Archive | October 2022

‘What The Sunday Broadcast Network News Shows Said – October 2022’ (30 Oct 2022)

‘What The Sunday Broadcast Network News Shows Said – October 2022’ (30 Oct 2022)
(31 Oct 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


Dear Reader:

Plenty to read as Election 2022 enters its final week of campaign speeches and advertising. 

– Sharon


30 Oct 2022


‘Republi-cons have the momentum as we go to the mid-term election. There’s violence, such as Pelosi’s husband. Senator Collins says some House member or Senator will get killed. All these conspiracy theories stem from Drumpf and the Q-Anon world. ‘

‘Russia is creating a world hunger. ‘

‘It’s counting the votes – and then what might come after. ‘

‘Expect a respect for the will of the voters, but not for Drumpf and Republi-con mis-information about the 2020 Election. Drumpf’s Lies about the 2020 Election are spreading. Drumpf’s Election Deniers are running in safe seats and are getting elected. They say they will not accept the 2022 Election results. They are threatening voters. Enough good people must do the right thing. ‘

‘Election workers are ready, but worried about violence. Republi-cons are setting fraud expectations. ‘

‘Republi-cons are on track to gain the Senate. ‘

– NBC News (30 Oct 2022)

‘Republi-cons are on track to gain the Senate. ‘

‘Growing threats of violence. ‘

‘Democratic voters are not motivated, will not turn out to vote. ‘

‘The attack on Pelosi’s husband is raising concern about security. ‘

‘Musk runs Twitter. Do you trust him? He posts anti-Semitic comments. Tech companies as Twitter are making money on lies. ‘

‘Republi-con Party defines themselves as Election Deniers. ‘

‘We have years of Christmas cards – Republi-cons holding guns. ‘

‘Extremism violence can continue on Capitol Hill. Pelosi is the issue. ‘

‘Democrats are poised to lose the House thanks to the lack of young voters. ‘

‘Musk took over Twitter and he’s fact-checking. The Right runs toward Twitter. ‘

‘Young voters are not voting at all. ‘

‘Republi-con enthusiasm is high. ‘

– NBC ‘Meet the Press’ (30 Oct 2022)


‘The suspect broke into the Pelosi’s home and called out Representative Nancy Pelosi. He struck Pelosi in the head and arm. Threats against lawmakers have increased since 2017. The suspect faces attempted murder charges. ‘

‘Republi-cons are campaigning with their stars. ‘

‘Polls are in favour of Republi-cons, breaking for Republi-cons. ‘

‘Republi-cons are energised. We will win. ‘

‘Black voters are not voting in this election. It’s a turnout issue. ‘

‘Democrats are losing Nevada and the Hispanic vote. ‘

‘It’s the ever-increasing violence against Democrats. ‘

‘Republi-cons will have big wins. Democrat Party will need to come to us. ‘

‘People wanna be seen with Drumpf. He’s raising hundreds of millions of Dollars. ‘

‘Voters are being upset with Democrats in deep Blue territory. ‘

– Fox ‘News Sunday’ (30 Oct 2022)

‘Republi-cons are running female candidates and candidates of color who favour the Republi-con Party.  Not a single Republi-con incumbent will lose. ‘

‘Republi-cons are the Workers Party.  There’s a shift in women to the Republi-con Party.  People are manipulating the polls. ‘

– Kelly Conway, R-Drumpf (Fox ‘News Sunday’, 30 Oct 2022)


‘Political violence is on the rise. FBI warns if lone wolf attacks. ‘

‘Nevada is the Republi-cons’ chance to control the Senate. Drumpf Adam Laxalt led Drumpf’s efforts to overturn the 2020 Election. Nevada are hoping for a Red wave because of massive job losses during the 2020 Coronavirus. Latinos make the difference for Laxalt’s victory. Republi-cons play on Coronavirus inflation against Biden. Democrats are playing up social issues and the Supreme Court taking away Rights. There are no Democrats running in solid Red Utah. Republi-cons target Coronavirus inflation at Democrats. ‘

‘Republi-cons are pushing Coronavirus inflation and restrictions on abortion. ‘

‘Democrats are not turning Texas Blue. ‘

‘Threats of Republi-con violence have multiplied since 2017. Violence and hate speech will not be coming down. ‘

‘Republi-cons say Pelosi is a Traitor and it’s the Death Penalty for Traitors. ‘

It’s the nastiness in the Republi-con campaign. ‘

‘Abortion became instantly illegal in more than 20 states with the Dobbs decision. Timing is life and death for a woman seeking an abortion. The toll is significant. ‘

‘The Dobbs decision leaves no medical system for women. Doctors face going to jail for providing medical care ‘

‘The Dobbs decision put a stop to legal safe abortion, but not abortion itself. It put medical and financial obstacles in the way. ‘

‘Republi-cons want to secure the border, want immigration to stop. Want to deny asylum seekers. ‘

‘Republi-cons want the Drumpf endorsement. Drumpf elects his slate of candidates. ‘

‘Musk owns Twitter, Drumpf will be back with every outrageous thing. ‘

– ABC ‘This Week’ (30 Oct 2022)

‘Drumpf makes the Republi-con Party the ‘Party of Me’. This election is about Drumpf, his views. ‘

– Chris Christy, R-Drumpf (ABC ‘ThisWeek’, 30 Oct 2022)

‘Republi-cons will win the Senate. We’ll pick up Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Colorado. We’ve got every opportunity to take both the House and Senate. Democrats will get a rude awakening. ‘

– Senator Rick Scott, R-Drumpf (ABC ‘ThisWeek’, 30 Oct 2022)


‘Republi-cons have a 20 point advantage over Democrats. ‘

‘Republi-cons are fueled by the 2020 election deniers and conspiracy theories. ‘

‘There are heightened alerts on violence against Democrats and election officials. ‘

‘There are credible threats against voters. There are insider threats. Intimidation. ‘

‘Twitter is owned by Musk. He posted a conspiracy theory about Pelosi. ‘

‘There is a linkage connecting voter distrust and sowing doubt in the election amongst Election Deniers. They are undermining the election with violence. They are firing their guns against Democrats in their campaign ads. Republi-cons are lowering their rhetoric to violence, de-personalise the Democrats. There should be fewer weapons in Republi-con campaign ads. ‘

‘Vigilantes are taking poll watching into their own hands with voter intimidation. ‘

– CBS ‘Face the Nation’ (30 Oct 2022)


‘Christians around the world should pray for Christians of Israel.   Pray for peace. ‘

‘Alito says members of the Supreme Court are targeted for violence. ‘

‘We are a community of believers who want Christian unity on this nation.  We are concerned.  We have fear.  God brings peace, not politicians.   Our God can change this nation. ‘

 – Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show (31 Oct 2022)


Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting today. 

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



Additional Resources.


You can read an abbreviated version of this post at my social media page. 





Want the inside track on how to vote in the November election?


✅ Candidates

✅ Judges

✅ Propositions

Evaluate candidates, judges, and propositions with endorsements from groups on the left. Easily create your personal guide to help you fill out your mail-in ballot or take with you into the voting booth. Share with friends, family, and on social media.

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© 2022 BlueVoterGuide. All Rights Reserved



George Weltman

‘real curious what your take is on the fact that 100% of republicans want to keep dark money in politics, and 100% of democrats want it out. ‘


Republicans block bill requiring dark money groups to reveal donors


09/22/22 12:30 PM ET

Senate Republicans voted Thursday to block the consideration of a bill to promptly require organizations that spend money on elections to promptly disclose the identities of donors who give $10,000 or more during an election cycle.   

The body failed to invoke cloture on the measure, in a 49-49 vote. Every Republican present voted against the measure, while every Democrat voted for it.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) brought the bill to the floor to highlight the reliance of Senate Republican candidates on huge cash inflows from GOP dark-money groups, such as the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC linked to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), has been a top Democratic priority since the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United in 2010 that enabled corporations and other outside special interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on federal elections.   




Brave New Films 

5 Oct 2022

Our right to vote is under attack. Fight back before it’s too late. Join us and take our “I will fight voter suppression” pledge.



Loesch doesn’t care about Walker paying for his girlfriend’s abortion, doesn’t care that Walker paying for abortions violates their Republi-con Party tenet against all abortions. 


‘Winning is a virtue, and I’m not going to be baited, nor should you.  I’m concerned about one thing and one thing only.  I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles — I want control of the Senate.  Walker used his money to pay some skank for an abortion.  I don’t even care.  The people of Georgia don’t need a good decent, hardworking Senator.  I need supreme control. ‘

 – Dana Loesch, R-Drumpf / NRA (her ‘The Dana Show’ podcast, 4 Oct 2022)




Palast’s New Film Exposing Hidden GOP Vote Suppression Trickery


‘Vigilante ‘ (trailer)




Cree Hardegree 

9 Oct 2022

Two months ago I was steady ringing the political apocalypse bell, much to the dismay of many readers who were leaving my posts with a deep feeling of darkness because so many other posts were busy flinging happyhorseshit about the coming “blue tsunami.”

Around that time, things seemed to be turning around for Democrats, so liberal media and pundits quit discussing the end of democracy and end of women’s control over their own bodies and all the good things Joe has done, and went back to full-time speculating over when Trump is going to get indicted. 

(The answer, in case you have forgotten, always has been, and always will be, never.)

And now, with less than 30 days remaining, the pendulum is swinging back to Republicans.

CBS Battleground Tracker and The New York Times are still saying Republicans will retake the House. 

All current models show the Republicans taking over the House, even with everything that has happened.




When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag

In 1917 “The Muncie Sunday Star” of Indiana printed an announcement for a speech that prominent labor activist Eugene V. Debs was planning to deliver. The announcement presented a quotation from Debs which partially matched the saying under examination:

Every robber or oppressor in history has wrapped himself in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both. I am not a patriot as defined in the lexicon of the house of Morgan. I’d not murder my fellow men of my own accord, and why should I do it at the behest of the master class?

During a speech delivered in 1918 Debs made a similar statement:

No wonder Jackson said that “Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.” He had the Wall Street gentry in mind or their prototypes, at least; for in every age it has been the tyrant, who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both. (Shouts of “Good, good” from the crowd) (applause).



More to come in the next news post.

 – Sharon 


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘What The Sunday Broadcast Network News Shows Said – October 2022’ (23 Oct 2022)

‘What The Sunday Broadcast Network News Shows Said – October 2022’ (23 Oct 2022)
(31 Oct 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


Dear Reader:

Plenty to read as Election 2022 enters its final week of campaign speeches and advertising. 

– Sharon


23 Oct 2022


‘Republi-cons are thinking ‘Party over country‘, ‘win at every take’. The danger is Drumpf. Saudis are helping Putin and Russia. American allies are neutral on Ukraine. ‘

‘Cheney voted for Drumpf more than 93% of the time. Drumpf is running for the nomination for 2024. Republi-cons will take control of Congress in 2022. ‘

‘Mid-term Election momentum has shifted towards Republi-cons. ‘

‘The number one issue for Democrats is the Republi-cons’ threat to American Democracy.  Republi-cons say it’s the price of gasoline.  It’s chaos. ‘

‘Moral failures of Herschel Walker. Republi-cons will vote for Walker. It’s very clear. Why shouldn’t Walker get a pass from Republi-cons! Republi-cons don’t care about morality anymore. Democratic voters want authenticity, Republi-cons want control of the Court. ‘

– Chuck Todd (NBC ‘Meet the Press’, 23 Oct 2022)

‘That Drumpf will go away is wrong. It’s Republi-con power and authority. Insurrection. It’s what you can make it. McCarthy chooses to serve his own purpose. He is the leader of the Pro-Putin Republi-cons. Republi-cons oppose aid for Ukraine’s fight for freedom. Iran are using drones in Ukraine to support Putin. Our allies can’t trust us. Biden needs to do more for Ukraine, not be Isolationist. ‘

‘I voted for Drumpf more than 93% of the time. Drumpf is strong on national security. ‘

‘Drumpf says he does not have an obligation to believe in the Court, doesn’t have to abide by the Court. Drumpf admitted that he lied about the Election results. He sent out Insurrectionists. Drumpf participated in criminal conduct. Drumpf continues to glorify the people who attacked the Capitol. Republicans are not doing the right thing. Drumpf poses a great, violent threat to America. Drumpf will shatter the Republi-con Party when he is nominated in 2024. We are in a dangerous moment. Republi-con candidates are anti-Democracy, they are not interested in getting to the bottom of Drumpf’s Insurrection. ‘

– Liz Cheney, R-Drumpf (NBC ‘Meet the Press’, 23 Oct 2022)


‘Republi-cons will win 250 seats in the House of Representatives. Independent women favour Republi-cons. Voters are thinking about Republi-con issues, not Democrat issues. ‘

‘Republi-cons have an advantage over Democrats in this Election. ‘

– Shannon Bream, R-Drumpf (Fox ‘News Sunday’ (23 Oct 2022)

‘I support the oil and gas industry. I control it. ‘

– Rep. Cuellar, D-Drumpf (Fox ‘News Sunday’ (23 Oct 2022)

‘Gas prices going up and inflation are because of Saudi Arabia. ‘

– Drumpf (Fox ‘News Sunday’ (23 Oct 2022)


‘Election Deniers take over the GOP. Every state-wide Republi-con candidate denies the results of the 2020 Election and will again in 2022. ‘

‘Momentum shifted to Republicans. Republi-cons have a distinct advantage in the House of Representatives. Issues favour Republi-cons – inflation, the price of gas. For Democrats it’s about abortion. ‘

‘Drumpf has taken over the Republi-con Party. MAGA stars wow the Drumpf audience. Repeating Drumpf’s lies is a definition of the Republi-con Party. Republi-cons who don’t join Election Deniers get death threats. There is a whole culture of lies in the Republi-con Party. Repeating the Drumpf lies get Drumpf’s support. Election lies lead to Republi-con stardom. Lake will be Arizona’s nightmare. ‘

‘Republi-cons are exiled if they don’t support Drumpf’s lies. Candidates must deny the Election. They are afraid of Drumpf. ‘

‘This Election is a referendum on Drumpf’s takeover of the Republi-con Party. He is campaigning for his candidates. ‘

‘Republi-cons want to cut Social Security and MediCare. Republi-con voters say that is good. ‘

‘Democrats are in trouble in New York, of all places. ‘

‘Lake and the false claims. She says the 2020 Election was stolen. ‘

‘There is no evidence of voter fraud against Drumpf in the 2020 Election. Arizona’s Lake says she will not accept the results of this election if she loses. She would throw out ballots. Maricopa County officials verify that the 2020 Election was fair. ‘

‘Republi-cons believe the last election was stolen. ‘

‘You don’t think years on television qualifies Lake for Governor. The siren song of populism. ‘

‘There a lot of Republi-con apologists for Putin. McCarthy says that. Republi-cons support Putin. ‘

– Jon Karl, Drumpf (ABC ‘This Week’ (23 Oct 2022)


‘Chaos and discord is from the Putin Russian playbook. It’s mainstream Republi-cons where they get their news – a lot of information, but not much fact. ‘

– Margaret Brennan (CBS ‘Face the Nation’ (23 Oct 2022)


Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting today. 

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



Additional Resources.


You can read an abbreviated version of this post at my social media page. 





Want the inside track on how to vote in the November election?


✅ Candidates

✅ Judges

✅ Propositions

Evaluate candidates, judges, and propositions with endorsements from groups on the left. Easily create your personal guide to help you fill out your mail-in ballot or take with you into the voting booth. Share with friends, family, and on social media.

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© 2022 BlueVoterGuide. All Rights Reserved



George Weltman

‘real curious what your take is on the fact that 100% of republicans want to keep dark money in politics, and 100% of democrats want it out. ‘


Republicans block bill requiring dark money groups to reveal donors


09/22/22 12:30 PM ET

Senate Republicans voted Thursday to block the consideration of a bill to promptly require organizations that spend money on elections to promptly disclose the identities of donors who give $10,000 or more during an election cycle.   

