‘Facebook Memories: 17 May 2024’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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‘Facebook Memories:  17 May 2024’
(17 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my Slimandme.wordpress.com web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
17 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  17 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1 of 4:

(Similar to #8 on 16 May 2024)


act.tv:  Money has corrupted our politics



Sharon Nichols
17 May 2022


A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from three years ago, from four years ago.

Crooked Drumpf campaigns on his Big Lie. Well, that’s one ‘Promise Made, Promise Kept’.

– Sharon




People who shared this

On this day
1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
dntorpSf26 711M0a2imt 3,4y ·
17 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

Proof that Crooked Drumpf could not be bothered to ‘drain the swamp’.

Nor do Republi-cons abide by their own demands of ‘Term Limits’.

That’s two more counts of Republi-con hypocrisy. Exactly their ideology.

– Sharon



3 years ago


Sharon Nichols shared a video from the playlist Featured.
May 16, 2018 ·
Shared with Public

Thank you, Brad, for posting this.


See also:



Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.



2:28 / 3:01
act.tv posted a video to playlist Featured.
February 11, 2018 ·

Money has corrupted our politics. But it doesn’t have to be that way.




On this day
3 years ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
dntorpSf26 619M0a1imt 3,4y ·
16 May 2019
Shared with Public

‘Only in Amerika!’

Bribery, er campaign contributions, for politicians is totally legal.

In fact, such bribery, er campaign contributions, are the best investment Corporate Bosses can make. A few thousand Dollars here and there to ALEC and your fave political hack results in millions of Dollars in tax-free profits thanks to Congressional insider legislation.

So, yeh, you keep supporting, keep voting for the same Crooked Drumpf politicians. That proves that you are insane – doing the same thing and demanding different results.



Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
4 years ago



Sharon Nichols
npdos2ta4,61y811 M06ha3 l10 ·
16 May 2018
Shared with Public

Thank you, Brad, for posting this.


See also:



Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.




0:33 / 3:01

orsotg a83y01t5e8F2r ,umr80c11b ·
11 Feb 2018

Money has corrupted our politics. But it doesn’t have to be that way.




1 Comment





2 of 4:

(Similar to #4 on 16 May 2024)


God Bless the United States:  Crooked Drumpf is a ‘monster’ as Hitler


The Other 98%:  Hitler used dehumanising the other as an essential precondition for genocide



Sharon Nichols
17 May 2022


A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from four years ago.

From a century ago.

Crooked Drumpf, Republi-cons, and Christian Con-servatives are Hitler and NAZIs history repeated.

– Sharon




People who shared this

1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
oodeSp2mt1fam27f0 cf, 01uy2c1M ·
17 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

A continuation of yesterday’s series.

A testament to scapegoating by Crooked Drumpf and his minion Drumpfian and Deplorable loyalists.

– Sharon



3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 16, 2018 ·
Shared with Public



0:30 / 0:32
The Other 98%
May 16, 2018 ·








Sharon Nichols
May be an image of one or more people and text

Sharon Nichols
May be an image of one or more people and text that says ‘Donald trump needs to spend the rest of his life in prison. Period.’

Sharon Nichols
May be a cartoon of one or more people and text that says ‘Here’s a guy born into riches, who spent his whole life wheeling and dealing, bullying anyone and gambling anything to amass as much money and power as possible, and never once caring who he steps on because it’s all just “business.” And a serious percentage of
NEWSX President, because they think the American population is hungering to elect him AMERICAN G those are the qualities that make America great. I have never been more ashamed of my own country.’

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
4 years ago



Sharon Nichols
npdos2ta4,61y811 M06ha3 l10 ·
16 May 2018
Shared with Public

Hey, you! You Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables. This is you!


Don’t Supreme Leader Crooked Drumpf make you proud!


The Constitution makes no distinction. It only refers to ‘person’.

– Not ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’.

– Not ‘resident’ or ‘non-resident’.

– Not ‘citizen’ or ‘non-citizen’.


Crooked Drumpf now brings this nation to Hitler’s third stage to genocide:

– you have no rights
– you have no rights to live among us
– you have no rights to live.

Crooked Drumpf and his Republi-cons deny Constitutional rights – stage #1.

Crooked Drumpf and his Republi-cons segregate people to military prisons – stage #2.

What will Crooked Drumpf and his Republi-cons do to fullfill stage #3?


Up-date (18 May 18):

For shame, ‘The Other 98%’ ! Your original headline is wrong, deceptive. I may be neither a Drumpfian nor a Deplorable, but I do report the complete story, not a half-story.

Here is a more expansive version of the exchange


Nancy contributed her own additional resources:



Thank you, Nancy.


Of course, we must keep in mind that Crooked Drumpf is running a racist, bigoted administration:

‘It’s not just rhetoric: Trump’s policies treat immigrants like me as “animals” – ‘Trump’s rhetoric and agencies like ICE immigration enforcement dehumanize immigrants.’ – Juan Escalante (18 May 2018, 2:10pm EDT)




See also:









Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





0:28 / 0:32

The Other 98%
npdos2ta4,61y811 M06ha3 l10 ·

Hitler and the Nazis referred to Jews as “rats,” or a “virus” that needed to be cured.

Dehumanizing the other is an essential precondition for genocide.



Jerry Conlee
Glad to see its fake. But, like alot of others it wouldn’t surprise me to hear him say this.

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Lol now post the lady asking him about MS13. President Trump was answering her question on the gang.

Sharon Nichols
Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Please provide your clip refuting this statement and I shall add it to this site.
He whined that ‘the laws are weak’.
He and his fellow Republi-cons have been in charge of the federal government since January 2017.
What has your President and your Party done to resolve those ‘weak laws’ these past 18 months?
Oh, yeh. Three-day work-weeks, golf on weekends, and campaigning for 2020 rather than doing their work. Nice job if you can get it.
No photo description available.

