‘A Day In The Life’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … almost …

‘A Day in the Life’
(15 May 2024)


Dear Reader:

Allow me to relate a few experiences in one recent day of my life. 


The numbers certainly have changed, for countless reasons.  When I began my Transition (1974), the number of Trans people in the USA reported amongst the medical system varied between about 1000 and 3000.  I ended my Transition at Utah; in 1983, my counsellor told me that I was the only Trans person known to that state’s medical community.

Many of my medical personnel through the years also admitted to me that I am their first Trans patient.  That was obvious five decades ago, not so much nowadays. 

 I am puzzled by my recent necessity to seek a new medical team.  One major medical system – Good Samaritan / Banner / University of Arizona – told me that no one there has any experience with Trans people, including their Endocrinology department.  Odd because I obtained Trans health care through University of Arizona Medical Center beginning 1985, including counselling and prescription Estrogen through their Outpatient and Urgent Care offices, the latest encounter was 2015.  Their desk clerk at Endocrinology asked me (April 2024) if maybe I should try Planned Parenthood, odd to me about her making that suggestion considering that Planned Parenthood here does not advertise accepting Trans patients.  I did previously seek medical services at Planned Parenthood (December 2023).  Their desk clerk told me that there was no one to speak to that day, to write a message and someone will call me in a few days; I’m still waiting for their call, but certainly I am not holding my breath.  I suspect that Planned Parenthood does not accept MediCare, perhaps they are not inclined towards this older prospect.  How rude for the desk clerk to make presumptions.  I’m not some Newby.  She doesn’t know that I have been Trans perhaps for twice as many years as her age, that my first Estrogen was February 1979.


I live Stealth, I don’t wave any flags at the Red State where I live.

Dunno about conversation with strangers even in a public setting.  Unprovoked, I’ve been physically attacked at least three times during the past few years.  But each encounter is its own circumstance, maybe I’d be equally open if a decent stranger came upon me and asked honest questions.


Waiting at the bus stop.  Bestie Alana and I frequently come upon the bus bench with young men sitting there, sometimes smoking, neither with the courtesy to offer their seats to us elderly women.  Sad that there family failed to instruct proper etiquette to their sons.  How would those men feel about their mother not offered a bus bench seat because young men could not be bothered with social norms. 

Bestie and I boarded our bus and found our seats.

At one stop along our route, a big dude boarded the bus – he at least six feet tall and a few inches more, likely 250 pounds or more.  He began yelling insults directed at the bus driver, he whined that he has a bad back; could’ve fooled me.

My mind began developing a narrative about this effusive set of cellular matter.

Maybe he is Gay?  Maybe he is Homo-phobic?  I say that based upon observing his actions as he found his seat.  There were seven seats running the length of the bus, only one man and two women sitting separately.  The man had two seats to his left, there was a break in the seats, then two women at each end of this section, two seats between them.  This dude could have sat at the section as the other man, one seat separating them.  He could have left the two single women to their peace, but nope, he sat across the two vacant seats, spread his legs, and began fondling his manhood, a pathetic smirk on his face. 

Why was he afraid to sit near a man?

Why did he come upon the urge to gratify himself amidst two women?


I browsed social media.  One social media friend wrote about the current complications of the Trans person updating their legal ID and getting their records accurate at credit reporting companies.

Allow me to submit that any of these complications are a recent development during the past decade or so as a deliberate attack against the Trans Community.

Consider my experience as merely a survey of one.

I changed my Social Security (1978) and changed my legal ID and drivers licence (1980). Self-declaration name and sex on both counts.  No lawyers, no Court order, no medical letter, etc.

I bought my first house in 1990 and bought my second house (my current house) in 1994.  I’ve put my name to real estate as recently as 2019.

I closed ‘before’ name Nick financial accounts without difficulty.  I established new Sharon accounts without question.

Not once did I encounter any ID questions or confusion with my prior name through any of the credit report companies.

