‘Facebook Memories: 16 May 2024’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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‘Facebook Memories:  16 May 2024’
(16 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my Slimandme.wordpress.com web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
16 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  16 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1. The Trans Community who praise Crooked Drumpf

2, 7. Slate:  Conservatives Are More Susceptible to Believing Lies

3. Skeletal Dropkick:  Men in power are detrimental to progress and basic humanity

4. God Bless the United States:  Crooked Drumpf is a ‘Monster’ as Hitler

5. Indivisible Network:  Crooked Drumpf got his military parade at the expence of 40,000 hungry homeless Veterans

6. Nino Fortson

8. act.tv:  Money has corrupted our politics

9. KnowPolitical:  Pay Crooked Drumpf Bribes at his DC hotel



1 of 9:


The Trans Community who praise Crooked Drumpf



Sharon Nichols
16 May 2023

11 of 11:

(2, 6, 7, 8 10, 11 are similar)

You amongst the Trans Community – Trans who praise Drumpf


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Sharon Nichols
15 May 2023


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15 May 2022
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Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
15 May 2021
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Sharon Nichols
15 May 2019
Shared with Public

Same to you who are among my personal friends and cyber friends:

– Republi-cons
– Drumpfians
– Deplorables
– Trumpflakes
– Trumpverstehers.

Many of you are among the Trans Community.  You lied to those of us who supported you.

You gaslight.  You think that I am as Stoopid as you. That I don’t remember all you did praising Crooked Drumpf – before the election, after the election. Hiding your most blatant prattling.  Flip-flopping.  Yourself now wavering between your blind political ideology and your innate drive to lie and con.

Plenty of Negro slaves fought for the preservation of their beloved Confederacy and had a tough lesson.

Plenty of NAZI Jews eventually learned that they took the wrong side too late.

Now you – Trans and LGBT Right-wing Republi-con Christian Con-servative. You are Dupes and Suckers.  Keep me out of your lies.






Ann M. Schweers
14 May 2019
Shared with Public

I have a serious question for Trump supporters! Are you really O.K. with a president of our country who openly admires and praises violent dictators who kill their own people and anyone else who opposes them? Trump has declared his love and respect for Kim Jong Un (who starves and persecutes his people and even killed his own brother). He has similarly praised Duarte of the Philippines who solved his drug problem by killing everyone who was caught with drugs; Erdagon of Turkey; Sisi of Egypt; Mohammad Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia (famous for killing and chopping up a Saudi newsman living and working in the U.S.); Putin who has killed just about everyone who has tried to oppose him, has invaded our country’s elections, and invaded a neighboring country; the president for life of China with his repressive regime, and now, just a few days ago, the leader of Hungary who has earned Trump’s praise by cracking down on refugees and supporting nationalism

Doesn’t anyone wonder why the leader of a Democratic Republic would love, praise and support such people at the same time that he attacks and demeans our former presidents, the free press, the FBI and even the people he himself has appointed as soon as they dare to say “no” to him when asked to break the law to help protect him? And he does all of this in plain sight–publically–not even trying to cover it up. The old saying, “You will know them by the company they keep.” might be an important warning for us. These are people he identifies with and wants to become–a leader for life who can do whatever he wants to do with no checks and balances. Is that who you really think should lead our country which is a democratic republic?

If your uncle or aunt or father or mother don’t support Trump, or God forbid speak out against him, will you be O.K. if he imprisons or kills them just for that disagreement? That’s exactly the kind of thing the people he admires and tries to emulate do! They also have a tendency to call for the imprisonment of anyone who runs against them. Sound familiar?

America was formed as a grand experiment in diversity and democracy–E Pluribus Unum–out of many, one! Let’s NOT let Trump divide us and set us against each other. Let’s NOT let him replace our democracy with an aristocracy with a dictator who demands unquestioning obedience from the citizens!









You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!





2 of 9:

(2, 7 are similar)


Slate:  Conservatives Are More Susceptible to Believing Lies



Sharon Nichols
16 May 2022


Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?
An interplay between how all humans think and how conservatives tend to act might actually explain a lot about our current moment.
NOV 09, 20179:00 AM
Fox News believers
Photo illustration by Natalie Matthews-Ramo. Photos by FoxNews and FoxNews.com.

Many conservatives have a loose relationship with facts. The right-wing denial of what most people think of as accepted reality starts with political issues: As recently as 2016, 45 percent of Republicans still believed that the Affordable Care Act included “death panels” (it doesn’t). A 2015 poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believed then-President Obama to be a Muslim (…he isn’t).

Then there are the false beliefs about generally accepted science. Only 25 percent of self-proclaimed Trump voters agree that climate change is caused by human activities. Only 43 percent of Republicans overall believe that humans have evolved over time.


And then it gets really crazy. Almost 1 in 6 Trump voters, while simultaneously viewing photographs of the crowds at the 2016 inauguration of Donald Trump and at the 2012 inauguration of Barack Obama , insisted that the former were larger. Sixty-six percent of self-described “very conservative” Americans seriously believe that “Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia law in American courts.” Forty-six percent of Trump voters polled just after the 2016 election either thought that Hillary Clinton was connected to a child sex trafficking ring run out of the basement of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., or weren’t sure if it was true.

If “truth” is judged on the basis of Enlightenment ideas of reason and more or less objective “evidence,” many of the substantive positions common on the right seem to border on delusional. The left is certainly not immune to credulity (most commonly about the safety of vaccines, GMO foods, and fracking), but the right seems to specialize in it. “Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right,” concluded a team of scholars from the Harvard Kennedy School and Northeastern University at a February 2017 conference. A BuzzFeed analysis found that three main hyperconservative Facebook pages were roughly twice as likely as three leading ultraliberal Facebook pages to publish fake or misleading information.


Why are conservatives so susceptible to misinformation? The right wing’s disregard for facts and reasoning is not a matter of stupidity or lack of education. College-educated Republicans are actually more likely than less-educated Republicans to have believed that Barack Obama was a Muslim and that “death panels” were part of the ACA. And for political conservatives, but not for liberals, greater knowledge of science and math is associated with a greater likelihood of dismissing what almost all scientists believe about the human causation of global warming.

