‘Facebook Memories: 10 Jun 2024 – Republi-cons Declare Crooked Drumpf A ‘Dictator’’


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


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‘Facebook Memories:  10 Jun 2024 – Republi-cons declare Crooked Drumpf a ‘Dictator’’
(10 Jun 2024)


Dear Reader:


Suck is gone mad – touched mad – deleting posts throughout Faceplop, anything that presents ideology that he opposes.

Notice on posts at my Faceplop page that Suck deleted the URL links and posts that reference to my Faceplop page:

This content isn’t available right now
When this happens, it’s usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it’s been deleted.

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The page you requested was not found.

Here are today’s Faceplop Memories of this date at prior years, with selected narrative.

Fear not, Dear Reader.  I continue posting current original compositions – I have countless ideas about topics that I have never discussed here or not commented in depth.  Posting these recent ‘Memories’ allows me to catch up to what past essays I missed posting here concurrent with Faceplop posts.

 – Sharon 


Dear Facebook Reader:

You can read my Slimandme.wordpress.com web-site for the clear Original Posts of these Facebook Memories, no matter if Suck deletes these Original Posts at Facebook.






Sharon Nichols
10 Jun 2024

Facebook Memories:  10 Jun 2024

Some posts may not appear here because of their privacy settings



1 of 3:


Facebook Memories Summary (10 Jun)





Sharon Nichols
10 Jun 2023



Facebook Memories: 10 Jun 2023

1 of 2:

Crooked Drumpf’s Good Ol’ Days



Sharon Nichols
10 Jun 2020



10 Jun 2021


12 Jun 2022

2 of 2:

Fawn over ‘Dictator’ Crooked Drumpf



Sharon Nichols
10 Jun 2018



10 Jun 2000


10 Jun 2021


Jackie McKethen
12 Jun 2018




The Democratic Coalition
10 Jun 2018

Your LOL of the day: “This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators — what we are seeing right now, this is history.”




Fox & Friends Host Calls Trump a ‘Dictator’
Chas Danner, associate editor at Intelligencer

Trump gesturing like a very democratic leader in Singapore on Sunday. Photo: Anthony Wallace/AFP/Getty Images

Fox & Friends host Abby Huntsman momentarily made President Trump’s authoritarian dreams come true on Sunday morning when she referred to the president as a “dictator” during a live news broadcast. The mislabeling occurred as Trump deplaned from Air Force One in Singapore, where he arrived on Sunday ahead of his summit there with actual dictator Kim Jong-un of North Korea. Speaking with ten-day White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, Huntsman memorably captioned the moment: “This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators — what we are seeing right now, this is history.”

Neither Huntsman nor Scaramucci acknowledged the mistake, though the Mooch quickly confirmed that Trump was a “disruptive risk taker” — and Huntsman later apologized, explaining that “on live TV, you don’t always say things perfectly.”




Ishaan Tharoor
A Fox News anchor called Trump a “dictator”
Ted Corcoran (RedTRaccoon)
9:22 AM · Jun 10, 2018


‘In that meeting between the two Dictators. ‘

– Abby Huntsman, R-Drumpf (Fox, 10 Jun 2018)













3 of 3:


Republi-cons declare Crooked Drumpf a ‘Dictator’


Fawn over ‘Dictator’ Crooked Drumpf





Sharon Nichols
10 Jun 2018

This should please every Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable.

You fawn over every word as gospel truth.

Here’s the truth:

‘This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators — what we are seeing right now, this is history.’

– Abby Huntsman, Republi-con (Fox News, 10 June 18)

Yep, Fox News confirming that Crooked Drumpf is this nation’s ‘Dictator’.

Thanks to Fox, we can add ‘Dictator’ to Crooked Drumpf’s appellation free from concern about libel and slander.

If you whine that Fox made a slip of the tongue, don’t buy it. Everything spoken is scripted down to the smirks and chuckles.


‘Republicans elected a president who promised to take on D.C. — instead, Trump has presided over an extraordinary auction of access and influence.

Remember when Trump told you that he would release his tax returns and then never did?

Remember when he said that if he won the election he would put his business interests aside?

“Ever since Trump and his family arrived in Washington they have essentially hung a for-sale sign on the White House by refusing to meaningfully separate themselves from their own business interests,” Bloomberg’s Tim O’Brien notes.

