‘Convicted Felon Crooked Drumpf’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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DRAFT … in progress … done.

‘Convicted Felon Crooked Drumpf’
(30 May 2024)


Dear Reader:

No more ‘alleged’.  No more ‘accused’.

Crooked Drumpf is a convicted felon.

Criminally Convicted on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.  Each felony conviction brings a four years prison sentence … 34 x 4 = , you can do the math.

The indictment charges are generally a misdemeanor, Crooked Drumpf raised those indictments to felony because those charges are underlying the federal felony of Election Fraud – Interference in the 2016 Election.  These are crimes that Crooked Drumpf committed while a private citizen, no Presidential Immunity can exist for these felony crimes.  Crooked Drumpf subsequently sought re-election in 2020 by using false Electors to the Electoral College to commit Election Fraud.

I held low expectations that the jury members are wusses, that they are planning a hung jury, no convictions.  That even IF the jury renders any conviction, the judge has no stones to sentence Crooked Drumpf to anything – Crooked Drumpf walks free, criminality emboldened above the Law.

I’m glad to be proven wrong on my first expectation.

I remain steady on the second.

Convicted Felon Crooked Drumpf needs to be sentenced to prison, same any other defendant. His deliberate misconduct toward the jury, the court employees, the witnesses, the judge must be considered. He repeatedly violates his gag orders. He incites his Drumpfians and Deplorables to create dangerous environments to the witnesses, jury, court employees, the judge, and the family members of them. None of we Little People would have ever walked out of that courtroom free and without prison.

Neither this trial’s judge nor any other judge has the decency to ever sentence Crooked Drumpf.

I’ll add this.  A conviction does not become final til the Defendant completes all appeals.  Crooked Drumpf will drag out this process for as long as he can.  He is not in much health – he is morbidly obese, does minimal physical exercise, has a poor diet.  The judge will declare Crooked Drumpf in ill health and provide no incarceration, no fine.  Crooked Drumpf could be dead before his appeals become final.  Thus, when he dies before he completes all his appeals, every accusation, every indictment, every conviction goes POOF! and it’s as if none of this ever happened, he’s as clean as driven snow.  No more ‘conviction’.

Add to this, Crooked Drumpf’s Supreme Kangaroo Court will declare him completely immune.

All these efforts for nothing, wasted. 

Crooked Drumpf is the grift that keeps on grifting – in life and in death. 

Crooked Drumpf made serious threats despite the judge issuing gag orders throughout the proceedings.  Those transgressions are usually met with instant jail for us Little People.  Plus today’s 34 convictions would have been met with immediate incarceration.  I am not buying that Crooked Drumpf can’t go to jail, every moment he remains free demonstrates that this nation readily fails at its Equal Justice claim, proof that Crooked Drumpf really is above the Law.

There are arguments that people with first time convictions, first time misdemeanors, allow for probation.  BS!  Bat Squeeze!  That thought does not fly when Michael Cohen was convicted and imprisoned for his participation in this very conspiracy that Crooked Drumpf conducted as the criminal ringleader.  Cohen got prison, Crooked Drumpf must go to prison.

Out of prison, Crooked Drumpf gets to continue his re-election campaign, spew his vile, collect unknown tens of millions of Dollars from his ‘Poorly Educated’ cult followers. 


This nation is not in the clear. 

During the 2020 political election season, if my recollection of that time is correct, Bannon repeatedly boasted on his talk-o-sphere that Crooked Drumpf amassed an army of 40.000 supporters to seize control, to overthrow our Constitution, if he and his Republi-cons lost that election.

We do know that Crooked Drumpf ordered his 40.000 military forces to assemble at each state capitol and to take over state governments on Insurrection Wednesday (6 Jan 2021).  They did so, and those states repelled Crooked Drumpf’s hoards of militia.

We also know that Crooked Drumpf has assembled approximately 120-some admirals and generals who have written orders demanding to remove both Biden and Harris in order to temporarily install a Republi-con Speaker of the House of Representatives in advance of himself taking over the American government.


The amount of idiocy of the people who blindly follow Convicted Felon Crooked Drumpf.

We heard nonstop from the Republi-con and Christian Con-servative talk-o-sphere demanding any candidate be removed from the ballot who is under criminal indictment or conviction, their accusations aimed at Democratic Party candidate.  Til now, til it’s their guy.  No surprise there, no surprise that he meets their suitability, no surprise that there is not one peep amongst the Republi-con Party calling for dropping Convicted Felon Crooked Drumpf from the ballot, to replace him with another nominee, someone without felony convictions.

