Archive | May 2017

‘One Hairy Idea And A Few Others For Good Measure’


(23 May 17)

‘One Hairy Idea And A Few Others For Good Measure’

*(1973 02 xx) Kathy-Nick-Slim at Thasos

Sahwdee Khaf, my friends.

Welcome to another chapter in a long saga of ‘As the Blog Turns’.


There was a recent discussion in a support group about men, whether Cis or Trans, having electrolysis or laser to remove their facial hair.  Is a man a ‘real man’ if he wants to remove his facial hair?  Permanently through electrolysis?  Reduced through laser?

Certainly, not all men take pleasure with that scruff.  Otherwise, no men would be shaving their face.

Perhaps I am the wet blanket among the comments.  I hope what I write will help.


There was no such thing as laser back in the 1970s and yes, there was a stigma if a ‘man’ went to electrolysis.  I recall how much I wanted to do it, but it was difficult back then when I was still presenting mostly as male (1970s, 1980s).  I was oddly fortunate that I had little facial hair til 1978 – 1979, mere months before I began Estrogen hormones that might well have blocked that hair if I could have started sooner.

I was stuck in a serious dilemma how to eliminate ‘5 o’clock shadow at 8:00 am’ when I was otherwise eager to go full-time.  Make-up would not cover that Shadow and, residing at Utah, there was no choice for electrolysis.  I explored tweezing by late-1983 and early-1984.

First I plucked where the location seemed inconspicuous – sides and neck. It did not hurt me.  I gradually progressed to other additional locations on my face – week by week, month by month.  I was tweezing my entire face by mid-1984.  I can tell you all truthfully that I felt no pains.  Or maybe it was a twisted mind that perceived this destruction of my erroneous maleness as ‘pleasure’ rather than ‘pain’.

I developed a weekly routine that began Saturday morning when I did my full facial clearing – that took maybe 60 to 90 minutes, as long as two hours, depending upon how detailed I was that session.  I did touch-ups a few days during the week – those took maybe 30 to 60 minutes or so while watching TV during the weekday evening.  Tweezing was hardly an intrusion into my life, in some ways it took less time than the daily shaving ritual, and added free time to my work-day mornings.

You can see the difference from 1981 to 1985 at my ‘Male Fail’ page (


I began electro late-1985.  Rosita, my Electrologist, told me that my plucking made no difference to her as long as she had enough hairs for her to zap during our one-hour sessions.  She was able to go quickly at full setting because my tweezing built up a tolerance for any pain that might have been associated with electro.

I did electro one hour on Saturday afternoons – usually once per month – from 1985 to July 1983.  I recently did a couple touch-ups at Senza Pelo to get rid of some ‘granny hairs’.  No pain.


As for body hair – as the saying goes:  YMMV – ‘Your mileage may vary’.

I was a very hairy ‘boy’ – arms, legs, front, back.  My doctor who prescribed my first estrogen (Diethylstilbestrol) to me also counselled me to prepare to be a ‘very hairy female’.  Neither of us had any clue what would happen back in 1979.

My move to Utah (October 1980) meant the temporary end of hormones – there were no doctors who would work with me.  Then I found Dr. Charles Robertson at Costa Mesa, California (February 1983).  I was still hairy in mid-1984; my body hair was essentially gone from my back and front and diminishing on my legs and arms, but still noticeable at least to me, by the time I went full-time in mid-1985.

I learned that hydrogen peroxide drew out the dark black color and made my body hair less noticed.  But I must have reeked of peroxide.  Then I noticed by late 1989 that my body hair was really going away.

I did DES (6mg) from 1979 to 1980; I recently learned that DES has little effect on feminising one’s appearance – that its affects are more internal than external.  I began Premarin (6.5mg) in 1983 and it helpt chemically and my appearance.  Doctors did not prescribe the ‘cocktail’ during the old days – all we had was either DES or Premarin, no progesterone, no Finasteride, no Spironolactone.

If you want to lose body hair, certainly plucking / epilating is an alternative.  Bear in mind the reality of hair growth.  Tweezing is temporary – hair is absent only as long as it takes that hair follicle to re-grow until it either dies or is killed.  You also need to be certain to remove the bulb to make that absence last longer than merely extracting the shaft with the growing bulb intact.

You can also try laser.  Laser is temporary; it merely damages the hair follicle currently growing while leaving future cycles intact.  The more laser you do, then the more your hair will diminish.  It will certainly reduce heavy hair to become fine hair through the course of several procedures.  Again, the ‘pain’ depends upon your tolerance for the sensation.  You’ll more likely smell the burnt hair root than feel any pain from the actual ‘zap’.


You can test your affinity to electrolysis.  I tried this method, it worked for me as an idea, but it was far more tedious than going to the electrologist and paying the fee.

  • Use a very fine needle that slips gently into your pore.  The needle must not pierce your skin or pore!
  • Get a very low-powered battery – such as a AAA – and two wires.
  • Attach the wires to the battery – one to the positive, one to the negative.
  • Now touch the two wires to the needle that is inside your pore.

That is electrolysis.


Or perhaps ask your doctor to prescribe vaginal cream.  It contains a low-dose level of estrogen that may have an effect on your hair and follicles.

I heard in the old days that vaginal cream was prescribed to people (male or female) to reduce worst cases of testosterone-induced cystic acne.

The price for me for two tubes per prescription re-fill is around $15 on MediCare.


Here’s my well-wishes to you for whatever and however you proceed.


Tick tock … time is getting near.

I was sitting on my back patio, eating papaya and grapes, and drafted a bon voyage message for my friend who is now on her way to Dr. Chettawut.  She departed with late notes and last thoughts, words of encouragement, and philosophy.

  • Consider your trip to Ye-son was a test run.
  • Keep a diary – written and video.
  • Take lots of pictures and video everyday.
  • Befriend the people at the clinic and at your residence – you will share a special bond.
  • Experience the Thai people, their culture, their food. See as many sights as you can.
  • Leave no regrets other than regretting you could have done better and more.
  • Enjoy every moment – you will not pass this way again.
  • Post notes and pix to your sites to keep us in the news.
  • Mind Dr. Chettawut and his doctor’s orders.
  • Sri, Noi, and the Chettawut Clinic nurses are there for you and will answer your questions of intimacy.


