Archive | 18 May 2024

‘Facebook Memories: 18 May 2024 – Republi-con Party Imposes Big Brother Extremism To Destroy American Democracy’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024 – Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy’
(18 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
18 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1, 2.  Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy

3, 6, 8.  Abortion is sad

4, 9, 10.  Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf

Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign

5.  Ban books … burn books … ban people … burn people

7.  Nanette Smith:  Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group



1 of 10:

(1, 2 are similar)


Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy


Republi-cons turn against American Democracy.  Republi-cons destroy American Democracy in favour of enforcing Big Guh’mint Christian Nationalism.  Republi-cons make Americans distrust our Rule of Law.

‘The rules don’t apply when it comes to the Republi-cons. ‘
 – Kash Patel, loyalist to Crooked Drumpf 



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023

Representative Bob Good (R-Drumpf) is correct when he said:

– ‘Why would we compromise?  We have a winning hand’.

Drumpfians and Deplorables are ‘perfectly’ ‘uneducated’ ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’.  ‘Perfect’ for the Republi-con Party and their Christian Con-servative gang to dupe into their grift

They are fine with their Republi-con Party demanding extreme budget cuts to destroy Social Security, MediCare, MedicAid, Food Stamps, Veterans Benefits, school lunches, public transportation, Public Libraries, environmental protection, voting Rights, Trans and LGBT Rights, Civil Rights, Constitutional Rights.  They approve of America falling into default and causing a global economic panic because this will happen under Biden’s term.  Republi-cons are eagerly desperate to blame anything on Biden in order to besmirch him and the Democratic Party in future elections.


The Constitution specifies quite directly that all budgets originate at the House of Representatives.  This Debt Ceiling stalemate is a budget matter in the hands of the Republi-con majority and must be reconciled by Speaker of the House McCarthy, that’s where the onus lies.  Not on the Senate, not on Biden, not on the Democratic Party.  So grow a spine, Democrats, and put the Constitution on the Republi-cons at the House of Representatives.

See the screen print for Comical Con-servative (attached).  Notice the date of the Original Post – 2013 – when Republi-cons sought to blame Obama for their fabricated Debt Ceiling troubles, hit Obama with their Debt Ceiling demand that year.  Obama blinked, Congressional Democrats blinked, and Republi-cons gave Obama his infamous ‘shellacking’ for the 2014 Election.

Rinse.  Repeat.

Republi-cons gave additional Debt Ceiling threats to Obama and he repeatedly caved.

This 2023 Debt Ceiling is to pay for more than $7 trillion debt thanks to Drumpf, a part of all the total debt that he accrued during his four years – debt because of tax cuts for Drumpf billionaire buddies and other giveaways to Republi-con donors, what were at one time in the past called Bribery, a crime.  America’s National Debt increased from about $20 trillion to about $30 trillion – Drumpf racked up nearly one-half of our National Debt during his four years thanks to Republi-cons.

Yeh – so much ‘fiscal Con-servativ-ism’ amongst the Republi-con Party.

– Sharon



Heather Cox Richardson
18 May 2023
Shared with Public

May 18, 2023 (Thursday)

Citing “changing business conditions,” Disney leadership today canceled plans to build an office complex near Orlando, Florida. The construction was estimated to cost about $1 billion, and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity projected it would bring to Florida more than 2,000 jobs with an average salary of $120,000. In his email to employees, Disney’s theme park and consumer products chair Josh D’Amaro made it clear that even more was on the line. He noted that Disney has planned more than $17 billion of construction in Florida, bringing about 13,000 jobs, over the next ten years but suggested that, too, was being reexamined. “I hope we’re able to,” he said.

Disney is locked in a battle with Florida governor Ron DeSantis that began when, under pressure from employees, then–Disney chief executive officer Bob Chapek spoke out against Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act. This law, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” law because its vague language prohibiting instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation seems designed to silence any acknowledgement of LGBTQ Americans in grades K–3, was DeSantis’s pet project.

In retaliation, DeSantis led Florida Republicans to strip Disney of its ability to govern itself as if it were a county—as it has done since its inception in 1967—putting the board that controlled Disney under the control of a team hand-picked by DeSantis. But before the new board took over, the old board quietly and legally handed control of the parks over to Disney.

Apparently furious, DeSantis suggested he would build a competing state park or a prison next to Disney’s Florida theme park. In April, the new board set out to claw power from Disney, while the company announced it will hold its first gay-themed pride event in California and that it will build an affordable housing development in its Florida district, a move that Floridians will like. Meanwhile, with DeSantis’s blessing, the Florida state board of education approved expanding the ban on classroom mention of LGBTQ people to include grades 4–12.

On April 26, Disney sued the governor and those of his top advisors behind the attacks on Disney. The lawsuit noted that for more than 50 years, Disney “has made an immeasurable impact on Florida and its economy, establishing Central Florida as a top global tourist destination and attracting tens of millions of visitors to the State each year.” But, it said, “[a] targeted campaign of government retaliation—orchestrated at every step by Governor DeSantis as punishment for Disney’s protected speech— now threatens Disney’s business operations, jeopardizes its economic future in the region, and violates its constitutional rights.”

The lawsuit called out DeSantis’s actions as “patently retaliatory, patently anti-business, and patently unconstitutional. But,” it said, “the Governor and his allies have made it clear they do not care and will not stop.” The company said it felt forced to sue for protection “from a relentless campaign to weaponize government power against Disney in retaliation for expressing a political viewpoint unpopular with certain State officials.”

The fight between DeSantis and Disney illustrates the dramatic ideological change in the Republican Party in the last two years. No longer committed to keeping the government weak to stay out of the way of business development, the party is now committed to creating a strong government that enforces Christian nationalism.

This is a major and crucially important political shift.

From the earliest days of the Reagan Revolution, those leaders who wanted to slash the federal government to end business regulation and cut the social safety net recognized that they did not have the votes to put their program in place. To find those votes, they courted racists and traditionalists who hated the federal government’s protection of civil rights. Over time, that base became more and more powerful until Trump openly embraced it in August 2017, when he said there were “very fine people on both sides.”

As he moved toward the techniques of authoritarians, his followers began to champion the system that Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán called “illiberal democracy” or “Christian democracy” in his own country. Orbán argued that the principle of equality in liberal democracy undermines countries by attacking the national culture. Instead, he called for an end to multiculturalism—including immigration—and any lifestyle that is not based on the “Christian family model.” He seized control of universities to make them preach his values.

Today’s Republican leaders openly admire Orbán and appear to see themselves as the vanguard of a “post-liberal order.” They believe that the central tenets of democracy—free speech, religious liberty, academic freedom, equality before the law, and the ability of corporations to make decisions based on markets rather than religious values—have destroyed national virtue. Such a loss must be combated by a strong government that enforces religious values.

Right-wing thinkers have observed with approval that DeSantis’s Florida is “our American Hungary.” Indeed, DeSantis’s “Don’t Say Gay” law appears to have been modeled on Orbán’s attacks on LGBTQ rights, which he has called a danger to “Western civilization.” DeSantis’s attack on the New College of Florida, turning a bastion of liberal thought into a right-wing beachhead, imitated Orbán’s attack on Hungary’s universities; on Monday, DeSantis signed three more bills that undermine the academic freedom of all the state universities in Florida by restricting what subjects can be taught and by weakening faculty rights.

DeSantis’s attack on Disney is yet another attack on the tenets of liberal democracy. He is challenging the idea that Disney leaders can base business decisions on markets rather than religion and exercise free speech.

There is another aspect of the Republicans’ turn against democracy in the news today. If democracy is a threat to their version of the nation, it follows that any institution that supports democracy should be destroyed. Today, the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, led by Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), continued its attack on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ranking member Representative Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) pointed out that Jordan was violating committee rules by refusing to let Democrats on the committee see the transcripts he claims to have from a whistleblower. Other committee members noted that two of the witnesses have been paid by Trump loyalist Kash Patel.

Plaskett warned: “The rules don’t apply when it comes to the Republicans…. It’s all part and parcel of the Republicans’ attempt to make Americans distrust our rule of law so that when 2024 comes around and should their candidate not win, more and more people will not believe the truth. The truth matters.”

And so does power. Although House Republicans are trying to protect Representative George Santos (R-NY), who was just indicted on 13 counts, by sending his case to the Republican-dominated Ethics Committee rather than allowing a vote on whether to expel him, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced articles of impeachment against President Biden.

Also today, the far-right House Freedom Caucus has called for an end to any discussions of raising the debt ceiling until the Senate passes its bill calling for extreme budget cuts. Forcing the nation into default will cause a global economic panic and, asked if they should compromise with the White House, Representative Bob Good (R-VA) said: “Why would we? We have a winning hand.”























Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.  Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



My web-site is my primary Internet presence.

You can read the expanded version of this post at this URL:



Additional Resources:


Ann M. Schweers
13 May 2023

I just submitted the following letter to “The Times” but was informed that I have met my quota for the month. Hopefully someone else can respond to this woman’s totally misleading MAGA LTE for me.

“Responding to Vicki Thompson’s LTE (filled with MAGA misinformation): You’re entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts! Google it!

Trump’s tax cuts primarily benefitted the wealthiest people/corporations and promised job increases never happened. These cuts and other Trump policies caused our national debt to balloon by an historical $7.8 trillion during his time in office. That’s the debt Republicans now threaten to refuse to pay which would be catastrophic to our economy. A debt already incurred is different from a budget and must be paid! No blackmail!

President Trump didn’t make us energy independent—it was because of the explosion of fracking. In fact, according to Forbes the gap between supply and demand shrank substantially under Obama when fracking first started. And, we have not lost any energy independence under Biden.

Title 42 was initiated because of the pandemic so went away when the pandemic was over. The “thousands of ‘illegals’ waiting to ‘stampede’ the border, ”came about because Title 42 forced refugees to wait in dangerous Mexican border areas to apply for asylum—their legal right—creating a dire situation! Human Rights Watch identified more than 13,000 incidents of kidnapping, torture, rape and other violent attacks on people expelled under Title 42.

Biden never “took down the wall” or “opened the borders”! The Biden administration even continued building some wall to fill in gaps and address environmental issues and they apprehended and expelled 4,071,455.00 people as of 1/20/23.

Schools aren’t “brainwashing” kids; LGBTQ folks aren’t “grooming” children; the undocumented aren’t “dangerous invaders raising crime levels”; etc. Right-wing media and MAGA candidates manufacture dangers to create fear and win your vote.

And, the TV stations you mentioned weren’t charged, convicted, and fined for knowingly posting misinformation—FOX news was!

Democracy and truth = freedom!”





2 of 10:

(1, 2 are similar)


Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy


Republi-cons turn against American Democracy.  Republi-cons destroy American Democracy in favour of enforcing Big Guh’mint Christian Nationalism.  Republi-cons make Americans distrust our Rule of Law.

‘The rules don’t apply when it comes to the Republi-cons. ‘
 – Kash Patel, loyalist to Crooked Drumpf 



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023



Representative Bob Good (R-Drumpf) is correct when he said:

– ‘Why would we compromise?  We have a winning hand’.

Drumpfians and Deplorables are ‘perfectly’ ‘uneducated’ ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’.  ‘Perfect’ for the Republi-con Party and their Christian Con-servative gang to dupe into their grift

They are fine with their Republi-con Party demanding extreme budget cuts to destroy Social Security, MediCare, MedicAid, Food Stamps, Veterans Benefits, school lunches, public transportation, Public Libraries, environmental protection, voting Rights, Trans and LGBT Rights, Civil Rights, Constitutional Rights.  They approve of America falling into default and causing a global economic panic because this will happen under Biden’s term.  Republi-cons are eagerly desperate to blame anything on Biden in order to besmirch him and the Democratic Party in future elections.

Notice the date of the Original Post – 2013.  Republi-cons hit Obama with their Debt Ceiling demand that year.  Obama blinked, Congressional Democrats blinked, and Republi-cons gave Obama his infamous ‘shellacking’ for the 2014 Election.

Rinse.  Repeat.

Republi-cons gave additional Debt Ceiling threats to Obama and he repeatedly caved.

This 2023 Debt Ceiling is to pay for more than $7 trillion debt thanks to Drumpf, a part of all the total debt that he accrued during his four years – debt because of tax cuts for Drumpf billionaire buddies and other giveaways to Republi-con donors, what were at one time in the past called Bribery, a crime.  America’s National Debt increased from about $20 trillion to about $30 trillion – Drumpf racked up nearly one-half of our National Debt during his four years thanks to Republi-cons.

Yeh – so much ‘fiscal Con-servativ-ism’ amongst the Republi-con Party.

– Sharon



Heather Cox Richardson
18 May 2023
Shared with Public

May 18, 2023 (Thursday)

Citing “changing business conditions,” Disney leadership today canceled plans to build an office complex near Orlando, Florida. The construction was estimated to cost about $1 billion, and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity projected it would bring to Florida more than 2,000 jobs with an average salary of $120,000. In his email to employees, Disney’s theme park and consumer products chair Josh D’Amaro made it clear that even more was on the line. He noted that Disney has planned more than $17 billion of construction in Florida, bringing about 13,000 jobs, over the next ten years but suggested that, too, was being reexamined. “I hope we’re able to,” he said.

Disney is locked in a battle with Florida governor Ron DeSantis that began when, under pressure from employees, then–Disney chief executive officer Bob Chapek spoke out against Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act. This law, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” law because its vague language prohibiting instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation seems designed to silence any acknowledgement of LGBTQ Americans in grades K–3, was DeSantis’s pet project.

In retaliation, DeSantis led Florida Republicans to strip Disney of its ability to govern itself as if it were a county—as it has done since its inception in 1967—putting the board that controlled Disney under the control of a team hand-picked by DeSantis. But before the new board took over, the old board quietly and legally handed control of the parks over to Disney.

Apparently furious, DeSantis suggested he would build a competing state park or a prison next to Disney’s Florida theme park. In April, the new board set out to claw power from Disney, while the company announced it will hold its first gay-themed pride event in California and that it will build an affordable housing development in its Florida district, a move that Floridians will like. Meanwhile, with DeSantis’s blessing, the Florida state board of education approved expanding the ban on classroom mention of LGBTQ people to include grades 4–12.

On April 26, Disney sued the governor and those of his top advisors behind the attacks on Disney. The lawsuit noted that for more than 50 years, Disney “has made an immeasurable impact on Florida and its economy, establishing Central Florida as a top global tourist destination and attracting tens of millions of visitors to the State each year.” But, it said, “[a] targeted campaign of government retaliation—orchestrated at every step by Governor DeSantis as punishment for Disney’s protected speech— now threatens Disney’s business operations, jeopardizes its economic future in the region, and violates its constitutional rights.”

The lawsuit called out DeSantis’s actions as “patently retaliatory, patently anti-business, and patently unconstitutional. But,” it said, “the Governor and his allies have made it clear they do not care and will not stop.” The company said it felt forced to sue for protection “from a relentless campaign to weaponize government power against Disney in retaliation for expressing a political viewpoint unpopular with certain State officials.”

The fight between DeSantis and Disney illustrates the dramatic ideological change in the Republican Party in the last two years. No longer committed to keeping the government weak to stay out of the way of business development, the party is now committed to creating a strong government that enforces Christian nationalism.

This is a major and crucially important political shift.

From the earliest days of the Reagan Revolution, those leaders who wanted to slash the federal government to end business regulation and cut the social safety net recognized that they did not have the votes to put their program in place. To find those votes, they courted racists and traditionalists who hated the federal government’s protection of civil rights. Over time, that base became more and more powerful until Trump openly embraced it in August 2017, when he said there were “very fine people on both sides.”

As he moved toward the techniques of authoritarians, his followers began to champion the system that Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán called “illiberal democracy” or “Christian democracy” in his own country. Orbán argued that the principle of equality in liberal democracy undermines countries by attacking the national culture. Instead, he called for an end to multiculturalism—including immigration—and any lifestyle that is not based on the “Christian family model.” He seized control of universities to make them preach his values.

Today’s Republican leaders openly admire Orbán and appear to see themselves as the vanguard of a “post-liberal order.” They believe that the central tenets of democracy—free speech, religious liberty, academic freedom, equality before the law, and the ability of corporations to make decisions based on markets rather than religious values—have destroyed national virtue. Such a loss must be combated by a strong government that enforces religious values.

Right-wing thinkers have observed with approval that DeSantis’s Florida is “our American Hungary.” Indeed, DeSantis’s “Don’t Say Gay” law appears to have been modeled on Orbán’s attacks on LGBTQ rights, which he has called a danger to “Western civilization.” DeSantis’s attack on the New College of Florida, turning a bastion of liberal thought into a right-wing beachhead, imitated Orbán’s attack on Hungary’s universities; on Monday, DeSantis signed three more bills that undermine the academic freedom of all the state universities in Florida by restricting what subjects can be taught and by weakening faculty rights.

DeSantis’s attack on Disney is yet another attack on the tenets of liberal democracy. He is challenging the idea that Disney leaders can base business decisions on markets rather than religion and exercise free speech.

There is another aspect of the Republicans’ turn against democracy in the news today. If democracy is a threat to their version of the nation, it follows that any institution that supports democracy should be destroyed. Today, the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, led by Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), continued its attack on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ranking member Representative Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) pointed out that Jordan was violating committee rules by refusing to let Democrats on the committee see the transcripts he claims to have from a whistleblower. Other committee members noted that two of the witnesses have been paid by Trump loyalist Kash Patel.