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass

Sharon Nichols
Here is a more detailed video that presents the exchange leading to the ‘animal’ appellation and additional video afterward.
This extended clip cuts both ways.
– 1: Yes. Crooked Drumpf appears to be addressing the ‘animals’ whom they accuse of committing unspeakable crimes. Gangsters truly are lower than ‘animal’!
– 2: Then Crooked Drumpf proceeds to whine. Hey, bub! You and your cohorts have held absolute control of all federal government for 18 months and you have done less than bat squeeze. These ‘animals’ and their crimes are on your head. What have you done about prosecuting these ‘animals’? All the more reason to ‘clean
the swamp’ of Republi-cons; vote in Democrats who will do something. Crooked Drumpf lied – nothing new – about deporting criminal illegal aliens. Return to the Obama-era higher levels of deporting criminal illegal aliens.
In fact, Republi-cons love illegal aliens. They love their cheap illegal labour. Laura Ingraham and Joe Walsh regularly cheer bringing in illegal aliens.
We Republicans are good for two things: reducing our taxes and blaming Democrats.’ David Brooks, R-New York Times (PBS ‘Newshour’, June 2006).
‘We Republicans aren’t afraid of low-wage, illegal immigration. We’re the white-collar, corporate, executive suite.’ Scott Rasmussen, R, conservative author (2 Feb 10)
Papers equal NAZI.’ Rush Limbaugh, R (comment supporting Arizona passing SB 1070, 20 Apr 10)
‘Bush didn’t secure the border but that’s beside the point. Put illegal crossers in jail; that will make the point. No comprehensive border reform. Hell, no! Illegals have their constituencies; I have mine.’ Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz (‘Lou Dobbs Show’, 23 Jun 10)
‘We pin Bush’s eight years of inaction and failure on Obama.’ Lou Dobbs, R (radio show, 7 Jul 10)
Our racism is irrelevant. Why do we care? We hate both N*gg*rs and F*gg*ts. Yep, I’m a racist and proud!’ Dorothy Watkins, R, T-party leader (speech, 17 Jul 10)
‘We must enforce the law; prosecute illegals but not the corporations that hire them.’ Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz (campaign statement, 28 May 10)
We’re facing the rabble Communists. We oppose the Constitution. No Jews. The Mexicans must go.’ J T Ready, Neo-NAZI National Socialist Movement (Phoenix Rally interview, 7 Nov 09) MN

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Why would you post the answer to the question he was asked, and not post the question? Then mainstream media edited the question out. All liberals go nuts. He gave a briefing, with questions and answers. MSM completely cut out the question about the gang MS13. So this answer was a direct comment on MS13 gang
members only. Not on all imigrants..

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
He was the interview msm cut and edited. As you see, he was asked a direct question on MS13. He gave a direct response to the ms13rd gang. Liberals refuse, to watch him in his briefings. Then, they rely on fake news, that edit out the question he was asked. If you think, MS13 aren’t animals, there is truly something wrong.
Animals don’t kills and rape for fun. These gang members, are worse than animals.
Trump calls some illegal immigrants “animals” in meeting with sheriffs
Trump calls some illegal immigrants “animals” in meeting with sheriffs
Trump calls some illegal immigrants “animals” in meeting with sheriffs

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Lmfao whined about laws being week. Please tell that to the parents, and families, who’s members were, beaten , raped, and murdered, by these gangs

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Parents speak out after daughter is killed by MS-13 members
Parents speak out after daughter is killed by MS-13 members
Parents speak out after daughter is killed by MS-13 members

Sharon Nichols
Crooked Drumpf and Republi-cons need to tell the parents and families that they have done absolutely nothing during these past 18 month.
Past many years, in fact.
Republi-cons held the absolute majority for six of Baby Bush’s years – and did nothing.
Reagan sold American guns to the Contras – illegally – and made this happen.

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
Keep telling yourself that.






3 of 4:


International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia



Sharon Nichols
17 May 2021

Here are topical articles to read and videos to watch for today declared International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

President Biden issued his Presidential announcement. It is a nice change having our President express goodwill towards Our Communities after the tumult from the recent predecessor.

Reading posts and comments throughout social media leaves me dismayed. People are blaming Biden for:

– the failure of states to make Birth Certificate changes,

– the omission of Intersex from the declaration,

– the continued mutilation and butchery of Intersex infants and children,

– Israel’s military actions against hostile international aggression.



Biden has no control about any of those issues.

– Your state makes the laws about your Birth Certificate. Take it up with your state legislature.

– Biden followed the lead of the private declaration that lists only Homophobia and Transphobia.

– Biden has no control of state laws allowing mutilation and butchery of Intersex infants and children. These recent anti-Trans state laws criminalising Trans health care explicitly approve violating the Right of body autonomy of Intersex infants and children. Again, take it up with your state legislature.

– What does Israel’s national defence against Hamas bombing campaigns have to do with the declaration against Homophobia and Transphobia? Do you really think Hamas or any Arab or Moslem gives one ounce of bat squeeze regard for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Intersex, or any other sex, gender, or individuality? Compared to Israel?

Now, if you took a couple minutes, you would have heard Press Secretary Psaki remark that Biden’s statement does include recognition and support for Intersex and Queer worldwide.


Thank you.

– Sharon




HRC Mourns Sophie Vásquez, Latina Transgender Woman Killed in Georgia
Madeleine Roberts •
May 12, 2021

HRC is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Sophie Vásquez, a 36-year-old Latina transgender woman who was shot and killed in Brookhaven, Georgia, on May 4. Her death is at least the 23rd violent death of a transgender or gender non-conforming person in 2021. We say “at least” because too often these deaths go unreported — or misreported.