These current day complications are a scattering of inconsistent state laws, territory laws, and other jurisdictions.

Constitutional Rights guarantee that no person can be forced into any surgery against their Will.  Then, there are state MedicAid that deny surgery for those Trans people seeking it.  Now get this.  Combine that with those couple or so states that I can name that only allow a change to the Birth Certificate if the Trans person undergoes SRS or other similar surgery, but when you go to that state’s Birth Certificate laws, it declares that a person can NOT change their Birth Certificate; thus, your state will refuse to issue your changed Birth Certificate even with surgery.

I suggest that the way to banish this mess is for Congress to federalise the laws.  This is quite Constitutional because the accuracy of one’s legal ID involves the Interstate Commerce Clause requiring all states and territories acknowledge and accept legal trade between each other.  As it is now, despite my USA Passport, my drivers licence, my Social Security and MediCare ID, there are some states that assert that they can refuse to accept any or all of my legal ID.  Of course, getting Congress to act nowadays is a lost effort because of Republi-con obstructionism, enabled by that contingent of Trans and LGBT Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives.


Another social media friend described her frustration with facial hair and Shadow.

Allow me to share my experience with ‘5 o’clock Shadow at 8am’, something for anyone new to this web-site.

I was in a similar predicament.  I was in Male Fail, still presenting male, waiting for the best time to move from where I was, leave ‘him’ Nick behind, and arrive at my new destination as me Sharon.

Shadow stared back at me, cruelly, every time I looked in the mirror.  But I thought that I could not afford electrolysis to remove any facial hair.  Certainly, I felt embarrassed while still presenting male – men don’t go around getting their beard removed.  I feared explaining to the Electrologist that I am Trans.

I tried various foundation shades to block Shadow.  Nothing worked, foundation and powder made it worse, not better.

I had tweezers.  I had an idea.  I’d pluck out the hair, but only a little bit at a time, first at places not too noticeable to the observer – the sides, or the lower neck.  I advanced the amount of area of plucking after a week or two of daily plucking. BAbout a couple months and I was doing my entire face.  I found a routine that fit my schedule:  about two hours on Saturday mornings got me clear enough for the weekend.  Sunday through Thursday evening touch-ups of about an hour got me clear for the next day at work.

I tweezed at least more than 18 months while still presenting male and then presenting me Female before I could find an Electrologist and start that process.  My Electrologist told me that tweezing would help build tolerance to the zapping, yep, she could turn up the device full blast and I barely felt anything.  She could clear out more hairs at that higher setting than a lower setting.

I didn’t know better.  As I recall, I went to electrolysis only once or twice per month on Saturday mornings for an hour at a time.  That schedule took me eight long years to complete electrolysis, well worth every penny and every minute.

You can see my pictures here at this web-site to show you – before tweezing and after tweezing.  My ‘Ingognito’ Post presents my picture with full Shadow and my picture with no Shadow (and no make-up needed to try to hide it):

 – My ‘before’ picture is two years on Estrogen – still presenting male and that ugly Shadow.

 – My ‘after’ picture is 18 months of tweezing, two more years of Estrogen, presenting Female, no make-up.

The other comments here are also good advice.  Laser is a good first option, it will eliminate Shadow.  Laser is only considered hair reduction and not hair removal, only electrolysis is permanent hair removal.  Laser best works when you have dark hair on light skin.  It might sting at first, try clearing as much area as possible at your appointment, full face is best.  The zapped hairs will fall out after a day or two – and WOW! – no Shadow.

07 Aug 2015


Another social media Trans woman friend described her encounter with a coupla guys tinkering at their stalled car at a parking lot.  She offered to help – take a look, test a few things, maybe get their car started.  They refused, not willing to accept help from any woman, presuming any woman lacks the know-how of automotive repair.  Silly men!

Many Trans women spent their ‘before’ years helping Dear Ol’ Dad work on the family car, then tinker with cars during high school with their school-mates and friends, then getting a job as an auto mechanic early in life.