Plaskett warned: “The rules don’t apply when it comes to the Republicans…. It’s all part and parcel of the Republicans’ attempt to make Americans distrust our rule of law so that when 2024 comes around and should their candidate not win, more and more people will not believe the truth. The truth matters.”

And so does power. Although House Republicans are trying to protect Representative George Santos (R-NY), who was just indicted on 13 counts, by sending his case to the Republican-dominated Ethics Committee rather than allowing a vote on whether to expel him, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced articles of impeachment against President Biden.

Also today, the far-right House Freedom Caucus has called for an end to any discussions of raising the debt ceiling until the Senate passes its bill calling for extreme budget cuts. Forcing the nation into default will cause a global economic panic and, asked if they should compromise with the White House, Representative Bob Good (R-VA) said: “Why would we? We have a winning hand.”

























You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 18 May 2024 – Abortion Is Sad’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024 – Abortion is sad’
(18 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
18 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1, 2.  Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy

3, 6, 8.  Abortion is sad

4, 9, 10.  Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf

Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign

5.  Ban books … burn books … ban people … burn people

7.  Nanette Smith:  Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group



3 of 10:

(3, 6, 8 are similar)


Abortion is sad



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023


1 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)

3 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)

More commentary about abortion – abortions are sad


People Who Shared This

2 Years Ago
See your memories



1 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)

3 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)


2 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

More commentary about abortion.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2019 ·
Shared with Public

I have no idea what is happening this Saturday morning!

Posts to my Facebook page have disappeared.  Dunno who, how, why, whatever.

Some posts do show when browsing with iPad.  Some posts are deleted using smart-phone.

This was an essay incorporated into my post that suddenly went deleted by the authorities in charge of this space.


I hope that I can determine exactly what is happening.  My next move is to re-post my Facebook items to my reliable personal web-site.

My apologies that this post here may appear as partial duplicate at your feed.


Ending abortion is not the sole point of these legislatures.  Only one step in many to satisfy their ideology.

Reversing Roe v Wade is only one aspect by playing the statistical mathematical odds.  They will win.

Their expressly stated goal in this endeavour is to flood the federal court system with potential lawsuits.  Many will make it to the Supreme Court.  All they need is one to over-turn Roe v Wade.

‘The Alabama bill is a powerful statement of Deeply-held Religious-based Beliefs.  Abortion is a felony punishable by 99 years in prison.  There is no exception.  The goal is to go to the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe v Wade.  Many many states are passing these bills going after Roe versus Wade.  You want to get something that will win.’

– Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 16 May 2019)

These are Patriarchal Misogynistic male-controlled governments whose effort is the restriction of sex education and the eventual criminalisation of all Birth Control, as was the condition a century ago when courts sentenced women to prison for teaching Birth Control and providing Birth Control services and products to women.


Additional Resources:





Marie Bobo-Smith
May 17, 2019 ·

Copied post:

Abortions are sad. There is no doubt. I don’t know anyone who is “pro-abortion”. I am thankful that I wasn’t faced with such a choice in my life. But I know MANY good and kind and loving girls and women who were faced with this choice. Whether it was because of a threat to life for the mother, an unviable fetus, a teen with nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, these girls and women made a hard and sad choice.

But for the 25 white male senators of Alabama (yes, all white, all men…no women or people of color…see picture) to vote that a 13 year old rape victim should be forced to give birth when she is a child herself? That is unconscionable. Imagine the gall it took for these men to cast this vote when they have never faced this predicament themselves. They are clueless.

Which leads me to ask, where is the impregnating male’s burden in all of this? Oh, just go live your life, footloose and fancy free, your freedom to do so unhampered by the white men who just voted for this female-crippling Alabama law? What if we start sentencing these men as well to this same fate?

Hmmmm….maybe we start garnishing his wages for child support immediately upon conception? Maybe we put an ankle monitor on him and ensure that he is catering to the pregnant mother any time he is not working to support his future child? Maybe, if the Mother would rather not have him around, he is then expected to work double hours to provide for his coming child or he goes to jail? Maybe we sterilize him so that he can’t create another unwanted pregnancy again? No, you say, that will never happen. Never. Why? Because it’s crazy. Just about as crazy as telling a woman or young girl that she no longer has a say about what happens inside of her body. So, if we’re going to go crazy, let’s go crazy times two. Fair is fair.

Do not hold the erroneous belief that laws such as these will stop abortions. They never have and never will. Laws such as these turn legal, safe abortions into botched back alley abortions by untrained people, resulting in the deaths of many girls and women.

Women of Alabama or any state considering such a ban: you should be scared. You should be terribly scared. This is step one of stripping you of your rights. This is the starting point of the true life version of Handmaid’s Tale’s GIlead. You should be incredibly concerned for your daughters and you should be furious, fighting this every step of the way. And men, if you love the women in your life, you should be furious as well.







Sharon Nichols

Pennsylvania is the darkest timeline.  They’re criminalizing miscarriages.





Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019






1 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)

3 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)


We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

4 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2019
Shared with Public

I have no idea what is happening this Saturday morning!

Posts to my Facebook page have disappeared.  Dunno who, how, why, whatever.

Some posts do show when browsing with iPad.  Some posts are deleted using smart-phone.

This was an essay incorporated into my post that suddenly went deleted by the authorities in charge of this space.


I hope that I can determine exactly what is happening.  My next move is to re-post my Facebook items to my reliable personal web-site.

My apologies that this post here may appear as partial duplicate at your feed.


Ending abortion is not the sole point of these legislatures.  Only one step in many to satisfy their ideology.

Reversing Roe v Wade is only one aspect by playing the statistical mathematical odds. They will win.

Their expressly stated goal in this endeavour is to flood the federal court system with potential lawsuits.  Many will make it to the Supreme Court.  All they need is one to over-turn Roe v Wade.

‘The Alabama bill is a powerful statement of Deeply-held Religious-based Beliefs.  Abortion is a felony punishable by 99 years in prison.  There is no exception.  The goal is to go to the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe v Wade.  Many many states are passing these bills going after Roe versus Wade.  You want to get something that will win.’

– Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 16 May 2019)

These are Patriarchal Misogynistic male-controlled governments whose effort is the restriction of sex education and the eventual criminalisation of all Birth Control, as was the condition a century ago when courts sentenced women to prison for teaching Birth Control and providing Birth Control services and products to women.


Additional Resources:


Dear Women, You Don’t Matter to the Men of the Christian Right
October 8, 2016
John Pavlovitz

Dear Women,

You don’t matter to the men of the Christian Right.

If you haven’t learned that by now, listening to high-profile Evangelists and preachers rush to defend Donald Trump’s reprehensible comments regarding women, his attitude toward them, and his conduct around them; at his infidelity, at the pattern of misogyny and victim blaming by those around him—I hope you finally get it.

They have contempt for you.

To them, you aren’t separate but equal, as they might claim from the pulpit. You may be made in the image of God, but not in the same way that they are. You are inferior. You are lesser-than. You are Adam’s rib meat; baby machines, meal preparers, arm candy, pleasure tools designed by God for men to use as they desire. Some of these men of God will have the nerve to actually say this, others will simply prove it to you.

They are proving it to you now. Listen to them.

It’s why inconceivably, these men can manage to dismiss Trump’s horrible words as harmless “locker room talk”; you know, just guys being guys, talking about grabbing women by their genitalia and forcing physical advances upon them. It’s why when abusive men in their midst are exposed, they look the other way, they conceal, they attack the credibility of survivors. This is natural to them. This is acceptable. This is what goes on in the heads of men who believe that God is an old white dude. In their twisted patriarchal world, all men act this way, all men talk this way, all men think this way—or at least they should be able to.

No, we don’t—but they do.

If these professed men of God truly acknowledged your inherent value, they would be fiercely defending you right now, instead of Donald Trump and men like him. They would be openly condemning such disregard for the image of God within you, and sharply severing their ties with him—but many of them they aren’t. They’re making excuses. They’re blaming the victim. They’re doubling down. They’re digging in their heels right now.

And it’s not because they want to have the ear of the President. They surely do.
And it’s not because their allegiance to a political party is far greater than to their faith convictions. That is also true.
And it’s not because they see this as an opportunity to raise their own profiles. You better believe they do.
And it’s not because the Bible they cling to reinforces their superiority. In their hands it does.

But the real reason they’re doing it, is because to them you aren’t worth defending; not your intelligence or your gifts or your worth. As a result, your consent isn’t really a concern either; you may have noticed that. It’s why, in their minds sexual misconduct almost never occurs, and when it does, it’s because you were dressed too provocatively or sending mixed signals, or because their motives were misinterpreted. They don’t believe you have the right to say no or to be offended. If anything, they believe you should be flattered. This is the hubris of men who think God is a man, and made you as an accessory.

Surely, the men of the Christian Right defending Donald Trump and the misogynists in his midst right now do not represent all Christian men, and definitely not most men outside of the Church, which is perhaps the greatest irony here; that the most vigorous defense of his degradation of women is coming from those who most loudly claim they speak for God and identify themselves as spiritual leaders.

As a Christian and a pastor and a man, I’d liked to apologize to you for these men and what you endure from them, but I won’t apologize to you on their behalf because that would mean aligning myself with them and I will not do that. They don’t speak for me. They don’t speak for many of us. They certainly don’t speak for God.

But I will tell you that many of us see you; we respect you and we recognize the God in you, and we do condemn Donald Trump’s words, and the culture of disrespect, dehumanization, and misogyny they breed. We condemn when the Bible is used to justify your minimizing and harassment and assault. We won’t stand for these things, because you, our daughters, wives, sisters, mothers; our friends, bosses, coworkers, and our pastors, reflect the character of God to us every day and we are grateful.

We don’t believe you are inferior. We don’t believe you are less than. We don’t believe we get to define you. We don’t believe we get to tell you when you get to say yes or no to us.

You do matter greatly to us—and we’re standing with you.

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©2016 John Pavlovitz.



What Actually Happens When a Country Bans Abortion
Romania under Ceausescu created a dystopian horror of overcrowded, filthy orphanages, and thousands died from back-alley abortions.
By Amy Mackinnon, a national security and intelligence reporter at Foreign Policy.

Romanian orphans in a Bucharest orphanage shortly after the December Revolution in 1989. KEVIN WEAVER/GETTY IMAGES

My FP: Follow topics and authors to get straight to what you like. Exclusively for FP subscribers. Subscribe Now | Log In

MAY 16, 2019, 4:38 PM

Listen to this article

As lawmakers in Alabama this week passed a bill that would outlaw abortion in the U.S. state entirely, protesters outside the statehouse wore blood-red robes, a nod to Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale, in which childbearing is entirely controlled by the state. Hours later, the book was trending on Twitter.

But opponents of the restrictive abortion laws currently being considered in the United States don’t need to look to fiction for admonitory examples of where these types of laws can lead. For decades, communist Romania was a real-life test case of what can happen when a country outlaws abortion entirely, and the results were devastating.

In 1966, the leader of Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu, outlawed access to abortion and contraception in a bid to boost the country’s population. In the short term, it worked, and the year after it was enacted the average number of children born to Romanian women jumped from 1.9 to 3.7. But birthrates quickly fell again as women found ways around the ban. Wealthy, urban women were sometimes able to bribe doctors to perform abortions, or they had contraceptive IUDs smuggled in from Germany.

Yet Romania’s prohibition of the procedure was disproportionately felt by low-income women and disadvantaged groups, which abortion-rights advocates in the United States fear would happen if the Alabama law came into force. As a last resort, many Romanian women turned to home and back-alley abortions, and by 1989, an estimated 10,000 women had died as a result of unsafe procedures. The real number of deaths might have been much higher, as women who sought abortions and those who helped them faced years of imprisonment if caught. Maternal mortality skyrocketed, doubling between 1965 and 1989.

“Sometimes a woman couldn’t even tell her husband or best friend that she wanted to have an abortion as it would put them at risk as well,” said Irina Ilisei, an academic researcher and co-founder of the Front Association, a Romanian feminist group, and the Feminist Romania website.

“For many women, sexuality represented a fear and not a part of life that can be enjoyed,” Ilisei said.

Another consequence of Romania’s abortion ban was that hundreds of thousands of children were turned over to state orphanages. When communism collapsed in Romania in 1989, an estimated 170,000 children were found warehoused in filthy orphanages. Having previously been hidden from the world, images emerged of stick-thin children, many of whom had been beaten and abused. Some were left shackled to metal bed frames.

Nor did the Romanian law do much to achieve Ceausescu’s goal of dramatically increasing the population. “Making abortion illegal will not lead to women having more babies. So if the goal is to bring about more lives and to protect more lives, this is not the instrument to use,” said Maria Bucur, a professor of history and gender studies at Indiana University.

Born and raised in Romania, Bucur describes herself as a product of the abortion ban, after her mother twice failed to have an abortion.

On Wednesday, a day after it was passed by the legislature, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law the country’s strictest abortion law, which bans the procedure at every stage of pregnancy and could send doctors who carry out the procedure to prison for life.

Alabama’s law goes even further than Romania’s, which in principle at least allowed for exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or congenital defect. The new law allows for abortions only when there is a serious threat to the mother’s health.



Roe Abolition Makes U.S. a Global Outlier

The Abortion Trap

Romania’s abortion ban was compounded by a ban on contraception, which was not mentioned in the Alabama bill. But the Trump administration took a swipe at birth control in 2017 when it allowed employers to opt out of providing it as part of employee insurance plans on the grounds of religious belief. This decision was halted by a federal judge in January of this year.

The legal tussle between the courts over abortion looks set to continue as anti-abortion groups seek to push through laws they hope will be upheld by a newly conservative Supreme Court, to which U.S. President Donald Trump has appointed two new members. So far this year, over a dozen other states have attempted to outlaw abortions after six weeks of gestation—before many people even realize they are pregnant. Last week, Georgia became the sixth state to successfully pass such a bill. Already, six states in the United States have only one abortion clinic left.

Although the laws may be struck down by the courts, anti-abortion advocates hope that they will eventually reach the Supreme Court to challenge the precedent set by the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which enshrined the right to seek an abortion.

Alabama State Rep. Terri Collins, a co-sponsor of the bill, which is now the most restrictive in the country, told the news site, “My goal with this bill, and I think all of our goal, is to have Roe vs. Wade turned over.”

On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump promised to appoint conservative justices with a view to overturning Roe v. Wade. The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh in October 2018 gave conservative justices a solid majority on the bench, raising the hopes of anti-abortion advocates.

If the Supreme Court were to change its mind on abortion, it would become the prerogative of individual states to decide how to regulate the procedure.

“We need to take into consideration the long-term consequences of legislation like this,” said Charles Nelson, a professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and the author of Romania’s Abandoned Children.

Starting in 2000, Nelson examined the impact that Romania’s orphanages had on children in post-communist Romania and found that many were left with severe developmental impairment and mental health issues. For some, their confinement in orphanages even had a physical impact on the size of their brains.

Nelson said that Romania offers a cautionary tale of what happens when a state tries to control reproductive rights. The new Alabama law raises questions about what kind of support the state would provide if someone doesn’t have the option of ending a pregnancy when the fetus is found to have profound birth defects.

“Does the state have the bandwidth to take care of those kids and support the families?” he said in an interview.

When communism collapsed in Romania in December 1989, one of the first acts of the transitional government was to overturn the ban on abortion. Romania remains a highly conservative country, and in recent years there have been renewed calls to outlaw abortion, spearheaded by the influential Orthodox Church and other religious groups.

Bucur, the author of Birth of Democratic Citizenship: Women and Power in Modern Romania, is skeptical that the new movement will gain any political momentum.

“I think the real, raw firsthand memory is still too present in still too many voters. I don’t think there’s any intelligent politicians who would make it happen,” she said.

Ilisei, the Romanian activist, said that she was worried to see parts of the United States—a country that Romania had once looked to as an example—now pursuing new restrictions on abortion. “In 1989, we aspired to build a stable democracy, a pluralistic society, with equality between men and women, and the United States was the main source of inspiration,” she said. “Now that is not the case any more.”

My FP: Follow topics and authors to get straight to what you like. Exclusively for FP subscribers. Subscribe Now | Log In

Amy Mackinnon is a national security and intelligence reporter at Foreign Policy. Twitter: @ak_mack


Foreign Policy Magazine is a division of Graham Holdings Company. All contents (c) 2019, Graham Digital Holding Company. All rights reserved. Foreign Policy, 655 15th St NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC, 20005.

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Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019

Copied post:

Abortions are sad. There is no doubt. I don’t know anyone who is “pro-abortion”. I am thankful that I wasn’t faced with such a choice in my life. But I know MANY good and kind and loving girls and women who were faced with this choice. Whether it was because of a threat to life for the mother, an unviable fetus, a teen with nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, these girls and women made a hard and sad choice.

But for the 25 white male senators of Alabama (yes, all white, all men…no women or people of color…see picture) to vote that a 13 year old rape victim should be forced to give birth when she is a child herself? That is unconscionable. Imagine the gall it took for these men to cast this vote when they have never faced this predicament themselves. They are clueless.

Which leads me to ask, where is the impregnating male’s burden in all of this? Oh, just go live your life, footloose and fancy free, your freedom to do so unhampered by the white men who just voted for this female-crippling Alabama law? What if we start sentencing these men as well to this same fate?

Hmmmm….maybe we start garnishing his wages for child support immediately upon conception? Maybe we put an ankle monitor on him and ensure that he is catering to the pregnant mother any time he is not working to support his future child? Maybe, if the Mother would rather not have him around, he is then expected to work double hours to provide for his coming child or he goes to jail? Maybe we sterilize him so that he can’t create another unwanted pregnancy again? No, you say, that will never happen. Never. Why? Because it’s crazy. Just about as crazy as telling a woman or young girl that she no longer has a say about what happens inside of her body. So, if we’re going to go crazy, let’s go crazy times two. Fair is fair.