According to El Nuevo Georgia, Sophie was a part of the EsTr (El / La) Community, or Community Estrella, a community that works to support transgender people in the Atlanta area. The Community has organized a vigil, to be held on May 12, in honor of Sophie. Friends and family are also remembering Sophie on social media, with one sharing that Sophie was “the kindest person on the planet.” Another said, “I will never forget your bright personality. You were truly beautiful inside and out. I can’t tell you how many times you lit up the whole room and made us laugh until we cried.”

“Ya basta de matarnos, nosotres no le hacemos nada a nadie, cuando lo único que hemos hecho es sobrevivir y resistir lo que la sociedad nos ha impuesto. Sobrevivir en esta sociedad ha sido tan racista y discriminatorio, esto no es trans fobia – por qué no, no nos tienen miedo esto es trans odio. Por lo tanto demandamos justicia para Sophie, y trabajaremos para que su muerte no quede impune.

Stop killing us, we are not hurting anyone, the only thing we are doing is surviving, which is something that society imposed on us. Surviving in this very racist and discriminatory society. Why [do they have] phobia? They don’t have phobia, this is not transphobia, this is [just] trans hate.”

Li An Sánchez, Executive Director & Founder, Community EsTr (El / La)

“We are heartbroken and frustrated that we continue to receive reports of fatal violence against transgender and gender non-conforming people. Sophie had friends, family and a community that she was a part of, and she should never have been taken from them. We need everyone to continue to speak up in support of trans and gender non-conforming lives. It will take all of us to end the stigma that so many in the community face, and bring this violence to an end.”

In an injustice compounding this tragedy, Sophie was misgendered and misnamed in some initial police reports. Anti-transgender stigma is exacerbated by callous or disrespectful treatment by some in the media, law enforcement and elected offices. According to HRC research, it is estimated that approximately three-quarters of all known victims were misgendered by the media and/or by law enforcement. In the pursuit of greater accuracy and respect, HRC offers guidelines for journalists and others who report on transgender people. HRC, Media Matters and the Trans Journalists Association have also partnered on an FAQ for reporters writing about anti-trans violence.

At the state level, transgender and gender non-conforming people in Georgia are not explicitly protected in state laws prohibiting discrimination in employment, housing, education and public spaces. While Georgia passed hate crimes legislation in June 2020 that does include sexual orientation, the law does not explicitly cover gender identity. While recent weeks have seen some gains that support and affirm transgender people, we are also currently facing anti-LGBTQ attacks at many levels of government, with more than 250 anti-LGBTQ bills under consideration in state legislatures across the country, more than 120 of which directly target transgender people. Last week, 2021 set a record as the worst year for anti-LGBTQ legislation in recent history.




HRC Mourns Keri Washington, Black Transgender Woman Killed in Clearwater, Florida
Violet Lhant •
May 4, 2021

HRC is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Keri Washington, a 49-year-old Black transgender woman, who was found dead in Clearwater, Florida, on May 1, 2021. Keri’s death is at least the 20th violent death of a transgender or gender non-conforming person in 2021. We say “at least” because too often these deaths go unreported — or misreported. Keri’s death marks the second known killing of a Black transgender woman in Florida this year, following Alexus Braxton in Miami on February 4.

Unfortunately, as of the time of this blog’s publication, not much else is known about the incident or about Keri’s personal life.
“Our community is yet again in mourning as a result of senseless acts of violence against transgender and gender non-conforming people. Keri was at least the fourth transgender woman killed in less than 10 days, each of them Black or Brown. We urge everyone to end the stigma against transgender people, and to destroy the roots of transphobia and racism that fuel this violence.”




HRC Mourns Jahaira DeAlto, Transgender Woman of Color Killed in Boston
Madeleine Roberts •
May 5, 2021

HRC is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Jahaira DeAlto, a 42-year-old transgender woman of color, who was killed on May 2 in Boston, Massachusetts, as the result of a stabbing. Fatima Yasin, who was 27, was also killed. Jahaira’s death is at least the 21st violent death of a transgender or gender non-conforming person in 2021. We say “at least” because too often these deaths go unreported — or misreported.

Jahaira was a well-known and beloved transgender advocate, advocate for survivors of domestic and sexual violence and member of the ballroom community in the Boston area. She was a member of the House of Balenciaga, and was a founder of Berkshire Transgender Day of Remembrance and Berkshire Pride Festival. Over the past few days, tributes have poured in from friends, family and community members.

Berkshire Pride remembered her as “a loyal friend, a fierce advocate, and a mother to many.” According to WBUR, Jahaira’s long-time friend Letta Neely said, “We cannot let any of our people, who are murdered or who die from other messed up stuff, become a number. She’s Jahaira and she’s in a long line of ancestors now. In 1998, she spoke when Rita Hester was killed in Boston. And we will now, forever add her to [the] list of people we speak of and honor. And then we’ll keep fighting for liberation in her name.” Jahaira’s former employer, Elizabeth Freeman Center, said, “We remember Jahaira as a colleague, activist and survivor who touched the lives of everyone around her with her passion, drive, humanity, humor, and fierce vision.” Her current employer, Casa Myrna, shared, “She turned every obstacle in life into a strength and a way to help others. She was an activist, an advocate, a nurturer, a leader, an educator, and a friend.”

Last year, to recognize Mother’s Day, Jahaira posted the following to her Twitter account: “I am the mother who raised the children whose rainbow sparkled too brightly and blinded their birth moms. I cherished what they discarded. I took on earthly assignments for the moms who’d earned their Heavenly reward. For their babies who still needed raising. I did that. And I’m still doing that. And I’ll keep doing that. Because I will never know what seeing my DNA reflected in another’s eyes could look like, but I know what gratitude in the eyes of a young person who finally feels seen looks like. And for me, that’s enough.”