The body failed to invoke cloture on the measure, in a 49-49 vote. Every Republican present voted against the measure, while every Democrat voted for it.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) brought the bill to the floor to highlight the reliance of Senate Republican candidates on huge cash inflows from GOP dark-money groups, such as the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC linked to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), has been a top Democratic priority since the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United in 2010 that enabled corporations and other outside special interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on federal elections.   




Brave New Films 

5 Oct 2022

Our right to vote is under attack. Fight back before it’s too late. Join us and take our “I will fight voter suppression” pledge.




‘Winning is a virtue, and I’m not going to be baited, nor should you.  I’m concerned about one thing and one thing only.  I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles — I want control of the Senate.  Walker used his money to pay some skank for an abortion.  I don’t even care.  The people of Georgia don’t need a good decent, hardworking Senator.  I need supreme control. ‘

 – Dana Loesch, R-Drumpf / NRA (her ‘The Dana Show’ podcast, 4 Oct 2022)




‘Vigilante ‘ (trailer)




When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag

In 1917 “The Muncie Sunday Star” of Indiana printed an announcement for a speech that prominent labor activist Eugene V. Debs was planning to deliver. The announcement presented a quotation from Debs which partially matched the saying under examination:

Every robber or oppressor in history has wrapped himself in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both. I am not a patriot as defined in the lexicon of the house of Morgan. I’d not murder my fellow men of my own accord, and why should I do it at the behest of the master class?

During a speech delivered in 1918 Debs made a similar statement:

No wonder Jackson said that “Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.” He had the Wall Street gentry in mind or their prototypes, at least; for in every age it has been the tyrant, who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both. (Shouts of “Good, good” from the crowd) (applause).


More to come in the next news post.

 – Sharon 


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘What The Sunday Broadcast Network News Shows Said – October 2022’ (9 Oct 2022)

‘What The Sunday Broadcast Network News Shows Said – October 2022’ (9 Oct 2022)
(31 Oct 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


Dear Reader:

Plenty to read as Election 2022 enters its final week of campaign speeches and advertising. 

– Sharon


9 Oct 2022


‘Recession is our new normal. The next three years, five years, longer. Long term, cheap stocks are attractive, very attractive. Stocks are sitting on a wealth of cash from their buy-backs and acquisitions, earning high dividends. We feel good about our stocks. Amazon is growing well, it will continue to grow, even through Recession. Facebook is buying back stock. ‘

‘Markets were rich from 2007 to 2018, then went lower. Be positioned to take advantage. Wall Street has been good to us. ‘

‘Invest in bank loans. This is a great year for bank loans and debt. It’s inflation protection. We own bank portfolios. ‘

‘We are adding Treasuries because their current high rates are more attractive. The Fed will lower inflation next year, ’24, ’25. Treasuries will give you a nice yield as future interest rates come down during the next few years. ‘

‘COVID hurt business and the Supply Chain. We feel good in the next three to five years. Stocks will go up without any heroic action. ‘

‘Long term is great – 2030. ‘

– David Giroux, R-Drumpf (PBS ‘Wealthtrack’, 8 Oct 2022)


‘October Surprise. Walker denies paying for his girlfriend’s abortion. This election could determine control of the Senate. Walker’s explanations evolved. Republi-cons stand by Walker. ‘

‘Walker undercuts the Republi-con anti-abortion principle. Republi-cons support Graham’s 15 week national ban on abortion. ‘

‘Republicans support ‘life-at-conception’ that would prohibit all abortion. ‘

‘Abortion is on the ballot, that would enshrine the Right to an abortion. ‘

‘Biden warns that Putin wants a nuclear Armageddon. ‘

‘There are still Classified documents at Drumpf’s Mar a Lago. ‘

‘Republi-con candidates are Election deniers. ‘

‘Drumpf divides along Racial lines, people of color. ‘

‘Drumpf says he will run again in 2024. ‘

‘Walker and Oz are celebrity candidates. You’ll see more Republi-con celebrity candidates because of Drumpf. ‘

‘Abortion is a very large issue over Republicans. ‘

‘Republicans are dodging the abortion issue. ‘

– NBC News ‘Meet the Press’ (9 Oct 2022)

‘Putin is unstable. A bully. We gotta stand by Biden against Putin. ‘

‘We have a crime problem in our country. Criminals on the street. ‘

‘OPEC is cutting back oil production. It is worse for Democrats. ‘

-Rep Don Buck, R-Drumpf (NBC News ‘Meet the Press’, 9 Oct 2022)

‘My taking Classified documents is no crime. ‘

– Drumpf (NBC News ‘Meet the Press’, 9 Oct 2022)

‘Walker has been making ground after his abortion issue came out. ‘

– Brendan Barns, R-Drumpf (NBC News ‘Meet the Press’, 9 Oct 2022)


‘Voters give credibility to Republi-cons about crime. ‘

‘The economy is slipping into Recession ahead of the Election. ‘

‘Walker has been a hypocrite on the abortion issue. ‘

– Fox ‘News Sunday’ (9 Oct 2022)

‘Don’t let OPEC mess with you before the Election. It’s OPEC policy to destroy America, to not be able to afford their gasoline. ‘

– Charlie Hurt, R-Drumpf (Fox ‘News Sunday’, 9 Oct 2022)


‘Putin’s nuclear sabre-rattling is unstable. Putin is not bluffing about a nuclear attack. Putin’s very future is at stake. Kim Jun Un makes his show of force with a missile nuclear test. We are facing a nuclear Armageddon. Putin could do it. ‘

‘Truck-bomb attack on the bridge to Crimea is a major set-back for Putin. It deals him a humiliating blow. Ukraine soldiers are making grim discoveries of children in mass graves murdered by Russian soldiers. ‘

‘Kim is firing missiles along Japan. He keeps firing ballistic missiles. ‘

‘October Surprise – Walker’s abortion fallout. ‘

‘Walker says he is staunchly anti-abortion. He paid for abortion. The allegations are shaping his race and the national Senate race. ‘

‘Quality of Republi-con candidates matter. ‘

‘Abortion drives the Election. Lots of people on the Right say they are worse. ‘

‘What are Republi-cons offering as their fix on inflation? They want to ban books. They are rooting for inflation. ‘

‘Saudis are thumbing their noses at Biden. Biden is trying to lessen oil dependency, Republicans are rooting for it. Biden puts Human Rights as his foreign policy. ‘

‘Marijuana laws don’t make sense for Americans. Laws are unpopular. ‘

‘Republicans are going dark in their campaign. Tubervile made a dark speech against Democrats. ‘

‘Republicans want ‘tough-on-crime’ against Black people. ‘

– (ABC News ‘This Week’, 9 Oct 2022)


‘Republicans aren’t interested in voting for Finchem, but are not ready to cross over to vote for the Democrat. ‘

‘Ducey is sticking it to Public Schools. He’s irresponsible. He’s in charge of Public Schools. ‘

‘Drumpf holds a rally for the Arizona Drumpf ticket. Why is Greene relevant to Arizona elections. ‘

It’s hard to counter all of Finchem’s lies. ‘

– KTAR ‘Sunday Square-off’ (9 Oct 2022)


‘Illegal immigration satisfies the lust of Big Business for cheap labor. ‘

– CBS News ‘Face the Nation’ (9 Oct 2022)

‘We’re not for giving choices for an abortion. Democrats want to abort a living child. ‘

‘Arrest anyone who makes threats of violence. ‘

– Kari Lake, R-Drumpf (CBS News ‘Face the Nation’, 9 Oct 2022)


Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting today. 

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



Additional Resources.


You can read an abbreviated version of this post at my social media page. 





Want the inside track on how to vote in the November election?


✅ Candidates

✅ Judges

✅ Propositions

Evaluate candidates, judges, and propositions with endorsements from groups on the left. Easily create your personal guide to help you fill out your mail-in ballot or take with you into the voting booth. Share with friends, family, and on social media.

Not sure if you’re registered to vote? Check/register in 2 minutes with

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© 2022 BlueVoterGuide. All Rights Reserved



George Weltman

‘real curious what your take is on the fact that 100% of republicans want to keep dark money in politics, and 100% of democrats want it out. ‘


Republicans block bill requiring dark money groups to reveal donors


09/22/22 12:30 PM ET

Senate Republicans voted Thursday to block the consideration of a bill to promptly require organizations that spend money on elections to promptly disclose the identities of donors who give $10,000 or more during an election cycle.   

The body failed to invoke cloture on the measure, in a 49-49 vote. Every Republican present voted against the measure, while every Democrat voted for it.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) brought the bill to the floor to highlight the reliance of Senate Republican candidates on huge cash inflows from GOP dark-money groups, such as the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC linked to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), has been a top Democratic priority since the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United in 2010 that enabled corporations and other outside special interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on federal elections.   




Palast’s New Film Exposing Hidden GOP Vote Suppression Trickery

Greg Palast

August 11, 2022

If you thought we were missing in action the last year — we were simply QUIET IN ACTION as we hunted down the secret Texas coordinators of the 88 vigilantes who have challenged over a quarter million voters. And we have uncovered the uber-Right billionaires funding the operation.

Our 2016 film The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, successfully investigated, busted and terminated the vicious racial voter purge program “Crosscheck.”

Now, we’re doing it again. In Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman, we are about to break our most important investigative story ever, exposing the new, and well hidden, “Vigilante” voter law that has allowed one GOP politico to personally challenge 4,000 voters, another to challenge 32,000 and hundreds of thousands altogether.

Greg Palast, Reporting



‘Vigilante ‘ (trailer)





David Rothkopf


There is no question that Putin is vile, a war criminal, a kleptocrat and a threat to the planet. That said, in recent days, we have been reminded again and again that a broad array of powerful figures in the world support him, his agenda, defend him, amplify his views.

7:09 AM · Oct 9, 2022

The rising right in Europe does, from Orban to members of the new ruling coalition in Italy. OPEC does and is willing to do so at the expense of a relationship it once valued, with the United States. Leaders like Brazil’s Bolsonaro do and have substantial support for doing so.

Elon Musk does. Tucker Carlson and many of the other Fox News talking heads do. Clearly, despite being rightly and severely criticized for it for the better part of the last decade, Donald Trump still does and many in the MAGA GOP leadership and many of their supporters do too.




Cree Hardegree 

9 Oct 2022

Two months ago I was steady ringing the political apocalypse bell, much to the dismay of many readers who were leaving my posts with a deep feeling of darkness because so many other posts were busy flinging happyhorseshit about the coming “blue tsunami.”

Around that time, things seemed to be turning around for Democrats, so liberal media and pundits quit discussing the end of democracy and end of women’s control over their own bodies and all the good things Joe has done, and went back to full-time speculating over when Trump is going to get indicted. 

(The answer, in case you have forgotten, always has been, and always will be, never.)

And now, with less than 30 days remaining, the pendulum is swinging back to Republicans.

CBS Battleground Tracker and The New York Times are still saying Republicans will retake the House. 

This was AFTER the Dobbs decision.

This was AFTER mass shootings that resulted from no ban on assault weapons. 

This was AFTER the riveting testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson.

This was AFTER the most well-presented House Select Committee hearing in the history of our country. 

This was AFTER 900 of Trump’s thugs were arrested for treasonous insurrection at the behest of a sitting president. 

This was AFTER the country learned that Trump had turned the mob on the Capitol KNOWING they were armed. 

IN THE FACE OF ALL OF THIS, do you know the biggest complaint from the Democrats who are going to sit home?

“I just don’t feel like the Democrats have done enough for me. We gave them control of the House and Senate and they just won’t use it.”

This is the reality of what we are up against. 

But all current models show the Republicans taking over the House, even with everything that has happened.




When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag

In 1917 “The Muncie Sunday Star” of Indiana printed an announcement for a speech that prominent labor activist Eugene V. Debs was planning to deliver. The announcement presented a quotation from Debs which partially matched the saying under examination:

Every robber or oppressor in history has wrapped himself in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both. I am not a patriot as defined in the lexicon of the house of Morgan. I’d not murder my fellow men of my own accord, and why should I do it at the behest of the master class?

During a speech delivered in 1918 Debs made a similar statement:

No wonder Jackson said that “Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.” He had the Wall Street gentry in mind or their prototypes, at least; for in every age it has been the tyrant, who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both. (Shouts of “Good, good” from the crowd) (applause).




National Times 

11 Oct 2022

Experts paint grim portrait of a second Trump presidency: ‘Authoritarian autocrat on steroids’

(Tom Gettys and Raw Story)

Donald Trump winning re-election could spell the end of American democracy and accelerate the breakup of the United States, according to a panel of experts.

The Washington Post spoke to nearly two dozen experts in political science, the military, foreign affairs and economics, and they agreed a second Trump presidency posed a grave threat to the U.S. and its allies, and they speculated on what the twice-impeached former president do with another term in the White House.

“I think it would be the end of the republic,” said Princeton University professor Sean Wilentz. “It would be a kind of overthrow from within. … It would be a coup of the way we’ve always understood America.”

The experts warned that Trump would install loyalists at all levels of government and use them as a weapon against political enemies.




National Times 

11 Oct 2022

OPEC won’t back West on Ukraine, hostile to Biden. By Bruce Wolpe

There will be myriad effects from the decision last week by the OPEC+ oil producers – led by Saudi Arabia and Russia – to cut production and increase the price of oil.

None of them are good. The energy supply and price squeeze in a Europe already bracing for brutal days and nights as winter approaches will be tightened. Inflation gets a boost – and the central banks will keep raising interest rates. Russia will reap revenues to ease the vice of Western sanctions imposed to punish Putin and his regime for the war in Ukraine. Saudi Arabia and the other OPEC partners will enjoy more money from petrol tanks flowing into their banks.

MBS wants the petrodollars and to inflict injury on Biden for his animus towards Saudi Arabia.

To take Biden down by weakening his political standing as president in the United States.

The easiest way to do that is to do all in their power to ensure Biden and the Democrats suffer a defeat in the midterms in November by losing control of Congress – thereby neutering Biden’s presidency.

These efforts helped Trump win the presidency. In a report issued in 2020, the Senate Intelligence Committee found that “specific intelligence as well as open source assessments support…that President Putin approved and directed aspects of this influence campaign,” and that that Moscow sought “to denigrate then-candidate Clinton.”

Trump lost in 2020, but the US remains profoundly divided, and is a weaker example to the world of the virtues of its democracy.

In 2022, there is no need to go covert to wreak political chaos against Biden. It is much more effective to spike the price of gasoline in broad daylight every day.


More to come in the next news post.

 – Sharon 


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘What The Sunday Broadcast Network News Shows Said – October 2022’ (2 Oct 2022)

‘What The Sunday Broadcast Network News Shows Said – October 2022’ (2 Oct 2022)
(31 Oct 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


Dear Reader:

Plenty to read as Election 2022 enters its final week of campaign speeches and advertising. 

