Archive | 20 May 2024

‘Facebook Memories: 20 May 2024 – Crooked Drumpf Emulates Orban’s Fascism’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … whew! … 

‘Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024 – Crooked Drumpf emulates Orban’s Fascism’
(20 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
20 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


Some of the Facebook Memories posts for today (20 May 2024) are listed here in yesterday’s (19 May 2024) Facebook Memories Summary. 



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2023



Facebook Memories: 18 May 2023

Dear Reader:

I may, or may not, post the entirety of texts of these daily Facebook Memories items.

Instead, I present to you these URL links to the day’s Facebook Memories.  You can tap the active URL to read the full text of either the Original Post or the subsequent Share.

Some years – whether an Original Post or a Share at a subsequent year – might be missing its URL.  That is the way Facebook works as well as iPad and Samsung.

– Facebook generally does not provide a URL to a Facebook user’s page for videos that they post to their page; instead, Facebook provides its own video URL to that video and not the actual URL to the post.

– Apple, at least using iPad, has no direct way to obtain URLs of Facebook posts, certainly not from any drop-down menu.

– Android, using my Samsung, does not provide any URL for my video post, only the video URL, same as Facebook itself.  It does include the URL link in its drop-down menu for non-video posts.

The only way that I have ever consistently and easily extracted a URL to my Post of a video that I posted to my page is using a PC; my PCs are currently inoperable, so extracting those URLs is not possible until I can repair my PC.  The URLs that you see are the URLs that I previously extracted when I had a PC to do that.

An indirect way that I obtain a URL is to ‘Like’ a post using any device.  Using Samsung (or probably any Android, certainly PC), go to the entry at Activity Log for that ‘Like’, open that post, and tap the dots to open the drop-down menu.  Select ‘Copy link’, or something similar, to obtain the URL; you can Paste that URL to your text document.

You can find and read missing years by going to the Original Post or to a subsequent post and browse the Share items.  Of course, that may not work; my Samsung does not go to any Shares posts, I must use iPad to open any Share items.  Sheesh!!!  You’d expect, with all their technology, that today’s devices could do these simple tasks.  Nope.  What a blow!

And another thing – ‘Content isn’t available … ‘.  I frequently find my own posts are deleted.  I did not do that.  I don’t know who deletes my posts, nor why they delete them.  Nor do I know why my URL links suddenly disconnect.  These are Facebook functions controlled by Facebook, thus, Facebook is deleting my Posts and disconnecting the URLs to my Posts.  Why!

One of the reasons why I re-posted these Facebook Memories was to bring past items to the present – keep myself aware of the history contained in past posts, maybe you, too.  ‘Those who forget History are doomed to repeat it.’

Thus, all the more reasons why I need to spend less of my daily Internet time (as much as four hours) here at Facebook and better use my Internet time at my web-site – that’s my primary Internet presence and I get four hours of my life back.  I have been duplicating and expanding my Facebook items to my web-site anyway.  Ya know what – Suck dings me too much here for daring to Post the Truth, what Facebook decides violates their Community Standards.

I appreciate receiving news articles from You.  I have been taking too much time re-posting these Facebook Memories.  By spending less time duplicating Facebook, I can also better manage my daily Internet time to Share the new news articles and information that you Share with me to both this page and my web-site.

– Sharon




1 of 13:

(Similar as #5 of 5, 17 May 2023)

Fox says that a President under investigation should resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2022

1 Comment








Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

2 of 13:

Drumpf has admirals and generals who support him and are ready to overthrow our Constitutional government



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2021


1 Share



3 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf and his co-conspirators



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020










Liberal Tough Love
7 May 2020

4 of 13:

Abortion discussion



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020





Ashley Phoenix Laroque
19 May 2019

5 of 13:

Another good essay that will likely fall silent among those who should most hear the message.


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019









Linda Ruth Bonnell
18 May 2019

6 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf crime and corruption exposed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018










The Trumpster Fire by HuffPost
14 Feb 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Donald Trump and the White House have “condemned domestic violence in every way possible.” But his history says otherwise.

7 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf’s loyalists fully support themselves being minions to such a failed person.




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019





Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019


Missy Davina Campbell
20 May 2019




The Bitchy Pundit
16 Feb 2019

8 of 13:

‘Content is unavailable … ‘


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019



Venus Rousseau Laroque

9 of 13:

The Right to an abortion, the Right to Bodily Autonomy




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Erin Costello
13 May 2019

10 of 13:

Good essay falls silent



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019




11 of 13:

You choose your lifestyle of Ignorance and Hate



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019

1 Comment






Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Courtney Jean


Courtney Gentis
16 May 2019

12 of 13:

It’s 2019, it’s getting worse



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








13 of 13:

Red – for – Ed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018








Arizona Students’ Association
16 May 2018





9 of 14:


Crooked Drumpf emulates Orban’s Fascism



Sharon Nichols
20 May 2020

Hungary and Poland are testing grounds for Crooked Drumpf.

Orban violates EU laws.  He ignored those laws.

Crooked Drumpf violates American laws, America’s Constitution.

Coronavirus is the distraction.  Watch that shiny object, don’t pay attention to what he really is doing.

Crooked Drumpf issued his National Emergency granting himself authoritarian dictatorship status.  It won’t be long til he makes his move to declare himself Fuhrer.

More proof that we live under a diktatorship – DrumpFuhrer declared that he now rules Amerika by his Executive Orders.  His Republi-con Senate eagerly comply, refusing to over-rule his fiat commands.

Crooked DrumpFuhrer will void all Elections.  There will be no Election 2020.

Following soon afterwards, Crooked DrumpFuhrer will declare Trans and LGBT and Inter-sex outlaw, non-existent, non-viable, without Civil Rights, without Constitutional Rights.

You who are Trans, LGBT, Inter-sex – you go right ahead – you support Crooked DrumpFuhrer and Republi-cons. Seal your own murder.

Can any of Crooked DrumpFuhrer’s actions be reversed?  Let’s review his own history.  Crooked DrumpFuhrer is known to keep Hitler’s book at his nightstand for study and reference.

Hitler devised his Three Stages to Genocide:

 – You have no Rights,
  – You have no Rights to live amongst us,
   – You have no Rights to live.

Crooked DrumpFuhrer’s Amerika is in Stage 3.

Let’s review what Hitler accomplished that Crooked DrumpFuhrer seeks to emulate. Of course Hitler created damage enough to persist for decades:

– Hitler began his rise during the 1920s.

– Hitler seized the government of Germany, persecuted entire segments of German society, and began World War during the 1930s.

– Hitler enacted his Final Solution during the 1940s.

– Post World War Two brought about the Cold War and the social and political upheaval of a divided Germany that persisted to the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall and eventual re-unification during the 1990s.

The rise of Merkel during this past decade finally restored Germany to its rightful position amongst the world of nations; Merkel is now considered ‘The Leader of the Free World’.

Germany required a century to endure its hardships and rid itself of its curse. Multiple generations of people were born, lived, and died throughout the effects of Hitler. America will face this next century cleansing itself of this Crooked DrumpFuhrer Disease. This is what you leave to your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

– Sharon




Hungary seeks to end legal recognition of trans people amid Covid-19 cris

Draft bill comes as people are distracted by Viktor Orbán’s new powers to rule by decree

Shaun Walker in Budapest

Thu 2 Apr 2020 15.17 ED

Viktor Orbán

A draft law proposed by the Hungarian government would end legal gender recognition for transgender people.

The bill, submitted on Tuesday as attention was focused on the introduction of a controversial set of measures ostensibly aimed at fighting coronavirus, stipulates that gender should be defined as “biological sex based on primary sex characteristics and chromosomes”.

It would record people’s “sex at birth” in the Hungarian civil registry and thus make it impossible to change anyone’s legally recognised gender.

Hungary passes law that will let Orbán rule by decree

On Monday, the Hungarian parliament passed a law that allows the prime minister, Viktor Orbán, to rule by decree for as long as the coronavirus crisis is deemed to be continuing. It also mandates jail time for intentionally spreading disinformation that hampers the coronavirus response, measures that were roundly criticised by the opposition at home and politicians abroad.

The gender regulation, part of a larger bill on a number of issues not related to coronavirus, will still be considered by parliament in the normal way.

It shows that even as Orbán requested special measures for fighting coronavirus, his government had not forgotten its other battles. Trans rights and so-called “gender ideology” are frequent bugbears of alt-right and conservative politicians, and Orbán’s government has previously introduced a measure that in effect banned universities from teaching gender studies.

Trans people have had trouble legally changing their documents since 2018, Reuters reported, a situation that is currently subject to several legal challenges. The proposed bill would enshrine this denial of changes in law.

The Council of Europe’s commissioner for human rights, Dunja Mijatović, called on Hungary’s parliament not to adopt the law, and said the measure was in contravention of human rights standards and the case law of the European court of human rights.

“Transgender persons have the right to legal recognition of their gender based on self-determination. This is an essential step to ensure respect for their human rights in all areas of life. Legal gender recognition is a matter of human dignity,” she said in a statement on Thursday.

At home, human rights activists also criticised the bill. “It is appalling that the government plans to ban legal gender recognition in the shadow of the coronavirus crisis,” Tamás Dombos, a board member of the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, told Agence France-Presse.

“Such a measure would force trans people to live with documents that do not match their true identity and their appearance … That exposes them to potential discrimination in employment, housing, access to goods and services, and official procedures,” he said.




Hungary outlaws changing birth gender on documents
9 hours ago
LGBTQ activists in Hungary fear discrimination

Hungary’s parliament has approved a law that bans transsexuals from changing the gender they were assigned at birth on official documents.

The law, proposed by the governing right-wing Fidesz party, passed by 133 votes to 57.

Rights groups fear it will worsen discrimination against LGBTQ citizens; an opposition MP said it was “evil”.

But the government, led by PM Victor Orban, says it will end legal uncertainty.

The administration insists it will not prevent anyone expressing their identity.

The decision “to register children’s biological sex in their birth certificates does not affect men’s and women’s right to freely experience and exercise their identities as they wish,” the government’s communications office said.

The law is part of a wide-ranging package of legislation, presented by Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjen.