“That’s certainly not lost on the companies that do business in or with Washington. They know that in Trump’s swamp, you pay to play.”’

– The Atlantic (11 May 18)


Where would this nation be if we didn’t have you Drumpfian and Deplorable dupes and suckers!


Enjoy these Republi-con quotes:

‘Why should Republicans take the blame? What we have now is the tyranny of the majority.’

– Jeff Munger, R (KUAT TV ‘Arizona Illustrated’ candidate ‘debate’, 6 Jul 09)


‘Fear precedes anger. I see real opportunities for us.’
– Sen. John Cornyn, R (T-party speech, 6 Aug 09)


‘We oppose the Constitution. No Jews. The Mexicans must go.’

– J T Ready, Neo-NAZI National Socialist Movement (Phoenix Rally interview, 7 Nov 09)


‘Freedom is boring. Tyranny is interesting. China is free. News reporters are evil.’

– Dennis Prager, R (radio show, Dec 09)


‘We Republicans aren’t afraid of low-wage, illegal immigration. We’re the white-collar, corporate, executive suite.’

– Scott Rasmussen, R, conservative author (2 Feb 10)


‘The T-party is fully-funded by corporations.’

– Pat Buchanan, R (PBS ‘McLaughlin Group’, 2 Feb 10)


‘Papers equal NAZI.’

– Rush Limbaugh, R (comment supporting Arizona passing SB 1070, 20 Apr 10)


‘OUR T-party is America’s spiritual revival.’

– Sen Jim DeMint, R (speech, 23 Apr 10)


‘We are the T-party. I oppose the 1964 Civil Rights Act; business has the right to refuse Blacks. Get EPA and OSHA outta our business – regulation run amok. Obama put his jack-boot on BP’s neck. I oppose minimum wage laws – reduce worker wages.’

– Rand Paul, R-Ky (campaign statement repeated on MSNBC, ABC, Fox interviews, 19 Mar 10)


‘We must enforce the law; prosecute illegals but not the corporations that hire them.’

– Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz (campaign statement, 28 May 10)


‘Our racism is irrelevant. Why do we care? We hate both N*gg*rs and F*gg*ts. Yep, I’m a racist and proud!’

– Dorothy Watkins, R, T-party leader (speech, 17 Jul 10)


See also:





12 Jun 2018

The Trump movement has created an epidemic of fanatically self-righteous cheaters, liars and grifters



America is Suffering an Epidemic of ‘Dishonest Fake Belief’ – Promoted by the People Who Took Over the GOP
Jeremy Sherman,AlterNetandJeremy ShermanJune 12, 2018

“The True Believers” is a psychology classic, a study undertaken by Eric Hoffer, a longshoreman moonlighting as a psycho-philosopher shortly after WWII. It profiles the characteristics of an authoritarian fanatics, the kind we see falling for ISIS and here at home, for Trumpism or Evangelicalism.

To lump all such believers together as “true” seems a mistake. For starters, there are true and false believers. False believers think that declaring their commitment is enough. They don’t have to actually follow the beliefs or change how they act. They’re members in good standing simply because they declare themselves to be.

Authoritarian movements thrive on growth so they often make accommodations to false believers to fatten out their ranks. They don’t demand what anthropologist Bill Iron called “costly signals,” a term originating in evolutionary biology for hard-to-fake sacrifices, for example, giving up bacon to be a Muslim or Jew. No diet restrictions, no commitment to prayer every day and above all no moral restraint. Fake believers are afforded all of the benefits of membership at a trivial cost.

Authoritarian movements thrive on boldness, so they often welcome the rash and uncontrolled into their movements, for example, storm troopers or anti-communists in Indonesia, hoodlums who cared more for the fun of breaking eggs than for the movement making the omelet utopia it promises. False belief is great for that: Come for the cause, stay for the freedom to be your indulgent self, above the law because you have such a high calling.

The protestant movement started as a revolt against the Catholic Church’s accommodations to false believers, what Martin Luther disparaged as “frequent communion” going to church on Sunday and being a normal everyday slob the rest of the week.