You will all do well.

  • L:  You are now mom to your new daughter.  You have the opportunity of wisdom of age to teach your new daughter.  You cried tears of joy one year ago; pardon my emotions, allow me to cry them this year.
  • C:  You now are your mom’s new daughter.  You will not know what your life might have been; savour every moment of your future as it is meant to be.  Now you understand when we say ‘take deep breaths’, ‘relax’, and talk of ‘duty’ companions #1 through #4 (tee-hee).  Hey, you can join the ‘advanced’ group at your next
  • J:  You are the good father every child should have.

Permit me to add that we Chettawut Clinic and Thai experience alumnae are with you.


That made me think philosophically about my friend who travelled to PAI nearly three years ago.

  • What was your mind-set?
  • Where were your thoughts in the days before your departure?
  • Thinking about your past and future?
  • Focused on packing?
  • Wondering who you will meet?
  • Disappointed travelling alone with neither family nor friends for support?
  • I wish that I could’ve been with you, my Thai experience friend. I am with you now.


My friend and I each went alone to Bangkok – one year apart.  We then found each other.

Maybe we can share our tears about this.

Yes, my friend, your days were quite complicated.  You were certainly eager to make your way.  How hard it had to be knowing that your home-coming meant stepping into that vast unknown left unsettled when you departed:

  • your truck and car break-downs,
  • your loss of employment and income,
  • your lost opportunity for FFS.


The worst of my worries was another break-in; there was little chance that those criminals could exact more damage than they already accomplished, mine was far less than your fate.

I appreciate your sense of humour that pads were your big concern.

I made lists, packed and un-packed for two months, made two full test runs to the airport, and still forgot some things.


Of course, everyone has their own preferences; maybe some want to be left alone, while others want to be surrounded by family and friends (lucky you).

I was curiously blessed (or cursed?) to this experience three times, yet endured each occasion alone.  That allows me the opportunity to comprehend when one makes their journey in solitude.

I was fortuneate at my journey to Chettawut Clinic spanning three calendar months, my revision recovery was brief, I occupied most of my days as patient companion to my Baan Siri neighbours.


As you, I love flying and was eager to leave.  I had not flown since my trip to New Jersey to be with my dying father (1989).  I chose my dad’s birthday as my revision surgery date.  Now I was wondering.  Was that to be my fatefull omen?  I now became scared to death to fly, my thoughts were filled with doom fearing that I would die in a plane crash during this excursion.

My first leg to LAX was filled with fear.  I gripped the seat rests the moment we departed from the terminal and throughout most of the entire flight. I could not watch take-off; I was shaking and crying – an emotional wreck.  I kept the window shade down those early minutes, then gradually peeked outside a little at a time.  I eventually eased my nerves and built a small modicum of normalcy.  I was enjoying the flight by the time we went into landing mode at LAX.  I was ready for the next flights:  first to Beijing, then to Bangkok.

Lucky you, you got a window seat.  I was stuck at the inside section on my flight from LAX to Beijing.  You experienced the wonder of sunrise, sunset, and crescent Moon.  Both my outbound flights to Beijing and Bangkok and my return flights from Guangzhou to home were at night.  Worse, the flight crew commanded us to keep our window shades closed at all times; I saw no beauty of sunrise or sunset, nor the Moon.


I need to re-read your book.2015-xx-xx-dreamy-morning-front

I took time to digest your recent texts – empathising – comparing timelines – our similar lives.

  • Tears of joy?
  • Sadness?
  • Fate?
  • Co-incidence?

You endured much during five critical years, 1987 to 1991: deaths of people dear to you must be hard.  Your nephew even harder carrying his loss of his father at his young age.  A child holds this grief for a lifetime.  Does your nephew fear for his own son?

I knew two school-mates who lost a parent at that age:

  • Dennis (mom, cancer),
  • Patrick (dad, heart attack).

I can’t imagine finding my dad or mom dead at age 12.

Suicide – hanging, shotgun, drugs, car crash – I can think of more than a handfull during my life.  You and me, kiddo, we somehow evaded that, too, what befell upon others of our circle.

Losing our childhood home was another hurt we share.  I felt bad when my dad sold our home to take me to Greece – a similar blow as yours, though, if I may say so, Greece was better than Mesa.

Worker protection laws are at the whims of the employer; that was what I learned and witnessed during my career life.  You suffered work injuries, we both experienced getting fired on specious reasons.

You were blessed to be present for both parents at their deaths.  My sister Kathy tried to hide our dad’s terminal condition and impending death.  She succeeded denying our mom’s final days to me – I have no position, as she says, ‘you are NOT family’.

Yep, your last four years have been a frenzy.  Your counsellor has been good for you.  Let’s get your electro finished.  Then we’ll work on your FFS and other plans.

Look out, Thailand!  Here we come again!


I was deep Stealth thinking that I could not tell anyone in 1982 and 1983; privacy forced me to go it alone both times.  I explained my dilemma to family during the past few years; they don’t get it, yet they reject me nowadays.  Besides, none would’ve been with me far away at Utah either time.

My dad snooped through my personal papers and made his own erroneous conclusions during his Christmas 1982 visit.  He saw such things as my hospital-issue water pitcher.  He asked me why I had these hospital sundries around my home; I mumbled and withheld the actual reason from him.  Nor could I tell anyone in 1983 of my fait accompli.  I visited Cousin Nancy at Colorado for Memorial Day weekend 1983, a few weeks after second surgery, but never found a way to present it into conversation.  I could hardly blurt out during dinner, ‘Hey, guess what I did?  I had sex change surgery.’  Not then anyway.

Why do you think that I seriously considered suicide in 1983?  It seemed to be the only way to get family to take me seriously; they would have had to have gone to Utah to collect Sharon’s body, not Nickie’s.  I came to my senses and realised that they would have let my corpse rot rather than see me dead or alive.