A backlog of applications going back three years will now be rejected.

Trans people and human rights groups say it is the latest blow in a war declared by the conservative-nationalist government against anyone who does not fit into their definition of a family, reports the BBC’s Nick Thorpe in Budapest.

PM Viktor Orban leads the right-wing Fidesz party

Tina Korlos Orban, vice president of advocacy group Transvanilla Transgender Association, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation: “We have no words to describe what we feel.

“People who haven’t had suicidal thoughts for decades now are having them. People are in panic, people want to escape from Hungary to somewhere else where they can get their gender recognised.”

Trans people fear that discrimination and worse will occur when they need to present official documents.

The legislation now goes to President Janos Ader, also a member of Fidesz, to be signed into law. Rights activists say they will try to persuade him not to.

Most European Union countries allow official documents to be changed to match gender identity, according to campaign group Transgender Europe.

Related Topics





Hungary votes to end legal recognition of trans people

Activists say new law will increase discrimination, especially as Hungarians must often display their ID cards

Shaun Walker in Budapest

Tue 19 May 2020 11.37 EDT
Last modified on Tue 19 May 2020 11.46 EDT

Hungary’s parliament has voted to end legal recognition for trans people, passing a bill that rights activists say pushes the country “back towards the dark ages”.

The new law defines gender as based on chromosomes at birth, meaning previous provisions whereby trans people could alter their gender and name on official documents will no longer be available.

The votes of rightwing prime minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party pushed the legislation through by 134 to 56, with four abstentions. It is likely to be signed into law by the president, János Áder, a close ally of Orbán.

Hungary passes law that will let Orbán rule by decree

Although Orbán passed a bill during the coronavirus pandemic to allow him to rule indefinitely by decree, the transgender bill was part of a larger package of legislation that went through parliament in the normal way. It was proposed by the deputy prime minister on 31 March, International Transgender Day of Visibility, and amendments submitted by opposition parties were discarded one by one on Tuesday.

The law has been roundly condemned both at home and abroad. Bernadett Szél, an opposition MP who spoke out strongly against the bill in parliament, described it as evil.

Trans people and advocates say the bill will lead to increased discrimination against the community, especially as Hungarian daily life requires people to show their identity cards frequently. It also means that trans people will not be able to choose a name that fits with their identified gender, as Hungarian law requires first names to be chosen from a list kept by the country’s Academy of Sciences, which is sorted according to gender.

“It basically means coming out as trans to complete strangers, all the time,” Ivett Ördög, a 39-year-old trans woman living in Budapest, told the Guardian last month.

The Háttér Society, a Hungarian trans rights group, said on Tuesday that the law violated international human rights norms and went against the case law of the European court of human rights, as well as previous rulings of the Hungarian constitutional court.

Since 2017, legal gender changes in the country have effectively been frozen, and now the backlog of people waiting for the legal procedure will all be rejected, along with any new applicants. Because the new category will list “sex at birth”, there are also fears it could be used to target trans people who have already legally changed their gender.

Krisztina Tamás-Sáróy of Amnesty International said: “This decision pushes Hungary back towards the dark ages and tramples the rights of transgender and intersex people. It will not only expose them to further discrimination but will also deepen an already intolerant and hostile environment faced by the LGBTI community.”

Orbán’s government has increasingly used anti-LGBT rhetoric as part of a perceived culture war, and has made “traditional family values” a mainstay of many of its policies. The speaker of parliament, an Orbán ally, last year compared gay couples that adopt to paedophiles.




Associated Press
Hungary bans legal recognition of its transgender citizens
May 19, 2020, 9:18 AM GMT-7

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban listens to a question during a press conference after a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, May 15, 2020. Orban is on a one-day official visit to Serbia.

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungarian lawmakers on Tuesday approved legislation banning the legal recognition of transgender citizens.

Amendments to the law on the birth, death and marriage registry, approved mostly by deputies from Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party, will prevent transgender or intersex people from legally changing their gender to match their gender identity.

The bill changes the “sex” category in official documents like birth certificates to “sex at birth,” defined as the “biological sex determined by primary sex characteristics and chromosomes.” Once determined, the birth sex category can’t be changed.
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The amendments were part of a large legislative package submitted by Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjen, head of the Christian Democratic party.

“Given that the complete change of the biological sex is not possible, it is necessary to state in law that there is no possibility to change it in the registry of births, marriages and deaths, either,” an explanation accompanying the amendment said.

The legislation has come under strong criticism from rights groups, which are asking Hungary’s president to refrain from signing the bill into law and send it for review to the Constitutional Court.

Among those expressing concerns about the legislation were the European Parliament, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights and the Hungarian Psychological Society.

“This decision pushes Hungary back toward the dark ages and tramples the rights of transgender and intersex people,” Amnesty International Hungary international researcher Krisztina Tamas-Saroy said in a statement. “It will not only expose them to further discrimination, but will also deepen an already intolerant and hostile environment faced by the LGBTI community.

“Everyone’s gender identity should be legally recognised and everyone must be allowed to change their legal name and gender markers on all official documents.”

Dunja Mijatovic, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, earlier asked Hungary’s Parliament to reject the amendments, calling on authorities to “ensure that transgender people have access to expeditious and transparent procedures for changing their names and gender or sex in the civil registry, and on identity cards, passports, educational certificates and other similar documents.”

In 2018, the Orban government, which sees Muslim immigrants as a threat to Christian culture in Europe, withdrew state funding from gender studies programs and removed official accreditation for masters degrees in the discipline.




“Panic” ensues as Hungary votes to ban transgender people

I stand up for the rights of Hungarian trans and intersex people and call on the Hungarian government to give them the opportunity to have their true gender legally recognized!

Added by Kelli Busey on May 19, 2020.
Saved under General
Tags: Hungarian LGBT Alliance, Hungary, Trans rights are human rights, Transvanilla Transgender Association

Hungary’s parliament voted Tuesday to ban transgender people from changing their gender on identity documents causing many to consider what once was unthinkable.

The legislature voted 133 to 57 to replace the Hungarian word “Nemre”, meaning sex or gender, with “sex at birth” on birth, marriage, and death certificates.

Every one of us who has lived with an ID that does not match our appearance knows what it means to be unemployable and homeless. The vote Tuesday effectively banishes trans people from normality, regulating all who must live authentically once again to the shadows at the very fringe of society.

And of course, Hungary’s ultra-right-wing government denies the law targets transgender or intersex people.

“The state’s decision … to register children’s biological sex in their birth certificates does not affect men’s and women’s right to freely experience and exercise their identities as they wish,” the government’s communications office said.

“We have no words to describe what we feel,” Krisztina Orban, Co-Chair of Transgender Europe and vice president of the advocacy group Transvanilla Transgender Association, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

“People who haven’t had suicidal thoughts for decades now are having them. People are in a panic, people want to escape from Hungary to somewhere else where they can get their gender recognized,” said Orban.

Tamas Dombos, a board member of the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, said activists would lobby the president, an ally of Orban’s, not to sign the bill into law.

Transylvania posted a statement which reads in part:

Today, the Hungarian Parliament voted in favor of a bill that would eliminate the possibility of gender and name change (non-legal recognition) in the country.”

All this is contrary to international and domestic human rights norms and violates the right to self-determination. The 2015 resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recommends that Member States introduce fast, transparent and accessible self-determination procedures that allow transgender people to change their first name and registered gender in their records.

In addition, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has established a system of obligations for European countries regarding the legal recognition of gender identity. In the practical implementation of these obligations, special emphasis should also be placed on human rights considerations.

According to previous rulings of the Constitutional Court, gender and name change is a fundamental human right for transgender people.

In the absence of legal recognition, stigma permeates all areas of life, often resulting in the complete economic and social exclusion of trans people.

We are launching a petition asking the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to condemn the Hungarian Government’s action and to use all the means at its disposal to ensure that the fundamental rights of the Hungarian trans and intersex people are not violated! You can sign here: Show your support for Hungarian trans and intersex people!

#IgentaNemre #LGRforHungary


Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article – some ‘Oldies but Goodies’, some new hits. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:



Thom Hartmann
(20 May 2020):

Will America Survive Trump’s Destruction of our Government?

Back in 1971, Louis Powell, in his infamous memo, cited Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson as the villains who had started consumer safety and environmental movements. He warned that the growing call for regulations of the automobile and pesticide industries to protect American citizens from death and poisoning were “an attack on the American free enterprise system.“

Yesterday, Donald Trump authorized regulatory agencies to roll things back to where they were on and even before the Nixon administration.

With a big wet kiss to his billionaire funders in the fossil fuel, chemical, and other industries, Trump signed an executive order ordering the heads of every federal agency “to use any and all authority to waive, suspend, and eliminate unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery.”

And, Trump said, he wants these changes to be permanent.

Steve Bannon famously said that one goal of the Trump presidency would be to “deconstruct the administrative state.“

No more consumer protections; no more regulation of banksters; no more keeping communities’ air and water free of poisons; no more safety rules for toys; no more oversight of slaughterhouses and our food supply.


May 18, 2020 BillyCorriher

On Tuesday, Georgians were scheduled to vote for a seat on their state supreme court. But the incumbent, Justice Keith Blackwell, announced that he will be resigning in November, a month before the end of his term. Gov. Brian Kemp (R) then asserted that he had authority to fill the seat by appointment, even though it won’t be vacant for another six months. Kemp’s appointee won’t be up for reelection until 2022.

Late Friday afternoon, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled in Kemp’s favor and upheld his decision to cancel the election. The court said the seat was “vacant” as soon as Blackwell submitted his resignation, even though he will keep deciding cases until November.

In a decision by Justice David Nahmias, the court ruled that if Blackwell’s “accepted resignation will undoubtedly create a vacancy in his office on November 18, his term of office will go with him, and the next six-year term of his office that would begin on January 1, 2021, will never exist.” The court said that Blackwell’s resignation announcement is legally binding and irreversible.


Anti-Trans Laws Are Preventing Trans Women From Playing on Women’s Sports Teams

In this op-ed, trans athlete Lindsay Hecox talks about why she’s challenging an anti-trans law in Idaho so she can run for her college cross-country team.