Haley dropped out too soon, she could have been this replacement, she could have been their wake-up hero to kick Convicted Felon Crooked Drumpf out of their disgraced Party.  Nope.  Republi-cons and Christian Con-servative Nationalists are so power hungry that they rather show themselves as sniveling cowards with no self-respect, no principles, no ethics, in exchange for any chance of winning through Crooked action.

Bringing down American Democracy means everything to them.

Convicted Felon Crooked Drumpf is the Republi-con Party’s candidate who is a crystal clear reflection of who they are, who they afraid to admit, what they value.  No Republi-con will concede to this fact. 

We knew all along that the Republi-con Party has no replacement.  The Party and their Christian Con-servative Evangelical collective cast out all their morals to support him.  Convicted Felon Crooked Drumpf owns House of Representatives Republi-cons, he controls the Speaker of the House, he controls the entire Republi-con Party where he has access to Big Money.  Let’s watch as Crooked Drumpf’s next bankruptcy is the Republi-con Party, much as anything else that he touches goes bad.  Blindly, Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives will continue to follow him into destruction.

Where is The Press!  Where are their editorials demanding that Convicted Felon Crooked Drumpf be removed from the ballot!

All these happenings have no affect on Drumpfians and Deplorables.  Their adoration of Crooked Drumpf increases the more trouble he creates.  I suspect that some otherwise sane people might align to Crooked Drumpf.

 – Sharon 


Immediate Resources:



Jimmy Kilburn
30 May 2024





Donald Trump
White Collar Crime

Guilty on all counts, Donald Trump becomes first US president convicted of a crime
 Luc Cohen, Jack Queen and Andy Sullivan
May 30, 2024 5:24 PM MST Updated 18 min ago

NEW YORK, May 30 (Reuters) – Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to be convicted of a crime on Thursday when a New York jury found him guilty of falsifying documents to cover up a payment to silence a porn star ahead of the 2016 election.

After two days of deliberation, the 12-member jury pronounced Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts he faced.

Trump watched the jurors dispassionately as they were polled to confirm the unanimous verdict.

Justice Juan Merchan set sentencing for July 11, just days before the Republican Party is scheduled to formally nominate Trump for president ahead of the Nov. 5 election.

The crime of falsifying business documents carries a maximum sentence of four years in prison, though those convicted often receive shorter sentences, fines or probation.

Incarceration would not legally prevent him from campaigning, or taking office if he were to win.

He will not be jailed ahead of sentencing.

The verdict plunges the United States into unexplored territory ahead of the November vote, when Trump will try to win back the White House from Democratic President Joe Biden.

Trump, 77, has denied wrongdoing and an attorney representing him said they would appeal as quickly as possible.

“This was a disgrace,” Trump told reporters afterwards as he proclaimed his innocence and repeated his complaints that the trial had been rigged against him.

“The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people,” he said.

Trump gave a thumbs-up sign through the tinted window of his SUV as his motorcade left the courthouse. Trump supporters stood in a park opposite the courthouse along with journalists, police and onlookers.

Opinion polls show Trump and Biden, 81, locked in a tight race, and Reuters/Ipsos polling has found that a guilty verdict could cost Trump some support among independent and Republican voters.

The case had been widely regarded as the least consequential of the four criminal prosecutions Trump faces. But the verdict looms large now as it is likely to be the only one before the election with the others delayed by procedural challenges.

The jury found Trump guilty of falsifying business documents after sitting through a five-week courtroom presentation that featured explicit testimony from porn star Stormy Daniels about a sexual encounter she says she had with Trump in 2006 while he was married to his current wife Melania. Trump denies ever having sex with Daniels.

Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen testified that Trump approved a $130,000 hush money payment to Daniels in the final weeks of the 2016 election, when Trump faced multiple accusations of sexual misbehavior.

Cohen testified that he handled the payment, and that Trump approved a plan to reimburse him through monthly payments disguised as legal work.

Trump’s lawyers hammered Cohen’s credibility, highlighting his criminal record and imprisonment and his history of lying. Merchan also cautioned jurors to examine his testimony carefully.

The relatively short amount of time jurors needed to reach a verdict was a sign that they thought there was enough evidence to back up Cohen’s testimony, said George Grasso, a retired New York judge who attended the trial.

