Archive | 12 May 2024

‘They Use Our Trans Community As Their Political Sport’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘They use our Trans Community as their political sport’
(12 May 2024)


Dear Reader:

Or shall I say ‘Blood Sport’.  Or ‘Death Sport’.  After all, they demand our ‘Eradication’.

When and where do we start?

We’ve been here before – political and legal football.

Eisenhower used his Lavender Scare laws of 1953 to declare that Trans and LGBT Americans are a Security Risk and must be subject to Social Murder:  denied education, housing, employment, their Constitutional Rights, their Civil Rights, their Human Rights.

Skip a decade, to the 1970s and a not quite lull.

Courts first mandated state MedicAid to provide Trans health care (including SRS and other surgeries) in the late 1970s.  Then some states managed to deny Trans health care.  Then more Court Orders requiring state compliance.  Back and forth, denied health care at the whims of Republi-con and Christian Con-servative legislatures.

Ping-pong continues.


For a time during the early 1970s, Bowie did dabble in forms of Gender exploration and expression – wearing feminine attire and make-up, in life and in performance.

I can’t say to what extent or to address the narrative post or that image from that era of Bowie’s career.

My knowledge comes personally – from hiding Bowie’s albums (among other things) from my snooping father looking for evidence of my own Trans behaviour during those years, when I was a teen and young adult living at home.

When I was in my early adult Transition in 1977, still living at home with my anti-Trans father, I quite well remember my father getting the Catholic newspaper after Sunday Mass, reading it, yelling at me, influenced by their anti-Trans commentary that they published.

One easy target of the Catholic Church, they published frequent stories coming out strong against the ABC TV show ‘Soap’ because one of the lead characters (Jody, played by Billy Crystal was a Trans woman in Transition.  My father so opposed that show, my own Transition, and my watching it, that he broke the TV; no matter, I listened in my bedroom on my radio that had the TV audio band.

My father spent years yelling at me to ‘talk to a priest’; the priests who he demanded that I talk to were obviously anti-Trans, he knew, he wanted the priests to support his own antipathy about me.  Well, I eventually did talk to a priest, but not getting the results that my father wanted, my father disputed the results.  On a better note was what happened after I made full-time.  I went to a Pastor from our former parish (1985).  He was quite pleased about my successful Transition so much that he offered, and I accepted, to teach at his parish’s school.  My father ruined that, he outed me to the parishioners one Sunday after Mass (November 1985); I resigned my teaching job and didn’t return to that parish.

Nowadays, Drumpfians whine that ‘Democrats are weaponising guh’mint’ against Crooked Drumpf, against themselves.  They don’t know, don’t care, about any of the 80-some criminal charges against him, of his self-admitted guilt, they openly assert that they will refuse to acknowledge or accept any conviction, they boast that they will vote for Crooked Drumpf even if he’s convicted and in prison.  Drumpfians gaslight themselves.  Drumpfians think that Biden directs these criminal and civil cases, ignoring the fact that The People and grand juries independently brought these charges against Crooked Drumpf.

Drumpfians call these cases ‘Election Interference’ by Biden and the Democratic Party.  They ignore Crooked Drumpf’s own, actual Election Interference since 2016, and his boast that he himself will go after his political opponents once he wins, they applaud him for it.  Ya can’t make up their level of both stupidity and hypocrisy.  Disconnected from Reality.

Crooked Drumpf will overthrow our Constitution, do anything that he wants to do.  Drumpfians don’t give a rip, they don’t care.  This is what they want.

Neither do the approximately one-third of the generic Bell Curve of the Trans and LGBT Community who vote Republi-con, vote for Crooked Drumpf.  They are devoted and inculcated to Crooked Drumpf.

Little has effectively changed.  We are pretty much where we were decades ago.

 – Sharon



Immediate Resources:


(https://www.erininthemorning. com/p/trump-endorses-pastor-who-calls-for)

(https://youtu .be/39RHsfm-RH8)

Erin In The Morning

Trump Endorses Pastor Who Calls For LGBTQ+, Transgender Executions
On Monday, former President Donald Trump endorsed Mark Burns for South Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District. The pastor has previously called for the execution of LGBTQ “indoctrinators.”
APR 03, 2024

Left: Gage Skidmore. Donald Trump [photograph], Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED, Right: Mark Burns on the Stew Peters Show.

On Monday, former President Donald Trump announced his endorsement of Pastor Mark Burns for South Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District. The pastor has previously exhibited extremist rhetoric towards LGBTQ+ and transgender individuals, calling for the arrest and execution of those he accuses of LGBTQ+ and transgender “indoctrination.” Trump’s endorsement threatens to swing a crowded Republican primary in Burns’ direction. Given the heavily Republican lean of the district, Burns would emerge as the clear favorite to win the congressional seat should he win his primary.

Pastor Mark Burns made headlines in 2022 for calling for the return of the House Un-American Activities Committee to arrest and execute LGBTQ+ and transgender allies and individuals whom he accuses of “grooming.” In a video released after his appearance on The Stew Peters Show, Burns stated, “The LGBT, transgender grooming of our children’s minds is a national security threat because it is ultimately designed to destabilize the republic we call the United States of America. That’s why, whenever I’m elected, I want to start holding people accountable for treason to the Constitution. I’m going to push to reenact HUAC… We need to hold people accountable for treason, start having some public hearings, and begin executing those who are found guilty of treasonous acts against the Constitution of the United States of America…”

You can watch clips of his statements from that 2022 interview here:


Burns has run for Congress twice before, in 2018 and 2022. Although he campaigned as a Trump-inspired candidate in those years, he failed to secure an endorsement from the former president. This year, however, it appears he has finally received that endorsement. Donald Trump posted, “There are many great conservatives exploring a run for that seat, but Mark Burns has been with me from the very beginning of our movement to Make America Great Again,” adding, “Pastor Mark Burns is an America First fighter and has my complete and total endorsement.” That endorsement is significant in a crowded field of nine Republican candidates. Furthermore, the previous election did not even feature a Democrat on the ballot—the winner of the Republican primary will be the prohibitive favorite to win the congressional seat.

You can see the endorsement here:

Former President Donald Trump endorses Pastor Mark Burns on Truth Social.
It does not appear that Burns has changed his views towards LGBTQ+ and transgender individuals. The day before receiving the endorsement, he took to Twitter to call Transgender Day of Visibility “blasphemous” and “an insult to the millions of Christians who celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” reacting to Transgender Day of Visibility coinciding with Easter Sunday in 2024. Notably, Transgender Day of Visibility has always fallen on March 31, while Easter’s date varies. Just after receiving the endorsement, Burns appeared on the far-right Freeman Report, where he claimed that Democrats are “attacking real women in America” with transgender-inclusive policies.

Trump’s endorsement is the latest sign that the candidate is embracing extremist anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-transgender stances for the 2024 election. On March 30th, Trump decried a proclamation by Biden recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility, calling it “blasphemous” and demanding that he “issue an apology to the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only—the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” Trump has previously advocated for targeting gender transition support “at any age” and investigating hospitals and manufacturers of hormone therapy and puberty blockers. He has also previously called for national bans on trans youth care as well as a national trans sports ban.

When asked about the endorsement on the Freeman Report, Burns stated that Trump had called him and declared him “the congressman,” indicating that both Trump and Burns feel confident about the impact of the endorsement. The Republican primary election for the seat is scheduled for June 11, 2024. Should he win over 50% of the vote, Burns will represent the Republican Party in the race for a seat that has been held by a Republican since 1995.

36 Restacks

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Apr 3
He’s literally accepting an endorsement from someone who has committed treason. By his logic, then……..

Alethia St. Joan
Apr 3
Can we redo the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark but with the GOP irl? I want to see their fascist faces melt.


May Anti-Trans Legislative Risk Map
The map of anti-trans risk has polarized into two Americas – one where trans people have full legal protections, and one where they are persecuted by…
MAY 20, 2023

June Anti-Trans Legislative Risk Map
A map of the risk for anti-trans laws. For Pride, America feels like it has cleaved into two countries – one which targets transgender people…
JUN 25, 2023

© 2024 Erin Reed




Court says state health-care plans can’t exclude gender-affirming surgery
Rachel Weiner
Updated April 29, 2024 at 1:10 p.m. EDT|Published April 29, 2024 at 12:28 p.m. EDT

Max Kadel and Julia McKeown are both plaintiffs in a lawsuit over public health-care coverage restrictions for gender-affirming care. (Lambda Legal)

A federal appellate court in Richmond became the first in the country to rule that state health-care plans must pay for gender-affirming surgeries, a major win for transgender rights amid a nationwide wave of anti-trans activism and legislation.

The decision came from a set of cases out of North Carolina and West Virginia, where state officials argued that their policies were based on cost concerns rather than bias. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit rejected that argument, saying the plans were discriminating against trans people in need of treatment.

Rachel Weiner covers federal courts in Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Va. Twitter

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© 1996-2024 The Washington Post




David Bowie Visited The U.S. For The First Time, In Drag, On This Day In 1971
Dave Melamed | Saturday, January 27th, 2024

David Bowie, david bowie 1971, david bowie united states, david bowie u.s., The Man Who Sold The World, space oddity

Photo via David Bowie

Among the many great David Bowie stories worth telling again and again is that of a unique moment that took place 53 years ago today. That, of course, would be Bowie’s first visit to the United States on January 27th, 1971, in support of his then-recently-released studio effort, The Man Who Sold The World. Pictured above is a press photo from that year, as the artist aimed to make a name for himself by confidently exploring his androgynous appearance.

The Man Who Sold The World marked the departure from Bowie’s folk-influenced sophomore LP, Space Oddity, and the 1970 release was not faring as well as expected in the U.K. Bowie’s record label urged the musician to go on a publicity tour through the U.S.—he wasn’t allowed to perform due to work permit restrictions—and Bowie overcame his fear of flying for the occasion.

The British version of The Man Who Sold The World featured Bowie in drag on the cover, as the androgynous image was something the musician consciously cultivated throughout this era of his career. Naturally, Bowie took the dress with him for the U.S. tour, and rock critics were certainly intrigued by his appearance. Rolling Stone even called him “ravishing, almost disconcertingly reminiscent of Lauren Bacall.”

Unfortunately, not everyone was as open-minded. Bowie recalled, “In Texas, one guy pulled a gun and called me a fag. But I thought the dress looked beautiful.”

Looking back on this anniversary, David Bowie seems particularly legendary for his total self-confidence in his androgynous image. Bowie’s life was lived as an artistic statement through various forms, including his own appearance. At a time when LGBTQ+ issues finally have a place in the public forum, Bowie naturally proved himself a visionary.

Though he wasn’t allowed to perform in the country, Bowie was able to make media appearances including this one in Philadelphia shortly after his arrival.

David Bowie Interview 94WY Radio Philadelphia Feb 1971

DB and TM
18 Dec 2018

[Video: DB and TM]

Bowie would go on to make many more appearances in the U.S., performing throughout the country numerous times over. From relative anonymity, David Bowie continually captured our hearts through his incredible career, and we’re certainly thankful for all of his music.

Copyright © 2024 L4LM | Website by Computer Courage




Vatican Document Casts Gender Change and Fluidity as Threat to Human Dignity
The statement is likely to be embraced by conservatives and stir consternation among L.G.B.T.Q. advocates who fear it will be used as a cudgel against transgender people.

Listen to this article · 9:04 min

The pope, in a white suit, stands behind a microphone.
Pope Francis at his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City last week.Credit…Ettore Ferrari/EPA, via Shutterstock
Jason Horowitz and Elisabetta Povoledo
Reporting from Rome
April 8, 2024

The Vatican on Monday issued a new document approved by Pope Francis stating that the church believes that gender fluidity and transition surgery, as well as surrogacy, amount to affronts to human dignity.

The sex a person is assigned at birth, the document argued, was an “irrevocable gift” from God and “any sex-change intervention, as a rule, risks threatening the unique dignity the person has received from the moment of conception.” People who desire “a personal self-determination, as gender theory prescribes,” risk succumbing “to the age-old temptation to make oneself God.”

Regarding surrogacy, the document unequivocally stated the Roman Catholic Church’s opposition, whether the woman carrying a baby “is coerced into it or chooses to subject herself to it freely.” Surrogacy makes the child “a mere means subservient to the arbitrary gain or desire of others,” the Vatican said in the document, which also opposed in vitro fertilization.

The document was intended as a broad statement of the church’s view on human dignity, including the exploitation of the poor, migrants, women and vulnerable people. The Vatican acknowledged that it was touching on difficult issues, but said that in a time of great tumult, it was essential, and it hoped beneficial, for the church to restate its teachings on the centrality of human dignity.

Even if the church’s teachings on culture war issues that Francis has largely avoided are not necessarily new, their consolidation now was likely to be embraced by conservatives for their hard line against liberal ideas on gender and surrogacy.

The document, five years in the making, immediately generated deep consternation among advocates for L.G.B.T.Q. rights in the church, who fear it will be used against transgender people. That was so, they said, even as the document warned of “unjust discrimination” in countries where transgender people are imprisoned or face aggression, violence and sometimes death.

“The Vatican is again supporting and propagating ideas that lead to real physical harm to transgender, nonbinary and other L.G.B.T.Q.+ people,” said Francis DeBernardo, the executive director of New Ways Ministry, a Maryland-based group that advocates for gay Catholics, adding that the Vatican’s defense of human dignity excluded “the segment of the human population who are transgender, nonbinary or gender nonconforming.”

He said it presented an outdated theology based on physical appearance alone and was blind to “the growing reality that a person’s gender includes the psychological, social and spiritual aspects naturally present in their lives.”

The document, he said, showed a “stunning lack of awareness of the actual lives of transgender and nonbinary people.” Its authors ignored the transgender people who shared their experiences with the church, Mr. DeBernardo said, “cavalierly,” and incorrectly, dismissing them as a purely Western phenomenon.

Though the document is a clear setback for L.G.B.T.Q. people and their supporters, the Vatican took pains to strike a balance between protecting personal human dignity and clearly stating church teaching, a tightrope Francis has tried to walk in his more than 11 years as pope.

A cleric in a dark suit speaks into a microphone at a news conference.
Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, the head of the Vatican’s office on doctrine, at a news conference Monday to present the document on human dignity.Credit…Gregorio Borgia/Associated Press

Francis has made it a hallmark of his papacy to meet with gay and transgender Catholics and has made it his mission to broadcast a message for a more open, and less judgmental, church. Just months ago, Francis upset more conservative corners of his church by explicitly allowing L.G.B.T.Q. Catholics to receive blessings from priests and by allowing transgender people to be baptized and act as godparents.

But he has refused to budge on the church rules and doctrine that many gay and transgender Catholics feel have alienated them, revealing the limits of his push for inclusivity.

More on the Roman Catholic Church

Gender Fluidity: The Vatican issued a new document approved by Pope Francis stating that the church believes that gender fluidity and transition surgery, as well as surrogacy, amount to affronts to human dignity.
Easter Message: Amid renewed concerns about his health, Francis delivered a major annual Easter address that touched on conflicts across the globe, with explicit appeals for peace in Israel, Gaza and Ukraine.
Common Ground: President Javier Milei of Argentina, who before taking office ridiculed Francis as an “imbecile” and accused him of violating the Ten Commandments, met with the pontiff for a conversation that the Vatican described as “cordial.”

“In terms of pastoral consequences,” Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, who leads the Vatican’s office on doctrine, said in a news conference Monday, “the principle of welcoming all is clear in the words of Pope Francis.”

Francis, he said, has repeatedly said that “all, all, all” must be welcomed. “Even those who don’t agree with what the church teaches and who make different choices from those that the church says in its doctrine, must be welcomed,” he said, including “those who think differently on these themes of sexuality.”

But Francis’ words were one thing, and church doctrine another, Cardinal Fernández made clear, drawing a distinction between the document, which he said was of high doctrinal importance, as opposed to the recent statement allowing blessings for same-sex Catholics. The church teaches that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.”

In an echo of the tension between the substance of church law and Francis’ style of a papal inclusivity, Cardinal Fernández said on Monday that perhaps the “intrinsically disordered” language should be modified to better reflect that the church’s message that homosexual acts could not produce life.

“It’s a very strong expression and it requires explanation,” he said. “Maybe we could find an expression that is even clearer to understand what we want to say.”

Though receptive to gay and transgender followers, the pope has also consistently expressed concern about what he calls “ideological colonization,” the notion that wealthy nations arrogantly impose views — whether on gender or surrogacy — on people and religious traditions that do not necessarily agree with them. The document said “gender theory plays a central role” in that vision and that its “scientific coherence is the subject of considerable debate among by experts.”

Using “on the one hand” and “on the other hand,” language, the Vatican’s office on teaching and doctrine wrote that “it should be denounced as contrary to human dignity the fact that, in some places, not a few people are imprisoned, tortured, and even deprived of the good of life solely because of their sexual orientation.”

“At the same time,” it continued, “the church highlights the definite critical issues present in gender theory.”

A vicar in a white robe raises arms to bless two women in a church.
A same-sex blessing at St. Benedict’s Church in Munich in 2021. Pope Francis approved such blessings in 2023.Credit…Felix Hoerhager/DPA, via Associated Press

On Monday, Cardinal Fernández also struggled to reconcile the two seemingly dissonant views.

“I am shocked having read a text from some Catholics who said, ‘Bless this military government of our country that created these laws against homosexuals,’” Cardinal Fernández said on Monday. “I wanted to die reading that.”

But he went on to say that the Vatican document was itself not a call for decriminalization, but an affirmation of what the church believed. “We shall see the consequences,” he said, adding that the church would then see how to respond.

In his presentation, Cardinal Fernández described the long process of the drafting of a document on human dignity, “Infinite Dignity,” which began in March 2019, to take into account the “latest developments on the subject in academia and the ambivalent ways in which the concept is understood today.”

In 2023, Francis sent the document back with instructions to “highlight topics closely connected to the theme of dignity, such as poverty, the situation of migrants, violence against women, human trafficking, war, and other themes.” Francis signed off on the document on March 25.

The long road, Cardinal Fernández wrote, “reflects the gravity” of the process.

In the document, the Vatican embraced the “clear progress in understanding human dignity,” pointing to the “desire to eradicate racism, slavery, and the marginalization of women, children, the sick, and people with disabilities.”

But it said the church also sees “grave violations of that dignity,” including abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, polygamy, torture, the exploitation of the poor and migrants, human trafficking and sex abuse, violence against women, capitalism’s inequality and terrorism.