(2015 08 10) Chettawut Clinic Confirmation Letter - 25 Aug 15 - Name covered DOC052317-05232017173247-0001My departure to Thailand was depressing, but not un-expected, because of my lack of family.  Cousin Bev promised that she would see me at the airport departure; I knew that she lied to me and that I could do nothing about it.  Kathy promised to visit with me during my 6-hours lay-over at LAX.  She texted to me at the last moment that she could not get to the airport because of heavy rain.  She lied.  Or she took me for an idiot.  Our flight over San Diego and Los Angeles was totally clear – no rain.  She blathered that same, lame lie on my return flight two months later; must’ve been quite a long two-months storm of Biblical proportions once endured by Noah.


I un-wrapt my home-made silicone ‘appliances’ a few days ago.


Ya wanna see?

They are far more flexible than those stiff plastic devices.

I shall cure them a little longer outside their casing before I try #4.


Political news and quickies:


Ya know how dictators flee their country and seek asylum with a friendly nation?  Ya think Drumpf will stay at Saudi Arabia?


Didja see?  Melania slapt the Orange’s hand when he tried to grab her on the red carpet.  Hey, Trumple, no frisky grabbing the First Lady’s p*ssy on the tarmac!


Drumpf declares that Flynn is not ‘innocent’.

  • Donald Trump (2016 campaign speeches – 28 Sep 16):  ‘If you’re innocent, why take the 5th Amendment’?

BBC TV (22 May 17) reported that Flynn will ‘take the 5th Amendment’ and will refuse to comply with any subpoena – whether to testify under oath to Congress or to surrender evidence to them.

  • ‘Flynn lied to federal investigators’,
  • ‘Flynn contacted Russian officials’,
  • ‘Flynn is refusing to hand over documents’,
  • ‘It is proven that Russian Television paid Flynn’s bill’,
  • Flynn ‘colluded with Russians’.

ABC network news (22 May 17):

  • ‘Flynn lied to the Pentagon and investigators’ and that congress is set to issue ‘Contempt of Congress’ charges against Flynn.

That’s Flynn’s idea of law-and-order.  I hear chanting, ‘Lock him up!’.

Russians paid $ millions to Flynn for ‘Russian meddling’ and ‘collusion’.  Flynn must be in one high-gear working frenzy shredding and destroying incriminating evidence.

Can you imagine the Republi-con outcry if Clinton was President and her national security advisor ‘colluded with Russians’ and refused Congressional subpoenas!

Lock him up!


CBN News (‘700 Club, 23 May 17):

  • ‘Comey is expected to testify Trump was meddling in the FBI’s investigation over his Russia ties.  Comey is set to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee after Labor Day.’

CBS News (23 May 17) is reporting that

  • Trump ordered both CIA Coates and Security Advisor Rodgers to ‘deny the existence of evidence of Trump’s collusion with Russia’,
  • Trump ‘asked Comey to halt the investigation between Flynn and his illegal contacts with Russian officials’.
  • ‘Flynn was paid by state-run Russian media outlet Russian Television.’

Lock him up!


Who ‘leaked’ to the Russians that Israel provided ‘intelligence’ to Drumpf?

  • Drumpf, R (press conference, 22 May 17):  ‘I never said Israel.’

No one said that you did, you dolt.  Until you said it now.  You exposed every intelligence operator working for both Israel and the USA.

The perpretator of the crime knows all the details.

Drumpf lacks ‘intelligence’!

Lock him up!


Drumpf’s arms manufacturing corporate buddies will fatten their wallets through that new weapons deal with the Saudi royal family.

Drumpf’s contract claims to be $110 billion, but we know that those arms merchants will inflate their price to $trillions.

It certainly does pay to have friends – Drumpf – in high places.


Monday was the anniversary of President Johnson’s ‘Great Society’.

(2013 12 10) Welcome to Your Next Stop - PottersvilleMeanwhile, Drumpf announced that his ‘Great Society’ will:

  • decimate MediCare and cut $800 billion from that budget,
  • eliminate public assistance for elderly and Social Security recipients,
  • reduce lifetime eligibility for public assistance.

CBS News (23 May 17) reporting on Drumpf’s budget demands – ‘Drumpf is proposing deep cuts in social safety net programs’:

  • cut $4.1 trillion from ‘anti-poverty’ programs ‘to balance the budget’
  • cut MedicAid by $800 billion
  • cut SNAP Food Stamps by 30%

PBS Newshour (22 May 17):

  • ‘Drumpf will significantly cut domestic programs.  There will be major cuts to MedicAid – millions of people will be cut.  Special Education will be cut from Public Schools.  The outlook is bleak if local schools can’t raise taxes to replace Drumpf budget cuts.’


(2013 10 13) The Lesson Of 'Non-Essential' 1Drumpf makes it clear that his foreign policy will not include women’s rights, LGBT rights, minority rights, worker rights, environmental damage considerations.

PBS Newshour (22 May 17):

  • ‘Drumpf is siding with autocratic regimes.  Drumpf is giving them a pass on Civil Rights issues.’

KPNX TV (22 May 17):

  • ‘Drumpf’s budget will take a major toll against the lowest-income in the community’.

KPNX TV also reported that Arizona Governor Ducey signed a $ billion tax cut for Corporations as he signed another bill again shorting Public Schools and the universities.
KAET TV ‘Horizon’ (22 May 17):

  • Drumpf hired Clarence Carter – a fired, disgraced, former DES director, Republi-con loyalist to run (run down) a federal agency of HHS.

With that, Carter proved his experience destroying public agencies and then proclaiming that ‘guh’mint is the problem’.  Way to go, ‘Peter Principle!


KPNX TV (22 May 17):

  • Arizona Governor Ducey signed a bill cutting Department of Corrections to fund the Corporate prisons owned by Arizona’s Republi-con party elite.  Former Governor Brewer has been known as a big owner of ‘Corrections Corporation’.

KSAZ TV (22 May 17):

  • Mesa approved privatising their city jail – making crime and imprisonment profitable for the city.

Way to go, Mormons!


Religious freedom or religious intrusion?

  • Texas law allows adoption agencies to deny the right to adopt children by LGBT, single, or non-Christian parents.
  • Missouri Catholics filed a lawsuit opposing a Saint Louis city ordinance otherwise giving Civil Rights protections in hiring and residency to persons with a personal, private history of abortion, pregnancy, or contraceptive use.