Do not hold the erroneous belief that laws such as these will stop abortions. They never have and never will. Laws such as these turn legal, safe abortions into botched back alley abortions by untrained people, resulting in the deaths of many girls and women.

Women of Alabama or any state considering such a ban: you should be scared. You should be terribly scared. This is step one of stripping you of your rights. This is the starting point of the true life version of Handmaid’s Tale’s GIlead. You should be incredibly concerned for your daughters and you should be furious, fighting this every step of the way. And men, if you love the women in your life, you should be furious as well.






6 of 10:

(3, 6, 8 are similar)


 Abortion is sad



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

More commentary about abortion.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2019 ·
Shared with Public

I have no idea what is happening this Saturday morning!

Posts to my Facebook page have disappeared.  Dunno who, how, why, whatever.

Some posts do show when browsing with iPad.  Some posts are deleted using smart-phone.

This was an essay incorporated into my post that suddenly went deleted by the authorities in charge of this space.


I hope that I can determine exactly what is happening.  My next move is to re-post my Facebook items to my reliable personal web-site.

My apologies that this post here may appear as partial duplicate at your feed.


Ending abortion is not the sole point of these legislatures.  Only one step in many to satisfy their ideology.

Reversing Roe v Wade is only one aspect by playing the statistical mathematical odds.  They will win.

Their expressly stated goal in this endeavour is to flood the federal court system with potential lawsuits.  Many will make it to the Supreme Court.  All they need is one to over-turn Roe v Wade.

‘The Alabama bill is a powerful statement of Deeply-held Religious-based Beliefs.  Abortion is a felony punishable by 99 years in prison.  There is no exception.  The goal is to go to the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe v Wade.  Many many states are passing these bills going after Roe versus Wade.  You want to get something that will win.’

 – Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 16 May 2019)

These are Patriarchal Misogynistic male-controlled governments whose effort is the restriction of sex education and the eventual criminalisation of all Birth Control, as was the condition a century ago when courts sentenced women to prison for teaching Birth Control and providing Birth Control services and products to women.


Additional Resources:





Marie Bobo-Smith
May 17, 2019 ·

Copied post:

Abortions are sad. There is no doubt. I don’t know anyone who is “pro-abortion”. I am thankful that I wasn’t faced with such a choice in my life. But I know MANY good and kind and loving girls and women who were faced with this choice. Whether it was because of a threat to life for the mother, an unviable fetus, a teen with nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, these girls and women made a hard and sad choice.

But for the 25 white male senators of Alabama (yes, all white, all men…no women or people of color…see picture) to vote that a 13 year old rape victim should be forced to give birth when she is a child herself? That is unconscionable. Imagine the gall it took for these men to cast this vote when they have never faced this predicament themselves. They are clueless.

Which leads me to ask, where is the impregnating male’s burden in all of this? Oh, just go live your life, footloose and fancy free, your freedom to do so unhampered by the white men who just voted for this female-crippling Alabama law? What if we start sentencing these men as well to this same fate? Hmmmm….maybe we start garnishing his wages for child support immediately upon conception? Maybe we put an ankle monitor on him and ensure that he is catering to the pregnant mother any time he is not working to support his future child? Maybe, if the Mother would rather not have him around, he is then expected to work double hours to provide for his coming child or he goes to jail? Maybe we sterilize him so that he can’t create another unwanted pregnancy again? No, you say, that will never happen. Never. Why? Because it’s crazy. Just about as crazy as telling a woman or young girl that she no longer has a say about what happens inside of her body. So, if we’re going to go crazy, let’s go crazy times two. Fair is fair.

Do not hold the erroneous belief that laws such as these will stop abortions. They never have and never will. Laws such as these turn legal, safe abortions into botched back alley abortions by untrained people, resulting in the deaths of many girls and women.

Women of Alabama or any state considering such a ban: you should be scared. You should be terribly scared. This is step one of stripping you of your rights. This is the starting point of the true life version of Handmaid’s Tale’s GIlead. You should be incredibly concerned for your daughters and you should be furious, fighting this every step of the way. And men, if you love the women in your life, you should be furious as well.








Sharon Nichols

Pennsylvania is the darkest timeline.  They’re criminalizing miscarriages.





8 of 10:

(3, 6, 8 are similar)


Abortion is sad



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019

I have no idea what is happening this Saturday morning!

Posts to my Facebook page have disappeared.  Dunno who, how, why, whatever.

Some posts do show when browsing with iPad.  Some posts are deleted using smart-phone.

This was an essay incorporated into my post that suddenly went deleted by the authorities in charge of this space.


I hope that I can determine exactly what is happening.  My next move is to re-post my Facebook items to my reliable personal web-site.

My apologies that this post here may appear as partial duplicate at your feed.


Ending abortion is not the sole point of these legislatures.  Only one step in many to satisfy their ideology.

Reversing Roe v Wade is only one aspect by playing the statistical mathematical odds.  They will win.

Their expressly stated goal in this endeavour is to flood the federal court system with potential lawsuits.  Many will make it to the Supreme Court.  All they need is one to over-turn Roe v Wade.

‘The Alabama bill is a powerful statement of Deeply-held Religious-based Beliefs.  Abortion is a felony punishable by 99 years in prison.  There is no exception.  The goal is to go to the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe v Wade.  Many many states are passing these bills going after Roe versus Wade.  You want to get something that will win.’

– Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 16 May 2019)

These are Patriarchal Misogynistic male-controlled governments whose effort is the restriction of sex education and the eventual criminalisation of all Birth Control, as was the condition a century ago when courts sentenced women to prison for teaching Birth Control and providing Birth Control services and products to women.


Additional Resources:








Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019

Copied post:

Abortions are sad. There is no doubt. I don’t know anyone who is “pro-abortion”. I am thankful that I wasn’t faced with such a choice in my life. But I know MANY good and kind and loving girls and women who were faced with this choice. Whether it was because of a threat to life for the mother, an unviable fetus, a teen with nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, these girls and women made a hard and sad choice.

But for the 25 white male senators of Alabama (yes, all white, all men…no women or people of color…see picture) to vote that a 13 year old rape victim should be forced to give birth when she is a child herself? That is unconscionable. Imagine the gall it took for these men to cast this vote when they have never faced this predicament themselves. They are clueless.

Which leads me to ask, where is the impregnating male’s burden in all of this? Oh, just go live your life, footloose and fancy free, your freedom to do so unhampered by the white men who just voted for this female-crippling Alabama law? What if we start sentencing these men as well to this same fate? Hmmmm….maybe we start garnishing his wages for child support immediately upon conception? Maybe we put an ankle monitor on him and ensure that he is catering to the pregnant mother any time he is not working to support his future child? Maybe, if the Mother would rather not have him around, he is then expected to work double hours to provide for his coming child or he goes to jail? Maybe we sterilize him so that he can’t create another unwanted pregnancy again? No, you say, that will never happen. Never. Why? Because it’s crazy. Just about as crazy as telling a woman or young girl that she no longer has a say about what happens inside of her body. So, if we’re going to go crazy, let’s go crazy times two. Fair is fair.

Do not hold the erroneous belief that laws such as these will stop abortions. They never have and never will. Laws such as these turn legal, safe abortions into botched back alley abortions by untrained people, resulting in the deaths of many girls and women.

Women of Alabama or any state considering such a ban: you should be scared. You should be terribly scared. This is step one of stripping you of your rights. This is the starting point of the true life version of Handmaid’s Tale’s GIlead. You should be incredibly concerned for your daughters and you should be furious, fighting this every step of the way. And men, if you love the women in your life, you should be furious as well.





You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 18 May 2024 – Fox’ Double-Standards’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … 

‘Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024 – Fox’ double-standards’
(18 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
18 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1, 2.  Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy

3, 6, 8.  Abortion is sad

4, 9, 10.  Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf

Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign

5.  Ban books … burn books … ban people … burn people

7.  Nanette Smith:  Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group



4 of 10:

(4, 9, 10 are similar)


Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf


Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023



The insanity needs to shake out before the sanity can return.

5 of 5:

Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2018

1 Comment










Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

Gee, I wonder if they’ll apply the same standard to Trump?

Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!





People Who Shared This

1 Year Ago
See your memories




1 Year Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2022
Shared with Public







We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2021
Shared with Public







We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

3 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2020
Shared with Public







We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

4 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2019
Shared with Public







We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

5 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2018
Shared with Public







1 of 5:

(1 and 3 are similar)

More commentary about abortion – abortions are sad



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2021





Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019

2 of 5:

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortion



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019








Nanette Smith
18 May 2019

3 of 5:

(1 and 3 are similar)

More commentary about abortion – abortions are sad



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019




Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019

4 of 5:

Censorship deleted my post



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019








Robin Sokoloff
15 May 2019

5 of 5:

Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2018

1 Comment










Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

Gee, I wonder if they’ll apply the same standard to Trump?

Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!





We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
9 Nov 2018
Shared with Public


People Who Shared This

4 Years Ago
See your memories






Some Posts may not appear here because of their Privacy settings.

This content isn’t available right now

When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!





Share #1






Sharon Nichols shared a memory
18 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Congratulations! You did it!

Elections really do have consequences. Meanwhile, you are Disconnected from Reality. You failed to realise that concept if you are a voter who opposes the fraud of the ‘Pro-life’ con.


You voted for Republi-cons throughout the years. Or maybe just 2020. Doesn’t matter. Voting for Crooked Drumpf and voting for Republi-cons brought about a packed federal court system – packed with Republi-con federal judges and a 6 – 3 Supreme Court who now guarantees they they are set to overturn Roe v Wade when the up-coming case goes to the Supreme Court this October.

Not bad. Republi-cons packing the entire federal court system to guarantee every decision goes their way.

Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are salivating at this political reversal of Roe v Wade. And you made it happen each time you voted Reoubli-con.

– Sharon



We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2019 ·
Shared with Public

Well-stated personal experiences.


Additional Resources:




Nanette Smith
May 18, 2019 ·

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group. No one wants abortion but we have to keep it legal within reasonable constraints, and work on reducing the need for this sad occurrence.

First let’s get one group out of the way. If you don’t believe in birth control and that victims of rape shouldn’t be able to have an abortion because God made that fetus, then we’re done. Just make sure that you are never getting medical care of any kind or you are a serious hypocrite. And keep your unvaccinated family away from the rest of us.. Fortunately these people are few, and these laws going through are so extreme that I think that the SCOTUS will have to go against them.

If you want to solve a problem, you need to understand why it happens in the first place.

Case1a: the 17 yr old rape victim who was afraid to tell what happened to her, had a baby with hydrocephaly, suffered for 1 yr before dying. Women need to feel comfortable about coming forward when they have been raped. Now that we have the RU486, there shouldn’t be a need for abortion due to rape. But we need to outreach, stop the stigma.

Btw if you think the RU 486 is abortion, then you’d better not use any form of birth control such as IUD because with those you also conceive but it cannot implant.

Case 1b: Can’t imagine that anyone thinks its ok that infant needing constant ICU and having seizures all the time, to horrific expense as well. After all, people in persistent comas are disconnected from their life support and that’s accepted. With current medicine, this kind of defect can be detected early, before the 6 month current cutoff. With advancing medical care, now we can get DNA earlier and earlier which can help get such detection before the 3 month cutoff for DNC instead of saline.

Case 2: poverty My grandfather’s first wife got pregnant for the 3rd time, apparently she was distraught because he was a poor minister and she didn’t think they could afford another child. She took ergot root to abort, and she died from it as many do, bleeding to death. Today, with women working, there should be less need for finances to be the reason, but in the lower and middle classes this is still an issue. Providing free medical care, free day care, and free public housing would reduce the number of abortions. Along with better acceptance of single moms

Case 3: lack of easy access to birth control. there are still many who do not have access to birth control today and cutting planned parenthood contributes to that. And when they are poor, they are dependent on their husbands, and cannot refuse them and when the husbands are irrepsonsible, the rhythm method is out. I have a friend who has a friend or relative who is a nurse and claims that she has a patient who keeps coming in for abortions because she doesn’t want to/forgets to take her pills. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. of course I don’t know the person but I do know that people who are passionate about a cause tend to exaggerate. Here’s why. I miscarried my first so I know, when you have a miscarriage you have to have a DNC or you may bleed to death. A DNC is very unpleasant, even if they dope you up on Demarol, you feel everything. And of course if it goes on beyond 3 months it’s a saline abortion which is horrific. I just can’t see that anyone would choose this for birth control.

In sum, the way to end abortion is by providing free medical care, housing where needed, day care at least for single moms, massive outreach for rape victims and to distribute birth control, and accepting rape victims as victims and accepting single moms. This will result in an enormous reduction in number of abortions. Advancing medical techniques for earlier detection of medical problems and pregnancy itself will also reduce the need. Sadly, most republicans and libertarians are against all of these. Or they say that churches should do it and to that I say, how’s that working out for you? So don’t tell me that you are pro-life. You don’t have to support all democratic principles but if you aren’t supporting the above, you are increasing abortions, not reducing them.









Share #2





Sharon Nichols shared a memory
19 May 2022

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from three years ago.

Talk about a dead document.

Sadly, Crooked Drumpf’s Supreme Kangaroo Court took the extremist route, they ignored the Constitution in favour of issuing their decision using their 17th Century Misogynist as their basis of Law.

– Sharon




People who shared this

On this day
1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
oopt110y11502u58Ma910 gf2g, ·
18 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Congratulations! You did it!

Elections really do have consequences. Meanwhile, you are Disconnected from Reality. You failed to realise that concept if you are a voter who opposes the fraud of the ‘Pro-life’ con.


You voted for Republi-cons throughout the years. Or maybe just 2020. Doesn’t matter. Voting for Crooked Drumpf and voting for Republi-cons brought about a packed federal court system – packed with Republi-con federal judges and a 6 – 3 Supreme Court who now guarantees they they are set to overturn Roe v Wade
when the up-coming case goes to the Supreme Court this October.

Not bad. Republi-cons packing the entire federal court system to guarantee every decision goes their way.

Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are salivating at this political reversal of Roe v Wade. And you made it happen each time you voted Reoubli-con.

– Sharon



We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2019 ·
Shared with Public




Nanette Smith
May 18, 2019 ·




Sharon Nichols
May be a Twitter screenshot of text that says ‘Carliss Chatman @carlissc If a fetus is a person at 6 weeks pregnant, is that when the chilo support starts? Is that also when you can’t deport the mother because she’s carrying a US citizen? Can insure a week fetus and collect if miscarry? Just figuring if we’re going here we should go all in. AM 5/9/19from Lexington, VA iPhone Twitter for’

Sharon Nichols
May be a Twitter screenshot of text that says ‘Stephanie Wittels Wachs @wittelstephanie Make no mistake- a state that criminalizes abortion but ranks 50th in public education doesn’t give a shit about children. 6:06 AM 5/15/19 Twitter for iPhone’
Sharon Nichols
May be an image of text

Sharon Nichols

Sharon Nichols

Sharon Nichols
May be a Twitter screenshot of one or more people and text that says ‘Jennifer Malinchalk @jennmalinchalk Texas wants to put women to to death for for having an abortion, Ohio and others are trying to restrict it so much that by the time you know you’re pregnant it’s too ate to have one. Basically Christians are actually fine with sharia law just as long as we call them “family values”.’

Sharon Nichols
Pennsylvania is the darkest timeline. They’re criminalizing miscarriages.
May be an image of text

Sharon Nichols
May be an image of text

Sharon Nichols
May be an image of text

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
3 years ago



Sharon Nichols
psSrtd,2al14 00i8 u10y8h692M013 ·
18 May 2019
Shared with Public

Well-stated personal experiences.


Additional Resources:






Nanette Smith
psSrtd,2al14 00i8 u10y8h692M013 ·
18 May 2019

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group. No one wants abortion but we have to keep it legal within reasonable constraints, and work on reducing the need for this sad occurrence.

First let’s get one group out of the way. If you don’t believe in birth control and that victims of rape shouldn’t be able to have an abortion because God made that fetus, then we’re done. Just make sure that you are never getting medical care of any kind or you are a serious hypocrite. And keep your unvaccinated family away from the rest of us.. Fortunately these people are few, and these laws going through are so extreme that I think that the SCOTUS will have to go against them.

If you want to solve a problem, you need to understand why it happens in the first place.

Case1a: the 17 yr old rape victim who was afraid to tell what happened to her, had a baby with hydrocephaly, suffered for 1 yr before dying. Women need to feel comfortable about coming forward when they have been raped. Now that we have the RU486, there shouldn’t be a need for abortion due to rape. But we need to
outreach, stop the stigma.

Btw if you think the RU 486 is abortion, then you’d better not use any form of birth control such as IUD because with those you also conceive but it cannot implant.

Case 1b:Can’t imagine that anyone thinks its ok that infant needing constant ICU and having seizures all the time, to horrific expense as well. After all, people in persistent comas are disconnected from their life support and that’s accepted. With current medicine, this kind of defect can be detected early, before the 6 month current cutoff. With advancing medical care, now we can get DNA earlier and earlier which can help get such detection before the 3 month cutoff for DNC instead of saline.