The document expressed concern that eliminating sexual differences would undercut the family, and that a response “to what are at times understandable aspirations,” will become an absolute truth and ideology, and change how children are raised.

The document argued that changing sex put individualism before nature and that human dignity as a subject was often hijacked to “justify an arbitrary proliferation of new rights,” as if “the ability to express and realize every individual preference or subjective desire should be guaranteed.”

Cardinal Fernández on Monday said that a couple desperate to have a child should turn to adoption, rather than surrogacy or in vitro fertilization because those practices, he said, eroded human dignity writ large.

Individualistic thinking, the document argues, subjugates the universality of dignity to individual standards, concerned with “psycho-physical well-being” or “individual arbitrariness or social recognition.” By making dignity subjective, the Vatican argues, it becomes subject to “arbitrariness and power interests.”

Jason Horowitz is the Rome bureau chief for The Times, covering Italy, the Vatican, Greece and other parts of Southern Europe. More about Jason Horowitz

Elisabetta Povoledo is a reporter based in Rome, covering Italy, the Vatican and the culture of the region. She has been a journalist for 35 years. More about Elisabetta Povoledo

A version of this article appears in print on April 9, 2024, Section A, Page 4 of the New York edition with the headline: Vatican Paper Condemns Gender Fluidity and Transition Surgery. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe


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Dr. Rick Allen
2 May 2024

WANT TO KNOW what Trump is planning for a second term?

Based on two extensive personal interviews with Trump and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisors, Trump’s conviction is that he was “too nice” in his first term (his own words) and that he would not make such a mistake again.

According to the documented discussions, Trump intends to establish “an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world.”

He shared these intentions in the interviews (and has made similar comments in rallies and other public settings):

****He plans to use the military to round up, put in camps, and deport more than 11 million people, rather than fix and accelerate the asylum process;

****He is willing to permit Republican-dominated states to monitor pregnancies and prosecute people who violate abortion bans, even in the case of incest, rape, or danger to the mother (which many Republican states are implementing);

****He will shape the laws by refusing to release funds appropriated by Congress (as he did in 2019 to try to get Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky to provide some “dirt” on Hunter Biden). In short, he intends to bypass Congress and just implement policies that HE wants;

****He would like to bring the Department of Justice under his own control, pardoning those convicted of attacking the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and ending the U.S. system of an independent judiciary. In short, he intends to bypass the judicial system.

****In a second Trump presidency, the U.S. will likely NOT come to the aid of a European or Asian ally that Trump thinks isn’t paying enough for its own defense, regardless of how important the ally might be or how important to European stability.

****Trump would, the researcher has documented from the discussions, “gut the U.S. civil service and replace workers at all levels with his loyalists;

***Trump would, he said, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, [whether requested by the state or not] ;

****He says he would close the White House pandemic-preparedness office [despite ongoing world threats of new disease];

****and he openly says he will staff his Administration with acolytes who back his obviously false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen.”

To that list, former political director of the AFL-CIO Michael Podhorzer added on social media that if Trump wins, “he could replace [Supreme Court justices Clarence] Thomas, [Samuel] Alito, and 40+ federal judges over 75 with young [even farther right wing] zealots.”

“I asked Trump,” the researcher said, “Don’t you see why many Americans see such talk of dictatorship as contrary to our most cherished principles?”

No, Trump said. “‘I think a lot of people like it.” [Even though the Constitution prohibits many of these same actions].

💥Full transcripts of the interviews have been fact-checked, including fact-checking Trump’s assertions. 💥

TRUMP’S OWN WORDS prove the truth of what careful observers have been saying about his plans based on their examination of MAGA Republicans’ speeches, interviews, Project 2025, and so on.

Basically, Trump plans to disregard and override Constitutional checks and balances and do whatever he pleases whenever he pleases, based on his own words and open discussion. His MAGA Congressional supporters are happy to help him do that, based on their own public comments.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Say goodbye to the Constitution.

If you think this is a good idea, you will vote for Trump and right-wing Republicans.

If you are a patriot who thinks the Constitution has value and checks and balances are important, you will not touch Trump or his plans with a ten-foot pole.

Fair warning. He’s told us all what he’s going to do.





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Sharon Nichols
29 Apr 2024


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93% of Trans Teens Live in States That Have Proposed or Passed Anti-Trans Laws
Research shows that debates around anti-transgender laws negatively impact trans youth’s mental wellbeing.
Zane McNeill , TRUTHOUT
April 25, 2024
Transgender flag flying over blue sky

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Approximately 93 percent of transgender youth aged 13 to 17 live in states that have proposed or passed anti-trans laws, according to a new report by the Williams Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles.

“For the second straight year, hundreds of bills impacting transgender youth were introduced in state legislatures,” Elana Redfield, federal policy director at the Williams Institute and the lead author of the report, said in a statement. “The diverging legal landscape has created a deep divide in the rights and protections for transgender youth and their families across the country.”

An estimated 280,300 transgender youth live in states where laws have been enacted or proposed to restrict transgender youth’s access to gender-affirming medical care, participation in sports, restroom and other sex-segregated facilities use, or recognition of gender identity through pronoun usage. Additionally, according to the Williams Institute report, approximately 85 percent of transgender adolescents aged 13-17 in the South and 40 percent of those in the Midwest reside in states where at least one anti-transgender law has been enacted.

Even the consideration of such anti-trans laws can have a detrimental impact on transgender youth’s mental health; according to a 2023 poll conducted by The Trevor Project, 86 percent of transgender youth say that debates around anti-trans bills have negatively impacted their mental health. Additionally, as a result of debates regarding anti-trans policies, 45 percent of transgender youth polled reported experiencing cyberbullying, while nearly one in three expressed feeling unsafe seeking medical assistance when ill or injured.

“Right now, we are witnessing the highest number on record of anti-LGBTQ bills introduced this early in any legislative session. We must consider the negative toll of these ugly public debates on youth mental health and well-being,” Kasey Suffredini, Vice President of Advocacy and Government Affairs, said in a 2023 statement. “LGBTQ young people are watching, and internalizing the anti-LGBTQ messages they see in the media and from their elected officials. And so are those that would do our community harm.”

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost introduces the keynote speaker at the Columbiana County Lincoln Day Dinner in Salem, Ohio on Friday, March 15, 2024.
Ohio Attorney General Asks Court to Restrict Judge’s Pause on Anti-Trans Law

According to the Williams Institute report, 113,900 transgender youth currently live in a state that bans gender-affirming care and 123,600 youth live in a state that had a gender-affirming care ban pending in 2024. According to the poll conducted by The Trevor Project, policies banning doctors from offering gender-affirming care to transgender and nonbinary youth make 74 percent of transgender and nonbinary youth feel angry, 59 percent feel stressed, 56 percent feel sad, 48 percent feel hopeless, 47 percent feel scared, 46 percent feel helpless, and 45 percent feel nervous.

“A growing body of research shows that efforts to support transgender youth are associated with better mental health,” Kerith Conron, Research Director at the Williams Institute and co-author of the report, said in a statement. “Restrictions on medically appropriate care and full participation at school exacerbate the stress experienced by these youth and their families.”

Amid the recent surge of anti-trans bills nationwide, just 19,500 trans adolescents reside in states — or the District of Columbia (D.C.) — where no anti-trans policies have been enacted or introduced, or where none were pending during the 2024 legislative session.

This article is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), and you are free to share and republish under the terms of the license.

Zane McNeill is a trending news writer at Truthout. They have a Master’s Degree in Political Science from Central European University and is currently enrolled in law school at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. They can be found on Twitter: @zane_crittheory.

Puck Carlson is a high school student, an activist and a plaintiff in the Lambda Legal/ACLU of Iowa lawsuit against Iowa’s anti-trans bill SF 496.
Meet the Teenager Challenging Iowa’s Anti-LGBTQ Legislation
Iowa teen Puck Carlson is pushing back against Iowa legislators’ attack on LGBTQ youth through activism and a lawsuit.
By Laura Crossett , TRUTHOUTApril 19, 2024

Tennessee GOP-Sponsored Bill Requires Schools to Out Trans Students to Parents
Experts say such laws threaten the mental and physical well-being of transgender children.
By Chris Walker , TRUTHOUTApril 16, 2024

The Tennessee Capitol is pictured in Nashville, Tennessee.
TN Senate Passes Bill Criminalizing People Who Help Trans Youth Access Care
“This is an absolutely horrifying development in Tennessee,” LGBTQ legislative researcher Allison Chapman told Truthout.
By Zane McNeill , TRUTHOUTApril 12, 2024


4 States Tell Schools to Ignore New Title IX Rules That Protect LGBTQ Students
The challenges could set up a federal showdown that might end up in a protracted court battle ahead of the elections.
By Erin Reed , ERININTHEMORNINGApril 26, 2024

A protester holds a sign reading “KEEP ABORTION LEGAL” during an outdoor protest
Despite Violent Threats, Maine Signs Trans and Abortion Sanctuary Bill Into Law
It codifies gender-affirming and reproductive care as legal rights and offers protection from out-of-state prosecution.
By Erin Reed , ERININTHEMORNINGApril 24, 2024

More Than 20 Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills Die in Iowa as Legislature Adjourns
The state has been the site of fierce resistance to anti-LGBTQ+ legislation this year.
By Erin Reed , ERININTHEMORNINGApril 23, 2024
Rebekah Bruesehoff, a transgender student athlete, speaks at a press conference on LGBTQI+ rights, at the U.S. Capitol on March 08, 2023 in Washington, DC.

Transgender Teen in WV Can Play on Track Team, Federal Appeals Court Says
“This is a massive victory for trans rights,” LGBTQ legislative researcher Allison Chapman told Truthout.
By Zane McNeill , TRUTHOUTApril 18, 2024

Report: GOP State AGs Abused Authority to Get Trans Patients’ Health Records
Committee Chair Ron Wyden chided Vanderbilt University Medical Center for its “utter betrayal” of transgender patients.
By Chris Walker , TRUTHOUTApril 17, 2024

Transgender and LGBTQ pride flags fly in front of buildings
Federal Judge Rules FL Teacher No Longer Has to Be Referred to by Wrong Pronouns
The case will likely be cited in other attempts to bar trans students and teachers from using their pronouns in schools.
By Erin Reed , ERININTHEMORNINGApril 11, 2024

Razor wire surrounds the perimeter of the California State Prison Sacramento on March 5, 2014, in Represa, California.
Nearly 9 in 10 Trans People in State Prisons Have Undergone Solitary Confinement
Solitary confinement was sometimes used “as a result of harassment, discrimination, or concerns for safety.”
By Zane McNeill , TRUTHOUTApril 8, 2024

Sarah Feliciano, a transgender woman, talks with a housemate at the Wanda Alston House on May 5, 2011, in Washington, D.C. The Alston House is a transitional home specifically for houseless LGBTQ youth ages 16-24.
LGBTQ Advocates to SCOTUS: Don’t Let Cities Criminalize Houseless People
Groups warn the Supreme Court that LGBTQ youth make up 65 percent of the chronically houseless youth population.
By Mike Ludwig , TRUTHOUTApril 4, 2024

The Tennessee State Capitol is pictured in Nashville, Tennessee.
LGBTQ Advocacy Groups Urge Tennessee Governor to Veto New Adoption Bill
The bill risks exposing LGBTQ children in the state to religious abuse, conversion therapy and family rejection.
By Erin Reed , ERININTHEMORNINGApril 2, 2024

Indigenous protesters display signs reading “WATER IS SACRED” during an outodoor protest
What Does Queer Ecological Resistance to the Mountain Valley Pipeline Look Like?
A new book explores the reclamation of Appalachian identity and interrogates settler colonialism in the region.
Demonstrators participate in a abortion-rights rally outside the Supreme Court on March 26, 2024, in Washington, D.C.

Poll Shows Majority of Americans Would Back Federal Abortion Rights Protections
The issue of abortion rights could help determine who wins in local, state and federal elections this fall.
By Chris Walker, TRUTHOUT
Published April 26, 2024

© 2024 Truthout




NYT Brooks: “It Takes Courage to Ignore All the Evidence for Trans Care” [**SATIRE**]
Riki Wilchins
2 min read
5 days ago
Friday April 19, 2024 By Satire News Service (PNS)
[Last Updated 12:04 AM EST] [3 minute read]

Conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks has a new op-ed lauding the “courage” of the UK’s Hillary Cass for her new report recomnending banning pediatric gender care for trans kids.

Explains Brooks, “There were 103 studies showing positive outcomes but Cass dismissed 101 as ‘low quality.’ It takes real bravery to go for your predetermined outcome when a mountain of evidence is stacked against you.”

While dismissing positive studies, the Cass Report offered evidence-free assertions that hormones might “lock” kids into treatment and may have resulted from a social contagion.

In addition, Cass found only 10 detransitions out of 3,499 medical records, nonetheless Brooks notes, “Cass chose to side with the 0.3% of cisgender kids even if it meant enduring the mental pain and anguish of knowing her recommendations would deny care to the other 3,989 trans kids.”

27 different US medical organizations have endorsed pediatric gender care as safe and effective. Nonetheless explains Brooks, “ Here is one woman, who is willing to take on the entire medical establishment all by herself, with nothing more but her own biases and prejudices.”

Commenting on recent reports surfacing that Cass had consulted with the DeSantis administration in Florida, which partnered with the Catholic Medical Association to develop a similar report designed to find care dangerous and ineffective, the column closed “It’s not easy to reach across the pond to find the very best minds in trans-denialism.

“This is one gutsy broad.”

Copyright 2024 All rights reserved by Satire News Service (SNS). This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed in any form unless you really, really want to.

Transgender Rights
Transgender Children
Transgender Surgery
Transgender Woman

Riki Wilchins was one of the founders of transgender political activism in the 1990s, as well as one of its first theorists and chroniclers.

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Trans Women: What Even Friends (Not Just TERFs) Don’t Get
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How the Bodies of Trans Kids Ended Up Under a Microscope
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LGBTQ Nation

Arizona’s revived abortion law is a stark reminder that marriage equality is no longer safe
With anti-marriage equality laws still on the books in dozens of states, a Supreme Court decision to overturn Obergefell would be catastrophic.
Commentary by John Gallagher (he/him) Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Hands intertwined by one finger from each person
Photo: Shutterstock

When the Arizona Supreme Court reinstituted an anti-abortion law passed in 1864, the response was shock.

How could a law from before Arizona was even a state suddenly control the lives of women? The short answer: Because the court was controlled by Republicans with an agenda made possible by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022.


Arizona Supreme Court upholds near-total abortion ban first enacted in 1864
Arizona wasn’t even a state when the law was first written, and now it is being used to essentially eliminate reproductive freedom in the state.

The longer answer is that lots of laws are on the books collecting dust even though they have been invalidated by the courts or superseded by other laws. No one got around to repealing them. They are a bit like old wallpaper that someone just slaps paneling over and forgets about over time.

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Unfortunately, the Arizona case is a reminder that it’s not just abortion laws that can suddenly come back to life. A majority of states have anti-marriage equality laws on the books from 20+ years ago when the right was using ballot initiatives to take away LGBTQ+ rights.

The good news is that these laws are moot since the Supreme Court legalized marriage equality with Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015. The bad news is that the current Supreme Court has made it clear with its abortion ruling that precedents don’t matter much. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have been explicit in saying that they think Obergefell was wrongly decided, broadly hinting they would like to take another crack at the issue.

The passage of the federal Respect for Marriage Act does offer some protection. It repeals the noxious Defense of Marriage Act, Bill Clinton’s attempt to innoculate himself against attacks from the right, and requires states to recognize any marriage performed in another state.

What it doesn’t do, however, is require a state to allow marriage equality within its own borders. In short, it sets up the potential for a version of the current abortion nightmare playing out across the nation. Conservative states effectively outlaw the procedure, forcing women to travel to states where it is allowed – if they have the resources to do so.

If you think that, given the chance, a broad swath of Republicans leading Southern states are not interested in returning to the pre-Obergefell days, you would be sorely mistaken. And all of those states have something on the books that would allow them to do so.

It’s not just conservative states. California, which prompted the first Supreme Court ruling in favor of marriage equality, still has its anti-marriage constitutional amendment, even if it’s not enforceable. This year, voters will finally have a chance to supersede it by voting on an amendment that would enshrine marriage equality as a constitutional right.

Getting rid of moot laws is a difficult exercise. It takes up time that politicians think is better spent on more pressing issues. Frankly, the odds of the laws ever coming back to haunt you are fairly slim. But as Arizona proves, the odds aren’t zero either. Fingers crossed, all those anti-marriage laws and state constitutional bans will just keep moldering and never be a problem. Yet with the current Supreme Court, you can never say never.

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Clarence Thomas
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
Marriage Equality
Obergefell v Hodges
Respect for Marriage Act
Samuel Alito
Supreme Court

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Supreme Court Lets Idaho Enforce Its Ban On Gender-Affirming Care For Transgender Youth
The law subjects physicians to up to 10 years in prison if they provide hormones, puberty blockers or other gender-affirming care to people under age 18.
Apr 15, 2024, 05:33 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is allowing Idaho to enforce its ban on gender-affirming care for transgender youth while lawsuits over the law proceed, reversing lower courts.

The justices’ order Monday allows the state to put in a place a 2023 law that subjects physicians to up to 10 years in prison if they provide hormones, puberty blockers or other gender-affirming care to people under age 18. Under the court’s order, the two transgender teens who sued to challenge the law still will be able to obtain care.

The court’s three liberal justices would have kept the law on hold.

A federal judge in Idaho had blocked the law in its entirety after determining that it was necessary to do so to protect the teens, who are identified under pseudonyms in court papers.

Opponents of the law have said it will likely increase suicide rates among teens. The law’s backers have said it is necessary to “protect children” from medical or surgical treatments for gender dysphoria, though there’s little indication that gender-affirming surgeries are being performed on transgender youth in Idaho.

Gender-affirming care for youth is supported by every major medical organization, including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychiatric Association.

Medical professionals define gender dysphoria as severe psychological distress experienced by those whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth.

The action comes as the justices also may soon consider whether to take up bans in Kentucky and Tennessee that an appeals court allowed to be enforced in the midst of legal fights.

At least 23 states have enacted laws restricting or banning gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors, and most of those states face lawsuits. A federal judge struck down Arkansas’ ban as unconstitutional. Montana’s ban also is temporarily on hold.