It’s also not just misinformation gained from too many hours listening to Fox News, either, because correcting the falsehoods doesn’t change their opinions. For example, nine months following the release of President Obama’s long-form birth certificate, the percentage of Republicans who believed that he was not American-born was actually higher than before the release. Similarly, during the 2012 presidential campaign, Democrats corrected their previous overestimates of the unemployment rate after the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the actual data. Republicans’ overestimated even more than before.

Part of the problem is widespread suspicion of facts—any facts. Both mistrust of scientists and other “experts” and mistrust of the mass media that reports what scientists and experts believe have increased among conservatives (but not among liberals) since the early ’80s. The mistrust has in part, at least, been deliberately inculcated. The fossil fuel industry publicizes studies to confuse the climate change debate; Big Pharma hides unfavorable information on drug safety and efficacy; and many schools in conservative areas teach students that evolution is “just a theory.” The public is understandably confused about both the findings and methods of science. “Fake news” deliberately created for political or economic gain and Donald Trump’s claims that media sites that disagree with him are “fake news” add to the mistrust.


But, the gullibility of many on the right seems to have deeper roots even than this. That may be because at the most basic level, conservatives and liberals seem to hold different beliefs about what constitutes “truth.” Finding facts and pursuing evidence and trusting science is part of liberal ideology itself. For many conservatives, faith and intuition and trust in revealed truth appear as equally valid sources of truth.

To understand how these differences manifest and what we might do about them, it helps to understand how all humans reason and rationalize: In other words, let’s take a detour into psychology. Freud distinguished between “errors” on the one hand, “illusions” and “delusions” on the other. Errors, he argued, simply reflect lack of knowledge or poor logic; Aristotle’s belief that vermin form out of dung was an error. But illusions and delusions are based on conscious or unconscious wishes; Columbus’s belief that he had found a new route to the Indies was a delusion based on his wish that he had done so.

Although Freud is out of favor with many contemporary psychologists, modern cognitive psychology suggests that he was on the right track. The tenacity of many of the right’s beliefs in the face of evidence, rational arguments, and common sense suggest that these beliefs are not merely alternate interpretations of facts but are instead illusions rooted in unconscious wishes.

This is a very human thing to do. As popular writers such as Daniel Kahneman, Cass Sunstein, and Richard Thaler have pointed out, we often use shortcuts when we reason, shortcuts that enable us to make decisions quickly and with little expenditure of mental energy. But they also often lead us astray—we underestimate the risks of events that unfold slowly and whose consequences are felt only over the long term (think global warming) and overestimate the likelihood of events that unfold rapidly and have immediate consequences (think terrorist attacks).

Our reasoning is also influenced (motivated, psychologists would say) by our emotions and instincts. This manifests in all kinds of ways: We need to maintain a positive self-image, to stave off anxiety and guilt, and to preserve social relationships. We also seek to maintain consistency in our beliefs, meaning that when people simultaneously hold two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, one or the other must go. And so we pay more attention and give more credence to information and assertions that confirm what we already believe: Liberals enthusiastically recount even the most tenuous circumstantial evidence of Trump campaign collusion with the Russians, and dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters happily believe that the crowd really was bigger at his candidate’s inauguration.

These limits to “objective” reasoning apply to everyone, of course—left and right. Why is it that conservatives have taken the lead in falling off the deep edge?

The answer, I think, lies in the interaction between reasoning processes and personality. It’s each person’s particular motivations and particular psychological makeup that affects how they search for information, what information they pay attention to, how they assess the accuracy and meaning of the information, what information they retain, and what conclusions they draw. But conservatives and liberals typically differ in their particular psychological makeups. And if you add up all of these particular differences, you get two groups that are systematically motivated to believe different things.

Psychologists have repeatedly reported that self-described conservatives tend to place a higher value than those to their left on deference to tradition and authority. They are more likely to value stability, conformity, and order, and have more difficulty tolerating novelty and ambiguity and uncertainty. They are more sensitive than liberals to information suggesting the possibility of danger than to information suggesting benefits. And they are more moralistic and more likely to repress unconscious drives towards unconventional sexuality.


Fairness and kindness place lower on the list of moral priorities for conservatives than for liberals. Conservatives show a stronger preference for higher status groups, are more accepting of inequality and injustice, and are less empathic (at least towards those outside their immediate family). As one Tea Party member told University of California sociologist Arlie Hochschild, “People think we are not good people if we don’t feel sorry for blacks and immigrants and Syrian refugees. But I am a good person and I don’t feel sorry for them.”

Baptist minister and former Republican congressman J.C. Watts put it succinctly. Campaigning for Sen. Rand Paul in Iowa in 2015 he observed, “The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans believe people are fundamentally bad, while Democrats see people as fundamentally good.”


These conservative traits lead directly to conservative views on many issues, just as liberal traits tend to lead to liberal views on many issues. But when you consider how these conservative traits and these conservative views interact with commonly shared patterns of motivated reasoning, it becomes clearer why conservatives may be more likely to run into errors in reasoning and into difficulty judging accurately what is true and what is false.

It’s not just that Trump is “their” president, so they want to defend him. Conservatives’ greater acceptance of hierarchy and trust in authority may lead to greater faith that what the president says must be true, even when the “facts” would seem to indicate otherwise. The New York Times cataloged no less than 117 clearly false statements proclaimed publicly by Trump in the first six months of his presidency, with no evident loss in his supporters’ faith in him. In the same way, greater faith in the legitimacy of the decisions of corporate CEOs may strengthen the tendency to deny evidence that there are any potential benefits from regulation of industry.


Similarly, greater valuation of stability, greater sensitivity to the possibility of danger, and greater difficulty tolerating difference and change lead to greater anxiety about social change and so support greater credulity with respect to lurid tales of the dangers posed by immigrants. And higher levels of repression and greater adherence to tradition and traditional sources of moral judgment increase the credibility of claims that gay marriage is a threat to the “traditional” family.

