‘Facebook Memories: 27 May 2024 – Faceplop Jail:  Suck’s Big Brother Is Watching’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


I have no control over those ads that appear at this web-site.  The sponsored visual presentations are not mine.  Thus, I am reluctant to post pictures, memes, or images here at this page, they can become lost amongst the advertising.

Here’s how you can read this Post without unwanted ads:  Select All, Copy, then Paste to Notepad or other text application.


DRAFT … in progress … 

‘Facebook Memories:  27 May 2024 – Faceplop Jail:  Suck’s Big Brother is watching’
(27 May 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

Page not found. 
The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my Slimandme.wordpress.com web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
27 May 2024

Facebook Memories:  27 May 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1. Memorial Day 2023

2. The Resistance:  Crooked Drumpf’s barbaric policy separates immigrant children from their parents

3. Mic:  Serena Daniari has a powerful message about the Trans Community for the Con-servative

4. Elite Post Cards from the Bubble:  Land of the Free? Or rule by a Theocratic tyrant?

5. Vote4Friendship:  The people of the United States of America would do well to learn from the European Union

6. Trans In-formation and Chris Paige:  Genocidal Politics

7. Faceplop Jail:  Suck’s Big Brother is watching (1)

8. Faceplop Jail:  Suck’s Big Brother is watching (2)

9. Mara Glubka:  Trans folks have existed with crumbs of acceptance and occasional affirming policies



7 of 9:

(7, 8 are similar)


Faceplop Jail:  Suck’s Big Brother is watching (#1)



Sharon Nichols
27 May 2021

Zuck could be sending me to Facebook Jail soon.

Dunno how long the sentence this time.

This current episode started yesterday.

A Friend posted about criminal cops killing Black people.

I commented with a meme image making the rounds.  I added my own commentary text.  Notice that what I was re-writing to that Comment were derived from a selection of my own prior posts that Suckerburg did not censor.

I later tried to edit the text, the edit didn’t take.

Then I noticed that both my Comment and that image are deleted.

I went to where I found that meme from my Facebook Feed.  That same meme remains where I found it.

I mentioned to my Friend that maybe the Zuck bots hit but didn’t yet send me to Facebook Jail.


As I was writing my text to her, Auto Fill wrote that last sentence as soon as I typed ‘Zuck bots’ – all the options were on my keyboard screen.

My iPad keyboard has three word options along the top.  Each word following ‘Zuck bots’ was in the center location.  Suckerburg and his algorithm bots even selected the words that agree with my style of writing.

It felt really weird seeing those words show.  As in, ‘somebody is watching’.

Suckerburg is actually watching us.

THAT’S Zuck Big Brother watching us!


Look at my ‘criminal’ history on Zuckbook.

Suckerburg charged me with posting ‘nudity’ and ‘hate’.  The memes that I shared are all publicly posted and found throughout his Facebook.

I posted photographs of Melanoma and satirical memes shared throughout the Zuck-o-sphere.  They obviously challenge Zuck’s Right-wing ideology.  Those images remain where I found them, while Suckerburg deleted them from my page.

Hey, Zuck!  Ya gonna send me to Facebook Jail, again?

If not, then certainly you are obligated to reverse your most recent decision about the meme describing Christians as ‘morons’.  That meme presents words published by famous journalist HL Mencken.

You lose, again!


That meme that Zuck decided to be offending to his ideology represents historical fact.  The 2nd Amendment established the Right of White plantation owners to conduct Slave Patrols – to capture or murder runaway Negro Slaves.

That meme also represents that these Slave Patrols now exist as our local or state police – White cops who track and murder Black people as their ‘sport’.

Suckerburg charges me with ‘false advertising, fraud, and security breaches’ in addition to ‘spam’ for daring to post that meme and write my original Comment.  That meme and my Comment presents Truth.  Truth is definitely NOT ‘false advertising, fraud, and security breaches’ or ‘spam’!

Suckerburg wants to single-handedly re-write American history.

– Sharon


Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.  Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Broadcast network news reported during the trial of the murder of George Floyd that White cops murdered nearly 130 Black people from April 2020 through March 2021.  Licence for White cops to commit murder comes with their city, county, state issuing that cop badge to them.

That number counts that White cops murder more than two Black people each week.  Yet how many White cops actually face prosecution, conviction, sentencing?

America is truly a sick and disturbed society.


