‘Election Talk As We Await The Final Results’

‘Election Talk As We Await The Final Results’
(12 Nov 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


Dear Reader:

Republi-con talk-o-sphere so eagerly expected their Red Tidal Wave, it doesn’t know how to handle their Red Piddle. 

The Democratic Party needs to take a hint from their constituency, from the American voters.  The Liberal Left Progressive platforms increased their numbers.  Sadly, the overall election end results are not positive for Republi-con Lite Democrats and Corporatist Democrats:

 – Election results seem to lean towards Republi-con control of Congress – both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Republi-cons vow chaos and obstructionism. 

 – Supreme Court holds tight as loyal political operators for their Republi-con Party. 

 – State governors and legislatures remain under Republi-con control, guarantee to persist their destructive legislative agenda. 

One bit of note is that the Republi-con scheme to overthrow the House of Representatives and install Crooked Drumpf as Speaker of the House seems less likely.  That was the Republi-con plan in the event of their Red Tidal Wave; the close results have many Republi-cons acting otherwise cautiously.  But don’t think that Republi-cons removed that option, or variations, from their bag of tricks. 

Robertson was correct – Republi-con and Christian Con-servative constituents drank their Red Ripple. 

Yes, Aneese.  Fox Snooze and other Republi-con, Christian Con-servative, Right-wing media are beginning to allow their next narrative:  ‘It’s time for the GOP to move on from Drumpf’.  The biggest losers of Election 2022 evening were mostly MAGA die-hards, while the biggest Republi-con ‘winner’ by a sizable margin was Florida’s DeSantis, a once loyal Drumpfian who now flips his public image as an opponent of Crooked Drumpf.  Pure Dog Whistle to draw unwitting public attention from Crooked Drumpf – a wolf wearing sheep’s clothing. 

There is that fearful element of the Republi-con Party who are finally growing tired of Drumpf and his tantrums at social media and at his rallies.  These Republi-cons see the possibility that Crooked Drumpf will be their albatross around their neck as election is not quite as automatically guaranteed. 

So it’s entirely possible, and we can hope that it does happen, that over the next two years we shall see an internal conflict within the Republi-con Party. 

But don’t hold your breath.  We must not celebrate the demise of Crooked Drumpf.  ‘Dobbs, Deniers, and Drumpf’ surely define the Republi-con Party as Extremist.  Those 3-D Drumpfian Republi-cons were reasonably successful at American Democracy’s expence.  Broadcast network news reports that about 300-some Crooked Drumpf Big Lie Election Deniers ran for office this 2022 Election.  So far, in races determined, the clear majority of more than 180-some of those Crooked Drumpf Big Lie Election Deniers won their office, 155 of those Crooked Drumpf Big Lie Election Deniers are in the US Congress.  Those Crooked Drumpf Big Lie Election Deniers are the antithesis of American Democracy. 

 There remain several offices still not determined due to the close results, perhaps reason for Republi-cons to feel disappointed that they didn’t win every election in a landslide. 

To me, this means that Republi-cons are still into Crooked Drumpf, only now, some Drumpfian Republi-cons less devout to Crooked Drumpf might be sitting on the proverbial fence, might be publicly tentative after this election.  Without their Red Tidal Wave, these Drumpfians and Deplorables feel that they lost because they don’t have massive majorities of everything. 

Robertson is the typical Republi-con goof, his Fickle Finger to the wind.  He says one thing on one day and will say the opposite on the next day, as if his audience has little clue to his flip-flops.  Robertson’s CBN audience have the perception and memory of a box of rocks. 

Republi-cons control at least 30-some states, they will control both houses of the Congress, they control the Supreme Court.  Not good enough.   Republi-cons are authoritarians.  They want absolute control of everything.  They are pondering their future moves to achieve their ends.

Democrats need to find their home, need to return to their home.  Antonia Ocasio-Cortez’ group of Progressive Democrats successfully added three more members to their Progressive caucus by running on their Progressive platform.  Conversely, Democrats who insist campaigning as Republi-con Lite or as Corporatist lost their election to Drumpf Republi-cons. 


Let’s go back to the video tape!