The states that have enacted laws restricting or banning gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors are Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.



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Are you not paying attention!

Here’s a Triple-header to read.

– Sharon




Dr. Rick Allen, Author
21 Mar 2024

The question has to be asked, right? Have we gone nuts?

As a younger voter who can see the facts and think more logically than older folks captured by emotion, politics, and repeated misinformation, YOU and other young logical thinkers like you have a chance to finally get America back on track with your important vote.

Take a look at this information (check it out yourself if you doubt it), and then think about how important your vote will be in this election.

BEFORE VOTING……SERIOUSLY think about this for a moment:

Would you….SHOULD you… hire a person with this background for an important job? Is it logical to do so?

***Involved in 4,000 lawsuits BEFORE applying for the job (that’s not a misprint).

***Declared 3 bankruptcies.

***Founder of 3 businesses declared fraudulent (a fraudulent college; a fraudulent charity; fraudulent valuation of business value and fined millions of dollars in each case).

*** Caught on tape (his own words) saying he “grabs women by the pussy.”

***Found responsible by a jury of 8 men and 4 women of defaming a woman, and continued to do so AFTER the finding, and fined millions of dollars for doing so.

***Accused by 18 different women of varying inappropriate behavior, including allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault.

***Four (4) different 4-STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ GENERALS, hand-picked BY the person in question, after serving with him….. say he is unfit.

***Got caught calling U.S. Service members “suckers” for going into military service (confirmed by one of the Generals above).

***Got caught calling USA Prisoners of War “losers,” again confirmed by a General

***On national TV, disrespected a Gold Star mother and father (USA son killed in the line of duty) because they were Muslim

***After being told the truth by his own staff (several times) THAT HE DID ACTUALLY LOSE an election by over 7 million votes, he continued to lie about it for years and years, despite overwhelming (VERIFIED) evidence that he DID LOSE.

***This person overspent his budget by nearly $8 TRILLION the last time he held the job, third biggest debt in USA history, after promising to balance the budget. (The other two? Also from his political party).

***This person also promised to “build a wall” (for free) along a 1,954 mile border, and how many miles did he get built in 4 years? Less than 100 miles of a new wall (not a misprint). And “repaired” a few hundred miles. Oops. Oh, and nearly 1,500,000 crossed the border in the meantime. And USA taxpayers paid every dime (over $10 BILLION).

***Meanwhile, this guy continues to lie about high crime rates by border crossers….the actual research says that is not at all true!!! Bet you didn’t know that.

SHOULD YOU REALLY BE SUPPORTING A REALLY POOR RECORD LIKE THAT BY HIRING THIS GUY? Pretty obvious that is a very questionable decision, isn’t it?




Dr. Rick Allen, Author
26 Mar 2024



First, this reminder: Trump himself said when he ran for office in 2016 that he was “going to surround myself with only the best and most serious people.”

FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Marine GENERAL James Mattis, hired by Trump as Secretary of Defense: ” [Trump] has no moral compass; a misguided form of nationalism; beyond stupid to felony stupid” and that’s when I resigned.

FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Army GENERAL Mark Milley, served as Trump’s Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: “We don’t take an oath to an individual, we take an oath to the Constitution. [Trump] is a wannabe dictator.”

FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Marine GENERAL John Kelly, hired by Trump to be his personal Chief of Staff: “[Trump] is a deeply dishonest person who has no idea what America stands for. The most flawed person I’ve ever met.”

FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Army GENERAL H.R. McMaster, hired by Trump as his National Security Advisor: “[Trump’s] failure to condemn white supremacy “gives space to these groups that foment hatred and intolerance.”

FROM Dan Coats, hired by Trump as his Director of National Intelligence (two photos, sorry): “He doesn’t know the difference between the truth and a lie.”

FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Navy Admiral William McCraven, Commander, US Special Operations, Seal Commander who took out Osama bin Laden and coordinated the capture of Sadaam Hussein: Trump’s comments “may be the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime.”

FROM 4 STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ARMY GENERAL Barry McCaffrey. He received three Purple Heart medals for injuries sustained during his service in the Vietnam War, two Silver Stars, and two Distinguished Service Crosses—the second-highest United States Army award for valor. He was inducted into United States Army Ranger Hall of Fame at the United States Army Infantry Center :

[Trump] “is a serious threat to USA national security.”

CIA Director Gina Haspel, Trump’s CIA choice: Haspel said Trump’s post-election behavior was ‘insanity’ and he was ‘acting out like a 6-year-old with a tantrum.”

These statements are all in the public domain and can be easily verified.


If you truly want to “drain the swamp,” given these consistent comments from American heroes, it might be smart to aim at the right (far right?) target.




Dr. Rick Allen, Author
9 Apr 2024

Well, that didn’t take long.

INVESTORS ALREADY LOST $3.5 BILLION on shares of Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT)……in about two weeks!

Here’s what the auditor found: “The Company lacks the financial resources it needs to sustain operations for a reasonable period of time, which is considered to be one year from the date of the issuance of the financial statements.”

“As a result, these factors raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.”

Shares of the money-losing holding company plummeted 38% from their high notched on March 27, erasing $3.5 billion in wealth, says an Investor’s Business Daily analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence and MarketSurge.

The S&P 500 in that time is only down 1%.

(Matt Krantz, Investor’s Business Daily)

Note: Uh, there seems to be a clear pattern here, right ‼️❓❓❓❓

💥Three bankruptcies,

🔥🔥additional three findings of business fraud….a fake college, a fraudulent charity, bank fraud inflating the value of his holdings to get bigger bank loans,

🔥🔥🔥4,000 lawsuits BEFORE he got into politics.

AND PEOPLE WANT TO ELECT THIS GUY PRESIDENT? Are they not paying attention?




Germany eases gender change rules
59 minutes ago
12 Apr 2024
Jessica Parker,
Berlin correspondent

Getty Images Person walking past a trans flagGetty Images

Adults in Germany will now be able to declare a change to male, female or diverse
The German parliament has passed a law making it easier for citizens and residents to legally change gender.

It’s also introducing hefty fines – in specific circumstances – for disclosing someone’s prior registered name or gender without consent.

Previously, changing your registered gender required a doctor’s certificate and the approval of a family court.

Now over-18s can change to male, female or diverse, a third gender option that already exists under German law.

Three months on from a request for such a change, applicants will then have to appear at a registry office in person.

You can also request that no details regarding your gender are registered at all.

The intentional and harmful disclosure of someone’s prior name or legal gender could attract a fine of up to €10,000.

However, there are exceptions – for example if it’s a legal requirement due to court proceedings or police investigations.

First names will need to represent the new legal gender – so a male entry requires a recognised male first name while a female entry requires a recognised female first name.

Fourteen- to 18-year-olds will need the consent of parents or legal guardians, while under-14s will need their parents or legal guardians to make the declaration.

No further change or reversion can be made within 12 months of an application being granted.

The law allows for those operating spaces – such as women’s gyms and changing rooms – to still decide who has access to them.

Applications from male to female or to diverse, made less than two months prior to a national defence emergency, will be put on hold.

The new rules will come into effect on 1 November having been promised in the “traffic light” coalition agreement.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz said: “We show respect to trans, intersex and non-binary people – without taking anything away from others. This is how we continue to drive the modernisation of our country. This includes recognising realities of life and making them possible by law.”

Nyke Slawik, from the Greens – who is transgender – said it was a “first step” towards a society which allows self-determination for trans people.

Conservatives and the far-right AfD were among those to speak out against the plans with warnings the legislation could be misused.

Concerns were also voiced about the impact on young people. “Minors, without proper consultation, could choose a path they might regret later on,” said the CDU’s Mareike Wulf.

The Self-Determination Act was passed with 374 ayes to 251 no’s and 11 abstentions.

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What does trans mean and what is the Cass review?
Euphoria star wants to stop playing trans roles
Trans treatment waiting list a ‘death sentence’

Transgender people


Sean Donovan
Gender care review disappointing, says trans man
Trans young people say they feel “disappointed” and “ignored” by the Cass review into gender care.
3 hrs ago

Janice Robinson
Headliners announced for town’s first Pride event
Janice Robinson, known for song ‘I’m A Dreamer’, announced as headliner for village’s first pride.
10 hrs ago

A young person speaks to a clinical professional
Gender care ‘secrecy’ must end – health secretary
Victoria Atkins criticises a “culture of secrecy” in gender support and treatment for children.
1 day ago

Wait for gender support frustrating, trans woman says
Sonja was speaking as a review said children were let down by a lack of research into gender services.
2 days ago

Person walking over the rainbow crossing in Battersea
What does trans mean and what is the Cass review?
Transgender people’s rights are often in the spotlight, leading to legal disputes and protests.
2 days ago

Copyright 2024 BBC. All rights reserved. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.



Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 12 May 2024 – RawStory:  Crooked Drumpf Fabricates His Own ‘Fake News’’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  12 May 2024 – RawStory:  Crooked Drumpf fabricates his own ‘Fake News’’
(12 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
12 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  12 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



2 of 4:


RawStory:  Crooked Drumpf fabricates his own ‘fake news’



Sharon Nichols
12 May 2018

This is for you – Drumpfians and Deplorables.

This is your deity, your false idol.

He is the creator of his own ‘Fake News’ to con you stoopid suckers.


See also:











Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





The Raw Story
12 May 2018

“I am a very rich and powerful person in this town and there is a reason I got that way.”





Here is how businessman Donald Trump created his own ‘fake news’ back in the 80’s
Sean Deveney, Salon
May 12, 2018 3:56PM ET

Donald Trump in 1980 (MSNBC)

Excerpted with permission from “Greed and Glory: The Rise and Fall of Doc Gooden, Lawrence Taylor, Ed Koch, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, and the Mafia in 1980s New York” by Sean Deveney. Copyright 2018 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

Donald Trump needed a tax break. In 1981 he was in the process of building his second major New York City project, the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. As part of putting up the new skyscraper, he had applied to the city for an abatement of $20 million, which was intended to be a gift from the taxpayers given to developers for their willingness to build middle- or lower-class housing in areas defined as “underuti­lized.” But anyone who had ever strolled New York’s streets over the past five or six decades knew Fifth Avenue was hardly an underuti­lized area. It was as well-trafficked and upscale a slab of real estate as you could find anywhere in the country, let alone New York.

On that basis, Mayor Ed Koch had instructed his administration to turn down Trump’s abatement application. Enraged, Trump called Koch’s housing commissioner, Tony Gliedman, and told him, “I am a very rich and powerful person in this town and there is a reason I got that way. I will never forget what you did.” When Trump called Koch to complain about Gliedman’s decision, Koch told him, “There is nothing I can do for you.”Trump did what he best knew how to do: He sued. By his side was shark-lawyer Roy Cohn, who had made his reputation decades earlier as the top aide to Red-baiting Senator Joseph McCarthy but had since settled into a multitude of city roles: New York gadabout, manipulator of a wide swath of media sources, political kingmaker, and shoulder-rubber with the well known and well to do ranging from publisher Si Newhouse and conservative icon William F. Buckley to Barbara Wal­ters and Norman Mailer. But he was still, mostly, a lawyer, and Trump had grown to appreciate the value of having a guy who could grease city wheels like Cohn on his side.

This excerpt originally appeared in Salon.

While Cohn was the big name, his law partner at the firm of Saxe, Bacon and Bolan was Bronx Democratic leader Stanley Friedman, and Friedman had the connections—as a boss of a borough political machine, he was heavily involved in the nam­ing of judges across the city—that facilitated Cohn’s manipulations. Friedman found out Trump’s abatement case would start out in what was called Special Term 1 with Judge Frank Blangiardo, a twenty-two-year veteran of the bench who was an old hand at New York’s political gamesmanship. (Blangiardo would later be reprimanded for slapping the hand of a female attorney and saying, “I like to hit girls because they are soft.”) This was good news for Cohn, Friedman, and their client. Blangiardo was pliable. He knew Friedman’s power.“You didn’t have to bribe Blangiardo,” New York Post court reporter Hal Davis said. “He was a hack. He was more than happy to do the bidding of the political bosses. When Cohn and Friedman saw that Blangiardo was getting the case, it was tailor-made for them.”

That did not mean Friedman or Cohn would be sitting before Blangiardo. They were the pullers of strings in the city, but they were not big on actual courtroom litigation. Cohn was not known to prof­fer eloquent legal arguments—you hired him because he was a blunt object with which to bludgeon your opponent.

Trump had a real estate lawyer who was to present the case, and during the opening session of the case, she handed Blangiardo two folders for consideration. One contained the usual legal documents. Inside the other was a statement from Friedman, at the bottom of which were two words and a signa­ture that registered immediately with Blangiardo: “No adjournment. — Stanley Friedman.” When the lawyer for the city told Blangiardo she would need an adjournment to have time to put together a response to the filing, Blangiardo’s initial response was to parrot Friedman’s note: “No adjournment.”

He eventually acquiesced and granted a three-week adjournment, but only with the caveat that, in three weeks, he would be keeping the case for himself, a highly unusual step considering he was not scheduled to be in session at that time.

Despite the adjournment, the message from Friedman had been received—Trump was to get his abatement—and Blangiardo obliged. On July 21, the judge ruled in Trump’s favor. That was the power Friedman had, pulling strings with judges. Cohn’s power was a little different, but was evident the next day. Trump filed an absurd, $138 million lawsuit against the city and Tony Gliedman. Trump had no chance of winning, and the lawsuit was quickly tossed. But Cohn got the suit in all the papers, and in addition to Blangiardo’s abatement, he earned Trump, the hero builder and vic­tim of an unjust city bureaucracy by Cohn’s account, a day of free PR.

This was not the first time the trio of Cohn, Friedman, and Trump had worked together to bilk New York taxpayers out of tens of mil­lions of dollars for Trump’s benefit. As detailed by Village Voice writer Wayne Barrett, Cohn had taken on Friedman as a partner in his firm after Friedman’s tenure as former mayor Abe Beame’s deputy was up in 1977, and as one of his final acts in Beame’s office, Friedman pushed through spools of bureaucratic red tape to secure another tax abatement for Trump, this one for $160 million and covering his development of the Grand Hyatt at Grand Central Station. Once, at a lunch at 21 with a journalist, Friedman admitted, “Roy could fix anyone in the city. He’s a genius.” To which Trump added, “He’s a lousy lawyer, but he’s a genius.”

* * *

Ira Berkow had a bag of grapes on his lap as he sat on the twenty-sixth floor of the newly opened Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Mid­town. When Berkow was growing up on the West Side of Chicago, his mother had taught him never to show up for a meal without offering a gift to the host. He was slated to meet with the building’s namesake, Donald Trump, in late 1983 to discuss the prospects for Trump’s latest venture, his purchase of the New Jersey Generals of the United States Football League, for an article in the New York Times. Before leaving for the interview, he had checked in with Trump, and Trump told Ber­kow he would order them some lunch—Berkow resisted at first, then said he would take a pastrami on rye and a Coke. But the lesson from his mother kicked in on the way to the interview, and Berkow stopped at a fruit stand. He paid $1 for the grapes. Dessert, he figured. That would be his offering to Trump.

Before being ushered into the office, Berkow—then forty-three and a relative newcomer to his Times column—was shown an eight-min­ute slide show, extolling both the virtues of living in the Tower and of Trump himself. “This is Manhattan through a golden eye,” accord­ing to the show’s narrator, “and only for a select few.” Condos in the building ranged from $600,000 to $12 million. Sports columnists are almost never considered among “the select few.” Berkow asked Trump’s secretary if he could skip the slides and see Trump. “Mr. Trump would like you to see it,” Berkow was told, in a tone that brooked no further protestation.

When he was finally inside, Berkow and Trump discussed his plans for the Generals. The USFL had gotten underway in 1982, with modest budgets and a chicken-wire-and-bubble-gum operating struc­ture. The league derived its stability from its small-time aspirations. It played a spring schedule, offering ABC a safe run of television football programming away from the competition of the NFL and college foot­ball monoliths in the fall, and it was dedicated to bringing in low-dollar talent without sparking a salary war it could not win against the NFL. Its major attraction was running back Herschel Walker, signed to a three-year, $5 million contract by the Generals, before Trump’s arrival, as a junior out of Georgia.

But in just two-and-a-half months, Trump had blown away the USFL’s cautious model. Two days earlier, he held a press conference to announce the signing of former Browns quar­terback Brian Sipe to a two-year, $1.9 million deal. He had, back in October, gone through a delicate dance with Dolphins coaching legend Don Shula, who was said to be unhappy in Miami and had engaged in discussions about the Generals job. Word of the talks leaked to the papers, with Trump said to be offering $5 million for five years.

That leak—Shula was certain it had come from Trump—was the first blow to Shula’s potential signing. The second blow was another leak, a story claiming that Shula would only take the Generals job if he would be given a condo in Trump Tower.

Shula had made no such claim and, irate, he backed away from any further Generals negotiations. “I can assure you,” Shula said, “that my price is not a condominium.”

Trump instead made a more modest, but still competent hire, signing former Jets coach Walt Michaels. Truth was, he was never going to hire Shula, but he was interested in the illusion that he might hire him and the attention it brought him.

After the botched Shula negotiation, a USFL executive contacted Trump to tell him how upset Shula had been about the Trump Tower story, and that it caused Shula to walk away altogether. Expecting contrition or at least frustration, the official instead got Trump smugness. “Hey,” Trump said, “is that great publicity for Trump Tower?”

Trump had done much the same with Giants star linebacker Law­rence Taylor, who had not been particularly happy with his contract in New York but had little recourse to change it. Taylor had an option in his deal, but it was not slated to come until 1988. So Trump did something unusual—he signed Taylor to a future deal, promising to pay him $2.7 million over four years once his NFL contract was up. But Trump also left an option for Taylor to renegotiate with the Giants if he so chose, as long as Trump’s end of the contract was bought out.

The move was all three-card monte, of course. The option year was still far off, and there was no doubt the Giants would renegotiate with Taylor rather than risk losing him. There was virtually no chance Taylor would play for the Generals. But Trump got what he wanted: attention.

Ber­kow asked him about the rumors of him signing Taylor. “No one knows if we signed him,” Trump said. “Actually, only three people know, that’s Lawrence, his agent and me.”

The Generals, at the very least, served that purpose for Trump. They got him some headlines. For Trump, fame and power were interchangeable, and the Generals brought him fame.

