Archive | June 2017

‘Sackcloth And Ashes’


(01 Jun 17)

‘Sackcloth And Ashes’

*(1969 11) Slim - On My Bed

Sahwdee Khaf.  Welcome, Dear Reader.

Life – a dichotomy.

Happy and sad.

Making due for one’s sins, forgiving others of their transgressions.


I composed this entry back on 1 Jun 17.  I was ready to post it that day.  Then, same as with my Apple iPad (January this year), this time my Dell PC ‘died’.  I thought that I lost my files.

I shopped my PC to local repair techies hoping for some concensus of its disability.  I got little help.

Lucky me.  I went to Best Buy last Saturday (after I posted my two-fer).  Their techie did a few keystrokes and bingo this computer sprung back to life – my files are safe.

So here we are, three weeks late and chronologically out of order, still worth posting, but with some re-writes to account my intervening ‘Elation!’ post (17 Jun 17).


These last two years of my life have been quite an experience of maturity and growth.

Emotional development includes the capacity to comprehend one’s past and atone for one’s mistakes.  I lay bear my persona.

I had been collapsing into depression and social isolation that began when the State of Arizona fired me because I am trans (2008).

My life reverted inward while rejecting the world outside the walls of home.  My re-awakening to the world of human contact was filled with mistakes, intrusions, and fumbles.  I meant well, but others perceived my eagerness as insulting and intrusive.  I can look back at correspondences that I wrote and agree with them.  No telling that my personal interactions must have likewise been equally horrid, clumsy at best, having been stunted by 18 months of deep depression and self-imposed isolation from society.

Allow me to submit to you, Dear Reader, that these past two years demonstrate improvement.

My counsellor from 2015 expressed concern about my isolation.  Nowadays, that same counsellor is one who endorsed me for participation in my support group’s board and as a facilitator.  She acknowledges in me now that which was absent two years ago.

One of my early efforts was my participation in an on-line message board and chat room.  This began March 2015, shortly before the Jenner publicity went big-time.  I posted my comments – such were my ineptitudes that I wrote with a harsh stridency that I did not perceive then but realise now.  My apologies to Janet, Carolyn, Luvely Z, Kittyhawk, Betty, DaReal, and many others (I’d love to add your name here if we make contact).  I have tried searching for that board, perhaps it no longer exists.  (Up-date 2 Aug 17:  See Janet’s ‘Comment’, below.  Janet, I do think that your fictional e-mail is cute.  It seemed Maya was being reduced to an afterthought.  Eric wants a divorce???  What a hypocrite after what he just did!  Katie needs to get a clue, she exaggerates every kiss; Hollywood people kiss as commonly as a handshake.)

I found spirit friends.  I was eager to get back into my life by helping to get them into their own lives; instead, my eagerness intruded into their lives.  Please accept my apologies.  If you are still reading these posts, then you can see that I am much improved.  If not, then please let me know what I can do to improve.


Good news.

It’s a girl!

Congratulations, Cecilia!

Welcome to the sorority of the Thai experience and the Chettawut Clinic sisterhood.

Follow Dr. Chettawut’s orders!  Sri, Noi, and the nurses are there for you.

  • ‘Take deep breaths.’
  • ‘Relax.’

Get to know your Chettawut Clinic neighbours!  You will be friends for life.

Enjoy your every moment!  Savour the simple tastes of warm soy milk, miso soup, chicken soup, and crackers.

You have the reflection of your fond memories of what was as you look toward your un-encumbered future that you set forth before you.


Meanwhile, please join with me to pray for two other friends who are enduring their own medical crises.

And let us pray for a third friend who needs help dealing with her past horrors of the battlefield and her own loss.

Kapung khaf.



Maturity – the opportunity to delve into self-examination.

So it is with my sister Kathy and me.

I received that first delivery last week:  two boxes arrived via United State Postal Service.  One was light-weight, one was heavy-weight.

Alana and I held an opening ceremony.

The first box we opened was the light box containing a picture frame.  Huh?  Oops, I turned it over.

Wow! #1.

There it was – my 8th Grade class picture from Catholic school.    I could still name nearly all of my class-mates more than 45 years later.

The heavier box was more of a mystery.

Wow! #2.

