler’s pre-war rhetoric and strategies.

Neuborne doesn’t make this comparison lightly. His 55-year career began by challenging the constitutionality of the Vietnam War in the 1960s. He became the ACLU’s national legal director in the 1980s under Ronald Reagan. He was founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School in the 1990s. He has been part of more than 200 Supreme Court cases and Holocaust reparation litigation.

“Why does an ignorant, narcissistic buffoon like Trump trigger such anxiety? Why do so many Americans feel it existentially (not just politically) important to resist our forty-fifth president?” he writes. “Partly it’s just aesthetics. Trump is such a coarse and appalling man that it’s hard to stomach his presence in Abraham Lincoln’s house. But that’s not enough to explain the intensity of my dread. LBJ was coarse. Gerald Ford and George W. Bush were dumb as rocks. Richard Nixon was an anti-Semite. Bill Clinton’s mistreatment of women dishonored his office. Ronald Reagan was a dangerous ideologue. I opposed each of them when they appeared to exceed their constitutional powers. But I never felt a sense of existential dread. I never sensed that the very existence of a tolerant democracy was in play.”

A younger Trump, according to his first wife’s divorce filings, kept and studied a book translating and annotating Adolf Hitler’s pre-World War II speeches in a locked bedside cabinet, Neuborne noted. The English edition of My New Order, published in 1941, also had analyses of the speeches’ impact on his era’s press and politics. “Ugly and appalling as they are, those speeches are masterpieces of demagogic manipulation,” Neuborne says.

“Watching Trump work his crowds, though, I see a dangerously manipulative narcissist unleashing the demagogic spells that he learned from studying Hitler’s speeches—spells that he cannot control and that are capable of eroding the fabric of American democracy,” Neuborne says. “You see, we’ve seen what these rhetorical techniques can do. Much of Trump’s rhetoric—as a candidate and in office—mirrors the strategies, even the language, used by Adolf Hitler in the early 1930s to erode German democracy.”

Many Americans may seize or condemn Neuborne’s analysis, which has more than 20 major points of comparison. The author repeatedly says his goal is not “equating” the men—as “it trivializes Hitler’s obscene crimes to compare them to Trump’s often pathetic foibles.”

Indeed, the book has a larger frame: whether federal checks and balances—Congress, the Supreme Court, the Electoral College—can contain the havoc that Trump thrives on and the Republican Party at large has embraced. But the Trump-Hitler compilation is a stunning warning, because, as many Holocaust survivors have said, few Germans or Europeans expected what unfolded in the years after Hitler amassed power.

Here’s how Neuborne introduces this section. Many recent presidents have been awful, “But then there was Donald Trump, the only president in recent American history to openly despise the twin ideals—individual dignity and fundamental equality—upon which the contemporary United States is built. When you confront the reality of a president like Trump, the state of both sets of brakes—internal [constitutional] and external [public resistance]—become hugely important because Donald Trump’s political train runs on the most potent and dangerous fuel of all: a steady diet of fear, greed, loathing, lies, and envy. It’s a toxic mixture that has destroyed democracies before, and can do so again.

“Give Trump credit,” he continues. “He did his homework well and became the twenty-first-century master of divisive rhetoric. We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. The Nazis did not overthrow the Weimar Republic. It fell into their hands as the fruit of Hitler’s satanic ability to mesmerize enough Germans to trade their birthright for a pottage of scapegoating, short-term economic gain, xenophobia, and racism. It could happen here.”

20 Common Themes, Rhetorical Tactics and Dangerous Policies

Here are 20 serious points of comparison between the early Hitler and Trump.

1. Neither was elected by a majority. Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, receiving votes by 25.3 percent of all eligible American voters. “That’s just a little less than the percentage of the German electorate that turned to the Nazi Party in 1932–33,” Neuborne writes. “Unlike the low turnouts in the United States, turnout in Weimar Germany averaged just over 80 percent of eligible voters.” He continues, “Once installed as a minority chancellor in January 1933, Hitler set about demonizing his political opponents, and no one—not the vaunted, intellectually brilliant German judiciary; not the respected, well-trained German police; not the revered, aristocratic German military; not the widely admired, efficient German government bureaucracy; not the wealthy, immensely powerful leaders of German industry; and not the powerful center-right political leaders of the Reichstag—mounted a serious effort to stop him.”

2. Both found direct communication channels to their base. By 1936’s Olympics, Nazi narratives dominated German cultural and political life. “How on earth did Hitler pull it off? What satanic magic did Trump find in Hitler’s speeches?” Neuborne asks. He addresses Hitler’s extreme rhetoric soon enough, but notes that Hitler found a direct communication pathway—the Nazi Party gave out radios with only one channel, tuned to Hitler’s voice, bypassing Germany’s news media. Trump has an online equivalent.

“Donald Trump’s tweets, often delivered between midnight and dawn, are the twenty-first century’s technological embodiment of Hitler’s free plastic radios,” Neuborne says. “Trump’s Twitter account, like Hitler’s radios, enables a charismatic leader to establish and maintain a personal, unfiltered line of communication with an adoring political base of about 30–40 percent of the population, many (but not all) of whom are only too willing, even anxious, to swallow Trump’s witches’ brew of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never ending-search for scapegoats.”

3. Both blame others and divide on racial lines. As Neuborne notes, “Hitler used his single-frequency radios to wax hysterical to his adoring base about his pathological racial and religious fantasies glorifying Aryans and demonizing Jews, blaming Jews (among other racial and religious scapegoats) for German society’s ills.” That is comparable to “Trump’s tweets and public statements, whether dealing with black-led demonstrations against police violence, white-led racist mob violence, threats posed by undocumented aliens, immigration policy generally, protests by black and white professional athletes, college admission policies, hate speech, even response to hurricane damage in Puerto Rico,” he says. Again and again, Trump uses “racially tinged messages calculated to divide whites from people of color.”

4. Both relentlessly demonize opponents. “Hitler’s radio harangues demonized his domestic political opponents, calling them parasites, criminals, cockroaches, and various categories of leftist scum,” Neuborne notes. “Trump’s tweets and speeches similarly demonize his political opponents. Trump talks about the country being ‘infested’ with dangerous aliens of color. He fantasizes about jailing Hillary Clinton, calls Mexicans rapists, refers to ‘shithole countries,’ degrades anyone who disagrees with him, and dreams of uprooting thousands of allegedly disloyal bureaucrats in the State Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the FBI, and the CIA, who he calls ‘the deep state’ and who, he claims, are sabotaging American greatness.”

5. They unceasingly attack objective truth. “Both Trump and Hitler maintained a relentless assault on the very idea of objective truth,” he continues. “Each began the assault by seeking to delegitimize the mainstream press. Hitler quickly coined the epithet Lügenpresse (literally ‘lying press’) to denigrate the mainstream press. Trump uses a paraphrase of Hitler’s lying press epithet—‘fake news’—cribbed, no doubt, from one of Hitler’s speeches. For Trump, the mainstream press is a ‘lying press’ that publishes ‘fake news.’” Hitler attacked his opponents as spreading false information to undermine his positions, Neuborne says, just as Trump has attacked “elites” for disseminating false news, “especially his possible links to the Kremlin.”

6. They relentlessly attack mainstream media. Trump’s assaults on the media echo Hitler’s, Neuborne says, noting that he “repeatedly attacks the ‘failing New York Times,’ leads crowds in chanting ‘CNN sucks,’ [and] is personally hostile to most reporters.” He cites the White House’s refusal to fly the flag at half-mast after the murder of five journalists in Annapolis in June 2018, Trump’s efforts to punish CNN by blocking a merger of its corporate parent, and trying to revoke federal Postal Service contracts held by Amazon, which was founded by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post.

7. Their attacks on truth include science. Neuborne notes, “Both Trump and Hitler intensified their assault on objective truth by deriding scientific experts, especially academics who question Hitler’s views on race or Trump’s views on climate change, immigration, or economics. For both Trump and Hitler, the goal is (and was) to eviscerate the very idea of objective truth, turning everything into grist for a populist jury subject to manipulation by a master puppeteer. In both Trump’s and Hitler’s worlds, public opinion ultimately defines what is true and what is false.”

8. Their lies blur reality—and supporters spread them. “Trump’s pathological penchant for repeatedly lying about his behavior can only succeed in a world where his supporters feel free to embrace Trump’s ‘alternative facts’ and treat his hyperbolic exaggerations as the gospel truth,” Neuborne says. “Once Hitler had delegitimized the mainstream media by a series of systematic attacks on its integrity, he constructed a fawning alternative mass media designed to reinforce his direct radio messages and enhance his personal power. Trump is following the same path, simultaneously launching bitter attacks on the mainstream press while embracing the so-called alt-right media, co-opting both Sinclair Broadcasting and the Rupert Murdoch–owned Fox Broadcasting Company as, essentially, a Trump Broadcasting Network.”

9. Both orchestrated mass rallies to show status. “Once Hitler had cemented his personal communications link with his base via free radios and a fawning media and had badly eroded the idea of objective truth, he reinforced his emotional bond with his base by holding a series of carefully orchestrated mass meetings dedicated to cementing his status as a charismatic leader, or Führer,” Neuborne writes. “The powerful personal bonds nurtured by Trump’s tweets and Fox’s fawning are also systematically reinforced by periodic, carefully orchestrated mass rallies (even going so far as to co-opt a Boy Scout Jamboree in 2017), reinforcing Trump’s insatiable narcissism and his status as a charismatic leader.”

10. They embrace extreme nationalism. “Hitler’s strident appeals to the base invoked an extreme version of German nationalism, extolling a brilliant German past and promising to restore Germany to its rightful place as a preeminent nation,” Neuborne says. “Trump echoes Hitler’s jingoistic appeal to ultranationalist fervor, extolling American exceptionalism right down to the slogan ‘Make America Great Again,’ a paraphrase of Hitler’s promise to restore German greatness.”

11. Both made closing borders a centerpiece. “Hitler all but closed Germany’s borders, freezing non-Aryan migration into the country and rendering it impossible for Germans to escape without official permission. Like Hitler, Trump has also made closed borders a centerpiece of his administration,” Neuborne continues. “Hitler barred Jews. Trump bars Muslims and seekers of sanctuary from Central America. When the lower courts blocked Trump’s Muslim travel ban, he unilaterally issued executive orders replacing it with a thinly disguised substitute that ultimately narrowly won Supreme Court approval under a theory of extreme deference to the president.”

12. They embraced mass detention and deportations. “Hitler promised to make Germany free from Jews and Slavs. Trump promises to slow, stop, and even reverse the flow of non-white immigrants, substituting Muslims, Africans, Mexicans, and Central Americans of color for Jews and Slavs as scapegoats for the nation’s ills. Trump’s efforts to cast dragnets to arrest undocumented aliens where they work, live, and worship, followed by mass deportation… echo Hitler’s promise to defend Germany’s racial identity,” he writes, also noting that Trump has “stooped to tearing children from their parents [as Nazis in World War II would do] to punish desperate efforts by migrants to find a better life.”

13. Both used borders to protect selected industries. “Like Hitler, Trump seeks to use national borders to protect his favored national interests, threatening to ignite protectionist trade wars with Europe, China, and Japan similar to the trade wars that, in earlier incarnations, helped to ignite World War I and World War II,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump aggressively uses our nation’s political and economic power to favor selected American corporate interests at the expense of foreign competitors and the environment, even at the price of international conflict, massive inefficiency, and irreversible pollution [climate change].”

14. They cemented their rule by enriching elites. “Hitler’s version of fascism shifted immense power—both political and financial—to the leaders of German industry. In fact, Hitler governed Germany largely through corporate executives,” he continues. “Trump has also presided over a massive empowerment—and enrichment—of corporate America. Under Trump, large corporations exercise immense political power while receiving huge economic windfalls and freedom from regulations designed to protect consumers and the labor force.

“Hitler despised the German labor movement, eventually destroying it and imprisoning its leaders. Trump also detests strong unions, seeking to undermine any effort to interfere with the prerogatives of management.”

15. Both rejected international norms. “Hitler’s foreign policy rejected international cooperation in favor of military and economic coercion, culminating in the annexation of the Sudetenland, the phony Hitler-Stalin nonaggression pact, the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the horrors of global war,” Neuborne notes. “Like Hitler, Trump is deeply hostile to multinational cooperation, withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the nuclear agreement with Iran, threatening to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement, abandoning our Kurdish allies in Syria, and even going so far as to question the value of NATO, our post-World War II military alliance with European democracies against Soviet expansionism.”