“I hire a general manager to help run a billion-dollar business and there’s a squib in the papers,” Trump told Berkow. “I hire a coach for a football team and there are 60 or 70 reporters calling to interview me.”

When they finished their lunch, Berkow put his bag of grapes on Trump’s desk. He told him what he had paid for the dessert, and know­ing he might be mistaken for a cheapskate, Berkow said, “You know, Donald, this lunch has had a bigger relative impact on my bank account than yours.” Berkow thought his joke might draw a laugh or at least a chuckle from Trump. It barely drew a smile. Later, Berkow said that in twenty-plus years of interactions with Trump, “I don’t think he ever laughed once.”

Copyright © 2018 Raw Story Media, Inc. PO Box 21050, Washington, D.C.
For corrections contact , for support contact .





Share #1





Sharon Nichols
12 May 2022

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from four years ago

Amerikan Theocracy.

Crooked Drumpf is deity to Republi-cons, Christian Con-servatives, Drumpfians, Deplorables – he’s ‘The Messiah’, ‘The Second Coming’, ‘The Chosen One’ proclaim your Elites as Lindsey Graham, Pat Robertson, Pillow Guy Lindell.

– Sharon




We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

On this day
4 years ago



Sharon Nichols
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a92071c1 ·
12 May 2018
Shared with Public

This is for you – Drumpfians and Deplorables.

This is your deity, your false idol.

He is the creator of his own ‘Fake News’ to con you stoopid suckers.


See also:











Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





The Raw Story
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a92071c1 ·

“I am a very rich and powerful person in this town and there is a reason I got that way.”




Here is how businessman Donald Trump created his own ‘fake news’ back in the 80’s
Sean Deveney, Salon
May 12, 2018

Donald Trump in 1980 (MSNBC)

Excerpted with permission from “Greed and Glory: The Rise and Fall of Doc Gooden, Lawrence Taylor, Ed Koch, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, and the Mafia in 1980s New York” by Sean Deveney. Copyright 2018 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

Donald Trump needed a tax break. In 1981 he was in the process of building his second major New York City project, the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. As part of putting up the new skyscraper, he had applied to the city for an abatement of $20 million, which was intended to be a gift from the taxpayers given to developers for their willingness to build middle- or lower-class housing in areas defined as “underuti­lized.” But anyone who had ever strolled New York’s streets over the past five or six decades knew Fifth Avenue was hardly an underuti­lized area. It was as well-trafficked and upscale a slab of real estate as you could find anywhere in the country, let alone New York.

On that basis, Mayor Ed Koch had instructed his administration to turn down Trump’s abatement application. Enraged, Trump called Koch’s housing commissioner, Tony Gliedman, and told him, “I am a very rich and powerful person in this town and there is a reason I got that way. I will never forget what you did.” When Trump called Koch to complain about Gliedman’s decision, Koch told him, “There is nothing I can do for you.”Trump did what he best knew how to do: He sued. By his side was shark-lawyer Roy Cohn, who had made his reputation decades earlier as the top aide to Red-baiting Senator Joseph McCarthy but had since settled into a multitude of city roles: New York gadabout, manipulator of a wide swath of media sources, political kingmaker, and shoulder-rubber with the well known and well to do ranging from publisher Si Newhouse and conservative icon William F. Buckley to Barbara Wal­ters and Norman Mailer. But he was still, mostly, a lawyer, and Trump had grown to appreciate the value of having a guy who could grease city wheels like Cohn on his side.

This excerpt originally appeared in Salon.

While Cohn was the big name, his law partner at the firm of Saxe, Bacon and Bolan was Bronx Democratic leader Stanley Friedman, and Friedman had the connections—as a boss of a borough political machine, he was heavily involved in the nam­ing of judges across the city—that facilitated Cohn’s manipulations. Friedman found out Trump’s abatement case would start out in what was called Special Term 1 with Judge Frank Blangiardo, a twenty-two-year veteran of the bench who was an old hand at New York’s political gamesmanship. (Blangiardo would later be reprimanded for slapping the hand of a female attorney and saying, “I like to hit girls because they are soft.”) This was good news for Cohn, Friedman, and their client. Blangiardo was pliable. He knew Friedman’s power.“You didn’t have to bribe Blangiardo,” New York Post court reporter Hal Davis said. “He was a hack. He was more than happy to do the bidding of the political bosses. When Cohn and Friedman saw that Blangiardo was getting the case, it was tailor-made for them.”

That did not mean Friedman or Cohn would be sitting before Blangiardo. They were the pullers of strings in the city, but they were not big on actual courtroom litigation. Cohn was not known to prof­fer eloquent legal arguments—you hired him because he was a blunt object with which to bludgeon your opponent.

Trump had a real estate lawyer who was to present the case, and during the opening session of the case, she handed Blangiardo two folders for consideration. One contained the usual legal documents. Inside the other was a statement from Friedman, at the bottom of which were two words and a signa­ture that registered immediately with Blangiardo: “No adjournment. — Stanley Friedman.” When the lawyer for the city told Blangiardo she would need an adjournment to have time to put together a response to the filing, Blangiardo’s initial response was to parrot Friedman’s note: “No adjournment.”

He eventually acquiesced and granted a three-week adjournment, but only with the caveat that, in three weeks, he would be keeping the case for himself, a highly unusual step considering he was not scheduled to be in session at that time.

Despite the adjournment, the message from Friedman had been received—Trump was to get his abatement—and Blangiardo obliged. On July 21, the judge ruled in Trump’s favor. That was the power Friedman had, pulling strings with judges. Cohn’s power was a little different, but was evident the next day. Trump filed an absurd, $138 million lawsuit against the city and Tony Gliedman. Trump had no chance of winning, and the lawsuit was quickly tossed. But Cohn got the suit in all the papers, and in addition to Blangiardo’s abatement, he earned Trump, the hero builder and vic­tim of an unjust city bureaucracy by Cohn’s account, a day of free PR.

This was not the first time the trio of Cohn, Friedman, and Trump had worked together to bilk New York taxpayers out of tens of mil­lions of dollars for Trump’s benefit. As detailed by Village Voice writer Wayne Barrett, Cohn had taken on Friedman as a partner in his firm after Friedman’s tenure as former mayor Abe Beame’s deputy was up in 1977, and as one of his final acts in Beame’s office, Friedman pushed through spools of bureaucratic red tape to secure another tax abatement for Trump, this one for $160 million and covering his development of the Grand Hyatt at Grand Central Station. Once, at a lunch at 21 with a journalist, Friedman admitted, “Roy could fix anyone in the city. He’s a genius.” To which Trump added, “He’s a lousy lawyer, but he’s a genius.”

* * *

Ira Berkow had a bag of grapes on his lap as he sat on the twenty-sixth floor of the newly opened Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Mid­town. When Berkow was growing up on the West Side of Chicago, his mother had taught him never to show up for a meal without offering a gift to the host. He was slated to meet with the building’s namesake, Donald Trump, in late 1983 to discuss the prospects for Trump’s latest venture, his purchase of the New Jersey Generals of the United States Football League, for an article in the New York Times. Before leaving for the interview, he had checked in with Trump, and Trump told Ber­kow he would order them some lunch—Berkow resisted at first, then said he would take a pastrami on rye and a Coke. But the lesson from his mother kicked in on the way to the interview, and Berkow stopped at a fruit stand. He paid $1 for the grapes. Dessert, he figured. That would be his offering to Trump.

Before being ushered into the office, Berkow—then forty-three and a relative newcomer to his Times column—was shown an eight-min­ute slide show, extolling both the virtues of living in the Tower and of Trump himself. “This is Manhattan through a golden eye,” accord­ing to the show’s narrator, “and only for a select few.” Condos in the building ranged from $600,000 to $12 million. Sports columnists are almost never considered among “the select few.” Berkow asked Trump’s secretary if he could skip the slides and see Trump. “Mr. Trump would like you to see it,” Berkow was told, in a tone that brooked no further protestation.

When he was finally inside, Berkow and Trump discussed his plans for the Generals. The USFL had gotten underway in 1982, with modest budgets and a chicken-wire-and-bubble-gum operating struc­ture. The league derived its stability from its small-time aspirations. It played a spring schedule, offering ABC a safe run of television football programming away from the competition of the NFL and college foot­ball monoliths in the fall, and it was dedicated to bringing in low-dollar talent without sparking a salary war it could not win against the NFL. Its major attraction was running back Herschel Walker, signed to a three-year, $5 million contract by the Generals, before Trump’s arrival, as a junior out of Georgia.

But in just two-and-a-half months, Trump had blown away the USFL’s cautious model. Two days earlier, he held a press conference to announce the signing of former Browns quar­terback Brian Sipe to a two-year, $1.9 million deal. He had, back in October, gone through a delicate dance with Dolphins coaching legend Don Shula, who was said to be unhappy in Miami and had engaged in discussions about the Generals job. Word of the talks leaked to the papers, with Trump said to be offering $5 million for five years.

That leak—Shula was certain it had come from Trump—was the first blow to Shula’s potential signing. The second blow was another leak, a story claiming that Shula would only take the Generals job if he would be given a condo in Trump Tower.

Shula had made no such claim and, irate, he backed away from any further Generals negotiations. “I can assure you,” Shula said, “that my price is not a condominium.”

Trump instead made a more modest, but still competent hire, signing former Jets coach Walt Michaels. Truth was, he was never going to hire Shula, but he was interested in the illusion that he might hire him and the attention it brought him.

After the botched Shula negotiation, a USFL executive contacted Trump to tell him how upset Shula had been about the Trump Tower story, and that it caused Shula to walk away altogether. Expecting contrition or at least frustration, the official instead got Trump smugness. “Hey,” Trump said, “is that great publicity for Trump Tower?”

Trump had done much the same with Giants star linebacker Law­rence Taylor, who had not been particularly happy with his contract in New York but had little recourse to change it. Taylor had an option in his deal, but it was not slated to come until 1988. So Trump did something unusual—he signed Taylor to a future deal, promising to pay him $2.7 million over four years once his NFL contract was up. But Trump also left an option for Taylor to renegotiate with the Giants if he so chose, as long as Trump’s end of the contract was bought out.

The move was all three-card monte, of course. The option year was still far off, and there was no doubt the Giants would renegotiate with Taylor rather than risk losing him. There was virtually no chance Taylor would play for the Generals. But Trump got what he wanted: attention.

Ber­kow asked him about the rumors of him signing Taylor. “No one knows if we signed him,” Trump said. “Actually, only three people know, that’s Lawrence, his agent and me.”

The Generals, at the very least, served that purpose for Trump. They got him some headlines. For Trump, fame and power were interchangeable, and the Generals brought him fame.

“I hire a general manager to help run a billion-dollar business and there’s a squib in the papers,” Trump told Berkow. “I hire a coach for a football team and there are 60 or 70 reporters calling to interview me.”

When they finished their lunch, Berkow put his bag of grapes on Trump’s desk. He told him what he had paid for the dessert, and know­ing he might be mistaken for a cheapskate, Berkow said, “You know, Donald, this lunch has had a bigger relative impact on my bank account than yours.” Berkow thought his joke might draw a laugh or at least a chuckle from Trump. It barely drew a smile. Later, Berkow said that in twenty-plus years of interactions with Trump, “I don’t think he ever laughed once.”

Copyright © 2018 Raw Story Media, Inc. PO Box 21050, Washington, D.C. 20009 | Masthead | Privacy Policy | For corrections or concerns, please email

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Sharon Nichols
12 May 2023

1 of 3:

Crooked Drumpf is the creator of his own Fake News


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1 Year Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
12 May 2022
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from four years ago

Amerikan Theocracy.

Crooked Drumpf is deity to Republi-cons, Christian Con-servatives, Drumpfians, Deplorables – he’s ‘The Messiah’, ‘The Second Coming’, ‘The Chosen One’ proclaim your Elites as Lindsey Graham, Pat Robertson, Pillow Guy Lindell.

– Sharon




We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

On this day
4 years ago



Sharon Nichols
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a92071c1 ·
12 May 2018
Shared with Public

This is for you – Drumpfians and Deplorables.

This is your deity, your false idol.

He is the creator of his own ‘Fake News’ to con you stoopid suckers.


See also:











Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





The Raw Story
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a92071c1 ·
12 May 2018

“I am a very rich and powerful person in this town and there is a reason I got that way.”




Here is how businessman Donald Trump created his own ‘fake news’ back in the 80’s
Sean Deveney, Salon
May 12, 2018

Donald Trump in 1980 (MSNBC)

Excerpted with permission from “Greed and Glory: The Rise and Fall of Doc Gooden, Lawrence Taylor, Ed Koch, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, and the Mafia in 1980s New York” by Sean Deveney. Copyright 2018 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

Donald Trump needed a tax break. In 1981 he was in the process of building his second major New York City project, the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. As part of putting up the new skyscraper, he had applied to the city for an abatement of $20 million, which was intended to be a gift from the taxpayers given to developers for their willingness to build middle- or lower-class housing in areas defined as “underuti­lized.” But anyone who had ever strolled New York’s streets over the past five or six decades knew Fifth Avenue was hardly an underuti­lized area. It was as well-trafficked and upscale a slab of real estate as you could find anywhere in the country, let alone New York.

On that basis, Mayor Ed Koch had instructed his administration to turn down Trump’s abatement application. Enraged, Trump called Koch’s housing commissioner, Tony Gliedman, and told him, “I am a very rich and powerful person in this town and there is a reason I got that way. I will never forget what you did.” When Trump called Koch to complain about Gliedman’s decision, Koch told him, “There is nothing I can do for you.”Trump did what he best knew how to do: He sued. By his side was shark-lawyer Roy Cohn, who had made his reputation decades earlier as the top aide to Red-baiting Senator Joseph McCarthy but had since settled into a multitude of city roles: New York gadabout, manipulator of a wide swath of media sources, political kingmaker, and shoulder-rubber with the well known and well to do ranging from publisher Si Newhouse and conservative icon William F. Buckley to Barbara Wal­ters and Norman Mailer. But he was still, mostly, a lawyer, and Trump had grown to appreciate the value of having a guy who could grease city wheels like Cohn on his side.

This excerpt originally appeared in Salon.

While Cohn was the big name, his law partner at the firm of Saxe, Bacon and Bolan was Bronx Democratic leader Stanley Friedman, and Friedman had the connections—as a boss of a borough political machine, he was heavily involved in the nam­ing of judges across the city—that facilitated Cohn’s manipulations. Friedman found out Trump’s abatement case would start out in what was called Special Term 1 with Judge Frank Blangiardo, a twenty-two-year veteran of the bench who was an old hand at New York’s political gamesmanship. (Blangiardo would later be reprimanded for slapping the hand of a female attorney and saying, “I like to hit girls because they are soft.”) This was good news for Cohn, Friedman, and their client. Blangiardo was pliable. He knew Friedman’s power.“You didn’t have to bribe Blangiardo,” New York Post court reporter Hal Davis said. “He was a hack. He was more than happy to do the bidding of the political bosses. When Cohn and Friedman saw that Blangiardo was getting the case, it was tailor-made for them.”

That did not mean Friedman or Cohn would be sitting before Blangiardo. They were the pullers of strings in the city, but they were not big on actual courtroom litigation. Cohn was not known to prof­fer eloquent legal arguments—you hired him because he was a blunt object with which to bludgeon your opponent.

Trump had a real estate lawyer who was to present the case, and during the opening session of the case, she handed Blangiardo two folders for consideration. One contained the usual legal documents. Inside the other was a statement from Friedman, at the bottom of which were two words and a signa­ture that registered immediately with Blangiardo: “No adjournment. — Stanley Friedman.” When the lawyer for the city told Blangiardo she would need an adjournment to have time to put together a response to the filing, Blangiardo’s initial response was to parrot Friedman’s note: “No adjournment.”

He eventually acquiesced and granted a three-week adjournment, but only with the caveat that, in three weeks, he would be keeping the case for himself, a highly unusual step considering he was not scheduled to be in session at that time.

Despite the adjournment, the message from Friedman had been received—Trump was to get his abatement—and Blangiardo obliged. On July 21, the judge ruled in Trump’s favor. That was the power Friedman had, pulling strings with judges. Cohn’s power was a little different, but was evident the next day. Trump filed an absurd, $138 million lawsuit against the city and Tony Gliedman. Trump had no chance of winning, and the lawsuit was quickly tossed. But Cohn got the suit in all the papers, and in addition to Blangiardo’s abatement, he earned Trump, the hero builder and vic­tim of an unjust city bureaucracy by Cohn’s account, a day of free PR.

This was not the first time the trio of Cohn, Friedman, and Trump had worked together to bilk New York taxpayers out of tens of mil­lions of dollars for Trump’s benefit. As detailed by Village Voice writer Wayne Barrett, Cohn had taken on Friedman as a partner in his firm after Friedman’s tenure as former mayor Abe Beame’s deputy was up in 1977, and as one of his final acts in Beame’s office, Friedman pushed through spools of bureaucratic red tape to secure another tax abatement for Trump, this one for $160 million and covering his development of the Grand Hyatt at Grand Central Station. Once, at a lunch at 21 with a journalist, Friedman admitted, “Roy could fix anyone in the city. He’s a genius.” To which Trump added, “He’s a lousy lawyer, but he’s a genius.”

* * *

Ira Berkow had a bag of grapes on his lap as he sat on the twenty-sixth floor of the newly opened Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Mid­town. When Berkow was growing up on the West Side of Chicago, his mother had taught him never to show up for a meal without offering a gift to the host. He was slated to meet with the building’s namesake, Donald Trump, in late 1983 to discuss the prospects for Trump’s latest venture, his purchase of the New Jersey Generals of the United States Football League, for an article in the New York Times. Before leaving for the interview, he had checked in with Trump, and Trump told Ber­kow he would order them some lunch—Berkow resisted at first, then said he would take a pastrami on rye and a Coke. But the lesson from his mother kicked in on the way to the interview, and Berkow stopped at a fruit stand. He paid $1 for the grapes. Dessert, he figured. That would be his offering to Trump.

Before being ushered into the office, Berkow—then forty-three and a relative newcomer to his Times column—was shown an eight-min­ute slide show, extolling both the virtues of living in the Tower and of Trump himself. “This is Manhattan through a golden eye,” accord­ing to the show’s narrator, “and only for a select few.” Condos in the building ranged from $600,000 to $12 million. Sports columnists are almost never considered among “the select few.” Berkow asked Trump’s secretary if he could skip the slides and see Trump. “Mr. Trump would like you to see it,” Berkow was told, in a tone that brooked no further protestation.