PBS News answered my question with further details:

‘Since Floyd’s death, more than 900 people have been shot and killed by police.  Black Americans are more than two and one-half times more likely to be killed by police than White Americans.  Persistent racial bias and the history of discrimination are a big part of the disparity.  Police are rarely prosecuted.  Only about 1% of police are arrested for failed shootings.  One-third are ever convicted of any charge.  To truly address Racism in America, much needs to be done. ‘

– PBS News (‘Race Matters: America after George Floyd’, 26 May 22)



America’s cops are having their Harvey Weinstein moment


Thom Hartmann and Independent Media Institute May 26, 2021

Sometimes cultural change takes generations or even centuries; sometimes it happens in the seeming blink of the eye. America’s bad cops — and their enablers — are having their Harvey Weinstein moment.

Harvey was a big shot in Hollywood for decades when it was not uncommon for powerful men to help make women into stars in exchange for sex. It was so common that in a Cagney and Lacey TV show from the 1980s one of the characters openly asks the other if a particularly ditzy “movie star” character in that episode of the show “slept with the producer” to get the part.

As Larry Getlin wrote in a review of a new book about Lucille Ball (“I Love Lucy”):

She eventually found work as a model, and as she sought acting roles, received advice from Lela Rogers — mother of her good friend Ginger Rogers — that she would later follow.

“If you want to be a star within two years, get auditioned on the casting couch,” Lela told her. “That’s the advice I gave my own daughter.”

The “casting couch” was legendary, and predatory men were almost never held to account. As Weinstein’s lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, (unsuccessfully) argued, “The casting couch in Hollywood was not invented by Harvey Weinstein. … If a woman decides that she needs to have sex with a Hollywood producer to advance her career and actually does it and finds the whole thing offensive, that’s not rape.”

But culture had changed, and “normal behavior” in the industry was, through the actions of a few brave women, redefined.

As Weinstein’s Hollywood story unraveled, women in other fields and other parts of the country came forward to say “me, too!” and America discovered this kind of abuse wasn’t restricted to movie-land. It was also happening on TV shows, across television networks, and even in public broadcasting. It was happening in pretty much every kind of major company across America, and often went from transactional sex to rape in moments.

It took half a decade and a number of well-researched exposés, but it appears Hollywood largely no longer tolerates such things, and the same is true increasingly across our corporate landscape.

And that was just phase 1.

Now, in phase 2, people who knew what was going on but had no direct involvement other than failing to alert anybody are being held to account, as well. Executives and managers who were in a position to know about and stop the “casting couch” and its equivalent in other industries but did nothing are now losing their jobs and even being sued.

America, having experienced this extraordinarily rapid transformation in business culture is now, it appears, on the verge of a similarly deep, meaningful and rapid transition in police culture.

Police have been getting away with killing the poor, the powerless and the non-white — and with raping and otherwise abusing women — in this country since it’s inception. Just like wealthy, powerful men had been getting away with forcing themselves on women wanting to get or hold employment.

And it’s not just American police: in El Salvador they’ve pulled eight bodies out of graves in the backyard of a Salvadoran police officer just in the past week and the country is furious. When you give someone deadly weapons and a legal license to use them largely at their own discretion, the temptation is often too great, particularly for the type of person drawn to authoritarian-type positions like police work.

The murder by police of George Floyd didn’t just trigger the largest protest demonstration in the history of the United States; it is resonating all over the world.

In much the same way women are sick and tired of being mistreated by men, much of humanity appears to have reached the absolute limit of their tolerance for being abused by police.

When movements like #MeToo! and #BadCops go international, you know culture is changing in a way that won’t fall back to its old standards.

Here in America, we’re learning of a 2-year coverup of murderous Louisiana cops by their supervisors (and trying to learn how high up the chain of command it goes); the cops beat, Tased, hogtied with chains and brutally dragged Ronald Greene to death, all while joking about how much blood he was getting on their clothes.

Yesterday’s story was about an off-duty Texas cop who shot a Black woman who’d simply made a U-Turn that got in his way and pissed him off; we’re hit with almost daily stories of police shooting Black people just because they can and they believe, based on centuries of experience, that they can always get away with it.

As the evil reality of a presumed minority of cops who regularly get away with rape, beatings and murder — and the horrible reality that the vast majority of cops ignore or cover up such crimes for their “thin blue line” colleagues — is sinking into the white American psyche (this is no secret for Black people), pro-American legislators are trying to get the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act passed out of the Senate.