A source familiar with the Trump campaign’s inner workings said the verdict was expected to prompt him to intensify deliberations on picking a woman as his vice presidential running mate. His campaign website labeled him a “political prisoner” and urged supporters to donate.


Biden’s campaign said the verdict showed that no one was above the law and urged voters to reject Trump in the election.

“There is still only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: at the ballot box,” the campaign said in a statement.

The White House declined to comment.

Trump’s fellow Republicans quickly condemned the verdict. “Today is a shameful day in American history,” House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson said in a prepared statement.

The jury notified the court they had reached a verdict at 4:20 p.m. (2020 GMT) and the foreperson read out all 34 guilty counts shortly after 5 p.m.

Trump lawyer Todd Blanche asked Merchan to throw out the guilty verdict, arguing that it was based on the unreliable testimony of Cohen. Merchan denied his request.

A Trump appeal is likely to focus on porn star Daniels’ salacious testimony about their alleged sexual encounter as well as the novel legal theory prosecutors used in the case, but he faces long odds, legal experts said.

“We are going to appeal as quickly as we can. We will seek expedited review of this case,” Trump attorney Will Scharf told Fox News.

As a standalone crime, falsifying business documents is normally a misdemeanor in New York, but prosecutors in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office elevated it to a felony on grounds that Trump was concealing an illegal campaign contribution.

They had the burden of proving Trump guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt,” the standard under U.S. law.

“We did our job. (There are) many voices out there. The only voice that matters is the voice of the jury, and the jury has spoken,” Bragg said.

Jurors heard testimony of sex and lies that have been public since 2018, although the charges themselves rested on ledger accounts and other records of Cohen’s reimbursement.

It was known as the “zombie case” because Bragg brought it back to life after his predecessor opted not to bring charges.

If elected, Trump could shut down the two federal cases that accuse him of illegally trying to overturn his 2020 election loss and mishandling classified documents after leaving office in 2021. He would not have the power to stop a separate election-subversion case taking place in Georgia.

Trump has pleaded not guilty in all the cases, and has portrayed his various legal troubles as an effort by Biden’s Democratic allies to hurt him politically.

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Reporting by Luc Cohen and Jack Queen in New York and Andy Sullivan in Washington; Additional reporting by Steve Holland, Stephanie Kelly and Kanishka Singh in Washington, Jonathan Allen in New York and Costas Pitas in Los Angeles; Editing by Noeleen Walder and Howard Goller

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles., opens new tab

Luc Cohen
Thomson Reuters

Reports on the New York federal courts. Previously worked as a correspondent in Venezuela and Argentina.

Jack Queen
Thomson Reuters

Legal correspondent specializing in politically charged cases.

Andy Sullivan
Thomson Reuters

Andy covers politics and policy in Washington. His work has been cited in Supreme Court briefs, political attack ads and at least one Saturday Night Live skit.

© 2024 Reuters




Brian Tyler Cohen
28 May 2024

Drumpf fan heckles Robert DeNiro and instantly regrets it




Joseph Puleo
25 May 2024


I have lived more than 60 yrs and I’ve never mistakenly used the word Reich ever


Mark Alden Lukas
Do his moronic followers know that we, as a nation, fought and won a major war against this very thing…💁🏻‍♂️🙈👊🏼

Christopher English Walling
Mark Alden Lukas no. they’ve been uneducated.

Mike Priester
It is usually only thought of in Unison with HITLER AND TRUMP……let that sink in

John Dixon
Why is it that the worst of the white race thinks they are proof of superiority?

Tom Williamson
The generation that fought And died would be devistated all over again.
How on earth did we get here?


Elizabeth Toni Clair
Rachael Ferraro Vanity Fair 1992…when Donald and Ivana divorced she gave an interview and she said he kept a book of Hitler’s speeches by his bed. No conspiracy theory, nothing made up…it was printed in 1992 you can find the interview online now. He wasn’t running for President then…but Ivana told the world who he was 1992

Aneese Jones
Brienne Elizabeth Spies I keep going on threads of posts with the meme saying educate yourself about project 2025 and what do you think I find? Plenty of people who are aware of it but can’t bring themselves to vote for Biden, the only one who’s got a prayer of beating him. Because it’s close and there’s that many people who will not vote Biden, I believe Trump will win and we are all screwed

Adrian Ballou
Aneese Jones hm, do you think that the success of Project 2025 really depends on people who are unwilling to reelect am unpopular president currently committing an unpopular genocide?