When he was finally inside, Berkow and Trump discussed his plans for the Generals. The USFL had gotten underway in 1982, with modest budgets and a chicken-wire-and-bubble-gum operating struc­ture. The league derived its stability from its small-time aspirations. It played a spring schedule, offering ABC a safe run of television football programming away from the competition of the NFL and college foot­ball monoliths in the fall, and it was dedicated to bringing in low-dollar talent without sparking a salary war it could not win against the NFL. Its major attraction was running back Herschel Walker, signed to a three-year, $5 million contract by the Generals, before Trump’s arrival, as a junior out of Georgia.

But in just two-and-a-half months, Trump had blown away the USFL’s cautious model. Two days earlier, he held a press conference to announce the signing of former Browns quar­terback Brian Sipe to a two-year, $1.9 million deal. He had, back in October, gone through a delicate dance with Dolphins coaching legend Don Shula, who was said to be unhappy in Miami and had engaged in discussions about the Generals job. Word of the talks leaked to the papers, with Trump said to be offering $5 million for five years.

That leak—Shula was certain it had come from Trump—was the first blow to Shula’s potential signing. The second blow was another leak, a story claiming that Shula would only take the Generals job if he would be given a condo in Trump Tower.

Shula had made no such claim and, irate, he backed away from any further Generals negotiations. “I can assure you,” Shula said, “that my price is not a condominium.”

Trump instead made a more modest, but still competent hire, signing former Jets coach Walt Michaels. Truth was, he was never going to hire Shula, but he was interested in the illusion that he might hire him and the attention it brought him.

After the botched Shula negotiation, a USFL executive contacted Trump to tell him how upset Shula had been about the Trump Tower story, and that it caused Shula to walk away altogether. Expecting contrition or at least frustration, the official instead got Trump smugness. “Hey,” Trump said, “is that great publicity for Trump Tower?”

Trump had done much the same with Giants star linebacker Law­rence Taylor, who had not been particularly happy with his contract in New York but had little recourse to change it. Taylor had an option in his deal, but it was not slated to come until 1988. So Trump did something unusual—he signed Taylor to a future deal, promising to pay him $2.7 million over four years once his NFL contract was up. But Trump also left an option for Taylor to renegotiate with the Giants if he so chose, as long as Trump’s end of the contract was bought out.

The move was all three-card monte, of course. The option year was still far off, and there was no doubt the Giants would renegotiate with Taylor rather than risk losing him. There was virtually no chance Taylor would play for the Generals. But Trump got what he wanted: attention.

Ber­kow asked him about the rumors of him signing Taylor. “No one knows if we signed him,” Trump said. “Actually, only three people know, that’s Lawrence, his agent and me.”

The Generals, at the very least, served that purpose for Trump. They got him some headlines. For Trump, fame and power were interchangeable, and the Generals brought him fame.

“I hire a general manager to help run a billion-dollar business and there’s a squib in the papers,” Trump told Berkow. “I hire a coach for a football team and there are 60 or 70 reporters calling to interview me.”

When they finished their lunch, Berkow put his bag of grapes on Trump’s desk. He told him what he had paid for the dessert, and know­ing he might be mistaken for a cheapskate, Berkow said, “You know, Donald, this lunch has had a bigger relative impact on my bank account than yours.” Berkow thought his joke might draw a laugh or at least a chuckle from Trump. It barely drew a smile. Later, Berkow said that in twenty-plus years of interactions with Trump, “I don’t think he ever laughed once.”

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5 Years Ago




Sharon Nichols
12 May 2018
Shared with Public

This is for you – Drumpfians and Deplorables.

This is your deity, your false idol.

He is the creator of his own ‘Fake News’ to con you stoopid suckers.


See also:











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Raw Story
12 May 2018

“I am a very rich and powerful person in this town and there is a reason I got that way.”



Here is how businessman Donald Trump created his own ‘fake news’ back in the 80’s
Sean Deveney, Salon
May 12, 2018, 3:56 PM ET


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You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
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‘Facebook Memories: 12 May 2024 – Stoopid Dupes For Crooked Drumpf’


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‘Facebook Memories:  12 May 2024 – Stoopid Dupes for Crooked Drumpf’
(12 May 2024)


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Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

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Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


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Sharon Nichols
12 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  12 May 2024

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3 of 4:


Stoopid Dupes for Crooked Drumpf


RawStory:  The disturbing reason Crooked Drumpf’s Evangelical base is thrilled to see violence in Gaza



Sharon Nichols
12 May 2018

You Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables are stoopid dupes for Crooked Drumpf and his gang who inhabit that ‘swamp’ that you tell us he is clearing.

‘In 2012, the bottom 90 percent of Americans reported a smaller income than in 1967. Donald tapped into that problem, but he’s a con artist who promised to drain the swamp and then stocked it with swamp monsters.’

– David Cay Johnston


See also:












The disturbing reason Trump’s evangelical base is thrilled to see violence in Gaza
Jared Yates Sexton, Salon
May 15, 2018 12:23PM ET

President of the United States Donald Trump speaking at the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

As the United States officially moved its Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on Monday, clashes in Gaza cast a dark pall over the ceremonies, which featured Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, videotaped remarks from President Donald Trump and a speech by the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The violence – which resulted from Israeli forces firing on protesters and has so far cost more than 50 lives and more than 2,700 injuries – was a stark contrast to the pomp and circumstance celebrating what some have called a bold move by President Trump. Others, of course, have criticized it as a needless provocation.

This article was originally published at Salon

Critics of the decision worry it will effectively derail efforts to broker a peace between Israelis and Palestinians in order to please wealthy Republican donors like casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who was said to have met personally with the president to convince him of relocating the embassy. Considering Adelson’s influence it’s unsurprising he was in attendance Monday afternoon, but one voting bloc celebrating this event might be more surprising: evangelical Christians.

While video streamed on television of protesters bleeding and dying on the ground, I noticed very quickly a stark contrast on my social media feeds, where relatives and friends back home seemed to rejoice in the chaos. The turmoil in Gaza, according to them, represented a full vindication of the decision and further proof that something otherworldly was taking place in Israel.

I remember hearing something about this in Sunday school, somebody posted alongside pictures of death and destruction.

* * *

Growing up in rural Indiana, I was raised on a steady diet of conspiracy theories and apocalyptic dogma. Objects as innocuous as the clouds in the sky or tasks as commonplace as boiling water were imbued with spiritual import. According to my family Satan was ever-present as the hum of the refrigerator, and every new day meant another opportunity to resist and battle him with the word of God. Going astray or simply entertaining an impure thought was tantamount to being damned to a pit of fire for eternity.

Every Sunday we were reminded of just how dire the battle was. Our preacher walked himself into a drenching sweat as he paced our church’s stage, his dog-eared Bible in hand, his gaze turned toward the ceiling as he pleaded with the almighty father to forgive his doomed flock. There was no gray area when it came to salvation. You were either among the chosen or destined to suffer, and our fate hinged on our every decision.

The moment of our judgment, we were reminded, could come at any moment. Death was always just one breath away. But, if somehow we managed to live long enough, we might very well be spectators to the End of the World. In this story there were two armies, one containing the multitude of the holy and the other a rambling throng of sinners lead by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Antichrist himself, each on a collision course that would cross paths any day.

“For you know quite well,” our pastor was fond of quoting, “the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”

My people didn’t treat this sermon like a metaphor or allegory. This was a foretold event that would come to pass at a time of our Lord’s choosing. When we played in the yard and took up sticks, we were swinging the sword of God and attacking barbarous hordes. While we watched the evening news and its litany of tragedies and disasters, Grandma would shake her head and mumble to herself: “Nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom.”

Every development, every new policy, every war and every epidemic was seen as further proof of approaching Armageddon. My grandma, and other members of my family who trafficked in conspiracy theories, read books and tabloids in search of further “end times” gospel. The specifics were always a little unclear and scattered. One week we were knee-deep in the time of Tribulation, a period of suffering that only Christ could deliver us from, and then we’d be inching up on the Rapture. Public figures were always rumored to be part of Satan’s conspiracy, wars cast as the final showdown between good and evil. bBut the constant story involved the nation of Israel and its eventual showdown with the Antichrist.

The engine for the Antichrist’s reign, Grandma told us, would be the New World Order, or a conglomeration of nations that would bind together, exorcise God, and enslave the holy people. Proof included treaties, any operation undertaken by the United Nations, developments in technology and communications.

Even more frightening, Grandma maintained, was a politician who could unite the country and the world by using his charismatic gifts.

“Beware false prophets,” she told me, alluding to the prophecy that the Antichrist would be accompanied by an evil but personable mystic. “If there’s anything you do, beware false prophets.”

* * *

Nearly 20 years would pass before I’d hear the End Times rhetoric again. My people began to worry more over secular problems like the decline of manufacturing, the closing of their factories, how their paychecks either vanished or else covered less and less of their bills. But in 2008, with Barack Obama’s rise from first-term senator to president of the United States of America, their eyes returned to Apocalypse.

According to a forward a relative printed off back then, the similarities between Obama and the Antichrist were undeniable.

According to THE BIBLE, it read, the anti-christ is a Muslim man in his 40s who will a. have THE GIFT OF SPEECH, b. PROMISE THE WORLD PEACE, c. offer HOPE and CHANGE, d. get into a position of power and then RUIN EVERYTHING while BRAGGING ABOUT HIS GREAT WORKS. Sound like anybody you know???

Like so many forwards, this one was inaccurate. Those attributes weren’t anywhere to be found in the gospel. (For one thing, the Prophet Muhammad was not born until late in the 6th century A.D., so Islam is never mentioned in the Bible.) But the people around me were convinced. When they criticized the Affordable Care Act they likened it to the abominable Mark of the Beast, saying the requirement to buy health insurance amounted to having the numbers 666 burned into your flesh. Obama’s soaring oration was regarded as a malevolent magic, his ability to inspire proof of his wicked powers.

So when Donald Trump challenged President Obama’s citizenship, many of my people read between the lines of the allegations. They doubted that Obama was American too, but they took the charges a step further. If he had been born in Kenya, and if that fact had been covered up by nefarious forces, just who was responsible?

They’d spent their lives being warned of the New World Order, and now here was proof of a larger, global conspiracy. To make matters worse, the confusion and anger surrounding the attacks of September 11 left little doubt which side of the biblical equation Muslims were on, and many suspected Obama of secretly adhering to their faith. For a backdrop to this intrigue, the economy was in free fall and seemed destined to end in depression. They’d been taught to look for signs of impending doom in tragedies, in major changes, in times of uncertainty. They’d been taught to see everything with eyes trained for the end of the world.

It didn’t help that their fears were being stoked by media selling panic. On Fox News they were prodded by Glenn Beck to buy gold coins they could use when society was ruined. Alex Jones hawked bunker rations and water purifiers between segments on New World Order conspiracies helmed by demonic pedophiles intent on killing or enslaving their families.

They bought guns by the armful.

They spent their paychecks on dried food that could survive nuclear wars.

They prepared “bug out” bags for their escape to their bug out location.

They watched round-the-clock news coverage that painted the world as a dangerous place in the midst of dangerous upheaval. Their Christian values were being challenged by the day. Their way of life trampled on just as their preachers and grandparents had warned them. They were ready for the end of all things. They were ready for a savior to appear and lead them into battle.

* * *

Last summer I was traveling the country and speaking to people who had lost touch with friends and family members over political disagreements stemming from the 2016 election. What I found, to a person, was a collection of people still coming to terms with the fact that those closest to them had changed in ways they’d never expected.

One interview was with a woman in Pittsburgh whose relationship with her father had been strained when he shared racist posts and memes on his Facebook wall. When I asked her for an example she produced her phone, scrolled through her photo album, and said, “This isn’t what I was talking about, but get a look at this.”

The picture she showed me was a meme that I hadn’t yet come across. In it, Donald Trump is signing a bill at his desk in the Oval Office. Behind him looms a ghostly Jesus Christ who guides his hand.

It reminded me of a night in October of 2016, when I’d been reporting from a Trump rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, a week after the “Access Hollywood” tape had been released and several women had stepped up to accuse the Republican nominee of sexual assault. There was mounting pressure on Trump to withdraw, but the crowd wouldn’t hear it. They blamed the women, claiming they were either lying or uptight, and they blamed the media for promoting the story. Later, during Trump’s speech, he was recounting how he’d come across famed basketball coach Bobby Knight’s number on his desk and said, “It was like a miracle from God. Right? It was from God.” As the crowd roared he noticed a sign upfront. He pointed and said, “That says ‘Jesus for Trump.’ You’re right.”

Surely the billionaire mogul makes a strange savior, what with his multiple divorces, alleged liaisons with porn stars, and chronic lust for wealth and material things, but it’s important to remember the evangelical crowd grew up with Jimmy Swaggart’s tearful admission that he had sinned with a prostitute and is inundated with gospels that extol the virtues of prosperity. Google “Trump” and “Christ” and see how the two have already been merged in the minds of many supporters.

He might be an imperfect messiah, but the evangelicals are convinced he is one of their own, a fact to which many evangelical leaders vocally bear witness despite his failings. It doesn’t hurt, after all, that he bested Hillary Clinton, a woman Alex Jones described as “possessed” and as smelling like sulfur, which Christians recognize immediately as the telltale odor of the devil. In his opposition to Barack Obama’s legacy, they see Trump as a champion undoing “anti-American” acts by a secret Muslim tyrant who meant to brand them with Satan’s number and herd them into secret FEMA camps. When the Republican Party labels opponents as “globalists,” evangelicals hear echoes of the despotic New World Order.

Trump’s erratic style is more than welcome. While most Americans worried that Trump might provoke North Korea into a nuclear exchange, some evangelicals waited with bated breath for an event that would ultimately send them to heaven. Trump’s violation of the Iran nuclear deal makes some nervous that gasoline is being thrown on an already volatile situation, but to evangelicals who have been waiting since 9/11 for a showdown between Christianity and Islam, it’s just another potential catalyst to paradise.

As websites and tracts focused on End Times scripture tell their readers, uprising and strife are nothing to fear. They are signs that God is keeping his promise of Revelation. The final entry of the Bible, which remains one of the most popular and oft-discussed books in the tome, assures readers the world is heading for a disastrous struggle between the forces of Good and Evil, a struggle in which Israel has been prophesied to play an integral role.

Blood and tumult in the Middle East are reasons to rejoice.

They don’t see chaos as the smoke unfurls in the afternoon sky.

They see glory.

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Sharon Nichols
12 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

Yep. Crooked Drumpf boasted how he ‘love the poorly educated’. He calls you Suckers and Losers.

– Sharon



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3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 12, 2018 ·
Shared with Public

You Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables are stoopid dupes for Crooked Drumpf and his gang who inhabit that ‘swamp’ that you tell us he is clearing.

‘In 2012, the bottom 90 percent of Americans reported a smaller income than in 1967. Donald tapped into that problem, but he’s a con artist who promised to drain the swamp and then stocked it with swamp monsters.’

– David Cay Johnston


See also:




Author reveals how Donald Trump chased after ‘Russian criminal money’ to build Trump Tower
Bob Brigham
May 12, 2018 3:30 ET
Donald Trump greets supporters and tourists at the Trump Tower on July 22, 2015 in New York City

Award-winning Associated Press reporter Seth Hettena, author of the new book Trump/Russia: A Definitive History, explained President Donald Trump’s decades-long ties to the Russian Mob during a Saturday appearance on MSNBC

“A new book on the Russia investigation explores whether President Trump is either hiding something when it comes to the Kremlin or was duped by Soviet state craft,” anchor Alex Witt noted.

“You have relationships with Russia — between Trump and people around him — that go back decades,” Hettena noted. “When we look at that, what we see is this isn’t a new development here, that these are relationships that go back to the 1980s even.”

Witt wondered if the entire scandal came down to money.

“It’s about money, but it’s about Russian criminal money, specifically,” Hettena clarified. “What happened, is in the 80s there was a group of Russian criminals here in New York that were running a really lucrative gas tax scam, they had so much money they didn’t know what to do with it.”

“The interesting thing is Donald Trump found them, and got them to invest in Trump Tower and they wound up buying a block of units for a little less than $6 million,” he continued.

“That was Trump’s introduction into this world of Russian criminal money,” Hettena argued. “It continued in Trump Tower, it continued in his casinos, it continued into development projects, right up until the present day.”

The author also suggested longtime Trump fixer Michael Cohen had ties to the Russian mob.

“What we see with Cohen, as we see with Trump, is there’s Russian criminal connections to his past,” Hettena reported. “What my sources tell me, that’s how he got into the Trump Organization, is through these connections.”



12 May 2018



Trump is willing to trade our children’s future for a billion dollars

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Share #2





Sharon Nichols
12 May 2022

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from four years ago.

Republi-cons oppose raising the Minimum Wage, oppose increasing regular pay, all while reaping billion Dollar profits thanks to Crooked Drumpf’s Coronavirus economy that he left to Biden.

Right on cue – you are ‘Suckers’, ‘Losers’, ‘Poorly Educated’ and you fall for Crooked Drumpf’s Big Lie ideology.

– Sharon




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Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
oSoes06iy, 20 1a24290u1lMg ·
12 May 2021

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A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

Yep. Crooked Drumpf boasted how he ‘love the Poorly Educated’. He calls you ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’.

– Sharon



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3 years ago


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May 12, 2018 ·
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On this day
4 years ago



Sharon Nichols
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a92071c1 ·
12 May 2018
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You Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables are stoopid dupes for Crooked Drumpf and his gang who inhabit that ‘swamp’ that you tell us he is clearing.

‘In 2012, the bottom 90 percent of Americans reported a smaller income than in 1967. Donald tapped into that problem, but he’s a con artist who promised to drain the swamp and then stocked it with swamp monsters.’

– David Cay Johnston


See also:







Primary Menu
National Review
May. 12, 2024
Tom Steyer: Trump Must Be Impeached before He Becomes another Hitler

Tom Steyer, a hedge fund manager and a prominent Democratic fundraiser who has mounted a high-profile advertising campaign advocating the impeachment of President Donald Trump, holds a news conference to announce plans for his political future, in Washington, January 8, 2018.(Joshua Roberts/Reuters)

May 11, 2018 2:23 PM

Billionaire liberal Tom Steyer told the crowd at an Iowa town hall Thursday that President Trump communicates effectively like Hitler and must be impeached before he leads the country down a similarly dark path.