– Sharon


2 Oct 2022


‘Drumpf’s records are still missing, according to the National Archivist. These missing records were taken by other Drumpf officials, kept on personal electronic devices. ‘

‘Putin annexed regions of Ukraine and threatens to use nuclear weapons.  Biden warns Putin to don’t. ‘

– ABC News (2 Oct 2022)

‘There is a major escalation in Putin’s land grab annexation of Ukraine. ‘

‘DeSantis waited too long to issue his evacuation orders as Hurricane Ian approached. The death toll is rising – now more than 70. The storm surrounds communities with water. Homes are damaged, they will take years to recover. ‘

‘A catastrophe! Florida is devastated. Significant damage. Homes under water. DeSantis coordination is with Biden to meet Florida needs. ‘

‘The deadliest hurricane for Florida. Local officials delayed their evacuation order. A catastrophe. Federal officials were out looking for people from the start. ‘

‘Puerto Rico power is restored to 90%. ‘

‘Ukraine counter offensive and Putin’s illegally annexed land. Putin is in conflict against the West. Russians no longer ignore his war. Putin’s annexation is his act of desperation, he’s losing. Ukraine’s counter-offensive was disaster for Putin, triggering an exodus of thousands of Russians. Russian soldiers have no training. Putin is not bluffing – he will use nuclear weapons. Putin is desperate and will follow through on his nuclear threat. ‘

‘Ginni Thomas has influence on her husband. She continues the Big Lie. We have texts with her and others – conflicts of interest. The Court is now under a political influence, it lost its credibility, thanks to Ginni Thomas. ‘

‘Election momentum shifts to the Republi-cons. ‘

‘Drumpf says McConnell has a Death Wish. ‘

‘Drumpf is desperate. Drumpf faces legal jeopardy, he thinks running for office brings him cover. ‘

– ABC News ‘This Week’ (2 Oct 2022)

‘There is no way to restore life on Sanibel. Those residents will need to leave. The federal responce is great. We need them. ‘

‘I won’t support anything that is not emergency relief. We want money to spend now. We’ll ask for Florida. It’s OUR state. I won’t vote for relief for other states. Other states will have to ask for their own federal relief. ‘

‘Putin will attack NATO – airports, train stations. ‘

– Marco Rubio, R-Drumpf (ABC News ‘This Week’, 2 Oct 2022)

‘Putin is desperate on the battlefield. Ukraine is better equipped and trained than Russia. Putin made veiled nuclear threats after he annexed Ukraine territory. Putin losses have been staggering. Larger Russian units will be collapsing. We take Putin’s threats of nuclear attack seriously. Putin’s nuclear attack would bring in NATO because of its horrific nuclear fallout. Putin casts his invasion as a war against the West. Europe won’t crack. Putin will lose his annexation. ‘

– General David Petreus, R-Drumpf (ABC News ‘This Week’, 2 Oct 2022)

‘CPAC is repeating Russian propaganda. ‘

‘The Supreme Court is political. The Republi-cons have mishandled it. ‘

‘Drumpf has done everything he can to become the center of attention. He will be the only reason if Republi-cons don’t take back Congress. ‘

– Yamesh Punnuru, R-Drumpf (ABC News ‘This Week’, 2 Oct 2022)


‘Drumpf mishandled intelligence documents. Agents have been compromised, agents have died. ‘

‘Drumpf is existing in his own world. He backed himself into his own corner about ‘witch hunt’. ‘

‘Republi-con candidates adopted Drumpf’s Lie. Republi-cons emulate Drumpf. Drumpf has so many rich friends, nobody knows who they are. Drumpf saw being President as his way to be famous. ‘

‘Putin sealed the deal on his illegal annexation vote of Ukraine territory. But his fight is not going as planned. Putin is now on defence, his military are targeting and attacking civilians with missile strikes. ‘

– CBS ‘Sunday Morning’ (2 Oct 2022)

‘Humiliation for Putin in his invasion of Ukraine. ‘

‘County officials dithered about hurricane warnings. Evacuees feel disruption at every turn. ‘

‘Residents of Sanibel island will not be able to move home this year. Insurance will provide financial support first. Federal recovery provides $40.000 for people who don’t have insurance. There is concern that these coastal communities should not even be rebuilt – the risk is too great.

‘There are now incredibly different weather patterns. There need to be tough conversations about building new. ‘

– CBS News ‘Face the Nation’ (2 Oct 2022)


‘Biden has to be careful that he’s playing politics about Hurricane Ian in Florida. ‘

‘Ukraine annexation was a sham vote. Putin declared those regions Russia. House Republi-cons voted against aid to Ukraine. ‘

‘Putin is rattling his nuclear Sabre to get into the psyche of America voters. ‘

‘Women are taking to the streets in Iran. The US chooses to support the women in their time of need. Women are leading world change. ‘

‘Republi-con candidates still question the validity of the 2020 Election. ‘

‘Dr. Oz is a carpetbagger. His Pennsylvania race is getting tighter in his favour. ‘

‘Questions about Herschel Walker, he’s not a good candidate. ‘

‘Political landscape should not even keep Democrats in the game. But Republi-cons have Mastriani and Walker. You want Republi-cons to have momentum shift for them this time of the campaign. ‘

‘There would be a Red Wave in the House. ‘

‘Florida Republi-cons look to take four more seats in the House. ‘

‘We’re asking Biden to do an impossible job at the southern border. Biden moves forward with his plan. We have border security. ‘

‘Republi-cond have control of Congress and haven’t done anything about border security. Republi-cons take over after the Election and they are going to have to show something for it. ‘

‘Hot button Supreme Court rulings are an extension of the political process. ‘

– Fox News Sunday (2 Oct 2022)


Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting today. 

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



Additional Resources.


You can read an abbreviated version of this post at my social media page. 





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George Weltman

‘real curious what your take is on the fact that 100% of republicans want to keep dark money in politics, and 100% of democrats want it out. ‘


Republicans block bill requiring dark money groups to reveal donors


09/22/22 12:30 PM ET

Senate Republicans voted Thursday to block the consideration of a bill to promptly require organizations that spend money on elections to promptly disclose the identities of donors who give $10,000 or more during an election cycle.   

The body failed to invoke cloture on the measure, in a 49-49 vote. Every Republican present voted against the measure, while every Democrat voted for it.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) brought the bill to the floor to highlight the reliance of Senate Republican candidates on huge cash inflows from GOP dark-money groups, such as the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC linked to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), has been a top Democratic priority since the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United in 2010 that enabled corporations and other outside special interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on federal elections.   




Heather Cox Richardson 

2 Oct 2022

There’s a moment in Representative Adam Schiff’s 2021 book Midnight in Washington that jumps out. The book centers around the first impeachment of former president Trump for withholding congressionally approved funds for Ukraine to fight off Russian incursions. In managing the impeachment trial before the Senate, Schiff (D-CA) and his team had prepared thoroughly and carefully to demonstrate that Trump had, in fact, withheld the money in order to force Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to help Trump rig the 2020 election. 

Trump’s team wanted Zelensky to announce that he was launching an investigation into Hunter Biden, whose father, Joe Biden, was the opponent Trump most feared for the 2020 presidential election. The media would jump at such an announcement and chew it over until by the time the election came around, voters would associate Biden with criminality, just as they had condemned Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, over her use of a private email server. 

As Schiff prepared to summarize the powerful testimony that supported the case for impeachment, a member of his staff stopped him. Schiff recalled the staffer telling him: “They think we’ve proven him guilty. They need to know why he should be removed.” 

Schiff interpreted that question to mean that senators wanted to know why THEY should remove him. After all, he was giving them the judges they wanted and permitting them to run the country as they wished. 

Schiff’s masterful summary of the case both at the trial and in his book answered that question, explaining that senators should have taken on themselves the responsibility for removing Trump from office because he threatened the country’s national security and, if not checked, would continue to abuse his power. 




Robert Reich 

4 Oct 2022

The latest Republican plot to sabotage our elections could remove American voters from the process of selecting their president. You read that right. 

A case headed to the Supreme Court could let Republican controlled state legislatures overrule the will of the people and pick the next president without you.

This all hinges on a radical idea called the “independent state legislature theory.” It’s at the heart of a case the Supreme Court will decide called Moore v. Harper. 

The decision in this case could give state legislatures the power to disregard the popular vote and substitute their own slate of electors pledged to whomever they wish. 

It’s a recipe for despotism.

Because, as this Supreme Court case shows, the future of our democracy is not guaranteed.




Brave New Films 

5 Oct 2022

Our right to vote is under attack. Fight back before it’s too late. Join us and take our “I will fight voter suppression” pledge.




Good Liars

4 Oct 2022

Freedom fest in Kentucky. 



Health officials decry Oklahoma GOP’s ‘unbelievably mean-spirited’ campaign against transgender youth

Alex Henderson

October 05, 2022

In Oklahoma, the OU Health hospital is counting on federal pandemic relief funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. But Republicans in that state have given OU an ultimatum: if they want to receive $108 million in Rescue Plan funds, Oklahoma Children’s Hospital — which is part of the OU system — will have to stop providing gender-affirming care for transgender youth.

Washington Post reporter Kimberly Kindy, in an article published on October 4, explains, “The move, which Oklahoma Gov. Kevin J. Stitt (R) signed into law on Tuesday, marks the first time conservative state lawmakers have successfully tied gender-affirming care to the receipt of funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the $1.9 trillion effort to restart the economy and harden medical care during the coronavirus pandemic. Oklahoma Republicans, who were pushed into action through a campaign led by a pair of conservative podcasters, hailed the move as necessary to restrict the type of medical care for young transgender patients that has riled the party’s base this year.”

Officials for OU Health, according to Kindy, have not said “which services will halt as a result of the legislation.” Kindy reports that “parents of transgender children who are receiving care at Oklahoma Children’s Hospital say they may have to travel to Kansas or Colorado.”




Beau of the Fifth Column 

5 Oct 2022

‘Let’s talk about Georgia and the Herschel Walker situation. ‘

Herschel Walker and his abortion and family scandal that has no interest amongst his Republi-con and Christian Con-servative electorate. 

Loesch doesn’t care about Walker paying for his girlfriend’s abortion, doesn’t care that Walker paying for abortions violates their Republi-con Party tenet against all abortions. 

Republi-cons want control of the Senate to pass a national ban on abortion because ‘abortion is murder’ and ‘fetuses are people’. The very same Republi-cons do not care if they campaign for their candidate who paid for his girlfriend’s abortion. They don’t care how they impose this disingenuous worldview on the American people who overwhelmingly disagree with it:

‘Winning is a virtue, and I’m not going to be baited, nor should you.  I’m concerned about one thing and one thing only. I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles — I want control of the Senate. Walker used his money to pay some skank for an abortion. I don’t even care. The people of Georgia don’t need a good decent, hardworking Senator.  I need supreme control. ‘

 – Dana Loesch, R-Drumpf / NRA (her ‘The Dana Show’ podcast, 4 Oct 2022)





Palast’s New Film Exposing Hidden GOP Vote Suppression Trickery

Greg Palast

August 11, 2022

If you thought we were missing in action the last year — we were simply QUIET IN ACTION as we hunted down the secret Texas coordinators of the 88 vigilantes who have challenged over a quarter million voters. And we have uncovered the uber-Right billionaires funding the operation.

Our 2016 film The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, successfully investigated, busted and terminated the vicious racial voter purge program “Crosscheck.”

Now, we’re doing it again. In Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman, we are about to break our most important investigative story ever, exposing the new, and well hidden, “Vigilante” voter law that has allowed one GOP politico to personally challenge 4,000 voters, another to challenge 32,000 and hundreds of thousands altogether.

Greg Palast, Reporting



‘Vigilante ‘ (trailer)




When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag

In 1917 “The Muncie Sunday Star” of Indiana printed an announcement for a speech that prominent labor activist Eugene V. Debs was planning to deliver. The announcement presented a quotation from Debs which partially matched the saying under examination:

Every robber or oppressor in history has wrapped himself in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both. I am not a patriot as defined in the lexicon of the house of Morgan. I’d not murder my fellow men of my own accord, and why should I do it at the behest of the master class?

During a speech delivered in 1918 Debs made a similar statement:

No wonder Jackson said that “Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.” He had the Wall Street gentry in mind or their prototypes, at least; for in every age it has been the tyrant, who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both. (Shouts of “Good, good” from the crowd) (applause).


More to come in the next news post.

 – Sharon 


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘Music Saturday – Before We Go Deep Into Election 2022 Politics‘

‘Music Saturday –Before We Go Deep Into Election 2022 Politics‘
(29 Oct 2022)

(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*

Dear Reader:

It’s Saturday evening at the United States of America.

Music Saturday. Taking time from my posts about Transsexual / Inter-sex and politics issues.  Almost.

Time to review what music came my way during the last time when we met on this topic. What music has been rummaging throughout my mind? What music have people been sharing with me?

It’s been a few weeks since my last Music Saturday post here, time for something new before I focus on Election 2020 issues. 



Social media friend Aneese reminded me about a movie I hated at first, but came to enjoy: ‘Victor / Victoria’.

I was concluding my Transition when the Julie Andrews / Robert Preston / James Garner movie was released. I watched the various TV critiques and film snips shows; I was offended by it all. 

About a decade later, the movie was shown on broadcast TV. I recorded it on my VCR as I watched it, in case I wanted to watch it again. 

I remembered how the promos presented this movie as a musical, I don’t like ‘musicals’. I came to not really seeing the film as a musical, more a movie with music; I got to like the music. 

Then there was the tag line: ‘A woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman – they’ll think he’s a phony’. I realised that phrase is a real description about my being Trans before my adult Transition – I was ‘a woman pretending to be a man’ – ‘he’s a phony’ so much of my childhood, teen, young adult life. I really didn’t try all that much my presenting as a man; obviously my being a man was being ‘a phony’. People must have been confused about the mis-match and certainly saw through my behaviour.

I wrote an essay about this movie and more about my reflection; you can read that composition at my Slim and Me web-site:


‘My Own ‘Victor / Victoria’ Days’

23 Jul 2015

My life is much as later described in that famous movie – ‘A woman pretending to be a man … ‘ – as my Transition goes full-steam ahead.

 – Sharon 


Before they knew it it was whizin round the world

The world was ready for a new kind of music 

And now they play it, from Steamboat Springs to La Paz 

Oh baby won’t you play me, le jazz hot maybe

And don’t ever let it end

I tell you friend it’s really something to hear 

I can’t stay still when there’s that rhythm near me

Julie Andrews 

‘Le jazz hot’



For you, Aneese:

 – Sharon 

Robert Preston 

‘Gay Paree’





I first heard the Ram Jam version of the ‘Black Betty’ song on BBC World Service sometime when I lived at New Mexico (1977 – 1978). Probably would have been when they played it on their ‘Top 20’ radio show.

I’ve since learned that the song has a long history, as there frequently is on these songs that originated in segregation and Jim Crow oppression. So much for American ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’.

 – Sharon 



‘The original Black Betty’




‘Black Betty’




‘Black Betty’




Ram Jam

‘Black Betty’





I don’t specifically remember when I first heard this song. It did draw my attention by 2015 following my experience with deep Depression that began sometime around 2013. It seems that all my life dreams were destroyed by the accumulation of so many obstacles.

 – Sharon 

Green Day

‘Boulevard of broken dreams’




Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting this post today.

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this composition, that I present throughout this web-site, that add to the essence of these posts.

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



Additional Resources:


Not quite a tune. ‘The Who Hits Back’ advertisement. An ad for the current The Who tour. Plenty of music to recall beginning decades ago.

 – Sharon 



The Who

17 Oct 2022

Wholigans, It’s almost time for The Who Hits Back! Tour with special guests Mike Campbell & Dirty Knobs! Grab your tickets NOW for our show on 10/30 at Ak-Chin Pavilion and we’ll see you there! 🇬🇧



A repeat from my recent composition about KBWA and KDKB.

George Harrison did a song on Wonderwall.  

 – Sharon 

George Harrison 

‘Cowboy Music’




The Who did a similar ditty in their story about Rael.

 – Sharon 

The Who 












These from Bestie Alana. 

 – Sharon 




(Hall of Fame induction – 2013)



Beatles Mania:  Couple amasses one of the world’s largest memorabilia collections. 