16. They attack domestic democratic processes. “Hitler attacked the legitimacy of democracy itself, purging the voting rolls, challenging the integrity of the electoral process, and questioning the ability of democratic government to solve Germany’s problems,” Neuborne notes. “Trump has also attacked the democratic process, declining to agree to be bound by the outcome of the 2016 elections when he thought he might lose, supporting the massive purge of the voting rolls allegedly designed to avoid (nonexistent) fraud, championing measures that make it harder to vote, tolerating—if not fomenting—massive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, encouraging mob violence at rallies, darkly hinting at violence if Democrats hold power, and constantly casting doubt on the legitimacy of elections unless he wins.”

17. Both attack the judiciary and rule of law. “Hitler politicized and eventually destroyed the vaunted German justice system. Trump also seeks to turn the American justice system into his personal playground,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump threatens the judicially enforced rule of law, bitterly attacking American judges who rule against him, slyly praising Andrew Jackson for defying the Supreme Court, and abusing the pardon power by pardoning an Arizona sheriff found guilty of criminal contempt of court for disobeying federal court orders to cease violating the Constitution.”

18. Both glorify the military and demand loyalty oaths. “Like Hitler, Trump glorifies the military, staffing his administration with layers of retired generals (who eventually were fired or resigned), relaxing control over the use of lethal force by the military and the police, and demanding a massive increase in military spending,” Neuborne writes. Just as Hitler “imposed an oath of personal loyalty on all German judges” and demanded courts defer to him, “Trump’s already gotten enough deference from five Republican [Supreme Court] justices to uphold a largely Muslim travel ban that is the epitome of racial and religious bigotry.”

Trump has also demanded loyalty oaths. “He fired James Comey, a Republican appointed in 2013 as FBI director by President Obama, for refusing to swear an oath of personal loyalty to the president; excoriated and then sacked Jeff Sessions, his handpicked attorney general, for failing to suppress the criminal investigation into… Trump’s possible collusion with Russia in influencing the 2016 elections; repeatedly threatened to dismiss Robert Mueller, the special counsel carrying out the investigation; and called again and again for the jailing of Hillary Clinton, his 2016 opponent, leading crowds in chants of ‘lock her up.’” A new chant, “send her back,” has since emerged at Trump rallies directed at non-white Democratic congresswomen.

19. They proclaim unchecked power. “Like Hitler, Trump has intensified a disturbing trend that predated his administration of governing unilaterally, largely through executive orders or proclamations,” Neuborne says, citing the Muslim travel ban, trade tariffs, unraveling of health and environmental safety nets, ban on transgender military service, and efforts to end President Obama’s protection for Dreamers. “Like Hitler, Trump claims the power to overrule Congress and govern all by himself. In 1933, Hitler used the pretext of the Reichstag fire to declare a national emergency and seize the power to govern unilaterally. The German judiciary did nothing to stop him. German democracy never recovered.”

“When Congress refused to give Trump funds for his border wall even after he threw a tantrum and shut down the government, Trump, like Hitler, declared a phony national emergency and claimed the power to ignore Congress,” Neuborne continues. “Don’t count on the Supreme Court to stop him. Five justices gave the game away on the President’s unilateral travel ban. They just might do the same thing on the border wall.” It did in late July, ruling that Trump could divert congressionally appropriated funds from the Pentagon budget—undermining constitutional separation of powers.

20. Both relegate women to subordinate roles. “Finally,” writes Neuborne, “Hitler propounded a misogynistic, stereotypical view of women, valuing them exclusively as wives and mothers while excluding them from full participation in German political and economic life. Trump may be the most openly misogynist figure ever to hold high public office in the United States, crassly treating women as sexual objects, using nondisclosure agreements and violating campaign finance laws to shield his sexual misbehavior from public knowledge, attacking women who come forward to accuse men of abusive behavior, undermining reproductive freedom, and opposing efforts by women to achieve economic equality.”

Whither Constitutional Checks and Balances?

Most of Neuborne’s book is not centered on Trump’s fealty to Hitler’s methods and early policies. He notes, as many commentators have, that Trump is following the well-known contours of authoritarian populists and dictators: “there’s always a charismatic leader, a disaffected mass, an adroit use of communications media, economic insecurity, racial or religious fault lines, xenophobia, a turn to violence, and a search for scapegoats.”

The bigger problem, and the subject of most of the book, is that the federal architecture intended to be a check and balance against tyrants, is not poised to act. Congressional representation is fundamentally anti-democratic. In the Senate, politicians representing 18 percent of the national population—epicenters of Trump’s base—can cast 51 percent of the chamber’s votes. A Republican majority from rural states, representing barely 40 percent of the population, controls the chamber. It repeatedly thwarts legislation reflecting multicultural America’s values—and creates a brick wall for impeachment.

The House of Representatives is not much better. Until 2018, this decade’s GOP-majority House, a product of 2011’s extreme Republican gerrymanders, was also unrepresentative of the nation’s demographics. That bias still exists in the Electoral College, as the size of a state’s congressional delegation equals its allocation of votes. That formula is fair as far as House members go, but allocating votes based on two senators per state hurts urban America. Consider that California’s population is 65 times larger than Wyoming’s.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court’s majority remains in the hands of justices appointed by Republican presidents—and favors that party’s agenda. Most Americans are unaware that the court’s partisan majority has only changed twice since the Civil War—in 1937, when a Democratic-appointed majority took over, and in 1972, when a Republican-appointed majority took over. Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s blocking of President Obama’s final nominee thwarted a twice-a-century change. Today’s hijacked Supreme Court majority has only just begun deferring to Trump’s agenda.

Neuborne wants to be optimistic that a wave of state-based resistance, call it progressive federalism, could blunt Trump’s power grabs and help the country return to a system embracing, rather than demonizing, individual dignity and fundamental equality. But he predicts that many Americans who supported Trump in 2016 (largely, he suggests, because their plights have been overlooked for many years by federal power centers and by America’s capitalist hubs) won’t desert Trump—not while he’s in power.

“When tyrants like Hitler are ultimately overthrown, their mass support vanishes retroactively—everyone turns out to have been in the resistance—but the mass support was undeniably there,” he writes. “There will, of course, be American quislings who will enthusiastically support an American tyrant. There always are—everywhere.”

Ultimately, Neuborne doesn’t expect there will be a “constitutional mechanic in the sky ready to swoop down and save American democracy from Donald Trump at the head of a populist mob.” Whatever Trump thinks he is or isn’t doing, his rhetorical and strategic role model—the early Hitler—is what makes Trump and today’s GOP so dangerous.

“Even if all that Trump is doing is marching to that populist drum, he is unleashing forces that imperil the fragile fabric of a multicultural democracy,” Neuborne writes. “But I think there’s more. The parallels—especially the links between Lügenpresse and ‘fake news,’ and promises to restore German greatness and ‘Make America Great Again’—are just too close to be coincidental. I’m pretty sure that Trump’s bedside study of Hitler’s speeches—especially the use of personal invective, white racism, and xenophobia—has shaped the way Trump seeks to gain political power in our time. I don’t for a moment believe that Trump admires what Hitler eventually did with his power [genocide], but he damn well admires—and is successfully copying—the way that Hitler got it.”

This article was produced by Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

Steven Rosenfeld is a senior writing fellow and the editor and chief correspondent of Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute. He is a national political reporter focusing on democracy issues. He has reported for nationwide public radio networks, websites, and newspapers and produced talk radio and music podcasts. He has written five books, including profiles of campaigns, voter suppression, voting rights guides, and a WWII survival story currently being made into a film. His latest book is Democracy Betrayed: How Superdelegates, Redistricting, Party Insiders, and the Electoral College Rigged the 2016 Election (Hot Books, March 2018).


Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article – some ‘Oldies but Goodies’, some new hits. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Crooked Drumpf will steal from anyone, even professional fighters.


Trump Blames China for COVID-19 Cover-up.


How many dead will satisfy you?


How Hitler and his NAZIs seized control of Germany – Crooked Drumpf’s blueprint to overthrow American Constitutional government.


Hitler seizes Catholic Austria – ‘Conquer Austria; use Austrian Catholicism to overthrow science.’


Republi-cons – Let the looting begin as their perfect crime unfolds to the witnessing public.


Barr directs DOJ to cover-up Drumpf’s crimes – in broad daylight.


Drumpf accuses Obama of committing the ‘crime’ of ‘Obamagate’.


Croaked Drumpf and Barr subvert the Rule of Law in favour of their abuse of Prosecutorial Discretion.



Crooked Drumpf lays bare his death cult of Coronavirus.


Crooked Drumpf uses Coronavirus to make himself into a profiteer.


The international loathing of crooked Drumpf.


These are the minions, Myrmidons, and psychophants of Crooked Drumpf.


ALEC’s Iron Hand and Closed-door Politics control America.




1 Comment

Jenji Learn
The quote about Christianity is out of context entirely. He is referring to conquering OTHER nations. In other words, teach them complacency and pacifism and a lack of concern for the order of the natural world so that they won’t make technological advances and have either the means or the will to fight.


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Lauren Chamoix
pdrf 3a692myM210200,th ·
12 May 2020

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Sharon Nichols
Thank you for Sharing this.



Chloe Natalie Bell
pdrf 3a692myM110200,th ·
11 May 2020

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Sharon Nichols
Thank you for Sharing.




1 Comment


Sharon Nichols
‘Evil doesn’t die.
It reinvents itself.’




Share #3


(2023) (#1)




Sharon Nichols
11 May 2023

1 of 4:

(Part 1 of 2)

Drumpf is today’s Hitler, Republi-con Party is today’s NAZI Party


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Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2022
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11 May 2021
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3 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2020
Shared with Public


It’s worth re-visiting this article (attached) every so often for what the author reminds us.

I address my concerns to you among my family, my ‘friends’, my social media ‘friends’:

– who are Right-wing Republi-con, Christian Con-servative, Drumpfian, Deplorable

– who loyally vote straight-ticket Republi-con

– who loyally voted for Crooked Drumpf in 2016

– who tell me that you are a Con-servative while telling me that you oppose Crooked Drumpf

– who will persist voting straight-ticket Republi-con and for Crooked Drumpf in 2020, 2024, 2028 – well, that depends upon what kind of ‘Elections’ you will allow.

You are NOT a friend in any sense of that appellation of ‘friend’.

You lack the ability of defending your position, either here in public or at your own hovel.

You are the one who wishes harm, wishes death to me, to my Friends, to my Allies, to my Community. You have said so, either expressly or by the consequences of your actions.

You are described in the attached article.

You lack the capacity to read beyond the slogan of your MAGA baseball cap, you could not be bothered to read the attached article.

You are in history. I studied you as a Student of the Shoah, I personally witnessed your aftermath of Dachau begotten by Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide – your own ideology:

– You have no Rights
– You have no Rights to live amongst us
– You have no Rights to live.

Those Three Stages to Genocide is the ideology of Amerikan Republi-cons. Remember well what Republi-cons boasted during the 1930s and the 1940s – that they would rather vote for Hitler than ever vote for Roosevelt.

As Germany denied this throughout the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, well, at least through the 1970s, 1980s, so do you in the 2010s, 2020s, 2030s (?). The crimes of your long arc will eventually come due, paid by your children and grandchildren.

I’m not finished here. Even after you murder me in your coming Drumpficide, I shall mark you.

– Sharon



Published on
Friday, August 09, 2019
by Common Dreams

Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.
bySteven Rosenfeld

We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. (Photo: photolibrarian/Flickr/cc)

A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances are being pushed to the brink by a president who is consciously following Adolf Hitler’s extremist propaganda and policy template from the early 1930s—when the Nazis took power in Germany.

In When at Times the Mob Is Swayed: A Citizen’s Guide to Defending Our Republic, Burt Neuborne mostly focuses on how America’s constitutional foundation in 2019—an unrepresentative Congress, the Electoral College and a right-wing Supreme Court majority—is not positioned to withstand Trump’s extreme polarization and GOP power grabs. However, its second chapter, “Why the Sudden Concern About Fixing the Brakes?,” extensively details Trump’s mimicry of Hitler’s pre-war rhetoric and strategies.