MAY 14, 2020

Earlier this year, Idaho legislators introduced HB 500, which not only banned trans girls and women athletes from competing on their school teams, but exposed all girls and women to invasive, intrusive genital testing if anyone challenges their gender. I joined activists and community members in speaking out against the bill at the statehouse, but it passed anyway. On the eve of March 31, Trans Visibility Day, Governor Brad Little signed the bill into law. That meant I could no longer try out for the Boise State track or cross-country teams or participate on any of my university’s sports teams — even club or intramural ones.

So I decided to fight — for myself and for all the trans and intersex student athletes across Idaho, as well as for all Idaho girls and women athletes, who shouldn’t be subject to invasive sex verification exams in order to play school sports. On April 15, a team of lawyers from Legal Voice, the American Civil Liberties Union, and Cooley LLP filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the bill because it invades young people’s privacy and because it discriminates based on sex.

There is so much misinformation and misunderstanding about trans people and trans athletes, particularly the misconception that we are men and somehow taking spots away from women. But trans women are women. We have been competing in high school, college, and elite competition consistent with our gender identity for years and there is no evidence of dominance by transgender athletes at any level of sport. I, like all athletes, participate in sports for the same reasons as my peers: to challenge myself, to improve my fitness, to engage socially, and to be a part of a team. Under Idaho’s new law, I can no longer do that. By crushing my goal of competing on my college running team, it sends a message that as a transgender person I’m not worthy of fully participating in public life and social engagement.



Trump announces executive order ‘suspending’ regulations impeding US economy

President hands his Cabinet secretaries broad say to nix more regulations

John T BennettWashington Bureau Chief @BennettJohnT
4 hours ago

The president told his Cabinet members during a White House meeting the order “gives you tremendous power to cut regulation”.

The order is about “instructing federal agencies to use any and all authority to waive, suspend and eliminate unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery,” Mr Trump said before signing it with a large black felt pen.

“And we want to leave it that way,” he added.

Mr Trump has made nixing regulations, especially ones put in place by the Obama administration, a top priority during his over three years in office.

But on Tuesday, he was unable to put his deregulation efforts into a clear historical perspective.

“I mean in the three and a half years that we’ve been here, we’ve cut far more regulations by a factor of a lot than any other administration, any other presidency,” he contended.

The order is about “instructing federal agencies to use any and all authority to waive, suspend and eliminate unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery,” Mr Trump said before signing it with a large black felt pen.

The president signed the order after spending part of the afternoon on Capitol Hill pressing GOP senators to be more aggressive pushing his “Obamagate” theory that former Obama administration officials – including Barack Obama and Joe Biden, his presumptive 2020 general election foe – orchestrated what he describes as an illegal campaign to take down his 2016 campaign then hobble his presidency.

But some groups, like the Wolf Conservation Centre, have been critical of Mr Trump’s deregulation push – and the bevy of lawsuits aimed at keeping the rules in place.

“Last year, the Trump administration published regulations weakening more than 45 yrs of protection,” the group tweeted on Tuesday. “The pandemic is hampering implementation of the these rules, but also the lawsuits challenging them.”






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You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 20 May 2024 – NowThis News:  Everything Wrong With Fox News In One Video’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … whew! … 

‘Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024 – NowThis News:  Everything wrong with Fox News in one video’
(20 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
20 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


Some of the Facebook Memories posts for today (20 May 2024) are listed here in yesterday’s (19 May 2024) Facebook Memories Summary. 



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2023



Facebook Memories: 18 May 2023

Dear Reader:

I may, or may not, post the entirety of texts of these daily Facebook Memories items.

Instead, I present to you these URL links to the day’s Facebook Memories.  You can tap the active URL to read the full text of either the Original Post or the subsequent Share.

Some years – whether an Original Post or a Share at a subsequent year – might be missing its URL.  That is the way Facebook works as well as iPad and Samsung.

– Facebook generally does not provide a URL to a Facebook user’s page for videos that they post to their page; instead, Facebook provides its own video URL to that video and not the actual URL to the post.

– Apple, at least using iPad, has no direct way to obtain URLs of Facebook posts, certainly not from any drop-down menu.

– Android, using my Samsung, does not provide any URL for my video post, only the video URL, same as Facebook itself.  It does include the URL link in its drop-down menu for non-video posts.

The only way that I have ever consistently and easily extracted a URL to my Post of a video that I posted to my page is using a PC; my PCs are currently inoperable, so extracting those URLs is not possible until I can repair my PC.  The URLs that you see are the URLs that I previously extracted when I had a PC to do that.

An indirect way that I obtain a URL is to ‘Like’ a post using any device.  Using Samsung (or probably any Android, certainly PC), go to the entry at Activity Log for that ‘Like’, open that post, and tap the dots to open the drop-down menu.  Select ‘Copy link’, or something similar, to obtain the URL; you can Paste that URL to your text document.

You can find and read missing years by going to the Original Post or to a subsequent post and browse the Share items.  Of course, that may not work; my Samsung does not go to any Shares posts, I must use iPad to open any Share items.  Sheesh!!!  You’d expect, with all their technology, that today’s devices could do these simple tasks.  Nope.  What a blow!

And another thing – ‘Content isn’t available … ‘.  I frequently find my own posts are deleted.  I did not do that.  I don’t know who deletes my posts, nor why they delete them.  Nor do I know why my URL links suddenly disconnect.  These are Facebook functions controlled by Facebook, thus, Facebook is deleting my Posts and disconnecting the URLs to my Posts.  Why!

One of the reasons why I re-posted these Facebook Memories was to bring past items to the present – keep myself aware of the history contained in past posts, maybe you, too.  ‘Those who forget History are doomed to repeat it.’

Thus, all the more reasons why I need to spend less of my daily Internet time (as much as four hours) here at Facebook and better use my Internet time at my web-site – that’s my primary Internet presence and I get four hours of my life back.  I have been duplicating and expanding my Facebook items to my web-site anyway.  Ya know what – Suck dings me too much here for daring to Post the Truth, what Facebook decides violates their Community Standards.

I appreciate receiving news articles from You.  I have been taking too much time re-posting these Facebook Memories.  By spending less time duplicating Facebook, I can also better manage my daily Internet time to Share the new news articles and information that you Share with me to both this page and my web-site.

– Sharon




1 of 13:

(Similar as #5 of 5, 17 May 2023)

Fox says that a President under investigation should resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2022

1 Comment








Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

2 of 13:

Drumpf has admirals and generals who support him and are ready to overthrow our Constitutional government



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2021


1 Share



3 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf and his co-conspirators



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020










Liberal Tough Love
7 May 2020

4 of 13:

Abortion discussion



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020





Ashley Phoenix Laroque
19 May 2019

5 of 13:

Another good essay that will likely fall silent among those who should most hear the message.


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019









Linda Ruth Bonnell
18 May 2019

6 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf crime and corruption exposed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018










The Trumpster Fire by HuffPost
14 Feb 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Donald Trump and the White House have “condemned domestic violence in every way possible.” But his history says otherwise.

7 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf’s loyalists fully support themselves being minions to such a failed person.




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019





Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019


Missy Davina Campbell
20 May 2019




The Bitchy Pundit
16 Feb 2019

8 of 13:

‘Content is unavailable … ‘


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019



Venus Rousseau Laroque

9 of 13:

The Right to an abortion, the Right to Bodily Autonomy




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Erin Costello
13 May 2019

10 of 13:

Good essay falls silent



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019




11 of 13:

You choose your lifestyle of Ignorance and Hate



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019

1 Comment






Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Courtney Jean


Courtney Gentis
16 May 2019

12 of 13:

It’s 2019, it’s getting worse



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








13 of 13:

Red – for – Ed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018








Arizona Students’ Association
16 May 2018






10 of 14:


NowThis News:  Everything wrong with Fox News in one video




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2018


Another tribute to my Republi-con, Drumpfian, and Deplorable family and friends.

Here is a great example of the hypocrisy that defines you as stoopid suckers, as dupes.


‘We Republicans are good for two things: reducing our taxes and blaming Democrats.’

– David Brooks, Republi-con, New York Times (PBS ‘Newshour’, June 2006).


See also:











Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





NowThis News
15 Mar 2018

Everything wrong with Fox News in one video


1 Comment


Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Lol love that our President, lives rent free in your mind.



Share #1



Share #2



Share #3





You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 20 May 2024 – NowThis:  The 10 Victims Of The Shooting At Santa Fe High School’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … whew! … 

‘Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024 – NowThis:  The 10 victims of the shooting at Santa Fe High School

(20 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
20 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


Some of the Facebook Memories posts for today (20 May 2024) are listed here in yesterday’s (19 May 2024) Facebook Memories Summary. 



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2023



Facebook Memories: 18 May 2023

Dear Reader:

I may, or may not, post the entirety of texts of these daily Facebook Memories items.

Instead, I present to you these URL links to the day’s Facebook Memories.  You can tap the active URL to read the full text of either the Original Post or the subsequent Share.

Some years – whether an Original Post or a Share at a subsequent year – might be missing its URL.  That is the way Facebook works as well as iPad and Samsung.

– Facebook generally does not provide a URL to a Facebook user’s page for videos that they post to their page; instead, Facebook provides its own video URL to that video and not the actual URL to the post.

– Apple, at least using iPad, has no direct way to obtain URLs of Facebook posts, certainly not from any drop-down menu.

– Android, using my Samsung, does not provide any URL for my video post, only the video URL, same as Facebook itself.  It does include the URL link in its drop-down menu for non-video posts.

The only way that I have ever consistently and easily extracted a URL to my Post of a video that I posted to my page is using a PC; my PCs are currently inoperable, so extracting those URLs is not possible until I can repair my PC.  The URLs that you see are the URLs that I previously extracted when I had a PC to do that.

An indirect way that I obtain a URL is to ‘Like’ a post using any device.  Using Samsung (or probably any Android, certainly PC), go to the entry at Activity Log for that ‘Like’, open that post, and tap the dots to open the drop-down menu.  Select ‘Copy link’, or something similar, to obtain the URL; you can Paste that URL to your text document.