Conservatives are also less introspective, less attentive to their inner feelings, and less likely to override their “gut” reactions and engage in further reflection to find a correct answer. As a result, they may be more likely to rely on error-prone cognitive shortcuts, less aware of their own unconscious biases, and less likely to respond to factual corrections to previously held beliefs.


The differences in how conservatives and liberals process information are augmented by an asymmetry in group psychological processes. Yes, we all seek to keep our social environment stable and predictable. Beliefs that might threaten relationships with family, neighbors, and friends (e.g., for a fundamentalist evangelical to believe that humans are the result of Darwinian evolution or for a coal miner to believe that climate change is real and human-made) must be ignored or denied, at peril of disrupting the relationships. But among all Americans, the intensity of social networks has declined in recent years. Church attendance and union membership, participation in community organizations, and direct political involvement have flagged. Conservatives come disproportionately from rural areas and small towns, where social networks remain smaller, but denser and more homogeneous than in the big cities that liberals dominate. As a result, the opinions of family, friends, and community may be more potent in conservative hotbeds than in the more anonymous big cities where Democrats dominate.

The lack of shared reality between left and right in America today has contributed greatly to our current political polarization. Despite occasional left forays into reality denial, conservatives are far more likely to accept misinformation and outright lies. Deliberate campaigns of misinformation and conservative preferences for information that fits in with their pre-existing ideology provide only a partial explanation. Faulty reasoning and judgment, rooted in the interactions between modes of reasoning and judgment shared by all with the specific personality patterns found disproportionately among conservatives may also play a central role.

DemocratsDonald TrumpPsychologyRepublicans
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3 of 9:


Skeletal Dropkick:  Men in power are detrimental to progress and basic humanity.



Sharon Nichols
16 May 2019

Notice (18 May 2019):

I awoke this morning, was checking Facebook using smart-phone, and this item was absent, while showing using iPad . Dunno what is happening. I have a copy of this off-line as back-up.


Here follows is the original post.


Ending abortion is not the sole point of these legislatures. Only one step in many to satisfy their ideology.

Reversing Roe v Wade is only one aspect by playing the statistical mathematical odds. They will win.

Their expressly stated goal in this endeavour is to flood the federal court system with potential lawsuits. Many will make it to the Supreme Court. All they need is one to over-turn Roe v Wade.

‘The Alabama bill is a powerful statement of Deeply-held Religious-based Beliefs. Abortion is a felony punishable by 99 years in prison. There is no exception. The goal is to go to the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe v Wade. Many many states are passing these bills going after Roe versus Wade. You want to get something that will win.’

– Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 16 May 2019)

These are Patriarchal Misogynistic male-controlled governments whose effort is the restriction of sex education and the eventual criminalisation of all Birth Control, as was the condition a century ago when courts sentenced women to prison for teaching Birth Control and providing Birth Control services and products to women.

Roe v Wade is about securing one’s body autonomy and one’s right to medical privacy. No person, Corporation, or Con-servative Big Guh’mint has any business intruding into a patient’s medical intimacy.

I remember the era before Roe v Wade. Desperate pregnant women sought lethal means to end their pregnancy.

Fact is:

– These laws eliminate abortion performed in a safe, medical setting.

– Women will die because of forced pregnancy and childbirth.

Abortion itself will continue; pregnant women will seek the proverbial ‘back ally abortion’ and women will die during pregnancy or during childbirth.

Their twisted Right-wing Christian Con-servative Evangelical Fundamentalism sees dead women as satisfactory to their cause. That is the point of Patriarchy and Misogyny.



Induced termination of pregnancy before and after Roe v Wade. Trends in the mortality and morbidity of women. Council on Scientific Affairs, American Medical Association
No authors listed

PMID: 1433765

Full text

The mortality and morbidity of women who terminated their pregnancy before the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade are compared with post-Roe v Wade mortality and morbidity. Mortality data before 1973 are from the National Center for Health Statistics; data from 1973 through 1985 are from the Centers for Disease Control and The Alan Guttmacher Institute. Trends in serious abortion-related complications between 1970 and 1990 are based on data from the Joint Program for the Study of Abortion and from the National Abortion Federation. Deaths from illegally induced abortion declined between 1940 and 1972 in part because of the introduction of antibiotics to manage sepsis and the widespread use of effective contraceptives. Deaths from legal abortion declined fivefold between 1973 and 1985 (from 3.3 deaths to 0.4 death per 100,000 procedures), reflecting increased physician education and skills, improvements in medical technology, and, notably, the earlier termination of pregnancy. The risk of death from legal abortion is higher among minority women and women over the age of 35 years, and increases with gestational age. Legal-abortion mortality between 1979 and 1985 was 0.6 death per 100,000 procedures, more than 10 times lower than the 9.1 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births between 1979 and 1986. Serious complications from legal abortion are rare. Most women who have a single abortion with vacuum aspiration experience few if any subsequent problems getting pregnant or having healthy children. Less is known about the effects of multiple abortions on future fecundity. Adverse emotional reactions to abortion are rare; most women experience relief and reduced depression and distress.

‘In 1972, the year before Roe v. Wade, the rate of maternal mortality in the United States was 34 deaths for every 100,000 births. In 1973, after legalization of abortion, the rate declined by 50%. Therefore, to the list of strategies to reduce maternal mortality, I would add: secure access to safe and legal abortion, when needed.’

‘According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute in New York, 1 of every 550 women who underwent illegal abortion died of complications.’




Legalized abortion has reduced maternal mortality
OBG Manag. 2008 January;20(1):20


“Troubling news: Maternal mortality is on the rise,” by Robert L. Barbieri, MD (October Editorial)

In 1972, the year before Roe v. Wade, the rate of maternal mortality in the United States was 34 deaths for every 100,000 births. In 1973, after legalization of abortion, the rate declined by 50%. Therefore, to the list of strategies to reduce maternal mortality, I would add: secure access to safe and legal abortion, when needed.

According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute in New York, 1 of every 550 women who underwent illegal abortion died of complications. I think this point will be of interest to your readers.