It will even provide for “Phase 2” — not just holding individual cops accountable, but also adding significant civilian oversight to hold management to account, too.

And reform is absolutely needed, particularly civilian oversight. The Founders put a civilian in charge of the military for the very simple reason that military-style organizations tend to become internally culturally insular and powerful factions themselves. Thus, the Secretary of Defense must be a civilian, as well as the President above the SecDef.

For the same reason, police must be ultimately responsible to civilian oversight.

Similarly, while even presidents can frustrate legal processes as Bill Clinton tried to do getting out of a deposition about Monica Lewinsky, and Donald Trump has temporarily pulled off so far by simply defying Congress and the courts, they must ultimately never be able to avoid accountability. No person in America is above the law.

This was the point George Washington made in his farewell address:

The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established government.

Republican senators — apparently fans of cops terrorizing women, Black people and other minorities (they don’t want them voting, anyway!) — continue to block the legislation and oppose real accountability for America’s cops. But, long-term, they may as well be trying to stop water from flowing downhill.

Culture has changed. It’ll take a while for law and justice to catch up with it — and it’ll take longer in Red states than Blue — but it’s unlikely things will ever go back to how they were.

The generation coming up now is not going to let this moment pass like previous generations were forced to do by the powers-that-be after horrors like the brutal murder of Emmit Till, the beating of Rodney King or the murder of Eric Garner.

The casting couch is largely now a relic of the past. If we all join forces and push hard, calling our senators (the Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121) and otherwise working for change, soon the same could be true of murderous, corrupt and unaccountable cops.

Thom Hartmann is a talk-show host and the author of The Hidden History of American Oligarchy and more than 30 other books in print. He is a writing fellow at the Independent Media Institute and his writings are archived at hartmannreport.com.

This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute.




What follows is the offending Original Post that Suck deleted, accusing me of violating his Community Standards.

I expected to re-type that post because I wasn’t certain where else it might be that I could simply copy-and-paste its text. 

Ya know what’s amazing, Dear Reader?  My Original Posts that Suck deleted on his charges of violating his Community Standards are still in my system’s keyboard Auto Correct.  I re-type it for you here using the screen prints of those deleted posts as a guide; you can see the screen prints of the Original Post that Suck deleted at the current post of this Memories.

 – Sharon



Sharon Nichols
26 May 2018

On the anniversary of the murder of George Floyd.

White cops are murdering more than two Black people each week. There are no prosecutions, no convictions, no sentencing.

White crooked cops commit their acts of police brutality because they can. White courts and White prosecutors do nothing to hold their White Crooked cops accountable.

On the very day of Chauvin’s conviction on three counts of murder, there was a White cop who murdered a Black man within a couple miles of that court house. No charges filed against the White cop.

Those pigs need to be prosecuted, send their *ss to prison, sue the city for millions.

Still, I don’t understand why Blacks are voting for Crooked Drumpf and Republi-cons. Maybe it is the Niemohller Effect: you don’t care ’cause it isn’t happening to you.

I would use terms and words for you Drumpfian and Deplorable Blacks, but that is not appropriate.

So, suffice to say: get a clue, buy a vowel.

How much really is changing?


Add ‘Parking Cattywampus During Early Morning Hours While Being Black’ that brings out the entire night shift and gets you manhandled, Tased, arrested, jailed, then no charges filed ‘Never Mind’ go home.

You get the Meter Maid if you’re White.





2:12 / 2:14
May 23, 2018 ·

Milwaukee police have released body camera video of the arrest and tasing of NBA player Sterling Brown as the department’s chief apologized for the incident. “Black men shouldn’t have to have their guard up and instantly be on the defensive when seeing a police officer, but it’s our reality and a real problem,” Brown said in a statement.


See Less



Crooked cop trespasses onto private property to commit illegal acts against a private citizen at their own home. 

And ‘Arrested While Black in Your Own Car Parked on Your Own Property. 




After a tumultuous 2017 season and harsh criticism from President Trump, the NFL has announced that, going forward, it will fine teams whose players don’t stand for the national anthem.




Occupy Democrats
May 23, 2018

Cop drags black kid out of car for having a broken taillight while sitting in his own driveway.

How the heck is this necessary? This happened yesterday in Chesterfield County, Virginia.






1 Comment


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8 of 9:

(7, 8 are similar)


Faceplop Jail:  Suck’s Big Brother is watching (#2)



Sharon Nichols
27 May 2021

Zuck could be sending me to Facebook Jail soon.