PBS Newshour (22 May 17):

  • ‘Drumpf’s approval rating is now at 37%.  Republi-cons are gonna stick with him.  They blame the media.’

The Ringling Brothers circus closed, now we can be entertained by the Drumpf 3-rings circus.


Joe Walsh, Republi-con talker, was screaming again (22 May 17).  He was whining about graduates protesting commencement speakers – Pence at Notre Damn, for example.


And the ‘Wiseguy’ ‘Pilgrims of Promise’ arc is back (Heroes and Icons TV, 11 am) this week.

  • ‘He’s a salesman, went broke.  Now he sells White power cassettes for the ‘Pilgrims of Promise’.  He’s on the talk show circuit with his book, a badly-written polemic with far-right fundamentalist doctrine.  Great for insomnia!  His followers are low-rent cowboys; they believe his racists stuff.’

Sounds like Drumpf – salesman, bankruptcy, and his ‘Art of the Deal’ book – rather than the fictional Knox Pooley.



‘Law and Order: Criminal Intent’:

  • ‘Stupid employees are never as stupid as the stupid employer who hires them.’


‘That’s the way it is … ‘


I was slow getting out of the house today.  the cool shower in Phoenix’ 105 degree heat felt good.  I know how to conserve water – I used only five gallons for those soothing 15 minutes.

I finally made my way and what did I see but two packages at my mail box – from Kathy.

Alana, let’s have another ceremonial opening tamale and look inside.

*(1971 09) Mount Olympos - View From My Window


Yes, I remember you fondly.  We had quite a year, didn’t we.  I always am thankfull for your father’s help teaching me darkroom skills.  When Kathy brought that box of Mexican food, we all had a good meal that one night, eh.  We had fun digging holes and tunnels.

Do you hear from Dave, Keith, or any others?

That is a dumb way for me to put it.  Had you been in contact with any of the others all these years before starting the Dasahori page?  What prompted you to do it now?

I shall visit your site and write more.

Thank you for posting the 1972 – 1973 Dasahori class picture; Angelina, Dave, and Keith are missing from this photograph.  For years, all I saw was that black-and-white image published in the yearbook.  Seeing your colour version of our class picture made my life.

Nearly all my photography was either destroyed (1989) or stolen (2014) – including nearly all but a handfull of snap shots of Greece that I scanned a few years ago by happenstance – quite fortuitous.  I had a mere 71 images to my name in 2014.  I posted many of my Greece pictures on early pages at this site.  You can also see comparison views of Maggana – my photograph from when my dad and I resided there versus a recent ‘street view’ from Google.

I posted to the Pinewood alumn site several months ago; you are the first to correspond with me.  Efharisto polli!!!  My suspicions tell me that some who have visited here do not accept me whether or not they agree with me (personally or politically).

I shall check and release your other comments.  You made my day!

(2016 01 20) Baan Siri Dragon IMG_0302‘Kapung khaf’ as we Thai experience say.  Ahw, you already know that; you’ve been there, too.

One friend is on her way to Bangkok for the next month, another will travel in December.

I want to return, planned for this year’s Songkran, maybe next year.  What a hoot if we go there the same time.

Do you know Baan Siri (Bangkok Rama)?  That’s where I stayed during my three calendar months.  My ‘Dr. Chettawut’ page has a few maps to show its Bangkok location.  That’s my friend, my protector, the Baan Siri Dragon.


Kapung khaf, Dear Reader.

Please return soon for another installment.


‘What Can I Say – What A Day Today!’


(18 May 17):

‘What Can I Say – What A Day Today!’


Dear Reader:

Sahwdee Khaf.

Seems that today was a day when I expected to post a quickie up-date to my home page.

Nope. Not when I continued writing more than those few lines.

I shall have more to add to this page in a day or two.


IMG_0177My dear friend Lilly / Qian (from China) sent a fantastic e-mail to me today.  Her life is improving; she is studying computers at Beijing.  She is one more reason – the best reason – to return to Asia.

Lilly / Qian included recent pictures.  You look great, Lilly / Qian!  It is wonderfull seeing your up-dated photographs.

Then ‘Twilight Zone’ hit.  When I minimised my e-mail window, there on my desktop was our photograph from the shrine outside Tesco Mall – we, the Li twins of the Baan Siri sorority.  My desktop rotation to our picture at that exact moment must be a great omen for our future.


Today came the following news articles about the release of Chelsea Manning.


The fresh air is sweet!

Enjoy all the pizza you can devour, Chelsea my friend – the taste today is far greater than yesterday.

Your new journey of a thousand miles begins with your first step.  Walk as far as you choose in your new sneakers – you have the world at your doorstep.

You look great for enduring all your years of hardship.  Keep fighting your good fight.  You are a winner!

Manning is also a hero to me.  Dunno about you others – you haters, you detractors.

Manning’s entire prosecution and incarceration is a travesty of American justice.

She paid a far heavier price to be a whistle-blower than I ever did at both the USDA Forest Service and at the Arizona State Department of Administration combined.  She faced all these past years hounded, harassed, intimidated, humiliated, prosecuted, incarcerated, denied medical care; makes my being fired a walk in the park.

I am humbled!

Curious, you Republi-cons have no difficulties with Wikileaks posting lies about Clinton.

  • Trump: ‘I love Wikileaks!’

Where does Trump stand on Julian Assange?

His answer is obvious.

It was Assange whose ‘fake news’ harmed Clinton’s reputation and campaign last year and which vaulted Trump to the presidency.  Now that Sweden retracted their arrest warrant against Assange, Trump announced he will not pursue criminal charges and the current arrest warrant against Assange that has been in place these past seven years.  Trump eagerly allows Assange to go free from legal scrutiny for his crimes that rippled through the international community.

How’s that, Dear Trumpster, for your ‘law and order’ president; one more ‘change thingy’, eh.

But you Trumpsters go nuts when there is truth exposing your Fuhrer Trump.

We heard more outrageous words spoken on this morning’s CBN ‘700 Club’.  Rev Robertson held up a gun target with numerous gunshot holes and bragged,

  • ‘I used to think of Osama – there, right between the eyes.  Now I think of a special Senator.’