Case 2: poverty My grandfather’s first wife got pregnant for the 3rd time, apparently she was distraught because he was a poor minister and she didn’t think they could afford another child. She took ergot root to abort, and she died from it as many do, bleeding to death. Today, with women working, there should be less need for finances to be the reason, but in the lower and middle classes this is still an issue. Providing free medical care, free day care, and free public housing would reduce the number of abortions. Along with better acceptance of single moms

Case 3 lack of easy access to birth control. there are still many who do not have access to birth control today and cutting planned parenthood contributes to that. And when they are poor, they are dependent on their husbands, and cannot refuse them and when the husbands are irrepsonsible, the rhythm method is out. I have a friend who has a friend or relative who is a nurse and claims that she has a patient who keeps coming in for abortions because she doesn’t want to/forgets to take her pills. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. of course I don’t know the person but I do know that people who are passionate about a cause tend to exaggerate. Here’s why. I miscarried my first so I know, when you have a miscarriage you have to have a DNC or you may bleed to death. A DNC is very unpleasant, even if they dope you up on Demarol, you feel everything. And of course if it goes on beyond 3 months it’s a saline abortion which is horrific. I just can’t see that anyone would choose this for birth control.

In sum, the way to end abortion is by providing free medical care, housing where needed, day care at least for single moms, massive outreach for rape victims and to distribute birth control, and accepting rape victims as victims and accepting single moms. This will result in an enormous reduction in number of abortions.
Advancing medical techniques for earlier detection of medical problems and pregnancy itself will also reduce the need. Sadly, most republicans and libertarians are against all of these. Or they say that churches should do it and to that I say, how’s that working out for you? So don’t tell me that you are pro-life. You don’t have
to support all democratic principles but if you aren’t supporting the above, you are increasing abortions, not reducing them.




1 Comment

Sharon Nichols
No Lie with Bryan Tyler Cohen
‘After peaceful protests outside Supreme Court justices’ houses, Democrats joined Republi-cons to pass increased security for justices.
After 3 mass shootings over the weekend, why won’t Republi-cons join Democrats to pass gun reform for increased security for ALL Americans?’
























9 of 10:

(4, 9, 10 are similar)


Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf


Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019

While we are still on topic.

Looks like the censorship at the top has deleted my post from a couple days ago.

Not the first time one of my posts has gone magically bye-bye.


I have that post saved off-line and ready to share at my web-site.










Robin Sokoloff
18 May 2019

Abortion bans are not about babies.
Abortion bans are not about babies.
Abortion bans are not about babies.

Abortion bans are about power and control through rape.

Abortion bans are just STEP ONE of re-legalizing government sanctioned rape to empower a terrifying new regime.

How do you re-legalize state sanctioned rape and end all rights for women and girls to restructure an entire nation? It’s easy.

Step 1 – Make a woman’s choice for her own body a criminal act. Classify abortion as murder.

Step 2 – Normalize the idea that women can’t be trusted not to murder. Make the punishment for a woman making choices for her own body more severe than the punishment of a rapist. A rapist suddenly doesn’t seems so terrible in comparison to a woman who terminates a pregnancy. He couldn’t help himself, but she should know better. He was just acting on impulse, but she’s a KILLER.

Step 3 – End to all abortion means rape leads to A LIFE. Rape gets normalized as a life affirming act. Rape makes babies. Rape is godly. Enter religion.

Step 4 – Rape makes big strong families led by men in His image. It’s God’s will. End to all contraceptives. Criminalize all preventative pregnancy measures against God’s wishes.

Step 5 – God commands men to rape in His name, make children in His image. Women are just the vessel that must obey. Under his eye.

Step 6 – Make pregnancy prevention of any kind a capital punishment. Women must choose between submitting to rape or the end of their own life.

Women must choose rape to choose their own life.
I say again, women must choose rape to choose their own life.

See? Rape is life affirming. Clever.

Step 7 – Men can create life, so they must create life. If men don’t rape, they are preventing life. Men must choose between rape and their own life.

I say again, all men will have to rape to live, if this goes any further.

Abortion bans are not about babies.
Abortion bans ensure men who want to rape will always have a new generation to rape when this one is out of eggs.
Abortion bans are about men ensuring rape is a right and a duty even – to control the living.

Abortion bans ensure the enslavement of women and girls.

Abortion bans ensure that men who do not rape, won’t live to see what happens next.

Abortion bans enslave men.

Abortion bans are not about babies, just like it was never about water fountains.

Abortion bans are about discarding anyone and anything not in service to heteronormative rape culture.

Abortion bans are about you.

If you are a man and you are reading this – and you know full well this is not a world you want, DO SOMETHING AND DO IT NOW.

Flood the gates.





Share #1



Share #2



Share #3







10 of 10:

(4, 9, 10 are similar)


Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf


Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign


‘Poorly Educated’ Cousin Nancy from West Virginia – wrong on both counts in her Comment, regardless of her misspelling.






Sharon Nichols
18 May 2018



Yelling and screaming when the Republi-cons, Drumpfians, and Deplorables hurled false accusations at Clinton.  Silence when Crooked Drumpf is now the one under real and serious investigation and indictment.


‘Indicted or guilty doesn’t matter.  A moot point.  Who has lied repeatedly.  Do you think they’ll take her word?’

– Jeanine Pirro, Republi-con


‘We Republicans are good for two things:  reducing our taxes and blaming Democrats.’

– David Brooks, R-New York Times (PBS ‘Newshour’, June 2006).


See also:














Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.




Occupy Democrats
18 May 2018

Gee, I wonder if they’ll apply the same standard to Trump?

Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!




1 Comment

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
You can’t indite a sitting president. Especially, when you don’t have a single crime.







Share #1






Sharon Nichols shared a memory 
19 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

Poor Cousin Nancy. By her comment, she has no grasp how much she shows herself to be what Crooked Drumpf calls his cult – Sucker and Loser.

Republi-cons seek to remove Biden. Their CBN Pat Robertson ‘news’ reports how more than 120 generals who violated their Oath to impartiality wrote a letter demanding Biden’s immediate resignation or removal from office, as with Harris and Pelosi, so that Robertson and his Republi-cons can overthrow Our Counstitution and establish their military junta. Curious how those same generals didn’t issue such an ultimatum against Crooked Drumpf.

– Sharon



3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2018 ·
Shared with Public


Yelling and screaming when the Republi-cons, Drumpfians, and Deplorables hurled false accusations at Clinton. Silence when Crooked Drumpf is now the one under real and serious investigation and indictment.


‘Indicted or guilty doesn’t matter. A moot point. Who has lied repeatedly. Do you think they’ll take her word?’

– Jeanine Pirro, Republi-con


‘We Republicans are good for two things: reducing our taxes and blaming Democrats.’

– David Brooks, R-New York Times (PBS ‘Newshour’, June 2006).


See also:












Police debunk MS13 Rant


Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.


0:22 / 0:58
Occupy Democrats
May 15, 2017 ·

Gee, I wonder if they’ll apply the same standard to Trump?
Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!


1 Comment

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
You can’t indite a sitting president. Especially, when you don’t have a single crime.
· Reply · 3y

Write a comment…


You’re All Caught Up

Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!



Judge Jeanine blathered her hypocrisy about Clinton.















Share #2




Sharon Nichols shared a memory 
18 May 2022







You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 18 May 2024 – Ban Books … Burn Books … Ban People … Burn People’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024 – Ban books … burn books … ban people … burn people’
(18 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
18 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1, 2.  Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy

3, 6, 8.  Abortion is sad

4, 9, 10.  Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf

Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign

5.  Ban books … burn books … ban people … burn people

7.  Nanette Smith:  Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group



5 of 10:


Ban books … burn books … ban people … burn people


Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide:

 – You have no Rights
 – You have no Rights to live amongst us
 – You have no Rights to live 



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023


Book banning.

Book burning.

You know what happens next – ‘When they burn books, they burn people’.

This is one Republi-con who calls for the ‘Eradication’ of Our Trans Community:



I don’t waste my time debating Deniers, Drumpfians, Deplorables, Christian Con-servatives who fail to, or refuse to, acknowledge and recognise that Republi-cons are repeating Hitler and NAZI Germany in our present day and place.

My father educated me quite well during my childhood about the Shoah Holocaust.  My father – who fought during WW2, whose college education was Political Science, whose college books I read during my own childhood, who taught high school History.

At age 14, my father took me to pay homage and respect to the people who perished at Dachau.  Witnessing Dachau and Maribor during my youth made the Shoah Holocaust a personal experience.

I studied history during college, including graduate coursework in the Shoah Holocaust, one course taught by Elie Wiesel.

I never expected that my own nation would descend into the same horror as NAZI Germany.

These are Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide:

– You have no Rights
– You have no Rights to live amongst us
– You have no Rights to live.

Remember.  Hitler’s earliest targets for Eradication were the Trans and LGBT Community.  Hitler signed his Enabling Acts in January 1933, he was Eradicating Trans and LGBT by May 1933 in the name of Christian Con-servatism:

– Hitler ordered his NAZIs to loot and burn Dr. Magnus Hirschfield’s Trans Research Library.

– Hitler used Dr. Hirschfield’s lists of the names of Trans and LGBT patients as well as the names of the doctors and nurses, to track down, arrest, send to their Eradication.

– Hitler ordered his NAZIs to storm Germany’s schools, destroy school textbooks that didn’t support the Reich, arrest and imprison teachers and school administrators who didn’t surrender and conform to NAZI ‘Community Standards’.

Notice anything similar here stateside?

Don’t think Eradication of Trans and LGBT ended with Hitler’s demise.  Nor did our current predicament begin with Crooked Drumpf.  Eisenhower ordered the continued imprisonment and deaths of Trans and LGBT captives at Hitler’s extermination camps.  Not satisfied, Eisenhower enacted his own anti-Trans and anti-LGBT Lavender Scare laws in 1953 to criminalise, outlaw, Eradicate Trans and LGBT from American society.  Prosecution continued to actively and aggressively enforce Eisenhower’s Lavender Scare laws til Clinton suspended them in 1995.

Crooked Drumpf, Republi-cons, and Christian Con-servatives are advancing anew Hitler’s Genocide and Eisenhower’s Lavender Scare upon America’s Trans and LGBT Community.

Meanwhile, same as during the Shoah Holocaust, nowadays there are Trans and LGBT people who remain loyal Republi-cons, loyal Drumpfians and Deplorables, loyal Christian Con-servatives, loyal to the very parties who will send them to their own Eradication, same as they will do to any of us.  When you loyalists stand in line with me at the enttance to the Drumpf-DeSantis gas chamber, I’ll offer to step aside and allow you to go first, a reward for your loyalty to Crooked Drumpf and DeSantis.

– Sharon



The Issue

Books are under profound attack in the United States. They are disappearing from library shelves, being challenged in droves, being decreed off limits by school boards, legislators, and prison authorities. And everywhere, it is the books that have long fought for a place on the shelf that are being targeted. Books by authors of color, by LGBTQ+ authors, by women. Books about racism, sexuality, gender, history. PEN America pushes back against the banning of books and the intolerance, exclusion, and censorship that undergird it.

PEN America tracks all book bans in libraries and classrooms across the U.S. in our Index of School Book Bans, updated for the 2022-2023 school year.


Research and Reports

Banned in the USA: State Laws Supercharge Book Suppression in Schools

Broad efforts to label certain books “harmful” and “explicit” are expanding the type of content suppressed in schools.

Banned in the USA: State Laws Supercharge Book Suppression in Schools

Banned in the USA: The Growing Movement to Censor Books in Schools (September 2022)

This report on school book bans offers the first comprehensive look at bans throughout the 2021–22 school year.

Banned in the USA: Rising School Book Bans Threaten Free Expression and Students’ First Amendment Rights (April 2022)

PEN America has collated an Index of School Book Bans, offering a snapshot of the trend of decisions to ban books in school libraries and classrooms in the United States from July 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

Missing from the Shelf: Book Challenges and Lack of Diversity in Children’s Literature

A persistent pattern of attempts to remove certain books from public schools and libraries, combined with a lack of diversity in Children’s and Young Adult (CYA) book publishing, narrows the range of stories and perspectives available to U.S. students.

Literature Locked Up: How Prison Book Restriction Policies Constitute the Nation’s Largest Book Ban

This report details the types of book bans prisoners face, the arbitrariness with which they are implemented, and the lack of transparency and oversight that leads to bans.

What is a book ban? And other frequently asked questions.

Book bans in public schools have recurred throughout American history, with notable flare-ups in the McCarthy era and the early 1980s. But, while long present, the scope of such censorship has expanded drastically and in unprecedented fashion since the beginning of the 2021–22 school year.

This FAQ answers some of the most common questions about Book Bans in America, today and throughout American history.


Banned book list: The most banned books of the 2022-23 school year (Fall 22)

Banned book list: The most banned books of the 2021-2022 school year

The most banned picture books of the 2021-2022 school year


From PEN America

PEN America Speaks: How We Defended and Celebrated Free Expression This Week May 12, 2023

The 11 Most Banned Books of the Start of the 2022-2023 School Year April 20, 2023

The 11 Most Banned Books of the Start of the 2022-2023 School Year

Frequently Banned Books Featuring Transgender Stories
March 30, 2023

In national efforts to ban books and restrict content on LGBTQ+ characters and themes, stories on transgender individuals and characters are commonly challenged and banned, making up about 9% of banned books.

These books are banned in Martin County, Florida
March 13, 2023

Last week, Martin County, Florida, released a list of dozens of books it had removed from school libraries, including 20 books by Jodi Picoult, nine books from James Patterson’s Maximum Ride series, and two books by Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison. Some were removed from multiple locations, for a total of 92 book bans. It […]

Florida Book Bans Are No Hoax: Here Are The Facts
March 10, 2023

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis set out to “expose the book ban hoax” about Florida classrooms. His claims are false.

PEN America is hard at work fighting the the educational gag orders, book bans, and “transparency” bills that threaten free expression and academic freedom in the classroom. Sign up to receive email updates about PEN America’s vital work on these issues, including reports, legislative roundups, media coverage, and advocacy alerts.

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1 Comment


Sharon Nichols
‘For my non-Jewish friends, this is how we, the Jewish Community, feel. ‘


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You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

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Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

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BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 18 May 2024 – Nanette Smith: Democrats Do Vastly More To Prevent Abortions Than Any Other Group’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024 – Nanette Smith:  Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group’
(18 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
18 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1, 2.  Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy

3, 6, 8.  Abortion is sad

4, 9, 10.  Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf

Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign

5.  Ban books … burn books … ban people … burn people

7.  Nanette Smith:  Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group



7 of 10:


Nanette Smith:  Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019

Well-stated personal experiences.


Additional Resources:






Nanette Smith
18 May 2019

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group. No one wants abortion but we have to keep it legal within reasonable constraints, and work on reducing the need for this sad occurrence.

First let’s get one group out of the way. If you don’t believe in birth control and that victims of rape shouldn’t be able to have an abortion because God made that fetus, then we’re done. Just make sure that you are never getting medical care of any kind or you are a serious hypocrite. And keep your unvaccinated family away from the rest of us.. Fortunately these people are few, and these laws going through are so extreme that I think that the SCOTUS will have to go against them.

If you want to solve a problem, you need to understand why it happens in the first place.
Case1a: the 17 yr old rape victim who was afraid to tell what happened to her, had a baby with hydrocephaly, suffered for 1 yr before dying. Women need to feel comfortable about coming forward when they have been raped. Now that we have the RU486, there shouldn’t be a need for abortion due to rape. But we need to outreach, stop the stigma.

Btw if you think the RU 486 is abortion, then you’d better not use any form of birth control such as IUD because with those you also conceive but it cannot implant.

Case 1b:Can’t imagine that anyone thinks its ok that infant needing constant ICU and having seizures all the time, to horrific expense as well. After all, people in persistent comas are disconnected from their life support and that’s accepted. With current medicine, this kind of defect can be detected early, before the 6 month current cutoff. With advancing medical care, now we can get DNA earlier and earlier which can help get such detection before the 3 month cutoff for DNC instead of saline.

Case 2: poverty My grandfather’s first wife got pregnant for the 3rd time, apparently she was distraught because he was a poor minister and she didn’t think they could afford another child. She took ergot root to abort, and she died from it as many do, bleeding to death. Today, with women working, there should be less need for finances to be the reason, but in the lower and middle classes this is still an issue. Providing free medical care, free day care, and free public housing would reduce the number of abortions. Along with better acceptance of single moms

Case 3 lack of easy access to birth control. there are still many who do not have access to birth control today and cutting planned parenthood contributes to that. And when they are poor, they are dependent on their husbands, and cannot refuse them and when the husbands are irrepsonsible, the rhythm method is out. I have a friend who has a friend or relative who is a nurse and claims that she has a patient who keeps coming in for abortions because she doesn’t want to/forgets to take her pills. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. of course I don’t know the person but I do know that people who are passionate about a cause tend to exaggerate. Here’s why. I miscarried my first so I know, when you have a miscarriage you have to have a DNC or you may bleed to death. A DNC is very unpleasant, even if they dope you up on Demarol, you feel everything. And of course if it goes on beyond 3 months it’s a saline abortion which is horrific. I just can’t see that anyone would choose this for birth control.

In sum, the way to end abortion is by providing free medical care, housing where needed, day care at least for single moms, massive outreach for rape victims and to distribute birth control, and accepting rape victims as victims and accepting single moms. This will result in an enormous reduction in number of abortions. Advancing medical techniques for earlier detection of medical problems and pregnancy itself will also reduce the need. Sadly, most republicans and libertarians are against all of these. Or they say that churches should do it and to that I say, how’s that working out for you? So don’t tell me that you are pro-life. You don’t have to support all democratic principles but if you aren’t supporting the above, you are increasing abortions, not reducing them.





Share #1





Sharon Nichols
18 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Congratulations!  You did it!