Yep.  My father taught a few basics to me.  My neighbour Erik taught some more basic auto mechanics to me beginning 1974.  My college buddy Robert taught more basic auto mechanics to me beginning 1975.  I worked at a service station (1975 – 1976), my job was to maintain and repair the cars of those times.

My own cars have been 1960s and 1970s:  1967 Fiat 124 Sedan, 1967 Renault, 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang, 1974 Ford Pinto Station Wagon, 1978 Mercury Monarch, 1978 Ford Fairmont, 1979 Ford Pinto (converted to electric), 1965 Ford Mustang.  The only exception was when my friend Jai gave her 1986 Plymouth Sundance to me in 2007; I drove it for a decade then gave it to a neighbour who was looking for a project car for his son.

I’ve done most all routine work on my cars.  The professional mechanic will do what I can’t do, what I lack the facilities to do.

So, yeh, if you are a CisHet guy with your stalled junk car at the grocery store parking lot, the best thing you can do is call out for a Trans woman to help get your car started.  There are plenty of us out there.

Well, maybe not me.  I know little about cars newer than the 1980s.  No ‘computer on four wheels’ for me.


My high school graduation class is preparing for our Reunion.

One of the reunion leaders posted to the social media page that they are seeking fellow class-mates.  She posted that she completed a name search of the A’s, next will be the B’s. I awaited the Post about the B’s, my ‘before’ name is included in that category.

I have written posts and comments to that reunion page, I’ve included my ‘before’ last name.  Apparently, no one paid attention to my including my last name, there was my ‘before’ name included in the B list.  I wrote a Comment, again, not being too forward, asking about my misspelled ‘before’ name. Judy from the reunion confirmed that she made a spelling error due to computer Auto Correct.  I replied that I can locate Nick.  Hmmm?  Judy knew Nick, she is oblivious that I was Nick.

I’ve not directly or explicitly come out at that social media reunion page, doing so seems too pushy to me.  Several class-mates figured out who I am by what I have written – some discoveries are positive, some are negative.  One class-mate who knows me posted his Comment next to mine, I clicked ‘Like’, dunno if he’ll pay attention or write something.

I need to write to Judy and explain the circumstances.

I also need to write to Angela.  I posted in a Comment that I want to correspond privately with her about the Reunion.  I can mention to Angela this mix-up with Judy.

Maybe I’m wrong, this confusion is worth a chuckle break.



 – Sharon


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West Virginia governor’s race is a battle of who can be the most anti-trans
The rhetoric is front-and-center in the state’s Republican primary, where ads have focused on who will be the most restrictive of LGBTQ+ rights.

West Virginia gubernatorial candidates participate during a GOP debate.
From left, gubernatorial candidates Mac Warner, Chris Miller, moderator and MetroNews Radio host Hoppy Kercheval, Attorney General Patrick Morrisery and Moore Capito participate during a GOP debate held at The Resort at Glade Springs on Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024, in Daniels, W.V. (RICK BARBERO/THE REGISTER-HERALD/AP)
Amanda Becker
Washington Correspondent

May 7, 2024, 3:00 a.m. MT

The Republicans vying to be governor of West Virginia are trying to outdo one another on how much they aim to restrict LGBTQ+ rights, with transgender individuals specifically in their bull’s-eye.

Ahead of the state’s May 14 primary elections, the two candidates leading the GOP field are Patrick Morrisey, the current attorney general, and Moore Capito, who resigned from the West Virginia House of Delegates at the end of last year to focus on his bid to be the state’s top executive.

Recent independent polling shows Morrisey and Capito neck and neck, with Chris Miller, the owner of a chain of car dealerships, in a distant third place, followed by Mac Warner, the current secretary of state.