20 Common Themes, Rhetorical Tactics and Dangerous Policies

Here are 20 serious points of comparison between the early Hitler and Trump.

Whither Constitutional Checks and Balances?

“Even if all that Trump is doing is marching to that populist drum, he is unleashing forces that imperil the fragile fabric of a multicultural democracy,” Neuborne writes. “But I think there’s more. The parallels—especially the links between Lügenpresse and ‘fake news,’ and promises to restore German greatness and ‘Make America Great Again’—are just too close to be coincidental. I’m pretty sure that Trump’s bedside study of Hitler’s speeches—especially the use of personal invective, white racism, and xenophobia—has shaped the way Trump seeks to gain political power in our time. I don’t for a moment believe that Trump admires what Hitler eventually did with his power [genocide], but he damn well admires—and is successfully copying—the way that Hitler got it.”

This article was produced by Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

Steven Rosenfeld is a senior writing fellow and the editor and chief correspondent of Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute. He is a national political reporter focusing on democracy issues. He has reported for nationwide public radio networks, websites, and newspapers and produced talk radio and music podcasts. He has written five books, including profiles of campaigns, voter suppression, voting rights guides, and a WWII survival story currently being made into a film. His latest book is Democracy Betrayed: How Superdelegates, Redistricting, Party Insiders, and the Electoral College Rigged the 2016 Election (Hot Books, March 2018).


Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article – some ‘Oldies but Goodies’, some new hits. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Crooked Drumpf will steal from anyone, even professional fighters.


Trump Blames China for COVID-19 Cover-up.


How many dead will satisfy you?


How Hitler and his NAZIs seized control of Germany – Crooked Drumpf’s blueprint to overthrow American Constitutional government.


Hitler seizes Catholic Austria – ‘Conquer Austria; use Austrian Catholicism to overthrow science.’


Republi-cons – Let the looting begin as their perfect crime unfolds to the witnessing public.


Barr directs DOJ to cover-up Drumpf’s crimes – in broad daylight.


Drumpf accuses Obama of committing the ‘crime’ of ‘Obamagate’.


Croaked Drumpf and Barr subvert the Rule of Law in favour of their abuse of Prosecutorial Discretion.



Crooked Drumpf lays bare his death cult of Coronavirus.


Crooked Drumpf uses Coronavirus to make himself into a profiteer.


The international loathing of crooked Drumpf.


These are the minions, Myrmidons, and psychophants of Crooked Drumpf.


ALEC’s Iron Hand and Closed-door Politics control America.



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(2023) (#2)



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2023

1 of 4:

(Part 2 of 2)

Drumpf is today’s Hitler, Republi-con Party is today’s NAZI Party



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2020

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Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2022
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A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from two years ago, from four years ago.

More re-reading about the past, about Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika repeating Hitler’s NAZI history.

– Sharon




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Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
oeSdpsoul0112h7f ayli2M 9411,0 ·
11 May 2021
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A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

You know who you are.

There’s plenty to read without my flapping my gums.

Crooked Drumpf does not stop. He has his Suckers and Losers who surrender to his Big Lie. A term fitting Hitler ideology.

Crooked Drumpf exposes the flaws in our Constitution – Republi-con-ism itself.

– Sharon



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1 year ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2020 ·
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Published on
Friday, August 09, 2019
by Common Dreams




Jenji Learn
The quote about Christianity is out of context entirely. He is referring to conquering OTHER nations. In other words, teach them complacency and pacifism and a lack of concern for the order of the natural world so that they won’t make technological advances and have either the means or the will to fight.
· Reply · 52w

William Linden
Hey HEY! ur stupid’s hanging out 🙃🤪🤯💯
· Reply · 1w

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Sharon Nichols
oSodf2i2a626 50 11My209g,0 ·
11 May 2020
Shared with Public

It’s worth re-visiting this article (attached) every so often for what the author reminds us.

I address my concerns to you among my family, my ‘friends’, my social media ‘friends’:

I’m not finished here. Even after you murder me in your coming Drumpficide, I shall mark you.

– Sharon



Published on
Friday, August 09, 2019
by Common Dreams

Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.
bySteven Rosenfeld

We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. (Photo: photolibrarian/Flickr/cc)

A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances are being pushed to the brink by a president who is consciously following Adolf Hitler’s extremist propaganda and policy template from the early 1930s—when the Nazis took power in Germany.

In When at Times the Mob Is Swayed: A Citizen’s Guide to Defending Our Republic, Burt Neuborne mostly focuses on how America’s constitutional foundation in 2019—an unrepresentative Congress, the Electoral College and a right-wing Supreme Court majority—is not positioned to withstand Trump’s extreme polarization and GOP power grabs. However, its second chapter, “Why the Sudden Concern About Fixing the Brakes?,” extensively details Trump’s mimicry of Hitler’s pre-war rhetoric and strategies.

Neuborne doesn’t make this comparison lightly. His 55-year career began by challenging the constitutionality of the Vietnam War in the 1960s. He became the ACLU’s national legal director in the 1980s under Ronald Reagan. He was founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School in the 1990s. He has been part of more than 200 Supreme Court cases and Holocaust reparation litigation.

“Why does an ignorant, narcissistic buffoon like Trump trigger such anxiety? Why do so many Americans feel it existentially (not just politically) important to resist our forty-fifth president?” he writes. “Partly it’s just aesthetics. Trump is such a coarse and appalling man that it’s hard to stomach his presence in Abraham Lincoln’s house. But that’s not enough to explain the intensity of my dread. LBJ was coarse. Gerald Ford and George W. Bush were dumb as rocks. Richard Nixon was an anti-Semite. Bill Clinton’s mistreatment of women dishonored his office. Ronald Reagan was a dangerous ideologue. I opposed each of them when they appeared to exceed their constitutional powers. But I never felt a sense of existential dread. I never sensed that the very existence of a tolerant democracy was in play.”

A younger Trump, according to his first wife’s divorce filings, kept and studied a book translating and annotating Adolf Hitler’s pre-World War II speeches in a locked bedside cabinet, Neuborne noted. The English edition of My New Order, published in 1941, also had analyses of the speeches’ impact on his era’s press and politics. “Ugly and appalling as they are, those speeches are masterpieces of demagogic manipulation,” Neuborne says.

“Watching Trump work his crowds, though, I see a dangerously manipulative narcissist unleashing the demagogic spells that he learned from studying Hitler’s speeches—spells that he cannot control and that are capable of eroding the fabric of American democracy,” Neuborne says. “You see, we’ve seen what these rhetorical techniques can do. Much of Trump’s rhetoric—as a candidate and in office—mirrors the strategies, even the language, used by Adolf Hitler in the early 1930s to erode German democracy.”

Many Americans may seize or condemn Neuborne’s analysis, which has more than 20 major points of comparison. The author repeatedly says his goal is not “equating” the men—as “it trivializes Hitler’s obscene crimes to compare them to Trump’s often pathetic foibles.”

Indeed, the book has a larger frame: whether federal checks and balances—Congress, the Supreme Court, the Electoral College—can contain the havoc that Trump thrives on and the Republican Party at large has embraced. But the Trump-Hitler compilation is a stunning warning, because, as many Holocaust survivors have said, few Germans or Europeans expected what unfolded in the years after Hitler amassed power.

Here’s how Neuborne introduces this section. Many recent presidents have been awful, “But then there was Donald Trump, the only president in recent American history to openly despise the twin ideals—individual dignity and fundamental equality—upon which the contemporary United States is built. When you confront the reality of a president like Trump, the state of both sets of brakes—internal [constitutional] and external [public resistance]—become hugely important because Donald Trump’s political train runs on the most potent and dangerous fuel of all: a steady diet of fear, greed, loathing, lies, and envy. It’s a toxic mixture that has destroyed democracies before, and can do so again.

“Give Trump credit,” he continues. “He did his homework well and became the twenty-first-century master of divisive rhetoric. We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. The Nazis did not overthrow the Weimar Republic. It fell into their hands as the fruit of Hitler’s satanic ability to mesmerize enough Germans to trade their birthright for a pottage of scapegoating, short-term economic gain, xenophobia, and racism. It could happen here.”

20 Common Themes, Rhetorical Tactics and Dangerous Policies

Here are 20 serious points of comparison between the early Hitler and Trump.

1. Neither was elected by a majority. Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, receiving votes by 25.3 percent of all eligible American voters. “That’s just a little less than the percentage of the German electorate that turned to the Nazi Party in 1932–33,” Neuborne writes. “Unlike the low turnouts in the United States, turnout in Weimar Germany averaged just over 80 percent of eligible voters.” He continues, “Once installed as a minority chancellor in January 1933, Hitler set about demonizing his political opponents, and no one—not the vaunted, intellectually brilliant German judiciary; not the respected, well-trained German police; not the revered, aristocratic German military; not the widely admired, efficient German government bureaucracy; not the wealthy, immensely powerful leaders of German industry; and not the powerful center-right political leaders of the Reichstag—mounted a serious effort to stop him.”

2. Both found direct communication channels to their base. By 1936’s Olympics, Nazi narratives dominated German cultural and political life. “How on earth did Hitler pull it off? What satanic magic did Trump find in Hitler’s speeches?” Neuborne asks. He addresses Hitler’s extreme rhetoric soon enough, but notes that Hitler found a direct communication pathway—the Nazi Party gave out radios with only one channel, tuned to Hitler’s voice, bypassing Germany’s news media. Trump has an online equivalent.

“Donald Trump’s tweets, often delivered between midnight and dawn, are the twenty-first century’s technological embodiment of Hitler’s free plastic radios,” Neuborne says. “Trump’s Twitter account, like Hitler’s radios, enables a charismatic leader to establish and maintain a personal, unfiltered line of communication with an adoring political base of about 30–40 percent of the population, many (but not all) of whom are only too willing, even anxious, to swallow Trump’s witches’ brew of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never ending-search for scapegoats.”

3. Both blame others and divide on racial lines. As Neuborne notes, “Hitler used his single-frequency radios to wax hysterical to his adoring base about his pathological racial and religious fantasies glorifying Aryans and demonizing Jews, blaming Jews (among other racial and religious scapegoats) for German society’s ills.” That is comparable to “Trump’s tweets and public statements, whether dealing with black-led demonstrations against police violence, white-led racist mob violence, threats posed by undocumented aliens, immigration policy generally, protests by black and white professional athletes, college admission policies, hate speech, even response to hurricane damage in Puerto Rico,” he says. Again and again, Trump uses “racially tinged messages calculated to divide whites from people of color.”

4. Both relentlessly demonize opponents. “Hitler’s radio harangues demonized his domestic political opponents, calling them parasites, criminals, cockroaches, and various categories of leftist scum,” Neuborne notes. “Trump’s tweets and speeches similarly demonize his political opponents. Trump talks about the country being ‘infested’ with dangerous aliens of color. He fantasizes about jailing Hillary Clinton, calls Mexicans rapists, refers to ‘shithole countries,’ degrades anyone who disagrees with him, and dreams of uprooting thousands of allegedly disloyal bureaucrats in the State Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the FBI, and the CIA, who he calls ‘the deep state’ and who, he claims, are sabotaging American greatness.”

5. They unceasingly attack objective truth. “Both Trump and Hitler maintained a relentless assault on the very idea of objective truth,” he continues. “Each began the assault by seeking to delegitimize the mainstream press. Hitler quickly coined the epithet Lügenpresse (literally ‘lying press’) to denigrate the mainstream press. Trump uses a paraphrase of Hitler’s lying press epithet—‘fake news’—cribbed, no doubt, from one of Hitler’s speeches. For Trump, the mainstream press is a ‘lying press’ that publishes ‘fake news.’” Hitler attacked his opponents as spreading false information to undermine his positions, Neuborne says, just as Trump has attacked “elites” for disseminating false news, “especially his possible links to the Kremlin.”

6. They relentlessly attack mainstream media. Trump’s assaults on the media echo Hitler’s, Neuborne says, noting that he “repeatedly attacks the ‘failing New York Times,’ leads crowds in chanting ‘CNN sucks,’ [and] is personally hostile to most reporters.” He cites the White House’s refusal to fly the flag at half-mast after the murder of five journalists in Annapolis in June 2018, Trump’s efforts to punish CNN by blocking a merger of its corporate parent, and trying to revoke federal Postal Service contracts held by Amazon, which was founded by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post.