Elections really do have consequences.  Meanwhile, you are Disconnected from Reality.  You failed to realise that concept if you are a voter who opposes the fraud of the ‘Pro-life’ con.


You voted for Republi-cons throughout the years.  Or maybe just 2020.  Doesn’t matter.  Voting for Crooked Drumpf and voting for Republi-cons brought about a packed federal court system – packed with Republi-con federal judges and a 6 – 3 Supreme Court who now guarantees they they are set to overturn Roe v Wade when the up-coming case goes to the Supreme Court this October.

Not bad.  Republi-cons packing the entire federal court system to guarantee every decision goes their way.

Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are salivating at this political reversal of Roe v Wade.  And you made it happen each time you voted Reoubli-con.

– Sharon



We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2019 ·
Shared with Public

Well-stated personal experiences.


Additional Resources:




Nanette Smith
May 18, 2019 ·

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group. No one wants abortion but we have to keep it legal within reasonable constraints, and work on reducing the need for this sad occurrence.

First let’s get one group out of the way. If you don’t believe in birth control and that victims of rape shouldn’t be able to have an abortion because God made that fetus, then we’re done. Just make sure that you are never getting medical care of any kind or you are a serious hypocrite. And keep your unvaccinated family away from the rest of us.. Fortunately these people are few, and these laws going through are so extreme that I think that the SCOTUS will have to go against them.

If you want to solve a problem, you need to understand why it happens in the first place.

Case1a: the 17 yr old rape victim who was afraid to tell what happened to her, had a baby with hydrocephaly, suffered for 1 yr before dying. Women need to feel comfortable about coming forward when they have been raped. Now that we have the RU486, there shouldn’t be a need for abortion due to rape. But we need to outreach, stop the stigma.

Btw if you think the RU 486 is abortion, then you’d better not use any form of birth control such as IUD because with those you also conceive but it cannot implant.

Case 1b: Can’t imagine that anyone thinks its ok that infant needing constant ICU and having seizures all the time, to horrific expense as well. After all, people in persistent comas are disconnected from their life support and that’s accepted. With current medicine, this kind of defect can be detected early, before the 6 month current cutoff. With advancing medical care, now we can get DNA earlier and earlier which can help get such detection before the 3 month cutoff for DNC instead of saline.

Case 2: poverty My grandfather’s first wife got pregnant for the 3rd time, apparently she was distraught because he was a poor minister and she didn’t think they could afford another child. She took ergot root to abort, and she died from it as many do, bleeding to death. Today, with women working, there should be less need for finances to be the reason, but in the lower and middle classes this is still an issue. Providing free medical care, free day care, and free public housing would reduce the number of abortions. Along with better acceptance of single moms

Case 3: lack of easy access to birth control. there are still many who do not have access to birth control today and cutting planned parenthood contributes to that. And when they are poor, they are dependent on their husbands, and cannot refuse them and when the husbands are irrepsonsible, the rhythm method is out. I have a friend who has a friend or relative who is a nurse and claims that she has a patient who keeps coming in for abortions because she doesn’t want to/forgets to take her pills. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. of course I don’t know the person but I do know that people who are passionate about a cause tend to exaggerate. Here’s why. I miscarried my first so I know, when you have a miscarriage you have to have a DNC or you may bleed to death. A DNC is very unpleasant, even if they dope you up on Demarol, you feel everything. And of course if it goes on beyond 3 months it’s a saline abortion which is horrific. I just can’t see that anyone would choose this for birth control.

In sum, the way to end abortion is by providing free medical care, housing where needed, day care at least for single moms, massive outreach for rape victims and to distribute birth control, and accepting rape victims as victims and accepting single moms. This will result in an enormous reduction in number of abortions. Advancing medical techniques for earlier detection of medical problems and pregnancy itself will also reduce the need. Sadly, most republicans and libertarians are against all of these. Or they say that churches should do it and to that I say, how’s that working out for you? So don’t tell me that you are pro-life. You don’t have to support all democratic principles but if you aren’t supporting the above, you are increasing abortions, not reducing them.






Sharon Nichols

Pennsylvania is the darkest timeline. They’re criminalizing miscarriages.



Share #2





Sharon Nichols
19 May 2022

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from three years ago.

Talk about a dead document.

Sadly, Crooked Drumpf’s Supreme Kangaroo Court took the extremist route, they ignored the Constitution in favour of issuing their decision using their 17th Century Misogynist as their basis of Law.

– Sharon




People who shared this

On this day
1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
oopt110y11502u58Ma910 gf2g, ·
18 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Congratulations!  You did it!

Elections really do have consequences.  Meanwhile, you are Disconnected from Reality.  You failed to realise that concept if you are a voter who opposes the fraud of the ‘Pro-life’ con.


You voted for Republi-cons throughout the years.  Or maybe just 2020.  Doesn’t matter.  Voting for Crooked Drumpf and voting for Republi-cons brought about a packed federal court system – packed with Republi-con federal judges and a 6 – 3 Supreme Court who now guarantees they they are set to overturn Roe v Wade when the up-coming case goes to the Supreme Court this October.

Not bad.  Republi-cons packing the entire federal court system to guarantee every decision goes their way.

Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are salivating at this political reversal of Roe v Wade.  And you made it happen each time you voted Reoubli-con.

– Sharon



We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2019 ·
Shared with Public




Nanette Smith
May 18, 2019 ·




Sharon Nichols
May be a Twitter screenshot of text that says ‘Carliss Chatman @carlissc If a fetus is a person at 6 weeks pregnant, is that when the child support starts? Is that also when you can’t deport the mother because she’s carrying a US citizen? Can insure a week fetus and collect if miscarry? Just figuring if we’re going here we should go all in. AM 5/9/19from Lexington, VA iPhone Twitter for’

Sharon Nichols
May be a Twitter screenshot of text that says ‘Stephanie Wittels Wachs @wittelstephanie Make no mistake- a state that criminalizes abortion but ranks 50th in public education doesn’t give a shit about children. 6:06 AM 5/15/19 Twitter for iPhone’
Sharon Nichols
May be an image of text

Sharon Nichols

Sharon Nichols

Sharon Nichols
May be a Twitter screenshot of one or more people and text that says ‘Jennifer Malinchalk @jennmalinchalk Texas wants to put women to death for having an abortion, Ohio and others are trying to restrict it so much that by the time you know you’re pregnant it’s too late to have one. Basically Christians are actually fine with sharia law just as long as we call them “family values”.’

Sharon Nichols

Pennsylvania is the darkest timeline. They’re criminalizing miscarriages.
May be an image of text

Sharon Nichols
May be an image of text

Sharon Nichols
May be an image of text

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
3 years ago



Sharon Nichols
psSrtd,2al14 00i8 u10y8h692M013 ·
18 May 2019
Shared with Public

Well-stated personal experiences.


Additional Resources:






Nanette Smith
psSrtd,2al14 00i8 u10y8h692M013 ·
18 May 2019

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group. No one wants abortion but we have to keep it legal within reasonable constraints, and work on reducing the need for this sad occurrence.

First let’s get one group out of the way. If you don’t believe in birth control and that victims of rape shouldn’t be able to have an abortion because God made that fetus, then we’re done. Just make sure that you are never getting medical care of any kind or you are a serious hypocrite. And keep your unvaccinated family away from the rest of us.. Fortunately these people are few, and these laws going through are so extreme that I think that the SCOTUS will have to go against them.

If you want to solve a problem, you need to understand why it happens in the first place.

Case1a: the 17 yr old rape victim who was afraid to tell what happened to her, had a baby with hydrocephaly, suffered for 1 yr before dying. Women need to feel comfortable about coming forward when they have been raped. Now that we have the RU486, there shouldn’t be a need for abortion due to rape. But we need to
outreach, stop the stigma.

Btw if you think the RU 486 is abortion, then you’d better not use any form of birth control such as IUD because with those you also conceive but it cannot implant.

Case 1b:Can’t imagine that anyone thinks its ok that infant needing constant ICU and having seizures all the time, to horrific expense as well. After all, people in persistent comas are disconnected from their life support and that’s accepted. With current medicine, this kind of defect can be detected early, before the 6 month current cutoff. With advancing medical care, now we can get DNA earlier and earlier which can help get such detection before the 3 month cutoff for DNC instead of saline.

Case 2: poverty My grandfather’s first wife got pregnant for the 3rd time, apparently she was distraught because he was a poor minister and she didn’t think they could afford another child. She took ergot root to abort, and she died from it as many do, bleeding to death. Today, with women working, there should be less need for finances to be the reason, but in the lower and middle classes this is still an issue. Providing free medical care, free day care, and free public housing would reduce the number of abortions. Along with better acceptance of single moms

Case 3 lack of easy access to birth control. there are still many who do not have access to birth control today and cutting planned parenthood contributes to that. And when they are poor, they are dependent on their husbands, and cannot refuse them and when the husbands are irrepsonsible, the rhythm method is out. I have a friend who has a friend or relative who is a nurse and claims that she has a patient who keeps coming in for abortions because she doesn’t want to/forgets to take her pills. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. of course I don’t know the person but I do know that people who are passionate about a cause tend to exaggerate. Here’s why. I miscarried my first so I know, when you have a miscarriage you have to have a DNC or you may bleed to death. A DNC is very unpleasant, even if they dope you up on Demarol, you feel everything. And of course if it goes on beyond 3 months it’s a saline abortion which is horrific. I just can’t see that anyone would choose this for birth control.

In sum, the way to end abortion is by providing free medical care, housing where needed, day care at least for single moms, massive outreach for rape victims and to distribute birth control, and accepting rape victims as victims and accepting single moms. This will result in an enormous reduction in number of abortions.
Advancing medical techniques for earlier detection of medical problems and pregnancy itself will also reduce the need. Sadly, most republicans and libertarians are against all of these. Or they say that churches should do it and to that I say, how’s that working out for you? So don’t tell me that you are pro-life. You don’t have
to support all democratic principles but if you aren’t supporting the above, you are increasing abortions, not reducing them.




1 Comment


Sharon Nichols
No Lie with Bryan Tyler Cohen
‘After peaceful protests outside Supreme Court justices’ houses, Democrats joined Republi-cons to pass increased security for justices.
After 3 mass shootings over the weekend, why won’t Republi-cons join Democrats to pass gun reform for increased security for ALL Americans?’




Share #3





Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023

2 of 5:

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortion



People Who Shared This

1 Year Ago
See your memories




1 Year Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2022
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from last year, from three years ago.

Talk about a dead document.

Sadly, Crooked Drumpf’s Supreme Kangaroo Court took the extremist route, they ignored the Constitution in favour of issuing their decision using their 17th Century Misogynist as their basis of Law.

– Sharon




People who shared this

On this day
1 year ago


Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
oopt110y11502u58Ma910 gf2g, ·
18 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Congratulations!  You did it!

Elections really do have consequences.  Meanwhile, you are Disconnected from Reality.  You failed to realise that concept if you are a voter who opposes the fraud of the ‘Pro-life’ con.


You voted for Republi-cons throughout the years.  Or maybe just 2020.  Doesn’t matter.  Voting for Crooked Drumpf and voting for Republi-cons brought about a packed federal court system – packed with Republi-con federal judges and a 6 – 3 Supreme Court who now guarantees they they are set to overturn Roe v Wade when the up-coming case goes to the Supreme Court this October.

Not bad.  Republi-cons packing the entire federal court system to guarantee every decision goes their way.

Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are salivating at this political reversal of Roe v Wade.  And you made it happen each time you voted Reoubli-con.

– Sharon



We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2019 ·
Shared with Public




Nanette Smith
May 18, 2019 ·




Sharon Nichols
May be a Twitter screenshot of text that says ‘Carliss Chatman @carlissc If a fetus is a person at 6 weeks pregnant, is that when the child support starts? Is that also when you can’t deport the mother because she’s carrying a US citizen? Can insure a week fetus and collect if miscarry? Just figuring if we’re going here we should go all in. AM 5/9/19from Lexington, VA iPhone Twitter for’

Sharon Nichols
May be a Twitter screenshot of text that says ‘Stephanie Wittels Wachs @wittelstephanie Make no mistake- a state that criminalizes abortion but ranks 50th in public education doesn’t give a shit about children. 6:06 AM 5/15/19 Twitter for iPhone’
Sharon Nichols
May be an image of text

Sharon Nichols

Sharon Nichols

Sharon Nichols
May be a Twitter screenshot of one or more people and text that says ‘Jennifer Malinchalk @jennmalinchalk Texas wants to put women to death for having an abortion, Ohio and others are trying to restrict it so much that by the time you know you’re pregnant it’s too late to have one. Basically Christians are actually fine with sharia law just as long as we call them “family values”.’

Sharon Nichols

Pennsylvania is the darkest timeline. They’re criminalizing miscarriages.
May be an image of text

Sharon Nichols
May be an image of text

Sharon Nichols
May be an image of text

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings


On this day
3 years ago



Sharon Nichols
psSrtd,2al14 00i8 u10y8h692M013 ·
18 May 2019
Shared with Public

Well-stated personal experiences.


Additional Resources:






Nanette Smith
psSrtd,2al14 00i8 u10y8h692M013 ·
18 May 2019

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group. No one wants abortion but we have to keep it legal within reasonable constraints, and work on reducing the need for this sad occurrence.

First let’s get one group out of the way. If you don’t believe in birth control and that victims of rape shouldn’t be able to have an abortion because God made that fetus, then we’re done. Just make sure that you are never getting medical care of any kind or you are a serious hypocrite. And keep your unvaccinated family away from the rest of us.. Fortunately these people are few, and these laws going through are so extreme that I think that the SCOTUS will have to go against them.

If you want to solve a problem, you need to understand why it happens in the first place.

Case1a: the 17 yr old rape victim who was afraid to tell what happened to her, had a baby with hydrocephaly, suffered for 1 yr before dying. Women need to feel comfortable about coming forward when they have been raped. Now that we have the RU486, there shouldn’t be a need for abortion due to rape. But we need to outreach, stop the stigma.

Btw if you think the RU 486 is abortion, then you’d better not use any form of birth control such as IUD because with those you also conceive but it cannot implant.

Case 1b: Can’t imagine that anyone thinks its ok that infant needing constant ICU and having seizures all the time, to horrific expense as well. After all, people in persistent comas are disconnected from their life support and that’s accepted. With current medicine, this kind of defect can be detected early, before the 6 month current cutoff. With advancing medical care, now we can get DNA earlier and earlier which can help get such detection before the 3 month cutoff for DNC instead of saline.

Case 2: poverty My grandfather’s first wife got pregnant for the 3rd time, apparently she was distraught because he was a poor minister and she didn’t think they could afford another child. She took ergot root to abort, and she died from it as many do, bleeding to death. Today, with women working, there should be less need for finances to be the reason, but in the lower and middle classes this is still an issue. Providing free medical care, free day care, and free public housing would reduce the number of abortions. Along with better acceptance of single moms

Case 3: lack of easy access to birth control. there are still many who do not have access to birth control today and cutting planned parenthood contributes to that. And when they are poor, they are dependent on their husbands, and cannot refuse them and when the husbands are irrepsonsible, the rhythm method is out. I have a friend who has a friend or relative who is a nurse and claims that she has a patient who keeps coming in for abortions because she doesn’t want to/forgets to take her pills. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. of course I don’t know the person but I do know that people who are passionate about a cause tend to exaggerate. Here’s why. I miscarried my first so I know, when you have a miscarriage you have to have a DNC or you may bleed to death. A DNC is very unpleasant, even if they dope you up on Demarol, you feel everything. And of course if it goes on beyond 3 months it’s a saline abortion which is horrific. I just can’t see that anyone would choose this for birth control.

In sum, the way to end abortion is by providing free medical care, housing where needed, day care at least for single moms, massive outreach for rape victims and to distribute birth control, and accepting rape victims as victims and accepting single moms. This will result in an enormous reduction in number of abortions.

Advancing medical techniques for earlier detection of medical problems and pregnancy itself will also reduce the need. Sadly, most republicans and libertarians are against all of these. Or they say that churches should do it and to that I say, how’s that working out for you? So don’t tell me that you are pro-life. You don’t have to support all democratic principles but if you aren’t supporting the above, you are increasing abortions, not reducing them.








We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

Congratulations!  You did it!

Elections really do have consequences.  Meanwhile, you are Disconnected from Reality.  You failed to realise that concept if you are a voter who opposes the fraud of the ‘Pro-life’ con.


You voted for Republi-cons throughout the years.  Or maybe just 2020.  Doesn’t matter.  Voting for Crooked Drumpf and voting for Republi-cons brought about a packed federal court system – packed with Republi-con federal judges and a 6 – 3 Supreme Court who now guarantees that they are set to overturn Roe v Wade when the up-coming case goes to the Supreme Court this October.

Not bad.  Republi-cons packing the entire federal court system to guarantee every decision goes their way.

Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are salivating at this political reversal of Roe v Wade.  And you made it happen each time you voted Reoubli-con.

– Sharon



We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2019 ·
Shared with Public

Well-stated personal experiences.


Additional Resources:




Nanette Smith
May 18, 2019 ·

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group. No one wants abortion but we have to keep it legal within reasonable constraints, and work on reducing the need for this sad occurrence.

First let’s get one group out of the way. If you don’t believe in birth control and that victims of rape shouldn’t be able to have an abortion because God made that fetus, then we’re done. Just make sure that you are never getting medical care of any kind or you are a serious hypocrite. And keep your unvaccinated family away from the rest of us.. Fortunately these people are few, and these laws going through are so extreme that I think that the SCOTUS will have to go against them.