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All four candidates — all White, cisgender, straight men — are fervent backers of former Republican President Donald Trump, who won the state by more than 38 points in 2020 and remains highly popular. With little daylight between them on guns (they love them) and immigration (securing the U.S.-Mexico border some 1,500 miles away is often cited as a top failure of Democratic President Joe Biden), the final weeks of the gubernatorial contest have featured a series of one-upmanship ads about who will be the most anti-trans governor.

The ads have accused rivals of supporting LGBTQ+ people while private citizens and criticized the records of those who have held elected positions for being insufficiently committed to restricting LGBTQ+ rights. One particularly harsh ad supporting Morrisey suggests being LGBTQ+ is a slur.

People protest in front of the Texas State Capitol during a Queer March demonstration.
Many trans Americans are living in fear. But LGBTQ+ advocates see a reprieve in statehouses.

At least 589 pieces of anti-trans legislation were considered by lawmakers at various levels of state and federal government last year, according to an analysis by the Trans Legislation Tracker, representing what the group called “an escalation against transgender people at both the state and national levels.” Most bills were in deep red states. Wyoming attempted to make the provision of gender-affirming care to minors a form of child abuse; Oklahoma considered a ban on gender-affirming care up to 26 years of age.

A poll conducted last year by Survey Monkey for The 19th showed that just 17 percent of Americans — and only 29 percent of Republicans — believe that politicians should focus on restricting access to gender-affirming care. GOP politicians in West Virginia and elsewhere — including in the Republican presidential primary — have nevertheless made pushing anti-trans policies central to their campaigns, seeing it as a way to communicate their political identity to the most fervently anti-LGBTQ+ portion of the Republican base.

An analysis done in early April of the West Virginia governor’s race by AdImpact Politics, which tracks political advertising, showed that nearly $14 million had been spent on ads related to the GOP candidates and that the most-mentioned issue was support for Trump. Morrisey led in ad support, with about $7.3 million spent to bolster his chances by his campaign or other groups. Miller, the son of GOP U.S. Rep. Carol Miller, was next, with about $3.6 million. Capito, the son of Republican U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, rounded out the top tier with about $1.5 million, the analysis showed.

After Trump, the second-most-mentioned issue was LGBTQ+ rights — specifically, ads touting the candidates’ attempts to restrict them or leveling accusations that their opponents have done too little.

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Morrisey, as attorney general, has often attempted to use litigation to limit the ability of LGBTQ+ individuals to fully participate in public life. In 2019, when the case Bostock v. Clayton County reached the U.S. Supreme Court, Morrisey filed a friend-of-the-court brief backing the Trump administration’s position that Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not protect workers from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. The high court disagreed in a 6-to-3 ruling. Just in the past couple of weeks, Morrisey has pledged to appeal to the Supreme Court rulings that allowed a transgender girl to compete on her middle school’s sports teams and one that determined the state’s Medicaid health insurance program had to pay for gender-affirming surgeries. (Some treatments are covered and not at issue in the litigation.)

A recent ad run by Black Bear PAC, which supports Morrisey’s candidacy, charged that when Miller was on the board of a state university he “looked the other way as pro-transgender events happened on his watch.” It shows a man in women’s clothing, makeup and a blonde wig. The captions are framed in rainbow colors associated with the Pride flag. “Chris Miller protected they/them, not us,” the narrator states.

An ad made by Miller’s campaign, meanwhile, features a high school student who says that when she went to the locker room to change for dance practice “there was a boy in there, he’s trans, he would go in there every day and just watch.” “There was a politician that claimed to have our back for a minute,” the girl’s mother said, referring to Morrisey. “He’s not a strong man, we need a strong man, with a strong voice and he’s not that.”

Capito, like his mother, has at times taken positions that support LGBTQ+ rights. In 2019, for example, he sponsored a bill that would ban conversion therapy for LGBTQ+ minors — efforts to change someone’s sexual orientation through a process not backed by science or supported by major medical associations. But in ads he too has touted his anti-trans record. In a recent one, Capito reminds voters he “wrote the bill banning puberty blockers for children while Morrisey got rich lobbying for the puberty blocker companies.” Morrisey’s past work for private-sector clients included some in the pharmaceutical and health care industries.