Sick, Pat, slick.

You Republi-cons have quite a history of ‘lock and load’ against Democratic Party and Liberals:

  • you Republi-cons can hardly forget the entire eight years Republi-cons hounded President Obama,
  • you Republi-cons making NRA gun targets with President Obama’s picture,
  • you Republi-cons inciting the implementation of 2nd Amendment ‘slave patrols’ for the assassination of President Obama.

You, Robertson, are a weak man, a coward.  If you really want to put yourself to your 1st Amendment mettle, then you would have made your Senator accusation by name.

You, Robertson, know well enough how to say enough not incurring criminal and civil liabilities of incitement and conspiracy by actually calling out whomever Senator you keep in mind.

You, Robertson, speak words of ugly sentiment from your position of public scrutiny. Some Christian Conservative – your manner of Christianity. Ugly!!!

You, Robertson – your entire life’s amount of courage is a mere thimble compared to Manning’s full measure.

*(2017 05 18) Red Cross Poster IMG_0488

Today was the day at Red Cross – 72 pints now on my books makes 9 gallons.

I did apheresis again.  Thank you for the correction, Hil; not ‘aphoresis’.  The Red Cross nurse here also chuckled at my mis-spelling.

This time, no smell or taste of metal and no cool, though the line-in felt cool.

Thank you, Cassandra.  You did a fine job today.  We shall meet again in four months.

(2017 05 18) Red Cross Donation 72 (4) IMG_0487I drank my fill of cranberry juice and snacked on ‘Cheez Its’ and two bags of trail mix.  Yummy!  But there were no peanut butter cookies this time.

Next stop will be that 10 gallon hat – 80 pints.  Then 90 pints, 100 pints.  Who knows how much?

I challenge each and every Reader to join with me and commit to Red Cross blood donations – do them regularly.  Maybe your friend will be saved by your donation.  Maybe today’s donation will save your friend; thank you for that honour.


I had an appointment with my Primary Care Physician the other day.

Seems two new surveys are making their way around these parts.

(2017 05 09) MIHS Gender Self-SurveyOne survey asks us to identify our sex, gender, and orientation.

The other survey rates our susceptibility to depression and suicide.

I assess the sex / gender survey as I have explained in my past posts – I am female.  ‘Transsexual’ / ‘transgender’ are terms that identify the person during their transition, both were the concept of Stanford’s program that was my guidance through my transition during the 1970s and as far as my own definition goes for my self-identification.(2015 08 10) Chettawut Clinic Confirmation Letter - 25 Aug 15 - Name covered DOC052317-05232017173247-0001

I was an ‘out’ trans child since at least age 3 (1959), I time the beginning of my official transition as that when I turned age 18 (1974), and I completed my transition in May 1983 with my first correction surgery.  I was female before transition (as an inter-sex female); I have been all ways female since at least then:  biologically, medically, legally, socially, psychologically, practically.  My subsequent trip to the Chettawut Clinic for revision further confirmed me as female, adding another period to that sentence that I am no longer ‘trans …’.

Maddy, no matter what, you earned however you choose to self-identify.  You are free to use ‘transgender’ all you want.  It is your choice; I respect you for it.


Pardon me that I seem to bear a grudge against the current crop of johnny-come-latelies who think that they invented trans – whether as a performer playing a trans character or as themselves trans.

I lack cable / satellite TV and home Internet.  I know little to nothing of such current crop as Lavern Cox, Jeffrey Tambor, Caitlyn Jenner, Jazz Jennings, and today’s other celebrity types.

I personally hold in high esteem the many who paved my way (you can read their names on my home page).  Don’t get me wrong, I do hold a level of respect for the others of our shared life experiences.  But I am among the community of old-timers who perceive this lack of regard by those ‘newbies’ toward our combined predecessors.  It frosts me to see nearly no acknowledgement among this current crowd obliviously awash in their own self-celebrity.

I read an article last year proclaiming that it was the definitive list of trans performers and actors.  Their only 20th Century name was Carolyn Cossey.  They ignored Christine Jorgensen.  No one would hire her as the professional photographer she was (to her prospects, being transsexual had a negative impact upon her competence as a photographer); she was forced to go into stage acting to earn a living.

Credibility is gone when ABC broadcast their second interview with Jenner (22 Apr 17).  There came a time when Diane Sawyer’s voice-over said ‘the pioneers of transgender …’ and the video showed snips of current celebrity trans persons absent anything more than five years in the past.  ‘Pioneers’???  Hogwash and chips!!!  My blood is still boiling!  (Time for a blue pill – maybe make it a double.)

Then we have Jazz Jennings who seems to present herself as the first ‘out’ trans child.  I was an ‘out’ trans child beginning at age 3 (1959), but I never made such an outrageous claim as Jennings.  No doubt there were many more ‘out’ children before me who deserve that credit.  ABC and Sawyer, please locate them and do a documentary of their survival through far more challenging times than what is here for Jennings today.   Jennings came from a supportive home environment.  Conversely, we early trans children and the true ‘pioneers’ endured hardship – a far more common fate.  My family murdered my uncle during his transition, they beat me as a child (but they could not beat the trans out of me, eh), and nearly all family continue rejecting me.

Hey, ABC and Sawyer, you wanna do a documentary on ‘pioneers’?  Then come here and talk to real, true ‘pioneers’.

  • Millye, from my support group, deserves many rounds of applause and credit.  She pre-dates me by more than a decade.  She has been helping abandoned trans teens and young adults before I reached adulthood; she could have been my mentor had I known her during my childhood.
  • Regina, from church, has been helping homeless trans teens and young adults far longer than most of these johnny-come-latelies have been alive.  Let’s render more rounds of applause for Regina.

In business, there is the saying, ‘location, location, location.’  Well, in the performing arts, it can be said that one needs to be at the right place at the right time; too soon and no one will accept you, too late and they will call you a copy-cat.