Chuck Berry 

‘Too much monkey business’



Pink Floyd 

‘Pink Floyd’s First Masterpiece’ documentary 

(https://youtu (dot) be/U8LCqosoYsU)



There is an alternate version of this post at my social media page:



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*


‘Incriminating Evidence’

‘Incriminating Evidence’
(20 Oct 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


Dear Reader:

‘Putin installed martial law in Ukraine.  He restricted travel to protect his Russian people.   Russians must support Putin’s war efforts.  Ukrainians say they will liberate their territory. Putin is being driven into a corner, forced to take a tougher stand. ‘

 – NHK News (20 Oct 2022)

‘Ukrainians have their power cut.  Putin’s attack on Ukraine infrastructure intensifies.  Energy use is being restricted.  People are told to avoid using appliances.  About one-third is destroyed from Putin missile attacks and terrorism.  Putin is making panic in the Ukraine population. ‘

‘Putin orders martial law in Russian-occupied Ukraine territory. ‘

‘Putin considers evacuating 60.000 Russian citizens from western occupied Ukraine territory.  Russians will have to take a ferry.  Ukrainians are taking an initiative against Russian occupiers. ‘

‘Grenades fired into the tree line.  Roads where Russians met their own dead end.  Russian positions in a war of close combat.  Small arms fire.  Bridges blown.  Mine fields.  Obstacles.  Ukraine is advancing, but it is getting harder, they need more assistance. ‘

 – BBC News (20 Oct 2022)

‘Putin declares martial law at illegally-declared Russian territory.  ‘

‘Putin is running into serious problems against Ukrainian forces.  Why is Putin running away from his war?  ‘

‘Putin uses Iranian suicide drones.   Ukrainians reply with stunning resilience against Putin’s invasion. ‘

‘Iranian suicide drones terrorise Ukrainian civilian populations. ‘

 – CBS News (20 Oct 2022)

‘Putin tightens his grip on Ukraine.  Use of Iran drones outrages the world community. ‘

‘Russian strikes on utilities are decimating their infrastructure.  ‘

 – CBS News (19 Oct 2022)

‘Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is having dire consequences around the world. ‘

‘Responding to humanitarian needs. ‘

‘Drones killing Ukraine civilians.  Placating Putin for fear of nuclear attack.  Iran built up its nuclear weapons. ‘

‘Drumpf pulled out of that Iran nuclear arms deal. ‘

‘Drumpf makes anti-Semitic remarks. ‘

 – PBS NewsHour (19 Oct 2022)

‘Shortage of food around the world. ‘

‘There are unquestionable horrors upon the Ukrainian people. ‘

‘Iran with nuclear weapons is chanting ‘Death to America!’.  Iran had nuclear weapons since 2003.  Putin murdering citizens, raping women.  Iran fomenting terrorism around the world.  Iran is not good for peace. ‘

‘Iran is a radical Islamic regime opposed to freedom.  Iran is threatening Israel. ‘

 – Benjamin Netanyahu (PBS NewsHour, 19 Oct 2022)



Bombs, bullets, mines, starvation.

This post is directed at each and every one of you:

 – Republi-cons

 – Drumpfians

 – Deplorables

 – Trumpflakes

 – Trumpverstehers

 – Christian Con-servatives 

 – Christian Nationalists 

Of course, you are incapable of reading beyond the attention span of the slogan on your MAGA baseball cap.

As Pat Robertson said then, as Republi-cons say now, none of this matters:

Dana Loesch: “I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate.”
4:38 PM · Oct 4, 2022
·Twitter for iPhone

Drumpf presents authoritarianism as they demand.  What they seek are the overthrow of the Constitution and their absolute control of the American government. 

We are in stages of a World War Three, no matter how you deny.  History will tell us if this is merely the early months, the mid stages, or the latter end.  Putin wages war against the Syrian civilians and Ukrainian civilians, Saudis wage war against Yemen and conspire with Putin against Europe and USA, Iran wages war against Saudi family occupying Yemen and threatens nuclear attack against Europe and USA.  War kills.  War destroys.  War disrupts agriculture and the transportation systems necessary to bring food to populations around the world.  Nations throughout Africa that depend upon Ukraine harvests and the shipping systems to deliver their food are facing severe starvation. 

Putin invaded Ukraine – Crimea in 2014, eastern and southern Ukraine earlier this year.  Putin and his gang are relentlessly committing War Crimes against the Ukrainian people – their daily slaughter of residents throughout the cities, towns, and villages of Ukraine by both their barrage of Iran drone missiles indiscriminately showering down upon Ukrainian homes and businesses and by Russian death squads committing armed massacres against Ukrainian people whom they gather and gun down. 

Saudi Arabia is in the war news.  Of late, Saudi royal family are conspiring with Putin to squeeze Europe and USA in their need for Saudi petroleum for electricity and for heat this Winter and for transportation via air, ship, rail, or road.  Putin and Saudis combined also use Putin’s invasion and occupation to squeeze Biden during our American elections – Putin and Saudis use their economic calamity to besmurch Biden and Democratic Party candidates.  Putin and Saudis goal is high Inflation – pain at the pump, pain at the grocery store, pain paying rent and utilities. 

Iran is in the war news.  Iran is supplying drone missiles for Putin’s reign of terrorism against Ukrainian civilians.  Crooked Drumpf has his hands bloody in this.  Crooked Drumpf withdrew USA from the arms and nuclear weapons treaty with Iran, thus, Iran no longer has the obligation to abide by international accord and to keep out of Putin’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine.  Iran is threatening Israel with nuclear annihilation thanks to Crooked Drumpf destroying the nuclear arms treaty. 

Remember, Crooked Drumpf used his time as President to align with Putin, to dismantle and weaken Europe and its successfully-established order – be it the European Union, NATO, and other various political and social entities.  Crooked Drumpf’s ultimate goal during his Presidency was to destroy Europe sufficient to make its nations easy targets for Putin’s hegemony, Saudi withdrawal of vital resources, and Iranian belligerence. 

‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend. ‘  There you have it.  The ‘enemy’ of Drumpf, Republi-cons, Putin, Saudi, Ayatollah is Europe, USA, The West, Democracy itself. 

There you have another example of Strange Bedfellows.  The Republi-con narrative is that Saudi Arabia must wage their war at Yemen in order to repel Iran’s presence at Yemen,  meanwhile, Iran claims that they must defend against Saudi violence at Yemen.  Yet here we have this gaggle of Strange Bedfellows – an ‘Axis of Evil’ if you want to apply Baby Bush’s term – Putin, Saudi, and Ayatollah all joined at the hip in international warfare against Syrian civilians, Ukraine, Europe, USA, NATO, The West.  All with Crooked Drumpf and Republi-con connivance. 

Putin asserts his plans to invade other European nations – Russia’s neighbours:  Moldova, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland.  Who’s next?


Recall the interesting timing of news and TV, reminds us of a past episode of ‘The Equaliser’ (CBS, Sunday nights) along the plot similar to the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi; add Crooked Drumpf amidst this conspiracy.  Yep, art meets reality.  Amongst the plot twists of that ‘Equaliser’ episode was the son of a well-placed Saudi politician who was fleeing from Saudi family thugs out to torture and murder him along the same lines as Jamal Khashoggi, for political purposes, as described throughout that episode.  His father was part of the plot to torture and murder his own son to keep Saudi secrets, as the father did previously to a friend of that son.  McCall managed to save son in the nick of time – literally as he was bound, being pushed off the edge of the stairway, about to make his demise.

Another plot element became revealed by that final confrontation.  The son is Gay.   His father sought to murder both his own son and his son’s partner.   The son refused to give up his partner to save his own life, if he would renounce being Gay.  The son was willing to allow his father to murder him to allow his partner to live.  Altruism – Saudis have no grasp of Altruism anywhere in their culture, society, laws.  The son’s father and mother disown their Homosexual child as the conclusion of the episode develops, a sad recurrence for we of the LGBT Community experience each day.   I know for me, ‘HUGS’ to you whom I read in social media for too many of us.


More evidence of Treason with Crooked Drumpf’s real-life Saudi connections, his sale of American military to the Saudi families, his tangency to the Khashoggi kidnappping, torture, assassination in cahoots with fellow Fascist Erdogan of Turkey.

Crooked Drumpf the ‘Law and Order President’?

Crooked Drumpf enriched his financial position through his corrupt actions with Saudis, Putin, Ayatollahs.  Saudi paid a cool $2 billion to Crooked Drumpf nepotism, not such a bad gig for those who can get it. 

Crooked Drumpf boasts that he had a hand in the assassination of Khashoggi.  That’s your Republi-con President – killing a member of The Press whose critical reporting are in opposition to Crooked Drumpf’s Fascism and that of the Saudi royal family.

Crooked Drumpf takes steps against his political opposition.  He treats political opposition as his enemies, far more sinister than Nixon and his own retaliation against people and organisations on his own infamous ‘Enemies List’.  This is Crooked Drumpf ‘retribution’.

Here is another killing, this on American soil, American against American.

 – Sharon 


Trump Celebrates Apparent Extrajudicial Killing by U.S. Marshals Carrying Out His Orders


OCT 16, 2020

Ahead of Thursday’s dueling town hall events, President Trump rallied some 2,000 supporters in Greenville, North Carolina, where people packed shoulder to shoulder and few wore masks. In a shocking moment, Trump appeared to admit that he ordered U.S. Marshals to carry out the extrajudicial killing of anti-fascist activist Michael Reinoehl in Washington state on September 3.

President Donald Trump: “We sent in the U.S. Marshals. Took 15 minutes. It was over. Fifteen minutes, it was over. We got him. They knew who he was. They didn’t want to arrest him. And 15 minutes, that ended.”

Last month Trump bragged about Reinoehl’s killing in an interview with Fox News, saying, “There has to be retribution.” Reinoehl was believed to have killed a far-right protester.

TOPICS:  Donald Trump, Police Brutality, Anti-Fa



Yet 80-some percent of Evangelicals surrender their absolute devotion to Crooked Drumpf.  They demonstrate their version of Christianity, of Christian Nationalism, a form of American Fascism.  Remember Haley?  Pathetic!  She remains totally loyal to Crooked Drumpf, still knowing all that she knows that pushed her to resign, but politics brought her back to the fold.

Robertson’s Spawn likewise preaches the Gospel of Crooked Drumpf.  Committing crimes is all part of the ideology.  Treason and murder, be damned.

Thank you for your attention today.

Stay tuned for the Additional Resources that support my commentary, that bring me to my conclusions. 

I shall include here in these Additional Resources some of the Comments that were posted in that section of Laura Casey’s statement (to follow).

 – Sharon 





Laura Casey 

18 Oct 2018

Jamal Khashoggi was strapped to a table and dismembered alive by Saudi Arabian henchmen on October 2. His blood curdling screams were broadcast to the outside world on his Apple Watch for the seven minutes it took to kill him. 

The next day, on October 3, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley privately drafted her resignation letter. (Thank you, Paula Cobia). Six days later, on October 9, she submitted it to a stunned public. No plausible explanation was offered for her sudden departure.

It was not until October 11, over a week after the brutal killing, that the world began to even learn what happened to Khashoggi.

It would take almost another full week after that for details of the gruesome ambush to publicly emerge.

What is clear, is that the American government certainly knew of Khashoggi’s killing before we knew, and most certainly in advance of the murder itself. Yet the past two weeks have seen nothing less than an absurd, obsequious public cover up from the president of the United States himself and top cabinet members for this gruesome ambush by the Saudi Arabian government of somebody Trump was certainly familiar with.

Pat Robertson of the Evangelical community has told his flock all the Trump talking points. That this man’s life and extrajudicial torture and assassination should not matter to us, because $100 billion is on the table in weaponry that the Saudis need to kill the Yemeni people with, and, as seems to be the new reality in Gotham, who could possibly know the truth anyway?

The worst part of what is happening is not Donald Trump. It is trying to understand the millions of people enabling this. The people who will send the same people back to let this continue while screaming about tyranny and the swamp and claiming some Orwellian moral high ground.

I never thought a party could take a trillion dollars from the treasury for their wealthiest donors, steal Internet privacy as the new electronic gold, end net neutrality, blame the massive deficit not on their tax heist but on your Social Security and Medicare then promise to slash those if re-elected, sell junk insurance plans to tens of millions and seek to take away insurance from tens of millions of others, imprison children literally grabbed from parents who are then deported with NO MEANS of reunification, put a man on the supreme court sexual assault allegations be damned, and cover up a brutal murder for a dictatorial regime for no proffered reason except to allow that dictatorial regime to continue genocide in Yemen using the weapons we were selling them.

Every day is a new lowest day in America. 

Today is no different.

It is difficult wondering what the bottom might be.


The details of what has been put forth so far in a great article by The Guardian.






‘If you’re not scared about Fascism in the United States, you should be’



‘Murder in the consulate’


George Harris

18 Oct 2018

‘Sobering. ‘




Paula Cobia

dornsetpoS,u11607uc5rb5a1fa1t0ue1644f172 0611o09c t2682h80hO ·

18 Oct 2018

‘December 5, 2016, after which Khashoggi was forced into self-imposed exile from Saudi to the United States. ‘




Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting today. 

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



Additional Resources.

You can read an abbreviated version of this post at my social media page. 


Sharon Nichols

19 Oct 2022

Remembering Jamal Khashoggi


More quotes. 

‘If I lose, I will have lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics.’

 – Crooked Drumpf

‘Biden criticised Drumpf for his handling of the Coronavirus Pandemic.  Drumpf supporters chanted ‘Lock her up!’ in Michigan.  Drumpf criticised Governor Whitmer; Whitmer pushed back that Drumpf inspires domestic terrorism.   Biden warns his supporters that Drumpf can win this election.   A Nevada pastor where Drumpf campaigned said, ‘The lord said to me god is going to give Drumpf a second win.   Drumpf will be President again.’  Biden wants to win the Senate.  Drumpf is again expecting unfair treatment at the coming debate. ‘

‘I spent a lot of time Sunday praying how the Prophecy is going to work.  Between me and the lord and the Bible, I got the timeline what is going to happen for the next few years.  I like to know what’s going to happen.  It’s very very interesting! I got the Word. ‘

‘Coronavirus cases are on the rise, but don’t look for any lockdowns.  US is reporting more than 50.000 new cases a day.  A third surge is under way. ‘

‘Coronavirus took a heavy toll on the economy and Guh’mint spending.  Federal deficit hit an all-time high of $3.1 trillion in Budget Year 2020.  The deficit came as Guh’mint poured more money into stimulus measures to keep the economy afloat.  Too much Guh’mint spending, too much Guh’mint debt could hurt the economy. ‘

‘Hurt the economy, destroy the economy.  You just can’t live borrowing money.  If you go deep and deep and deep into the banks, the banks will own you.  The Dollar is the reserve currency.  But people will stop taking the Dollar.  People will say, ‘Enough!’.  No one can bail us out.  We’re talking about $200 trillion – so many zeros.   We won’t bail ourselves out, it will be default after default after default.  Guh’mint is keeping things afloat. We should be grateful! ‘

‘Women’s marches were held in Washington, Chicago, and other cities protesting Coney and encouraging women to vote. ‘

‘God is calling women.   Put their faith into action. Prayer and action can overturn Roe v Wade. ‘

 – Pat Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 19 Oct 2020)


Even otherwise ‘respectable’ people deliberately spread lies to suit their political agenda.

Pat Robertson, on his CBN ‘700 Club’ routinely push their fraudulent story about Hunter Biden and Ukraine


To whom does Drumpf owe $400 million? Saudis?  Putin?




Drumpf refuses to condemn White supremists, Amerikan NAZIs, kluxers.





Part 1: Jeremy Scahill: Trump Has Embraced White Supremacists & Emboldened Police to Act Outside the Law 

Part 2: Jeremy Scahill: Trump’s Xenophobia Is Horrific, But U.S. Immigration Policy Has Always Been Racist

Part 3: Jeremy Scahill: “Trump Is Not the Root of the Problem, He Is a Product of American Imperial History”

Part 4: Jeremy Scahill on Trump’s “Homicidal” Pandemic Response & What’s at Stake in November Election



Christian Con-servative Evangelicals justify the un-justifiable.




Black or White – cops respond differently to Black men protesting and carrying loaded assault weapons versus White men protesting and carrying loaded assault weapons.




These memes and images:


Afghanistan and Iraq are Bush and Cheney legacies as War Criminals.



Crooked Drumpf ignored four American killed at Niger.