The anti-trans focus from the three leading GOP gubernatorial race prompted a rebuke last week from the editorial board at the Dominion Post, the daily newspaper in Morgantown, home to West Virginia University and the state’s third-most populous city. “Three of the top GOP candidates for West Virginia governor have been running almost exclusively anti-transgender ads for well over a month,” the editorial stated, noting that just 0.4 percent of the state’s adult population identifies as transgender. “This is an infinitesimal amount of our populace, yet these three gubernatorial candidates have based their campaigns on punching down at this minority. Specifically, going after literal children.”

The 19th’s queries to the campaigns of Capito and Miller were not answered. Morrisey’s campaign provided a statement that read: “Morrisey has consistently advocated for women and girls to have access to womens-only sports and spaces. Morrisey has never in his life worked to advance any kind of policies that promote transgender ideology. Morrisey is going to continue being the champion for women when he is elected Governor.”

All have shown a reluctance to speak with the news media about their candidacies. Of the four contenders, for example, only Warner participated in a candidate issues forum with the Mountain State Spotlight — Morrisey, Capito and Miller did not sit for an interview or respond to the nonprofit news organization’s candidate questionnaire.

In a recent poll of West Virginia’s Republican voters, more than half said that the economy was the most important issue facing the state, followed by the quality of education, health care, immigration, and energy and coal issues. The Dominion Post editorial lamented that with the candidates focused on being the most anti-trans, these issues have gotten very little oxygen in the Republican gubernatorial primary.

A Republican is heavily favored to win the governor’s race in the general election. The only Democrat in contention is Steve Williams, the mayor of Huntington, the state’s second-largest city. Early voting is already underway and ends May 11.

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Tennessee Law Will Force Schools to Out Trans Students to Their Parents
“This law does not protect children and schools should not be forced to put children in danger,” an LGBTQ advocate said.
Zane McNeill , TRUTHOUT
May 9, 2024

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee joins fellow governors for a press conference along the Rio Grande at the U.S.-Mexico border to discuss Operation Lone Star and border concerns on February 4, 2024, in Eagle Pass, Texas.

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Due to a law recently enacted by Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R), educators in the state will now be required to out transgender students to their parents. The legislation, Senate Bill 1810, mandates that schools notify parents if their child has expressed a desire to be addressed by a name or pronouns different from those listed on school records.

“Forcing teachers to out trans kids to their parents not only breaches the trust students have with their teachers but could also put them in dangerous and harmful situations,” LGBTQ legislative researcher Allison Chapman told Truthout.

Under this law, parents who believe they or their child have been affected by a violation of the law will be able to sue the school for damages and injunctive relief.

“We have a responsibility and an obligation to make sure schools are safe for children to learn in, and a part of that is to ensure that who they are and their identities are welcomed and are supported,” said Rep. Justin J. Pearson (D), adding that the bill is dangerous.

Tennessee now joins six other states — Idaho, North Dakota, Iowa, Indiana, Alabama and North Carolina — in enacting laws that require parental notification when trans kids come out in school, according to the Movement Advancement Project (MAP). Five other states promote, but do not require, educators outing transgender students to their parents.

Tennessee GOP-Sponsored Bill Requires Schools to Out Trans Students to Parents

“This law does not protect children and schools should not be forced to put children in danger,” Chapman said.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has warned that outing transgender students can put them at risk of harm. “Forced outing bills are not about parents’ rights: they are designed to harm trans students,” Harper Seldin, staff attorney at the LGBTQ & HIV Project at the ACLU, said in 2023.

As Seldin pointed out, many transgender youths face rejection from their parents when they disclose their gender identity. According to a 2022 survey conducted by the Trevor Project, just 32 percent of transgender and nonbinary youths reported feeling that their home was a supportive and gender-affirming environment.