With a few experiences in school, an extra role in ‘A Star Is Born’, and a listing, I corresponded with the producer of ‘The Young and the Restless’ beginning in 1977.  I proposed a minor side role of a young transsexual as a patient to Dr. ‘Snapper’ Foster;  I would perform my actual transition on network television with the guidance of the Stanford University Medical Center program.  The producer eventually sent a personal letter to me conceding that those days (the late-1970s) were not yet acceptable to present a transsexual story-line.

That was not to be the end of my road.  A few years later and along came the Nick and Sharon characters on Y&R.  Two years ago came transsexual character Nick on ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’.

As for lists for acting, my place is documented.


Kapung khaf, Dear Friends.

Thanks for visiting today.  Please return soon for another new post.


‘Janus Information Facility’



‘Janus Information Facility’
(9 May 17)


I posted my Stanford University Transition program notes (see: ‘Stanford University’, 24 Sep 16) and promised to post my Janus Information Facility Transition program notes:  ‘Information for the Family of the Transexual’ (sic).

Here I’ll give it a wing and begin posting Janus pages – as many as I can post at this Public Library Wi-Fi sitting until their service closes for the night.


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (Cover)


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (P 01)


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (P 02-3)


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (P 04-5)


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (P 06-7)


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (P 08-9)


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (P 10-11)


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (P 12-13)


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (P 14-15)


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (P 16-17)


(1978 07 00) Information for the Family (Janus) (P 18)


Here’s an article about Reed Erickson:



That brought back memories.  I’m forever grateful for receiving the benefits of his Erickson Educational Foundation in the mid-1970s.

Erickson Education Foundation helpt provide:

 – Transition instructions, 

 – long-distance counselling and assessment services, 

 – referrals to local counselling and physicians, 

 – instructions how to change my name and sex (legal ID, SSA, etc.).  

I distributed their literature to family and friends during my Transition.

Here’s their web-site where you can read the information:




There is it, Dear Reader.

Thank you for visiting today.  Please return soon.


”Workers of the World, Unite!’ – And Other Topics’


(01 May 17)

”Workers of the World, Unite!’ – And Other Topics’


(2013 10 06) Obama Same As HitlerToday is ‘May Day’.  We celebrate the workers of the world today, not the bosses, not the corporate.

In true Fascist Republikan fashion, Trumple Thumple declared today ‘Loyalty Day’:  loyalty to the almighty corporate Amerika, to the military, to give praise to the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance phrase ‘One nation under god’.

Can’t get much more anti-Commie pink-o than that, eh.  Pure anti-worker filth from the Trump Tower of Babel.

Sadly, in this New World Order nation of Trump Amerika, he and his corporate bosses celebrate their Fascist seizing this nation’s government all to themselves:

  • ‘We Republicans have it all:  I’m the President, we have Congress, we have the Supreme Court.’  Donald Trump campaign speech, CBS News, 29 and 30 April 17.
  • ‘We Republicans hold the President, Congress, and the Supreme Court.’  Hugh Hewitt, NBC News, 30 Apr 17.

Amerikan Republikan politicians once exclaimed outrage at such absolutist one-party rule as tyranny.  Now they revel in it and call it Amerikan ‘democracy’.  Other free nations around the world recognise it confirming the Fascism of the Republikan Party.  American May Day worker’s and women’s rights parades and protests were met with Republikan SWAT police.

  • ‘Totalitarian leaders can be helpfull to Trump.’  Press Secretary Sean Spicer, press briefing, 1 May 17
  • ‘I would absolutely negotiate with North Korean President Kim Jong Un.’  President Trump, his tweet, radio interview, Bloomberg News, CBS News, 1 May 17
  • ‘What Trump doesn’t know surprises him.’  CBS News, 1 May 17

Trumple Thinskin’s official foreign policy no longer places human rights issues as a top priority.  He announced that his foreign policy endears himself to autocrats. oligarchs, and plutocrats of the corporate priority:

  • ‘North Korean President Kim Jong Un joins a list of authoritarian leaders that Trump has spoken highly about.’  CBS News, 1 May 17
  • ‘I would be honoured to meet President Un.   He assumed power at a very young age.  He is a pretty smart cookie.’  President Trump, his tweet, radio interview, Bloomberg News, CBS News, 1 May 17
  • ‘Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is very, very popular.  He has a high approval rating.  Yes, I look forward to meeting him.’  President Trump, CBS News 1 May 17
  • ‘We are very much behind Iraq President Abdel Fatah Al-sisi.’  President Trump, CBS News, 3 Apr 17, 1 May 17
  • ‘Got a lotta killers.  Russian President Vladimir Putin’s a killer.  Do you think our country is so innocent?’  President Trump, interviewed by Bill O’Reilly, Feb 17; CBS News, 1 May 17
  • ‘Tin soldiers of Nixon coming … Four dead in Ohio.’  ‘Ohio’, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young

None of the four murdered Kent State students were part of that day’s student protest against Nixon’s criminal, un-Constitutional invasion of Cambodia; they were at the knoll on their way to class:

  • Allison B. Krause – 19 years old, gunshot to her chest at 343 feet
  • Jeffrey Glenn Miller – 20 years old, gunshot to his mouth at 265 feet
  • Sandra Lee Scheuer- 20 years old, gunshot to her neck at 390 feet
  • William Knox Schroeder – 19 years old, gunshot to his chest at 382 feet

To those spatially-diminished, the football field is 300 feet long.

Turkey’s President Erdogan is another of those dictators who suppresses public assemblies, stifles free speech, imprisons political opponents and the press.  Turkey’s recent constitutional vote was replete with terrorism committed against the citizens of the ‘No’ vote.  Erdogan declared it illegal:

  • for all opposition ‘No’ vote campaigners to hold public rallies,
  • to advertise support for the ‘No’ vote,
  • to post banners or billboards supporting the ‘No’ vote,
  • for all public display of ‘No’ vote support at minority regions of the nation (such as at Kurdish territory).

The Turkey ‘Yes’ vote passed with barely more than the 50% threshhold; all opposition parties are now banned as ‘terrorist’ groups.  Trump the Orange is bringing those measures to an Amerikan poll near you.  ‘It Can’t Happen Here’ – it is here exactly as predicted.