You can find and read missing years by going to the Original Post or to a subsequent post and browse the Share items.  Of course, that may not work; my Samsung does not go to any Shares posts, I must use iPad to open any Share items.  Sheesh!!!  You’d expect, with all their technology, that today’s devices could do these simple tasks.  Nope.  What a blow!

And another thing – ‘Content isn’t available … ‘.  I frequently find my own posts are deleted.  I did not do that.  I don’t know who deletes my posts, nor why they delete them.  Nor do I know why my URL links suddenly disconnect.  These are Facebook functions controlled by Facebook, thus, Facebook is deleting my Posts and disconnecting the URLs to my Posts.  Why!

One of the reasons why I re-posted these Facebook Memories was to bring past items to the present – keep myself aware of the history contained in past posts, maybe you, too.  ‘Those who forget History are doomed to repeat it.’

Thus, all the more reasons why I need to spend less of my daily Internet time (as much as four hours) here at Facebook and better use my Internet time at my web-site – that’s my primary Internet presence and I get four hours of my life back.  I have been duplicating and expanding my Facebook items to my web-site anyway.  Ya know what – Suck dings me too much here for daring to Post the Truth, what Facebook decides violates their Community Standards.

I appreciate receiving news articles from You.  I have been taking too much time re-posting these Facebook Memories.  By spending less time duplicating Facebook, I can also better manage my daily Internet time to Share the new news articles and information that you Share with me to both this page and my web-site.

– Sharon




1 of 13:

(Similar as #5 of 5, 17 May 2023)

Fox says that a President under investigation should resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2022

1 Comment








Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

2 of 13:

Drumpf has admirals and generals who support him and are ready to overthrow our Constitutional government



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2021


1 Share



3 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf and his co-conspirators



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020










Liberal Tough Love
7 May 2020

4 of 13:

Abortion discussion



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020





Ashley Phoenix Laroque
19 May 2019

5 of 13:

Another good essay that will likely fall silent among those who should most hear the message.


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019









Linda Ruth Bonnell
18 May 2019

6 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf crime and corruption exposed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018










The Trumpster Fire by HuffPost
14 Feb 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Donald Trump and the White House have “condemned domestic violence in every way possible.” But his history says otherwise.

7 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf’s loyalists fully support themselves being minions to such a failed person.




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019





Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019


Missy Davina Campbell
20 May 2019




The Bitchy Pundit
16 Feb 2019

8 of 13:

‘Content is unavailable … ‘


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019



Venus Rousseau Laroque

9 of 13:

The Right to an abortion, the Right to Bodily Autonomy




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Erin Costello
13 May 2019

10 of 13:

Good essay falls silent



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019




11 of 13:

You choose your lifestyle of Ignorance and Hate



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019

1 Comment






Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Courtney Jean


Courtney Gentis
16 May 2019

12 of 13:

It’s 2019, it’s getting worse



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








13 of 13:

Red – for – Ed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018








Arizona Students’ Association
16 May 2018



11 of 14:


NowThis:  The 10 victims of the shooting at Santa Fe High School





Sharon Nichols
20 May 2018

We must forever recognise and acknowledge these brave souls.

And condemn the assailant to eternal anonymity.







19 May 2018


These are the 10 victims of the shooting at Santa Fe High School





Share #1



Share #2





You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 20 May 2024 – Abby Louise Jensen:  Trans Women Who Have Disadvantages Must Be Centred In Women’s Human Rights Work’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … whew! … 

‘Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024 – Abby Louise Jensen:  Trans women who have disadvantages must be centred in women’s human rights work’
(20 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
20 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


Some of the Facebook Memories posts for today (20 May 2024) are listed here in yesterday’s (19 May 2024) Facebook Memories Summary. 



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2023



Facebook Memories: 18 May 2023

Dear Reader:

I may, or may not, post the entirety of texts of these daily Facebook Memories items.

Instead, I present to you these URL links to the day’s Facebook Memories.  You can tap the active URL to read the full text of either the Original Post or the subsequent Share.

Some years – whether an Original Post or a Share at a subsequent year – might be missing its URL.  That is the way Facebook works as well as iPad and Samsung.

– Facebook generally does not provide a URL to a Facebook user’s page for videos that they post to their page; instead, Facebook provides its own video URL to that video and not the actual URL to the post.

– Apple, at least using iPad, has no direct way to obtain URLs of Facebook posts, certainly not from any drop-down menu.

– Android, using my Samsung, does not provide any URL for my video post, only the video URL, same as Facebook itself.  It does include the URL link in its drop-down menu for non-video posts.

The only way that I have ever consistently and easily extracted a URL to my Post of a video that I posted to my page is using a PC; my PCs are currently inoperable, so extracting those URLs is not possible until I can repair my PC.  The URLs that you see are the URLs that I previously extracted when I had a PC to do that.

An indirect way that I obtain a URL is to ‘Like’ a post using any device.  Using Samsung (or probably any Android, certainly PC), go to the entry at Activity Log for that ‘Like’, open that post, and tap the dots to open the drop-down menu.  Select ‘Copy link’, or something similar, to obtain the URL; you can Paste that URL to your text document.

You can find and read missing years by going to the Original Post or to a subsequent post and browse the Share items.  Of course, that may not work; my Samsung does not go to any Shares posts, I must use iPad to open any Share items.  Sheesh!!!  You’d expect, with all their technology, that today’s devices could do these simple tasks.  Nope.  What a blow!

And another thing – ‘Content isn’t available … ‘.  I frequently find my own posts are deleted.  I did not do that.  I don’t know who deletes my posts, nor why they delete them.  Nor do I know why my URL links suddenly disconnect.  These are Facebook functions controlled by Facebook, thus, Facebook is deleting my Posts and disconnecting the URLs to my Posts.  Why!

One of the reasons why I re-posted these Facebook Memories was to bring past items to the present – keep myself aware of the history contained in past posts, maybe you, too.  ‘Those who forget History are doomed to repeat it.’

Thus, all the more reasons why I need to spend less of my daily Internet time (as much as four hours) here at Facebook and better use my Internet time at my web-site – that’s my primary Internet presence and I get four hours of my life back.  I have been duplicating and expanding my Facebook items to my web-site anyway.  Ya know what – Suck dings me too much here for daring to Post the Truth, what Facebook decides violates their Community Standards.

I appreciate receiving news articles from You.  I have been taking too much time re-posting these Facebook Memories.  By spending less time duplicating Facebook, I can also better manage my daily Internet time to Share the new news articles and information that you Share with me to both this page and my web-site.

– Sharon




1 of 13:

(Similar as #5 of 5, 17 May 2023)

Fox says that a President under investigation should resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2022

1 Comment








Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

2 of 13:

Drumpf has admirals and generals who support him and are ready to overthrow our Constitutional government



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2021


1 Share



3 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf and his co-conspirators



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020










Liberal Tough Love
7 May 2020

4 of 13:

Abortion discussion



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020





Ashley Phoenix Laroque
19 May 2019

5 of 13:

Another good essay that will likely fall silent among those who should most hear the message.


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019









Linda Ruth Bonnell
18 May 2019

6 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf crime and corruption exposed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018










The Trumpster Fire by HuffPost
14 Feb 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Donald Trump and the White House have “condemned domestic violence in every way possible.” But his history says otherwise.

7 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf’s loyalists fully support themselves being minions to such a failed person.




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019





Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019


Missy Davina Campbell
20 May 2019




The Bitchy Pundit
16 Feb 2019

8 of 13:

‘Content is unavailable … ‘


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019



Venus Rousseau Laroque

9 of 13:

The Right to an abortion, the Right to Bodily Autonomy




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Erin Costello
13 May 2019

10 of 13:

Good essay falls silent



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019




11 of 13:

You choose your lifestyle of Ignorance and Hate



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019

1 Comment






Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Courtney Jean


Courtney Gentis
16 May 2019

12 of 13:

It’s 2019, it’s getting worse



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








13 of 13:

Red – for – Ed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018








Arizona Students’ Association
16 May 2018




12 of 14:


Abby Louise Jensen:  Trans women who have disadvantages must be centred in women’s human rights work



Sharon Nichols
20 May 2018

Trans persons are attacked, assaulted, beaten, murdered around the world, not only in the USA.

Crooked Drumpf and his Right-wing Republi-con Christian Con-servative Evangelical Fundamentalist American Taliban Fascist Party do little here in our own nation and they foment violence at other nations.  Some countries impose capital punishment – they kill people who are Transsexual or Homosexual.  How’s that for Crooked Drumpf’s American foreign policy!

Hey, you – Trans people here who voted for Crooked Drumpf – how’s that make you feel knowing that your vote is murdering other LGBT people world-wide.  Must make you proud!

Who will be murdered next?

How do you sleep at night knowing you killed someone?

How will your family react when you are killed?

Never mind, you have no grasp for the consequences of your actions.


See also:



Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.




Abby Louise Jensen
20 May 2018

“An online petition this week insisted I should not have been centred in the arena of women’s human rights. I agree.

“It is trans women in sex work, disabled trans women and working class trans women who do not share my advantages who must be centred in women’s human rights work.”





Shon Faye pays tribute to murdered Trans woman after receiving abuse online





Share #1



Share #2



Share #3







You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 20 May 2024 – Hannah Hartley:  Crossing Your Transition Bridge’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … whew! … 

‘Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024’
(20 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
20 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


Some of the Facebook Memories posts for today (20 May 2024) are listed here in yesterday’s (19 May 2024) Facebook Memories Summary. 



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2023



Facebook Memories: 18 May 2023

Dear Reader:

I may, or may not, post the entirety of texts of these daily Facebook Memories items.

Instead, I present to you these URL links to the day’s Facebook Memories.  You can tap the active URL to read the full text of either the Original Post or the subsequent Share.

Some years – whether an Original Post or a Share at a subsequent year – might be missing its URL.  That is the way Facebook works as well as iPad and Samsung.

– Facebook generally does not provide a URL to a Facebook user’s page for videos that they post to their page; instead, Facebook provides its own video URL to that video and not the actual URL to the post.

– Apple, at least using iPad, has no direct way to obtain URLs of Facebook posts, certainly not from any drop-down menu.

– Android, using my Samsung, does not provide any URL for my video post, only the video URL, same as Facebook itself.  It does include the URL link in its drop-down menu for non-video posts.