“Ballroom to me is all about connections and relationships. Jahaira was one of those people you instantly connected with — she was real (her category also), funny, articulate, and caring. The one thing that has become even more clear after her passing is exactly how many people had those relationships with her. Countless people considered her a mother figure, and I’ve seen dozens if not hundreds of posts talking about the impact of their relationship with her… Through her work she saved hundreds of lives and inspired many others to do the work. This is how change happens, by the light shining from one person to another, ultimately illuminating the world. My only wish is that her light wasn’t dimmed so soon.”




HRC Mourns Whispering Wind Bear Spirit, Indigenous Non-Binary Person Killed in Pennsylvania
Madeleine Roberts •
May 11, 2021

HRC is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Whispering Wind Bear Spirit, a 41-year-old Indigenous non-binary person shot to death in York, Pennsylvania. Whispering Wind was shot late in the evening on May 3 and died early on May 4. Their death is at least the 22nd violent death of a transgender or gender non-conforming person in 2021. We say “at least” because too often these deaths go unreported — or misreported.

Whispering Wind, who described themself on their social media as “Shawnee by birth and Potawatomi by relations,” often shared photos of meaningful quotes on their Facebook. Friends and family are remembering them on Facebook, with one sharing “you are missed” and another remembering Whispering Wind as “a beautiful and kind soul.”

“We continue to receive reports of transgender and non-binary people who have been killed in the last few weeks. This violence is heartbreaking and unacceptable. Our hearts go out to everyone in Whispering Wind Bear Spirit’s community. Everyone must speak up in support of trans and non-binary lives and take action to help bring this violence to an end.”

HRC recorded 44 deaths of transgender and gender non-conforming people in 2020, more than in any year since we began tracking this violence in 2013.


Texas legislation SB 1646 will deliberately destroy Trans children by criminalising both their existence and their medical care.




How The Trump Administration Has Impacted Transgender Rights

August 05, 2020
Tonya Mosley
Allison Hagan

Trans pride flags flutter in the wind at a gathering to celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility. (Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images)

A controversial new rule that could allow homeless shelters to turn away transgender people based on physical appearance is the Trump administration’s latest attempt at restricting trans rights.

Proposed last month, the rule would allow federally funded single-sex shelters to turn away people whose assigned sex at birth doesn’t correspond with the population at the shelter.

Last week, members of Congress submitted a letter saying the proposal was “anti-transgender” and could empower shelter providers to discriminate against trans people. But Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson said the rule would allow better accommodation of shelter providers’ religious beliefs.

This rule is “one of the most offensive anti-trans proposals” since Trump took office, says Vox political writer Katelyn Burns, the first openly transgender Capitol Hill reporter in the U.S.

If a trans woman showed up at a women’s shelter, for example, the shelter owner could send them to a men’s shelter — putting them at risk of sexual assault or harassment, Burns explains. And the rule specifically lists traits such as height, the presence of an Adam’s apple and the size of hands or feet that target women.

“The way that the rule is crafted is actually really problematic, not just for trans women, but for all women,” she says, “because it would give shelter operators license to judge a woman’s appearance and try to spot anything that doesn’t correspond with, quote unquote, womanhood.”

No evidence suggests allowing transgender people into shelters that correspond with their gender identity is dangerous. The rule even acknowledges that there’s no verified instances of trans women posing a risk to cisgender women, she says.

But the rule proposes the threat of “big, hairy men pretending to be trans” to gain access to women’s shelters, she says, which doesn’t happen.

In June, the administration reversed an Obama-era health protection for transgender patients. Some conservatives argued the rule allowed patients to force doctors to perform gender reassignment surgeries, which Burns reports isn’t true.

This change allows insurance companies to return to denying transgender patients coverage for transition services, she says.

“The claim that doctors are being forced to perform [gender reassignment surgery] on trans people is just frankly ridiculous because it’s a highly specialized practice that maybe 50 or so surgeons in the country are trained to perform,” she says. “Trans people aren’t going to random doctors demanding new genitals. That’s just not a thing.”

The Trump administration’s restriction of transgender rights began mere weeks into his presidency when an Obama-era guidance on allowing transgender students to use bathrooms of their choice was rolled back.

From the Department of Education, the guidance outlined how schools can create a more inclusive environment but it wasn’t an official rule. But even this suggestion went too far for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and the Trump administration, Burns says.

The results of the coming election will determine the impact of these changes, she says. If Trump loses in November, all of his administration’s changes on transgender rights could get reversed.

“But that puts trans people in sort of a state of limbo because our rights would then depend on whoever is president,” she says. “So every four years we could potentially be seeing these vast swings in our rights, which is really untenable.”

As the Trump administration continues to introduce changes to transgender protections, people like Aidan Key are still working to make schools more inclusive. Key is the founder and president of Gender Diversity, an organization that serves families of transgender children.

The progress of his work in schools has steadily continued, he says.

“From my perspective, what I witness are educators, administrators and parents themselves who recognize the need to include children, all children in schools,” he says. “And those steps to include trans and gender-diverse children are just part of that journey.”

But some people fear that the political climate of the country could halt or revert progress, he says. A smaller group of people and institutions, such as school districts, fear that addressing the topic of gender-diverse children will spark pushback with people who view it as a moral or political issue, he says.

Transgender children and adults are disproportionately more likely to experience homelessness. Key says the Trump administration’s shelter rule could bring “significant and dire circumstances” upon transgender people who can’t find employment or housing.

During his two decades of working with trans and gender-diverse children, Key has witnessed “a progression of thought and understanding” from people of all political affiliations.

At many of the schools he’s worked with, people thought this topic would be poorly received — but this hasn’t been the case. Instead, he finds that educators and administrators care about the experience of their students and their families.