And Protestantism slid into its own accommodations to false believers, for example Born Again baptism being all it takes to be a full-fledged member, all of your sins atoned for, except if you doubt your membership. Existentialist philosopher Soren Kierkegaard railed against Christian false belief. He thought you weren’t really a Christian if you didn’t sweat blood trying to work out your existential status.

Most authoritarian movements start with some disdain for false believers just going through the motions, but end up allowing, inviting and encouraging it.

I would further distinguish honest from dishonest false believers. Honest false believers know and admit that they’re just going through the motions, claiming to be members but no different from other people.

I have great admiration for honest false believers. They join the club in name only, sort of like fans of a professional sports. They rally around the flag ritualistically. They know better than to believe that it makes them better than other people. It’s just a game, cosplay not taken very seriously by the cosplayers.

I just got back from three weeks working in Mainland China. I was impressed by the honest false belief in communism over there. Students dutifully take classes in Marxism and many people belong to the communist party, but from what I can tell, nobody takes it seriously nor needs to pretend that they do. They can’t attack communism in the press but they didn’t seem uncomfortable talking about how little relevance Marx has to social and economic life in China. You see pictures of Mao, Marx, the hammer and sickle too but that’s not where people live. There’s an admirable resigned realism in Chinese culture these days, borne perhaps of its very different cultural history.

Chinese philosophy and religion started 3000 years ago with deference to the “mandate of heaven,” never personified as a authoritarian god. The mandate of heaven was the Tao, the way things are, reality, not some vain and vengeful daddy deity who could grant you excuses for cutting corners on reality in his dutiful service.

Reverence for reality, reality worship – that’s great philosophical and religious prep for science. It’s the recognition that you can’t God-talk your way out from under reality’s constraints. Reality always wins in the end. China has its rituals and customs, of course, but they don’t seem as prone to fall for delusions and denial as we do in the West.

Here in the US, we’re suffering an epidemic of dishonest fake belief, promoted by the people who took over the conservative party. Just call yourself a Christian, a patriot, a True American and you can get away with anything. All the perks, none of the costs of actually behaving in accord with any kind of disciplined lifestyle ­– license to indulge from the moral high ground. Trump takes it to a new level.

Trump plays classic Western god – self-obsessed, petty, petulant, disappointed, vengeful, cliquish, devoted solely to building his fan club, chronically bitter about being under-appreciated. And most of his followers are typical dishonest fake believers. They love him because they want to be like him. Trump teaches that earning respect by being honest isn’t the only way. Fellow liars will respect you if you lie and always get away with it.

With dishonest false belief you get to swagger like the moral police without living by your proclaimed moral standards. You can claim the piety even as you cheat, lie and steal.

It’s a win-win for the false believer. Your supreme piety rationalizes acting like a pig. You’re free to cheat because you’re fighting on the side of the righteous. You feel both righteous and clever, saintly and sneaky. Smart because you embrace true virtue; smart because you know how to fight dirtier than your dumb opponents.

It’s more tawdry even than the 9-11 fundamentalists drinking and whoring before they suicide bombed the Twin Towers. As Susan Sontag dared to comment right after the bombing, it’s no good calling suicide bombers cowards. They made sacrifices. That’s a costly signal one can’t fake. Dishonest false belief is a better bargain than that.

In sum, three categories for fanatics:

True believers who really try to live by their principles.
Dishonest false believers who don’t try to live by their principles but pretend that they do.
Honest false believers who don’t try to live by their principles and admit it, not taking their beliefs seriously, while still going through the motions for ritualistic sake.

Honest false believers have a peculiar kind of integrity that I admire. If you need to belong to some cultural tribe, and many people do, it’s healthy to admit that it doesn’t really elevate you above others. It’s your thing but it’s not a big thing.



Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.





The Democratic Coalition
10 Jun 2018

Your LOL of the day: “This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators — what we are seeing right now, this is history.”




JUNE 10, 2018
Fox & Friends Host Calls Trump a ‘Dictator’
Chas Danner, staff editor at Intelligencer

Trump gesturing like a very democratic leader in Singapore on Sunday. Photo: Anthony Wallace/AFP/Getty Images

Fox & Friends host Abby Huntsman momentarily made President Trump’s authoritarian dreams come true on Sunday morning when she referred to the president as a “dictator” during a live news broadcast. The mislabeling occurred as Trump deplaned from Air Force One in Singapore, where he arrived on Sunday ahead of his summit there with actual dictator Kim Jong-un of North Korea. Speaking with ten-day White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, Huntsman memorably captioned the moment: “This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators — what we are seeing right now, this is history.”