Compare and contrast.  Time for quotes with attention to Gordon Robertson in this post. 

Allow me to address those quotes. 

As I previously reported, Pat Robertson’s spawn is reporting, confirming, that Russia (Putin) interfered in our 2016 Election to put Crooked Drumpf and Republi-cons in office (Gordon Robertson’s CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 8 Nov 2022).


Compare and contrast Robertson’s statements about his support for Crooked Drumpf from three different days. 

Here was the Spawn on Election Day, bright and cheerful:

‘Republi-cons expect a Red Wave.  Congress will slip from Democrat to Republi-con control.  It’s all about Biden and the economy for Republi-cons.  Also about election security to protect poll workers from Right-wing violence.  It’s also about documented Russian interference in past elections and in this current election.  Drumpf will launch his 2024 campaign after this election. ‘

‘Conspiracy Theories are about ballot counting and reporting results early or late.  The problem is mail-in ballots getting counted days after the Election. Counting ballots late, not reporting early, is election fraud. ‘

‘Abortion is on the ballot in five states to restrict abortion.  State constitutions do not protect the Right to have an abortion. ‘

 – Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 8 Nov 2022)


Then, his tune changed as time passes, less joyful:

‘The overwhelming Red Wave through the midterms are a mixed bag.  Republi-cons flipt House seats.  Defeating Democrats in hotly contested seats.  Gains for Republi-cons.  Crushing their Democrat opponents. ‘

‘Republi-cons had the issue of the economy on their side.  Democrats get out the vote early, Republi-cons on Election Day.  Republi-con Campaign Money was a big factor.  Democrat vote totals are down substantially. ‘

‘It was the type of candidate.  DeSantis of Florida was a good candidate, Oz was a carpetbagger.  The Right money, the Right backing, the Right candidate.  There is the Drumpf factor, he won 90% of his races.  This IS Drumpf’s Party, no one’s gonna stop Drumpf. ‘

‘Big Democrats go down.  Democrats are losing.  Control of the House will go Red thanks to New York flipping the seats.  Republi-cons are flipping the House and the Senate.  

‘Democrats are winning their races by thousands less votes than 2020.  Democrats are losing votes in many districts. ‘

‘Drumpf is running again.  He’ll say yes! ‘

‘Drumpf will definitely run 100%. ‘

‘If you’ve been touched, let us know. ‘

 – Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 9 Nov 2022)


His 11 Nov 2022 statement went further negative. 

‘Drumpf’s Red Wave has became a Red Ripple.  Drumpf supported weak candidates.  Red Wave Republi-cons are disappointing, they floundered.  Drumpf’s Presidency announcement is not well-received.  Republi-cons blame Drumpf for this debacle.  Establishment Republi-cons were against Drumpf.  It’s time to move on.  The Republi-con voters gave that very clear message.  DeSantis is the Republi-cons’ frontrunner for 2024.  Drumpf is busy looking into his future.

– Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 11 Nov 2022)


The intervening weekend was not good news for the Spawn.

‘GOP is scrambling to figure out what went wrong and bickering who’s to blame for the Red Wave that wasn’t. ‘

‘The rejection in the Senate is because of GOP extremism. ‘

‘The predicted Republi-con Red Wave fizzled.  Now begins the Republi-con finger-pointing and the scramble for Party leadership.  Drumpf candidates lost.  Republi-cons blame McConnell. ‘

‘We are the ‘Party of the Future’.  ‘Party of the Future’ is saying no more Drumpf in 2024. ‘

‘House Republi-cons are questioning if McCarthy has support for Speaker. ‘

‘Drumpf is expected to announce his 2024 Presidential run on Tuesday. ‘

‘We Republi-cons need to pause before we start looking at 2024.  I don’t know what’s going on.  Republi-cons need to get their act together by 2024. ‘

 – Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 14 Nov 2022)


We shall see how these shake out in the future. 

 – Sharon 


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Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

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Your vote for Christian Con-servatism is a vote to exterminate the Trans and LGBT Community.

Here’s this video of a raging Christian Con-servative who demands that HIS Christian Con-servative government will execute the Trans and LGBT Community:


He calls his demand the love of God and Jesus. 