E. Hakim-Elahi, MD
Elmhurst, NY

Dr. Barbieri responds: Safe abortion is important

I appreciate Dr. Hakim-Elahi’s important reminder that illegal abortions are associated with a high rate of maternal death. Dr. Hakim-Elahi has made major contributions to women’s health by leading efforts to make pregnancy termination as safe as possible. I deeply appreciate all his contributions to our field.

‘As a result of the restrictive reproductive health policies enforced under the 25-year Ceausescu dictatorship, Romania ended the 1980s with the highest recorded maternal mortality of any country in Europe–159 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1989. An estimated 87 percent of these maternal deaths were caused by illegal and unsafe abortion.’


Addendum (17 May 2019):

Thank you, Marie Bobo-Smith.


Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019

Copied post:

Abortions are sad. There is no doubt. I don’t know anyone who is “pro-abortion”. I am thankful that I wasn’t faced with such a choice in my life. But I know MANY good and kind and loving girls and women who were faced with this choice. Whether it was because of a threat to life for the mother, an unviable fetus, a teen with nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, these girls and women made a hard and sad choice.

But for the 25 white male senators of Alabama (yes, all white, all men…no women or people of color…see picture) to vote that a 13 year old rape victim should be forced to give birth when she is a child herself? That is unconscionable. Imagine the gall it took for these men to cast this vote when they have never faced this predicament themselves. They are clueless.

Which leads me to ask, where is the impregnating male’s burden in all of this? Oh, just go live your life, footloose and fancy free, your freedom to do so unhampered by the white men who just voted for this female-crippling Alabama law? What if we start sentencing these men as well to this same fate? Hmmmm….maybe we start garnishing his wages for child support immediately upon conception? Maybe we put an ankle monitor on him and ensure that he is catering to the pregnant mother any time he is not working to support his future child? Maybe, if the Mother would rather not have him around, he is then expected to work double hours to provide for his coming child or he goes to jail? Maybe we sterilize him so that he can’t create another unwanted pregnancy again? No, you say, that will never happen. Never. Why? Because it’s crazy. Just about as crazy as telling a woman or young girl that she no longer has a say about what happens inside of her body. So, if we’re going to go crazy, let’s go crazy times two. Fair is fair.

Do not hold the erroneous belief that laws such as these will stop abortions. They never have and never will. Laws such as these turn legal, safe abortions into botched back alley abortions by untrained people, resulting in the deaths of many girls and women.

Women of Alabama or any state considering such a ban: you should be scared. You should be terribly scared. This is step one of stripping you of your rights. This is the starting point of the true life version of Handmaid’s Tale’s GIlead. You should be incredibly concerned for your daughters and you should be furious, fighting this every step of the way. And men, if you love the women in your life, you should be furious as well.


Additional Resources:





















Resonant Muse
10 May 2019

Classic George Carlin bit on abortion and the “sanctity of life.”

Just as relevant as ever.







Skeletal Dropkick
15 May 2019

I have been trying to think of ways to phrase this post. The subject is so big and complex and the ramifications of these laws is so immense, I really cannot cover it here on Insta, so I am distilling it to a few important points.

I am an RN in Labor Delivery/PostPartum. I work with patients to ensure their safety, autonomy and informed consent around pregnancy and delivery and termination.

1. The laws being passed these last 2 years (especially last 2 weeks) WILL KILL women. Women will die, there is no way around that. They are written specifically so that women will die, black women disproportionally to all other race categories. Currently black women die 3-4x more often than white women in childbirth and the immediate post partum period. This is racist and misogynistic legislation.

2. The laws passed WILL ENSURE PENURY for women. They will keep women pregnant and mothers, forced out of the workforce and out of education. They will strengthen the chains of poverty already established in the USA.

3. The laws passed enshrine the power of (mostly white) men over the bodies of women. Men are in the majority in passing these laws. Men who hold no responsibility in childbearing and often not in childrearing.

4. These laws will decide that women alone are incapable of health care decisions. That women do not deserve to make their own choices. No other law governs a man’s body the way these laws govern a woman’s body.

5. This will have a crippling effect on progress for the entire country. When you relegate 51% of your population to enforced brith, you lose overall. Think about that. 50.8% of US citizens are female, we are the fucking MAJORITY Let’s act like it.

If you live in the USA, please, I am seriously BEGGING, do not vote these men into power any longer. This is detrimental to progress and basic humanity. This WILL effect you.


#fuckthepatriarchy #abortionrights #womensrights #womensupportwomen #womensrightsarehumanrights #sotiredofoldwhitemen #plannedparenthood #isupportwomen








4 of 9:


God Bless the United States:  Crooked Drumpf is a ‘Monster’ as Hitler


Dunno why Cousin Nancy deleted her Original Posts when she did present valid points.  Of course, I accurately presented the corrected quotes and contexts which do document Crooked Drumpf’s ideology of Hate.



Sharon Nichols
16 May 2018


Hey, you!  You Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables.  This is you!


Don’t Supreme Leader Crooked Drumpf make you proud!


The Constitution makes no distinction.  It only refers to ‘person’.

– Not ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’.

– Not ‘resident’ or ‘non-resident’.

– Not ‘citizen’ or ‘non-citizen’.


Crooked Drumpf now brings this nation to Hitler’s third stage to genocide:

– you have no rights
– you have no rights to live among us
– you have no rights to live.

Crooked Drumpf and his Republi-cons deny Constitutional rights – stage #1.

Crooked Drumpf and his Republi-cons segregate people to military prisons – stage #2.

What will Crooked Drumpf and his Republi-cons do to fullfill stage #3?


Up-date (18 May 18):

For shame, ‘The Other 98%’ !  Your original headline is wrong, deceptive.  I may be neither a Drumpfian nor a Deplorable, but I do report the complete story, not a half-story.

Here is a more expansive version of the exchange


Nancy contributed her own additional resources:



Thank you, Nancy.