The only way that I have ever consistently and easily extracted a URL to my Post of a video that I posted to my page is using a PC; my PCs are currently inoperable, so extracting those URLs is not possible until I can repair my PC.  The URLs that you see are the URLs that I previously extracted when I had a PC to do that.

An indirect way that I obtain a URL is to ‘Like’ a post using any device.  Using Samsung (or probably any Android, certainly PC), go to the entry at Activity Log for that ‘Like’, open that post, and tap the dots to open the drop-down menu.  Select ‘Copy link’, or something similar, to obtain the URL; you can Paste that URL to your text document.

You can find and read missing years by going to the Original Post or to a subsequent post and browse the Share items.  Of course, that may not work; my Samsung does not go to any Shares posts, I must use iPad to open any Share items.  Sheesh!!!  You’d expect, with all their technology, that today’s devices could do these simple tasks.  Nope.  What a blow!

And another thing – ‘Content isn’t available … ‘.  I frequently find my own posts are deleted.  I did not do that.  I don’t know who deletes my posts, nor why they delete them.  Nor do I know why my URL links suddenly disconnect.  These are Facebook functions controlled by Facebook, thus, Facebook is deleting my Posts and disconnecting the URLs to my Posts.  Why!

One of the reasons why I re-posted these Facebook Memories was to bring past items to the present – keep myself aware of the history contained in past posts, maybe you, too.  ‘Those who forget History are doomed to repeat it.’

Thus, all the more reasons why I need to spend less of my daily Internet time (as much as four hours) here at Facebook and better use my Internet time at my web-site – that’s my primary Internet presence and I get four hours of my life back.  I have been duplicating and expanding my Facebook items to my web-site anyway.  Ya know what – Suck dings me too much here for daring to Post the Truth, what Facebook decides violates their Community Standards.

I appreciate receiving news articles from You.  I have been taking too much time re-posting these Facebook Memories.  By spending less time duplicating Facebook, I can also better manage my daily Internet time to Share the new news articles and information that you Share with me to both this page and my web-site.

– Sharon




1 of 13:

(Similar as #5 of 5, 17 May 2023)

Fox says that a President under investigation should resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2022

1 Comment








Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

2 of 13:

Drumpf has admirals and generals who support him and are ready to overthrow our Constitutional government



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2021


1 Share



3 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf and his co-conspirators



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020










Liberal Tough Love
7 May 2020

4 of 13:

Abortion discussion



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020





Ashley Phoenix Laroque
19 May 2019

5 of 13:

Another good essay that will likely fall silent among those who should most hear the message.


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019









Linda Ruth Bonnell
18 May 2019

6 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf crime and corruption exposed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018










The Trumpster Fire by HuffPost
14 Feb 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Donald Trump and the White House have “condemned domestic violence in every way possible.” But his history says otherwise.

7 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf’s loyalists fully support themselves being minions to such a failed person.




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019





Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019


Missy Davina Campbell
20 May 2019




The Bitchy Pundit
16 Feb 2019

8 of 13:

‘Content is unavailable … ‘


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019



Venus Rousseau Laroque

9 of 13:

The Right to an abortion, the Right to Bodily Autonomy




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Erin Costello
13 May 2019

10 of 13:

Good essay falls silent



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019




11 of 13:

You choose your lifestyle of Ignorance and Hate



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019

1 Comment






Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Courtney Jean


Courtney Gentis
16 May 2019

12 of 13:

It’s 2019, it’s getting worse



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








13 of 13:

Red – for – Ed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018








Arizona Students’ Association
16 May 2018






13 of 14:


Hannah Hartley:  Crossing your Transition bridge



Sharon Nichols
20 May 2018


Fear is looking into the unknown. Joy is celebrating your success overcoming your fear.

Look forward across your bridge and you will see your family and friends who want you to succeed. They are cheering you on.

Once you cross over, you will look back at where you travelled. You will be filled with exhilaration for your accomplishments. You will laugh at your prior thought that advancing would be too difficult.

When you look back after you cross your bridge, you will also see people who want to drag you back, drive you down. They are the toxic people you will leave behind when you cut your bridge.


See also:




Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





Hannah Hartley
20 May 2018


So often I am asked if I have any advice for someone about to start transition into full time, should they do it, any advice for them and I thought I would leave a note to myself on FB on this subject.

Fear, discomfort, the mystery of unknown will be your friends and essentially your map into the future growth of yourself.

I would have started my own journey earlier if I could have known “for sure” that it would have all worked out alright, the truth is … we simply do not know that and the only way for us to find the answer is to go ahead and give it a try.

I have talked about the only way through the transitional door is to actually go through the door.

I guess the bigger question is how do you get over the next section? The Transitional Suspension Bridge Walk!

After you step through the door, you will travel over a walking suspension bridge like in an adventure movie and this is truly most fragile time where you are going to have to keep yourself grounded, centered and standing upright until you get over this short span … and back on solid ground on the other side of the chasm.

Once you reach the other side, you are not “done” or all set! The other side is actually the starting point!

Now … it is still the time when fear might be grappling at your feet, so here are a few ideas to help you through the next week, month, or a couple years in my case!

1. Become a citizen! Take a mental pair of scissors and cut down the bridge behind you … (we know you could go back, but most of us can’t … hope that makes sense). You made it … you are now in a new land and it is time to get your citizenship card and turn in the temporary ID. It takes time — enjoy the process.

2. Do not go it alone! Transitioning is so much better with friends and community and your chance for success will increase … yeah even the loners in the bunch … c’mon we won’t make you play a silly game.

3. Learn to break the cycle of caring what people think, instead of asking yourself what do they think, ask yourself what do I think?

4. Be Cool with the idea that this won’t be “finished” in a quick fashion and may never be finished, this is life and must be adopted, embraced and seen as an opportunity.

5. Be Kind and Gentle with You, living full time as a transgender person is not always “easy”, but for me it has been rewarding and the single greatest growth experience in my life forcing me to be better in so many other areas in my life. I mean you are simply being you … easier said than done sometimes.

You can do it and you are stronger than you think. Although I am through transition, I still think about these five concepts when I am having the challenging days and need a second to ground myself.

Love to you all, Hannah
























You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 20 May 2024 – The Deity Of Your Existence Is Crooked Drumpf’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … whew! … 

‘Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024 – The deity of your existence is Crooked Drumpf’
(20 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
20 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



Some of the Facebook Memories posts for today (20 May 2024) are listed here in yesterday’s (19 May 2024) Facebook Memories Summary. 



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2023



Facebook Memories: 18 May 2023

Dear Reader:

I may, or may not, post the entirety of texts of these daily Facebook Memories items.

Instead, I present to you these URL links to the day’s Facebook Memories.  You can tap the active URL to read the full text of either the Original Post or the subsequent Share.

Some years – whether an Original Post or a Share at a subsequent year – might be missing its URL.  That is the way Facebook works as well as iPad and Samsung.

– Facebook generally does not provide a URL to a Facebook user’s page for videos that they post to their page; instead, Facebook provides its own video URL to that video and not the actual URL to the post.

– Apple, at least using iPad, has no direct way to obtain URLs of Facebook posts, certainly not from any drop-down menu.

– Android, using my Samsung, does not provide any URL for my video post, only the video URL, same as Facebook itself.  It does include the URL link in its drop-down menu for non-video posts.

The only way that I have ever consistently and easily extracted a URL to my Post of a video that I posted to my page is using a PC; my PCs are currently inoperable, so extracting those URLs is not possible until I can repair my PC.  The URLs that you see are the URLs that I previously extracted when I had a PC to do that.

An indirect way that I obtain a URL is to ‘Like’ a post using any device.  Using Samsung (or probably any Android, certainly PC), go to the entry at Activity Log for that ‘Like’, open that post, and tap the dots to open the drop-down menu.  Select ‘Copy link’, or something similar, to obtain the URL; you can Paste that URL to your text document.

You can find and read missing years by going to the Original Post or to a subsequent post and browse the Share items.  Of course, that may not work; my Samsung does not go to any Shares posts, I must use iPad to open any Share items.  Sheesh!!!  You’d expect, with all their technology, that today’s devices could do these simple tasks.  Nope.  What a blow!

And another thing – ‘Content isn’t available … ‘.  I frequently find my own posts are deleted.  I did not do that.  I don’t know who deletes my posts, nor why they delete them.  Nor do I know why my URL links suddenly disconnect.  These are Facebook functions controlled by Facebook, thus, Facebook is deleting my Posts and disconnecting the URLs to my Posts.  Why!

One of the reasons why I re-posted these Facebook Memories was to bring past items to the present – keep myself aware of the history contained in past posts, maybe you, too.  ‘Those who forget History are doomed to repeat it.’

Thus, all the more reasons why I need to spend less of my daily Internet time (as much as four hours) here at Facebook and better use my Internet time at my web-site – that’s my primary Internet presence and I get four hours of my life back.  I have been duplicating and expanding my Facebook items to my web-site anyway.  Ya know what – Suck dings me too much here for daring to Post the Truth, what Facebook decides violates their Community Standards.

I appreciate receiving news articles from You.  I have been taking too much time re-posting these Facebook Memories.  By spending less time duplicating Facebook, I can also better manage my daily Internet time to Share the new news articles and information that you Share with me to both this page and my web-site.

– Sharon




1 of 13:

(Similar as #5 of 5, 17 May 2023)

Fox says that a President under investigation should resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2022

1 Comment








Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

2 of 13:

Drumpf has admirals and generals who support him and are ready to overthrow our Constitutional government



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2021


1 Share



3 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf and his co-conspirators



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020










Liberal Tough Love
7 May 2020

4 of 13:

Abortion discussion



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020





Ashley Phoenix Laroque
19 May 2019

5 of 13:

Another good essay that will likely fall silent among those who should most hear the message.


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019









Linda Ruth Bonnell
18 May 2019

6 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf crime and corruption exposed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018










The Trumpster Fire by HuffPost
14 Feb 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Donald Trump and the White House have “condemned domestic violence in every way possible.” But his history says otherwise.

7 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf’s loyalists fully support themselves being minions to such a failed person.