Dunno how long the sentence this time.

This current episode started yesterday.

A Friend posted about criminal cops killing Black people.

I commented with a meme image making the rounds.  I added my own commentary text.

I later tried to edit the text, the edit didn’t take.

Then I noticed that both my Comment and that image are deleted.

I went to where I found that meme from my Facebook Feed.  That same meme remains where I found it.

I mentioned to my Friend that maybe the Zuck bots hit but didn’t yet send me to Facebook Jail.


As I was writing my text to her, Auto Fill wrote that last sentence as soon as I typed ‘Zuck bots’ – all the options were on my keyboard screen.

My iPad keyboard has three word options along the top.  Each word following ‘Zuck bots’ was in the center location.  Suckerburg and his algorithm bots even selected the words that agree with my style of writing.

It felt really weird seeing those words show.  As in, ‘somebody is watching’.

Suckerburg is actually watching us.

THAT’S Zuck Big Brother watching us!


Look at my ‘criminal’ history on Zuckbook.

Suckerburg charged me with posting ‘nudity’ and ‘hate’.  The memes that I shared are all publicly posted.  They are photographs of Melanoma and satirical memes shared throughout the Zuck-o-sphere.  They obviously challenge Zuck’s Right-wing ideology.  Those images remain where I found them, while Suckerburg deleted them from my page.


That meme that Zuck decided to be offending to his ideology represents historical fact.  The 2nd Amendment established the Right of White plantation owners to conduct Slave Patrols – to capture or murder runaway Negro Slaves.

That meme also represents that these Slave Patrols now exist as our local or state police – White cops who track and murder Black people as their ‘sport’.

Suckerburg charges me with ‘false advertising, fraud, and security breaches’ in addition to ‘spam’ for daring to post that meme and write my original Comment.  That meme and my Comment presents Truth.  Truth is definitely NOT ‘false advertising, fraud, and security breaches’ or ‘spam’!

Suckerburg wants to single-handedly re-write American history.

– Sharon


Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page.  Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:

Broadcast network news reported during the trial of the murder of George Floyd that White cops murdered nearly 130 Black people from April 2020 through March 2021.  Licence for White cops to commit murder comes with their city, county, state issuing that cop badge to them.

That number counts that White cops murder more than two Black people each week.  Yet how many White cops actually face prosecution, conviction, sentencing?

America is truly a sick and disturbed society.


PBS News answered my question with further details:

‘Since Floyd’s death, more than 900 people have been shot and killed by police.  Black Americans are more than two and one-half times more likely to be killed by police than White Americans.  Persistent racial bias and the history of discrimination are a big part of the disparity.  Police are rarely prosecuted.  Only about 1% of police are arrested for failed shootings.  One-third are ever convicted of any charge.  To truly address Racism in America, much needs to be done. ‘

– PBS News (‘Race Matters: America after George Floyd’, 26 May 22)



America’s cops are having their Harvey Weinstein moment


Thom Hartmann and Independent Media Institute May 26, 2021

Sometimes cultural change takes generations or even centuries; sometimes it happens in the seeming blink of the eye. America’s bad cops — and their enablers — are having their Harvey Weinstein moment.

Harvey was a big shot in Hollywood for decades when it was not uncommon for powerful men to help make women into stars in exchange for sex. It was so common that in a Cagney and Lacey TV show from the 1980s one of the characters openly asks the other if a particularly ditzy “movie star” character in that episode of the show “slept with the producer” to get the part.

As Larry Getlin wrote in a review of a new book about Lucille Ball (“I Love Lucy”):

She eventually found work as a model, and as she sought acting roles, received advice from Lela Rogers — mother of her good friend Ginger Rogers — that she would later follow.

“If you want to be a star within two years, get auditioned on the casting couch,” Lela told her. “That’s the advice I gave my own daughter.”

The “casting couch” was legendary, and predatory men were almost never held to account. As Weinstein’s lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, (unsuccessfully) argued, “The casting couch in Hollywood was not invented by Harvey Weinstein. … If a woman decides that she needs to have sex with a Hollywood producer to advance her career and actually does it and finds the whole thing offensive, that’s not rape.”

But culture had changed, and “normal behavior” in the industry was, through the actions of a few brave women, redefined.