7. Their attacks on truth include science. Neuborne notes, “Both Trump and Hitler intensified their assault on objective truth by deriding scientific experts, especially academics who question Hitler’s views on race or Trump’s views on climate change, immigration, or economics. For both Trump and Hitler, the goal is (and was) to eviscerate the very idea of objective truth, turning everything into grist for a populist jury subject to manipulation by a master puppeteer. In both Trump’s and Hitler’s worlds, public opinion ultimately defines what is true and what is false.”

8. Their lies blur reality—and supporters spread them. “Trump’s pathological penchant for repeatedly lying about his behavior can only succeed in a world where his supporters feel free to embrace Trump’s ‘alternative facts’ and treat his hyperbolic exaggerations as the gospel truth,” Neuborne says. “Once Hitler had delegitimized the mainstream media by a series of systematic attacks on its integrity, he constructed a fawning alternative mass media designed to reinforce his direct radio messages and enhance his personal power. Trump is following the same path, simultaneously launching bitter attacks on the mainstream press while embracing the so-called alt-right media, co-opting both Sinclair Broadcasting and the Rupert Murdoch–owned Fox Broadcasting Company as, essentially, a Trump Broadcasting Network.”

9. Both orchestrated mass rallies to show status. “Once Hitler had cemented his personal communications link with his base via free radios and a fawning media and had badly eroded the idea of objective truth, he reinforced his emotional bond with his base by holding a series of carefully orchestrated mass meetings dedicated to cementing his status as a charismatic leader, or Führer,” Neuborne writes. “The powerful personal bonds nurtured by Trump’s tweets and Fox’s fawning are also systematically reinforced by periodic, carefully orchestrated mass rallies (even going so far as to co-opt a Boy Scout Jamboree in 2017), reinforcing Trump’s insatiable narcissism and his status as a charismatic leader.”

10. They embrace extreme nationalism. “Hitler’s strident appeals to the base invoked an extreme version of German nationalism, extolling a brilliant German past and promising to restore Germany to its rightful place as a preeminent nation,” Neuborne says. “Trump echoes Hitler’s jingoistic appeal to ultranationalist fervor, extolling American exceptionalism right down to the slogan ‘Make America Great Again,’ a paraphrase of Hitler’s promise to restore German greatness.”

11. Both made closing borders a centerpiece. “Hitler all but closed Germany’s borders, freezing non-Aryan migration into the country and rendering it impossible for Germans to escape without official permission. Like Hitler, Trump has also made closed borders a centerpiece of his administration,” Neuborne continues. “Hitler barred Jews. Trump bars Muslims and seekers of sanctuary from Central America. When the lower courts blocked Trump’s Muslim travel ban, he unilaterally issued executive orders replacing it with a thinly disguised substitute that ultimately narrowly won Supreme Court approval under a theory of extreme deference to the president.”

12. They embraced mass detention and deportations. “Hitler promised to make Germany free from Jews and Slavs. Trump promises to slow, stop, and even reverse the flow of non-white immigrants, substituting Muslims, Africans, Mexicans, and Central Americans of color for Jews and Slavs as scapegoats for the nation’s ills. Trump’s efforts to cast dragnets to arrest undocumented aliens where they work, live, and worship, followed by mass deportation… echo Hitler’s promise to defend Germany’s racial identity,” he writes, also noting that Trump has “stooped to tearing children from their parents [as Nazis in World War II would do] to punish desperate efforts by migrants to find a better life.”

13. Both used borders to protect selected industries. “Like Hitler, Trump seeks to use national borders to protect his favored national interests, threatening to ignite protectionist trade wars with Europe, China, and Japan similar to the trade wars that, in earlier incarnations, helped to ignite World War I and World War II,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump aggressively uses our nation’s political and economic power to favor selected American corporate interests at the expense of foreign competitors and the environment, even at the price of international conflict, massive inefficiency, and irreversible pollution [climate change].”

14. They cemented their rule by enriching elites. “Hitler’s version of fascism shifted immense power—both political and financial—to the leaders of German industry. In fact, Hitler governed Germany largely through corporate executives,” he continues. “Trump has also presided over a massive empowerment—and enrichment—of corporate America. Under Trump, large corporations exercise immense political power while receiving huge economic windfalls and freedom from regulations designed to protect consumers and the labor force.

“Hitler despised the German labor movement, eventually destroying it and imprisoning its leaders. Trump also detests strong unions, seeking to undermine any effort to interfere with the prerogatives of management.”

15. Both rejected international norms. “Hitler’s foreign policy rejected international cooperation in favor of military and economic coercion, culminating in the annexation of the Sudetenland, the phony Hitler-Stalin nonaggression pact, the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the horrors of global war,” Neuborne notes. “Like Hitler, Trump is deeply hostile to multinational cooperation, withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the nuclear agreement with Iran, threatening to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement, abandoning our Kurdish allies in Syria, and even going so far as to question the value of NATO, our post-World War II military alliance with European democracies against Soviet expansionism.”

16. They attack domestic democratic processes. “Hitler attacked the legitimacy of democracy itself, purging the voting rolls, challenging the integrity of the electoral process, and questioning the ability of democratic government to solve Germany’s problems,” Neuborne notes. “Trump has also attacked the democratic process, declining to agree to be bound by the outcome of the 2016 elections when he thought he might lose, supporting the massive purge of the voting rolls allegedly designed to avoid (nonexistent) fraud, championing measures that make it harder to vote, tolerating—if not fomenting—massive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, encouraging mob violence at rallies, darkly hinting at violence if Democrats hold power, and constantly casting doubt on the legitimacy of elections unless he wins.”

17. Both attack the judiciary and rule of law. “Hitler politicized and eventually destroyed the vaunted German justice system. Trump also seeks to turn the American justice system into his personal playground,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump threatens the judicially enforced rule of law, bitterly attacking American judges who rule against him, slyly praising Andrew Jackson for defying the Supreme Court, and abusing the pardon power by pardoning an Arizona sheriff found guilty of criminal contempt of court for disobeying federal court orders to cease violating the Constitution.”

18. Both glorify the military and demand loyalty oaths. “Like Hitler, Trump glorifies the military, staffing his administration with layers of retired generals (who eventually were fired or resigned), relaxing control over the use of lethal force by the military and the police, and demanding a massive increase in military spending,” Neuborne writes. Just as Hitler “imposed an oath of personal loyalty on all German judges” and demanded courts defer to him, “Trump’s already gotten enough deference from five Republican [Supreme Court] justices to uphold a largely Muslim travel ban that is the epitome of racial and religious bigotry.”

Trump has also demanded loyalty oaths. “He fired James Comey, a Republican appointed in 2013 as FBI director by President Obama, for refusing to swear an oath of personal loyalty to the president; excoriated and then sacked Jeff Sessions, his handpicked attorney general, for failing to suppress the criminal investigation into… Trump’s possible collusion with Russia in influencing the 2016 elections; repeatedly threatened to dismiss Robert Mueller, the special counsel carrying out the investigation; and called again and again for the jailing of Hillary Clinton, his 2016 opponent, leading crowds in chants of ‘lock her up.’” A new chant, “send her back,” has since emerged at Trump rallies directed at non-white Democratic congresswomen.

19. They proclaim unchecked power. “Like Hitler, Trump has intensified a disturbing trend that predated his administration of governing unilaterally, largely through executive orders or proclamations,” Neuborne says, citing the Muslim travel ban, trade tariffs, unraveling of health and environmental safety nets, ban on transgender military service, and efforts to end President Obama’s protection for Dreamers. “Like Hitler, Trump claims the power to overrule Congress and govern all by himself. In 1933, Hitler used the pretext of the Reichstag fire to declare a national emergency and seize the power to govern unilaterally. The German judiciary did nothing to stop him. German democracy never recovered.”

“When Congress refused to give Trump funds for his border wall even after he threw a tantrum and shut down the government, Trump, like Hitler, declared a phony national emergency and claimed the power to ignore Congress,” Neuborne continues. “Don’t count on the Supreme Court to stop him. Five justices gave the game away on the President’s unilateral travel ban. They just might do the same thing on the border wall.” It did in late July, ruling that Trump could divert congressionally appropriated funds from the Pentagon budget—undermining constitutional separation of powers.

20. Both relegate women to subordinate roles. “Finally,” writes Neuborne, “Hitler propounded a misogynistic, stereotypical view of women, valuing them exclusively as wives and mothers while excluding them from full participation in German political and economic life. Trump may be the most openly misogynist figure ever to hold high public office in the United States, crassly treating women as sexual objects, using nondisclosure agreements and violating campaign finance laws to shield his sexual misbehavior from public knowledge, attacking women who come forward to accuse men of abusive behavior, undermining reproductive freedom, and opposing efforts by women to achieve economic equality.”

Whither Constitutional Checks and Balances?

Most of Neuborne’s book is not centered on Trump’s fealty to Hitler’s methods and early policies. He notes, as many commentators have, that Trump is following the well-known contours of authoritarian populists and dictators: “there’s always a charismatic leader, a disaffected mass, an adroit use of communications media, economic insecurity, racial or religious fault lines, xenophobia, a turn to violence, and a search for scapegoats.”

The bigger problem, and the subject of most of the book, is that the federal architecture intended to be a check and balance against tyrants, is not poised to act. Congressional representation is fundamentally anti-democratic. In the Senate, politicians representing 18 percent of the national population—epicenters of Trump’s base—can cast 51 percent of the chamber’s votes. A Republican majority from rural states, representing barely 40 percent of the population, controls the chamber. It repeatedly thwarts legislation reflecting multicultural America’s values—and creates a brick wall for impeachment.

The House of Representatives is not much better. Until 2018, this decade’s GOP-majority House, a product of 2011’s extreme Republican gerrymanders, was also unrepresentative of the nation’s demographics. That bias still exists in the Electoral College, as the size of a state’s congressional delegation equals its allocation of votes. That formula is fair as far as House members go, but allocating votes based on two senators per state hurts urban America. Consider that California’s population is 65 times larger than Wyoming’s.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court’s majority remains in the hands of justices appointed by Republican presidents—and favors that party’s agenda. Most Americans are unaware that the court’s partisan majority has only changed twice since the Civil War—in 1937, when a Democratic-appointed majority took over, and in 1972, when a Republican-appointed majority took over. Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s blocking of President Obama’s final nominee thwarted a twice-a-century change. Today’s hijacked Supreme Court majority has only just begun deferring to Trump’s agenda.

Neuborne wants to be optimistic that a wave of state-based resistance, call it progressive federalism, could blunt Trump’s power grabs and help the country return to a system embracing, rather than demonizing, individual dignity and fundamental equality. But he predicts that many Americans who supported Trump in 2016 (largely, he suggests, because their plights have been overlooked for many years by federal power centers and by America’s capitalist hubs) won’t desert Trump—not while he’s in power.

“When tyrants like Hitler are ultimately overthrown, their mass support vanishes retroactively—everyone turns out to have been in the resistance—but the mass support was undeniably there,” he writes. “There will, of course, be American quislings who will enthusiastically support an American tyrant. There always are—everywhere.”

Ultimately, Neuborne doesn’t expect there will be a “constitutional mechanic in the sky ready to swoop down and save American democracy from Donald Trump at the head of a populist mob.” Whatever Trump thinks he is or isn’t doing, his rhetorical and strategic role model—the early Hitler—is what makes Trump and today’s GOP so dangerous.

“Even if all that Trump is doing is marching to that populist drum, he is unleashing forces that imperil the fragile fabric of a multicultural democracy,” Neuborne writes. “But I think there’s more. The parallels—especially the links between Lügenpresse and ‘fake news,’ and promises to restore German greatness and ‘Make America Great Again’—are just too close to be coincidental. I’m pretty sure that Trump’s bedside study of Hitler’s speeches—especially the use of personal invective, white racism, and xenophobia—has shaped the way Trump seeks to gain political power in our time. I don’t for a moment believe that Trump admires what Hitler eventually did with his power [genocide], but he damn well admires—and is successfully copying—the way that Hitler got it.”