A lady from the crowd remarked to Steyer that Trump reminds her of Hitler, saying the president separates immigrant families just as the leader of Nazi Germany separated Jewish families and others.

“[Trump] really is an incredibly skillful and talented communicator. He really is, which Hitler was, too,” Steyer agreed.

He added, though, that there is still a “very big difference” between the two men:

I think the reason people push back against the Hitler comparison, regardless of any similarities, is Hitler ended up killing millions and millions of people, and Mr. Trump has shown a disregard for our law, he breaks the law…and in many ways he has done things that we find, or I find abhorrent. But he hasn’t killed millions of people.

The crowd rumbled with raised voices, causing Steyer to entertain the comparison some more.

“I agree! Look, that’s why we want to impeach him!” Steyer said. “We’d like to end it here while it’s still OK….We haven’t gotten to that point. God bless us, let’s hope we never get anywhere near that point.”


12 May 2018




Steyer, the heavyweight anti-Trump activist, has invested tens of millions of dollars trying to convince Democrats to impeach the president, to the chagrin of many party luminaries including House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, who has argued that the best way to oppose Trump is to gain control of Congress.

As part of his campaign against Trump and the GOP, Steyer’s political action committee, NextGen America, released an ad this week comparing Republicans to white nationalists.


NextGen America
9 May 2018

‘Mother’s Day’

“We’re just telling the truth to the American people, and it’s an important truth,” he said of impeaching the president. “And if you don’t think it’s politically convenient for you, that’s too bad.”

NOW WATCH: ‘Harry Reid Tells Democrats to Tone Down Talk of Trump Impeachment’

MAIREAD MCARDLE is a former news writer for National Review Online and a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College. @johnsonhildy

© 2018 National Review






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Washington Free Beacon

New Tom Steyer PAC Ad Compares Republicans to White Nationalists

Jack Heretik
May 10, 2018
Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer’s political action committee released a new ad this week that compares Republicans to white nationalists.


NextGen America
9 May 2018

‘Mother’s Day’

The ad from NextGen America, a political organization started by Steyer, is entitled “Mothers Day” and was released four days before the holiday, NTK Network reports.

The video shows a mother talking about her son, who is in college. The woman explains to the camera that, when her son was younger, he would steal from less fortunate kids. Meanwhile, the ad shows what appears to be a yearbook photo of the son with the quote: “Go back to where you came from.”

The mother adds that her son was never afraid to talk to girls, as the ad displays a picture of him yelling at women while holding a sign that says “Baby Killer” and wearing a Trump shirt.

“It wasn’t until I met his college buddies that I realized it might be too late,” the woman says as a picture of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia appears on screen. “Only a mother can catch the signs early. This Mother’s Day, talk to your child about the GOP. I wish I had.”

The ad concludes by telling parents to talk to their children about the Republican Party and to “vote them out.”

Steyer is known for his vocal opposition to Republicans and President Donald Trump. The California progressive has spent millions of dollars on a national ad campaign calling for Trump’s impeachment. Many Democrats have opposed Steyer’s campaign, calling it a bad political move.

NextGen America’s newest ad is not the only time when a prominent Democrat has compared Republicans to white nationalists. Former Hillary Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon, who now leads the liberal group Demand Justice, tweeted a picture of the Charlottesville white supremacist rally from last year and captioned it by saying it was a “campaign strategy meeting” for Ed Gillespie, who was running for governor of Virginia at the time.

Live look at Ed Gillespie campaign strategy meeting:

— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) October 27, 2017

Published under: Brian Fallon , President Trump , Republicans , Tom Steyer




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Sharon Nichols
12 May 2023

2 of 3:

Crooked Drumpf: ‘The Con who stocked the Swamp with Monsters’


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1 Year Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
12 May 2022
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A Facebook ‘Memories’ from four years ago.

Republi-cons oppose raising the Minimum Wage, oppose increasing regular pay, all while reaping billion Dollar profits thanks to Crooked Drumpf’s Coronavirus economy that he left to Biden.

Right on cue – you are ‘Suckers’, ‘Losers’, ‘Poorly Educated’ and you fall for Crooked Drumpf’s Big Lie ideology.

– Sharon




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Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
oSoes06iy, 20 1a24290u1lMg ·
12 May 2021

Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

Yep. Crooked Drumpf boasted how he ‘love the Poorly Educated’. He calls you ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’.

– Sharon



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3 years ago


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May 12, 2018 ·
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Sharon Nichols
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a92071c1 ·
12 May 2018
Shared with Public

You Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables are stoopid dupes for Crooked Drumpf and his gang who inhabit that ‘swamp’ that you tell us he is clearing.

‘In 2012, the bottom 90 percent of Americans reported a smaller income than in 1967. Donald tapped into that problem, but he’s a con artist who promised to drain the swamp and then stocked it with swamp monsters.’

– David Cay Johnston


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2 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
12 May 2021
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A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

Yep. Crooked Drumpf boasted how he ‘love the poorly educated’. He calls you Suckers and Losers.

– Sharon



We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 12, 2018 ·
Shared with Public

You Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables are stoopid dupes for Crooked Drumpf and his gang who inhabit that ‘swamp’ that you tell us he is clearing.

‘In 2012, the bottom 90 percent of Americans reported a smaller income than in 1967. Donald tapped into that problem, but he’s a con artist who promised to drain the swamp and then stocked it with swamp monsters.’

– David Cay Johnston


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We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

5 Years Ago




Sharon Nichols
12 May 2018
Shared with Public

You Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables are stoopid dupes for Crooked Drumpf and his gang who inhabit that ‘swamp’ that you tell us he is clearing.

‘In 2012, the bottom 90 percent of Americans reported a smaller income than in 1967. Donald tapped into that problem, but he’s a con artist who promised to drain the swamp and then stocked it with swamp monsters.’

– David Cay Johnston


See also:











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You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

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BeHuman Campaign


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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 12 May 2024 – Amy Hunter:  What New Craven Acts Will Crooked Drumpf Perpetrate?’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  12 May 2024 – Amy Hunter:  What new craven acts will Crooked Drumpf perpetrate?’
(12 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
12 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  12 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



4 of 4:


Amy Hunter:  What new craven acts will Crooked Drumpf perpetrate?



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2018

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Samantha Bartilson
20 May 2018

At least they’ve made an arrest, but “lifestyle”? Really? Come on people. It’s not a freaking choice.

“CBS DFW reports that police said the motive in the case was robbery and that Pavon was not targeted for her “transgender lifestyle.”


Man arrested in Texas transgender woman’s strangulation death
May 18, 2018 / 12:49 PM EDT / CBS/AP

DALLAS — A 24-year-old man has been charged with murder in the strangulation death of a Dallas transgender woman. Jimmy Eugene Johnson II was arrested near Huntsville, Texas.

Jimmy Eugene Johnson III

He was driving a car seen in surveillance video from the Dallas apartment complex where 26-year-old Carla Patricia Flores-Pavon was found dead on May 9.

A Dallas police statement issued Thursday says Johnson revealed that he had goods stolen from the woman’s apartment. The police statement says there is presently no evidence of a hate crime.

CBS DFW reports that police said the motive in the case was robbery and that Pavon was not targeted for her “transgender lifestyle.”

Deputy Chief Thomas Castro tells The Dallas Morning News that Johnson and Flores-Pavon had been engaging in online chats.

Johnson is confined to the Walker County Jail in Huntsville under $500,000 bond.

The Human Rights Campaign says 28 transgender Americans died in homicides in 2017 and 10 have died so far this year.

More from CBS News

Arrest made in 2001 cold case murder of University of Georgia law student

Woman’s conviction, life sentence in killing of Tinder date upheld

Mo Wilson’s family sues convicted killer Kaitlin Armstrong for over $1 million

Search for Texas mom’s remains continues 17 years after shooting death
In: Murder

First published on May 18, 2018 / 12:49 PM EDT

© 2018 CBS Interactive Inc.



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Amy Hunter
11 May 2018

It’s hard, I know. I almost fear waking up some days, knowing that new craven acts will be perpetrated by this administration or law enforcement, or ICE or ordinary people looking to vent their rage at being played for suckers on anyone but themselves. Some days are worse than others. Today has been particularly bad. Rescinding guidance for simple ways to treat transgender prisoners humanely, Oklahoma’s Governor signing one of the worst perversions of “religious freedom” into law to let child welfare agencies refuse placement with LGBTQ people, inter-faith married people, single people…

We mustn’t give up. I mustn’t give up. We must stand up even after taking blows the normal psyche would crumble under. We must stand our ground – REFUSE to be erased from society because we are inconvenient to the world view of those in power. If WE REFUSE to be subjugated, eventually we will win. The same indomitable spirit which has led us to be our authentic selves is the self-same indomitably strong spirit which makes us ultimately, invincible, unconquerable, indelible and UN-ERASABLE.
Take a step back. Take a deep breath and when you have steadied yourself, raise your head and let them see the unquenchable fire in your soul.





Share #1





Sharon Nichols
12 May 2019

The more things stay the same with Crooked Drumpf.



Amy Hunter
11 May 2018

It’s hard, I know. I almost fear waking up some days, knowing that new craven acts will be perpetrated by this administration or law enforcement, or ICE or ordinary people looking to vent their rage at being played for suckers on anyone but themselves. Some days are worse than others. Today has been particularly bad. Rescinding guidance for simple ways to treat transgender prisoners humanely, Oklahoma’s Governor signing one of the worst perversions of “religious freedom” into law to let child welfare agencies refuse placement with LGBTQ people, inter-faith married people, single people…

We mustn’t give up. I mustn’t give up. We must stand up even after taking blows the normal psyche would crumble under. We must stand our ground – REFUSE to be erased from society because we are inconvenient to the world view of those in power. If WE REFUSE to be subjugated, eventually we will win. The same indomitable spirit which has led us to be our authentic selves is the self-same indomitably strong spirit which makes us ultimately, invincible, unconquerable, indelible and UN-ERASABLE.
Take a step back. Take a deep breath and when you have steadied yourself, raise your head and let them see the unquenchable fire in your soul.





Share #2





Sharon Nichols
12 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

President Biden has been a breath of fresh air during these past few months. Quite a difference from Crooked Drumpf!

– Sharon



3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 12, 2018 ·
Shared with Public

Everyone among Our Community: ‘Share’ this.


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Trump Rolls Back Rules Protecting Transgender Prisoners From Sexual Assault
Critics describe the policy shift as “a deliberate recipe for violence against transgender people.”
PublishedMay 12, 2018

On July 26, 2017, after a series of tweets by President Donald Trump, which proposed to ban transgender people from military service, thousands of New Yorkers took the streets of in opposition.

In a policy shift LGBTQ rights groups denounced as “a deliberate recipe for violence against transgender people,” the Trump administration on Friday rolled back rules allowing transgender prisoners to use facilities that match their gender identity and instructed federal officials to use “biological sex” in determining housing assignments.

“The extreme rates of physical and sexual violence faced by transgender people in our nation’s prisons is a stain on the entire criminal justice system,” Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, said in a statement responding to the Trump administration’s move. “Instead of leaving the existing policy alone, the administration is clearly prepared to encourage federal prisons to violate federal law and advance its own inhumane agenda.”

Trans prisoners are sexually assaulted at a rate of more than 13 times that of non-trans prisoners. This will only exacerbate an already dangerous set of circumstances via @dominicholden

— Betsy Ginsberg (@BetsyGinsberg) May 12, 2018

According to Buzzfeed, which first reported the rule rollback on Friday, the White House’s policy shift “comes after four evangelical Christian women in a Texas prison sued in US District Court to challenge the Obama-era guidelines,” asserting that sharing facilities with transgender women put them in danger.

The Trump administration appears to have accepted this claim wholesale.

Last August, Trump’s Justice Department announced that it would “evaluate” the issues raised in the Texas case, and on Friday the administration issued new “guidelines that instruct officials to ‘use biological sex as the initial determination for designation’ for screening, housing, and offering programming services, saying the policy is ‘consistent with maintaining security and good order in Federal prisons,’” Buzzfeed reports.

“Once again, the Trump administration is turning its back on those most vulnerable. It is well established that transgender prisoners — particularly transgender women housed in men’s facilities — suffer much greater rates of sexual abuse than other prison populations,” Richard Saenz, a staff attorney at Lambda Legal, said in a statement. “Conversely, it is increasingly common for correctional facilities to house transgender people consistent with their gender identity, and agencies have made these placements without experiencing any increase in abusive incidents or security risks.”

“There is no justification for this policy shift; it is a deliberate recipe for violence against transgender people based in inexcusable prejudice,” Saenz added.

Beyond shameful: This is absolutely unconscionable. #LGBTQ

— Lambda Legal (@LambdaLegal) May 11, 2018

Responding to the Trump administration’s rule changes on Friday, Vanita Gupta, chief executive of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, said the shift is part of the White House’s broad anti-LGBTQ agenda that has already significantly impacted numerous sectors of American society.

“This administration seems to be using every opportunity to roll back progress for LGBTQ and transgender people, even against the grain of where the American public is, and is headed, on these issues,” Gupta concluded.

This piece was reprinted by Truthout with permission or license.
Jake Johnson is a staff writer for Common Dreams. Follow him on Twitter: @johnsonjakep.

Discrimination in Parole Hearings Keeps Trans Prisoners Behind Bars, Advocates Say
Rickie Blue-Sky is just one of many prisoners who have experienced anti-trans discrimination in their parole hearings.
By Victoria Law , TRUTHOUTApril 5, 2016

Trans People in Prison Fight Barriers to Changing Their Legal Names and Gender Markers
California’s SB 310 could ease some of the challenges facing trans people in prison, such as a legal name change.
By Victoria Law , TRUTHOUTJuly 11, 2017

Trapped in a Transphobic Hell: Ky Peterson and the Trials of Trans People in Prison
Trans prisoners routinely experience medical violence.
By Victoria Law , TRUTHOUTSeptember 15, 2017

© 2018 Truthout






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Amy Hunter
May 11, 2018 ·

It’s hard, I know. I almost fear waking up some days, knowing that new craven acts will be perpetrated by this administration or law enforcement, or ICE or ordinary people looking to vent their rage at being played for suckers on anyone but themselves. Some days are worse than others. Today has been particularly bad. Rescinding guidance for simple ways to treat transgender prisoners humanely, Oklahoma’s Governor signing one of the worst perversions of “religious freedom” into law to let child welfare agencies refuse placement with LGBTQ people, inter-faith married people, single people…

We mustn’t give up. I mustn’t give up. We must stand up even after taking blows the normal psyche would crumble under. We must stand our ground – REFUSE to be erased from society because we are inconvenient to the world view of those in power. If WE REFUSE to be subjugated, eventually we will win. The same indomitable spirit which has led us to be our authentic selves is the self-same indomitably strong spirit which makes us ultimately, invincible, unconquerable, indelible and UN-ERASABLE.

Take a step back. Take a deep breath and when you have steadied yourself, raise your head and let them see the unquenchable fire in your soul.


You’re All Caught Up

Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!







Share #3





Sharon Nichols
12 May 2022

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from two years ago, from three year ago, from four years ago.

Worth another good re-read from Amy Hunter.

– Sharon




People who shared this

1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
oSsr2y1 aM 1,0101207agfi222 ·
12 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

President Biden has been a breath of fresh air during these past few months. Quite a difference from Crooked Drumpf!

– Sharon



3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 12, 2018 ·
Shared with Public




Amy Hunter
May 11, 2018 ·


You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!





Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
dptr921g2M2804u0 1y,cg30a ·
12 May 2020
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A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

It’s time to find another religion when your religion preaches hate, bigotry, prejudice. Unless, of course, those are the tenets of your Christian Con-servative Evangelical Fundamentalist religion upon which you base your life.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(12 May 2018)




Amy Hunter
(11 May 2018)






Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
pronto4a2 1 21c,9uf95M92109y1 ·
12 May 2019
Shared with Public

The more things stay the same with Crooked Drumpf.



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On this day
4 years ago



Sharon Nichols
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a92071c1 ·
12 May 2018
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LGBTQ Nation

Trump strips transgender prisoners of protections against rape & abuse
Transgender women will now be automatically housed with men and could be denied medical treatment.
Bil Browning Saturday, May 12, 2018
Trump strips transgender prisoners of protections against rape & abuse
Life just got harder for transgender prisoners after the Trump administration revoked Obama-era guidance protecting them from rape and violence from other prisoners.

The administration has ordered the Bureau of Prisons to use “biological sex” in determining how transgender prisoners are assigned housing, putting them at significant risk of sexual abuse, assault, and other types of discrimination.

Prisoners’ biological sex would be used when screening, housing, and offering programming services to transgender inmates. It also inserts the word “necessary” in guidance on medical care and hormone therapy indicating officials will be allowed to decide whether or not inmates will receive medically appropriate services for gender transition.

The Obama administration issued a guidance memo for the Bureau of Prisons that provided instruction on intake and supervision of transgender inmates, including medical treatment, housing guidelines, and use of pronouns. It also noted that transgender inmates are at “increased risk of suicide, mental health issues and victimization.”

The memo was largely based on regulations first implemented in 2012. The Trump-Pence Administration’s move also conflicts with protections under the Prison Rape Elimination Act.

“The designation to a facility of the inmate’s identified gender would be appropriate only in rare cases,” the new Transgender Offender Manual now reads. Officials must “consider whether placement would threaten the management and security of the institution and/or pose a risk to other inmates in the institution.”

“The Obama Administration put this guidance into place after an extensive review to develop workable and reasonable procedures that would protect some of the most vulnerable people in our prison system,” said HRC Government Affairs Director David Stacy.

“The decision to disregard a transgender person’s gender identity is harmful and disrespectful. This unconscionable decision ignores medical expertise and defies common sense. Transgender people under the control of the Bureau of Prisons will face greater risk of violence and discrimination.”

“The Trump-Pence administration continues to turn back the clock on LGBTQ rights and has ​now turned its​ aim towards some of the most vulnerable among us,” DNC LGBTQ Media Director Lucas Acosta said.

“With this decision, transgender individuals will be at risk of increased rates of abuse, discrimination, assault, rape, and possibly even death. The Trump-Pence administration has prioritized the politics​ of its base over the well-being of LGBTQ Americans.”

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Amy Hunter
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a91071c1 ·
11 May 2018

It’s hard, I know. I almost fear waking up some days, knowing that new craven acts will be perpetrated by this administration or law enforcement, or ICE or ordinary people looking to vent their rage at being played for suckers on anyone but themselves. Some days are worse than others. Today has been particularly bad.