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019





Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019


Missy Davina Campbell
20 May 2019




The Bitchy Pundit
16 Feb 2019

8 of 13:

‘Content is unavailable … ‘


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019



Venus Rousseau Laroque

9 of 13:

The Right to an abortion, the Right to Bodily Autonomy




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Erin Costello
13 May 2019

10 of 13:

Good essay falls silent



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019




11 of 13:

You choose your lifestyle of Ignorance and Hate



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019

1 Comment






Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Courtney Jean


Courtney Gentis
16 May 2019

12 of 13:

It’s 2019, it’s getting worse



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








13 of 13:

Red – for – Ed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018








Arizona Students’ Association
16 May 2018



14 of 14:


The deity of your existence is Crooked Drumpf



Sharon Nichols
20 May 2018


Christian Con-servatives,
American Taliban,
American NAZIs
American Fascists

All birds of the same feather – this Crooked Drumpf character is what you claim is the deity of your existence.

Don’t he make you proud!

Don’t you just adore what he is doing to destroy this American nation!


See also:















Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.






Share #1



Share #2








You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 20 May 2024’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … whew! … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024’
(20 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
20 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  20 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


Some of the Facebook Memories posts for today (20 May 2024) are listed here in yesterday’s (19 May 2024) Facebook Memories Summary. 



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2023



Facebook Memories: 18 May 2023

Dear Reader:

I may, or may not, post the entirety of texts of these daily Facebook Memories items.

Instead, I present to you these URL links to the day’s Facebook Memories.  You can tap the active URL to read the full text of either the Original Post or the subsequent Share.

Some years – whether an Original Post or a Share at a subsequent year – might be missing its URL.  That is the way Facebook works as well as iPad and Samsung.

– Facebook generally does not provide a URL to a Facebook user’s page for videos that they post to their page; instead, Facebook provides its own video URL to that video and not the actual URL to the post.

– Apple, at least using iPad, has no direct way to obtain URLs of Facebook posts, certainly not from any drop-down menu.

– Android, using my Samsung, does not provide any URL for my video post, only the video URL, same as Facebook itself.  It does include the URL link in its drop-down menu for non-video posts.

The only way that I have ever consistently and easily extracted a URL to my Post of a video that I posted to my page is using a PC; my PCs are currently inoperable, so extracting those URLs is not possible until I can repair my PC.  The URLs that you see are the URLs that I previously extracted when I had a PC to do that.

An indirect way that I obtain a URL is to ‘Like’ a post using any device.  Using Samsung (or probably any Android, certainly PC), go to the entry at Activity Log for that ‘Like’, open that post, and tap the dots to open the drop-down menu.  Select ‘Copy link’, or something similar, to obtain the URL; you can Paste that URL to your text document.

You can find and read missing years by going to the Original Post or to a subsequent post and browse the Share items.  Of course, that may not work; my Samsung does not go to any Shares posts, I must use iPad to open any Share items.  Sheesh!!!  You’d expect, with all their technology, that today’s devices could do these simple tasks.  Nope.  What a blow!

And another thing – ‘Content isn’t available … ‘.  I frequently find my own posts are deleted.  I did not do that.  I don’t know who deletes my posts, nor why they delete them.  Nor do I know why my URL links suddenly disconnect.  These are Facebook functions controlled by Facebook, thus, Facebook is deleting my Posts and disconnecting the URLs to my Posts.  Why!

One of the reasons why I re-posted these Facebook Memories was to bring past items to the present – keep myself aware of the history contained in past posts, maybe you, too.  ‘Those who forget History are doomed to repeat it.’

Thus, all the more reasons why I need to spend less of my daily Internet time (as much as four hours) here at Facebook and better use my Internet time at my web-site – that’s my primary Internet presence and I get four hours of my life back.  I have been duplicating and expanding my Facebook items to my web-site anyway.  Ya know what – Suck dings me too much here for daring to Post the Truth, what Facebook decides violates their Community Standards.

I appreciate receiving news articles from You.  I have been taking too much time re-posting these Facebook Memories.  By spending less time duplicating Facebook, I can also better manage my daily Internet time to Share the new news articles and information that you Share with me to both this page and my web-site.

– Sharon




1 of 13:

(Similar as #5 of 5, 17 May 2023)

Fox says that a President under investigation should resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2022

1 Comment








Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

2 of 13:

Drumpf has admirals and generals who support him and are ready to overthrow our Constitutional government



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2021


1 Share



3 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf and his co-conspirators



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020










Liberal Tough Love
7 May 2020

4 of 13:

Abortion discussion



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2020





Ashley Phoenix Laroque
19 May 2019

5 of 13:

Another good essay that will likely fall silent among those who should most hear the message.


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019









Linda Ruth Bonnell
18 May 2019

6 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf crime and corruption exposed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018










The Trumpster Fire by HuffPost
14 Feb 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Donald Trump and the White House have “condemned domestic violence in every way possible.” But his history says otherwise.

7 of 13:

Crooked Drumpf’s loyalists fully support themselves being minions to such a failed person.




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019





Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019


Missy Davina Campbell
20 May 2019




The Bitchy Pundit
16 Feb 2019

8 of 13:

‘Content is unavailable … ‘


Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019



Venus Rousseau Laroque

9 of 13:

The Right to an abortion, the Right to Bodily Autonomy




Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Erin Costello
13 May 2019

10 of 13:

Good essay falls silent



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019




11 of 13:

You choose your lifestyle of Ignorance and Hate



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019

1 Comment






Karl David Reinhardt
19 May 2019



Courtney Jean


Courtney Gentis
16 May 2019

12 of 13:

It’s 2019, it’s getting worse



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2019








13 of 13:

Red – for – Ed



Sharon Nichols
19 May 2018








Arizona Students’ Association
16 May 2018




1 of 14:


Cis Lifestyle And Cohorts Of Our Trans Community Are Exacting Genocide




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2022




2 of 14:


Erin Costello:  A Detailed Argument For Women’s Bodily Autonomy




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2022




Anna Lv
Actually this persons confuse her right and her left. Oppression and neglect of à human is not à leftist value.
I dont know anyone who would be right wing enough to think you can abort if the fetus is alive and human just because you can do so




3 of 14:


The Bitchy Pundit:  Crooked Drumpf is a boxed set of twat




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2022




4 of 14:


Trumpster Fire




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2022



1 Comment




5 of 14:


Linda Ruth Bonnell:  This is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2022



1 Comment




6 of 14:

(6, 8 are similar)


Ashley Phoenix Laroque:  These anti-abortion laws are an abomination of modern health care


Venus Rousseau Larocque




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2022



1 Comment




7 of 14:


Courtney Gentis:  America is turning into Gilead




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2021








8 of 14:

(6, 8 are similar)


Ashley Phoenix Laroque:  These anti-abortion laws are an abomination of modern health care


Venus Rousseau Larocque




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2021







9 of 14:


Crooked Drumpf emulates Orban’s Fascism




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2020

Hungary and Poland are testing grounds for Crooked Drumpf.

Orban violates EU laws.  He ignored those laws.

Crooked Drumpf violates American laws, America’s Constitution.

Coronavirus is the distraction.  Watch that shiny object, don’t pay attention to what he really is doing.

Crooked Drumpf issued his National Emergency granting himself authoritarian dictatorship status.  It won’t be long til he makes his move to declare himself Fuhrer.

More proof that we live under a diktatorship – DrumpFuhrer declared that he now rules Amerika by his Executive Orders.  His Republi-con Senate eagerly comply, refusing to over-rule his fiat commands.

Crooked DrumpFuhrer will void all Elections.  There will be no Election 2020.

Following soon afterwards, Crooked DrumpFuhrer will declare Trans and LGBT and Inter-sex outlaw, non-existent, non-viable, without Civil Rights, without Constitutional Rights.

You who are Trans, LGBT, Inter-sex – you go right ahead – you support Crooked DrumpFuhrer and Republi-cons. Seal your own murder.

Can any of Crooked DrumpFuhrer’s actions be reversed?  Let’s review his own history.  Crooked DrumpFuhrer is known to keep Hitler’s book at his nightstand for study and reference.

Hitler devised his Three Stages to Genocide:

– You have no Rights,
– You have no Rights to live amongst us,
– You have no Rights to live.

Crooked DrumpFuhrer’s Amerika is in Stage 3.

Let’s review what Hitler accomplished that Crooked DrumpFuhrer seeks to emulate. Of course Hitler created damage enough to persist for decades:

– Hitler began his rise during the 1920s.

– Hitler seized the government of Germany, persecuted entire segments of German society, and began World War during the 1930s.

– Hitler enacted his Final Solution during the 1940s.

– Post World War Two brought about the Cold War and the social and political upheaval of a divided Germany that persisted to the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall and eventual re-unification during the 1990s.

The rise of Merkel during this past decade finally restored Germany to its rightful position amongst the world of nations; Merkel is now considered ‘The Leader of the Free World’.

Germany required a century to endure its hardships and rid itself of its curse. Multiple generations of people were born, lived, and died throughout the effects of Hitler. America will face this next century cleansing itself of this Crooked DrumpFuhrer Disease. This is what you leave to your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

– Sharon




Hungary seeks to end legal recognition of trans people amid Covid-19 cris

Draft bill comes as people are distracted by Viktor Orbán’s new powers to rule by decree

Shaun Walker in Budapest

Thu 2 Apr 2020 15.17 ED

Viktor Orbán

A draft law proposed by the Hungarian government would end legal gender recognition for transgender people.

The bill, submitted on Tuesday as attention was focused on the introduction of a controversial set of measures ostensibly aimed at fighting coronavirus, stipulates that gender should be defined as “biological sex based on primary sex characteristics and chromosomes”.

It would record people’s “sex at birth” in the Hungarian civil registry and thus make it impossible to change anyone’s legally recognised gender.

Hungary passes law that will let Orbán rule by decree

On Monday, the Hungarian parliament passed a law that allows the prime minister, Viktor Orbán, to rule by decree for as long as the coronavirus crisis is deemed to be continuing. It also mandates jail time for intentionally spreading disinformation that hampers the coronavirus response, measures that were roundly criticised by the opposition at home and politicians abroad.