This article was produced by Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

Steven Rosenfeld is a senior writing fellow and the editor and chief correspondent of Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute. He is a national political reporter focusing on democracy issues. He has reported for nationwide public radio networks, websites, and newspapers and produced talk radio and music podcasts. He has written five books, including profiles of campaigns, voter suppression, voting rights guides, and a WWII survival story currently being made into a film. His latest book is Democracy Betrayed: How Superdelegates, Redistricting, Party Insiders, and the Electoral College Rigged the 2016 Election (Hot Books, March 2018).


Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article – some ‘Oldies but Goodies’, some new hits. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Crooked Drumpf will steal from anyone, even professional fighters.


Trump Blames China for COVID-19 Cover-up.


How many dead will satisfy you?


How Hitler and his NAZIs seized control of Germany – Crooked Drumpf’s blueprint to overthrow American Constitutional government.


Hitler seizes Catholic Austria – ‘Conquer Austria; use Austrian Catholicism to overthrow science.’


Republi-cons – Let the looting begin as their perfect crime unfolds to the witnessing public.


Barr directs DOJ to cover-up Drumpf’s crimes – in broad daylight.


Drumpf accuses Obama of committing the ‘crime’ of ‘Obamagate’.


Croaked Drumpf and Barr subvert the Rule of Law in favour of their abuse of Prosecutorial Discretion.



Crooked Drumpf lays bare his death cult of Coronavirus.


Crooked Drumpf uses Coronavirus to make himself into a profiteer.


The international loathing of crooked Drumpf.


These are the minions, Myrmidons, and psychophants of Crooked Drumpf.


ALEC’s Iron Hand and Closed-door Politics control America.




1 Comment

Jenji Learn
The quote about Christianity is out of context entirely. He is referring to conquering OTHER nations. In other words, teach them complacency and pacifism and a lack of concern for the order of the natural world so that they won’t make technological advances and have either the means or the will to fight.


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pdrf 3a692myM210200,th ·
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11 May 2019



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12 May 2020



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11 May 2020


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Sharon Nichols
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Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings.


Share #7



Share #8



Share #9



Share #10



Share #11



Share #12



Share #13





You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 11 May 2024 – Steve Farley:  Respect Our Cultures And Traditions’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  11 May 2024 – Steve Farley:  Respect our cultures and traditions’
(11 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
11 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  11 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



3 of 4:


Steve Farley:  Respect our cultures and traditions



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2019




Steve Farley
11 May 2019

As a public artist, I have created many murals around town besides those at downtown’s Broadway Underpass, and in the next few weeks, I will share the stories behind some of them.

Back in the 1990s, the Tucson-Pima Arts Council operated out of an office on Alameda and Stone that formerly housed the printing presses for the Tucson Citizen. My late friend Albert Soto swore that there were ghosts in his office there. He would often arrive in the morning and find random items from his shelves on the floor.

After the building was torn down to make way for new county offices, it was discovered that nearly 1,200 Tucsonans had been buried underground in the old Tucson National Cemetery from 1862-1875. When the land was developed in 1904, apparently only the gravestones were moved. Albert may have been right about those ghosts…

The Diocese of Tucson took custody of the remains and allowed the ghosts of Alameda Street to gain some peace at last by re-interring them in the All Faiths Cemetery on the southeast side of town in 2010. Bishop Kicanas commissioned me to create murals to honor these now-anonymous ancestors of ours.

I found photographs of people taken in downtown Tucson at the time these pioneers were alive and selected four images that gave us a sense of what life felt like for them so that we can put ourselves in their shoes as we visit their final resting place.

We don’t know for sure that any of the people now buried in All Faiths are depicted on the walls, but I like the idea that they might be. If you have a chance to visit these Tilography murals, they are open to the public and also feature an interpretive display I created to share more details on the project. The more we engage with our history, the more respect we have for our cultures and traditions and the more hope we have for our future.

To join the team or help the campaign to put an artist in the Tucson Mayor’s office, go to





Share #1





Sharon Nichols
11 May 2020

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Respect our past.

Heritage belongs to all Humankind of all races and ethnicities.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)



Steve Farley
(11 May 2019)

As a public artist, I have created many murals around town besides those at downtown’s Broadway Underpass, and in the next few weeks, I will share the stories behind some of them.

Back in the 1990s, the Tucson-Pima Arts Council operated out of an office on Alameda and Stone that formerly housed the printing presses for the Tucson Citizen. My late friend Albert Soto swore that there were ghosts in his office there. He would often arrive in the morning and find random items from his shelves on the floor.

After the building was torn down to make way for new county offices, it was discovered that nearly 1,200 Tucsonans had been buried underground in the old Tucson National Cemetery from 1862-1875. When the land was developed in 1904, apparently only the gravestones were moved. Albert may have been right about those ghosts…

The Diocese of Tucson took custody of the remains and allowed the ghosts of Alameda Street to gain some peace at last by re-interring them in the All Faiths Cemetery on the southeast side of town in 2010. Bishop Kicanas commissioned me to create murals to honor these now-anonymous ancestors of ours.

I found photographs of people taken in downtown Tucson at the time these pioneers were alive and selected four images that gave us a sense of what life felt like for them so that we can put ourselves in their shoes as we visit their final resting place.

We don’t know for sure that any of the people now buried in All Faiths are depicted on the walls, but I like the idea that they might be. If you have a chance to visit these Tilography murals, they are open to the public and also feature an interpretive display I created to share more details on the project. The more we engage with our history, the more respect we have for our cultures and traditions and the more hope we have for our future.

To join the team or help the campaign to put an artist in the Tucson Mayor’s office, go to






Share #2





Sharon Nichols
11 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Respect our past, learn from it, act with enlightenment.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
Shared with Public



Steve Farley
May 11, 2019 ·

As a public artist, I have created many murals around town besides those at downtown’s Broadway Underpass, and in the next few weeks, I will share the stories behind some of them.

Back in the 1990s, the Tucson-Pima Arts Council operated out of an office on Alameda and Stone that formerly housed the printing presses for the Tucson Citizen. My late friend Albert Soto swore that there were ghosts in his office there. He would often arrive in the morning and find random items from his shelves on the floor.

After the building was torn down to make way for new county offices, it was discovered that nearly 1,200 Tucsonans had been buried underground in the old Tucson National Cemetery from 1862-1875. When the land was developed in 1904, apparently only the gravestones were moved. Albert may have been right about those ghosts…

The Diocese of Tucson took custody of the remains and allowed the ghosts of Alameda Street to gain some peace at last by re-interring them in the All Faiths Cemetery on the southeast side of town in 2010. Bishop Kicanas commissioned me to create murals to honor these now-anonymous ancestors of ours.

I found photographs of people taken in downtown Tucson at the time these pioneers were alive and selected four images that gave us a sense of what life felt like for them so that we can put ourselves in their shoes as we visit their final resting place.

We don’t know for sure that any of the people now buried in All Faiths are depicted on the walls, but I like the idea that they might be. If you have a chance to visit these Tilography murals, they are open to the public and also feature an interpretive display I created to share more details on the project. The more we engage with our history, the more respect we have for our cultures and traditions and the more hope we have for our future.

To join the team or help the campaign to put an artist in the Tucson Mayor’s office, go to






Share identified in 2019, but missing from 2023






Sharon Nichols
12 May 2022

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from two years ago, from four years ago.

On the point of: Public Art.

Think of all the wonderfull Public Art that could be provided by The Public, income for artists who lack employment and income.

– Sharon




People who shared this

1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
osSerah8lg60321 151,4M5y 27 ·
11 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Respect our past, learn from it, act with enlightenment.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
Shared with Public



Steve Farley
May 11, 2019 ·






Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
Snrstm a1171 118t3,0M2fyuc0201 ·
11 May 2020
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Respect our past.

Heritage belongs to all Humankind of all races and ethnicities.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)



Steve Farley
(11 May 2019)




Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019
Shared with Public




Steve Farley
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019

As a public artist, I have created many murals around town besides those at downtown’s Broadway Underpass, and in the next few weeks, I will share the stories behind some of them.

Back in the 1990s, the Tucson-Pima Arts Council operated out of an office on Alameda and Stone that formerly housed the printing presses for the Tucson Citizen. My late friend Albert Soto swore that there were ghosts in his office there. He would often arrive in the morning and find random items from his shelves on the floor.

After the building was torn down to make way for new county offices, it was discovered that nearly 1,200 Tucsonans had been buried underground in the old Tucson National Cemetery from 1862-1875. When the land was developed in 1904, apparently only the gravestones were moved. Albert may have been right about those ghosts…

The Diocese of Tucson took custody of the remains and allowed the ghosts of Alameda Street to gain some peace at last by re-interring them in the All Faiths Cemetery on the southeast side of town in 2010. Bishop Kicanas commissioned me to create murals to honor these now-anonymous ancestors of ours.

I found photographs of people taken in downtown Tucson at the time these pioneers were alive and selected four images that gave us a sense of what life felt like for them so that we can put ourselves in their shoes as we visit their final resting place.

We don’t know for sure that any of the people now buried in All Faiths are depicted on the walls, but I like the idea that they might be. If you have a chance to visit these Tilography murals, they are open to the public and also feature an interpretive display I created to share more details on the project. The more we engage with our history, the more respect we have for our cultures and traditions and the more hope we have for our future.

To join the team or help the campaign to put an artist in the Tucson Mayor’s office, go to






Share #3





Sharon Nichols
11 May 2023

2 of 4:

Steve Farley:  Discovering our lost local heritage


People Who Shared This

1 Year Ago
See your memories




1 Year Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2022
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from two years ago, from four years ago.

On the point of:  Public Art.

Think of all the wonderfull Public Art that could be provided by The Public, income for artists who lack employment and income.

– Sharon




People who shared this

1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
osSerah8lg60321 151,4M5y 27 ·
11 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Respect our past, learn from it, act with enlightenment.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
Shared with Public



Steve Farley
May 11, 2019 ·






Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
Snrstm a1171 118t3,0M2fyuc0201 ·
11 May 2020
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Respect our past.

Heritage belongs to all Humankind of all races and ethnicities.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)



Steve Farley
(11 May 2019)




Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019
Shared with Public




Steve Farley
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019

As a public artist, I have created many murals around town besides those at downtown’s Broadway Underpass, and in the next few weeks, I will share the stories behind some of them.

We don’t know for sure that any of the people now buried in All Faiths are depicted on the walls, but I like the idea that they might be. If you have a chance to visit these Tilography murals, they are open to the public and also feature an interpretive display I created to share more details on the project. The more we engage with our history, the more respect we have for our cultures and traditions and the more hope we have for our future.

To join the team or help the campaign to put an artist in the Tucson Mayor’s office, go to








2 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Respect our past, learn from it, act with enlightenment.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
Shared with Public



Steve Farley
May 11, 2019 ·

As a public artist, I have created many murals around town besides those at downtown’s Broadway Underpass, and in the next few weeks, I will share the stories behind some of them.

We don’t know for sure that any of the people now buried in All Faiths are depicted on the walls, but I like the idea that they might be. If you have a chance to visit these Tilography murals, they are open to the public and also feature an interpretive display I created to share more details on the project. The more we engage with our history, the more respect we have for our cultures and traditions and the more hope we have for our future.

To join the team or help the campaign to put an artist in the Tucson Mayor’s office, go to









3 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2020
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Respect our past.

Heritage belongs to all Humankind of all races and ethnicities.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)



Steve Farley
(11 May 2019)

As a public artist, I have created many murals around town besides those at downtown’s Broadway Underpass, and in the next few weeks, I will share the stories behind some of them.

To join the team or help the campaign to put an artist in the Tucson Mayor’s office, go to








We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

4 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2019
Shared with Public




Steve Farley
11 May 2019

As a public artist, I have created many murals around town besides those at downtown’s Broadway Underpass, and in the next few weeks, I will share the stories behind some of them.

Back in the 1990s, the Tucson-Pima Arts Council operated out of an office on Alameda and Stone that formerly housed the printing presses for the Tucson Citizen. My late friend Albert Soto swore that there were ghosts in his office there. He would often arrive in the morning and find random items from his shelves on the floor.

After the building was torn down to make way for new county offices, it was discovered that nearly 1,200 Tucsonans had been buried underground in the old Tucson National Cemetery from 1862-1875. When the land was developed in 1904, apparently only the gravestones were moved. Albert may have been right about those ghosts…

The Diocese of Tucson took custody of the remains and allowed the ghosts of Alameda Street to gain some peace at last by re-interring them in the All Faiths Cemetery on the southeast side of town in 2010. Bishop Kicanas commissioned me to create murals to honor these now-anonymous ancestors of ours.