Rescinding guidance for simple ways to treat transgender prisoners humanely, Oklahoma’s Governor signing one of the worst perversions of “religious freedom” into law to let child welfare agencies refuse placement with LGBTQ people, inter-faith married people, single people…

We mustn’t give up. I mustn’t give up. We must stand up even after taking blows the normal psyche would crumble under. We must stand our ground – REFUSE to be erased from society because we are inconvenient to the world view of those in power. If WE REFUSE to be subjugated, eventually we will win. The same indomitable spirit which has led us to be our authentic selves is the self-same indomitably strong spirit which makes us ultimately, invincible, unconquerable, indelible and UN-ERASABLE.

Take a step back. Take a deep breath and when you have steadied yourself, raise your head and let them see the unquenchable fire in your soul.


People who shared this


Alexis Erin Skye
oSsr1y8 aM 1,0101207agfi222 ·
12 May 2018


Sharon Nichols shared a memory


You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!





Share #4





Sharon Nichols
12 May 2023

3 of 3:

Refuse to be erased


People Who Shared This

1 Year Ago
See your memories




1 Year Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
12 May 2022
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from two years ago, from three year ago, from four years ago.

Worth another good re-read from Amy Hunter.

– Sharon




People who shared this

1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
oSsr2y1 aM 1,0101207agfi222 ·
12 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

President Biden has been a breath of fresh air during these past few months. Quite a difference from Crooked Drumpf!

– Sharon



3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 12, 2018 ·
Shared with Public




Amy Hunter
May 11, 2018 ·


You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!





Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
dptr921g2M2804u0 1y,cg30a ·
12 May 2020
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

It’s time to find another religion when your religion preaches hate, bigotry, prejudice. Unless, of course, those are the tenets of your Christian Con-servative Evangelical Fundamentalist religion upon which you base your life.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(12 May 2018)





Amy Hunter
(11 May 2018)






Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
pronto4a2 1 21c,9uf95M92109y1 ·
12 May 2019
Shared with Public

The more things stay the same with Crooked Drumpf.



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On this day
4 years ago



Sharon Nichols
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a92071c1 ·
12 May 2018
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Everyone among Our Community: ‘Share’ this.


See also:








Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





Amy Hunter
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a91071c1 ·
11 May 2018

It’s hard, I know. I almost fear waking up some days, knowing that new craven acts will be perpetrated by this administration or law enforcement, or ICE or ordinary people looking to vent their rage at being played for suckers on anyone but themselves. Some days are worse than others. Today has been particularly bad.

Rescinding guidance for simple ways to treat transgender prisoners humanely, Oklahoma’s Governor signing one of the worst perversions of “religious freedom” into law to let child welfare agencies refuse placement with LGBTQ people, inter-faith married people, single people…

We mustn’t give up. I mustn’t give up. We must stand up even after taking blows the normal psyche would crumble under. We must stand our ground – REFUSE to be erased from society because we are inconvenient to the world view of those in power. If WE REFUSE to be subjugated, eventually we will win. The same indomitable spirit which has led us to be our authentic selves is the self-same indomitably strong spirit which makes us ultimately, invincible, unconquerable, indelible and UN-ERASABLE.

Take a step back. Take a deep breath and when you have steadied yourself, raise your head and let them see the unquenchable fire in your soul.


People who shared this


Alexis Erin Skye
oSsr1y8 aM 1,0101207agfi222 ·
12 May 2018


Sharon Nichols shared a memory


You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!








We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
12 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

President Biden has been a breath of fresh air during these past few months. Quite a difference from Crooked Drumpf!

– Sharon



3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 12, 2018 ·
Shared with Public

Everyone among Our Community: ‘Share’ this.


See also:








Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.



Amy Hunter
May 11, 2018 ·

It’s hard, I know. I almost fear waking up some days, knowing that new craven acts will be perpetrated by this administration or law enforcement, or ICE or ordinary people looking to vent their rage at being played for suckers on anyone but themselves. Some days are worse than others. Today has been particularly bad. Rescinding guidance for simple ways to treat transgender prisoners humanely, Oklahoma’s Governor signing one of the worst perversions of “religious freedom” into law to let child welfare agencies refuse placement with LGBTQ people, inter-faith married people, single people…

We mustn’t give up. I mustn’t give up. We must stand up even after taking blows the normal psyche would crumble under. We must stand our ground – REFUSE to be erased from society because we are inconvenient to the world view of those in power. If WE REFUSE to be subjugated, eventually we will win. The same indomitable spirit which has led us to be our authentic selves is the self-same indomitably strong spirit which makes us ultimately, invincible, unconquerable, indelible and UN-ERASABLE.

Take a step back. Take a deep breath and when you have steadied yourself, raise your head and let them see the unquenchable fire in your soul.


You’re All Caught Up

Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!









We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

3 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
12 May 2020
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

It’s time to find another religion when your religion preaches hate, bigotry, prejudice. Unless, of course, those are the tenets of your Christian Con-servative Evangelical Fundamentalist religion upon which you base your life.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(12 May 2018)




Amy Hunter
(11 May 2018)






Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
pronto4a2 1 21c,9uf95M92109y1 ·
12 May 2019
Shared with Public

The more things stay the same with Crooked Drumpf.



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We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

4 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
12 May 2019
Shared with Public

The more things stay the same with Crooked Drumpf.



Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
4 years ago



Sharon Nichols
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a92071c1 ·
12 May 2018
Shared with Public

Everyone among Our Community: ‘Share’ this.


See also:








Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





Amy Hunter
oSds,24ta8Mf1 a0y495 a91071c1 ·
11 May 2018

It’s hard, I know. I almost fear waking up some days, knowing that new craven acts will be perpetrated by this administration or law enforcement, or ICE or ordinary people looking to vent their rage at being played for suckers on anyone but themselves. Some days are worse than others. Today has been particularly bad.

Rescinding guidance for simple ways to treat transgender prisoners humanely, Oklahoma’s Governor signing one of the worst perversions of “religious freedom” into law to let child welfare agencies refuse placement with LGBTQ people, inter-faith married people, single people…

We mustn’t give up. I mustn’t give up. We must stand up even after taking blows the normal psyche would crumble under. We must stand our ground – REFUSE to be erased from society because we are inconvenient to the world view of those in power. If WE REFUSE to be subjugated, eventually we will win. The same indomitable spirit which has led us to be our authentic selves is the self-same indomitably strong spirit which makes us ultimately, invincible, unconquerable, indelible and UN-ERASABLE.

Take a step back. Take a deep breath and when you have steadied yourself, raise your head and let them see the unquenchable fire in your soul.


People who shared this


Alexis Erin Skye
oSsr1y8 aM 1,0101207agfi222 ·
12 May 2018


Sharon Nichols shared a memory


You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!








We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

5 Years Ago




Sharon Nichols
12 May 2018
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The Nazi Attack on Queer People Began 87 Years Ago Today
Written by Matt Baume on May 6, 2020
32 users like this.

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This month we mark a dark time in queer history: it’s been 87 years since the Nazis destroyed the Institute of Sex Research in Berlin, destroying priceless scholarship into sexual orientation and identity and laying the groundwork for the persecution that would continue (in Europe and America) for decades to come.

The beginnings of the Institute of Sex Research

Founded in 1919 by Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was an early pioneer in early 20th century efforts to obtain equality for LGBTQ people. Hirschfeld quickly amassed a large library of research and surveys that detailed the sexual practices of thousands of people. Patients also flocked to the institute’s medical services, which included everything from physical treatments to marriage counseling.

Magnus Hirschfeld

Hirschfeld strove to ensure that the institute’s services were available to all, providing low and no-cost treatments for people with financial constraints. They were also at the forefront of advances that, nearly a century later, America still lags behind other countries: treating sexually transmitted diseases, providing economic freedom for women, expanding access to birth control and educating people on sex and pleasure.

For a time, the work of Hirschfeld and his colleagues was unrivaled, and the institute was globally recognized as the leader in sexual research. That set an important tone between the two world wars since the researchers were unequivocally outspoken when it came to what we would today call queer liberation — although they certainly wouldn’t have used that term at the time.

RELATED | Here’s What Life Under the Nazis Was Like for Queer People

Leadership of the Institute made significant contributions throughout the 1920s and early 1930s. They helped to end police entrapment of people we would today call transgender — “transsexualism” was the favored term at the time. The Institute also offered medical services for people wishing to transition, something virtually unheard of at that time.

The Nazis ruin everything as they always do

A Nazi book burning at the Opera Square four days after the destruction of the Institute of Sex Research

But it was not to last for long. In the early 1930s, the rise of the Nazis spelled doom for scholarship and liberation. Nazis attacked queer establishments, rounding up anyone deemed to be insufficiently heterosexual. An administrator of the Institute, Kurt Hiller, was abducted and trapped in a concentration camp, eventually fleeing to Prague and London.

The end came in May of 1933. The German Student Union — a collective of Nazi youth — attacked the building on May 6th, scattering researchers and patients. The Nazis stole records that allowed them to later round up and execute suspected homosexuals, and then on May 10th, they conducted a public book-burning.

The bonfire destroyed about 20,000 books and 5,000 images, a priceless trove of knowledge gone within minutes. At the same time, Nazis issued an edict against other books that offended their sensibilities, destroying the work of Jewish, pacifist, and progressive writers that included Albert Einstein and Karl Marx. Today, the site of the fire is commemorated with a glass pane set in a cobblestone square, showing empty bookshelves. A nearby plaque notes that the burning of books is a prelude to the burning of people.

Hirschfeld escaped the violence but died two years later in Paris before he was able to re-establish the Institute. The price of the May violence was incalculable: not only were volumes of research lost but the actions of the Nazis further entrenched homophobia that would be widespread for decades to come. Even after the Allied victory, Germany’s new government continued to persecute and oppress queer citizens.

Did you know about the destruction of the Institute of Sex Research? What other historical events would you like to read about? Let us know in the comments!


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Amy Hunter
11 May 2018

It’s hard, I know. I almost fear waking up some days, knowing that new craven acts will be perpetrated by this administration or law enforcement, or ICE or ordinary people looking to vent their rage at being played for suckers on anyone but themselves. Some days are worse than others. Today has been particularly bad. Rescinding guidance for simple ways to treat transgender prisoners humanely, Oklahoma’s Governor signing one of the worst perversions of “religious freedom” into law to let child welfare agencies refuse placement with LGBTQ people, inter-faith married people, single people…

We mustn’t give up. I mustn’t give up. We must stand up even after taking blows the normal psyche would crumble under. We must stand our ground – REFUSE to be erased from society because we are inconvenient to the world view of those in power. If WE REFUSE to be subjugated, eventually we will win. The same indomitable spirit which has led us to be our authentic selves is the self-same indomitably strong spirit which makes us ultimately, invincible, unconquerable, indelible and UN-ERASABLE.

Take a step back. Take a deep breath and when you have steadied yourself, raise your head and let them see the unquenchable fire in your soul.



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Alexis Erin Skye
12 May 2018





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Alexis Erin Skye
12 May 2018





Amy Hunter
11 May 2018






You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
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‘Facebook Memories: 12 May 2024’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  12 May 2024’
(12 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

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Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
12 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  12 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1 of 4:

(#3 of 11 May 2024 is similar)


Steve Farley:  Respect our cultures and traditions




Sharon Nichols
12 May 2022

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from two years ago, from four years ago.

On the point of: Public Art.

Think of all the wonderfull Public Art that could be provided by The Public, income for artists who lack employment and income.

– Sharon




People who shared this

1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
osSerah8lg60321 151,4M5y 27 ·
11 May 2021
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A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Respect our past, learn from it, act with enlightenment.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 11, 2019 ·
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Steve Farley
May 11, 2019 ·






Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
Snrstm a1171 118t3,0M2fyuc0201 ·
11 May 2020
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A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year.

Respect our past.

Heritage belongs to all Humankind of all races and ethnicities.

– Sharon



Sharon Nichols
(11 May 2019)



Steve Farley
(11 May 2019)




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On this day
3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019
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Steve Farley
oSodf1i2a626 50 11My299g,0 ·
11 May 2019

As a public artist, I have created many murals around town besides those at downtown’s Broadway Underpass, and in the next few weeks, I will share the stories behind some of them.

Back in the 1990s, the Tucson-Pima Arts Council operated out of an office on Alameda and Stone that formerly housed the printing presses for the Tucson Citizen. My late friend Albert Soto swore that there were ghosts in his office there. He would often arrive in the morning and find random items from his shelves on the floor.

After the building was torn down to make way for new county offices, it was discovered that nearly 1,200 Tucsonans had been buried underground in the old Tucson National Cemetery from 1862-1875. When the land was developed in 1904, apparently only the gravestones were moved. Albert may have been right about those ghosts…

The Diocese of Tucson took custody of the remains and allowed the ghosts of Alameda Street to gain some peace at last by re-interring them in the All Faiths Cemetery on the southeast side of town in 2010. Bishop Kicanas commissioned me to create murals to honor these now-anonymous ancestors of ours.

I found photographs of people taken in downtown Tucson at the time these pioneers were alive and selected four images that gave us a sense of what life felt like for them so that we can put ourselves in their shoes as we visit their final resting place.

We don’t know for sure that any of the people now buried in All Faiths are depicted on the walls, but I like the idea that they might be. If you have a chance to visit these Tilography murals, they are open to the public and also feature an interpretive display I created to share more details on the project. The more we engage with our history, the more respect we have for our cultures and traditions and the more hope we have for our future.

To join the team or help the campaign to put an artist in the Tucson Mayor’s office, go to






















2 of 4:


RawStory:  Crooked Drumpf fabricates his own ‘fake news’



Sharon Nichols
12 May 2018

This is for you – Drumpfians and Deplorables.

This is your deity, your false idol.

He is the creator of his own ‘Fake News’ to con you stoopid suckers.


See also:











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The Raw Story
12 May 2018

“I am a very rich and powerful person in this town and there is a reason I got that way.”





Here is how businessman Donald Trump created his own ‘fake news’ back in the 80’s
Sean Deveney, Salon
May 12, 2018 3:56PM ET

Donald Trump in 1980 (MSNBC)

Excerpted with permission from “Greed and Glory: The Rise and Fall of Doc Gooden, Lawrence Taylor, Ed Koch, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, and the Mafia in 1980s New York” by Sean Deveney. Copyright 2018 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

Donald Trump needed a tax break. In 1981 he was in the process of building his second major New York City project, the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. As part of putting up the new skyscraper, he had applied to the city for an abatement of $20 million, which was intended to be a gift from the taxpayers given to developers for their willingness to build middle- or lower-class housing in areas defined as “underuti­lized.” But anyone who had ever strolled New York’s streets over the past five or six decades knew Fifth Avenue was hardly an underuti­lized area. It was as well-trafficked and upscale a slab of real estate as you could find anywhere in the country, let alone New York.

On that basis, Mayor Ed Koch had instructed his administration to turn down Trump’s abatement application. Enraged, Trump called Koch’s housing commissioner, Tony Gliedman, and told him, “I am a very rich and powerful person in this town and there is a reason I got that way. I will never forget what you did.” When Trump called Koch to complain about Gliedman’s decision, Koch told him, “There is nothing I can do for you.”Trump did what he best knew how to do: He sued. By his side was shark-lawyer Roy Cohn, who had made his reputation decades earlier as the top aide to Red-baiting Senator Joseph McCarthy but had since settled into a multitude of city roles: New York gadabout, manipulator of a wide swath of media sources, political kingmaker, and shoulder-rubber with the well known and well to do ranging from publisher Si Newhouse and conservative icon William F. Buckley to Barbara Wal­ters and Norman Mailer. But he was still, mostly, a lawyer, and Trump had grown to appreciate the value of having a guy who could grease city wheels like Cohn on his side.

This excerpt originally appeared in Salon.

While Cohn was the big name, his law partner at the firm of Saxe, Bacon and Bolan was Bronx Democratic leader Stanley Friedman, and Friedman had the connections—as a boss of a borough political machine, he was heavily involved in the nam­ing of judges across the city—that facilitated Cohn’s manipulations. Friedman found out Trump’s abatement case would start out in what was called Special Term 1 with Judge Frank Blangiardo, a twenty-two-year veteran of the bench who was an old hand at New York’s political gamesmanship. (Blangiardo would later be reprimanded for slapping the hand of a female attorney and saying, “I like to hit girls because they are soft.”) This was good news for Cohn, Friedman, and their client. Blangiardo was pliable. He knew Friedman’s power.“You didn’t have to bribe Blangiardo,” New York Post court reporter Hal Davis said. “He was a hack. He was more than happy to do the bidding of the political bosses. When Cohn and Friedman saw that Blangiardo was getting the case, it was tailor-made for them.”

That did not mean Friedman or Cohn would be sitting before Blangiardo. They were the pullers of strings in the city, but they were not big on actual courtroom litigation. Cohn was not known to prof­fer eloquent legal arguments—you hired him because he was a blunt object with which to bludgeon your opponent.

Trump had a real estate lawyer who was to present the case, and during the opening session of the case, she handed Blangiardo two folders for consideration. One contained the usual legal documents. Inside the other was a statement from Friedman, at the bottom of which were two words and a signa­ture that registered immediately with Blangiardo: “No adjournment. — Stanley Friedman.” When the lawyer for the city told Blangiardo she would need an adjournment to have time to put together a response to the filing, Blangiardo’s initial response was to parrot Friedman’s note: “No adjournment.”

He eventually acquiesced and granted a three-week adjournment, but only with the caveat that, in three weeks, he would be keeping the case for himself, a highly unusual step considering he was not scheduled to be in session at that time.

Despite the adjournment, the message from Friedman had been received—Trump was to get his abatement—and Blangiardo obliged. On July 21, the judge ruled in Trump’s favor. That was the power Friedman had, pulling strings with judges. Cohn’s power was a little different, but was evident the next day. Trump filed an absurd, $138 million lawsuit against the city and Tony Gliedman. Trump had no chance of winning, and the lawsuit was quickly tossed. But Cohn got the suit in all the papers, and in addition to Blangiardo’s abatement, he earned Trump, the hero builder and vic­tim of an unjust city bureaucracy by Cohn’s account, a day of free PR.