Of course, we must keep in mind that Crooked Drumpf is running a racist, bigoted administration:

‘It’s not just rhetoric: Trump’s policies treat immigrants like me as “animals” – ‘Trump’s rhetoric and agencies like ICE immigration enforcement dehumanize immigrants.’ – Juan Escalante (18 May 2018, 2:10pm EDT)




See also:





God Bless the United States shared an episode of Robert Reich
20 May 2018

This monster gets more dangerous everyday.

get rid of his protectors first. #Vote2018


God Bless the United States
19 May 2018

Takes one to know one. This is a sad pathetic excuse for a human being, he is a monster. #MoronicLunatic




Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





The Other 98%
16 May 2018


Hitler and the Nazis referred to Jews as “rats,” or a “virus” that needed to be cured.

Dehumanizing the other is an essential precondition for genocide.





Jerry Conlee
Glad to see it’s fake. But, like a lot of others it wouldn’t surprise me to hear him say this.

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Lol now post the lady asking him about MS13. President Trump was answering her question on the gang.

Sharon Nichols
Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass

Please provide your clip refuting this statement and I shall add it to this site.


He whined that ‘the laws are weak’.

He and his fellow Republi-cons have been in charge of the federal government since January 2017.

What has your President and your Party done to resolve those ‘weak laws’ these past 18 months?

Oh, yeh. Three-day work-weeks, golf on weekends, and campaigning for 2020 rather than doing their work. Nice job if you can get it.

Attached image is censored by Suck:

We’ve been warned.
‘Jews are not people, they are animals.’ Adolf Hitler
‘Undocumented immigrants are not people, they are animals.’  Crooked Drumpf

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass

Sharon Nichols
Here is a more detailed video that presents the exchange leading to the ‘animal’ appellation and additional video afterward.


This extended clip cuts both ways.

– 1:  Yes. Crooked Drumpf appears to be addressing the ‘animals’ whom they accuse of committing unspeakable crimes.  Gangsters truly are lower than ‘animal’!

– 2:  Then Crooked Drumpf proceeds to whine.  Hey, bub!  You and your cohorts have held absolute control of all federal government for 18 months and you have done less than bat squeeze.  These ‘animals’ and their crimes are on your head.  What have you done about prosecuting these ‘animals’?  All the more reason to ‘clean the swamp’ of Republi-cons; vote in Democrats who will do something.  Crooked Drumpf lied – nothing new – about deporting criminal illegal aliens.  Return to the Obama-era higher levels of deporting criminal illegal aliens.


In fact, Republi-cons love illegal aliens.b They love their cheap illegal labour.  Laura Ingraham and Joe Walsh regularly cheer bringing in illegal aliens.


We Republicans are good for two things: reducing our taxes and blaming Democrats.’  David Brooks, R-New York Times (PBS ‘Newshour’, June 2006).

‘We Republicans aren’t afraid of low-wage, illegal immigration. We’re the white-collar, corporate, executive suite.’  Scott Rasmussen, R, conservative author (2 Feb 10)

Papers equal NAZI.’  Rush Limbaugh, R (comment supporting Arizona passing SB 1070, 20 Apr 10)

‘Bush didn’t secure the border but that’s beside the point. Put illegal crossers in jail; that will make the point. No comprehensive border reform. Hell, no! Illegals have their constituencies; I have mine.’  Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz (‘Lou Dobbs Show’, 23 Jun 10)

‘We pin Bush’s eight years of inaction and failure on Obama.’  Lou Dobbs, R (radio show, 7 Jul 10)

Our racism is irrelevant. Why do we care? We hate both N*gg*rs and F*gg*ts. Yep, I’m a racist and proud!’  Dorothy Watkins, R, T-party leader (speech, 17 Jul 10)

‘We must enforce the law; prosecute illegals but not the corporations that hire them.’  Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz (campaign statement, 28 May 10)

We’re facing the rabble Communists. We oppose the Constitution. No Jews. The Mexicans must go.’   J T Ready, Neo-NAZI National Socialist Movement (Phoenix Rally interview, 7 Nov 09)

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Why would you post the answer to the question he was asked, and not post the question? Then mainstream media edited the question out. All liberals go nuts. He gave a briefing, with questions and answers. MSM completely cut out the question about the gang MS13. So this answer was a direct comment on MS13 gang members only. Not on all imigrants..

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
He was the interview msm cut and edited. As you see, he was asked a direct question on MS13. He gave a direct response to the ms13rd gang. Liberals refuse, to watch him in his briefings. Then, they rely on fake news, that edit out the question he was asked. If you think, MS13 aren’t animals, there is truly something wrong. Animals don’t kills and rape for fun. These gang members, are worse than animals.


Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Lmfao whined about laws being week. Please tell that to the parents, and families, who’s members were, beaten , raped, and murdered, by these gangs

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass

Sharon Nichols

Crooked Drumpf and Republi-cons need to tell the parents and families that they have done absolutely nothing during these past 18 month.

Past many years, in fact.

Republi-cons held the absolute majority for six of Baby Bush’s years – and did nothing.

Reagan sold American guns to the Contras – illegally – and made this happen.

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Keep telling yourself that.








5 of 9:


Indivisible Network:  Crooked Drumpf got his military parade at the expence of 40,000 hungry homeless Veterans



Sharon Nichols
16 May 2018

This is on you – each and every Drumpfian and Deplorable Republi-con GI.

You are fully responsible for starving your fellow GIs.

Don’t that make you feel good!


See also:






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Democrats For The Animals
16 May 2018

Indivisible Network

The draft dodger just got his idiotic military parade through the 2019 Defense Spending Bill.

Estimated cost: $30 million

$30 million could feed every single one of our 40,000 homeless veterans for 6 months. 6 MONTHS!





Rachel Michele
veterans are the result of “Patriotism”. Which is a disease and contains no honor. It is a manipulative tool used by the elite to convince the poor to do their bidding.

Jerry Conlee
Vote all of them out. It’s all we have left.

Jerry Conlee
I wonder how many people remember or know that alot of the Vietnam War Vets were drafted. And because of Agent orange are dying if cancer.








6 of 9:


Nino Fortson



Sharon Nichols
16 May 2018



As much as I would hope that no other member of Our Community fear violence, I suspect that these acts will continue:

– violence committed inside our homes
– violence committed at our places of camaraderie
– violence committed through the judicial system.

I vow to post – expose – these reported acts of anti-LGBT violence to my Facebook page as ‘Public’. Join me. Preaching to the choir gets us nowhere.