The gender regulation, part of a larger bill on a number of issues not related to coronavirus, will still be considered by parliament in the normal way.

It shows that even as Orbán requested special measures for fighting coronavirus, his government had not forgotten its other battles. Trans rights and so-called “gender ideology” are frequent bugbears of alt-right and conservative politicians, and Orbán’s government has previously introduced a measure that in effect banned universities from teaching gender studies.

Trans people have had trouble legally changing their documents since 2018, Reuters reported, a situation that is currently subject to several legal challenges. The proposed bill would enshrine this denial of changes in law.

The Council of Europe’s commissioner for human rights, Dunja Mijatović, called on Hungary’s parliament not to adopt the law, and said the measure was in contravention of human rights standards and the case law of the European court of human rights.

“Transgender persons have the right to legal recognition of their gender based on self-determination. This is an essential step to ensure respect for their human rights in all areas of life. Legal gender recognition is a matter of human dignity,” she said in a statement on Thursday.

At home, human rights activists also criticised the bill. “It is appalling that the government plans to ban legal gender recognition in the shadow of the coronavirus crisis,” Tamás Dombos, a board member of the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, told Agence France-Presse.

“Such a measure would force trans people to live with documents that do not match their true identity and their appearance … That exposes them to potential discrimination in employment, housing, access to goods and services, and official procedures,” he said.




Hungary outlaws changing birth gender on documents
9 hours ago
LGBTQ activists in Hungary fear discrimination

Hungary’s parliament has approved a law that bans transsexuals from changing the gender they were assigned at birth on official documents.

The law, proposed by the governing right-wing Fidesz party, passed by 133 votes to 57.

Rights groups fear it will worsen discrimination against LGBTQ citizens; an opposition MP said it was “evil”.

But the government, led by PM Victor Orban, says it will end legal uncertainty.

The administration insists it will not prevent anyone expressing their identity.

The decision “to register children’s biological sex in their birth certificates does not affect men’s and women’s right to freely experience and exercise their identities as they wish,” the government’s communications office said.

The law is part of a wide-ranging package of legislation, presented by Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjen.

A backlog of applications going back three years will now be rejected.

Trans people and human rights groups say it is the latest blow in a war declared by the conservative-nationalist government against anyone who does not fit into their definition of a family, reports the BBC’s Nick Thorpe in Budapest.

PM Viktor Orban leads the right-wing Fidesz party

Tina Korlos Orban, vice president of advocacy group Transvanilla Transgender Association, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation: “We have no words to describe what we feel.

“People who haven’t had suicidal thoughts for decades now are having them. People are in panic, people want to escape from Hungary to somewhere else where they can get their gender recognised.”

Trans people fear that discrimination and worse will occur when they need to present official documents.

The legislation now goes to President Janos Ader, also a member of Fidesz, to be signed into law. Rights activists say they will try to persuade him not to.

Most European Union countries allow official documents to be changed to match gender identity, according to campaign group Transgender Europe.

Related Topics





Hungary votes to end legal recognition of trans people

Activists say new law will increase discrimination, especially as Hungarians must often display their ID cards

Shaun Walker in Budapest

Tue 19 May 2020 11.37 EDT
Last modified on Tue 19 May 2020 11.46 EDT

Hungary’s parliament has voted to end legal recognition for trans people, passing a bill that rights activists say pushes the country “back towards the dark ages”.

The new law defines gender as based on chromosomes at birth, meaning previous provisions whereby trans people could alter their gender and name on official documents will no longer be available.

The votes of rightwing prime minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party pushed the legislation through by 134 to 56, with four abstentions. It is likely to be signed into law by the president, János Áder, a close ally of Orbán.

Hungary passes law that will let Orbán rule by decree

Although Orbán passed a bill during the coronavirus pandemic to allow him to rule indefinitely by decree, the transgender bill was part of a larger package of legislation that went through parliament in the normal way. It was proposed by the deputy prime minister on 31 March, International Transgender Day of Visibility, and amendments submitted by opposition parties were discarded one by one on Tuesday.

The law has been roundly condemned both at home and abroad. Bernadett Szél, an opposition MP who spoke out strongly against the bill in parliament, described it as evil.

Trans people and advocates say the bill will lead to increased discrimination against the community, especially as Hungarian daily life requires people to show their identity cards frequently. It also means that trans people will not be able to choose a name that fits with their identified gender, as Hungarian law requires first names to be chosen from a list kept by the country’s Academy of Sciences, which is sorted according to gender.

“It basically means coming out as trans to complete strangers, all the time,” Ivett Ördög, a 39-year-old trans woman living in Budapest, told the Guardian last month.

The Háttér Society, a Hungarian trans rights group, said on Tuesday that the law violated international human rights norms and went against the case law of the European court of human rights, as well as previous rulings of the Hungarian constitutional court.

Since 2017, legal gender changes in the country have effectively been frozen, and now the backlog of people waiting for the legal procedure will all be rejected, along with any new applicants. Because the new category will list “sex at birth”, there are also fears it could be used to target trans people who have already legally changed their gender.

Krisztina Tamás-Sáróy of Amnesty International said: “This decision pushes Hungary back towards the dark ages and tramples the rights of transgender and intersex people. It will not only expose them to further discrimination but will also deepen an already intolerant and hostile environment faced by the LGBTI community.”

Orbán’s government has increasingly used anti-LGBT rhetoric as part of a perceived culture war, and has made “traditional family values” a mainstay of many of its policies. The speaker of parliament, an Orbán ally, last year compared gay couples that adopt to paedophiles.




Associated Press
Hungary bans legal recognition of its transgender citizens
May 19, 2020, 9:18 AM GMT-7

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban listens to a question during a press conference after a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade, Serbia, Friday, May 15, 2020. Orban is on a one-day official visit to Serbia.

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungarian lawmakers on Tuesday approved legislation banning the legal recognition of transgender citizens.

Amendments to the law on the birth, death and marriage registry, approved mostly by deputies from Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party, will prevent transgender or intersex people from legally changing their gender to match their gender identity.

The bill changes the “sex” category in official documents like birth certificates to “sex at birth,” defined as the “biological sex determined by primary sex characteristics and chromosomes.” Once determined, the birth sex category can’t be changed.
Scroll to continue with content

The amendments were part of a large legislative package submitted by Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjen, head of the Christian Democratic party.

“Given that the complete change of the biological sex is not possible, it is necessary to state in law that there is no possibility to change it in the registry of births, marriages and deaths, either,” an explanation accompanying the amendment said.

The legislation has come under strong criticism from rights groups, which are asking Hungary’s president to refrain from signing the bill into law and send it for review to the Constitutional Court.

Among those expressing concerns about the legislation were the European Parliament, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights and the Hungarian Psychological Society.

“This decision pushes Hungary back toward the dark ages and tramples the rights of transgender and intersex people,” Amnesty International Hungary international researcher Krisztina Tamas-Saroy said in a statement. “It will not only expose them to further discrimination, but will also deepen an already intolerant and hostile environment faced by the LGBTI community.

“Everyone’s gender identity should be legally recognised and everyone must be allowed to change their legal name and gender markers on all official documents.”

Dunja Mijatovic, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, earlier asked Hungary’s Parliament to reject the amendments, calling on authorities to “ensure that transgender people have access to expeditious and transparent procedures for changing their names and gender or sex in the civil registry, and on identity cards, passports, educational certificates and other similar documents.”

In 2018, the Orban government, which sees Muslim immigrants as a threat to Christian culture in Europe, withdrew state funding from gender studies programs and removed official accreditation for masters degrees in the discipline.




“Panic” ensues as Hungary votes to ban transgender people

I stand up for the rights of Hungarian trans and intersex people and call on the Hungarian government to give them the opportunity to have their true gender legally recognized!

Added by Kelli Busey on May 19, 2020.
Saved under General
Tags: Hungarian LGBT Alliance, Hungary, Trans rights are human rights, Transvanilla Transgender Association

Hungary’s parliament voted Tuesday to ban transgender people from changing their gender on identity documents causing many to consider what once was unthinkable.

The legislature voted 133 to 57 to replace the Hungarian word “Nemre”, meaning sex or gender, with “sex at birth” on birth, marriage, and death certificates.

Every one of us who has lived with an ID that does not match our appearance knows what it means to be unemployable and homeless. The vote Tuesday effectively banishes trans people from normality, regulating all who must live authentically once again to the shadows at the very fringe of society.

And of course, Hungary’s ultra-right-wing government denies the law targets transgender or intersex people.

“The state’s decision … to register children’s biological sex in their birth certificates does not affect men’s and women’s right to freely experience and exercise their identities as they wish,” the government’s communications office said.

“We have no words to describe what we feel,” Krisztina Orban, Co-Chair of Transgender Europe and vice president of the advocacy group Transvanilla Transgender Association, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

“People who haven’t had suicidal thoughts for decades now are having them. People are in a panic, people want to escape from Hungary to somewhere else where they can get their gender recognized,” said Orban.

Tamas Dombos, a board member of the Hungarian LGBT Alliance, said activists would lobby the president, an ally of Orban’s, not to sign the bill into law.

Transylvania posted a statement which reads in part:

Today, the Hungarian Parliament voted in favor of a bill that would eliminate the possibility of gender and name change (non-legal recognition) in the country.”

All this is contrary to international and domestic human rights norms and violates the right to self-determination. The 2015 resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe recommends that Member States introduce fast, transparent and accessible self-determination procedures that allow transgender people to change their first name and registered gender in their records.

In addition, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has established a system of obligations for European countries regarding the legal recognition of gender identity. In the practical implementation of these obligations, special emphasis should also be placed on human rights considerations.

According to previous rulings of the Constitutional Court, gender and name change is a fundamental human right for transgender people.

In the absence of legal recognition, stigma permeates all areas of life, often resulting in the complete economic and social exclusion of trans people.

We are launching a petition asking the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to condemn the Hungarian Government’s action and to use all the means at its disposal to ensure that the fundamental rights of the Hungarian trans and intersex people are not violated! You can sign here: Show your support for Hungarian trans and intersex people!