Scott Huffman for Congress 

The Republi-con path is making all women Second Class citizens.  They’ll take away Social Security, giving our money to the Extreme Rich.  MediCare, MedicAid, Voting Rights are on the chopping block.  MAGA Republi-cons told us their path – tax breaks for the rich, lies, chaos, and violence from the Republi-cons. ‘

‘Democrats fight for women’s Rights, the Working Class, Veterans. And Democracy. ‘



Another domestic terrorism group.  Drumpfian and Deplorable nice boys, eh.  They’d do better hiding in their mommy’s basement, playing video games.  They are so impotent that they need to present three upright high calibre rounds as their logo.


Three Percenters

The Three Percenters, also styled 3 Percenters, 3%ers and III%ers,[1] are an American and Canadian far-right anti-government militia.[2][3][4][5]

The group advocates gun ownership rights and resistance to the U.S. federal government.[6][7] The group’s name derives from the erroneous[8][9] claim that “…the active forces in the field against the King’s tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists…” during the American Revolution.[10]

One Canadian expert, Maxime Fiset, a former neo-Nazi who works with the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence, considers the group the “most dangerous” extremist group in Canada.[6]

The movement has been characterized as part of the broader patriot movement.[6] Founded in 2008, it was given impetus by the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States.[6][14] Members believed that Obama’s presidency would lead to increased government interference in the lives of individuals, and particularly stricter gun-control laws.[1] Many members are former or current members of the military, police and other law-enforcement agencies, as well as anti-government groups such as the Oath Keepers.[1]

The movement was co-founded by Michael “Mike” Brian Vanderboegh[15] from Alabama, a member of the Oath Keepers, a group with whom the Three Percenters remain loosely allied and are often compared.[2][16] Vanderboegh became a Second Amendment activist and by the 1990s was involved with the militia movement.[18]

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reports that in the mid-1990s, Vanderboegh claimed to be commander of an Alabama militia group, the First Alabama Cavalry Regiment, though he appeared to be its sole member. After the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, Vanderboegh became better known for popularizing anti-government conspiracy theories.[5]

The Three Percenters’ Facebook page featured numerous racist comments made by its supporters.[19] 

According to the ADL, Three Percenters constitute a major part of the broader anti-government militia movement, whose ideology they share.[23] Three Percenters believe that ordinary citizens must take a stand against perceived abuses by the U.S. federal government, which they characterize as overstepping its Constitutional limits.[1]




List of militia organizations in the United States

Not to be confused with List of United States militia units in the American Revolutionary War or State defense force § Active state defense forces.

This is a list of active and armed militia organizations in the United States. While the two largest militias are the Oath Keepers and the 3 Percenters, there are numerous smaller groups.

Main article: American militia movement

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified 334 militia groups at their peak in 2011. It identified 276 in 2015, up from 202 in 2014.[1] In 2016, the SPLC identified a total of 165 armed militia groups within the United States.[2][3]

National groups

As of 2020, the following militia groups have a national presence:

The Constitutional Sheriffs[3]

Oath Keepers[4]

Not Fucking Around Coalition[5]

Three Percenters[6][7]




Three Percenter

or 3 percenter or 3%er or III%er or threepers [three per-sent-er]

Published March 27, 2018


A Three Percenter is someone who advocates for a strict interpretation of the Second Amendment of the US constitution, strongly believing in armed rebellion against perceived government overreach, especially with respect to gun laws.


Three Percenter


The Three Percenters are a national group that was loosely organized in 2008 by Mike Vanderboegh, the late militia leader and author of the controversial novel, Absolved. Their central ideology is a strict reading of the Second Amendment’s clauses of a ” well-regulated militia” and “right of the people to keep and bear arms,” feeling these protections permit armed insurrection in the face of governmental power grabs.

The name Three Percenters is based on a false theory that, during the American Revolution, only 2.96% of the US population actually served in George Washington’s army. Historians have estimated the percentage was closer to 15–25%, but Three Percenters are persistent in citing the debunked statistic as evidence of the US federal government as tyrannical from the start.