Neither Huntsman nor Scaramucci acknowledged the mistake, though the Mooch quickly confirmed that Trump was a “disruptive risk taker” — and Huntsman later apologized, explaining that “on live TV, you don’t always say things perfectly.”


© 2018 VOX MEDIA, LLC.





Share #1





Sharon Nichols
10 Jun 2020



Share #2





Sharon Nichols
10 Jun 2021

A Facebook ‘Memories’ from three years ago.

Fox News admitted it.  Fox News boasted that Crooked Drumpf is a ‘dictator’, same as North Korea’s Kim.

Insurrection Wednesday is more proof.

– Sharon



3 years ago


Sharon Nichols
June 10, 2018 ·
Shared with Public

This should please every Republi-con, Drumpfian, Deplorable.

You fawn over every word as gospel truth.

Here’s the truth:

‘This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators — what we are seeing right now, this is history.’

– Abby Huntsman, Republi-con (Fox News, 10 June 18)

Yep, Fox News confirming that Crooked Drumpf is this nation’s ‘Dictator’.

Thanks to Fox, we can add ‘Dictator’ to Crooked Drumpf’s appellation free from concern about libel and slander.

If you whine that Fox made a slip of the tongue, don’t buy it.  Everything spoken is scripted down to the smirks and chuckles.


‘Republicans elected a president who promised to take on D.C. — instead, Trump has presided over an extraordinary auction of access and influence.

Remember when Trump told you that he would release his tax returns and then never did?

Remember when he said that if he won the election he would put his business interests aside?

“Ever since Trump and his family arrived in Washington they have essentially hung a for-sale sign on the White House by refusing to meaningfully separate themselves from their own business interests,” Bloomberg’s Tim O’Brien notes.

“That’s certainly not lost on the companies that do business in or with Washington. They know that in Trump’s swamp, you pay to play.”’

– The Atlantic (11 May 18)


Where would this nation be if we didn’t have you Drumpfian and Deplorable dupes and suckers!


Enjoy these Republi-con quotes:

‘Why should Republicans take the blame? What we have now is the tyranny of the majority.’

– Jeff Munger, R (KUAT TV ‘Arizona Illustrated’ candidate ‘debate’, 6 Jul 09)


‘Fear precedes anger. I see real opportunities for us.’
– Sen. John Cornyn, R (T-party speech, 6 Aug 09)


‘We oppose the Constitution. No Jews. The Mexicans must go.’

– J T Ready, Neo-NAZI National Socialist Movement (Phoenix Rally interview, 7 Nov 09)


‘Freedom is boring. Tyranny is interesting. China is free. News reporters are evil.’

– Dennis Prager, R (radio show, Dec 09)


‘We Republicans aren’t afraid of low-wage, illegal immigration. We’re the white-collar, corporate, executive suite.’

– Scott Rasmussen, R, conservative author (2 Feb 10)


‘The T-party is fully-funded by corporations.’

– Pat Buchanan, R (PBS ‘McLaughlin Group’, 2 Feb 10)


‘Papers equal NAZI.’

– Rush Limbaugh, R (comment supporting Arizona passing SB 1070, 20 Apr 10)


‘OUR T-party is America’s spiritual revival.’

– Sen Jim DeMint, R (speech, 23 Apr 10)


‘We are the T-party. I oppose the 1964 Civil Rights Act; business has the right to refuse Blacks. Get EPA and OSHA outta our business – regulation run amok. Obama put his jack-boot on BP’s neck. I oppose minimum wage laws – reduce worker wages.’

– Rand Paul, R-Ky (campaign statement repeated on MSNBC, ABC, Fox interviews, 19 Mar 10)


‘We must enforce the law; prosecute illegals but not the corporations that hire them.’

– Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz (campaign statement, 28 May 10)


‘Our racism is irrelevant. Why do we care? We hate both N*gg*rs and F*gg*ts. Yep, I’m a racist and proud!’

– Dorothy Watkins, R, T-party leader (speech, 17 Jul 10)


See also:






Thank you to the resources who contribute to this page.