These attacks originate through Crooked Drumpf and his plethora of Drumpfians and Deplorables. Posting this as ‘Public’ will expose you Drumpfians and Deplorables:

– you are doing this
– you are committing mass violence, mass murder.

I am calling you out:

– you Drumpfians and Deplorables among my ‘Friend’ list
– you Drumpfians and Deplorables of the public.

You don’t like that I am calling you out? Then do something about it! Prove it! Do something positive to change it.

– same as you exhort Muslims to oppose ‘Islamic Terrorism’
– same as you exhort Christians to oppose ‘Christian Terrorism’ (crickets).

This time, it is you – Drumpfians and Deplorables – your group who are the ‘TERRORISTS’.


I know little about hashtagging. Perhaps a member of Our Community – someone somewhere – will hashtag ‘#JUST_STOP!!!’ and ‘#Our_Community’ same as the other issues are recognised.


Nino Fortson – friend, brother – was shot multiple times early in the morning of May 13.


Karla Patricia Pavon: North Dallas, Texas. ‘Police were dispatched to the scene at 4:17 p.m. (9 May 18) and confirmed “suspect choked complainant causing her death” and listed the death as a murder.’ (‘Dallas Voice’)


This courtesy of Melissa Ann Segebarth:

Sasha Wall becomes the ninth transgender person murdered in 2018. Transgender Americans are facing an epidemic of violence at a rate rarely seen. The known victims of 2018 are as follows:

Christa Leigh Steele-Knudslien of Adams, MA. murdered on January 5, 2018;

Giccky Gutierrez of South Los Angeles, CA; murdered on January 10, 2018;

Zakaria Fry and Carrell Ray of Albuquerque, NM. murdered on January 18, 2018;

Celine Walker of Jacksonville, FL. murdered on February 4, 2018;

Tonya Harvey of Buffalo, NY. murdered on February 6, 2018.;

Murdered on February 23, 2018, Phylicia Mitchell of Cleveland, Ohio;

Murdered on March 26th, 2018, Amia Tyrae Berryman of Baton Rouge, LA



See also:












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Monica Roberts
16 May 2018

Fortson was killed on May 13. The first trans man we have lost in 2018




Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Number 10- Rest In Power and Peace Nino Fortson

We have lost our first trans masculine person of 2018 to anti-trans violence in what is turning out to be a deadly week.

36 year old Nino Fortson was shot multiple times during an argument early in the morning of May 13 at the corner of Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway and Woods Dr NW

As you probably guessed, the initial news report on CBS46 misgendered our brother.

According to the misgendering CBS46 report, Atlanta PD was executing a traffic stop nearby, heard the gunfire and rushed to the scene where the mortally wounded Forston was spotted. He was taken to the nearby Grady Memorial Hospital where he died from his wounds.

Crime Stoppers | Atlanta Police FoundationFortson is the 10th trans person we have lost to anti-trans violence this year, the sixth Black person and the first in Georgia this year

APD is looking for Fortson’s killer. If you have any information on this case you are urged to call Atlanta Crime Stoppers at 404-577-TIPS (8477)

If there are any vigils being planned, I’ll pass that information along as soon as I receive it.

Rest in power and peace Nino. You were taken from us far too soon, and we won’t rest until the person who killed you is swiftly arrested, convicted and justice is served in your case.

Posted by Monica Roberts at 8:00 AM
Labels: #BlackTransMenMatter, #RememberingOurDead #BlackTransLivesMatter, #StopKillingUs, Atlanta, Georgia
Unknown said…
Rest in peace and power brother love to your family and friends 🌈
11:37 AM
Unknown said…
Rest In Power

11:58 PM
Unknown said…
My name is Jamie Gendron and I am a 48yr old trans woman who transitioned at 14yrs old in 1984. I have lost literally hundreds of friends over these 34yrs. My best friend’s portrait is tatted on my back after she was murdered at 21yrs old in 1990. Obviously this subject has been a centerpiece of my existence since I was a 14yr old kid. I’m saddened by every senseless loss of sooo many beautiful, smart, cunning, strong, and kind trans sisters and brothers. I was a little thrown that the article points the misgender card out aimed at the tv news coverage, but the author of this article misgendered him at the very beginning of the article. Perhaps edit calling a trans man, a trans woman. Female was his birth gender, not his real gender. I expected more from an article speaking out against trans discrimination and violence. Sorry, but if we can’t get our terminology straight, then how can we clarify distinctions for the Cisgender community?

11:45 AM
Reez said…
Thank you for sharing your experience, Jamie. I agree, we need to step up for our community. I think we need to have a discussion about community responses to this violence and how we can better look out for each other.

However, I don’t see where this article misgendered Nino. The tagline at the beginning is referring to the author, who is a Black Trans woman.

9:12 AM
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7 of 9:

(2, 7 are similar)


Slate:  Conservatives Are More Susceptible to Believing Lies



Sharon Nichols
16 May 2018

Thank you, Brad.

This explains the thought process of Republi-cons, Drumpfians, and Deplorables.


‘Self-described conservatives tend to place a higher value than those to their left on deference to tradition and authority. They are more likely to value stability, conformity, and order, and have more difficulty tolerating novelty and ambiguity and uncertainty. They are more sensitive than liberals to information suggesting the possibility of danger than to information suggesting benefits. And they are more moralistic and more likely to repress unconscious drives towards unconventional sexuality.

Fairness and kindness place lower on the list of moral priorities for conservatives than for liberals. Conservatives show a stronger preference for higher status groups, are more accepting of inequality and injustice, and are less empathic (at least towards those outside their immediate family). As one Tea Party member told University of California sociologist Arlie Hochschild, “People think we are not good people if we don’t feel sorry for blacks and immigrants and Syrian refugees. But I am a good person and I don’t feel sorry for them.”


Pay attention how ideologies vote.

Right-wing Republi-con Con-servatives’ ideology restricts how they vote. Patriarchy is their drive.

– Female Right-wing Republi-cons will nearly always vote for a Republi-con candidate – male or female.

– Male Right-wing Republi-cons will nearly always vote for a Republi-con candidate – male or female.