This second box contained numerous news clippings and mementos that my mom kept as scrapbook files from her work as an actress during the 1950s through 1980s.  Many items were of her theatrical stage roles.  Alana and I were thrilled reading the articles in the folders, one-by-one; we enjoyed looking at the head-shot contact prints and other photographs.  These documents were new to me; I already knew that my mom participated in such productions as ’26 Men’ (1950s – 1960s), ‘A Star Is Born’ (1976), and local TV and radio commercials here in Arizona and other locations where she resided (1960s – 1990s).

Kathy sent a third box that arrived this past Tuesday.  I thanked her for this delivery.  Kathy included a porcelaine mask in the box of heavy books – I received that artwork in pieces.  I asked her:  How can someone pack such a delicate piece of ceramique surrounded by 25 pounds of books and expect it to ship unscathed?  At least I have glue to repair the Mardi Gras mask as best as possible.

As for my mother and the good versus bad, she could be her own sadist – my own ‘Mommy Dearest’ – when I was a small child.  She frequently grabbed me by my arm, literally threw me in the bathtub, and beat me with any implement at hand – a stick, an electric cord, a wire coat-hanger.  She beat me till my wounds ran with blood and pus.  Kathy knows this – she was frequently there getting beat at the same time as I, a sort of two-for-one opportunity for Dear Ol’ Mom.  Afterward, Kathy and I consoled each other, cried in each other’s arms, and spread Vaseline jelly on our wounds to prevent our clothes from sticking to our sores.  Why does Kathy deny these events?  I studied psychology to learn those possible answers.

As I have written elsewhere at this site, my only option is forgiving my mother.  Smashed on booze, she likely knew little of what she did.  When she was sober, she was in her own denial for her own suffering that went un-spoken.  How could I not forgive her?


First thing, I thanked Kathy several times:  ‘thank you’, ‘kapung khaf’, ‘gracias’.  I told Kathy of the opening ceremony with Alana.  I shared my enthusiasm with Kathy.  I made humour.  I told Kathy how I was so thrilled; that I read each and every article and magazine in each folder.  I told Kathy that I enjoyed seeing all the various head-shot contact prints.

To be certain, I asked Kathy when she wanted these items returned.  I did not want to presume that she was giving these items to me ‘for keeps’.  I did not want Kathy to accuse me of stealing from her as she stole from me.

I asked many questions.

I asked Kathy:  ‘Are these among Mom’s property that you wrote to me that you were tossing in the dump?  What did you trash?’

I asked Kathy:  ‘Why did Mom never share this with me?’ and ‘Why did you with-hold them till now?’ – 15 years after her death in 2002.

I brought up our text exchange from earlier this year:  ‘How disagreeable do you perceive me why you would not share 30 minutes, 10 minutes with these documents with me?  Not even a 5-minutes telephone call?’  I told Kathy ‘if you can drive 500 miles, then I can drive at least 50 miles’.

Kathy wrote this text to me (25 May 17):

  • ‘I have no idea what U are talking about , when exactly did I ever refuse to see u??’

Kathy wrote this text to me (26 May 17):

  • ‘I told u IF we had time we would call.  Our goal was the wedding & it didn’t work out to meet up with u.’

Kathy can’t keep her story straight.  She first denied refusing to see me.  Then in her follow-up text barely 12 hours later, she freely admitted that she made no effort to meet me; I did not rank anywhere in her priorities during that weekend or any other times.

She blamed me for not calling to her, but there was no point; her second text proves that.  She had no interest telling me her schedule so that at least I could have spoken with her for five minutes rather than posting a voice-mail that would have landed in her cyber neverland.

Yep, I was more than eager to drive anywhere in the Phoenix metropolitan community to meet her, yet she could not be bothered to tell me where to meet her.  That was when she wrote in her second text where she was that weekend – barely one mile from where I was.

I cried for days that Kathy refused to meet with me.

I shared with Kathy that Alana advised me that these packages are a sign of a truce between Kathy and me.

I posed to Kathy:  ‘You’re the one with the upper hand in whatever is our relationship; you tell me what happens next.’

I asked Kathy my ubiquitous question:  the whereabouts of Cousin Steve.  ‘I get your message.  Cousin Steve and me, it’s how you want us, two family flotsam to be ignored.’