Since their founding in 2008, the Three Percenters have been aggressively opposed to (and armed against) any potential gun-control laws, along with other areas where they believe the federal government—particularly under their then-frequent target, Barack Obama—is becoming too large and powerful. For instance, Vanderboegh was recorded arguing for armed resistance against the 2009 Affordable Care Act, rallying fellow Three Percenters to “break windows” at the offices of the Democratic National Committee. Despite Vanderboegh’s cry, the group’s official website states that they do not condone violence and prohibits members from committing “first use of force.”

During the 2016 US presidential election, the Three Percenters became increasingly visible at political rallies, protests, and armed standoffs, usually aligning with far-right policies and political candidates. The group has faced broad criticism from both liberals and conservatives, decrying the group as racist, prejudiced, and violent. The Anti-Defamation League has indeed labelled them an extremist organization.

In 2018, they claimed over 150,000 followers and have individual chapters in nearly every US state. They are often included as part of a broader small-government, militia-based movement especially in the rural US known as the Patriot movement.

© 2022 Dictionary.com, LLC



George Weltman

‘real curious what your take is on the fact that 100% of republicans want to keep dark money in politics, and 100% of democrats want it out. ‘


Republicans block bill requiring dark money groups to reveal donors


09/22/22 12:30 PM ET

Senate Republicans voted Thursday to block the consideration of a bill to promptly require organizations that spend money on elections to promptly disclose the identities of donors who give $10,000 or more during an election cycle.   

The body failed to invoke cloture on the measure, in a 49-49 vote. Every Republican present voted against the measure, while every Democrat voted for it.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) brought the bill to the floor to highlight the reliance of Senate Republican candidates on huge cash inflows from GOP dark-money groups, such as the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC linked to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), has been a top Democratic priority since the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United in 2010 that enabled corporations and other outside special interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on federal elections.   




Brave New Films 

5 Oct 2022

Our right to vote is under attack. Fight back before it’s too late. Join us and take our “I will fight voter suppression” pledge.



Loesch doesn’t care about Walker paying for his girlfriend’s abortion, doesn’t care that Walker paying for abortions violates their Republi-con Party tenet against all abortions. 


‘Winning is a virtue, and I’m not going to be baited, nor should you.  I’m concerned about one thing and one thing only.  I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles — I want control of the Senate.  Walker used his money to pay some skank for an abortion.  I don’t even care.  The people of Georgia don’t need a good decent, hardworking Senator.  I need supreme control. ‘

 – Dana Loesch, R-Drumpf / NRA (her ‘The Dana Show’ podcast, 4 Oct 2022)




Palast’s New Film Exposing Hidden GOP Vote Suppression Trickery


‘Vigilante ‘ (trailer)




Cree Hardegree 

9 Oct 2022

Two months ago I was steady ringing the political apocalypse bell, much to the dismay of many readers who were leaving my posts with a deep feeling of darkness because so many other posts were busy flinging happyhorseshit about the coming “blue tsunami.”

Around that time, things seemed to be turning around for Democrats, so liberal media and pundits quit discussing the end of democracy and end of women’s control over their own bodies and all the good things Joe has done, and went back to full-time speculating over when Trump is going to get indicted. 

(The answer, in case you have forgotten, always has been, and always will be, never.)

And now, with less than 30 days remaining, the pendulum is swinging back to Republicans.

CBS Battleground Tracker and The New York Times are still saying Republicans will retake the House. 

All current models show the Republicans taking over the House, even with everything that has happened.




When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag

In 1917 “The Muncie Sunday Star” of Indiana printed an announcement for a speech that prominent labor activist Eugene V. Debs was planning to deliver. The announcement presented a quotation from Debs which partially matched the saying under examination:

Every robber or oppressor in history has wrapped himself in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both. I am not a patriot as defined in the lexicon of the house of Morgan. I’d not murder my fellow men of my own accord, and why should I do it at the behest of the master class?

During a speech delivered in 1918 Debs made a similar statement:

No wonder Jackson said that “Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.” He had the Wall Street gentry in mind or their prototypes, at least; for in every age it has been the tyrant, who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both. (Shouts of “Good, good” from the crowd) (applause).



More to come in the next news post.

 – Sharon 


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

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