#IgentaNemre #LGRforHungary


Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article – some ‘Oldies but Goodies’, some new hits. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:



Thom Hartmann
(20 May 2020):

Will America Survive Trump’s Destruction of our Government?

Back in 1971, Louis Powell, in his infamous memo, cited Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson as the villains who had started consumer safety and environmental movements. He warned that the growing call for regulations of the automobile and pesticide industries to protect American citizens from death and poisoning were “an attack on the American free enterprise system.“

Yesterday, Donald Trump authorized regulatory agencies to roll things back to where they were on and even before the Nixon administration.

With a big wet kiss to his billionaire funders in the fossil fuel, chemical, and other industries, Trump signed an executive order ordering the heads of every federal agency “to use any and all authority to waive, suspend, and eliminate unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery.”

And, Trump said, he wants these changes to be permanent.

Steve Bannon famously said that one goal of the Trump presidency would be to “deconstruct the administrative state.“

No more consumer protections; no more regulation of banksters; no more keeping communities’ air and water free of poisons; no more safety rules for toys; no more oversight of slaughterhouses and our food supply.


May 18, 2020 BillyCorriher

On Tuesday, Georgians were scheduled to vote for a seat on their state supreme court. But the incumbent, Justice Keith Blackwell, announced that he will be resigning in November, a month before the end of his term. Gov. Brian Kemp (R) then asserted that he had authority to fill the seat by appointment, even though it won’t be vacant for another six months. Kemp’s appointee won’t be up for reelection until 2022.

Late Friday afternoon, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled in Kemp’s favor and upheld his decision to cancel the election. The court said the seat was “vacant” as soon as Blackwell submitted his resignation, even though he will keep deciding cases until November.

In a decision by Justice David Nahmias, the court ruled that if Blackwell’s “accepted resignation will undoubtedly create a vacancy in his office on November 18, his term of office will go with him, and the next six-year term of his office that would begin on January 1, 2021, will never exist.” The court said that Blackwell’s resignation announcement is legally binding and irreversible.


Anti-Trans Laws Are Preventing Trans Women From Playing on Women’s Sports Teams

In this op-ed, trans athlete Lindsay Hecox talks about why she’s challenging an anti-trans law in Idaho so she can run for her college cross-country team.

MAY 14, 2020

Earlier this year, Idaho legislators introduced HB 500, which not only banned trans girls and women athletes from competing on their school teams, but exposed all girls and women to invasive, intrusive genital testing if anyone challenges their gender. I joined activists and community members in speaking out against the bill at the statehouse, but it passed anyway. On the eve of March 31, Trans Visibility Day, Governor Brad Little signed the bill into law. That meant I could no longer try out for the Boise State track or cross-country teams or participate on any of my university’s sports teams — even club or intramural ones.

So I decided to fight — for myself and for all the trans and intersex student athletes across Idaho, as well as for all Idaho girls and women athletes, who shouldn’t be subject to invasive sex verification exams in order to play school sports. On April 15, a team of lawyers from Legal Voice, the American Civil Liberties Union, and Cooley LLP filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the bill because it invades young people’s privacy and because it discriminates based on sex.

There is so much misinformation and misunderstanding about trans people and trans athletes, particularly the misconception that we are men and somehow taking spots away from women. But trans women are women. We have been competing in high school, college, and elite competition consistent with our gender identity for years and there is no evidence of dominance by transgender athletes at any level of sport. I, like all athletes, participate in sports for the same reasons as my peers: to challenge myself, to improve my fitness, to engage socially, and to be a part of a team. Under Idaho’s new law, I can no longer do that. By crushing my goal of competing on my college running team, it sends a message that as a transgender person I’m not worthy of fully participating in public life and social engagement.



Trump announces executive order ‘suspending’ regulations impeding US economy

President hands his Cabinet secretaries broad say to nix more regulations

John T BennettWashington Bureau Chief @BennettJohnT
4 hours ago

The president told his Cabinet members during a White House meeting the order “gives you tremendous power to cut regulation”.

The order is about “instructing federal agencies to use any and all authority to waive, suspend and eliminate unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery,” Mr Trump said before signing it with a large black felt pen.

“And we want to leave it that way,” he added.

Mr Trump has made nixing regulations, especially ones put in place by the Obama administration, a top priority during his over three years in office.

But on Tuesday, he was unable to put his deregulation efforts into a clear historical perspective.

“I mean in the three and a half years that we’ve been here, we’ve cut far more regulations by a factor of a lot than any other administration, any other presidency,” he contended.

The order is about “instructing federal agencies to use any and all authority to waive, suspend and eliminate unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery,” Mr Trump said before signing it with a large black felt pen.

The president signed the order after spending part of the afternoon on Capitol Hill pressing GOP senators to be more aggressive pushing his “Obamagate” theory that former Obama administration officials – including Barack Obama and Joe Biden, his presumptive 2020 general election foe – orchestrated what he describes as an illegal campaign to take down his 2016 campaign then hobble his presidency.

But some groups, like the Wolf Conservation Centre, have been critical of Mr Trump’s deregulation push – and the bevy of lawsuits aimed at keeping the rules in place.

“Last year, the Trump administration published regulations weakening more than 45 yrs of protection,” the group tweeted on Tuesday. “The pandemic is hampering implementation of the these rules, but also the lawsuits challenging them.”








10 of 14:


NowThis News:  Everything wrong with Fox News in one video




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2018


Another tribute to my Republi-con, Drumpfian, and Deplorable family and friends.

Here is a great example of the hypocrisy that defines you as stoopid suckers, as dupes.


‘We Republicans are good for two things:  reducing our taxes and blaming Democrats.’

– David Brooks, Republi-con, New York Times (PBS ‘Newshour’, June 2006).


See also:











Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





NowThis News
15 Mar 2018

Everything wrong with Fox News in one video


1 Comment


Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Lol love that our President, lives rent free in your mind.





11 of 14:


NowThis:  The 10 victims of the shooting at Santa Fe High School




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2018

We must forever recognise and acknowledge these brave souls.

And condemn the assailant to eternal anonymity.







19 May 2018


These are the 10 victims of the shooting at Santa Fe High School







12 of 14:


Abby Louise Jensen:  Trans women who do not share my advantages must be centred in women’s human rights work




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2018

Trans persons are attacked, assaulted, beaten, murdered around the world, not only in the USA.

Crooked Drumpf and his Right-wing Republi-con Christian Con-servative Evangelical Fundamentalist American Taliban Fascist Party do little here in our own nation and they foment violence at other nations.  Some countries impose capital punishment – they kill people who are Transsexual or Homosexual.  How’s that for Crooked Drumpf’s American foreign policy!

Hey, you – Trans people here who voted for Crooked Drumpf – how’s that make you feel knowing that your vote is murdering other LGBT people world-wide.  Must make you proud!

Who will be murdered next?

How do you sleep at night knowing you killed someone?

How will your family react when you are killed?

Never mind, you have no grasp for the consequences of your actions.


See also:



Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.




Abby Louise Jensen
20 May 2018

“An online petition this week insisted I should not have been centred in the arena of women’s human rights. I agree.

“It is trans women in sex work, disabled trans women and working class trans women who do not share my advantages who must be centred in women’s human rights work.”





Shon Faye pays tribute to murdered Trans woman after receiving abuse online







13 of 14:


Hannah Hartley:  Crossing your Transition bridge




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2018


Fear is looking into the unknown. Joy is celebrating your success overcoming your fear.

Look forward across your bridge and you will see your family and friends who want you to succeed. They are cheering you on.

Once you cross over, you will look back at where you travelled. You will be filled with exhilaration for your accomplishments. You will laugh at your prior thought that advancing would be too difficult.

When you look back after you cross your bridge, you will also see people who want to drag you back, drive you down. They are the toxic people you will leave behind when you cut your bridge.


See also:




Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





Hannah Hartley
20 May 2018


So often I am asked if I have any advice for someone about to start transition into full time, should they do it, any advice for them and I thought I would leave a note to myself on FB on this subject.

Fear, discomfort, the mystery of unknown will be your friends and essentially your map into the future growth of yourself.

I would have started my own journey earlier if I could have known “for sure” that it would have all worked out alright, the truth is … we simply do not know that and the only way for us to find the answer is to go ahead and give it a try.

I have talked about the only way through the transitional door is to actually go through the door.

I guess the bigger question is how do you get over the next section? The Transitional Suspension Bridge Walk!

After you step through the door, you will travel over a walking suspension bridge like in an adventure movie and this is truly most fragile time where you are going to have to keep yourself grounded, centered and standing upright until you get over this short span … and back on solid ground on the other side of the chasm.

Once you reach the other side, you are not “done” or all set! The other side is actually the starting point!

Now … it is still the time when fear might be grappling at your feet, so here are a few ideas to help you through the next week, month, or a couple years in my case!

1. Become a citizen! Take a mental pair of scissors and cut down the bridge behind you … (we know you could go back, but most of us can’t … hope that makes sense). You made it … you are now in a new land and it is time to get your citizenship card and turn in the temporary ID. It takes time — enjoy the process.

2. Do not go it alone! Transitioning is so much better with friends and community and your chance for success will increase … yeah even the loners in the bunch … c’mon we won’t make you play a silly game.

3. Learn to break the cycle of caring what people think, instead of asking yourself what do they think, ask yourself what do I think?

4. Be Cool with the idea that this won’t be “finished” in a quick fashion and may never be finished, this is life and must be adopted, embraced and seen as an opportunity.

5. Be Kind and Gentle with You, living full time as a transgender person is not always “easy”, but for me it has been rewarding and the single greatest growth experience in my life forcing me to be better in so many other areas in my life. I mean you are simply being you … easier said than done sometimes.

You can do it and you are stronger than you think. Although I am through transition, I still think about these five concepts when I am having the challenging days and need a second to ground myself.

Love to you all, Hannah




14 of 14:


Crooked Drumpf is the deity of your existence




Sharon Nichols
20 May 2018


Christian Con-servatives,
American Taliban,
American NAZIs
American Fascists

All birds of the same feather – this Crooked Drumpf character is what you claim is the deity of your existence.

Don’t he make you proud!

Don’t you just adore what he is doing to destroy this American nation!


See also:















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You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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BeHuman Campaign


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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



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