Sad – 60 years of life gone – Kathy does not know me, nor do I know her.  I am the un-wanted, the intrusion, the one who bowed to her schedule and still came up empty.  I reminded her of 1993 when I made every effort and put her first on my list when I drove through her town.

Okay, Dear Reader, my questions and statements to Kathy seem reasonable to me.

Recall, Dear Reader, that I was eagerly hoping for any opportunity to see Kathy – wherever, whenever – when she came earlier this year.  The only exception was if she came to my home.  Kathy married into wealth; she denies her family’s low-income beginnings as a child.  Her current home is the most luxurious in her country club area.  Compare to me; my humble abode is among the more impoverished of neighbourhoods of the metropolitan area.  Thus, I would have met her anywhere except at my simple home.


In Kathy’s perspective, I am the lowest of the low, if not lower.

Kathy accused me of seeking an ulterior motive.

Kathy snapt at me that she never wanted those mementos of Mom, that she gave no thought about them when she put them in storage years ago.

Kathy first argued that she NEVER refused my request to visit with her when she came to town earlier this year; yet Kathy clearly wrote in her very next sentence that her only plan was to attend that wedding, that she had no plan and no time to allow me to meet her at any place, at any time – not even 5 minutes, not even a wave as she drove past me.

Kathy accused me of not wanting to visit her, yet I was the one who repeatedly asked for any information to her whereabouts – that I would see her anywhere at any time.  (I learned through these latest communications that Kathy and I were within one mile of each other.)

Kathy denied ever coming to visit with Cousin Beverly in years past – despite both Kathy and Beverly bragging about it in their prior correspondences to me – both were pleased to tell me that they were ignoring my existence.

Kathy called me ‘an emotional drain’.  She wrote that she has ‘no desire to deal with your drama’ and ‘you take a kind act and turn it into an ordeal’, and that I am ‘cancerous!!!’.

Kathy’s texts were scattered with emoticons and emojis.  Too bad, my Obama-phone service only shows them as blank boxes.

Kathy again refused to address the whereabouts of Cousin Steve.


There you go, Dear Reader.  What I wrote versus what Kathy wrote to me in reply.

How far off-base am I?

Is there any ‘truce’?

How can my asking questions be ‘an emotional drain’ and ‘drama’?

Kathy ascribed my thanking her as ‘an ordeal’.

‘Cancerous!!!’?  Most people tell me that I should be the one to remove from my life a person such as her.  But I can’t.  She is the closest of whatever ‘family’ that remains in my life.  I can’t close that door on her no matter that she closed her life to me.


Which way do I go?

Repentence is what I offer to Kathy for my sins.  Forgiveness is what I present to both Kathy and our mom.


Here we go with another round of debate.

This side of the aisle will present the facts.  Their side of the aisle will present their fears that can not be quelled with reason.

Their esteemed Michael the ‘savage’ Weiner’s repeat program that aired this past Monday (29 May 17) cast doubt on the veracity of transsexuality.

Weiner spent at least one segment of his show (it was all that this Editor could stomach that day) pushing lies to his audience of sheeple.

Weiner prattled on that no child of age 3, 4, 5, 6 or thereabouts could ever ‘know’ that they are ‘male’ or ‘female’.  So, my dear Mr. Weiner, lemme ask you.  When did you first ‘know’ whether you are either ‘male’ or ‘female’?  On what date of your life did this wisdom strike you with that ‘Ah-ha!’ moment?

  • Age 10?
  • Age 15?
  • Age 20?

Please tell.

Do you want my answer, Mr. Weiner?  Here it is whether you want to read it or not.  I ‘knew’ from as long as my memory goes (at least to 1959 when I was 3 years old) that I AM female.  I may not have comprehended ‘female’ in all its adult nuances, but I ‘knew’ my body parts were not as they should be and I ‘knew’ that my family forced me to present as a ‘boy’ against my inner girl’s instinct.  My family bullied me, beat me, abused me whenever I wanted to socialise with neighbour girls and do ‘girl’ play activities with them.  Family praise of me to present as their son and do ‘boy’ activities with the neighbour boys made little notice to me.

I wanted my own girl clothing, not boys’ attire.  In that absence, I wore my sister’s clothes at home (frequently); my parents punished me for taking them without Kathy’s permission.  I occasionally wore her clothes while playing with other children in the neighbourhood despite ridicule from my playmates.  My sister Kathy knows of this.