Data also shows that transgender individuals are at a higher risk of experiencing abuse from their immediate family due to their gender identity. Consequently, trans youth are disproportionately represented in foster care facilities, juvenile detention centers and homeless shelters. These elevated rates of familial rejection and abuse substantially elevate the likelihood of experiencing suicidal thoughts, substance misuse and depression.

“Forced outing bills are meant to harm trans students, and in the process, hurt everyone,” Seldin said. “These kinds of laws don’t strengthen families; they just hurt kids, and especially trans youth.”

Senate Bill 1810 is one of 40 anti-LGBTQ bills introduced in Tennessee this legislative session — seven of which have been passed into law so far. Over 500 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced this session across the country.

This article is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), and you are free to share and republish under the terms of the license.

Zane McNeill is a trending news writer at Truthout. They have a Master’s Degree in Political Science from Central European University and is currently enrolled in law school at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. They can be found on Twitter: @zane_crittheory.


High school lockers
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Transgender flag flying over blue sky
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© 2024 Truthout




Dr. Rick Allen
2 May 2024

WANT TO KNOW what Trump is planning for a second term?

Based on two extensive personal interviews with Trump and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisors, Trump’s conviction is that he was “too nice” in his first term (his own words) and that he would not make such a mistake again.

According to the documented discussions, Trump intends to establish “an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world.”

He shared these intentions in the interviews (and has made similar comments in rallies and other public settings):

****He plans to use the military to round up, put in camps, and deport more than 11 million people, rather than fix and accelerate the asylum process;

****He is willing to permit Republican-dominated states to monitor pregnancies and prosecute people who violate abortion bans, even in the case of incest, rape, or danger to the mother (which many Republican states are implementing);

****He will shape the laws by refusing to release funds appropriated by Congress (as he did in 2019 to try to get Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky to provide some “dirt” on Hunter Biden). In short, he intends to bypass Congress and just implement policies that HE wants;

****He would like to bring the Department of Justice under his own control, pardoning those convicted of attacking the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and ending the U.S. system of an independent judiciary. In short, he intends to bypass the judicial system.

****In a second Trump presidency, the U.S. will likely NOT come to the aid of a European or Asian ally that Trump thinks isn’t paying enough for its own defense, regardless of how important the ally might be or how important to European stability.

****Trump would, the researcher has documented from the discussions, “gut the U.S. civil service and replace workers at all levels with his loyalists;

***Trump would, he said, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, [whether requested by the state or not] ;

****He says he would close the White House pandemic-preparedness office [despite ongoing world threats of new disease];

****and he openly says he will staff his Administration with acolytes who back his obviously false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen.”

To that list, former political director of the AFL-CIO Michael Podhorzer added on social media that if Trump wins, “he could replace [Supreme Court justices Clarence] Thomas, [Samuel] Alito, and 40+ federal judges over 75 with young [even farther right wing] zealots.”

“I asked Trump,” the researcher said, “Don’t you see why many Americans see such talk of dictatorship as contrary to our most cherished principles?”

No, Trump said. “‘I think a lot of people like it.” [Even though the Constitution prohibits many of these same actions].

💥Full transcripts of the interviews have been fact-checked, including fact-checking Trump’s assertions. 💥

TRUMP’S OWN WORDS prove the truth of what careful observers have been saying about his plans based on their examination of MAGA Republicans’ speeches, interviews, Project 2025, and so on.

Basically, Trump plans to disregard and override Constitutional checks and balances and do whatever he pleases whenever he pleases, based on his own words and open discussion. His MAGA Congressional supporters are happy to help him do that, based on their own public comments.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Say goodbye to the Constitution.

If you think this is a good idea, you will vote for Trump and right-wing Republicans.

If you are a patriot who thinks the Constitution has value and checks and balances are important, you will not touch Trump or his plans with a ten-foot pole.

Fair warning. He’s told us all what he’s going to do.










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These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to T-central.blogspot.com for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


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