An image and text that says ‘”YOUR REMINDER that when four American soldiers were killed in Niger in 2017, Trump’s response was to say nothing for TWELVE days and then call one of the widows a LIAR.




Greene – ‘Islam is not a peacefull religion.’

An image of text that says ‘”Islam is NOT a peaceful religion.” MT Greene Promoted Executing Demacrats Defends the Capito! Insurrectionists Stalks and harasses Dem legislators and children. Poses with guns like a terrorist I MT wonder has read ১৪. 26.2021 000 001 ro if the Quran,or the HA- sible? HA-HA. Just kidding




Crookef Drumpf hands his Afghanistan grenade to Biden.



Biden’s moral conviction to end war.

An image of text that says ‘LEFT. RIGHT ONE President in 20 years had the moral conviction to remove us from Afghanistan, his predecessor left him a booby-trapped situation with 5,000 Taliba released, and the media is piling on…Biden? Seems very, very wrong. @mmpadellan’



Time to lose The Loser.

From the slate of Republicans wanting to be elected, Americans now understand that in order to be a Republican candidate for office, the candidate must prove he can lie, cheat, use government resources against political rivals, commit fraud, cheat on taxes, support insurrection, and be unfaithful to his spouse.

Until conservatives can take back their party from Trump, they will be left outside the political arena with only a choice between Democrats or demented Trump facists, corrupt and incompetent to the bone.

So in 2022, the MAGAs are going to put up a candidate who will only accept the outcome of the election if the MAGAs win. If Democrats win, MAGAs will claim that the Dems cheated.

How can we have an election under these circumstances?



Raise your hand to society!




Thank Biden for bringing American troops home.



Baby Bush’s Republi-con ‘Fuzzy Math’.

An image of text that says ‘TRUMP SAID THIS AT A RALLY LAST MONTH: “I started the process of pulling out of Afghanistan. All the troops are coming home. Biden couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Biden couldn’t stop the process. Biden wanted to, but couldn’t stop the process.” REMEMBER THIS WHEN FOX




McCain was an advisor to NAZI collaborators

The Republi-con Party went Fascist during the 1920s.



McCain with NAZI Ukrainian.

Here’s bi-partisan Russian collusion with Putin.



McCain with an Amerikan NAZI

Here’s more of your Republi-con and Crooked Drumpf collusion with Russia and with Putin.



Palin was McCain’s gateway idiot who begat Crooked Drumpf against America.

‘What’s wrong with being the ‘Party of ‘NO!’?  We are the ‘Party of NO!’.  We can take it back.  We hate the hierarchy.  I’m Presidential material.  The best Republican, you betcha!’  Sarah Palin, R-Alaska (campaign speech, 27 Aug 10)

‘Sarah Palin is so much like a rock star.  A real woman of the people.’  Interview of an un-named adoring Palin fan at a Palin book-signing (24 Nov 09)



McCain opened his Pandora’s Box

Selecting Palin was McCain’s first act as presidential candidate – representing his lack of judgement.  We saw the wreck coming, Republi-cons persisted.  Republi-cons won with Crooked Drumpf is President.



Drumpf phony sympathy

Republi-con unity.



McCain’s victims of endless war.

Remember, McCain demanded that Obama ‘arm the rebels’ – ISIS.  McCain’s loyalty was with ISIS, not peace.



Drumpf – small-minded, vindctive, little man. Waiiting for his ‘4 o’clock’.

Crooked Drumpf – small man, small mind, deity for Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables.



2003 – McCain organises with ISIS for his up-comng catastrophes at Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc.

He was demanding ‘Arm ISIS!  Whoopsies.  I mean arm the rebels.’.  We do have McCain quoted accurately – demanding that Obama ‘arm the rebels’, meaning ‘arm’ the ISIS terrorists. 



Media fraudulence. Or Media Flatulence.

No fraudulence at this page.



Sharon Nichols
19 Oct 2022

Remembering Jamal Khashogg


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘Transgender Rights II:  Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)’

(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*

‘Transgender Rights II:  Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)’
(18 Oct 2022)


Dear Reader:

Please watch this important referenced video.

I copy-and-paste the accompanying transcript available at the episode, especially for anyone unable to watch this video outside the USA Internet zone.


Please allow this opposite, negative perspective from my childhood experiences.

It’s all well and good to take the position that a parent or guardian who is responsible for the child is open and accepting when their child presents Trans, such as of the Trans children presented in the video.

The real problem arises when any parent, guardian, adult, or sibling responsible in the Trans child’s life ranges from even the least bit reticent to outright hostile at the notion that their child is Trans.  No way does that Trans child ever really feel comfortable to share their experiences with that other person – not as a child, maybe not during adulthood.

The Trans child whose family life imposes antipathy towards their predicament must perform a real balancing act.

That other person causing mental anguish and bodily harm against the Trans child are clearly high amongst the expectations when the Trans child decides to disclose their condition.


How old were you when you knew you were different?

To answer your question how I think you posed it, I have a specific memory of a ‘Romper Room’ TV show with the date of ‘December 1959’, I was age 3.  I perceived my self to at least as young as age 3.

The early couple of years when I came to my conclusion that I am Female were somehow in agreement, uneasy, but nothing extreme.  There were times when my family called me a ‘girl’, called me by a girl’s name, approved when my sister Kathy painted my fingernails, but then there were times when they scolded me for dressing in Kathy’s clothes without her permission, forced me to dress only in boy’s attire, and sent me to Kindergarten and 1st Grade as a boy.

My home environment gradually worsened when my parents began going through their separation and divorce during my 1st Grade.  The Court awarded custody of Kathy and me to our father at the end of the school year; he became violent towards me beginning that Summer with my continued Feminine expression (‘Feminine Protesting’) such as playing with dolls with my sister and other girl friends.

– Sharon




Last Week Tonight

17 Oct 2022

Transgender Rights II:  Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


Oct 16, 2022

John Oliver discusses the latest round of attacks on transgender rights, what’s at stake, and the filthiest of the “Peanuts” characters.

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[Music] our main story tonight