Or maybe the success of it has more to do with the Christofascists who have been planning this takeover for 50 years. And maybe also the candidate who’s supposed to “stop them” taking a lot of their immigration, war, police, and prison policies and making them worse. While still blowing up thousands of children.

Look around. Whether or not Trump is elected, we are already screwed. Project 2025 is VERY BAD. Rather than complaining about anti-fascists who won’t vote for a genocidal president, try to persuade your candidate to be more electable. Or if that proves impossible, dig in and work on stopping all this evil with the rest of us.

Blaming leftists for the rise of the right is confused, ill-advised strategy. Let’s stop the current carnage and Project 2025, and if we can’t do either, let’s keep building networks of support so that we can survive as best as possible.

Brienne Elizabeth Spies
Sheri Proctor in Alabama he will as will lower MAGA politicians in federal, state and local offices. The masses love To Hate Those That They Refuse To Understand like LGBTQ people, Black people, Asian People, or anyone that doesn’t think and act just like them. It’s a beautiful nature state with bigoted people living in it

Aneese Jones
Adrian Ballou I’m not blaming anyone, I’m simply pointing out that these are the choices we have before us. And to address your question; project 2025 requires a Republican president to initiate it. They’ve been vetting many thousands of people to replace the regular, career bureaucrats who make up the vast majority of the departments. They are going to fire them and replace them with some 25 to 30,000 loyalists who will act as a conduit rather than a check, which is how the administrative state functions. Officers 06 and above will be replaced with again, loyalists. Between these two things alone the president will have the ability to rule by fiat. To go around the congress whenever it suits him.
The insurrection act (ironically enough) will be initiated within the hour of his taking the oath, activating reserve and active duty personnel to be deployed on our soil. First these soldiers will be used to ensure there can be no protests or demonstrations at all. Second, they are going to go into the cities soon to begin the “Largest mass deportation in American history,” that he’s promised. Undocumented immigrants and anyone they think is will be gathered in camps accros the US.
Once the military is activated against us in this way there will be nothing we can do. The US will be locked down, secured, and the plan of the heritage foundation and others will be carried out. It’s beyond horrible the things that will happen, in particular to all of us in the LGBTQ community, and the tragedy is that we can frakin stop it.
Notice I make no excuses for Biden, I do not support him. I’m simply saying that it’s him or the 4th fucking Reich begins in late January

Moon Child
He can call it what he likes, “in jail”. Why isn’t he in jail?

Sheri Proctor
Brienne Elizabeth Spies he will finally pay at least a little bit for those actions. He will be a convicted criminal after next week. He will probably get probation for this one. Then once he loses the election he will be convicted on the other charges and those will finally send him to prison. Fingers crossed

Mishly D Tegal
Sad isn’t it
Christians support this person without thinking or suspecting what they’re introducing into their lives – and their children’s lives. A dictator and a corrupt dictatorship for their future.

Pat M. McDonald
Trumps Fascist Party 🎈



Crooked Drumpf posted a video on Truth Social calling the country a ‘Unified Reich’ if he wins.

 – Sharon


Drumpf posted a video on Truth Social calling the country a ‘Unified Reich’ if he wins

Trump posted a video on Truth Social calling the country a ‘unified reich’ if he wins
UPDATED MAY 21, 2024 8:22 PM ET
Danielle Kurtzleben – square 2015

Detail of the “unified reich” text beneath a hypothetical “MAGA!!” headline.
Former President Donald Trump posted a video to Truth Social Monday night portraying hypothetical headlines about a second Trump term. Beneath one is text about “the creation of a unified reich.”

The post had been removed from Truth as of Tuesday morning, but several Twitter users reposted it before it could be taken down.

Donald Trump now openly advocating for “the creation of a unified Reich” in mock newspaper featured in campaign ad. pic.twitter.com/IsVg56qVvV
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) May 21, 2024

The video purports to show news stories that would be written if Trump were elected: “ECONOMY BOOMS,” reads one headline. “BORDER CLOSED,” declares another.

The video ends on a large headline reading “MAGA!!” Beneath it, in blurry but legible text, a smaller headline talks about the “creation of a unified reich.” The use of the German word “reich” is reminiscent of the Third Reich, the official Nazi designation for its government and territory.