I found photographs of people taken in downtown Tucson at the time these pioneers were alive and selected four images that gave us a sense of what life felt like for them so that we can put ourselves in their shoes as we visit their final resting place.

We don’t know for sure that any of the people now buried in All Faiths are depicted on the walls, but I like the idea that they might be. If you have a chance to visit these Tilography murals, they are open to the public and also feature an interpretive display I created to share more details on the project. The more we engage with our history, the more respect we have for our cultures and traditions and the more hope we have for our future.

To join the team or help the campaign to put an artist in the Tucson Mayor’s office, go to













You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 11 May 2024’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  11 May 2024’
(11 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
11 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  11 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1 of 4:

(1, 4 are similar)


The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.



Sharon Nichols shared a memory
11 May 2023

3 of 4:

Trans pain is indescribable


People Who Shared This

1 Year Ago
See your memories




1 Year Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2022
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from two years ago, from three years ago.

Beginning success with Cousin Gail, Cousin Jack, and Cousin Carole last year. Thank you. Hopefully again for this year.

– Sharon




People who shared this


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
npros1,9f8001a1 16yt2m2102Ml m92 ·
11 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Drumpfian and Deplorable loyalists: You can skip this. Keep your smug selves happy. Use your time to continue writing laws to criminalise us out of our existence.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
Shared with Public




Olivia Hope Matteo
May 11, 2019 ·


1 Comment

Alana Joy
This is excellent!
· Reply · 1y

Write a comment…






Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
npros1,9f8000a1 16yt2m2102Ml m92 ·
11 May 2020
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Thank you to my family for teaching me how to hate my self from the age of 3.

Thank you to my sister Kathy. She so excluded me from her life that she recently posted a comment to me that she has three children, not two as what she had told me during the past three decades. Amazing how a sister avoids telling a sibling about her children. Not bad for a Registered Nurse since the 1970s who still refers to my Transsexual and Inter-sex as a ‘sexual orientation’.

I seem to have only one cousin who intermittently checks ‘Like’, but doesn’t actually comment or correspond with me. She’s the apparent closest of family.

Sad that family treats one of their own so badly.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)




Olivia Hope Matteo
(11 May 2019)


Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.



Gail Petersen
I am so sorry Sharon! I hope you are doing ok. I care!

Sharon Nichols
Gail Petersen
Thank you.

Gail Petersen
You are so welcome!

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019
Shared with Public




Olivia Hope Matteo
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.








2 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Drumpfian and Deplorable loyalists: You can skip this. Keep your smug selves happy. Use your time to continue writing laws to criminalise us out of our existence.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
Shared with Public



Olivia Hope Matteo
May 11, 2019 ·

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.


1 Comment

Alana Joy
This is excellent!
· Reply · 1y

Write a comment…









3 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2020
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Thank you to my family for teaching me how to hate my self from the age of 3.

Thank you to my sister Kathy. She so excluded me from her life that she recently posted a comment to me that she has three children, not two as what she had told me during the past three decades. Amazing how a sister avoids telling a sibling about her children. Not bad for a Registered Nurse since the 1970s who still refers to my Transsexual and Inter-sex as a ‘sexual orientation’.

I seem to have only one cousin who intermittently checks ‘Like’, but doesn’t actually comment or correspond with me. She’s the apparent closest of family.

Sad that family treats one of their own so badly.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)



Olivia Hope Matteo
(11 May 2019)

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.


Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.








We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

4 Years Ago




Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
11 May 2019
Shared with Public





Olivia Hope Matteo
11 May 2019
Shared with Friends

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

The loneliness, the sadness, the guilt, the shame, the anger, the fear of discovery, the absolute human anguish, all trapped inside your head… and no one in your life has a clue.

It gets compounded by the lack of sympathy, compassion, understanding and comfort from others, the fear of anyone knowing, the fear of being seen as a freak, the fear of rejection.

It has been part of you for years, for decades. It is lived every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minute by painful minute.

You started to learn how to hide your secret from when you were only child. You felt the “natural you” and you tried to simply live it. You were told it was wrong and you were regularly corrected. Everyone and everything around you told you what you should be. You were confused but you learned.

You learned that your feelings and sense of self were wrong. You learned to hide those feelings, those thoughts. They were bad. As a child what did you know? Mom, Dad, the older kids, they all knew better. You learned from them.

Your skill grew with time and experience. Everyone around you drove you to improve your skill in hiding. They were not allowed to know your secret because you learned quickly that they hated what you were hiding.

They were the enemy. They proved it time and time again. They were your parents, friends, family, spouses and children. They were the media, religious and political groups and society around you, on a global scale. You had a “disease” that no one wanted to understand and everyone seemed to hate.

You let no one in.

You were perpetually behind enemy lines.

Over time you became so skilled that hiding became second nature. You learned to cover your emotional tracks. No one saw you or knew you were there. They saw what you wanted them to see, knowing at all times they would never accept you.

You hid to prevent being an outcast. You wanted to just be accepted so you became what they wanted.

You found safe ways to take care of your inner self but even then, you were mean and cruel to yourself. You rejected what you saw. You saw your own disgust reflected in the mirror every time you looked.

You hated being you.

On and on this goes on for years. On and on you build a wall that excludes a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

It is exhausting, draining, soul crushing.

The exhaustion grows. You start to lose the strength you thought you could carry to the grave.

You just can’t do it anymore.

The strain and the pain become enormous. You try to find a solution, a way to escape the growing pain that comes with the emotional fatigue.

As you heroically try to keep up the wall in your emotional realities, you begin to realize that you can’t. You see your failure coming… and you are all alone in your crowded life.

You finally come to the point of a life altering moment offering two choices.

But you reject both.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.










People Who Share This


Marie Bobo-Smith
11 May 2020


“I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

The loneliness, the sadness, the guilt, the shame, the anger, the fear of discovery, the absolute human anguish, all trapped inside your head… and no one in your life has a clue.

It gets compounded by the lack of sympathy, compassion, understanding and comfort from others, the fear of anyone knowing, the fear of being seen as a freak, the fear of rejection.

It has been part of you for years, for decades. It is lived every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minute by painful minute.

You started to learn how to hide your secret from when you were only child. You felt the “natural you” and you tried to simply live it. You were told it was wrong and you were regularly corrected. Everyone and everything around you told you what you should be. You were confused but you learned.

You learned that your feelings and sense of self were wrong. You learned to hide those feelings, those thoughts. They were bad. As a child what did you know? Mom, Dad, the older kids, they all knew better. You learned from them.

Your skill grew with time and experience. Everyone around you drove you to improve your skill in hiding. They were not allowed to know your secret because you learned quickly that they hated what you were hiding.

They were the enemy. They proved it time and time again. They were your parents, friends, family, spouses and children. They were the media, religious and political groups and society around you, on a global scale. You had a “disease” that no one wanted to understand and everyone seemed to hate.

You let no one in.

You were perpetually behind enemy lines.

Over time you became so skilled that hiding became second nature. You learned to cover your emotional tracks. No one saw you or knew you were there. They saw what you wanted them to see, knowing at all times they would never accept you.

You hid to prevent being an outcast. You wanted to just be accepted so you became what they wanted.

You found safe ways to take care of your inner self but even then, you were mean and cruel to yourself. You rejected what you saw. You saw your own disgust reflected in the mirror every time you looked.

You hated being you.

On and on this goes on for years. On and on you build a wall that excludes a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

It is exhausting, draining, soul crushing.

The exhaustion grows. You start to lose the strength you thought you could carry to the grave.

You just can’t do it anymore.

The strain and the pain become enormous. You try to find a solution, a way to escape the growing pain that comes with the emotional fatigue.

As you heroically try to keep up the wall in your emotional realities, you begin to realize that you can’t. You see your failure coming… and you are all alone in your crowded life.

You finally come to the point of a life altering moment offering two choices.

But you reject both.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.”























2 of 4:


Common Dreams:  20 Ways Crooked Drumpf Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2020

It’s worth re-visiting this article (attached) every so often for what the author reminds us.

I address my concerns to you among my family, my ‘friends’, my social media ‘friends’:

– who are Right-wing Republi-con, Christian Con-servative, Drumpfian, Deplorable

– who loyally vote straight-ticket Republi-con

– who loyally voted for Crooked Drumpf in 2016

– who tell me that you are a Con-servative while telling me that you oppose Crooked Drumpf

– who will persist voting straight-ticket Republi-con and for Crooked Drumpf in 2020, 2024, 2028 – well, that depends upon what kind of ‘Elections’ you will allow.

You are NOT a friend in any sense of that appellation of ‘friend’.

You lack the ability of defending your position, either here in public or at your own hovel.

You are the one who wishes harm, wishes death to me, to my Friends, to my Allies, to my Community.  You have said so, either expressly or by the consequences of your actions.

You are described in the attached article.

You lack the capacity to read beyond the slogan of your MAGA baseball cap, you could not be bothered to read the attached article.

You are in history.  I studied you as a Student of the Shoah, I personally witnessed your aftermath of Dachau begotten by Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide – your own ideology:

– You have no Rights
– You have no Rights to live amongst us
– You have no Rights to live.

Those Three Stages to Genocide is the ideology of Amerikan Republi-cons.  Remember well what Republi-cons boasted during the 1930s and the 1940s – that they would rather vote for Hitler than ever vote for Roosevelt.

As Germany denied this throughout the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, well, at least through the 1970s, 1980s, so do you in the 2010s, 2020s, 2030s (?).  The crimes of your long arc will eventually come due, paid by your children and grandchildren.

I’m not finished here.  Even after you murder me in your coming Drumpficide, I shall mark you.

– Sharon



Published on
Friday, August 09, 2019
by Common Dreams

Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs.
bySteven Rosenfeld

We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. (Photo: photolibrarian/Flickr/cc)

A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances are being pushed to the brink by a president who is consciously following Adolf Hitler’s extremist propaganda and policy template from the early 1930s—when the Nazis took power in Germany.

In When at Times the Mob Is Swayed: A Citizen’s Guide to Defending Our Republic, Burt Neuborne mostly focuses on how America’s constitutional foundation in 2019—an unrepresentative Congress, the Electoral College and a right-wing Supreme Court majority—is not positioned to withstand Trump’s extreme polarization and GOP power grabs. However, its second chapter, “Why the Sudden Concern About Fixing the Brakes?,” extensively details Trump’s mimicry of Hitler’s pre-war rhetoric and strategies.

Neuborne doesn’t make this comparison lightly. His 55-year career began by challenging the constitutionality of the Vietnam War in the 1960s. He became the ACLU’s national legal director in the 1980s under Ronald Reagan. He was founding legal director of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School in the 1990s. He has been part of more than 200 Supreme Court cases and Holocaust reparation litigation.

“Why does an ignorant, narcissistic buffoon like Trump trigger such anxiety? Why do so many Americans feel it existentially (not just politically) important to resist our forty-fifth president?” he writes. “Partly it’s just aesthetics. Trump is such a coarse and appalling man that it’s hard to stomach his presence in Abraham Lincoln’s house. But that’s not enough to explain the intensity of my dread. LBJ was coarse. Gerald Ford and George W. Bush were dumb as rocks. Richard Nixon was an anti-Semite. Bill Clinton’s mistreatment of women dishonored his office. Ronald Reagan was a dangerous ideologue. I opposed each of them when they appeared to exceed their constitutional powers. But I never felt a sense of existential dread. I never sensed that the very existence of a tolerant democracy was in play.”

A younger Trump, according to his first wife’s divorce filings, kept and studied a book translating and annotating Adolf Hitler’s pre-World War II speeches in a locked bedside cabinet, Neuborne noted. The English edition of My New Order, published in 1941, also had analyses of the speeches’ impact on his era’s press and politics. “Ugly and appalling as they are, those speeches are masterpieces of demagogic manipulation,” Neuborne says.

“Watching Trump work his crowds, though, I see a dangerously manipulative narcissist unleashing the demagogic spells that he learned from studying Hitler’s speeches—spells that he cannot control and that are capable of eroding the fabric of American democracy,” Neuborne says. “You see, we’ve seen what these rhetorical techniques can do. Much of Trump’s rhetoric—as a candidate and in office—mirrors the strategies, even the language, used by Adolf Hitler in the early 1930s to erode German democracy.”