concerns lgbtq rights something that

we’ve actually gotten better at

discussing given that this is how CBS

News covered the existence of gay people

in 1967. the homosexuals with CBS News

correspondent Mike Wallace there is a

growing concern about homosexuals in

society about their increasing

visibility this man is 27 college

educated he was unable to hold a job

because of his inability to contain his

homosexual inclinations

okay that is a big yikes from me from

the wildly homophobic language and the

fact that this man’s identity was

concealed by placing him behind a plant

to the title The homosexuals which

sounds less like the name of a news

reporter more like how your grandpa

refers to the Fab Five

specifically we’re going to talk about

transgender rights now we actually first

talked about this seven years ago and

the good news is that since then more

people do seem comfortable coming out as

trans and gender non-conforming which is

great but as you have undoubtedly

noticed in the past few years some on

the right have truly lost their minds

about trans rights perhaps best

encapsulated by their favorite new joke

my name is J.R Majewski

and my pronouns are Patriot and ass

kicker my pronouns conservative Patriot

I’d like to declare something right now

my pronouns are USA how about it huh I’m

Ted Cruz and my pronoun is kiss my ass

I do not like that Manta Cruz I do not

like his shitty views I do not like him

saying ass I do not like him serving

sass I do not like him in a seat I do

not like him holding meat I do not like

him when he’s smooching I do not like

him with mnuchin I hate his stupid

pronoun that man Ted Cruz is full

of but look it is clearly more than

just bad jokes this year alone over a

hundred anti-trans bills have been

introduced in state houses and 12 states

have signed or enacted them with all of

this happening against a backdrop of

violence and threats including attacks

and harassment aimed at hospitals

providing gender affirming care to Youth

and frustratingly there are many on the

left who seem at best reluctant to

engage on this issue and at worst

outright hostile to it either

complaining about pronoun police or

arguing that this issue will cost

Democrats elections if you go to the

middle of the country people would say

if your conversation during a

presidential election is about some guy

wearing a address and whether he she or

it can go to and and go to the locker

room with their daughter that’s not a

winning formula for most people wow it

Michael Bloomberg can all the way

off with that but also while this

fun-sized billionaire is clearly good at

a lot of things like making money and

end of list maybe don’t take advice on a

winning formula for elections from a man

who spent over a billion dollars of his

own money to lose a presidential bid in

just 14 weeks

but set aside the notion that it is

worth sacrificing protections for a

vulnerable group to chase a winning

formula let’s also remember that it’s

not actually the left talking about

trans rights non-stop it’s Republic

applicants who see an advantage in

demagoguing this issue and to ignore

them doing that is to allow them to have

real calamitous impact on people’s lives

a few years ago voice profiled a girl

named Kai shapley and just watch how

happy she is talking about her hopes for

her future until she remembers something

that changes her mood

yes I might grow up to be the president

the change about the world if you’re a



a chance people be free and go to the

bathroom they want to go to

are you able to use the girls bathroom

at school

now they just put security guards up

oh I hate that that is brutal it is so

dark it’s genuinely hard to watch which

would also coincidentally be a pretty

accurate tagline for House of the Dragon

but the point is given what is at stake

here tonight let’s talk about the latest

round of attacks on trans rights where

it’s coming from and what it’s doing and

before we begin we’re going to be taking

the arguments behind a lot of these

anti-trans bills seriously because of

what they’re doing but not sincerely

because so often they seem to be based

more on political calculation than what

is actually happening a pretty good

example of this is that in recent years

18 states have passed laws aimed at

protecting Youth Sports and South Dakota

Governor Christie gnome even made her

State’s Bill a centerpiece of a campaign

ad in South Dakota only girls play girls

Sports why because of Governor Christie

gnome’s leadership gnome has been

protecting girls sports for years and

never back down now Governor gnome has a

bill that will give South Dakota the

strongest law in the nation protecting

female sports doing the work delivering

results Governor Christie gnome okay if

you time traveled here from the past and

the first thing you saw was this ad you

would think two things one wow the

campaign centers around Youth Sports I

guess literally every other problem in

America has been solved and two she is

not pulling off that cowboy hat and you

would be right but only about the Hat

part people like gnome love stoking fear

over the Specter of trans athletes girls

specifically having an unfair advantage

and taking away scholarship

opportunities but there are vanishingly

few examples Nationwide of trans

athletes attempting to compete at all

and in no State specifically the head of

their High School sports Association

could name exactly one transgender

female athlete who competed and who

graduated several years ago so there are

more athletes in this shot from gnomes

ad than there are trans girls known to

have competed in South Dakota schools

but even if there were more

discriminated against them would still

obviously be wrong and it would still be

weird that state legislators were

getting involved in decisions that are

usually made by organizations governing

the sports in question and it is worth

knowing even at the elite level

conversations around this aren’t being

handled with flat out bands the ioc has

announced that it will set rules on a

sport by sport basis but working on the

general principle that no athlete should

be excluded from competition on the

Assumption of an advantage due to their

gender and it is pretty remarkable that

a trans athlete could theoretically

compete in the Olympics but not in South

Dakota Under 12 soccer a sport that

genuinely only exists to obliterate

parents weekends

and State’s blunt force approach has led

to absurd situations like that of Mack

begs Who as a Texas high schooler wanted

to wrestle boys but was forced by state

rules to wrestle girls when he won a

state championship lawmakers tried to

pass a law that would have made it

impossible for athletes like him to

compete period which is obviously absurd

because as one of the wrestlers that

Mack actually defeated pointed out none

of these people seem to think through

the reality of Mac’s situation do you

really honestly think someone would

change their entire gender just so they

would win state

no that’s not how it works right this

obviously wasn’t an effort to cheat kids

aren’t plotting big deceitful School

sports related cheating schemes just to

get what they want you’re thinking of

Laurie Lachlan that’s who you’re

thinking of here you’re confused

so much of the conversation around

anti-trans laws involves massively

overheated rhetoric that does not match

the reality of kids actual situations

and interestingly a lot of it’s been

fueled by some of the same players

behind the critical race Theory Panic

who as we discussed in February we’re

using it as a wedge issue to promote

school choice in fact one key architect

of the CRT Panic Christopher Ruffo

recently pivoted to attacking trans

rights and he has openly discussed the

strategy behind doing that what I’m

looking at and it’s just kind of an

ongoing series I just started it is to

take that same system of reporting that

same style of reporting as I did with

critical race Theory but now taking a

look at gender ideology what’s happening

right now is parents are feeling that

they’re feeling though oh this is kind

of weird I’m kind of uncomfortable with

this but I’m scared to speak out and so

what we have to do is we have to give

them the kind of media narrative kind of

a a justification or validation or

substantiation of their concerns to say

hey this is the kind anything they’re

teaching in schools and then we have to

give them the language where they can

speak about it with confidence they can

speak about it directly and they could

speak about it with the requisite level

of aggressiveness that it’s going to

take to say hey wait a minute we have to

stop this yeah he’s basically giving

people a script to repeat and say what

you want about Chris rufo like for

instance that he’s a fear-mongering

troll who looks like what would happen

if someone made the recipe for Ryan

Gosling but forgot to add the hotness he

is very deliberate in how he tries to

influence public opinion rufo suggested

branding the discussion of trans issues

under the umbrella of radical gender

Theory and he tweeted out that

conservatives should start using the

phrase trans stripper in lieu of drag

queen it has a more lurid set of

connotations and shifts the debate to

sexualization and sure anything can have

a more lurid and sexual set of

connotations if you just rename it I’ll

show you rain Sky Gees they’re much

worse immersion blender soup vibrator

spaghetti sauce noodle see this works on


but in the conservative Playbook that

tactic is a really big one linking

discussion of gender identity to sexual

predation and teachers grooming students

our related tactic is arguing that the

rise in kids identifying as trans is due

to social contagion that it’s just a

mass delusion a trendy fad that is

rapidly spreading among young people

just listen to Abigail schreier a vocal

proponent of that theory laying all of

this out if you want to see brainwashed

check out these young teenagers who

suddenly decide they’re transgender they

immediately cut off their families they

very often drop out of school they are

very often start tattooing themselves

and using drugs and they are creating a

a world for themselves that is so

healthy so built around sexuality and

the they lose all their Hobbies their

only hobby is being transgender

okay so there is a lot there but let me

just address the claim that trans kids

lose all their Hobbies because I will

point out that when they try to have

some like I don’t know School sports for

example a bunch of adults try to

keep them from doing it sure sometimes

dresses her argument up by using the

term rapid onset gender dysphoria which

is total horseshit it comes from a study

published by a researcher in 2018

hypothesizing that some kids identify as

trans due to peer pressure but it’s

worth you knowing that study was based

on a survey of parents not actual trans

kids and targeted parents from

organizations dedicated to opposing

trans ideology which is instantly

disqualifying it’s like citing a study

claiming that all postal workers are

terrifying hell demons sent to attack

your family but then learning that the

researchers only surveyed a collection

of anxious dogs

that’s some heavy sampling bias that

clearly skewed your results

and to be very clear there is ample

evidence of gender variance throughout

human history and as far back as

historians have found evidence of trans

people they found trans children as for

the rapid rise in kids identifying as

trans as the writer Julia Serrano has

pointed out when you look at a chart of

left-handedness among Americans over the

20th century you see a massive Spike

when we stopped forcing kids to write

with their right hand and then a plateau

that doesn’t mean everyone became

left-handed although there was a rapid

onset South poor dysphoria it means

people were free to be who they

were and to the extent that some young

people are just exploring their gender

identity how exactly is that a bad thing

who the are they hurting watching

the conversation around this it is hard

not to feel like to the extent that

there is any social contagion here it is

among adults who’ve whipped themselves

into such a frenzy that they can find

themselves repeating some humiliating

nonsense perhaps the stupidest of which

is a new talking point about what

accommodating children’s gender identity

has led to I even heard from one person

here recently said that a that a that a

student identified as a cat

and wanted a litter box they think

they’re a cat

a cat

they put tails on and they demand that

they have a litter box in the school

we’ve literally got kids who think

they’re cats and dogs using litter boxes

in classrooms I’m still hearing from

students and parents they believe there

is a litter box in that school

And when everybody will turn the other

cheek to allegations of rumors just a

rumor until it becomes true the fact you

seem to genuinely think that that’s

happening is just heartbreakingly stupid

because when you think about it for

literally two seconds the whole thing

falls apart for one if kids were using

litter boxes in class a state

representative from Minnesota would not

be the one breaking that news to you you

would have heard about it if a

kid shot in a litter box in first period

it would be the only thing anyone in

that state was talking about by lunch

Minnesota would change its state motto

to Minnesota you know the state where

that kid in the litter box

and notably young people are showing up

in public forums where adults are firm

angry about letting trans kids into

Youth Sports and bathrooms and trying to

talk some sense into them I will not let

a board full of people who barely

represent me tell me who I am and what I

can do grow up and fix your behavior I’m

not worried about a trans person

harassing me I’m worried about if I’m

gonna fail Spanish in my next class I

have used these bathrooms repeatedly

alongside trans people and have never

once felt threatened

you know who I have felt threatened by

the actions of this school board you’ve

embarrassed yourselves Gardner and the

state of Kansas for your lack of

knowledge and sex and gender studies

you’ve also highlighted the severely

inadequate sex education week of our

students today yeah the I don’t see

those rooms just got humiliated by

teenagers as we all know the most brutal

form of humiliation that there is and

credit to those teenagers for showing up

and skipping whatever young people are

doing these days like hanging out at the

Vape talk store or whatever I don’t know

I’ll be dead soon

so much

of the fear of and arguments against

transgender people seems to flow from

misinformation and misunderstanding and

maybe the biggest and most dangerous

area of ignorance surrounds the concept

of gender affirming care in recent years

four states have enacted bans or

restrictions on youth access to it and

over a dozen more have considered

similar legislation this year alone and

they have been fueled by a lack of basic

knowledge about what gender affirming

care actually consists of summed up by

comments like this if a child walked

into a doctor’s office and said doc I

want you to cut my fingers off the doc

would say you’ve got some problems kid

we need to refer you to a psychiatrist

if the same child walks into that

doctor’s office and says doc I want you

to cut my uterus out the doctor would

say that doctor would say oh well you’re

a wonderful Brave person you’re so right

we do need to cut your uterus out as

soon as possible let’s get this young

lady over to the operating room what are

you talking about absolutely every bit

of that is unrealistic from the fact

that no one in this country has ever

been able to have one conversation with

a doctor without first discussing

Insurance to the notion of a young child

using the term doc why is the fictional

child in this scenario using

the same vocabulary as a chaotic rabbit

from the 1940s none of this makes any

sense but to hear some tell it as soon

as a child declares themselves trans

there is an immediate irreversible

surgical decision undertaken and there

just isn’t so let’s break down exactly

what gender affirming care consists of

because in younger children it can mean

nothing more than a social transition

like calling them by a new name or

giving them a new haircut or clothing or

or providing them with psychological or

behavioral supports because to be very

clear prepubescent children are not

eligible for medical interventions now

at the onset of puberty an adolescent

and their family might consider puberty

blockers hormones that delay and

importantly if that treatment is

suspended then puberty will resume

meaning that this is reversible think of

it like a pause button the thing you

can’t do easily on the HBO Max app

the next potential medical intervention

is usually hormone therapy which boosts

levels of testosterone or estrogen

opponents of gender affirming care make

a lot of alarmist claims about hormone

therapy from saying that it’s

experimental which it is not to arguing

that it sterilizes people and look for

some in specific situations there can be

risks to fertility but for others the

effect is anticipated to be reversible

if the medication is discontinued but

there is definitely an informed decision

to be made there and you will notice

that none of what I’ve mentioned so far

is surgery but when it does come to that

some teens may be eligible for instance

for Top surgery or chest masculinization

but you should know not only is that

pretty rare it like all of this would

only happen after a team of medical

professionals discussed all of its risks

and benefits with their patients and

their patient’s parent or Guardian all

of whom would have to sign off it is a

long involved process even before you

get to the fact that it is also

incredibly expensive which is why

working-class families family of color

and people with less resources are way

less able to access it basically no kid

is casually dropping into an operating

room because they just decided to get

their uterus removed with the impulsive

recklessness normally associated with

getting bangs because that is an

absolutely ridiculous thing to say and

the Very notion that the state would

suddenly interfere in any of this is

understandably infuriating for both

trans kids and their parents just watch

this Mom in Arkansas where legislators

were Banning among other things hormone

therapy for young people describe what

it did for her son who suffered from

severe depression before transitioning

I’d say like a month to two months in I

started seeing that kid come back come

out of a shell talk to us more laugh

what did that feel like it was like

that’s it this has this has been the

answer all along why would anybody want

to take that away from them there’s no

reason why you should be butting in to

my care for my child what do you want to

say to these legislators




back this is not one of those instances

where it is okay to butt into someone’s

care for their child this isn’t pigpen

and by the way do you need help pink pen

blink your filthy eyes if you need help

pig pen

so the benefits of providing care are

immense and the risks of withholding it

are dire a survey of around 28 000 trans

people found that of those who wanted

hormone therapy and didn’t receive it 58

reported Suicidal Thoughts in a given

year which is why the three major

professional associations of Child and

Adolescent doctors psychologists and

psychiatrists have endorsed gender

affirming care and condemned efforts to

deny it and you may have seen or heard

from a small subset of people who

de-transitioned but it is worth knowing

such cases are rare and highly

individualized studies show an average

of just two percent of people who

transition Express regret and that the

vast majority of those who have opted to

detransition did so not because of

changes in their gender identity but due

to external factors such as stigma and

lack of social support and look I could

keep reading you stats and studies I do

after all love doing that

or I could just let you watch this boy

talk about what it felt like to have

someone actually see him for who he was

Dylan explained how as early as fourth

grade he’d had confusing feelings that

stretched on until his teenage years I

really wanted to cut my hair like really

bad and so when I did that that felt

really good and then I held the door for

somebody and they said thank you sir and

I was like oh yeah that yeah that this

little thing little thing uh sir put

words to how I was feeling and I was

like oh yep that that felt nice yeah

that that’s incredible for some a

haircut is just a routine activity where

you go to your Barber ask for the

business in the front business in the

back and leave but for a trans kid it

can be a life-changing experience that

boy is currently suing his State’s AG in

a trial that starts tomorrow and he is

not the only trans kid who’s found

himself forced to become an activist

remember Kai from earlier she’s now 11

years old she went to the Texas state

legislature last year to speak out

against bills that would ban doctors and

parents from providing gender affirming

care to young people and she

crushed it there hello my name is Kai


um I love ballet Math Science and

geology I spend my free time with my

cats chickens FaceTiming my friends and

dreaming of when I will finally meet

Dolly Parton

I do not like spending my free time

asking adults to make good choices it

just it makes me sad that some

politicians use trans kids like me to

get votes from people who hate me just

because I exist

God made me God loves me for who I am

and God does not make mistakes she’s

awesome right I wholeheartedly agreed

with almost almost everything she says

there though in the interest of fairness

God does make mistakes if he didn’t how

would you explain goblin sharks I mean

just look at this guy he looks

like an eel wearing a shark costume that

doesn’t quite fit a sick eel look at

this mess he looks like he’s going

if God doesn’t make mistakes how do you

justify the existence of this stupid

creep who looks like a child tried to

draw a xenomorph from memory again I

support Kai with my whole heart but to

say God doesn’t make mistakes is just

not true Kai he does and they look like


and look look I am glad that Kai is

advocating for herself but if a child

has to be an activist we have already

failed that child because she should

just get to be a kid and enjoy her life

and I’m actually glad that you got to

hear her talk about ballet and FaceTime

and Dolly Parton because there is

something that too often gets left out

of these stories and that is Joy while

opponents of trans rights will say that

these kids are either a menace or

brainwashed their Defenders will often

gravitate towards the same sad

statistics that I’ve shown you tonight

of depression and suicide and while that

is understandable on one level it’s the

most devastating harm that can be

inflicted by these bills it’s clearly

not the whole story which is that when

supported trans kids can experience full

vibrant lives because trans people are

not by default unhappier or more prone

to suffering than everyone else that is

something that we are putting on them as

that boy that you just saw who is suing

his State AG will point out he’s got

other teenage boy stuff going on too I’m

15 I shouldn’t have to do this I

shouldn’t have to sue the state of

Arkansas because they are trying to tell

me how I can and can’t live I have my

collection of hats and and my trans flag

that I got for Christmas is soft-spoken

teenager is more comfortable in his

bedroom he’s a bearded dragon come here

surrounded by his fish and bearded

dragon lizards and so he’s got a missing

foot and a crooked tail and you know

he’s just he needed an extra bit of love

right Dylan should get to be a kid and

spend his time with his collection of

hats and feeding his bearded dragons

whatever the it is that bearded

dragon seats I wouldn’t know I’ve never

owned a bearded dragon although I would

probably get along great with that one

because I too am I love starved pale

creature with a lopsided ass

all the kids we’ve seen tonight

shouldn’t need to be activists they

should get to dress how they want go to

the right bathroom for them and play the

sports they want to play remember Mac

when he got to college he was placed on

the men’s wrestling team and just look

at how happy that made him all I ever

wanted to do was wrestleman

and now that I am

freaking dope

it’s freaking dope

yeah it is freaking dope do you see that

joy in his face hold that in your mind

going forward not because the road ahead

isn’t rough but because as the trans

actress Michaela J Rodriguez points out

it is important not to lose sight of

what is at the end of it when it comes

to legislatives and and laws being

passed we have to constantly stay

diligent and make sure that they don’t

get passed and call up as much as we can

but I think also while doing so we have

to live our lives and show people how

happy we are we can’t live in the sorrow

though there is many struggles when it

comes to us and the times that adversity

and in the times of Despair I choose

hope and joy and I let those shower all

over those haters and people who don’t

see it fit for us and it usually wins

it has one exactly hope and Joy are

crucial here they are the fuel the

powers the ongoing vote for equality and

while there is a lot of fear and

uncertainty right now it is worth

remembering that progress while not

always linear is always possible because

we are working toward the goal of every

trans kid knowing that they are loved

valued and indispensable as Dolly Parton

loving weird pets owning freaking dope

individuals and never ever going back to

a point where anyone feels that if they

appear on TV they have to hide behind a




Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this web-site. Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this composition, that I present throughout this web-site, that add to the essence of these posts.

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images provided for you here at this web-site.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



Additional Resources:


I also made this post available at my social media page:



Sharon Nichols

18 Oct 2022

Shared with Public



As seen in the video …


‘Florence Paré’s important critique of the ‘total horsesh*t’ that is known as “ROGD” and weaponized against TGD youth and their affirming families and care providers.’



This from the latest British Social Attitudes survey.



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘‘Coming Out Day’ – Memories For 2022

(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*

”Coming Out Day’ – Memories For 2022′
(12 Oct 2022)


Dear Reader:

I am already ‘Out’.

Despite my growing up an ‘out’ Transsexual child, my family was not prepared for such a member, especially when I began my adult Transition at age 18, throughout my adult Transition, and when I finally made full-time at age 28.  They were absent from my first two surgeries (1982, 1983).  Both my sister Kathy and Cousin Bev deliberately hurt me when I sought their inclusion for my third surgery (2016).

Allow me to recount to you my immediate family:

– I’m sad that my father died so young (age 62 in 1989).  I’m sad that he refused to accept me; not once do I have a memory that her ever call me Sharon, that he ever addressed me in Female appellations.  I frequently ponder the thought about his level of acceptance had he lived longer.  More?  Less?

– My mother was not much older than my father when she died (age 72 in 2002).  She, too, seemed to experience a tough time accepting my being Transsexual; perhaps negatively influenced having her own younger brother Frank as Transsexual.

– My sister Kathy is the only other member of my immediate family.  She makes certain that she wants no meaningful communication or relationship with me.  We have not seen each other since 1993 – her deliberate choice, not mine.  She has three children, I’ve only seen her first two (Mike and Rachael) during their infancy three decades ago.  She says nothing to me about her third child, not even a name.  Yep.  In 2019, in one of her typical tirades against me, she let slip in a Comment on her social media that she has three children; for years, til then, I knew only her oldest two children Mike and Rachael.  What’s the deal with her third child?  Where is her third child?  Kathy is that kind of person.

(2021 10 15) Multiple siblings - completely different childhoods 251467432_2723590774608437_1358015811254433048_nYep.

From what I know about my sister Kathy and me, we grew apart so drastically dissimilar, exactly as though we experienced different home lives leading to drastically opposite adult lives:

– socially:  she is anti-LGBT Christian Con-servative compared to my Trans Lesbian Liberal Feminist Atheism,

– politically:  she is Country Club Republi-con as opposed to my being down home Progressive Lefty,

– financially:  she’s a 1%-er living in a mansion and driving expensive new cars thanks to marrying into wealth, while my home is old and modest and I ride public transit because employers cut my careers and earnings short, the consequences of being a Trans woman in her Amerika.

Kathy makes it quite clear and is quite blunt about our relationship:

– ‘You are NOT family!’.

Obviously!  Kathy’s biological father and mother are not my biological father and mother.  She knows her biological parents, her family keeps secret who are my biological parents and family; I have some suspects, but no proof or admitting of any blood family.

Then there is an extended family.  Not much to write home about them.  Despite apparent acceptance at first when I was little, Cousin Gail and Cousin Carole removed themselves from my life.  Remember how Aunt Pat and Cousin Bev deliberately dis-invited me to their Thanksgiving Day 1993 family get-together. They occasionally come to my social media, but they offer no invitation to welcome me into any on-going personal relationship after last year’s visit with Cousin Jack, Cousin Gail, and Cousin Carole who reside here a the same metropolitan community.

Likewise, other family beyond this state want nothing to do with me.  Cousin Nancy from West Virginia, Cousin Nancy from Texas, and others – they are loyal Drumpfians and Deplorables, outright hard-core anti-Trans, and proudly present their political hate to me and to others; I describe them here at this web-site and at my social media.  Sheesh!  Cousin Bev is so drenched in Crooked Drumpf ooze that she endears herself to a life-size cut-out figure of Crooked Drumpf; she posts that image to her Facebook page.

Trans women on Estrogen take on the appearance of their mother, their aunt, their grandmother, their sisters, as they progress on Estrogen – whether they start early during teenage years or later in their 60s.  Female hormones can initiate their change within months or take a year or two – usually sooner more than later.  Not me.  I have been on Estrogen since 1979 (age 22) and see absolutely no resemblance to either my mother, my sister Kathy, or either of my grandmothers.  I did feel a sense of one common facial feature that I recall of one aunt – the wife of my mother’s older brother – my memories are that she had a ‘long’ face.  I’ve since seen pictures of her and my impression is not so much nowadays.  People told me that I have a ‘long’ face and I see it in my photographs.  Arita Johnson, my Transition counsellor during the middle 1980s, advised me to style my hair to avoid accentuating my ‘long’ face.


(2019 06 10) We treat you life family 62440894_825818261130533_1994170594186231808_nI remember 1970, when family murdered both Uncle Frank and his wife (in separate events) making each death appear as suicide.  Not that times are currently any better, but the police were more than eager to accept the ‘suicide’ story to close the cases.

I don’t know what female name Uncle Frank might have used.  Nor do I have details about the extent that he presented Female.  I don’t recall hearing confirmation of these from the adults during their conversation throughout the decade (1960s) when he was in Transition.

The only time when I have a specific personal memory of seeing Uncle Frank was that time when he travelled cross-country to visit us.  He arrived at our front door presenting Female.  My father argued with Uncle Frank, then he called the local police who arrested him.

My father blamed both my mother and her family for Uncle Frank being a ‘bad influence’ on me when I was growing up, for my own Transsexual behaviour, for my Feminine Protesting.  This ‘bad influence’ was among the reasons why my father moved us to Greece for two years.