This was not the first time the trio of Cohn, Friedman, and Trump had worked together to bilk New York taxpayers out of tens of mil­lions of dollars for Trump’s benefit. As detailed by Village Voice writer Wayne Barrett, Cohn had taken on Friedman as a partner in his firm after Friedman’s tenure as former mayor Abe Beame’s deputy was up in 1977, and as one of his final acts in Beame’s office, Friedman pushed through spools of bureaucratic red tape to secure another tax abatement for Trump, this one for $160 million and covering his development of the Grand Hyatt at Grand Central Station. Once, at a lunch at 21 with a journalist, Friedman admitted, “Roy could fix anyone in the city. He’s a genius.” To which Trump added, “He’s a lousy lawyer, but he’s a genius.”

* * *

Ira Berkow had a bag of grapes on his lap as he sat on the twenty-sixth floor of the newly opened Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Mid­town. When Berkow was growing up on the West Side of Chicago, his mother had taught him never to show up for a meal without offering a gift to the host. He was slated to meet with the building’s namesake, Donald Trump, in late 1983 to discuss the prospects for Trump’s latest venture, his purchase of the New Jersey Generals of the United States Football League, for an article in the New York Times. Before leaving for the interview, he had checked in with Trump, and Trump told Ber­kow he would order them some lunch—Berkow resisted at first, then said he would take a pastrami on rye and a Coke. But the lesson from his mother kicked in on the way to the interview, and Berkow stopped at a fruit stand. He paid $1 for the grapes. Dessert, he figured. That would be his offering to Trump.

Before being ushered into the office, Berkow—then forty-three and a relative newcomer to his Times column—was shown an eight-min­ute slide show, extolling both the virtues of living in the Tower and of Trump himself. “This is Manhattan through a golden eye,” accord­ing to the show’s narrator, “and only for a select few.” Condos in the building ranged from $600,000 to $12 million. Sports columnists are almost never considered among “the select few.” Berkow asked Trump’s secretary if he could skip the slides and see Trump. “Mr. Trump would like you to see it,” Berkow was told, in a tone that brooked no further protestation.

When he was finally inside, Berkow and Trump discussed his plans for the Generals. The USFL had gotten underway in 1982, with modest budgets and a chicken-wire-and-bubble-gum operating struc­ture. The league derived its stability from its small-time aspirations. It played a spring schedule, offering ABC a safe run of television football programming away from the competition of the NFL and college foot­ball monoliths in the fall, and it was dedicated to bringing in low-dollar talent without sparking a salary war it could not win against the NFL. Its major attraction was running back Herschel Walker, signed to a three-year, $5 million contract by the Generals, before Trump’s arrival, as a junior out of Georgia.

But in just two-and-a-half months, Trump had blown away the USFL’s cautious model. Two days earlier, he held a press conference to announce the signing of former Browns quar­terback Brian Sipe to a two-year, $1.9 million deal. He had, back in October, gone through a delicate dance with Dolphins coaching legend Don Shula, who was said to be unhappy in Miami and had engaged in discussions about the Generals job. Word of the talks leaked to the papers, with Trump said to be offering $5 million for five years.

That leak—Shula was certain it had come from Trump—was the first blow to Shula’s potential signing. The second blow was another leak, a story claiming that Shula would only take the Generals job if he would be given a condo in Trump Tower.

Shula had made no such claim and, irate, he backed away from any further Generals negotiations. “I can assure you,” Shula said, “that my price is not a condominium.”

Trump instead made a more modest, but still competent hire, signing former Jets coach Walt Michaels. Truth was, he was never going to hire Shula, but he was interested in the illusion that he might hire him and the attention it brought him.

After the botched Shula negotiation, a USFL executive contacted Trump to tell him how upset Shula had been about the Trump Tower story, and that it caused Shula to walk away altogether. Expecting contrition or at least frustration, the official instead got Trump smugness. “Hey,” Trump said, “is that great publicity for Trump Tower?”

Trump had done much the same with Giants star linebacker Law­rence Taylor, who had not been particularly happy with his contract in New York but had little recourse to change it. Taylor had an option in his deal, but it was not slated to come until 1988. So Trump did something unusual—he signed Taylor to a future deal, promising to pay him $2.7 million over four years once his NFL contract was up. But Trump also left an option for Taylor to renegotiate with the Giants if he so chose, as long as Trump’s end of the contract was bought out.

The move was all three-card monte, of course. The option year was still far off, and there was no doubt the Giants would renegotiate with Taylor rather than risk losing him. There was virtually no chance Taylor would play for the Generals. But Trump got what he wanted: attention.

Ber­kow asked him about the rumors of him signing Taylor. “No one knows if we signed him,” Trump said. “Actually, only three people know, that’s Lawrence, his agent and me.”

The Generals, at the very least, served that purpose for Trump. They got him some headlines. For Trump, fame and power were interchangeable, and the Generals brought him fame.

“I hire a general manager to help run a billion-dollar business and there’s a squib in the papers,” Trump told Berkow. “I hire a coach for a football team and there are 60 or 70 reporters calling to interview me.”

When they finished their lunch, Berkow put his bag of grapes on Trump’s desk. He told him what he had paid for the dessert, and know­ing he might be mistaken for a cheapskate, Berkow said, “You know, Donald, this lunch has had a bigger relative impact on my bank account than yours.” Berkow thought his joke might draw a laugh or at least a chuckle from Trump. It barely drew a smile. Later, Berkow said that in twenty-plus years of interactions with Trump, “I don’t think he ever laughed once.”

Copyright © 2018 Raw Story Media, Inc. PO Box 21050, Washington, D.C.
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3 of 4:


Stoopid Dupes for Crooked Drumpf



Sharon Nichols
12 May 2018

You Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables are stoopid dupes for Crooked Drumpf and his gang who inhabit that ‘swamp’ that you tell us he is clearing.

‘In 2012, the bottom 90 percent of Americans reported a smaller income than in 1967. Donald tapped into that problem, but he’s a con artist who promised to drain the swamp and then stocked it with swamp monsters.’

– David Cay Johnston


See also:












The disturbing reason Trump’s evangelical base is thrilled to see violence in Gaza
Jared Yates Sexton, Salon
May 15, 2018 12:23PM ET

President of the United States Donald Trump speaking at the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

As the United States officially moved its Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on Monday, clashes in Gaza cast a dark pall over the ceremonies, which featured Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, videotaped remarks from President Donald Trump and a speech by the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The violence – which resulted from Israeli forces firing on protesters and has so far cost more than 50 lives and more than 2,700 injuries – was a stark contrast to the pomp and circumstance celebrating what some have called a bold move by President Trump. Others, of course, have criticized it as a needless provocation.

This article was originally published at Salon

Critics of the decision worry it will effectively derail efforts to broker a peace between Israelis and Palestinians in order to please wealthy Republican donors like casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who was said to have met personally with the president to convince him of relocating the embassy. Considering Adelson’s influence it’s unsurprising he was in attendance Monday afternoon, but one voting bloc celebrating this event might be more surprising: evangelical Christians.

While video streamed on television of protesters bleeding and dying on the ground, I noticed very quickly a stark contrast on my social media feeds, where relatives and friends back home seemed to rejoice in the chaos. The turmoil in Gaza, according to them, represented a full vindication of the decision and further proof that something otherworldly was taking place in Israel.

I remember hearing something about this in Sunday school, somebody posted alongside pictures of death and destruction.

* * *

Growing up in rural Indiana, I was raised on a steady diet of conspiracy theories and apocalyptic dogma. Objects as innocuous as the clouds in the sky or tasks as commonplace as boiling water were imbued with spiritual import. According to my family Satan was ever-present as the hum of the refrigerator, and every new day meant another opportunity to resist and battle him with the word of God. Going astray or simply entertaining an impure thought was tantamount to being damned to a pit of fire for eternity.

Every Sunday we were reminded of just how dire the battle was. Our preacher walked himself into a drenching sweat as he paced our church’s stage, his dog-eared Bible in hand, his gaze turned toward the ceiling as he pleaded with the almighty father to forgive his doomed flock. There was no gray area when it came to salvation. You were either among the chosen or destined to suffer, and our fate hinged on our every decision.

The moment of our judgment, we were reminded, could come at any moment. Death was always just one breath away. But, if somehow we managed to live long enough, we might very well be spectators to the End of the World. In this story there were two armies, one containing the multitude of the holy and the other a rambling throng of sinners lead by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Antichrist himself, each on a collision course that would cross paths any day.

“For you know quite well,” our pastor was fond of quoting, “the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”

My people didn’t treat this sermon like a metaphor or allegory. This was a foretold event that would come to pass at a time of our Lord’s choosing. When we played in the yard and took up sticks, we were swinging the sword of God and attacking barbarous hordes. While we watched the evening news and its litany of tragedies and disasters, Grandma would shake her head and mumble to herself: “Nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom.”

Every development, every new policy, every war and every epidemic was seen as further proof of approaching Armageddon. My grandma, and other members of my family who trafficked in conspiracy theories, read books and tabloids in search of further “end times” gospel. The specifics were always a little unclear and scattered. One week we were knee-deep in the time of Tribulation, a period of suffering that only Christ could deliver us from, and then we’d be inching up on the Rapture. Public figures were always rumored to be part of Satan’s conspiracy, wars cast as the final showdown between good and evil. b\But the constant story involved the nation of Israel and its eventual showdown with the Antichrist.

The engine for the Antichrist’s reign, Grandma told us, would be the New World Order, or a conglomeration of nations that would bind together, exorcise God, and enslave the holy people. Proof included treaties, any operation undertaken by the United Nations, developments in technology and communications.

Even more frightening, Grandma maintained, was a politician who could unite the country and the world by using his charismatic gifts.

“Beware false prophets,” she told me, alluding to the prophecy that the Antichrist would be accompanied by an evil but personable mystic. “If there’s anything you do, beware false prophets.”

* * *

Nearly 20 years would pass before I’d hear the End Times rhetoric again. My people began to worry more over secular problems like the decline of manufacturing, the closing of their factories, how their paychecks either vanished or else covered less and less of their bills. But in 2008, with Barack Obama’s rise from first-term senator to president of the United States of America, their eyes returned to Apocalypse.

According to a forward a relative printed off back then, the similarities between Obama and the Antichrist were undeniable.

According to THE BIBLE, it read, the anti-christ is a Muslim man in his 40s who will a. have THE GIFT OF SPEECH, b. PROMISE THE WORLD PEACE, c. offer HOPE and CHANGE, d. get into a position of power and then RUIN EVERYTHING while BRAGGING ABOUT HIS GREAT WORKS. Sound like anybody you know???

Like so many forwards, this one was inaccurate. Those attributes weren’t anywhere to be found in the gospel. (For one thing, the Prophet Muhammad was not born until late in the 6th century A.D., so Islam is never mentioned in the Bible.) But the people around me were convinced. When they criticized the Affordable Care Act they likened it to the abominable Mark of the Beast, saying the requirement to buy health insurance amounted to having the numbers 666 burned into your flesh. Obama’s soaring oration was regarded as a malevolent magic, his ability to inspire proof of his wicked powers.

So when Donald Trump challenged President Obama’s citizenship, many of my people read between the lines of the allegations. They doubted that Obama was American too, but they took the charges a step further. If he had been born in Kenya, and if that fact had been covered up by nefarious forces, just who was responsible?

They’d spent their lives being warned of the New World Order, and now here was proof of a larger, global conspiracy. To make matters worse, the confusion and anger surrounding the attacks of September 11 left little doubt which side of the biblical equation Muslims were on, and many suspected Obama of secretly adhering to their faith. For a backdrop to this intrigue, the economy was in free fall and seemed destined to end in depression. They’d been taught to look for signs of impending doom in tragedies, in major changes, in times of uncertainty. They’d been taught to see everything with eyes trained for the end of the world.

It didn’t help that their fears were being stoked by media selling panic. On Fox News they were prodded by Glenn Beck to buy gold coins they could use when society was ruined. Alex Jones hawked bunker rations and water purifiers between segments on New World Order conspiracies helmed by demonic pedophiles intent on killing or enslaving their families.

They bought guns by the armful.

They spent their paychecks on dried food that could survive nuclear wars.

They prepared “bug out” bags for their escape to their bug out location.

They watched round-the-clock news coverage that painted the world as a dangerous place in the midst of dangerous upheaval. Their Christian values were being challenged by the day. Their way of life trampled on just as their preachers and grandparents had warned them. They were ready for the end of all things. They were ready for a savior to appear and lead them into battle.

* * *

Last summer I was traveling the country and speaking to people who had lost touch with friends and family members over political disagreements stemming from the 2016 election. What I found, to a person, was a collection of people still coming to terms with the fact that those closest to them had changed in ways they’d never expected.

One interview was with a woman in Pittsburgh whose relationship with her father had been strained when he shared racist posts and memes on his Facebook wall. When I asked her for an example she produced her phone, scrolled through her photo album, and said, “This isn’t what I was talking about, but get a look at this.”

The picture she showed me was a meme that I hadn’t yet come across. In it, Donald Trump is signing a bill at his desk in the Oval Office. Behind him looms a ghostly Jesus Christ who guides his hand.

It reminded me of a night in October of 2016, when I’d been reporting from a Trump rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, a week after the “Access Hollywood” tape had been released and several women had stepped up to accuse the Republican nominee of sexual assault. There was mounting pressure on Trump to withdraw, but the crowd wouldn’t hear it. They blamed the women, claiming they were either lying or uptight, and they blamed the media for promoting the story. Later, during Trump’s speech, he was recounting how he’d come across famed basketball coach Bobby Knight’s number on his desk and said, “It was like a miracle from God. Right? It was from God.” As the crowd roared he noticed a sign upfront. He pointed and said, “That says ‘Jesus for Trump.’ You’re right.”

Surely the billionaire mogul makes a strange savior, what with his multiple divorces, alleged liaisons with porn stars, and chronic lust for wealth and material things, but it’s important to remember the evangelical crowd grew up with Jimmy Swaggart’s tearful admission that he had sinned with a prostitute and is inundated with gospels that extol the virtues of prosperity. Google “Trump” and “Christ” and see how the two have already been merged in the minds of many supporters.

He might be an imperfect messiah, but the evangelicals are convinced he is one of their own, a fact to which many evangelical leaders vocally bear witness despite his failings. It doesn’t hurt, after all, that he bested Hillary Clinton, a woman Alex Jones described as “possessed” and as smelling like sulfur, which Christians recognize immediately as the telltale odor of the devil. In his opposition to Barack Obama’s legacy, they see Trump as a champion undoing “anti-American” acts by a secret Muslim tyrant who meant to brand them with Satan’s number and herd them into secret FEMA camps. When the Republican Party labels opponents as “globalists,” evangelicals hear echoes of the despotic New World Order.

Trump’s erratic style is more than welcome. While most Americans worried that Trump might provoke North Korea into a nuclear exchange, some evangelicals waited with bated breath for an event that would ultimately send them to heaven. Trump’s violation of the Iran nuclear deal makes some nervous that gasoline is being thrown on an already volatile situation, but to evangelicals who have been waiting since 9/11 for a showdown between Christianity and Islam, it’s just another potential catalyst to paradise.

As websites and tracts focused on End Times scripture tell their readers, uprising and strife are nothing to fear. They are signs that God is keeping his promise of Revelation. The final entry of the Bible, which remains one of the most popular and oft-discussed books in the tome, assures readers the world is heading for a disastrous struggle between the forces of Good and Evil, a struggle in which Israel has been prophesied to play an integral role.

Blood and tumult in the Middle East are reasons to rejoice.

They don’t see chaos as the smoke unfurls in the afternoon sky.

They see glory.

Copyright © 2018 Raw Story Media, Inc. PO Box 21050, Washington, D.C. 20009

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4 of 4:


Amy Hunter:  What new craven acts will Crooked Drumpf perpetrate?



Sharon Nichols
11 May 2018

Everyone among Our Community:  ‘Share’ this.


See also:








Samantha Bartilson
20 May 2018

At least they’ve made an arrest, but “lifestyle”? Really? Come on people. It’s not a freaking choice.

“CBS DFW reports that police said the motive in the case was robbery and that Pavon was not targeted for her “transgender lifestyle.”


Man arrested in Texas transgender woman’s strangulation death
May 18, 2018 / 12:49 PM EDT / CBS/AP

DALLAS — A 24-year-old man has been charged with murder in the strangulation death of a Dallas transgender woman. Jimmy Eugene Johnson II was arrested near Huntsville, Texas.

Jimmy Eugene Johnson III

He was driving a car seen in surveillance video from the Dallas apartment complex where 26-year-old Carla Patricia Flores-Pavon was found dead on May 9.

A Dallas police statement issued Thursday says Johnson revealed that he had goods stolen from the woman’s apartment. The police statement says there is presently no evidence of a hate crime.

CBS DFW reports that police said the motive in the case was robbery and that Pavon was not targeted for her “transgender lifestyle.”

Deputy Chief Thomas Castro tells The Dallas Morning News that Johnson and Flores-Pavon had been engaging in online chats.

Johnson is confined to the Walker County Jail in Huntsville under $500,000 bond.

The Human Rights Campaign says 28 transgender Americans died in homicides in 2017 and 10 have died so far this year.

More from CBS News

Arrest made in 2001 cold case murder of University of Georgia law student

Woman’s conviction, life sentence in killing of Tinder date upheld

Mo Wilson’s family sues convicted killer Kaitlin Armstrong for over $1 million

Search for Texas mom’s remains continues 17 years after shooting death
In: Murder

First published on May 18, 2018 / 12:49 PM EDT

© 2018 CBS Interactive Inc.



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Amy Hunter
11 May 2018

It’s hard, I know. I almost fear waking up some days, knowing that new craven acts will be perpetrated by this administration or law enforcement, or ICE or ordinary people looking to vent their rage at being played for suckers on anyone but themselves. Some days are worse than others. Today has been particularly bad. Rescinding guidance for simple ways to treat transgender prisoners humanely, Oklahoma’s Governor signing one of the worst perversions of “religious freedom” into law to let child welfare agencies refuse placement with LGBTQ people, inter-faith married people, single people…

We mustn’t give up. I mustn’t give up. We must stand up even after taking blows the normal psyche would crumble under. We must stand our ground – REFUSE to be erased from society because we are inconvenient to the world view of those in power. If WE REFUSE to be subjugated, eventually we will win. The same indomitable spirit which has led us to be our authentic selves is the self-same indomitably strong spirit which makes us ultimately, invincible, unconquerable, indelible and UN-ERASABLE.
Take a step back. Take a deep breath and when you have steadied yourself, raise your head and let them see the unquenchable fire in your soul.



































You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



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