Many Americans may seize or condemn Neuborne’s analysis, which has more than 20 major points of comparison. The author repeatedly says his goal is not “equating” the men—as “it trivializes Hitler’s obscene crimes to compare them to Trump’s often pathetic foibles.”

Indeed, the book has a larger frame: whether federal checks and balances—Congress, the Supreme Court, the Electoral College—can contain the havoc that Trump thrives on and the Republican Party at large has embraced. But the Trump-Hitler compilation is a stunning warning, because, as many Holocaust survivors have said, few Germans or Europeans expected what unfolded in the years after Hitler amassed power.

Here’s how Neuborne introduces this section. Many recent presidents have been awful, “But then there was Donald Trump, the only president in recent American history to openly despise the twin ideals—individual dignity and fundamental equality—upon which the contemporary United States is built. When you confront the reality of a president like Trump, the state of both sets of brakes—internal [constitutional] and external [public resistance]—become hugely important because Donald Trump’s political train runs on the most potent and dangerous fuel of all: a steady diet of fear, greed, loathing, lies, and envy. It’s a toxic mixture that has destroyed democracies before, and can do so again.

“Give Trump credit,” he continues. “He did his homework well and became the twenty-first-century master of divisive rhetoric. We’re used to thinking of Hitler’s Third Reich as the incomparably evil tyranny that it undoubtedly was. But Hitler didn’t take power by force. He used a set of rhetorical tropes codified in Trump’s bedside reading that persuaded enough Germans to welcome Hitler as a populist leader. The Nazis did not overthrow the Weimar Republic. It fell into their hands as the fruit of Hitler’s satanic ability to mesmerize enough Germans to trade their birthright for a pottage of scapegoating, short-term economic gain, xenophobia, and racism. It could happen here.”

20 Common Themes, Rhetorical Tactics and Dangerous Policies

Here are 20 serious points of comparison between the early Hitler and Trump.

1. Neither was elected by a majority. Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, receiving votes by 25.3 percent of all eligible American voters. “That’s just a little less than the percentage of the German electorate that turned to the Nazi Party in 1932–33,” Neuborne writes. “Unlike the low turnouts in the United States, turnout in Weimar Germany averaged just over 80 percent of eligible voters.” He continues, “Once installed as a minority chancellor in January 1933, Hitler set about demonizing his political opponents, and no one—not the vaunted, intellectually brilliant German judiciary; not the respected, well-trained German police; not the revered, aristocratic German military; not the widely admired, efficient German government bureaucracy; not the wealthy, immensely powerful leaders of German industry; and not the powerful center-right political leaders of the Reichstag—mounted a serious effort to stop him.”

2. Both found direct communication channels to their base. By 1936’s Olympics, Nazi narratives dominated German cultural and political life. “How on earth did Hitler pull it off? What satanic magic did Trump find in Hitler’s speeches?” Neuborne asks. He addresses Hitler’s extreme rhetoric soon enough, but notes that Hitler found a direct communication pathway—the Nazi Party gave out radios with only one channel, tuned to Hitler’s voice, bypassing Germany’s news media. Trump has an online equivalent.

“Donald Trump’s tweets, often delivered between midnight and dawn, are the twenty-first century’s technological embodiment of Hitler’s free plastic radios,” Neuborne says. “Trump’s Twitter account, like Hitler’s radios, enables a charismatic leader to establish and maintain a personal, unfiltered line of communication with an adoring political base of about 30–40 percent of the population, many (but not all) of whom are only too willing, even anxious, to swallow Trump’s witches’ brew of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never ending-search for scapegoats.”

3. Both blame others and divide on racial lines. As Neuborne notes, “Hitler used his single-frequency radios to wax hysterical to his adoring base about his pathological racial and religious fantasies glorifying Aryans and demonizing Jews, blaming Jews (among other racial and religious scapegoats) for German society’s ills.” That is comparable to “Trump’s tweets and public statements, whether dealing with black-led demonstrations against police violence, white-led racist mob violence, threats posed by undocumented aliens, immigration policy generally, protests by black and white professional athletes, college admission policies, hate speech, even response to hurricane damage in Puerto Rico,” he says. Again and again, Trump uses “racially tinged messages calculated to divide whites from people of color.”

4. Both relentlessly demonize opponents. “Hitler’s radio harangues demonized his domestic political opponents, calling them parasites, criminals, cockroaches, and various categories of leftist scum,” Neuborne notes. “Trump’s tweets and speeches similarly demonize his political opponents. Trump talks about the country being ‘infested’ with dangerous aliens of color. He fantasizes about jailing Hillary Clinton, calls Mexicans rapists, refers to ‘shithole countries,’ degrades anyone who disagrees with him, and dreams of uprooting thousands of allegedly disloyal bureaucrats in the State Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the FBI, and the CIA, who he calls ‘the deep state’ and who, he claims, are sabotaging American greatness.”

5. They unceasingly attack objective truth. “Both Trump and Hitler maintained a relentless assault on the very idea of objective truth,” he continues. “Each began the assault by seeking to delegitimize the mainstream press. Hitler quickly coined the epithet Lügenpresse (literally ‘lying press’) to denigrate the mainstream press. Trump uses a paraphrase of Hitler’s lying press epithet—‘fake news’—cribbed, no doubt, from one of Hitler’s speeches. For Trump, the mainstream press is a ‘lying press’ that publishes ‘fake news.’” Hitler attacked his opponents as spreading false information to undermine his positions, Neuborne says, just as Trump has attacked “elites” for disseminating false news, “especially his possible links to the Kremlin.”

6. They relentlessly attack mainstream media. Trump’s assaults on the media echo Hitler’s, Neuborne says, noting that he “repeatedly attacks the ‘failing New York Times,’ leads crowds in chanting ‘CNN sucks,’ [and] is personally hostile to most reporters.” He cites the White House’s refusal to fly the flag at half-mast after the murder of five journalists in Annapolis in June 2018, Trump’s efforts to punish CNN by blocking a merger of its corporate parent, and trying to revoke federal Postal Service contracts held by Amazon, which was founded by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post.

7. Their attacks on truth include science. Neuborne notes, “Both Trump and Hitler intensified their assault on objective truth by deriding scientific experts, especially academics who question Hitler’s views on race or Trump’s views on climate change, immigration, or economics. For both Trump and Hitler, the goal is (and was) to eviscerate the very idea of objective truth, turning everything into grist for a populist jury subject to manipulation by a master puppeteer. In both Trump’s and Hitler’s worlds, public opinion ultimately defines what is true and what is false.”

8. Their lies blur reality—and supporters spread them. “Trump’s pathological penchant for repeatedly lying about his behavior can only succeed in a world where his supporters feel free to embrace Trump’s ‘alternative facts’ and treat his hyperbolic exaggerations as the gospel truth,” Neuborne says. “Once Hitler had delegitimized the mainstream media by a series of systematic attacks on its integrity, he constructed a fawning alternative mass media designed to reinforce his direct radio messages and enhance his personal power. Trump is following the same path, simultaneously launching bitter attacks on the mainstream press while embracing the so-called alt-right media, co-opting both Sinclair Broadcasting and the Rupert Murdoch–owned Fox Broadcasting Company as, essentially, a Trump Broadcasting Network.”

9. Both orchestrated mass rallies to show status. “Once Hitler had cemented his personal communications link with his base via free radios and a fawning media and had badly eroded the idea of objective truth, he reinforced his emotional bond with his base by holding a series of carefully orchestrated mass meetings dedicated to cementing his status as a charismatic leader, or Führer,” Neuborne writes. “The powerful personal bonds nurtured by Trump’s tweets and Fox’s fawning are also systematically reinforced by periodic, carefully orchestrated mass rallies (even going so far as to co-opt a Boy Scout Jamboree in 2017), reinforcing Trump’s insatiable narcissism and his status as a charismatic leader.”

10. They embrace extreme nationalism. “Hitler’s strident appeals to the base invoked an extreme version of German nationalism, extolling a brilliant German past and promising to restore Germany to its rightful place as a preeminent nation,” Neuborne says. “Trump echoes Hitler’s jingoistic appeal to ultranationalist fervor, extolling American exceptionalism right down to the slogan ‘Make America Great Again,’ a paraphrase of Hitler’s promise to restore German greatness.”

11. Both made closing borders a centerpiece. “Hitler all but closed Germany’s borders, freezing non-Aryan migration into the country and rendering it impossible for Germans to escape without official permission. Like Hitler, Trump has also made closed borders a centerpiece of his administration,” Neuborne continues. “Hitler barred Jews. Trump bars Muslims and seekers of sanctuary from Central America. When the lower courts blocked Trump’s Muslim travel ban, he unilaterally issued executive orders replacing it with a thinly disguised substitute that ultimately narrowly won Supreme Court approval under a theory of extreme deference to the president.”

12. They embraced mass detention and deportations. “Hitler promised to make Germany free from Jews and Slavs. Trump promises to slow, stop, and even reverse the flow of non-white immigrants, substituting Muslims, Africans, Mexicans, and Central Americans of color for Jews and Slavs as scapegoats for the nation’s ills. Trump’s efforts to cast dragnets to arrest undocumented aliens where they work, live, and worship, followed by mass deportation… echo Hitler’s promise to defend Germany’s racial identity,” he writes, also noting that Trump has “stooped to tearing children from their parents [as Nazis in World War II would do] to punish desperate efforts by migrants to find a better life.”

13. Both used borders to protect selected industries. “Like Hitler, Trump seeks to use national borders to protect his favored national interests, threatening to ignite protectionist trade wars with Europe, China, and Japan similar to the trade wars that, in earlier incarnations, helped to ignite World War I and World War II,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump aggressively uses our nation’s political and economic power to favor selected American corporate interests at the expense of foreign competitors and the environment, even at the price of international conflict, massive inefficiency, and irreversible pollution [climate change].”

14. They cemented their rule by enriching elites. “Hitler’s version of fascism shifted immense power—both political and financial—to the leaders of German industry. In fact, Hitler governed Germany largely through corporate executives,” he continues. “Trump has also presided over a massive empowerment—and enrichment—of corporate America. Under Trump, large corporations exercise immense political power while receiving huge economic windfalls and freedom from regulations designed to protect consumers and the labor force.

“Hitler despised the German labor movement, eventually destroying it and imprisoning its leaders. Trump also detests strong unions, seeking to undermine any effort to interfere with the prerogatives of management.”

15. Both rejected international norms. “Hitler’s foreign policy rejected international cooperation in favor of military and economic coercion, culminating in the annexation of the Sudetenland, the phony Hitler-Stalin nonaggression pact, the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the horrors of global war,” Neuborne notes. “Like Hitler, Trump is deeply hostile to multinational cooperation, withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the nuclear agreement with Iran, threatening to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement, abandoning our Kurdish allies in Syria, and even going so far as to question the value of NATO, our post-World War II military alliance with European democracies against Soviet expansionism.”

16. They attack domestic democratic processes. “Hitler attacked the legitimacy of democracy itself, purging the voting rolls, challenging the integrity of the electoral process, and questioning the ability of democratic government to solve Germany’s problems,” Neuborne notes. “Trump has also attacked the democratic process, declining to agree to be bound by the outcome of the 2016 elections when he thought he might lose, supporting the massive purge of the voting rolls allegedly designed to avoid (nonexistent) fraud, championing measures that make it harder to vote, tolerating—if not fomenting—massive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, encouraging mob violence at rallies, darkly hinting at violence if Democrats hold power, and constantly casting doubt on the legitimacy of elections unless he wins.”

17. Both attack the judiciary and rule of law. “Hitler politicized and eventually destroyed the vaunted German justice system. Trump also seeks to turn the American justice system into his personal playground,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump threatens the judicially enforced rule of law, bitterly attacking American judges who rule against him, slyly praising Andrew Jackson for defying the Supreme Court, and abusing the pardon power by pardoning an Arizona sheriff found guilty of criminal contempt of court for disobeying federal court orders to cease violating the Constitution.”