While what happens in Washington can slow progress down, politics can’t stop people from seeing how authentic gender expression can restore the joy in a child’s life, he says. To continue moving forward, adults need to focus on how to better understand the issues transgender children face.

“The heart is there and the progression forward is there. Will rescindence of guidance slow things down? Yes, absolutely,” he says. “But as far as the big picture, you can’t unknow something.”

Jill Ryan produced and edited this interview for broadcast with Tinku Ray. Allison Hagan adapted it for the web.
This segment aired on August 5, 2020.

‘Climate Change Has A Cost’: The Trump Administration’s Environmental Rollbacks During COVID-19

Tonya Mosley Co-host, Here & Now
Tonya Mosley is the LA-based co-host of Here & Now.

Allison Hagan Digital Producer
Allison Hagan is a digital producer for Here & Now



31 March 2021 |
Trans Women and Public Restrooms: The Legal Discourse and Its Violence

Beatriz Pagliarini Bagagli1†, Tyara Veriato Chaves1† and Mónica G. Zoppi Fontana1,2*†
1Laboratory PoEHMaS (Politics, Enunciation, History, Materialities, Sexuality), Institute of Language Studies, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil
2Department of Linguistics, Institute of Language Studies, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil

Safe access to public restrooms is an essential need for participation in civic life, in the workplace, in educational settings, and other public spaces. This is no different for transgender people. However, access to public restrooms according to gender identity has sparked controversy to the extent that transgender people face embarrassment and even expulsion from these spaces. The lack of access of the transgender population to public restrooms has a negative impact on the physical and mental health of this population. Thus, this article aims to address the main consequences that the ban on the use of bathrooms has for the transgender population, specifically the access of transgender women to the women’s restroom. We covered some legal aspects of “bathroom laws” and the main arguments in this discussion. We understand that the prohibition of access to the restroom constitutes a form of gender violence and discrimination, as we conclude that the arguments that express concerns about safety are not supported. The Trans


At the restroom door, the security guard came to me and asked for my documents. I replied: “why?” He said: “you know why”. I replied: “I don’t know”. So I went into the bathroom with my friend and I suddenly realized that the bathroom was being evacuated. I was alone in the bathroom. He sent a cleaning woman into the bathroom and asked everyone to leave. At the time… I think that was the biggest humiliation I went through in my whole life and, believe me, I’ve been quite humiliated. Because he treated me as if I were a delinquent, but not just any delinquent, a highly dangerous one, who might risk those people, so dangerous that a public place needed to be evacuated1 (Maria Clara Spinelli2).

Once the door is closed, a white toilet, between 40 and 50 cm height, as if it were a perforated ceramic stool that connects our defecating body to an invisible universal cloaca (Preciado, 2018).

Surveillance, violence, humiliation, embarrassment, trauma, and suffering are everyday actions and affections in the lives of some individuals who need access to public restrooms in Brazil and throughout the world. Preciado (2018) notes that it is when architecture seems to harmlessly serve basic natural needs that a perverse and effective policy of access restriction is established, in which doors, windows, furniture, walls, partitions, exits, and entrances work as a complex apparatus at the service of technologies of gender3. Just as there is extensive research in Gender Studies regarding the complex network of constraints involving the presence of women in public spaces4, it is urgent to analyze the policy of transphobic spatial segregation that permeates many practices and functions, which has as one of its most violent exclusion and segregation devices in the access to public restrooms. The language in social practices and subjective relationships actively participates in these exclusion devices.

From the account of Maria Clara Spinelli, we have a sample of how discrimination operates. It is a complex apparatus that involves not only the State and its institutions, but the smallest and singular dimension—although not the less cruel—of everyone who authorizes themselves to be the “inspector of other’s gender.” This discourse involves, for example, the security agent of a shopping mall, who, from misunderstanding games of glance, recognizes certain individuals as subjects, and authorizes himself to question them, demanding their documents, saying “you know why.” It is by returning to the other the evidence of historical violence that the arguments turn into a “you know why,” closing the door and locking the other inside the very own violence that victimizes them.

Language helps us realize how certain ideological processes materialize, and, in this case, we are facing a very familiar functioning. According to Pêcheux (1975/2009), it is not just about “everyone knows”—i.e., fundamental ideological evidence—, but the “you know,” which implies an enunciative game in which the subject is placed as accomplice of the violence that affects them: “you and I know why5.” A perverse game that finds shelter in the social relations, as all the women present agree with the scene and participate in it, leaving the bathroom. We ask ourselves: what if they stayed? What if, by staying, they showed the security guard that the only dangerous thing was his prejudiced attitude? And that the assumption of a danger and threat say much more about who acts that way and where their desire rests? Maria Clara remembers that the restroom is a public space. Are we really willing to live together?

This account, or rather, this outburst, is available on Youtube, which confirms that there is a voice, a face, a body giving life to those words, faltering in the syntax, exposing how disturbing it is to express oneself in a traumatic experience. If we consider enunciation, we can notice when the speech trembles, when the pause interrupts the word, when the nervous laughter is followed by the expression: “and, believe me, I’ve been humiliated a lot.” The most humiliating episode in Spinelli’s life takes place at the entrance of a “Women’s” restroom, as the door sign indicated. And we know that crossing that door, or rather, crossing that border, says much more about the subject’s relationship with desire—by a psychoanalytic (Allouch, 2010) perspective—and the subject’s relationship with a naming process, which is part of a repeated norm (Butler, 1993/2013, p. 161), than a biological, anatomical, or genetic data.