The Democratic Coalition
June 10, 2018 ·

Your LOL of the day: “This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators — what we are seeing right now, this is history.”



JUNE 10, 2018
Fox & Friends Host Calls Trump a ‘Dictator’
Chas Danner

The anchor momentarily referred to the authoritarian-curious Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as “the two dictators.”

Trump gesturing like a very democratic leader in Singapore on Sunday. Photo: Anthony Wallace/AFP/Getty Images

Fox & Friends host Abby Huntsman momentarily made President Trump’s authoritarian dreams come true on Sunday morning when she referred to the president as a “dictator” during a live news broadcast. The mislabeling occurred as Trump deplaned from Air Force One in Singapore, where he arrived on Sunday ahead of his summit there with actual dictator Kim Jong-un of North Korea. Speaking with ten-day White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, Huntsman memorably captioned the moment: “This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators — what we are seeing right now, this is history.”

Neither Huntsman nor Scaramucci acknowledged the mistake, though the Mooch quickly confirmed that Trump was a “disruptive risk taker” — and Huntsman later apologized, explaining that “on live TV, you don’t always say things perfectly.”

Ishaan Tharoor
A Fox News anchor called Trump a “dictator” https://twitter.com/RedTRaccoon/status/1005820223159783425/video/1…
9:22 AM · Jun 10, 2018








Share #3





Jackie McKethen
12 Jun 2018




You’re All Caught Up
Check back tomorrow to see more of your memories!




Dear Reader:

201DD2BD-2AE6-4C81-8547-E114588E07B3Thank you for visiting this post today.  Please return for the next episode.

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Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.

These posts being Public, I permit you to Share these contents at your own web-site or Social Media, with appropriate crediting.


Thank you to T-central.blogspot.com for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.





BeHuman Campaign


This ‘SlimAndMe’ web-site is my primary Internet presence.


You can occasionally read an alternate, abbreviated version of these posts at my social media page.


Additional Resources:


Crooked Drumpf skimmed from the ‘9 / 11’ relief fund.


‘Pure Evil’: Report On Trump Administration Draining Fund For FDNY’s 9/11 Responders Draws Outrage
Lisette Voytko
Forbes Staff
Senior Entertainment Reporter
Sep 11, 2020, 08:53am EDT
Updated Sep 12, 2020, 12:00pm EDT

TOPLINE A New York Daily News scoop published Thursday revealed that the Trump administration has siphoned around $4 million from the New York City Fire Department’s fund for its September 11 first responders, drawing outrage on the 19th anniversary of the attacks, but the U.S. Treasury says the money was diverted because of “delinquent debt” owed by New York City to the federal government.

Attacks World Trade Center

Firefighters work beneath the destroyed mullions, [+]


The funds are part of the FDNY World Trade Center Health Program, which was established by the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill passed by Congress that provides healthcare to first responders who have suffered a range of illnesses from exposure to dust and smoke at Ground Zero.

“TRUMP DOESN’T ONLY HATE VETERANS, HE HATES FIRST RESPONDER HEROES,” tweeted actress Debra Messing in reaction to the Daily News report.

Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland school shooting victim Jamie Guttenberg, said he was “F—KING P⁠—-ED” about the report, because his brother died of cancer from 9/11.

“From the administration whose identity is built on claims of honoring first responders,” Julie Cohen, director of the RBG documentary, wrote on Twitter.

“This doesn’t surprise me at all,” Army veteran and advocate Paul Rieckoff wrote on Twitter. “Trump did NOTHING to push for the extension of #Zadroga last year.”

“We are also working with Congressman King and others to examine any potential authorities to provide relief in this case to support our nation’s 9/11 heroes,” the Treasury spokesperson. told Forbes, but could not provide any examples of how they would do it, and did not have a timeline.


“Here we have sick World Trade Center-exposed firefighters and EMS workers, at a time when the city is having difficult financial circumstances due to COVID-19, and we’re not getting the money we need to be able to treat these heroes,” FDNY Chief Medical Officer David Prezant told the Daily News. 


“Pure evil,” tweeted Dr. Dena Grayson, a medical expert who specializes in ebola and other viruses. 



This is Crooked Drumpf’s Amerika.


DNC War Room
1 Sep 2020
Shared with Public



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n


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