– Both female and male Right-wing Republi-cons might rarely vote for a non-Republi-con male candidate. This is their patriarchy at work.

– Both female and male Right-wing Republi-cons will never vote for a non-Republi-con female candidate. This is both their patriarchy and their misogyny at work.


Liberal adventurism allows them to detrimentally try a non-Liberal candidate.

– Both female and male Left-wing Democrats primarily prefer to vote for a Democratic candidate – male or female.

– Both female and male Left-wing Democrats occasionally vote for a Republi-con candidate – male or female – even when casting such a vote goes completely contrary to their better interests – even when the female candidate is patriarchal and self-misogynistic, little more than a Republi-con male in a dress

– Many female Left-wing Democrats will blindly vote for a female Right-wing Republi-con only because she is voting for another female. She will vote this way disregarding all evidence that that female Right-wing Republi-con candidate’s platform is contrary to every fibre of her essence. She will ignore all male Left-wing Democratic candidates no matter how much she supports his platform.

I met several otherwise sane Liberals who proudly boasted that they voted for Baby Bush twice simply because they voted for Clinton twice – that they wanted to allow the Republi-con president two terms. Sheesh!

Mind you, poll after poll, whether by the Left or the Right, consistently document that less than 30% of Americans fit the Right-wing Republi-con ideology, yet we see that since the 1950s they have controlled this nation.

These Liberals denied the Presidency to Clinton.

These Liberals will prevent this so-called ‘Blue Tsunami’ from ever happening.

These Liberals wrought Nixon, Reagan, two Bushes, Crooked Drumpf, the Republi-con ‘Contract on America’, the ‘Permanent Republikan Majority’, Gerrymandering, voter suppression.

What will you do about it?


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Brad Chapdelain
4 Feb 2018

“Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right,”




Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies?
An interplay between how all humans think and how conservatives tend to act might actually explain a lot about our current moment.
NOV 09, 20179:00 AM

Fox News believers
Photo illustration by Natalie Matthews-Ramo. Photos by FoxNews and FoxNews.com.

Many conservatives have a loose relationship with facts. The right-wing denial of what most people think of as accepted reality starts with political issues: As recently as 2016, 45 percent of Republicans still believed that the Affordable Care Act included “death panels” (it doesn’t). A 2015 poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believed then-President Obama to be a Muslim (…he isn’t).

Then there are the false beliefs about generally accepted science. Only 25 percent of self-proclaimed Trump voters agree that climate change is caused by human activities. Only 43 percent of Republicans overall believe that humans have evolved over time.

And then it gets really crazy. Almost 1 in 6 Trump voters, while simultaneously viewing photographs of the crowds at the 2016 inauguration of Donald Trump and at the 2012 inauguration of Barack Obama , insisted that the former were larger. Sixty-six percent of self-described “very conservative” Americans seriously believe that “Muslims are covertly implementing Sharia law in American courts.” Forty-six percent of Trump voters polled just after the 2016 election either thought that Hillary Clinton was connected to a child sex trafficking ring run out of the basement of a pizzeria in Washington, D.C., or weren’t sure if it was true.


Full Podcast Here

If “truth” is judged on the basis of Enlightenment ideas of reason and more or less objective “evidence,” many of the substantive positions common on the right seem to border on delusional. The left is certainly not immune to credulity (most commonly about the safety of vaccines, GMO foods, and fracking), but the right seems to specialize in it. “Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right,” concluded a team of scholars from the Harvard Kennedy School and Northeastern University at a February 2017 conference. A BuzzFeed analysis found that three main hyperconservative Facebook pages were roughly twice as likely as three leading ultraliberal Facebook pages to publish fake or misleading information.

Why are conservatives so susceptible to misinformation? The right wing’s disregard for facts and reasoning is not a matter of stupidity or lack of education. College-educated Republicans are actually more likely than less-educated Republicans to have believed that Barack Obama was a Muslim and that “death panels” were part of the ACA. And for political conservatives, but not for liberals, greater knowledge of science and math is associated with a greater likelihood of dismissing what almost all scientists believe about the human causation of global warming.

It’s also not just misinformation gained from too many hours listening to Fox News, either, because correcting the falsehoods doesn’t change their opinions. For example, nine months following the release of President Obama’s long-form birth certificate, the percentage of Republicans who believed that he was not American-born was actually higher than before the release. Similarly, during the 2012 presidential campaign, Democrats corrected their previous overestimates of the unemployment rate after the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the actual data. Republicans’ overestimated even more than before.

Part of the problem is widespread suspicion of facts—any facts. Both mistrust of scientists and other “experts” and mistrust of the mass media that reports what scientists and experts believe have increased among conservatives (but not among liberals) since the early ’80s. The mistrust has in part, at least, been deliberately inculcated. The fossil fuel industry publicizes studies to confuse the climate change debate; Big Pharma hides unfavorable information on drug safety and efficacy; and many schools in conservative areas teach students that evolution is “just a theory.” The public is understandably confused about both the findings and methods of science. “Fake news” deliberately created for political or economic gain and Donald Trump’s claims that media sites that disagree with him are “fake news” add to the mistrust.

But, the gullibility of many on the right seems to have deeper roots even than this. That may be because at the most basic level, conservatives and liberals seem to hold different beliefs about what constitutes “truth.” Finding facts and pursuing evidence and trusting science is part of liberal ideology itself. For many conservatives, faith and intuition and trust in revealed truth appear as equally valid sources of truth.

To understand how these differences manifest and what we might do about them, it helps to understand how all humans reason and rationalize: In other words, let’s take a detour into psychology. Freud distinguished between “errors” on the one hand, “illusions” and “delusions” on the other. Errors, he argued, simply reflect lack of knowledge or poor logic; Aristotle’s belief that vermin form out of dung was an error. But illusions and delusions are based on conscious or unconscious wishes; Columbus’s belief that he had found a new route to the Indies was a delusion based on his wish that he had done so.

Although Freud is out of favor with many contemporary psychologists, modern cognitive psychology suggests that he was on the right track. The tenacity of many of the right’s beliefs in the face of evidence, rational arguments, and common sense suggest that these beliefs are not merely alternate interpretations of facts but are instead illusions rooted in unconscious wishes.