As Weinstein’s Hollywood story unraveled, women in other fields and other parts of the country came forward to say “me, too!” and America discovered this kind of abuse wasn’t restricted to movie-land. It was also happening on TV shows, across television networks, and even in public broadcasting. It was happening in pretty much every kind of major company across America, and often went from transactional sex to rape in moments.

It took half a decade and a number of well-researched exposés, but it appears Hollywood largely no longer tolerates such things, and the same is true increasingly across our corporate landscape.

And that was just phase 1.

Now, in phase 2, people who knew what was going on but had no direct involvement other than failing to alert anybody are being held to account, as well. Executives and managers who were in a position to know about and stop the “casting couch” and its equivalent in other industries but did nothing are now losing their jobs and even being sued.

America, having experienced this extraordinarily rapid transformation in business culture is now, it appears, on the verge of a similarly deep, meaningful and rapid transition in police culture.

Police have been getting away with killing the poor, the powerless and the non-white — and with raping and otherwise abusing women — in this country since it’s inception. Just like wealthy, powerful men had been getting away with forcing themselves on women wanting to get or hold employment.

And it’s not just American police: in El Salvador they’ve pulled eight bodies out of graves in the backyard of a Salvadoran police officer just in the past week and the country is furious. When you give someone deadly weapons and a legal license to use them largely at their own discretion, the temptation is often too great, particularly for the type of person drawn to authoritarian-type positions like police work.

The murder by police of George Floyd didn’t just trigger the largest protest demonstration in the history of the United States; it is resonating all over the world.

In much the same way women are sick and tired of being mistreated by men, much of humanity appears to have reached the absolute limit of their tolerance for being abused by police.

When movements like #MeToo! and #BadCops go international, you know culture is changing in a way that won’t fall back to its old standards.

Here in America, we’re learning of a 2-year coverup of murderous Louisiana cops by their supervisors (and trying to learn how high up the chain of command it goes); the cops beat, Tased, hogtied with chains and brutally dragged Ronald Greene to death, all while joking about how much blood he was getting on their clothes.

Yesterday’s story was about an off-duty Texas cop who shot a Black woman who’d simply made a U-Turn that got in his way and pissed him off; we’re hit with almost daily stories of police shooting Black people just because they can and they believe, based on centuries of experience, that they can always get away with it.

As the evil reality of a presumed minority of cops who regularly get away with rape, beatings and murder — and the horrible reality that the vast majority of cops ignore or cover up such crimes for their “thin blue line” colleagues — is sinking into the white American psyche (this is no secret for Black people), pro-American legislators are trying to get the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act passed out of the Senate.

It will even provide for “Phase 2” — not just holding individual cops accountable, but also adding significant civilian oversight to hold management to account, too.

And reform is absolutely needed, particularly civilian oversight. The Founders put a civilian in charge of the military for the very simple reason that military-style organizations tend to become internally culturally insular and powerful factions themselves. Thus, the Secretary of Defense must be a civilian, as well as the President above the SecDef.

For the same reason, police must be ultimately responsible to civilian oversight.

Similarly, while even presidents can frustrate legal processes as Bill Clinton tried to do getting out of a deposition about Monica Lewinsky, and Donald Trump has temporarily pulled off so far by simply defying Congress and the courts, they must ultimately never be able to avoid accountability. No person in America is above the law.

This was the point George Washington made in his farewell address:

The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established government.

Republican senators — apparently fans of cops terrorizing women, Black people and other minorities (they don’t want them voting, anyway!) — continue to block the legislation and oppose real accountability for America’s cops. But, long-term, they may as well be trying to stop water from flowing downhill.

Culture has changed. It’ll take a while for law and justice to catch up with it — and it’ll take longer in Red states than Blue — but it’s unlikely things will ever go back to how they were.

The generation coming up now is not going to let this moment pass like previous generations were forced to do by the powers-that-be after horrors like the brutal murder of Emmit Till, the beating of Rodney King or the murder of Eric Garner.

The casting couch is largely now a relic of the past. If we all join forces and push hard, calling our senators (the Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121) and otherwise working for change, soon the same could be true of murderous, corrupt and unaccountable cops.

Thom Hartmann is a talk-show host and the author of The Hidden History of American Oligarchy and more than 30 other books in print. He is a writing fellow at the Independent Media Institute and his writings are archived at hartmannreport.com.

This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute.





1 Comment


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You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

Thank you for reading my comments, for viewing and reading comments from other resources. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to T-central.blogspot.com for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


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