  • ‘Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.’  ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’, The Who

Our American younger generations have been deprived of the education of Democracy these past 30+ years since Reagan because Republikans have removed those school subjects from the education system.  We of our Baby Boom generation must pass on the ideals of true free Democracy to the younger generations; if not, then Trump Amerika will prevail and our legacy of free American Democracy will wither for many generations to come – Republikans will suppress free American Democracy as ‘terrorism’.

  • ‘We can change the world. re-arrange the world, if you believe in justice, if you believe in freedom.’  ‘Chicago’, Graham Nash

Don’t get me wrong.  There are many ‘bad hombres’ out there in this world and our nation must stand to our self-defence.

On the other hand, our nation made peace with:

  • Germany and Japan after the resolution of World War 2
  • Viet Nam since the conclusion of the Viet Nam War.

Why can’t we attempt to make peace with North Korea?  Remember, former President Bill Clinton travelled to North Korea during President George Bush’s term and made overtures to their former President.  If Trumplethinskin really wants to do something good, then maybe he can advance the Clinton – Bush initiative toward North Korea rather than persist his war-mongering saber-rattling.  Let our nation employ our world stature for well, not ill.

Some of my retirement days here are quiet – snoozing on-and-off, lying half awake.  Amazing, I thought that I was sleeping for hours, but I looked at the clock and noticed barely 15 minutes elapsed from the time I fell asleep.  I should sleep for the next four years, but then I might miss powerfull reaction when ‘We the People’ rise up against the totalitarian regime of the Orange Donald Two-Two.

  • ‘Got to revolution!’.  ‘Volunteers’, Jefferson Airplane

Rip Van Winkle slept for 20 years.  Imagine what he missed!  Twenty-five years on:

  •  ‘April 29th, Florence at Normandie!’.  ‘Anger’, Downset.

Give a listen:


Jenner:  What A Waste!

Trans celebrity of the moment Caitlyn Jenner is making her TV and talk show rounds hawking her book and strutting around as if transsexual began with her and as if we all owe our entire lives to her gracious revelation.

Give me a break!

Fair enough – she went through transition same as all of us.  Yet her transition was in the comforts of her high-rise penthouse while we hoi polloi work in our trenches and face real-life obstacles.  She presents having no idea, no grasp.

Jenner has no regret about Trump and Republi-cons.  She herself is a proud and loud self-described ‘Deplorable’ Republi-con con.  She lives her world of male privilege celebrity – now wearing a woman’s dress this past year or so rather than her man’s suit – hawking her book and taking your hard-earned money is her priority.  She has no regard for you struggling to get by on minimum wage – which will be gone in short order now that her Republikan cohorts are planning its demise.2015-xx-xx-dreamy-morning-front

Jenner’d be better reading real books by real trans persons for a change:

  • Jorgensen’s book,
  • Denise’s book,
  • Richards’ book.

Read Alana’s book for all its reality and grit – 60-some years of honesty.

Jenner is a johnny-come-lately soaking up all the adoration to herself without acknowledging those (my predecessors, your predecessors, her predecessors) who paved her primrose path.  Jenner – no guts, all glory.

For all the money that Jenner spent on FFS, she could not buy good looks; that money for her surgeons gave her facial skin pocked from bad procedures.  Maybe she should have left her appearance to her hormone cocktail.  Maybe she is evading further action (such as Ye-son – sorry, I hear Bruce, not Caitlyn).  Transition is what we all share, and in that spirit I make my criticism in shared respect.

Speaking of money, Jenner wants you to spend money on her.  Yep, she wants you to send money to her ‘charity’ so that she can get all the credit for ‘helping’ the community.  Ha!  My Dear Reader, better that you find someone’s funding web-page and donate directly rather than ‘donating’ to the Jenner ‘fund’ and letting her skim 20%, 30%, hey, maybe 40% off the top.  Donate to your friend’s campaign; 100% of your money will go to her.  I shared with others and have a better, warm and fuzzy feeling for it.

I planned to write more about Jenner.  Nah!  She already is over-hyped as it is; her 15 minutes of fame is now in over-time at its 16th minute and long past its due.  Maybe I’ll add an up-date at a later date or to a later post, but not now.  This is probably too much as it is.


I was flipping TV channels between commercials and landed on a gossip show as they said the word ‘stealth’.


That word – ‘stealth’ – it caught my innocent attention.  Were they talking about our transsexual community?


Someone in transition ‘stealth’?  Who now?

Dammit! The larger society won’t let us live in peace.

People outside our community stole our term and put their nefarious definition to it.  They define ‘stealth as:  a male secretly removing his condom to either infect or impregnate his female partner.

This act of ‘stealth’ is a crime, as far as I’m concerned and as the law books assert.  There are laws that specify that anyone who has any social disease and transmits their disease through sexual contact is committing a crime.  Impregnating a female against her will is also a crime, rape among them.

My Obama-phone Internet resulted in multiple URLs from a web search of ‘stealth’.  Try this one for starters:


‘No good deed goes un-punished.’

IMG_0298Communication is a two-way street.  All parties must share the give-and-take.   At least that is how I have been led to it throughout my life.   Tell me where I went wrong.

I have developed many correspondences over the years that are written exchanges because of distance rather than being interpersonal interaction because of close proximity.  The former has its own challenges and requires a matter of trust in the level of the other person’s honesty through that distance; you can’t look ’em in the eyes, you can’t see their expressions or reactions as you can meeting face-to-face.  One person asked me to prove that I am not a ‘troll’; trusting her, I sent personal documents to her to establish my bona fides.  I submit to you that this site is more than enough evidence that my life is as presented here.

As those of you know me from my posting here or if you are in my list, I can do a lot of writing and I can ask many questions.  I want to learn about you.  As you also know, among my points in introduction, is that I shall never ask any question that I myself will not answer, I shall not ask imposing questions without your  approval, and that I apologise if I ask questions you choose to not answer because you take them as an affront too personal to ask.