If you want to solve a problem, you need to understand why it happens in the first place.

Case1a: the 17 yr old rape victim who was afraid to tell what happened to her, had a baby with hydrocephaly, suffered for 1 yr before dying. Women need to feel comfortable about coming forward when they have been raped. Now that we have the RU486, there shouldn’t be a need for abortion due to rape. But we need to outreach, stop the stigma.

Btw if you think the RU 486 is abortion, then you’d better not use any form of birth control such as IUD because with those you also conceive but it cannot implant.

Case 1b: Can’t imagine that anyone thinks its ok that infant needing constant ICU and having seizures all the time, to horrific expense as well. After all, people in persistent comas are disconnected from their life support and that’s accepted. With current medicine, this kind of defect can be detected early, before the 6 month current cutoff. With advancing medical care, now we can get DNA earlier and earlier which can help get such detection before the 3 month cutoff for DNC instead of saline.

Case 2: poverty My grandfather’s first wife got pregnant for the 3rd time, apparently she was distraught because he was a poor minister and she didn’t think they could afford another child. She took ergot root to abort, and she died from it as many do, bleeding to death. Today, with women working, there should be less need for finances to be the reason, but in the lower and middle classes this is still an issue. Providing free medical care, free day care, and free public housing would reduce the number of abortions. Along with better acceptance of single moms

Case 3: lack of easy access to birth control. there are still many who do not have access to birth control today and cutting planned parenthood contributes to that. And when they are poor, they are dependent on their husbands, and cannot refuse them and when the husbands are irrepsonsible, the rhythm method is out. I have a friend who has a friend or relative who is a nurse and claims that she has a patient who keeps coming in for abortions because she doesn’t want to/forgets to take her pills. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. of course I don’t know the person but I do know that people who are passionate about a cause tend to exaggerate. Here’s why. I miscarried my first so I know, when you have a miscarriage you have to have a DNC or you may bleed to death. A DNC is very unpleasant, even if they dope you up on Demarol, you feel everything. And of course if it goes on beyond 3 months it’s a saline abortion which is horrific. I just can’t see that anyone would choose this for birth control.

In sum, the way to end abortion is by providing free medical care, housing where needed, day care at least for single moms, massive outreach for rape victims and to distribute birth control, and accepting rape victims as victims and accepting single moms. This will result in an enormous reduction in number of abortions. Advancing medical techniques for earlier detection of medical problems and pregnancy itself will also reduce the need. Sadly, most republicans and libertarians are against all of these. Or they say that churches should do it and to that I say, how’s that working out for you? So don’t tell me that you are pro-life. You don’t have to support all democratic principles but if you aren’t supporting the above, you are increasing abortions, not reducing them.








We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

4 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019
Shared with Public

Well-stated personal experiences.


Additional Resources:





Nanette Smith
18 May 2019

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group. No one wants abortion but we have to keep it legal within reasonable constraints, and work on reducing the need for this sad occurrence.

First let’s get one group out of the way. If you don’t believe in birth control and that victims of rape shouldn’t be able to have an abortion because God made that fetus, then we’re done. Just make sure that you are never getting medical care of any kind or you are a serious hypocrite. And keep your unvaccinated family away from the rest of us.. Fortunately these people are few, and these laws going through are so extreme that I think that the SCOTUS will have to go against them.

If you want to solve a problem, you need to understand why it happens in the first place.

Case1a: the 17 yr old rape victim who was afraid to tell what happened to her, had a baby with hydrocephaly, suffered for 1 yr before dying. Women need to feel comfortable about coming forward when they have been raped. Now that we have the RU486, there shouldn’t be a need for abortion due to rape. But we need to outreach, stop the stigma.

Btw if you think the RU 486 is abortion, then you’d better not use any form of birth control such as IUD because with those you also conceive but it cannot implant.

Case 1b: Can’t imagine that anyone thinks its ok that infant needing constant ICU and having seizures all the time, to horrific expense as well. After all, people in persistent comas are disconnected from their life support and that’s accepted. With current medicine, this kind of defect can be detected early, before the 6 month current cutoff. With advancing medical care, now we can get DNA earlier and earlier which can help get such detection before the 3 month cutoff for DNC instead of saline.

Case 2: poverty My grandfather’s first wife got pregnant for the 3rd time, apparently she was distraught because he was a poor minister and she didn’t think they could afford another child. She took ergot root to abort, and she died from it as many do, bleeding to death. Today, with women working, there should be less need for finances to be the reason, but in the lower and middle classes this is still an issue. Providing free medical care, free day care, and free public housing would reduce the number of abortions. Along with better acceptance of single moms

Case 3: lack of easy access to birth control. there are still many who do not have access to birth control today and cutting planned parenthood contributes to that. And when they are poor, they are dependent on their husbands, and cannot refuse them and when the husbands are irrepsonsible, the rhythm method is out. I have a friend who has a friend or relative who is a nurse and claims that she has a patient who keeps coming in for abortions because she doesn’t want to/forgets to take her pills. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. of course I don’t know the person but I do know that people who are passionate about a cause tend to exaggerate. Here’s why. I miscarried my first so I know, when you have a miscarriage you have to have a DNC or you may bleed to death. A DNC is very unpleasant, even if they dope you up on Demarol, you feel everything. And of course if it goes on beyond 3 months it’s a saline abortion which is horrific. I just can’t see that anyone would choose this for birth control.

In sum, the way to end abortion is by providing free medical care, housing where needed, day care at least for single moms, massive outreach for rape victims and to distribute birth control, and accepting rape victims as victims and accepting single moms. This will result in an enormous reduction in number of abortions. Advancing medical techniques for earlier detection of medical problems and pregnancy itself will also reduce the need. Sadly, most republicans and libertarians are against all of these. Or they say that churches should do it and to that I say, how’s that working out for you? So don’t tell me that you are pro-life. You don’t have to support all democratic principles but if you aren’t supporting the above, you are increasing abortions, not reducing them.









1 Comment


Sharon Nichols

Pennsylvania is the darkest timeline.  They’re criminalizing miscarriages.





You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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BeHuman Campaign


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Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


‘Facebook Memories: 18 May 2024’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024’
(18 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
18 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  18 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1, 2.  Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy

3, 6, 8.  Abortion is sad

4, 9, 10.  Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf

Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign

5.  Ban books … burn books … ban people … burn people

7.  Nanette Smith:  Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group



1 of 10:

(1, 2 are similar)


Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023

Representative Bob Good (R-Drumpf) is correct when he said:

– ‘Why would we compromise?  We have a winning hand’.

Drumpfians and Deplorables are ‘perfectly’ ‘uneducated’ ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’.  ‘Perfect’ for the Republi-con Party and their Christian Con-servative gang to dupe into their grift

They are fine with their Republi-con Party demanding extreme budget cuts to destroy Social Security, MediCare, MedicAid, Food Stamps, Veterans Benefits, school lunches, public transportation, Public Libraries, environmental protection, voting Rights, Trans and LGBT Rights, Civil Rights, Constitutional Rights.  They approve of America falling into default and causing a global economic panic because this will happen under Biden’s term.  Republi-cons are eagerly desperate to blame anything on Biden in order to besmirch him and the Democratic Party in future elections.


The Constitution specifies quite directly that all budgets originate at the House of Representatives.  This Debt Ceiling stalemate is a budget matter in the hands of the Republi-con majority and must be reconciled by Speaker of the House McCarthy, that’s where the onus lies.  Not on the Senate, not on Biden, not on the Democratic Party.  So grow a spine, Democrats, and put the Constitution on the Republi-cons at the House of Representatives.

See the screen print for Comical Con-servative (attached).  Notice the date of the Original Post – 2013 – when Republi-cons sought to blame Obama for their fabricated Debt Ceiling troubles, hit Obama with their Debt Ceiling demand that year.  Obama blinked, Congressional Democrats blinked, and Republi-cons gave Obama his infamous ‘shellacking’ for the 2014 Election.

Rinse.  Repeat.

Republi-cons gave additional Debt Ceiling threats to Obama and he repeatedly caved.

This 2023 Debt Ceiling is to pay for more than $7 trillion debt thanks to Drumpf, a part of all the total debt that he accrued during his four years – debt because of tax cuts for Drumpf billionaire buddies and other giveaways to Republi-con donors, what were at one time in the past called Bribery, a crime.  America’s National Debt increased from about $20 trillion to about $30 trillion – Drumpf racked up nearly one-half of our National Debt during his four years thanks to Republi-cons.

Yeh – so much ‘fiscal Con-servativ-ism’ amongst the Republi-con Party.

– Sharon



Heather Cox Richardson
18 May 2023
Shared with Public

May 18, 2023 (Thursday)

Citing “changing business conditions,” Disney leadership today canceled plans to build an office complex near Orlando, Florida. The construction was estimated to cost about $1 billion, and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity projected it would bring to Florida more than 2,000 jobs with an average salary of $120,000. In his email to employees, Disney’s theme park and consumer products chair Josh D’Amaro made it clear that even more was on the line. He noted that Disney has planned more than $17 billion of construction in Florida, bringing about 13,000 jobs, over the next ten years but suggested that, too, was being reexamined. “I hope we’re able to,” he said.

Disney is locked in a battle with Florida governor Ron DeSantis that began when, under pressure from employees, then–Disney chief executive officer Bob Chapek spoke out against Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act. This law, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” law because its vague language prohibiting instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation seems designed to silence any acknowledgement of LGBTQ Americans in grades K–3, was DeSantis’s pet project.

In retaliation, DeSantis led Florida Republicans to strip Disney of its ability to govern itself as if it were a county—as it has done since its inception in 1967—putting the board that controlled Disney under the control of a team hand-picked by DeSantis. But before the new board took over, the old board quietly and legally handed control of the parks over to Disney.

Apparently furious, DeSantis suggested he would build a competing state park or a prison next to Disney’s Florida theme park. In April, the new board set out to claw power from Disney, while the company announced it will hold its first gay-themed pride event in California and that it will build an affordable housing development in its Florida district, a move that Floridians will like. Meanwhile, with DeSantis’s blessing, the Florida state board of education approved expanding the ban on classroom mention of LGBTQ people to include grades 4–12.

On April 26, Disney sued the governor and those of his top advisors behind the attacks on Disney. The lawsuit noted that for more than 50 years, Disney “has made an immeasurable impact on Florida and its economy, establishing Central Florida as a top global tourist destination and attracting tens of millions of visitors to the State each year.” But, it said, “[a] targeted campaign of government retaliation—orchestrated at every step by Governor DeSantis as punishment for Disney’s protected speech— now threatens Disney’s business operations, jeopardizes its economic future in the region, and violates its constitutional rights.”

The lawsuit called out DeSantis’s actions as “patently retaliatory, patently anti-business, and patently unconstitutional. But,” it said, “the Governor and his allies have made it clear they do not care and will not stop.” The company said it felt forced to sue for protection “from a relentless campaign to weaponize government power against Disney in retaliation for expressing a political viewpoint unpopular with certain State officials.”

The fight between DeSantis and Disney illustrates the dramatic ideological change in the Republican Party in the last two years. No longer committed to keeping the government weak to stay out of the way of business development, the party is now committed to creating a strong government that enforces Christian nationalism.

This is a major and crucially important political shift.

From the earliest days of the Reagan Revolution, those leaders who wanted to slash the federal government to end business regulation and cut the social safety net recognized that they did not have the votes to put their program in place. To find those votes, they courted racists and traditionalists who hated the federal government’s protection of civil rights. Over time, that base became more and more powerful until Trump openly embraced it in August 2017, when he said there were “very fine people on both sides.”

As he moved toward the techniques of authoritarians, his followers began to champion the system that Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán called “illiberal democracy” or “Christian democracy” in his own country. Orbán argued that the principle of equality in liberal democracy undermines countries by attacking the national culture. Instead, he called for an end to multiculturalism—including immigration—and any lifestyle that is not based on the “Christian family model.” He seized control of universities to make them preach his values.

Today’s Republican leaders openly admire Orbán and appear to see themselves as the vanguard of a “post-liberal order.” They believe that the central tenets of democracy—free speech, religious liberty, academic freedom, equality before the law, and the ability of corporations to make decisions based on markets rather than religious values—have destroyed national virtue. Such a loss must be combated by a strong government that enforces religious values.

Right-wing thinkers have observed with approval that DeSantis’s Florida is “our American Hungary.” Indeed, DeSantis’s “Don’t Say Gay” law appears to have been modeled on Orbán’s attacks on LGBTQ rights, which he has called a danger to “Western civilization.” DeSantis’s attack on the New College of Florida, turning a bastion of liberal thought into a right-wing beachhead, imitated Orbán’s attack on Hungary’s universities; on Monday, DeSantis signed three more bills that undermine the academic freedom of all the state universities in Florida by restricting what subjects can be taught and by weakening faculty rights.

DeSantis’s attack on Disney is yet another attack on the tenets of liberal democracy. He is challenging the idea that Disney leaders can base business decisions on markets rather than religion and exercise free speech.

There is another aspect of the Republicans’ turn against democracy in the news today. If democracy is a threat to their version of the nation, it follows that any institution that supports democracy should be destroyed. Today, the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, led by Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), continued its attack on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ranking member Representative Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) pointed out that Jordan was violating committee rules by refusing to let Democrats on the committee see the transcripts he claims to have from a whistleblower. Other committee members noted that two of the witnesses have been paid by Trump loyalist Kash Patel.

Plaskett warned: “The rules don’t apply when it comes to the Republicans…. It’s all part and parcel of the Republicans’ attempt to make Americans distrust our rule of law so that when 2024 comes around and should their candidate not win, more and more people will not believe the truth. The truth matters.”

And so does power. Although House Republicans are trying to protect Representative George Santos (R-NY), who was just indicted on 13 counts, by sending his case to the Republican-dominated Ethics Committee rather than allowing a vote on whether to expel him, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced articles of impeachment against President Biden.

Also today, the far-right House Freedom Caucus has called for an end to any discussions of raising the debt ceiling until the Senate passes its bill calling for extreme budget cuts. Forcing the nation into default will cause a global economic panic and, asked if they should compromise with the White House, Representative Bob Good (R-VA) said: “Why would we? We have a winning hand.”























Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.  Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



My web-site is my primary Internet presence.

You can read the expanded version of this post at this URL:



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Ann M. Schweers
13 May 2023

I just submitted the following letter to “The Times” but was informed that I have met my quota for the month. Hopefully someone else can respond to this woman’s totally misleading MAGA LTE for me.

“Responding to Vicki Thompson’s LTE (filled with MAGA misinformation): You’re entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts! Google it!

Trump’s tax cuts primarily benefitted the wealthiest people/corporations and promised job increases never happened. These cuts and other Trump policies caused our national debt to balloon by an historical $7.8 trillion during his time in office. That’s the debt Republicans now threaten to refuse to pay which would be catastrophic to our economy. A debt already incurred is different from a budget and must be paid! No blackmail!

President Trump didn’t make us energy independent—it was because of the explosion of fracking. In fact, according to Forbes the gap between supply and demand shrank substantially under Obama when fracking first started. And, we have not lost any energy independence under Biden.

Title 42 was initiated because of the pandemic so went away when the pandemic was over. The “thousands of ‘illegals’ waiting to ‘stampede’ the border, ”came about because Title 42 forced refugees to wait in dangerous Mexican border areas to apply for asylum—their legal right—creating a dire situation! Human Rights Watch identified more than 13,000 incidents of kidnapping, torture, rape and other violent attacks on people expelled under Title 42.

Biden never “took down the wall” or “opened the borders”! The Biden administration even continued building some wall to fill in gaps and address environmental issues and they apprehended and expelled 4,071,455.00 people as of 1/20/23.

Schools aren’t “brainwashing” kids; LGBTQ folks aren’t “grooming” children; the undocumented aren’t “dangerous invaders raising crime levels”; etc. Right-wing media and MAGA candidates manufacture dangers to create fear and win your vote.

And, the TV stations you mentioned weren’t charged, convicted, and fined for knowingly posting misinformation—FOX news was!

Democracy and truth = freedom!”























2 of 10:

(1, 2 are similar)


Republi-con Party imposes Big Brother extremism to destroy American Democracy



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023



Representative Bob Good (R-Drumpf) is correct when he said:

– ‘Why would we compromise?  We have a winning hand’.

Drumpfians and Deplorables are ‘perfectly’ ‘uneducated’ ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’.  ‘Perfect’ for the Republi-con Party and their Christian Con-servative gang to dupe into their grift

They are fine with their Republi-con Party demanding extreme budget cuts to destroy Social Security, MediCare, MedicAid, Food Stamps, Veterans Benefits, school lunches, public transportation, Public Libraries, environmental protection, voting Rights, Trans and LGBT Rights, Civil Rights, Constitutional Rights.  They approve of America falling into default and causing a global economic panic because this will happen under Biden’s term.  Republi-cons are eagerly desperate to blame anything on Biden in order to besmirch him and the Democratic Party in future elections.

Notice the date of the Original Post – 2013. Republi-cons hit Obama with their Debt Ceiling demand that year.  Obama blinked, Congressional Democrats blinked, and Republi-cons gave Obama his infamous ‘shellacking’ for the 2014 Election.

Rinse.  Repeat.

Republi-cons gave additional Debt Ceiling threats to Obama and he repeatedly caved.

This 2023 Debt Ceiling is to pay for more than $7 trillion debt thanks to Drumpf, a part of all the total debt that he accrued during his four years – debt because of tax cuts for Drumpf billionaire buddies and other giveaways to Republi-con donors, what were at one time in the past called Bribery, a crime.  America’s National Debt increased from about $20 trillion to about $30 trillion – Drumpf racked up nearly one-half of our National Debt during his four years thanks to Republi-cons.