The bathroom is part of the exclusion operation of cities and, as Preciado (2018) points out, it is necessary to think of the historicity of the public bathroom as a bourgeois institution responsible the management of bodily waste, especially from the nineteenth century onwards, which emerges in accordance with conjugal and domestic codes crossed by the spatial division of gender, the normalization of heterosexuality6 and the pathologization of homosexuality: “[…] In the twentieth century, bathrooms became authentic public inspection cells, in which the adequacy of each body with the current codes of masculinity and femininity is evaluated7” It is as if an unwritten law authorizes people going to the bathroom to inspect the bodies of those who choose to cross the border that separates the inside and the outside (of the door and of gender).

We have a significant sample that such violence practices operate daily not only on the doors of public restrooms, but through a set of statements surrounding those places, like the speech of state deputy Douglas Garcia when he stated during a session in the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo in April 2019, that: “if by chance inside a woman’s bathroom, that my sister or my mother is using, a man who feels like a woman or who may have taken off or put whatever he wants on, enters, I don’t care: I’m going to beat him out of there first and then call the police” (Huffpost Brasil, 2019). The deputy also said that it was necessary to respect “the biology and values of our people.” This statement puts at stake a series of meanings that not only make invisible and deny gender identity by erasing the designation “trans-person” or “transvestite” by referring to them as “a man who feels like a woman or who may have taken off or put whatever he wants on,” as it also shows how this issue is crossed by moral arguments, since the deputy uses his supposed family responsibility (as a brother and son) to justify his conduct in face of this type of situation8. This is a conduct that, incidentally, also raises not only the violence of what was said—“beat him out of there first and then call the police”—, but also the violence of what was silenced: what was taken off? What was put on? There we have the cynical modesty that forbids the enunciation of the names of the genitalia as a counterpoint to the authoritarian shamelessness to openly incite violence.

As a result, São Paulo state deputy Erica Malunguinho, a trans woman, filed a lawsuit for breaking parliamentary decorum that resulted in a verbal warning against Deputy Douglas Garcia by the Legislative Assembly’s Ethics Council (Huffpost Brasil, 2019).

In our theoretical course, we seek to foster possible dialogues between the field of materialist discourse analysis and feminist and gender studies. This dialogue allows us, on the one hand, to take language as the place of materialization of ideological processes (Pêcheux, 1975/2009), to question the logically stabilized universe of discursive constructions regarding events, questioning the functioning of ideology, its contradictions, and the evidence that essentialize the subjects and their effects of meanings in History. On the other hand, the political and theoretical work of Feminist and Gender Studies allows the denaturalization of the notion of identity as something pre-discursive, natural and biological, interrogating the ways in which the subjectivity of the gendered subject is historically constructed. From an analytical point of view, our view goes through several enunciative instances (legal documents, testimonies, audiovisual productions), taking into account the significant specificities. This gesture seeks to work on the events linked to gender violence in its multiplicity, showing the heterogeneity of the discursive processes, their contradictions, dominances, and resistance movements, without any instance overlapping the other.

Considering the aforementioned, this paper aims to address the controversy over the restriction of restroom use according to gender identity by the transgender population9, specifically by transgender women. We analyzed some legal aspects of the so-called “bathroom laws” and the main arguments in this discussion, especially those related to the allegations of risk to other women in those bathrooms. We understand that the lack of access or the prohibition of access to restrooms is a type of gender violence that negatively impacts the presence and circulation of transgender people in different social spaces, resulting in segregation and ghettoization of this population. At the same time, we analyze the process that constitute what support such prohibition policies, processes that reinforce historically dominant meanings about masculinity and femininity, and that build the image of a subject-other, upon which meanings of violence (particularly sexual violence) and animality are projected.

Bathroom Law

Safe access to public restrooms is a right and a necessity for participation in civic life, in the workplace, in educational settings and other public spaces. However, many transgender people are afraid to go to bathrooms, as they are exposed to embarrassment (and violence) and may even be prevented from accessing them. This stems from discriminatory practices already socially established and not legally regulated, given the absence of clearer and/or effective laws or legal provisions that protect the rights of transgender people to access these spaces without embarrassment or hostility. Therefore, the right to access bathrooms is fundamental to the fight for equality in the transgender community, which is reveal by the many legal cases that dealing with protection against discrimination that refer to this issue (Elkind, 2006, p. 922).

The legal debates about the right to use restrooms by transgender people in the United States add to the set of studies known as the “bathroom law” or “bathroom bill,” which adds legal provisions and analyses ranging from the right to work to the dismantling of the racial segregation experienced in that country10 (Rios and Resadori, 2015, p. 204). Levi and Redman (2010, p. 133) go so far as to say that “bathroom inequality is one of the greatest barriers to full integration of transgender people in American life.” Rios and Resadori (2015, p. 204) argue that the accumulation of the American legal debate on “bathroom laws” provides valuable arguments for improving this discussion in the Brazilian context.

Trans-exclusionary bathroom laws (or bills)11 end up giving new meaning to these equipment by targeting its use exclusively to cisgender people,



Caitlyn Jenner is lying. Here are the facts on trans children in sports.
Charlotte Clymer
May 10

Tonight, in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, Jenner doubled down on her incredibly irresponsible and damaging remarks on trans children in sports.

Because Jenner is arguably the most famous openly-trans woman in the world and an Olympic champion, viewers and readers of media who are unfamiliar with trans identities and trans health care may be led to believe she’s simply telling a hard truth and informing the public.

She is not. She is blatantly lying to pander to conservative voters in her state. Her opinion is completely at odds with reality.

It’s important to highlight key facts on this issue:

1. The AP’s David Crary and Lindsay Whitehurst reached out to ALL the sponsoring Republican lawmakers of bills in more than 20 states (at the time) to ban trans kids from sports. They asked these lawmakers a simple question: could they point to a single example where this is a problem in their states? In almost every instance, they could not. The few who provided an example pointed to a pending lawsuit out of Connecticut, in which the families of three cisgender girls have sued the state over trans girls participating in track and field events. Unsurprisingly, the Justice Department has withdrawn the previous administration’s support for the case because it lacks merit.