18. Both glorify the military and demand loyalty oaths. “Like Hitler, Trump glorifies the military, staffing his administration with layers of retired generals (who eventually were fired or resigned), relaxing control over the use of lethal force by the military and the police, and demanding a massive increase in military spending,” Neuborne writes. Just as Hitler “imposed an oath of personal loyalty on all German judges” and demanded courts defer to him, “Trump’s already gotten enough deference from five Republican [Supreme Court] justices to uphold a largely Muslim travel ban that is the epitome of racial and religious bigotry.”

Trump has also demanded loyalty oaths. “He fired James Comey, a Republican appointed in 2013 as FBI director by President Obama, for refusing to swear an oath of personal loyalty to the president; excoriated and then sacked Jeff Sessions, his handpicked attorney general, for failing to suppress the criminal investigation into… Trump’s possible collusion with Russia in influencing the 2016 elections; repeatedly threatened to dismiss Robert Mueller, the special counsel carrying out the investigation; and called again and again for the jailing of Hillary Clinton, his 2016 opponent, leading crowds in chants of ‘lock her up.’” A new chant, “send her back,” has since emerged at Trump rallies directed at non-white Democratic congresswomen.

19. They proclaim unchecked power. “Like Hitler, Trump has intensified a disturbing trend that predated his administration of governing unilaterally, largely through executive orders or proclamations,” Neuborne says, citing the Muslim travel ban, trade tariffs, unraveling of health and environmental safety nets, ban on transgender military service, and efforts to end President Obama’s protection for Dreamers. “Like Hitler, Trump claims the power to overrule Congress and govern all by himself. In 1933, Hitler used the pretext of the Reichstag fire to declare a national emergency and seize the power to govern unilaterally. The German judiciary did nothing to stop him. German democracy never recovered.”

“When Congress refused to give Trump funds for his border wall even after he threw a tantrum and shut down the government, Trump, like Hitler, declared a phony national emergency and claimed the power to ignore Congress,” Neuborne continues. “Don’t count on the Supreme Court to stop him. Five justices gave the game away on the President’s unilateral travel ban. They just might do the same thing on the border wall.” It did in late July, ruling that Trump could divert congressionally appropriated funds from the Pentagon budget—undermining constitutional separation of powers.

20. Both relegate women to subordinate roles. “Finally,” writes Neuborne, “Hitler propounded a misogynistic, stereotypical view of women, valuing them exclusively as wives and mothers while excluding them from full participation in German political and economic life. Trump may be the most openly misogynist figure ever to hold high public office in the United States, crassly treating women as sexual objects, using nondisclosure agreements and violating campaign finance laws to shield his sexual misbehavior from public knowledge, attacking women who come forward to accuse men of abusive behavior, undermining reproductive freedom, and opposing efforts by women to achieve economic equality.”

Whither Constitutional Checks and Balances?

Most of Neuborne’s book is not centered on Trump’s fealty to Hitler’s methods and early policies. He notes, as many commentators have, that Trump is following the well-known contours of authoritarian populists and dictators: “there’s always a charismatic leader, a disaffected mass, an adroit use of communications media, economic insecurity, racial or religious fault lines, xenophobia, a turn to violence, and a search for scapegoats.”

The bigger problem, and the subject of most of the book, is that the federal architecture intended to be a check and balance against tyrants, is not poised to act. Congressional representation is fundamentally anti-democratic. In the Senate, politicians representing 18 percent of the national population—epicenters of Trump’s base—can cast 51 percent of the chamber’s votes. A Republican majority from rural states, representing barely 40 percent of the population, controls the chamber. It repeatedly thwarts legislation reflecting multicultural America’s values—and creates a brick wall for impeachment.

The House of Representatives is not much better. Until 2018, this decade’s GOP-majority House, a product of 2011’s extreme Republican gerrymanders, was also unrepresentative of the nation’s demographics. That bias still exists in the Electoral College, as the size of a state’s congressional delegation equals its allocation of votes. That formula is fair as far as House members go, but allocating votes based on two senators per state hurts urban America. Consider that California’s population is 65 times larger than Wyoming’s.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court’s majority remains in the hands of justices appointed by Republican presidents—and favors that party’s agenda. Most Americans are unaware that the court’s partisan majority has only changed twice since the Civil War—in 1937, when a Democratic-appointed majority took over, and in 1972, when a Republican-appointed majority took over. Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s blocking of President Obama’s final nominee thwarted a twice-a-century change. Today’s hijacked Supreme Court majority has only just begun deferring to Trump’s agenda.

Neuborne wants to be optimistic that a wave of state-based resistance, call it progressive federalism, could blunt Trump’s power grabs and help the country return to a system embracing, rather than demonizing, individual dignity and fundamental equality. But he predicts that many Americans who supported Trump in 2016 (largely, he suggests, because their plights have been overlooked for many years by federal power centers and by America’s capitalist hubs) won’t desert Trump—not while he’s in power.

“When tyrants like Hitler are ultimately overthrown, their mass support vanishes retroactively—everyone turns out to have been in the resistance—but the mass support was undeniably there,” he writes. “There will, of course, be American quislings who will enthusiastically support an American tyrant. There always are—everywhere.”

Ultimately, Neuborne doesn’t expect there will be a “constitutional mechanic in the sky ready to swoop down and save American democracy from Donald Trump at the head of a populist mob.” Whatever Trump thinks he is or isn’t doing, his rhetorical and strategic role model—the early Hitler—is what makes Trump and today’s GOP so dangerous.

“Even if all that Trump is doing is marching to that populist drum, he is unleashing forces that imperil the fragile fabric of a multicultural democracy,” Neuborne writes. “But I think there’s more. The parallels—especially the links between Lügenpresse and ‘fake news,’ and promises to restore German greatness and ‘Make America Great Again’—are just too close to be coincidental. I’m pretty sure that Trump’s bedside study of Hitler’s speeches—especially the use of personal invective, white racism, and xenophobia—has shaped the way Trump seeks to gain political power in our time. I don’t for a moment believe that Trump admires what Hitler eventually did with his power [genocide], but he damn well admires—and is successfully copying—the way that Hitler got it.”

This article was produced by Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

Steven Rosenfeld is a senior writing fellow and the editor and chief correspondent of Voting Booth, a project of the Independent Media Institute. He is a national political reporter focusing on democracy issues. He has reported for nationwide public radio networks, websites, and newspapers and produced talk radio and music podcasts. He has written five books, including profiles of campaigns, voter suppression, voting rights guides, and a WWII survival story currently being made into a film. His latest book is Democracy Betrayed: How Superdelegates, Redistricting, Party Insiders, and the Electoral College Rigged the 2016 Election (Hot Books, March 2018).


Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article – some ‘Oldies but Goodies’, some new hits.  They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.  Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Crooked Drumpf will steal from anyone, even professional fighters.


Trump Blames China for COVID-19 Cover-up.


How many dead will satisfy you?


How Hitler and his NAZIs seized control of Germany – Crooked Drumpf’s blueprint to overthrow American Constitutional government.


Hitler seizes Catholic Austria – ‘Conquer Austria; use Austrian Catholicism to overthrow science.’


Republi-cons – Let the looting begin as their perfect crime unfolds to the witnessing public.


Barr directs DOJ to cover-up Drumpf’s crimes – in broad daylight.


Drumpf accuses Obama of committing the ‘crime’ of ‘Obamagate’.


Croaked Drumpf and Barr subvert the Rule of Law in favour of their abuse of Prosecutorial Discretion.



Crooked Drumpf lays bare his death cult of Coronavirus.


Crooked Drumpf uses Coronavirus to make himself into a profiteer.


The international loathing of crooked Drumpf.


These are the minions, Myrmidons, and psychophants of Crooked Drumpf.


ALEC’s Iron Hand and Closed-door Politics control America.





1 Comment


Jenji Learn
The quote about Christianity is out of context entirely. He is referring to conquering OTHER nations. In other words, teach them complacency and pacifism and a lack of concern for the order of the natural world so that they won’t make technological advances and have either the means or the will to fight.
























3 of 4:


Steve Farley:  Respect our cultures and traditions



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2019





Steve Farley
11 May 2019

As a public artist, I have created many murals around town besides those at downtown’s Broadway Underpass, and in the next few weeks, I will share the stories behind some of them.

Back in the 1990s, the Tucson-Pima Arts Council operated out of an office on Alameda and Stone that formerly housed the printing presses for the Tucson Citizen. My late friend Albert Soto swore that there were ghosts in his office there. He would often arrive in the morning and find random items from his shelves on the floor.

After the building was torn down to make way for new county offices, it was discovered that nearly 1,200 Tucsonans had been buried underground in the old Tucson National Cemetery from 1862-1875. When the land was developed in 1904, apparently only the gravestones were moved. Albert may have been right about those ghosts…

The Diocese of Tucson took custody of the remains and allowed the ghosts of Alameda Street to gain some peace at last by re-interring them in the All Faiths Cemetery on the southeast side of town in 2010. Bishop Kicanas commissioned me to create murals to honor these now-anonymous ancestors of ours.

I found photographs of people taken in downtown Tucson at the time these pioneers were alive and selected four images that gave us a sense of what life felt like for them so that we can put ourselves in their shoes as we visit their final resting place.

We don’t know for sure that any of the people now buried in All Faiths are depicted on the walls, but I like the idea that they might be. If you have a chance to visit these Tilography murals, they are open to the public and also feature an interpretive display I created to share more details on the project. The more we engage with our history, the more respect we have for our cultures and traditions and the more hope we have for our future.

To join the team or help the campaign to put an artist in the Tucson Mayor’s office, go to









4 of 4:

(1, 4 are similar)


The pain of being transgender



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2019




Olivia Hope Matteo
11 May 2019

I DID NOT WRITE THIS… I saw it in another group, and asked if I could share it, because it REALLY hit home. I was given permission to do so. I’m grateful that someone found the words to express my feelings.

I know it’s a long read, but it rings true with me and thought I would share a post from Susan’s Place by Emma1017 (with her permission):

The Pain

The pain of being transgender is almost indescribable.

The loneliness, the sadness, the guilt, the shame, the anger, the fear of discovery, the absolute human anguish, all trapped inside your head… and no one in your life has a clue.

It gets compounded by the lack of sympathy, compassion, understanding and comfort from others, the fear of anyone knowing, the fear of being seen as a freak, the fear of rejection.

It has been part of you for years, for decades. It is lived every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, minute by painful minute.

You started to learn how to hide your secret from when you were only child. You felt the “natural you” and you tried to simply live it. You were told it was wrong and you were regularly corrected. Everyone and everything around you told you what you should be. You were confused but you learned.

You learned that your feelings and sense of self were wrong. You learned to hide those feelings, those thoughts. They were bad. As a child what did you know? Mom, Dad, the older kids, they all knew better. You learned from them.

Your skill grew with time and experience. Everyone around you drove you to improve your skill in hiding. They were not allowed to know your secret because you learned quickly that they hated what you were hiding.

They were the enemy. They proved it time and time again. They were your parents, friends, family, spouses and children. They were the media, religious and political groups and society around you, on a global scale. You had a “disease” that no one wanted to understand and everyone seemed to hate.

You let no one in.

You were perpetually behind enemy lines.

Over time you became so skilled that hiding became second nature. You learned to cover your emotional tracks. No one saw you or knew you were there. They saw what you wanted them to see, knowing at all times they would never accept you.

You hid to prevent being an outcast. You wanted to just be accepted so you became what they wanted.

You found safe ways to take care of your inner self but even then, you were mean and cruel to yourself. You rejected what you saw. You saw your own disgust reflected in the mirror every time you looked.

You hated being you.

On and on this goes on for years. On and on you build a wall that excludes a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

It is exhausting, draining, soul crushing.

The exhaustion grows. You start to lose the strength you thought you could carry to the grave.

You just can’t do it anymore.

The strain and the pain become enormous. You try to find a solution, a way to escape the growing pain that comes with the emotional fatigue.

As you heroically try to keep up the wall in your emotional realities, you begin to realize that you can’t. You see your failure coming… and you are all alone in your crowded life.

You finally come to the point of a life altering moment offering two choices.

But you reject both.

You continue to desperately struggle and push back again, again and again. You refuse to accept but you feel the deep, deep agony driving you forward to the choice:

Either open up you heart and soul to the world and accept what will come or die.

I would rather open up my heart and soul.

The world will have to accept.


























You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

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Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



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