Yeh – so much ‘fiscal Con-servativ-ism’ amongst the Republi-con Party.

– Sharon



Heather Cox Richardson
18 May 2023
Shared with Public

May 18, 2023 (Thursday)

Citing “changing business conditions,” Disney leadership today canceled plans to build an office complex near Orlando, Florida. The construction was estimated to cost about $1 billion, and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity projected it would bring to Florida more than 2,000 jobs with an average salary of $120,000. In his email to employees, Disney’s theme park and consumer products chair Josh D’Amaro made it clear that even more was on the line. He noted that Disney has planned more than $17 billion of construction in Florida, bringing about 13,000 jobs, over the next ten years but suggested that, too, was being reexamined. “I hope we’re able to,” he said.

Disney is locked in a battle with Florida governor Ron DeSantis that began when, under pressure from employees, then–Disney chief executive officer Bob Chapek spoke out against Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act. This law, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” law because its vague language prohibiting instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation seems designed to silence any acknowledgement of LGBTQ Americans in grades K–3, was DeSantis’s pet project.

In retaliation, DeSantis led Florida Republicans to strip Disney of its ability to govern itself as if it were a county—as it has done since its inception in 1967—putting the board that controlled Disney under the control of a team hand-picked by DeSantis. But before the new board took over, the old board quietly and legally handed control of the parks over to Disney.

Apparently furious, DeSantis suggested he would build a competing state park or a prison next to Disney’s Florida theme park. In April, the new board set out to claw power from Disney, while the company announced it will hold its first gay-themed pride event in California and that it will build an affordable housing development in its Florida district, a move that Floridians will like. Meanwhile, with DeSantis’s blessing, the Florida state board of education approved expanding the ban on classroom mention of LGBTQ people to include grades 4–12.

On April 26, Disney sued the governor and those of his top advisors behind the attacks on Disney. The lawsuit noted that for more than 50 years, Disney “has made an immeasurable impact on Florida and its economy, establishing Central Florida as a top global tourist destination and attracting tens of millions of visitors to the State each year.” But, it said, “[a] targeted campaign of government retaliation—orchestrated at every step by Governor DeSantis as punishment for Disney’s protected speech— now threatens Disney’s business operations, jeopardizes its economic future in the region, and violates its constitutional rights.”

The lawsuit called out DeSantis’s actions as “patently retaliatory, patently anti-business, and patently unconstitutional. But,” it said, “the Governor and his allies have made it clear they do not care and will not stop.” The company said it felt forced to sue for protection “from a relentless campaign to weaponize government power against Disney in retaliation for expressing a political viewpoint unpopular with certain State officials.”

The fight between DeSantis and Disney illustrates the dramatic ideological change in the Republican Party in the last two years. No longer committed to keeping the government weak to stay out of the way of business development, the party is now committed to creating a strong government that enforces Christian nationalism.

This is a major and crucially important political shift.

From the earliest days of the Reagan Revolution, those leaders who wanted to slash the federal government to end business regulation and cut the social safety net recognized that they did not have the votes to put their program in place. To find those votes, they courted racists and traditionalists who hated the federal government’s protection of civil rights. Over time, that base became more and more powerful until Trump openly embraced it in August 2017, when he said there were “very fine people on both sides.”

As he moved toward the techniques of authoritarians, his followers began to champion the system that Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán called “illiberal democracy” or “Christian democracy” in his own country. Orbán argued that the principle of equality in liberal democracy undermines countries by attacking the national culture. Instead, he called for an end to multiculturalism—including immigration—and any lifestyle that is not based on the “Christian family model.” He seized control of universities to make them preach his values.

Today’s Republican leaders openly admire Orbán and appear to see themselves as the vanguard of a “post-liberal order.” They believe that the central tenets of democracy—free speech, religious liberty, academic freedom, equality before the law, and the ability of corporations to make decisions based on markets rather than religious values—have destroyed national virtue. Such a loss must be combated by a strong government that enforces religious values.

Right-wing thinkers have observed with approval that DeSantis’s Florida is “our American Hungary.” Indeed, DeSantis’s “Don’t Say Gay” law appears to have been modeled on Orbán’s attacks on LGBTQ rights, which he has called a danger to “Western civilization.” DeSantis’s attack on the New College of Florida, turning a bastion of liberal thought into a right-wing beachhead, imitated Orbán’s attack on Hungary’s universities; on Monday, DeSantis signed three more bills that undermine the academic freedom of all the state universities in Florida by restricting what subjects can be taught and by weakening faculty rights.

DeSantis’s attack on Disney is yet another attack on the tenets of liberal democracy. He is challenging the idea that Disney leaders can base business decisions on markets rather than religion and exercise free speech.

There is another aspect of the Republicans’ turn against democracy in the news today. If democracy is a threat to their version of the nation, it follows that any institution that supports democracy should be destroyed. Today, the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, led by Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), continued its attack on the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ranking member Representative Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) pointed out that Jordan was violating committee rules by refusing to let Democrats on the committee see the transcripts he claims to have from a whistleblower. Other committee members noted that two of the witnesses have been paid by Trump loyalist Kash Patel.

Plaskett warned: “The rules don’t apply when it comes to the Republicans…. It’s all part and parcel of the Republicans’ attempt to make Americans distrust our rule of law so that when 2024 comes around and should their candidate not win, more and more people will not believe the truth. The truth matters.”

And so does power. Although House Republicans are trying to protect Representative George Santos (R-NY), who was just indicted on 13 counts, by sending his case to the Republican-dominated Ethics Committee rather than allowing a vote on whether to expel him, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced articles of impeachment against President Biden.

Also today, the far-right House Freedom Caucus has called for an end to any discussions of raising the debt ceiling until the Senate passes its bill calling for extreme budget cuts. Forcing the nation into default will cause a global economic panic and, asked if they should compromise with the White House, Representative Bob Good (R-VA) said: “Why would we? We have a winning hand.”


























3 of 10:

(3, 6, 8 are similar)


Abortion is sad



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023


1 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)

3 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)

More commentary about abortion – abortions are sad


People Who Shared This

2 Years Ago
See your memories



1 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)

3 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)


2 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2021
Shared with Public

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

More commentary about abortion.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2019 ·
Shared with Public

I have no idea what is happening this Saturday morning!

Posts to my Facebook page have disappeared.  Dunno who, how, why, whatever.

Some posts do show when browsing with iPad.  Some posts are deleted using smart-phone.

This was an essay incorporated into my post that suddenly went deleted by the authorities in charge of this space.


I hope that I can determine exactly what is happening.  My next move is to re-post my Facebook items to my reliable personal web-site.

My apologies that this post here may appear as partial duplicate at your feed.


Ending abortion is not the sole point of these legislatures.  Only one step in many to satisfy their ideology.

Reversing Roe v Wade is only one aspect by playing the statistical mathematical odds.  They will win.

Their expressly stated goal in this endeavour is to flood the federal court system with potential lawsuits.  Many will make it to the Supreme Court.  All they need is one to over-turn Roe v Wade.

‘The Alabama bill is a powerful statement of Deeply-held Religious-based Beliefs.  Abortion is a felony punishable by 99 years in prison.  There is no exception.  The goal is to go to the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe v Wade.  Many many states are passing these bills going after Roe versus Wade.  You want to get something that will win.’

– Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 16 May 2019)

These are Patriarchal Misogynistic male-controlled governments whose effort is the restriction of sex education and the eventual criminalisation of all Birth Control, as was the condition a century ago when courts sentenced women to prison for teaching Birth Control and providing Birth Control services and products to women.


Additional Resources:





Marie Bobo-Smith
May 17, 2019 ·

Copied post:

Abortions are sad. There is no doubt. I don’t know anyone who is “pro-abortion”. I am thankful that I wasn’t faced with such a choice in my life. But I know MANY good and kind and loving girls and women who were faced with this choice. Whether it was because of a threat to life for the mother, an unviable fetus, a teen with nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, these girls and women made a hard and sad choice.

But for the 25 white male senators of Alabama (yes, all white, all men…no women or people of color…see picture) to vote that a 13 year old rape victim should be forced to give birth when she is a child herself? That is unconscionable. Imagine the gall it took for these men to cast this vote when they have never faced this predicament themselves. They are clueless.

Which leads me to ask, where is the impregnating male’s burden in all of this? Oh, just go live your life, footloose and fancy free, your freedom to do so unhampered by the white men who just voted for this female-crippling Alabama law? What if we start sentencing these men as well to this same fate?

Hmmmm….maybe we start garnishing his wages for child support immediately upon conception? Maybe we put an ankle monitor on him and ensure that he is catering to the pregnant mother any time he is not working to support his future child? Maybe, if the Mother would rather not have him around, he is then expected to work double hours to provide for his coming child or he goes to jail? Maybe we sterilize him so that he can’t create another unwanted pregnancy again? No, you say, that will never happen. Never. Why? Because it’s crazy. Just about as crazy as telling a woman or young girl that she no longer has a say about what happens inside of her body. So, if we’re going to go crazy, let’s go crazy times two. Fair is fair.

Do not hold the erroneous belief that laws such as these will stop abortions. They never have and never will. Laws such as these turn legal, safe abortions into botched back alley abortions by untrained people, resulting in the deaths of many girls and women.

Women of Alabama or any state considering such a ban: you should be scared. You should be terribly scared. This is step one of stripping you of your rights. This is the starting point of the true life version of Handmaid’s Tale’s GIlead. You should be incredibly concerned for your daughters and you should be furious, fighting this every step of the way. And men, if you love the women in your life, you should be furious as well.









Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019






1 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)

3 of 5:
(1 and 3 are similar)


We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

4 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2019
Shared with Public

I have no idea what is happening this Saturday morning!

Posts to my Facebook page have disappeared.  Dunno who, how, why, whatever.

Some posts do show when browsing with iPad.  Some posts are deleted using smart-phone.

This was an essay incorporated into my post that suddenly went deleted by the authorities in charge of this space.


I hope that I can determine exactly what is happening.  My next move is to re-post my Facebook items to my reliable personal web-site.

My apologies that this post here may appear as partial duplicate at your feed.


Ending abortion is not the sole point of these legislatures.  Only one step in many to satisfy their ideology.

Reversing Roe v Wade is only one aspect by playing the statistical mathematical odds. They will win.

Their expressly stated goal in this endeavour is to flood the federal court system with potential lawsuits.  Many will make it to the Supreme Court.  All they need is one to over-turn Roe v Wade.

‘The Alabama bill is a powerful statement of Deeply-held Religious-based Beliefs.  Abortion is a felony punishable by 99 years in prison.  There is no exception.  The goal is to go to the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe v Wade.  Many many states are passing these bills going after Roe versus Wade.  You want to get something that will win.’

– Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 16 May 2019)

These are Patriarchal Misogynistic male-controlled governments whose effort is the restriction of sex education and the eventual criminalisation of all Birth Control, as was the condition a century ago when courts sentenced women to prison for teaching Birth Control and providing Birth Control services and products to women.


Additional Resources:







Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019

Copied post:

Abortions are sad. There is no doubt. I don’t know anyone who is “pro-abortion”. I am thankful that I wasn’t faced with such a choice in my life. But I know MANY good and kind and loving girls and women who were faced with this choice. Whether it was because of a threat to life for the mother, an unviable fetus, a teen with nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, these girls and women made a hard and sad choice.

But for the 25 white male senators of Alabama (yes, all white, all men…no women or people of color…see picture) to vote that a 13 year old rape victim should be forced to give birth when she is a child herself? That is unconscionable. Imagine the gall it took for these men to cast this vote when they have never faced this predicament themselves. They are clueless.

Which leads me to ask, where is the impregnating male’s burden in all of this? Oh, just go live your life, footloose and fancy free, your freedom to do so unhampered by the white men who just voted for this female-crippling Alabama law? What if we start sentencing these men as well to this same fate?

Hmmmm….maybe we start garnishing his wages for child support immediately upon conception? Maybe we put an ankle monitor on him and ensure that he is catering to the pregnant mother any time he is not working to support his future child? Maybe, if the Mother would rather not have him around, he is then expected to work double hours to provide for his coming child or he goes to jail? Maybe we sterilize him so that he can’t create another unwanted pregnancy again? No, you say, that will never happen. Never. Why? Because it’s crazy. Just about as crazy as telling a woman or young girl that she no longer has a say about what happens inside of her body. So, if we’re going to go crazy, let’s go crazy times two. Fair is fair.

Do not hold the erroneous belief that laws such as these will stop abortions. They never have and never will. Laws such as these turn legal, safe abortions into botched back alley abortions by untrained people, resulting in the deaths of many girls and women.

Women of Alabama or any state considering such a ban: you should be scared. You should be terribly scared. This is step one of stripping you of your rights. This is the starting point of the true life version of Handmaid’s Tale’s GIlead. You should be incredibly concerned for your daughters and you should be furious, fighting this every step of the way. And men, if you love the women in your life, you should be furious as well.











4 of 10:

(4, 9, 10 are similar)


Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf


Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023



The insanity needs to shake out before the sanity can return.

5 of 5:

Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy: What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2018

1 Comment










Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

Gee, I wonder if they’ll apply the same standard to Trump?

Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!





People Who Shared This

1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2022
Shared with Public







We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2021
Shared with Public







We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

3 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2020
Shared with Public







We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

4 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols shared a memory.
18 May 2019
Shared with Public







We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

5 Years Ago



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2018
Shared with Public







1 of 5:

(1 and 3 are similar)

More commentary about abortion – abortions are sad



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2021





Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019

2 of 5:

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortion



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019








Nanette Smith
18 May 2019

3 of 5:

(1 and 3 are similar)

More commentary about abortion – abortions are sad



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019




Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019

4 of 5:

Censorship deleted my post



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019








Robin Sokoloff
15 May 2019

5 of 5:

Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy: What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign


Sharon Nichols
18 May 2018

1 Comment










Occupy Democrats
18 May 2017

Gee, I wonder if they’ll apply the same standard to Trump?

Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!





We hope you enjoy looking back and sharing your memories on Facebook, from the most recent to those long ago.

2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
9 Nov 2018
Shared with Public


People Who Shared This

4 Years Ago
See your memories






Some Posts may not appear here because of their Privacy settings.

This content isn’t available right now

When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!

























5 of 10:


Ban books … burn books … ban people … burn people


Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide:

 – You have no Rights 
 – You have no Rights to live amongst us
 – You have no Rights to live.



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2023


Book banning.

Book burning.

You know what happens next – ‘When they burn books, they burn people’.

This is one Republi-con who calls for the ‘Eradication’ of Our Trans Community:



I don’t waste my time debating Deniers, Drumpfians, Deplorables, Christian Con-servatives who fail to, or refuse to, acknowledge and recognise that Republi-cons are repeating Hitler and NAZI Germany in our present day and place.

My father educated me quite well during my childhood about the Shoah Holocaust.  My father – who fought during WW2, whose college education was Political Science, whose college books I read during my own childhood, who taught high school History.

At age 14, my father took me to pay homage and respect to the people who perished at Dachau.  Witnessing Dachau and Maribor during my youth made the Shoah Holocaust a personal experience.

I studied history during college, including graduate coursework in the Shoah Holocaust, one course taught by Elie Wiesel.

I never expected that my own nation would descend into the same horror as NAZI Germany.

These are Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide:

– You have no Rights
– You have no Rights to live amongst us
– You have no Rights to live.

Remember.  Hitler’s earliest targets for Eradication were the Trans and LGBT Community.  Hitler signed his Enabling Acts in January 1933, he was Eradicating Trans and LGBT by May 1933 in the name of Christian Con-servatism:

– Hitler ordered his NAZIs to loot and burn Dr. Magnus Hirschfield’s Trans Research Library.

– Hitler used Dr. Hirschfield’s lists of the names of Trans and LGBT patients as well as the names of the doctors and nurses, to track down, arrest, send to their Eradication.

– Hitler ordered his NAZIs to storm Germany’s schools, destroy school textbooks that didn’t support the Reich, arrest and imprison teachers and school administrators who didn’t surrender and conform to NAZI ‘Community Standards’.

Notice anything similar here stateside?

Don’t think Eradication of Trans and LGBT ended with Hitler’s demise.  Nor did our current predicament begin with Crooked Drumpf.  Eisenhower ordered the continued imprisonment and deaths of Trans and LGBT captives at Hitler’s extermination camps.  Not satisfied, Eisenhower enacted his own anti-Trans and anti-LGBT Lavender Scare laws in 1953 to criminalise, outlaw, Eradicate Trans and LGBT from American society.  Prosecution continued to actively and aggressively enforce Eisenhower’s Lavender Scare laws til Clinton suspended them in 1995.

Crooked Drumpf, Republi-cons, and Christian Con-servatives are advancing anew Hitler’s Genocide and Eisenhower’s Lavender Scare upon America’s Trans and LGBT Community.

Meanwhile, same as during the Shoah Holocaust, nowadays there are Trans and LGBT people who remain loyal Republi-cons, loyal Drumpfians and Deplorables, loyal Christian Con-servatives, loyal to the very parties who will send them to their own Eradication, same as they will do to any of us.  When you loyalists stand in line with me at the enttance to the Drumpf-DeSantis gas chamber, I’ll offer to step aside and allow you to go first, a reward for your loyalty to Crooked Drumpf and DeSantis.