2. By the way, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice was asked directly by MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle if he could point to one example in his state where trans children participating in sports had been a problem. He could not.

3. In the eight days after that Connecticut case was filed, one of the cis girls defeated the faster of the two trans girls. Twice. The cis girl received an athletic scholarship to William & Mary, which I’m sure was well deserved. The two trans girls did not receive an athletic scholarship anywhere.

4. Of course, that’s unsurprising. In the ten years (yes, ten years) that the NCAA has permitted trans young people to compete openly on teams that align with their gender identity, there is no record of a young trans woman receiving a college athletic scholarship at any level of NCAA sports. Not one. In ten years. If a talented journalist can find one, I would love to see it.

5. To put that in perspective, almost 85,000 young women were on a college athletic scholarship last school year. Again, there is no record of any of them being openly-transgender. The NCAA’s policy was reached after extensive consultation with medical experts, and again, for 10 years, the much warned “takeover of women’s sports” has yet to yield even one trans woman receiving an athletic scholarship.

6. Last month, in the midst of an onslaught of bills attacking trans children in 33 states, the NCAA Board of Governors released a statement “firmly and unequivocally” standing beside trans athletes.

7. One young trans woman did win an NCAA track and field national championship at the Division II several years ago, which was considered an upset victory against cis women who had beaten her several times before. She failed to even place in several other events at the same meet. She is the only known openly-trans woman to win an NCAA national championship in track and field. You can read more about her story from trans journalist Dawn Ennis here.

8. Of course, none of this should surprise Jenner, who told Dawn Ennis on her podcast last year, quite clearly, that she supports trans kids competing on teams that align with their gender identity. Last year.

9. Did you know Caitlyn Jenner hypocritically competes in women’s golf tournaments? Well, now you do.

10. Jenner claims this is about keeping things fair, absent evidence it’s not, and yet, prominent cis women athletes like Billie Jean King, Megan Rapinoe, and Candace Parker, among countless others, have made public statements supporting trans girls and young women competing on girls and womens teams.

11. Megan Rapinoe even wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post on the topic. You should read it.

12. Also, here’s what Rapinoe had to say about Jenner specifically after her anti-trans comments.

13. Feminist organizations like the National Women’s Law Center, the Feminist Majority Foundation, and the Women’s Sports Foundation have all made it clear they support trans girls and young women in girls’ and women’s sports.


This is a fabricated issue that has grown out of a broad lack of knowledge about trans children and trans health care coupled with an intentional effort by Republicans to dehumanize trans children.

It’s understandable how people would be misled on this, especially if they don’t know anyone who is transgender, but it is unconscionable that someone like Jenner, who knows that trans kids do not threaten girls’ and women’s sports, would take advantage of that lack of broad knowledge and weaponize it against trans children for political gain.

This matters because there is an ongoing nationwide campaign by Republican lawmakers to dehumanize trans children. Even trans children who don’t play sports are seeing these arguments used to block gender-affirming medical care, despite every major medical authority, from the American Medical Association to the American Academy of Pediatrics, clearly stating their support for gender-affirming care for trans children.

Please listen to the experts and trust their guidance. Caitlyn Jenner is the Phyllis Schlafly of the trans community, and she has no qualms with throwing trans children under the bus just to grow her own brand.

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B Phillips12 hr ago
Thanks for publishing the stats, gives me some ammo when someone posts about trans women ruining women’s sports.

ValMay 10
Thank you for shining a light on this and offering an antidote to the gaslighting.
3 more comments…
What is Charlotte’s Web Thoughts?

Tom Cotton lied about serving as an Army Ranger in Iraq and Afghanistan. Here’s why it matt…
Ranger School is not Ranger Regiment. For many reasons.
Charlotte Clymer
Jan 23

Tonight, Sen. Elizabeth Warren called me. Here’s what she said.
As always, she wanted to talk about policy. That’s who she is.
Charlotte Clymer
Jan 26

There Must Be Consequences
This was always coming. It’s not going away unless we act.
Charlotte Clymer
Jan 10

Read →

B Phillips12 hr ago
Thanks for publishing the stats, gives me some ammo when someone posts about trans women ruining women’s sports.

ValMay 10
Thank you for shining a light on this and offering an antidote to the gaslighting.

Keri Layton18 hr ago
If colleges are going to put their money where their mouths are in forwarding inclusive agendas, they need to offer scholarships to these top athletes.

And as for Caitlyn, ugh! Will the age of narcissism politics ever end??

Vickie22 hr ago
I have always felt that Jenner was only in it for herself. Just as she appears to be now for a political race. I can’t imagine having the platform that she has, and not helping others who don’t want to wait until they’re an old man, to live their life as they deserve. -Vickie

MYRA P WOODS23 hr ago
Excellent piece gutting the despicable legislation pandering to hate mongers. It’s sad that hate is so easily embraced by politicians and wannabes like Jenner who knows better.

© 2021 Charlotte Clymer.



“She’s A Menace!” – George Takai.

And as much as we at TransSafeSpace.network want to like her, we can’t help but agree. She is no champion of the trans community.


George Takei has branded Caitlyn Jenner a “menace” after she stated her opposition to trans athletes competing as their correct gender.

Jenner has been widely criticized by members of the LGBT+ community for her anti-trans comments. “It just isn’t fair, and we have to protect girls’ sports in our schools,” Caitlyn Jenner said.

Many are questioning why she is falling on the side of Republican legislators who are trying to stop trans youth from playing sports when she herself is trans. Others yet have also pointed out that Jenner’s comments starkly contradict her stated position just one year ago.

Jenner’s sudden change in perspective comes as numerous states advance cruel anti-trans laws that seek to exclude trans young people from sport entirely.