I put on my cousins’ make-up when we went to their home; my aunt and uncle would enamour me with ‘Oh, Nickie, what a cute little girl!’.  My sister Kathy, my cousins Gail and Carol, and I then would go into the cousins’ bedroom, play 45 rpm records, and I would dance like that ‘cute little girl’ to entertain them.

None of the family forces against my self-asserting femalehood mattered in the long-term.  As my counsellors perceived of me were those three points of self-cognition known by every trans person:

  • insistence,
  • persistence,
  • consistence.

My assertions to my female identity may have involved some amount of self-exploratory ideation.  But unlike my day-dreaming about the trees, the flowers, my dog, the goldfish, my conclusion of my female identity fixed and I never let it go.  That was nearly 60 years ago and it remains that I have no regrets insisting upon my  female reality.


Weiner persisted that no ‘man’ who had ‘his’ body changed through medical ‘self-mutilation’ could ever be considered ‘female’.  He likewise posited that no ‘woman’ could ever become a ‘man’ through equivalent ‘mutilation’.

Weiner insisted – demanded – that the sole definition of ‘male’ is a person who impregnates a female with sperm and that the sole definition of a ‘female’ is a person who bears young.

Lemme ask you, Mr. Weiner.

  • Would a ‘man’ be a ‘male’ who had that proverbial ‘farming accident’ and lost his anatomical male penis parts?
  • Would a ‘woman’ still be a ‘female’ even if she lost her female uterine parts due to illness?
  • How would you classify a ‘male’ or a ‘female’ whose natural anatomy was irregular?  Inter-sexed?  Which sex would you assign to that child?  How?  Why would you usurp that child’s own natural right to determine their own destiny?  What happened to your boast of the person’s right to self-determination if you are now demanding to deny that right to that child so born as inter-sex?

You boast that you are a studied botanist.  Then surely you know that the plant world is little different than the animal world:

  • ovarian glands emit testosterone hormones
  • testicular glands emit estrogen hormones.

Those are two examples of inter-sex.  In these cases, a ‘male’ can appear as ‘female’ and a ‘female’ can appear as ‘male’.

Where do you put me, Mr. Weiner?  My current birth certificate documents that at some time during my infancy someone assigned me as ‘male’ contrary to these subsequent, independent medical facts:

  • my surgeon examined me under fluoroscope and by exploratory internal surgical examination and affirmed to me the absence of internal male anatomy (1982),
  • my radiologist administered a body scan that documented the absence of internal male anatomy (2000),
  • my radiologist administered an abdominal scan and determined the absence of internal male anatomy (2001),
  • my primary care physician’s head nurse confirmed to me that I have ovaries (2015),
  • my gynecologist examined me and independently determined the absence of a prostate (2016),
  • my gynecologist examined me and independently determined that I have cervical tissue (2017).

Where, Mr. Weiner, was medical evidence that I am ‘male’ rather than ‘female’?  Why, then, must I present that ‘male’ facade when I am, in fact, female?

(2016 01 23) Medical Certification (2) (obscured)Weiner apparently usurps the integrity and expertise of the world’s greatest physicians and surgeons with his specious claims.  Dr. Chettawut is among the world’s top three GCS / SRS surgeons.  This is his standard certification letter that he issues to his M-F patients – its contents conform to international protocols agreed by all GCS / SRS surgeons world-wide.  Other GCS / SRS surgeons issue a letter nearly similar as this from Dr. Chettawut.

Read that document carefully, Mr. Weiner; read paragraph #3 in its entirety.  The patient is female; no different than a cis-female who endured a hysterectomy or was born absent ‘normal’ internal female anatomy.

Or do you claim to hold special knowledge exceptional to Dr. Chettawut and the entire global community?

For you who hold that the Bible objects to trans people.  Well, then, go read the New Testament quoting Jesus’ support for ‘the Eunuchs’, aka transsexuals.  One common reference is Matthew 19:12.


American PBS TV has been broadcasting a BBC TV series about the slums of London:  ‘Victorian Slum House’.

The production employs real-life people of today experiencing what real-life people of 100-some years ago endured during Victorian times.  Sadly, we notice that our Amerikan nation is foisting this same slum onto today’s community.