In another part of the video, a background headline also says, “President Trump rejects globalist warmon” — the word “warmongers” presumably being cut off here. Some consider the word “globalist” an antisemitic slur.

Throughout the video, the newspaper backgrounds appear to have been cobbled together from World War I-era news, referring to events and dates from that time period.

The Trump campaign has distanced itself from the video, saying it was created elsewhere.

“This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a junior staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court,” said Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt in a written statement.

The incident adds to a long line of connections between the former president and antisemitism.

Last fall, Trump called his opponents “vermin,” and in an interview with a far-right website said that immigrants were “poisoning the blood” of the nation — language that echoed Adolf Hitler.

Then, not long after the “vermin” speech, Trump hosted a dinner attended Nick Fuentes, an outspoken antisemite. Fuentes was a guest at that dinner of Kanye West, another Trump ally with a history of antisemitic views.

In all of these cases, Trump denies wrongdoing. For example, he later posted to Truth Social that he “knew nothing about” Fuentes, and that West brought him uninvited to the dinner.

These antisemitic connections stretch back to the 2016 campaign. In early 2016, he at one point declined to disavow the support he was receiving from white supremacists including former KKK grand wizard David Duke.

Later that year, he shared an image on Twitter featuring a six-pointed star with text declaring Hillary Clinton to be the “most corrupt candidate ever!” The star was placed next Hillary Clinton’s head, photoshopped over a background of money.

And as president in 2017, he responded to the violence during a Charlottesville, Va., white nationalist rally by declaring there to be “very fine people on both sides.”

In a Philadelphia speech to members of the Service Employees International Union, Vice President Kamala Harris blasted Trump for posting the video: “This kind of rhetoric is unsurprising coming from the former president, and it is appalling. And we’ve got to tell him who we are. And once again it shows that our freedom and our very democracy are at stake.”

Later, President Biden blasted the video at a fundraiser in Boston, saying Trump uses Hitler’s language, not America’s, according to the pool report.

unified reich
truth social
nick fuentes
david duke



‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and / or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the Truth is the mortal enemy of the Lie, and thus by extension, the Truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

– Joseph Goebbels




Robert Reich
30 May 2024

Trump is a criminal. Get used to saying it. He’s not an “accused criminal” or an “alleged criminal.” He’s a convict.



Inequality Media Civic Action
30 May 2024

Felon for President?

No matter how Trump and his backers try to spin this, he is a convicted criminal.



‘Evangelicals don’t care about Drumpf’s crimes and adultery.  They want him to be President. ‘

‘Republi-con voters don’t care.  They don’t talk about the indictments and trials. ‘

‘Drumpf has an emotional hold on his base.  He’s a Cult of Personality. ‘

‘What does it say about America – our country – going to the polls and positively electing a Convicted Felon to be President! ‘

‘Half the country doesn’t think about Drumpf as a Convicted Felon. ‘

 – PBS Washington Week in Review (31 May 2024)



‘Drumpf’s own legal team convicted him. ‘

‘Retaliation faces any Republi-con who doesn’t support Drumpf. ‘

‘A few Drumpf voters from 2016 and 2020 say they are tired.  Find somebody else. ‘

‘Drumpf supporters call it a sham trial.  They don’t trust the Justice system.  They say that Drumpf will get more time on TV, never go to jail.  Republi-cons sow doubt about the Justice system.  There are calls for violence – hang the judge, dox the jury – from Drumpf’s Truth Social, from Proud Boys. ‘

‘Drumpf raised $34 million after the Guilty verdict. ‘

 – PBS NewsHour (31 May 2024)



‘It’s moral character.  It’s the institution.  Drumpf is a transgressor, an assault on our Constitution. ‘

‘The System is broken.  Supporters still support Drumpf.  Low information voters go for Drumpf. ‘

‘Biden is restrained.  We’ve had Fascism 20 years now.  Drumpf’s International Fascism is a smarter strategy. ‘

‘I have doubts about the Prosecutor.  It sounds like politics. ‘

– David Brooks, R-Drumpf (PBS NewsHour, 31 May 2024)







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BeHuman Campaign




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Sharon Nichols
30 May 2024


You know the routine.

You can read my complete post at my SlimandMe.WordPress.com web-site:


‘Convicted Felon Crooked Drumpf’
(30 May 2024)


Dear Reader:

Convicted on all 34 counts.

Enjoy these memes and images of today’s event.

– Sharon


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


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