Sadly, today’s Trans youth are hearing that ‘Are you a boy or a girl?’ insult from family, ‘friends’, and strangers.  That taunting line is old.

I recall my father using that bit on me during my childhood and teen years – the 1960s and the 1970s.  We had countless arguments because of my behaviour.  I especially had that February 1971 event when he might very well have killed me about it.

I specifically, clearly remember at least one time when he used that on teen boys who had long hair.  We were doing errands, driving at Idaho Falls during the Summer of 1968.  He saw two boys walking down the street; he snidely prattled to me, ‘Ya can’t tell if they are boys or girls with all their long hair.’.  My father clearly meant his comment to be felt as an insult to me, against my Feminine expression that he tried to suppress by buzzing my head that Summer.

(1972 12 00) Dad - Kathy - Nick (Vienna)Sure, Dear Ol’ Dad reluctantly gave permission to me to grow my hair long at the end of my 9th Grade (April 1971).  What did my hair length matter anymore, now that the school year was ending at Brophy boys school – no more required military-style haircuts.  What were the Jesuit priests gonna do to me during the last weeks?  Not that my hair grew appreciably long, but within a couple months (June 1971), my father made me get a haircut for my Passport picture.  I tried concealing my growing hair throughout 10th Grade and only began showing it by the Summer between 10th Grade and 11th Grade.

Then, come Christmas vacation 1972, my father made me get a haircut.  He sent me to the salon at the hotel where we were staying, he ordered me to get a haircut.  I went there, sat there while he did errands, but refused to get my hair cut.  Then, when my father returned, we argued when he saw that I had no haircut.  He took me to a men’s barber, he literally ordered the barber to ‘cut it all off’ as I sat in the barber’s chair.  My father and the barber eventually acceded to my pleading against a drastic haircut.


(2019 06 07) Christine Jorgensen 61957188_297225101160272_6758831003961131008_nI refer to Trans Pioneers throughout this web-site.  Such a list depends upon your own age and when you came out.  I’m age 66; I’ve been out my entire life as far as my memory goes.  These are among my Trans Pioneers, some are my contemporaries:

Frank Thonus (my Uncle Frank)
Alan L. Hart
Dora Richter
Lily Elbe
Michael Dillon
Billy Tipton
Christine Jorgensen
April Ashley
Jan Morris
Jackie Shane
Laverne Turner
Sylvia Herrera
Martha P. Johnson
Victoria Cruz
Sylvia Rivera
Stormé Delarverie
Miss Major Griffin-Gracy
Reed Erickson
Lynn Conway
Phyllis Frye
Wendy Carlos
Denise (my mentor)
Linda (my co-worker)
Renee Richards
Lou Sullivan
Steve Dain
Joanna Clark (Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark)
Karen Ulane
Maria Masters (my 1980s pen pal)
Willmer Broadnax
Holly Boswell
Althea Garrison
Dani Berry

There are many more who are Pioneers who preceded both you and me.

I know that I am missing many others.  Specifically I could swear that I recall a Trans man from the 1950s (perhaps).  I recently read more about him barely a week ago, but my memory is fading.

Who are your Trans Pioneers?


Kapung Khaf, Alana.  We are working to become each other’s family now.

Science says that energy is never destroyed, it merely changes form.  Life is energy . Humans, animals, trees, mushrooms, rocks – minerals and ‘star stuff’ create life.  Our energy will transform when our physical body ceases its present life form.

I hope that Slim, Mincemeat, Rocky, and other pets will be at my arrival at Heaven, or whatever Afterlife may exist.  Heaven would not be Heaven in the absence of my beloved pets – even my aquarium fish and newt when I was a child, even our current neighbourhood kitties who come visit us and grace us with their friendship.  I hope to meet their spirits one day and talk with them about their life experiences.

Christianity holds a far different belief – only Humans have a soul, only Humans occupy Heaven, animals have no soul or spirit.

Pat Robertson forced that Christian belief (October 2021) on his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show:

– ‘Only Humans have a Soul, our spirit rises to Heaven.  Animals have no Soul, we bury them down in the ground. ‘

What a sad, empty experience of Heaven, in my perspective!


Post Script.

Thank you for reading.

Thank you for your compliments.

Additional recollections:

Each of us eventually finds our way, finds our own strength.  We come to our own breaking point when we realise that we are a better person living who we are rather than living who others demand.  Perhaps this is another reason for antagonism from the Cis Community.  We might perceive that we failed, but it is that we succeeded.

Our failure was that we could no longer live a facade, our strength was that we can live as our truth.  Most of the world lives in their failure, jealous of the rest of us who live true to our selves – ‘A hooked fish doesn’t know what it is to be a free fish’.

Nor is there failure trying to live suppressing our Trans.  One famous Trans woman talked about how she tried sports, she tried the military, she tried being the ‘lady’s man’ – failure, yes, because she was none of that.  As she put it humourously about her efforts to ‘be a man’, she had to settle being ‘super water boy on the football team’ because she failed every other effort to ‘be a man’.  Success was when she found her Female self through her Transition.

Innumerable encounters that I had with Cis people growing up and as an adult eventually involved some degree of Cis aggression against me.  I can see where it scares the Trans child – left alone, left without family and other support structures.  Gawd, I grew up scared!  Yet, somehow within me, I had a sense that taking my stand was me being stronger than any bully.  Perhaps it was humanity’s internal compass telling me the Universe’s right from wrong.

As I allude in my essay, it was likely easy to not perceive a Trans Community for many of today’s long ago Out Community.  There were few actual Trans people by the end of the 1970s – I found reliable sources counting from 1000 to 3000 Trans people reported among the medical community.  Certainly that fails to include children and adult Trans people living on the streets or beyond the realm of official numbers.  Today is drastically different.  We can read social media.  There is at least one Trans woman on any given day who is reporting that she is beginning her Transition, beginning her hormones, having one surgery or another.

Yes – there were the occasional references and inferences in American media.  I saw an episode of the 1950s’ ‘Burns and Allen’ TV show in syndication a few years ago cracking a joke about a sex change for one of the characters, ‘Some Like It Hot’ during the 1960s, ‘M*A*S*H’ (and Klinger), ‘Soap’, and Tom Snyder during the 1970s.  The context was our oddity rather than our humanity.

There was good news during the 1970s and the 1980s.  Publicity began to present more Trans people in better context among the daytime TV talk circuit:  Dina Shore, Merv Griffin, Phil Donahue, Sally Jessy Raphael, Jane Whitney, Joan Rivers, Jenny Jones, Geraldo Rivera.  These talk shows finally presented us as normal people, not a gag or comedy punchline.  Unfortunately, by the 1990s, Jerry Springer made Trans into freaks and objects.

We Trans people going public were still apparently few, aware of the hazard that publicity destroyed one’s life and career.  Allow me to identify Maria; she was on a few of those named talk shows, we became pen-pals for a few years.  She confided with me that she lost everything for being public.  She cautioned me to remain stealth.

We are still experiencing being Society’s pejorative.  There is the ignorance of many who have little education about Trans.  Then, there are the pernicious others who know exactly what they are doing to destroy us; I’m still amazed at their weakness and hypocrisy.  Pat Robertson had positive support for Trans people as recently as 2013 when I heard him discuss the topic on his TV show; something between then and recent led him to turn against Our Community.  He embodies that failure, that lack of strength in truth.


Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting this post today.

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this web-site.  Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this composition, that I present throughout this web-site, that add to the essence of these posts.

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images provided for you here at this web-site.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



Additional Resources:


I posted a ‘Coming Out Day’ composition to this ’Slim and Me’ web-site in 2019:


‘Today Is A ‘Coming Out’ Day’
(11 Oct 2019)



You can find an alternate version of this SlimAndMe post, read abbreviated commentary, and see similar photographs at my Facebook social media page using anyone of these URLs:









Here’s this video: the ‘Violence at home ‘Help Me!’ Signal’.





‘Domestic Violence victims are arrested as much as abusers. ‘
– Julie Owen (interview; Newsy, 12 Oct 21)

National Domestic Violence Hotline:
(800) 799 SAFE




Trans Women and Public Restrooms: The Legal Discourse and Its Violence
Beatriz Pagliarini Bagagli1†, Tyara Veriato Chaves1† and Mónica G. Zoppi Fontana1,2*†

1Laboratory PoEHMaS (Politics, Enunciation, History, Materialities, Sexuality), Institute of Language Studies, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil
2Department of Linguistics, Institute of Language Studies, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil

(2015 08 20) Decide to be a Girl11046480_376569759191961_3227315234969587031_nSafe access to public restrooms is an essential need for participation in civic life, in the workplace, in educational settings, and other public spaces. This is no different for transgender people. However, access to public restrooms according to gender identity has sparked controversy to the extent that transgender people face embarrassment and even expulsion from these spaces. The lack of access of the transgender population to public restrooms has a negative impact on the physical and mental health of this population. Thus, this article aims to address the main consequences that the ban on the use of bathrooms has for the transgender population, specifically the access of transgender women to the women’s restroom. We covered some legal aspects of “bathroom laws” and the main arguments in this discussion. We understand that the prohibition of access to the restroom constitutes a form of gender violence and discrimination, as we conclude that the arguments that express concerns about safety are not supported.


At the restroom door, the security guard came to me and asked for my documents. I replied: “why?” He said: “you know why”. I replied: “I don’t know”. So I went into the bathroom with my friend and I suddenly realized that the bathroom was being evacuated. I was alone in the bathroom. He sent a cleaning woman into the bathroom and asked everyone to leave. At the time… I think that was the biggest humiliation I went through in my whole life and, believe me, I’ve been quite humiliated. Because he treated me as if I were a delinquent, but not just any delinquent, a highly dangerous one, who might risk those people, so dangerous that a public place needed to be evacuated1 (Maria Clara Spinelli2).

Once the door is closed, a white toilet, between 40 and 50 cm height, as if it were a perforated ceramic stool that connects our defecating body to an invisible universal cloaca (Preciado, 2018).

Surveillance, violence, humiliation, embarrassment, trauma, and suffering are everyday actions and affections in the lives of some individuals who need access to public restrooms in Brazil and throughout the world. Preciado (2018) notes that it is when architecture seems to harmlessly serve basic natural needs that a perverse and effective policy of access restriction is established, in which doors, windows, furniture, walls, partitions, exits, and entrances work as a complex apparatus at the service of technologies of gender3. Just as there is extensive research in Gender Studies regarding the complex network of constraints involving the presence of women in public spaces4, it is urgent to analyze the policy of transphobic spatial segregation that permeates many practices and functions, which has as one of its most violent exclusion and segregation devices in the access to public restrooms. The language in social practices and subjective relationships actively participates in these exclusion devices.

From the account of Maria Clara Spinelli, we have a sample of how discrimination operates. It is a complex apparatus that involves not only the State and its institutions, but the smallest and singular dimension—although not the less cruel—of everyone who authorizes themselves to be the “inspector of other’s gender.” This discourse involves, for example, the security agent of a shopping mall, who, from misunderstanding games of glance, recognizes certain individuals as subjects, and authorizes himself to question them, demanding their documents, saying “you know why.” It is by returning to the other the evidence of historical violence that the arguments turn into a “you know why,” closing the door and locking the other inside the very own violence that victimizes them.

Language helps us realize how certain ideological processes materialize, and, in this case, we are facing a very familiar functioning. According to Pêcheux (1975/2009), it is not just about “everyone knows”—i.e., fundamental ideological evidence—, but the “you know,” which implies an enunciative game in which the subject is placed as accomplice of the violence that affects them: “you and I know why5.” A perverse game that finds shelter in the social relations, as all the women present agree with the scene and participate in it, leaving the bathroom. We ask ourselves: what if they stayed? What if, by staying, they showed the security guard that the only dangerous thing was his prejudiced attitude? And that the assumption of a danger and threat say much more about who acts that way and where their desire rests? Maria Clara remembers that the restroom is a public space. Are we really willing to live together?

This account, or rather, this outburst, is available on Youtube, which confirms that there is a voice, a face, a body giving life to those words, faltering in the syntax, exposing how disturbing it is to express oneself in a traumatic experience. If we consider enunciation, we can notice when the speech trembles, when the pause interrupts the word, when the nervous laughter is followed by the expression: “and, believe me, I’ve been humiliated a lot.” The most humiliating episode in Spinelli’s life takes place at the entrance of a “Women’s” restroom, as the door sign indicated. And we know that crossing that door, or rather, crossing that border, says much more about the subject’s relationship with desire—by a psychoanalytic (Allouch, 2010) perspective—and the subject’s relationship with a naming process, which is part of a repeated norm (Butler, 1993/2013, p. 161), than a biological, anatomical, or genetic data.

The bathroom is part of the exclusion operation of cities and, as Preciado (2018) points out, it is necessary to think of the historicity of the public bathroom as a bourgeois institution responsible the management of bodily waste, especially from the nineteenth century onwards, which emerges in accordance with conjugal and domestic codes crossed by the spatial division of gender, the normalization of heterosexuality6 and the pathologization of homosexuality: “[…] In the twentieth century, bathrooms became authentic public inspection cells, in which the adequacy of each body with the current codes of masculinity and femininity is evaluated7” It is as if an unwritten law authorizes people going to the bathroom to inspect the bodies of those who choose to cross the border that separates the inside and the outside (of the door and of gender).

Trans Women and Public Restrooms: The Legal Discourse and Its Violence


More Additional Resources:


Itali Marlowe – 20th Trans person murdered this year – murdered because she is Trans:


Nope – I was not confused. I knew at least by the age of 3 – ‘I’m a girl! I proclaimed to family. I didn’t necessarily know that that made me Transsexual. Uncle Frank, who began Transition when I was age 4, made Transsexuality a normal concept at home.


The Birth Certificate fight continues at Utah.


Trevor Project’s LGBT Handbook for Youth.


AMA support for LGBT Rights.


Stealth at work.


It’s no surprise that an anti-LGBT Republi-con is charged with child porn and sexual abuse.


The USA Supreme Court wants to tell Trans persons what public restroom to use.


The 2020 Election is important for Our LGBT Community.


Poland right-wing attacks against LGBT.


TERF Lesbian opposes LGBT and Trans Civil Rights at Supreme Court demonstration.


Transgender youth activist.


Australian Trans Community seeks health care coverage by Medicare.


Surgery leads to improved mental health.


Adult support helps Trans youth overcome suicidal thoughts.


A preview of the USA Supreme Court presentation.

Transcript of oral arguments in Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC.


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘Music Saturday – Dwight-Karma Broadcasting – KBWA and KDKB‘

‘Music Saturday – Dwight-Karma Broadcasting – KBWA and KDKB‘
(01 Oct 2022)

(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*



Dear Reader:

It’s Saturday evening at the United States of America.

Music Saturday. Taking time from my posts about Transsexual / Inter-sex and politics issues.  Almost.

It’s been more than a month since my last post here, long overdue for a new post.  So you know, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. I expect to continue this web-site for as long as WordPress continues, and maybe then some if there is a will and a way.  Despite these occasional long lapses, there’s ‘SlimandMe’ to continue.

Please bear with me.  I have been working to assemble and consolidate notes for several new political posts now that Election Season is in high gear for the USA.

Will Free Americans succeed in voting to sustain our fragile Democracy?

Or will AmeriKKKans use their Gerrymandering, voter purges, and voter suppression to impose Drumpf’s Amerikan Fascism?  Republi-cons and Christian Con-servatives are cock sure to find victory in their theft, eager to destroy two and one-half centuries of American Democracy in order to follow in the jackboots of Hitler and German NAZIs.