– Sharon



The Issue

Books are under profound attack in the United States. They are disappearing from library shelves, being challenged in droves, being decreed off limits by school boards, legislators, and prison authorities. And everywhere, it is the books that have long fought for a place on the shelf that are being targeted. Books by authors of color, by LGBTQ+ authors, by women. Books about racism, sexuality, gender, history. PEN America pushes back against the banning of books and the intolerance, exclusion, and censorship that undergird it.

PEN America tracks all book bans in libraries and classrooms across the U.S. in our Index of School Book Bans, updated for the 2022-2023 school year.


Research and Reports

Banned in the USA: State Laws Supercharge Book Suppression in Schools

Broad efforts to label certain books “harmful” and “explicit” are expanding the type of content suppressed in schools.

Banned in the USA: State Laws Supercharge Book Suppression in Schools

Banned in the USA: The Growing Movement to Censor Books in Schools (September 2022)

This report on school book bans offers the first comprehensive look at bans throughout the 2021–22 school year.

Banned in the USA: Rising School Book Bans Threaten Free Expression and Students’ First Amendment Rights (April 2022)

PEN America has collated an Index of School Book Bans, offering a snapshot of the trend of decisions to ban books in school libraries and classrooms in the United States from July 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

Missing from the Shelf: Book Challenges and Lack of Diversity in Children’s Literature

A persistent pattern of attempts to remove certain books from public schools and libraries, combined with a lack of diversity in Children’s and Young Adult (CYA) book publishing, narrows the range of stories and perspectives available to U.S. students.

Literature Locked Up: How Prison Book Restriction Policies Constitute the Nation’s Largest Book Ban

This report details the types of book bans prisoners face, the arbitrariness with which they are implemented, and the lack of transparency and oversight that leads to bans.

What is a book ban? And other frequently asked questions.

Book bans in public schools have recurred throughout American history, with notable flare-ups in the McCarthy era and the early 1980s. But, while long present, the scope of such censorship has expanded drastically and in unprecedented fashion since the beginning of the 2021–22 school year.

This FAQ answers some of the most common questions about Book Bans in America, today and throughout American history.


Banned book list: The most banned books of the 2022-23 school year (Fall 22)

Banned book list: The most banned books of the 2021-2022 school year

The most banned picture books of the 2021-2022 school year


From PEN America

PEN America Speaks: How We Defended and Celebrated Free Expression This Week May 12, 2023

The 11 Most Banned Books of the Start of the 2022-2023 School Year April 20, 2023

The 11 Most Banned Books of the Start of the 2022-2023 School Year

Frequently Banned Books Featuring Transgender Stories
March 30, 2023

In national efforts to ban books and restrict content on LGBTQ+ characters and themes, stories on transgender individuals and characters are commonly challenged and banned, making up about 9% of banned books.

These books are banned in Martin County, Florida
March 13, 2023

Last week, Martin County, Florida, released a list of dozens of books it had removed from school libraries, including 20 books by Jodi Picoult, nine books from James Patterson’s Maximum Ride series, and two books by Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison. Some were removed from multiple locations, for a total of 92 book bans. It […]

Florida Book Bans Are No Hoax: Here Are The Facts
March 10, 2023

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis set out to “expose the book ban hoax” about Florida classrooms. His claims are false.

PEN America is hard at work fighting the the educational gag orders, book bans, and “transparency” bills that threaten free expression and academic freedom in the classroom. Sign up to receive email updates about PEN America’s vital work on these issues, including reports, legislative roundups, media coverage, and advocacy alerts.

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Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



My web-site is my primary Internet presence.

You can read the expanded version of this post at this URL:



Additional Resources:






1 Comment


Sharon Nichols
‘For my non-Jewish friends, this is how we, the Jewish Community, feel. ‘


1 Share



















6 of 10:

(3, 6, 8 are similar)


 Abortion is sad



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from two years ago.

More commentary about abortion.

– Sharon



2 years ago


Sharon Nichols
May 18, 2019 ·
Shared with Public

I have no idea what is happening this Saturday morning!

Posts to my Facebook page have disappeared.  Dunno who, how, why, whatever.

Some posts do show when browsing with iPad.  Some posts are deleted using smart-phone.

This was an essay incorporated into my post that suddenly went deleted by the authorities in charge of this space.


I hope that I can determine exactly what is happening.  My next move is to re-post my Facebook items to my reliable personal web-site.

My apologies that this post here may appear as partial duplicate at your feed.


Ending abortion is not the sole point of these legislatures.  Only one step in many to satisfy their ideology.

Reversing Roe v Wade is only one aspect by playing the statistical mathematical odds.  They will win.

Their expressly stated goal in this endeavour is to flood the federal court system with potential lawsuits.  Many will make it to the Supreme Court.  All they need is one to over-turn Roe v Wade.

‘The Alabama bill is a powerful statement of Deeply-held Religious-based Beliefs.  Abortion is a felony punishable by 99 years in prison.  There is no exception.  The goal is to go to the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe v Wade.  Many many states are passing these bills going after Roe versus Wade.  You want to get something that will win.’

 – Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 16 May 2019)

These are Patriarchal Misogynistic male-controlled governments whose effort is the restriction of sex education and the eventual criminalisation of all Birth Control, as was the condition a century ago when courts sentenced women to prison for teaching Birth Control and providing Birth Control services and products to women.


Additional Resources:





Marie Bobo-Smith
May 17, 2019 ·

Copied post:

Abortions are sad. There is no doubt. I don’t know anyone who is “pro-abortion”. I am thankful that I wasn’t faced with such a choice in my life. But I know MANY good and kind and loving girls and women who were faced with this choice. Whether it was because of a threat to life for the mother, an unviable fetus, a teen with nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, these girls and women made a hard and sad choice.

But for the 25 white male senators of Alabama (yes, all white, all men…no women or people of color…see picture) to vote that a 13 year old rape victim should be forced to give birth when she is a child herself? That is unconscionable. Imagine the gall it took for these men to cast this vote when they have never faced this predicament themselves. They are clueless.

Which leads me to ask, where is the impregnating male’s burden in all of this? Oh, just go live your life, footloose and fancy free, your freedom to do so unhampered by the white men who just voted for this female-crippling Alabama law? What if we start sentencing these men as well to this same fate? Hmmmm….maybe we start garnishing his wages for child support immediately upon conception? Maybe we put an ankle monitor on him and ensure that he is catering to the pregnant mother any time he is not working to support his future child? Maybe, if the Mother would rather not have him around, he is then expected to work double hours to provide for his coming child or he goes to jail? Maybe we sterilize him so that he can’t create another unwanted pregnancy again? No, you say, that will never happen. Never. Why? Because it’s crazy. Just about as crazy as telling a woman or young girl that she no longer has a say about what happens inside of her body. So, if we’re going to go crazy, let’s go crazy times two. Fair is fair.

Do not hold the erroneous belief that laws such as these will stop abortions. They never have and never will. Laws such as these turn legal, safe abortions into botched back alley abortions by untrained people, resulting in the deaths of many girls and women.

Women of Alabama or any state considering such a ban: you should be scared. You should be terribly scared. This is step one of stripping you of your rights. This is the starting point of the true life version of Handmaid’s Tale’s GIlead. You should be incredibly concerned for your daughters and you should be furious, fighting this every step of the way. And men, if you love the women in your life, you should be furious as well.




























7 of 10:


Nanette Smith:   Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019

Well-stated personal experiences.


Additional Resources:






Nanette Smith
18 May 2019

Democrats do vastly more to prevent abortions than any other group. No one wants abortion but we have to keep it legal within reasonable constraints, and work on reducing the need for this sad occurrence.

First let’s get one group out of the way. If you don’t believe in birth control and that victims of rape shouldn’t be able to have an abortion because God made that fetus, then we’re done. Just make sure that you are never getting medical care of any kind or you are a serious hypocrite. And keep your unvaccinated family away from the rest of us.. Fortunately these people are few, and these laws going through are so extreme that I think that the SCOTUS will have to go against them.

If you want to solve a problem, you need to understand why it happens in the first place.
Case1a: the 17 yr old rape victim who was afraid to tell what happened to her, had a baby with hydrocephaly, suffered for 1 yr before dying. Women need to feel comfortable about coming forward when they have been raped. Now that we have the RU486, there shouldn’t be a need for abortion due to rape. But we need to outreach, stop the stigma.

Btw if you think the RU 486 is abortion, then you’d better not use any form of birth control such as IUD because with those you also conceive but it cannot implant.

Case 1b:Can’t imagine that anyone thinks its ok that infant needing constant ICU and having seizures all the time, to horrific expense as well. After all, people in persistent comas are disconnected from their life support and that’s accepted. With current medicine, this kind of defect can be detected early, before the 6 month current cutoff. With advancing medical care, now we can get DNA earlier and earlier which can help get such detection before the 3 month cutoff for DNC instead of saline.

Case 2: poverty My grandfather’s first wife got pregnant for the 3rd time, apparently she was distraught because he was a poor minister and she didn’t think they could afford another child. She took ergot root to abort, and she died from it as many do, bleeding to death. Today, with women working, there should be less need for finances to be the reason, but in the lower and middle classes this is still an issue. Providing free medical care, free day care, and free public housing would reduce the number of abortions. Along with better acceptance of single moms

Case 3 lack of easy access to birth control. there are still many who do not have access to birth control today and cutting planned parenthood contributes to that. And when they are poor, they are dependent on their husbands, and cannot refuse them and when the husbands are irrepsonsible, the rhythm method is out. I have a friend who has a friend or relative who is a nurse and claims that she has a patient who keeps coming in for abortions because she doesn’t want to/forgets to take her pills. I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. of course I don’t know the person but I do know that people who are passionate about a cause tend to exaggerate. Here’s why. I miscarried my first so I know, when you have a miscarriage you have to have a DNC or you may bleed to death. A DNC is very unpleasant, even if they dope you up on Demarol, you feel everything. And of course if it goes on beyond 3 months it’s a saline abortion which is horrific. I just can’t see that anyone would choose this for birth control.

In sum, the way to end abortion is by providing free medical care, housing where needed, day care at least for single moms, massive outreach for rape victims and to distribute birth control, and accepting rape victims as victims and accepting single moms. This will result in an enormous reduction in number of abortions. Advancing medical techniques for earlier detection of medical problems and pregnancy itself will also reduce the need. Sadly, most republicans and libertarians are against all of these. Or they say that churches should do it and to that I say, how’s that working out for you? So don’t tell me that you are pro-life. You don’t have to support all democratic principles but if you aren’t supporting the above, you are increasing abortions, not reducing them.





















8 of 10:

(3, 6, 8 are similar)


Abortion is sad



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019

I have no idea what is happening this Saturday morning!

Posts to my Facebook page have disappeared.  Dunno who, how, why, whatever.

Some posts do show when browsing with iPad.  Some posts are deleted using smart-phone.

This was an essay incorporated into my post that suddenly went deleted by the authorities in charge of this space.


I hope that I can determine exactly what is happening.  My next move is to re-post my Facebook items to my reliable personal web-site.

My apologies that this post here may appear as partial duplicate at your feed.


Ending abortion is not the sole point of these legislatures.  Only one step in many to satisfy their ideology.

Reversing Roe v Wade is only one aspect by playing the statistical mathematical odds.  They will win.

Their expressly stated goal in this endeavour is to flood the federal court system with potential lawsuits.  Many will make it to the Supreme Court.  All they need is one to over-turn Roe v Wade.

‘The Alabama bill is a powerful statement of Deeply-held Religious-based Beliefs.  Abortion is a felony punishable by 99 years in prison.  There is no exception.  The goal is to go to the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe v Wade.  Many many states are passing these bills going after Roe versus Wade.  You want to get something that will win.’

– Pat Robertson, R (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 16 May 2019)

These are Patriarchal Misogynistic male-controlled governments whose effort is the restriction of sex education and the eventual criminalisation of all Birth Control, as was the condition a century ago when courts sentenced women to prison for teaching Birth Control and providing Birth Control services and products to women.


Additional Resources:








Marie Bobo-Smith
17 May 2019

Copied post:

Abortions are sad. There is no doubt. I don’t know anyone who is “pro-abortion”. I am thankful that I wasn’t faced with such a choice in my life. But I know MANY good and kind and loving girls and women who were faced with this choice. Whether it was because of a threat to life for the mother, an unviable fetus, a teen with nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, these girls and women made a hard and sad choice.

But for the 25 white male senators of Alabama (yes, all white, all men…no women or people of color…see picture) to vote that a 13 year old rape victim should be forced to give birth when she is a child herself? That is unconscionable. Imagine the gall it took for these men to cast this vote when they have never faced this predicament themselves. They are clueless.

Which leads me to ask, where is the impregnating male’s burden in all of this? Oh, just go live your life, footloose and fancy free, your freedom to do so unhampered by the white men who just voted for this female-crippling Alabama law? What if we start sentencing these men as well to this same fate? Hmmmm….maybe we start garnishing his wages for child support immediately upon conception? Maybe we put an ankle monitor on him and ensure that he is catering to the pregnant mother any time he is not working to support his future child? Maybe, if the Mother would rather not have him around, he is then expected to work double hours to provide for his coming child or he goes to jail? Maybe we sterilize him so that he can’t create another unwanted pregnancy again? No, you say, that will never happen. Never. Why? Because it’s crazy. Just about as crazy as telling a woman or young girl that she no longer has a say about what happens inside of her body. So, if we’re going to go crazy, let’s go crazy times two. Fair is fair.

Do not hold the erroneous belief that laws such as these will stop abortions. They never have and never will. Laws such as these turn legal, safe abortions into botched back alley abortions by untrained people, resulting in the deaths of many girls and women.

Women of Alabama or any state considering such a ban: you should be scared. You should be terribly scared. This is step one of stripping you of your rights. This is the starting point of the true life version of Handmaid’s Tale’s GIlead. You should be incredibly concerned for your daughters and you should be furious, fighting this every step of the way. And men, if you love the women in your life, you should be furious as well.













9 of 10:

(4, 9, 10 are similar)


 Occupy Democrats: Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf


Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy: What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2019

While we are still on topic.

Looks like the censorship at the top has deleted my post from a couple days ago.

Not the first time one of my posts has gone magically bye-bye.


I have that post saved off-line and ready to share at my web-site.










Robin Sokoloff
18 May 2019

Abortion bans are not about babies.
Abortion bans are not about babies.
Abortion bans are not about babies.

Abortion bans are about power and control through rape.

Abortion bans are just STEP ONE of re-legalizing government sanctioned rape to empower a terrifying new regime.

How do you re-legalize state sanctioned rape and end all rights for women and girls to restructure an entire nation? It’s easy.

Step 1 – Make a woman’s choice for her own body a criminal act. Classify abortion as murder.

Step 2 – Normalize the idea that women can’t be trusted not to murder. Make the punishment for a woman making choices for her own body more severe than the punishment of a rapist. A rapist suddenly doesn’t seems so terrible in comparison to a woman who terminates a pregnancy. He couldn’t help himself, but she should know better. He was just acting on impulse, but she’s a KILLER.

Step 3 – End to all abortion means rape leads to A LIFE. Rape gets normalized as a life affirming act. Rape makes babies. Rape is godly. Enter religion.

Step 4 – Rape makes big strong families led by men in His image. It’s God’s will. End to all contraceptives. Criminalize all preventative pregnancy measures against God’s wishes.

Step 5 – God commands men to rape in His name, make children in His image. Women are just the vessel that must obey. Under his eye.

Step 6 – Make pregnancy prevention of any kind a capital punishment. Women must choose between submitting to rape or the end of their own life.

Women must choose rape to choose their own life.
I say again, women must choose rape to choose their own life.

See? Rape is life affirming. Clever.

Step 7 – Men can create life, so they must create life. If men don’t rape, they are preventing life. Men must choose between rape and their own life.

I say again, all men will have to rape to live, if this goes any further.

Abortion bans are not about babies.
Abortion bans ensure men who want to rape will always have a new generation to rape when this one is out of eggs.
Abortion bans are about men ensuring rape is a right and a duty even – to control the living.

Abortion bans ensure the enslavement of women and girls.

Abortion bans ensure that men who do not rape, won’t live to see what happens next.

Abortion bans enslave men.

Abortion bans are not about babies, just like it was never about water fountains.

Abortion bans are about discarding anyone and anything not in service to heteronormative rape culture.

Abortion bans are about you.

If you are a man and you are reading this – and you know full well this is not a world you want, DO SOMETHING AND DO IT NOW.

Flood the gates.














10 of 10:

(4, 9, 10 are similar)


Occupy Democrats:  Apply Pirro’s same standards to Crooked Drumpf


Robin Sokoloff – Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable hypocrisy:  What Fox said – a President under indictment must resign


‘Poorly Educated’ Cousin Nancy from West Virginia – wrong on both counts in her Comment, regardless of her misspelling.



Sharon Nichols
18 May 2018



Yelling and screaming when the Republi-cons, Drumpfians, and Deplorables hurled false accusations at Clinton.  Silence when Crooked Drumpf is now the one under real and serious investigation and indictment.


‘Indicted or guilty doesn’t matter.  A moot point.  Who has lied repeatedly.  Do you think they’ll take her word?’

– Jeanine Pirro, Republi-con


‘We Republicans are good for two things:  reducing our taxes and blaming Democrats.’

– David Brooks, R-New York Times (PBS ‘Newshour’, June 2006).


See also:














Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.




Occupy Democrats
18 May 2018

Gee, I wonder if they’ll apply the same standard to Trump?

Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!




1 Comment

Nancy Boyuk Snodgrass
You can’t indite a sitting president. Especially, when you don’t have a single crime.






You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




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BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



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