There are currently more than 250 anti-LGBT+ bills making their way through state legislatures in the US, according to the Human Rights Campaign.



Doctors treating trans youth grapple with uncertainty, lack of training
stef m. shuster, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Michigan State University
Tue, May 11, 2021, 5:48 AM·

Randomized controlled trials of therapeutic interventions have yet to be conducted.

Last month, the Arkansas Senate passed legislation prohibiting medical providers from offering gender-affirming hormones or surgeries to trans youth.

If you were to read the bill – titled the Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act – you might think the law was protecting children from physicians like Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor who experimented on Jewish people.

“It is of grave concern to the General Assembly,” the text reads, that trans youth are being allowed “to be subjects of irreversible and drastic” treatments “despite the lack of studies showing that the benefits of such extreme interventions outweigh the risks.”

This language is at odds with the growing evidence that blocking people from accessing gender-affirming care creates increased risks for social isolation, suicide ideation and depression. Withholding puberty blockers from trans and nonbinary youth has also been found to negatively affect mental health.

However, the hyperbolic language and imagery of brutal experimentation prevents medical providers from honestly confronting the various issues that do exist within the field. The punitive nature of the legislation – in which doctors can lose their licenses – further thwarts these efforts.

As I discuss in my new book, “Trans Medicine,” little scientific evidence exists to support the use of current trans medical treatments, therapy or decision-making that meets evidence-based standards. Randomized controlled trials have yet to be conducted.

For this reason, providers often have trepidation about working with trans people, even if they recognize it is in the best interests of their patients to do so.

A history of resistance

Pointing out the lack of evidence in this medical field is nothing new.

Providers of trans medicine have dealt with accusations of engaging in unnecessary – even immoral – experimentation and “quackery” since the mid-20th century. Many of these charges came from other doctors.

For example, in a letter to a colleague, Harry Benjamin, a well-known endocrinologist who worked during the 1950s, wrote, “I can’t tell you how many of my fellows have called me aside for a heart-to-heart talk on this business of working with transsexuals. They worried about the gossip surrounding me and my office as a result of this type of work.”

As Benjamin suggested – and as the historical record reflected – scandal overwhelmed those providers willing to offer hormone therapy for trans people. After all, an individual who requested to change their gender presentation was understood as having a mental illness, best addressed by long-term therapy.

The medical establishment has typically responded to such charges of quackery, even from other doctors by touting their specialized training, credentials and skills to deal with disease and illness.

But for over 70 years, physicians and therapists who work with trans clients, young and old, have nonetheless been haunted by a very basic question: How might someone who is trained to manage illness and disease “treat” someone’s gender identity, which is neither an illness nor a disease?

A doctor walks along a tightrope towards a jumbled knot of rope.
Doctors who treat trans people are often forced to rely on their gut, in lieu of clinical guidelines.

Not all providers comfortably lean on this flexibility in delivering gender-affirming care or therapy. Speaking before her colleagues at a health care conference, one physician urged them to remember, before starting their patients on hormones, that “what you are looking to get at is to make sure their gender identity is clear and there are no red flags.”

But there are no medical tests to confirm a trans identity. And “red flags” aren’t defined or delineated in any literature or clinical guidelines.

This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts. It was written by: stef m. shuster, Michigan State University.

Read more:

Two classes of trans kids are emerging – those who have access to puberty blockers, and those who don’t

Trans youth are coming out and living in their gender much earlier than older generations


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Even Pat Robertson now agrees. Christian Con-servatives must follow the New Testament Law of Jesus’ ‘love’ and ‘grace’, NOT erroneously cite the Old Testament to invoke your anti-LGBTI and anti-Trans ideology:

‘We’re not under the Law of the Old Testament. There’s only one Law – the Law of Love. You’re free from that Old Testament Law. That Law was for the Jews of that time. We’re under the grace of Jesus. Life. We live in faith of the New Covenant, not the Old Covenant. God deals with humanity in the Old Testament. Should we be under the Law of the Old Testament? The answer is ‘NO!’. ‘

– Pat Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 17 May 21)

(Eh, Zuck? Robertson agrees with my meme that you deleted for violating your ‘standards’.)



One thing to consider might be that much of the legislation banning transition for trans children (and adults in some cases) includes carve outs that specifically permit non-consensual surgery on intersex infants


Articles debunking ROGD.



‘A Critical Commentary on ‘Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria’ (Florence Paré)


A less academic discourse.




‘Whipping Girl: Origins of ‘Social Contagion’ and ‘Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria’. (Julia Serano)


The CPATH position statement (includes a fairly extensive reference list).



Arjee Restar is a Trans graduate student in the same department of the same graduate school whose faculty member published the original article.


‘Methodological Critique of Littman’s Parental-Respondents Accounts’ (Arjee Restar)


An article published in the ‘Journal of LGBT Youth’.


‘Deferral: The Sociology of Young Trans People’s Epiphanies and Coming Out’ (Natacha Kennedy)

Pulls ROGD apart using empirical evidence from young trans people directly.


An alternate version of this post is available at my web-site:


‘International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia’











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Abortion Rights is Body Autonomy



Sharon Nichols
17 May 2019


Someone, somewhere, at some time may have opposed abortion, maybe for herself, maybe imposing their authoritarianism against the nation.

Then, circumstance changed. Now, someone in your life needs it – you need it, your wife needs it, your daughter needs it, your sister needs it. How can you face them and deny their Constitutional Right!


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1 Comment


Mariah Stearns
My mom had an ectopic pregnancy once. If she could have transferred it to her uterus she would, but there was no possibility of that. She had to abort it or it would have killed or horribly crippled her. I’m glad she was allowed to abort it; I love my mom a lot. -Jamie



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You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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BeHuman Campaign


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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


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