Recently-elected Andersson of Sweden and Meloni (related to Mussolini) of Italy are not a good trend for American Democracy, for worldwide Democracy.  Nor is Truss and the UK; she’s worse than Boris.  They are all eager to join the likes of Erdogan of Turkey, Orban of Hungary, and Morawiecki of Poland to destroy NATO and move a new Right-wing Europe into 21st Century Authoritarian Fascism.  They are eager to solidify their allegiances with Putin of Russia to crush Western Democracy, no different than what Hitler sought by the 1930s – domination of all of Europe and the extermination of anyone not of Aryan blood along with the active cooperation of American Republi-cons, then presenting themselves as American NAZIs.


Bestie Alana and I are listening to Oscar Peterson  – dinner music while we eat dinner. 

And recall my years at KBWA AM. 

I occasionally post about my experiences at KBWA AM here at social media and at my web-site – articles usually posted to Music Saturday – because of the music memories rattling around the cobwebs of my brain.

The end of my time at KBWA AM came during September 1980, the end of employment at Dwight-Karma Broadcasting / KDKB FM, parent owner KBWA AM, from four decades ago.

In summary, I worked as an on-air radio DJ personality; I produced station ‘carts’ (ID, promos, PSAs, commercial spots); I wrote news reports and the weekly editorial comment.  This was my part-time job at KBWA AM while I was working full-time at USDA Forest Service (December 1978 – October 1980).

This was a fun part-time job to occupy my time.

Williams is a small town of about 3000 population; it straddles the remnants of US 66 – ‘Route 66’.  Not much to do.  Oh, there are plenty of nature activities – hiking, camping, snow skiing – but I was not interested back then.  Being on the Introvert side, I wanted to stay to myself – in work and in play.  A DJ can hide behind that self-isolation inside the radio station’s Control Room and Edit Room.

I was brand new to Williams when I applied for the job (January 1979), so, in a way, it was one opportunity for me to try to make new friends and gain familiarity with the community.

KBWA AM played the ‘Beautiful Music’ format to a listening audience of about a 60 mile radius from Williams:  Flagstaff to the east, Prescott to the south, Kingman to the west, and the Grand Canyon to the north.

Beautiful Music – ‘Elevator Music’ – ‘I seriously don’t know!’ – that was my earliest thought.  Actually, the KBWA AM Beautiful Music format was not that sleepy, dreary ‘Elevator Music’ as most of you may know.  It was light up-tempo covers of the current Pop, Rock, Country genres of the time – ‘Easy, bright, and Beautiful.  The sound of 1240 AM, KBWA, Williams’ went one of my station IDs.  It was also not unexpected that an original song or two came up during the half hour segments – soft music from the Pop, Rock, Country formats themselves that would be defined as MOR (Middle of the Road).  I got into the KBWA format quickly.

Technically, for you Buffs, KBWA’s Beautiful Music was supplied from a music production company.  We received that music from Fairfield (if memory serves me).  They sent their programming on large 12-inch reel-to-reel audio tapes – each reel contained two 15-minutes segments.  We also were allowed to occasionally play from a collection of albums in the small library – from this library I found my theme song, a catchy little tune, for my shift:  ‘Sharon’ by Norrie Paramor and John Sbarra.  I’d provide a URL here, but I’ve never found this song or the album on the Internet.  I occasionally made a ‘cart’ with other songs, either from the Fairfield subscription, from a record in the KBWA library, or maybe from one of my own records – as long as it fit the format. 

The work location was great – my ‘commute’ to the studio was downstairs from my apartment.

KBWA AM was a mostly-daytime broadcast schedule – 5am to 10pm.  My work days and hours at KBWA varied – the Station Director offered shifts to me to fill in for weeknights, sometimes weekends (Saturday and Sunday sign-ons or Saturday and Sunday sign-offs).  Sometimes, Phil usually worked Saturday (afternoon til sign-off) and Sunday (sign-on to mid-day).  He was a University of Arizona student.  He drove from Tucson with his Huskie puppy and camped at the station overnight.  Sometimes, we’d hang out and talk, listen to Rock records.

Of note was my singular status.  The FCC had recently reduced their requirements to be employed at a radio station – they allowed DJs to obtain a postcard licence.  I was the only employee at KBWA AM during my time who had an actual FCC RadioTelephone Broadcast Endorsed licence obtained by exam, as well as Bob, the station Chief Engineer for KDKB FM, whose licence was the required FCC RadioTelephone First Class Broadcast Endorsed licence.

So here I have a couple years of these memories to share with you.


Yeh.  Imagine me – hard-core Rocker, Heavy Metal, Punk and New Wave – playing Beautiful Music – ‘Elevator Music’.

Yep.  There I was, working after-hours after my primary Forest Service job – spinning records, playing subscription reel-to-reel tapes of Montovani, Stu Phillips, Percy Faith, Hollyridge Strings, Bert Kaempfort amongst the artists that I recall.

KBWA AM was a small radio station at Williams, a small rural town of maybe 3000 population. When I got hired (January 1979), I learned that KBWA AM was owned by KDKB FM, Arizona’s top Rock / AOR radio station of those years; still is amongst the top today, they now play an Alt Rock format.

The commute to work at KBWA AM was quite convenient – the studio was literally downstairs from my apartment.  Those buildings are gone now – destroyed by that devastating fire about 15 years ago.

KBWA AM was licenced to broadcast only during the day – 5am to 10pm.  We had a large listening audience – our broadcast signal was more than a 60 miles radius north to the Grand Canyon, east to Flagstaff, south to Prescott, west to Kingman.

Judi was the local Station Manager, Eddie was her Assistant Manager, Vi was office clerk and one of the other part-time DJs, Phil is the name of the fellow (with his Huskie) who worked occasional Saturday nights / Sunday mornings.

FCC allowed a change how they licenced radio station DJs.  DJs merely submitted a request form to obtain their postcard licence – no more FCC written exam.  I took the FCC exam years earlier to earn my real FCC RadioTelephone Broadcast Endorsed licence.  There, my licence stood out amongst the other DJs’ postcard licences.

I’d work different days at KBWA AM depending upon who was available – usually at least two or three weeknights (5pm to 10pm sign-off) plus Saturday and / or Sunday (either morning sign-on or evenings to sign-off).

I fit in the schedule to play a few specific songs during most shifts:

 – ‘Soul Coaxing’ by Norrie Paramor and John Sbarra – in recognition of Slim.  It’s a long story that I wrote about here at my ‘SlimandMe’ web-site.

 – ‘Sharon’ by Norrie Paramor and John Sbarra – this was my theme song that I played as the closing song at the end of my shift.

 – ‘Saturday’ by The Carpenters – I fit this song into my Saturday shift.

 – ‘Sunrise’ by The Who – I frequently played this as my first song whenever I worked the morning shift on Saturday or Sunday.

 – ‘Cowboy Music’ by George Harrison  – Williams is known as the ‘Gateway to the Grand Canyon’, so KBWA AM’s identity was ‘Beautiful Music for Grand Canyon Country’.  The radio station didn’t have ‘Grand Canyon Suite’, so this was a good substitute when I needed this as background music to record IDs, promos, PSA, and commercials. 

 – We had a subscription record called ‘Glorshon Wars’ (if memory serves me, dunno if I spelled it correctly).  We DJs had the option to play a segment from that ‘Glorshon Wars’ subscription record.  It was a religious, but not overwhelmingly religious, clip of spiritual thought told as a story in a serial format.  At least that was what I recall of the content, perhaps in my naïveté of those years.  Upper management from KDKB FM approved because that segment fit the Sunday morning format, though it was the only religious programming on Sunday.  I played one five-minutes track each Sunday morning shift. 

I produced numerous recorded PSAs, station promos, and station IDs. KBWA’s station concept theme was ‘Grand Canyon Country’ for our presence – Williams is known as ‘The Gateway to the Grand Canyon’.  We didn’t have a copy of ‘Grand Canyon Suite’ in our radio station library (dunno why), so I used segments of ‘Rael’ (the Who) and ‘Cowboy Music’ (George Harrison) as substitutes.

Poor Eddie.  He razzed me about my voice sounding too feminine, he wanted me to make my voice sound masculine; I couldn’t, I didn’t.  In retaliation, Eddie regularly re-labeled all my production ‘carts’ as ‘Nicki’ trying to embarrass me, little knowing that what he did was highly reinforcing for my self-identification during my Transition.

That’s okay.  Chief Engineer Bob frequently came to the station to listen to our ‘production’ (station IDs, PSAs, promos, commercials, donuts) as well as voice-overs, live announcing, news reading.  He always gave high marks to my work. 

KBWA carried University of Arizona football. I did those promos.  Ya know ‘Revolution 9’ (Beatles)?  There are sound effects of crowds cheering – ‘Hold that line!’ and ‘Block that kick!’.  We had a sound effects record with those same selections.  I used them when I recorded the promos for the football games.

We carried U of A men’s baseball during what would become quite a 1979 season.  UA men’s baseball team worked their way from the play-offs all the way to the College World Series – and victory.  I made our coverage special.  This might sound technical and insider, but I’ll try to explain:

 – Commercial breaks were optional in that there were few required paid ‘net’ (network) advertisements, they were ‘local’ (meaning that each station inserted their own spots rather than play a ‘network’ spot.  Instead of only playing our local PSAs and promos during those non-commercial segments, I ‘potted’ down the feed to background level and gave game summary information during those breaks; my presentation sounded convincing as though I was there at the College World Series on special assignment for KBWA, though I was merely inside the KBWA Control Room.

I also did a series of station IDs using ‘Jam’ background audio – ‘Doo wah ahh ahh’.

Senator Barry Goldwater came to town to officiate at a Bill Williams statue dedication one Saturday.  I recorded the event on audio cassette for radio replay, briefly interviewed the Senator, and had my picture taken with him.

Sometimes, on weeknight shifts after 10pm sign-off, I’d walk to the Circle K to buy a bag of Fritos chips and a can of bean dip, return to the station, and listen to Larry King on the Mutual Broadcasting System network feed til 11pm.  Then I’d go home upstairs and go to bed, ready to wake up in time for my job at Kaibab National Forest. 

KDKB allowed Eddie to break the Beautiful Music format for a Rock  / Punk / Disco radio show on Saturday nights during the Summer of 1979.  This was a good move for the younger listening audience during Summer vacation. 

Many of my Kaibab work-mates knew that I was an occasional DJ at KBWA.  We’d chat about the music.  They were frustrated that they liked the music, but didn’t know who was the artist or what was the name of the song.  That was an easy fix.  I would announce the artist and the song in some way in keeping with the Beautiful Music format.  That was easy because the KDKB format was Album Oriented Rock with a similar laid back presentation – so I essentially copied the KDKB laid back approach, as opposed to ‘Top 40’ bells and whistles hyperactivity.  My work-mates liked it.  I started taking requests, though that had some limits according to the subscription playlist; I was already familiar where to locate songs in the library of subscription tapes.

But circumstances were getting rough at KBWA by mid-1980.  Judi was not selling ad time to businesses in the broadcast market, nor was Eddie.  They were the primary employees responsible – obligated – to sell air time to keep KBWA financially afloat.  That’s how broadcast makes its profit to stay on the air, to pay the utilities and rent, to pay for the music, to pay employee salaries.  Ever the eager employee, I repeatedly asked Judi to tell me what to do to go to businesses to sell air time; she refused each request.  By the end of the life of KBWA, there were only two commercial advertisers:  (1) Safeway grocery store and (2) United Drugs pharmacy.  Not even Babbitt’s, the locally-owned grocery store, had air time.  I’d do my shopping at Babbitt’s and hear the radio station on their PA, but no ads.

What KDKB FM Management did NOT approve was when Station Director Judi sold a 30-minutes noon weekday time slot to a local preacher – she did that around the Summer of 1980, a serious break in format, amongst the long list of other accumulating violations that irked the Dwight-Karma Broadcasting management in ever-increasing increments.

KBWA AM listeners raised objections to such intrusion into their midday music.  By Labor Day weekend 1980, KDKB FM Chief Engineer Bob quietly drove from the home studio at Mesa, unexpectedly arrived at the KBWA AM station, entered the Control Room, turned on the microphone, gave the final KBWA AM ‘legal ID’ (‘KBWA Williams’), and disconnected the broadcast plug.  That was the demise of KBWA AM.

Sad how KBWA AM ended, but not unexpected, and little matter to my future.  I would be moving from Williams to Utah by October 1980.

There was a fire about 15 years ago.  The buildings where I lived at my apartment and worked at KBWA AM were completely destroyed.

KBWA AM was quite fun.  I had a good time.  I miss it.

– Sharon


Did you really expect me to offer a long list of sleepy elevator music here?

Well, yeh, for starts.

(I’ll be adding URLs as I continue to complete this Draft.)

 – Sharon 


You know this story about Slim and me from Summer 1970.  Briefly, I was recording this song from radio station KBOY AM to my audio cassette recorder.  Slim started barking at something outside.  I came to endear listening to that song, especially after Slim died.

There are no Internet versions that I can find by Paramor and Sbarra.  That’s okay.  This song is originally composed and performed by Michel Polnareff and made popular stateside by Ray Lafèvre. 

 – Sharon 


Michel Polnareff

‘Ame Câline’



Ray Lafèvre and His Orchestra

‘Soul Coaxing’ (Âme Câlene)



Norrie Paramor and John Sbarra:

‘Soul Coaxing’



This was my theme song that I played as the closing song at the end of my shift.  Unfortunately, this Paramor / Sbarra song is also absent from the Internet. 

 – Sharon 


Norrie Paramor and John Sbarra:






I fit this song into my Saturday shift.

 – Sharon 


The Carpenters:





I frequently played this as my first song whenever I worked the morning shift on Saturday or Sunday.

 – Sharon 


The Who





KBWA didn’t have ‘Grand Canyon Suite’ in the record library to use as background audio for ‘cart’ production.  I improvised.  I used this George Harrison track from his ‘Wonderwall’ album. 

 – Sharon 


George Harrison

‘Cowboy Music’




These here are amongst my favourites of the oddball Rock, Punk, and Disco records that we received with our radio station’s subscription to the record companies’ new releases when Eddie did his Summer 1979 radio show. 

 – Sharon 



Patrick Hernandez

‘Born to be alive’




‘Graffiti crimes in the shopping mall’




‘Computer games’




Why not throw in a few versions of and about Route 66. 

 – Sharon 


Nat ‘King’ Cole

‘Route 66’



Nelson Riddle

Theme song from ‘Route 66’ TV show



‘Route 66’ TV show

Debut episode (1960)



Rolling Stones

‘Route 66’



Asleep at the Wheel

‘Route 66’



Depeche Mode

‘Route 66’



‘The rise and fall of Route 66’



’20 great stops on the road trip’



‘Forgotten ghost towns of Route 66’



‘History, mysteries, and filming locations’




A series of 30 PSAs produced by the Seventh Day Adventist church. 

 – Sharon 



‘Glorshon Wars’



Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting this post today.

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this web-site.  Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this composition, that I present throughout this web-site, that add to the essence of these posts.

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images provided for you here at this web-site.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them.  Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



Additional Resources:


This post here at this web-site is an alternate, expanded version of a similar composition also available at my social media:

30 Sep 2022

30 Sep 2021

30 Sep 2020

30 Sep 1980 (posted as a ‘Facebook Memories’)

Facebook imposes a character limit on compositions at their application.  Not so here at my WordPress website.  You can find and explore many more goodies here.  Thank you for coming.



Reminiscences of my years at KTAN AM during the 1970s:


‘Play Nice – My Early Broadcasting Career’

(22 Apr 2022)



Why not toss in a Punk song from a few years later.  I first heard this during KLOS FM’s overnight Punk Rock radio show on one of my trips to the Anaheim Convention Center’s Catholic conference (likely 1983).  Though not a KBWA AM Punk record, I can place it here as a connection to my affinity to that genre.  As the DJ asked when she introduced the song:  ‘Is it ‘Cry, Baby Killer’ or ‘Cry Baby, Killer’?’.  Listen and decide for yourself.

 – Sharon


The Flesh Eaters

‘Cry baby killer’




(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*