So it came to frustration recently.  I hoped it was to be the opportunity to meet someone with whom we had been sharing only written correspondences for an extended time.  I asked many questions but received little more than cursory replies.  I tried expanding the conversation using my shared experiences and empathetic comments as a catalyst for more information.  My efforts met with continued silence:

  • I asked for your age, it was more difficult than pulling teeth.
  • I asked you about your careers … (crickets)
  • I asked you to elaborate about how you came into your disability … (crickets)
  • I tried breaking the ice by empathetically reminding you of my similar circumstance … (crickets)
  • I asked you of your recent illness … (crickets)
  • I again tried to share my similar experience to ease you into a reply … (crickets)
  • I praised you for your business card idea and asked you to describe it … (crickets)
  • I asked about your friends – small world … (crickets)
  • I asked about your travels … (crickets)
  • You replied about my travels (you read my web-site here); in deference I deflected back to you and persisted my enquiry of yours wanting to know more of you … (crickets)

We went our ways.(2015 12 21) Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport - Skytram - 1

Shortly thereafter, she told me that she wanted to break off our friendship.  As you wish.  You griped that I was not paying attention to you; if so, then how come I asked many many questions that went un-answered and that I recall these details and more?  I will not otherwise post more that could identify you.  See, Dear Friend, I do listen to you, I do want to know more about you, I do accept you at your pace, I do accept your privacy, I respectfully send you on your way.  Friendship is mutual; it can not be forced when one person withdraws from the possibilities.

Another lesson learned or perhaps re-inforced from the totality.  This skeptic in me tells me that I must again be wary of someone who claims to want to befriend me but refuses to share their personal information with me as I do of myself for them.  Secretive people as her have abused me throughout my life; my sister is one grand example withholding her life from me no matter how much I try to learn hers.  What are secretive people hiding?  I am interested in you, your life, your experiences to know you.

I asked fair questions that I could ask of you, I did it til I was blue in the face; it is your decision that you chose to not share for whatever your reasons – whether good, bad, or indifferent.  I am always open to re-new our friendship; I am sad if you choose to keep it ended.

One of my support groups selected me to work as a facilitator.  I walk that fine line.  I must be personally secure to reveal and discuss the most intimate and vulnerable aspects of my own life if I expect others to do the same; I present my life experiences as a basis for others to feel safe knowing that they can also share their moments rather than present my self as the center of attention.

I know you, but, as one person said it, ‘You do not know me!’.


Please.(2017 05 18) Red Cross Donation 72 (1) IMG_0478

Allow me to wave one flag today – donate blood to your local blood bank – Red Cross, United Blood Services, or whatever you choose at your home town hospital.

I always – ALWAYS! – hated needles since my childhood.  I hated vaccination shots.  I hated blood draws.  I still hate needles!

It came to pass that I was cajoled to join the office blood drive in 1979; I gave my first time.


I did not give for another couple years.

When I did resume, it was not totally altruistic. Federal employees get four hours of leave time to donate blood.  Hey, that meant that I could get a free half-day off work every eight weeks.  And so I did.

Then one day I got home and freaked out.  I could no longer take that needle.

More than 10 years passed. It happened at work again – another Red Cross blood drive.  Aww, my co-worker told me to come along and get my blood pressure checked – no blood draw if I did not want to do it.

I registered at the door, presented my Red Cross ID card, took the literature to read, and waited my turn.  The nurse called for me; I told her that I was there at the behest of my co-worker and would only do a blood pressure check to please her.  Well, it was no time at all that I surrendered and went all the way.  Iron test first – ouch.  Then the real deal.  OUCH!!!  The reward was cranberry juice and peanut butter cookies.  YUMMY!!!

I learned to ride that blood donation bicycle as if I never lost a day.  I set small goals: 20 pints, 30 pints, 40 pints.  Hey, I eventually had to make my age in pints a goal that is now long past and in my rear view mirror.  I have since accumulated pints to where I am now set to hit nine gallons.  My immediate next goal is 10 gallons – hey, fill that 10-gallon hat will ya, pardner.  I hope to surpass 100 pints.

(2015 07 22) MVD Licence - ARC - Baby BrigadeI did my last aphoresis a couple years ago – making it a double-dose donation.  Aphoresis puts a metallic taste to your sense of smell and sense of taste.  It also gets the body cool – a curious way to beat the Summer heat.

Dear Reader, go for it!  You are never too old to donate as long as you are in good health.  There are many people in your community who need your blood.  Join the Red Cross ‘Baby Brigade’.  There are those of you who reside where perhaps you endured a weather calamity and your hospital is begging for donors to help the injured.  As I put it nowadays, certainly you can bear 10 minutes of your day once every eight weeks to extend the gift of life to your neighbour who might be in ill health for a lifetime.

Didja notice?  The colours of the Red Cross ‘Baby Brigade’ are the same as those of the trans flag.  Cool!


(2017 04 29) Trans Spectrum Prom TicketTrans Spectrum had our Prom this past Saturday night.

Allow me to say that we all had a good time.

Daniel, Shirley, and I went to eat dinner before the Prom.  Kapung khaf, thank you, Daniel, for the nice meal.

We took pictures of each other dressed up.

We danced to rock, rap, disco music.  I teased the DJ to play Glen Miller; he played ‘Freebird’ instead and I entertained the crowd with air guitar for the entire song.  Whew!

When it ended, we all helpt the clean-up.  A few of the usual gang went looking for a disco after midnight.  They found a gay-friendly bar and made their way.

Allow me to say that we all had a good time.

Thank you, Tess, for the good table conversation.  I shall miss you as you take your sea cruise during the next few months.  I shall welcome you home with open arms and a great big HUG.  Between then, be sure to post your pictures.

Hey, Linda, Jeff, Cecilia, who’d’ve thought this is where you’d be this time last year.  You all have come quite a long journey.  I recall our first day as if it is today.  Tears of joy.

Let’s enjoy another prom – same time next year.  Those of you who could not make it this year will plan to join us next year.


Kapung Khaf, Dear Reader.

Thank you for coming today.

I had to make this a quick posting.  Check back for another visit after I have more Library wi-fi time to add pictures and visuals and fix typos.


I began accumulating news articles regarding LGBT issues in the news.  It is not good.

Coming attractions:

I put this where it belongs.  You LGBT-ers who vote Trumple and Republi-con did this to our community – to us – to yourselves.  I hope that these coming losses of our civil Constitutional rights make you happy.  Your misbehaviour angers me to no end.