This is a very human thing to do. As popular writers such as Daniel Kahneman, Cass Sunstein, and Richard Thaler have pointed out, we often use shortcuts when we reason, shortcuts that enable us to make decisions quickly and with little expenditure of mental energy. But they also often lead us astray—we underestimate the risks of events that unfold slowly and whose consequences are felt only over the long term (think global warming) and overestimate the likelihood of events that unfold rapidly and have immediate consequences (think terrorist attacks).

Our reasoning is also influenced (motivated, psychologists would say) by our emotions and instincts. This manifests in all kinds of ways: We need to maintain a positive self-image, to stave off anxiety and guilt, and to preserve social relationships. We also seek to maintain consistency in our beliefs, meaning that when people simultaneously hold two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, one or the other must go. And so we pay more attention and give more credence to information and assertions that confirm what we already believe: Liberals enthusiastically recount even the most tenuous circumstantial evidence of Trump campaign collusion with the Russians, and dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters happily believe that the crowd really was bigger at his candidate’s inauguration.

These limits to “objective” reasoning apply to everyone, of course—left and right. Why is it that conservatives have taken the lead in falling off the deep edge?

The answer, I think, lies in the interaction between reasoning processes and personality. It’s each person’s particular motivations and particular psychological makeup that affects how they search for information, what information they pay attention to, how they assess the accuracy and meaning of the information, what information they retain, and what conclusions they draw. But conservatives and liberals typically differ in their particular psychological makeups. And if you add up all of these particular differences, you get two groups that are systematically motivated to believe different things.

Psychologists have repeatedly reported that self-described conservatives tend to place a higher value than those to their left on deference to tradition and authority. They are more likely to value stability, conformity, and order, and have more difficulty tolerating novelty and ambiguity and uncertainty. They are more sensitive than liberals to information suggesting the possibility of danger than to information suggesting benefits. And they are more moralistic and more likely to repress unconscious drives towards unconventional sexuality.

Fairness and kindness place lower on the list of moral priorities for conservatives than for liberals. Conservatives show a stronger preference for higher status groups, are more accepting of inequality and injustice, and are less empathic (at least towards those outside their immediate family). As one Tea Party member told University of California sociologist Arlie Hochschild, “People think we are not good people if we don’t feel sorry for blacks and immigrants and Syrian refugees. But I am a good person and I don’t feel sorry for them.”

Baptist minister and former Republican congressman J.C. Watts put it succinctly. Campaigning for Sen. Rand Paul in Iowa in 2015 he observed, “The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans believe people are fundamentally bad, while Democrats see people as fundamentally good.”

These conservative traits lead directly to conservative views on many issues, just as liberal traits tend to lead to liberal views on many issues. But when you consider how these conservative traits and these conservative views interact with commonly shared patterns of motivated reasoning, it becomes clearer why conservatives may be more likely to run into errors in reasoning and into difficulty judging accurately what is true and what is false.

It’s not just that Trump is “their” president, so they want to defend him. Conservatives’ greater acceptance of hierarchy and trust in authority may lead to greater faith that what the president says must be true, even when the “facts” would seem to indicate otherwise. The New York Times cataloged no less than 117 clearly false statements proclaimed publicly by Trump in the first six months of his presidency, with no evident loss in his supporters’ faith in him. In the same way, greater faith in the legitimacy of the decisions of corporate CEOs may strengthen the tendency to deny evidence that there are any potential benefits from regulation of industry.

Similarly, greater valuation of stability, greater sensitivity to the possibility of danger, and greater difficulty tolerating difference and change lead to greater anxiety about social change and so support greater credulity with respect to lurid tales of the dangers posed by immigrants. And higher levels of repression and greater adherence to tradition and traditional sources of moral judgment increase the credibility of claims that gay marriage is a threat to the “traditional” family.

Conservatives are also less introspective, less attentive to their inner feelings, and less likely to override their “gut” reactions and engage in further reflection to find a correct answer. As a result, they may be more likely to rely on error-prone cognitive shortcuts, less aware of their own unconscious biases, and less likely to respond to factual corrections to previously held beliefs.

The differences in how conservatives and liberals process information are augmented by an asymmetry in group psychological processes. Yes, we all seek to keep our social environment stable and predictable. Beliefs that might threaten relationships with family, neighbors, and friends (e.g., for a fundamentalist evangelical to believe that humans are the result of Darwinian evolution or for a coal miner to believe that climate change is real and human-made) must be ignored or denied, at peril of disrupting the relationships. But among all Americans, the intensity of social networks has declined in recent years. Church attendance and union membership, participation in community organizations, and direct political involvement have flagged. Conservatives come disproportionately from rural areas and small towns, where social networks remain smaller, but denser and more homogeneous than in the big cities that liberals dominate. As a result, the opinions of family, friends, and community may be more potent in conservative hotbeds than in the more anonymous big cities where Democrats dominate.

The lack of shared reality between left and right in America today has contributed greatly to our current political polarization. Despite occasional left forays into reality denial, conservatives are far more likely to accept misinformation and outright lies. Deliberate campaigns of misinformation and conservative preferences for information that fits in with their pre-existing ideology provide only a partial explanation. Faulty reasoning and judgment, rooted in the interactions between modes of reasoning and judgment shared by all with the specific personality patterns found disproportionately among conservatives may also play a central role.


Donald Trump

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1 Comment


Rachel Michele
it’s all lies








8 of 9:


act.tv:  Money has corrupted our politics



Sharon Nichols
16 May 2018




11 Feb 2018

Money has corrupted our politics. But it doesn’t have to be that way.









9 of 9:


KnowPolitical:  Pay Crooked Drumpf Bribes at his DC hotel



Sharon Nichols is with Alana Joy
16 May 2017



15 May 2017

A message to “Pay Trump Bribes Here,” along with the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, which prohibits federal officials from taking payments from foreign governments, was projected onto President Trump’s DC hotel late Monday night.



1 Comment


Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
This is just bullshit. Period.








You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


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