Notice how wealthy people proclaim that poor people refuse to work.  Not true, but their lies persist – then and now.  The producers stressed this inequity of people working 70 and 80 hours per week while their employers are still not paying a ‘livable’ wage for their employees to afford housing, food, health care, education, a life of freedom, and retirement for old age.

The producers point out that free public education and meaningful career training are the best way out of poverty.

The latest episode discusses the birth of the British Suffragette movement – surely a must-view episode for every woman.

Please, Dear Reader.  Find these episodes at your local PBS TV channel or go on-line to watch the series.


I make life advances.

Millye and I have been requested to present our life narratives to a local community assembly.

Daniel invited me to join with him creating a trans-child support group – that I can be a support group facilitator.

I am working on a written narrative of my being fired from the State of Arizona for being trans.  This will be submitted to a publisher for a compilation of life experiences of prejudice that we in the trans community endure every day.

Brad requested me to join his Dasahori web-site and re-acquaint with other Dasahori school-mates.  Kapung khaf, Brad.


Kapung Khaf.

Thank you, Dear Reader, for coming today.

Please return for another blog.






(17 Jun 17)




Dear Reader:

This is a two-fer day.  I had been writing and expected to split one post into two topics:  politics and procedures.  Instead. I have written enough to separate each topic to its own post.

Enjoy whichever or both – as you choose.

This second one is procedures.  It follows politics.


IMG_0058As I recall, rates for my stay at Baan Siri Cottages were 1100 THB – slightly more than $30 per day.  Rates for either Dusit or Vertical exceeded $60 per day for their studio – nearly double compared to Baan Siri; one bedroom and two bedroom at Vertical or Dusit must be quite a bit more now – two years later.

IMG_0052My support group friends are at Bangkok.  Her employer arranged for her to work long distance.  I understand her predicament.  When I was a state employee, my supervisor would never have allowed my absence for more than two weeks – I know – I asked when I was trying to make my actual arrangements to go to Dr. Biber at Trinidad, Colorado, during the 1990s.  I realised that I would need to fabricate a cover story for an extended leave before those limited two weeks of vacation time off.  I decided that I’d do my two weeks vacation leave, then make up a cover story for sick leave during the remainder of my absence – call my supervisor from the clinic and tell her that I got seriously ill and had to be hospitalised while out of town – that I could not travel home until the attending physician released me.

*(2016 01 xx) Chettawut Clinic Post-op Instructions (3) (Dilation Schedule) (full page)

Here are some of my perspectives about ‘duty’.

I apologise, I am presuming that you chose a dilation option.  With your un-packing, you marked your first time on your own.  Perhaps #4 appears impossible today, note on your chart that you will be there in a few short weeks.  ‘Duty’ will require your primary attention your first two years post-op.  Your persistence will be rewarded; your diligence to your schedule will be rewarded – for your own self, for the time when you are ready for your intimate partner.

Most of you remain in Thailand for only your 30-days visa; you barely advance to add #2 when you depart for home.  My extended Thailand residency meant that I advanced and was regularly working #3 while I recovered at Baan Siri before I travelled home.  I was fortunate to have the opportunity that came my way.  I was not limited by work requirements or other home obligations.  I went to Chaengwattana federal center to maximise my visa during my first week at Thailand; I extended my Thai experience through three calendar months.  I would have stayed longer if there was a possibility.  Perhaps someday I might set up temporary residence there.

Persistence – work with #1 til you are ready for #2, and so on.  Your clock does not start until you attain full depth.  Do not rush to make depth; haste can lead to serious injury.  It must never hurt or cause pain.  Your introitis must never be rubbed raw, your inside must never be sore or ache.  You are doing well when you feel satisfied, maybe experienced orgasms, and you have no pains.  As Dr. Chettawut says, ‘relax’ and ‘take deep breaths’.

It is best to go directly from one size to the next without any break.  Therefore, it is important to avoid disruptive nature calls.  Start your session after you empty both your bladder and bowel, otherwise your abdominal muscles will be in conflict with your ability to ‘relax’ your vaginal muscles.  My deepest vaginal muscle is both highly reflexive and extraordinarily strong, it wants to clamp down hard as soon as the dilator touches – it might not allow the dilator to advance no matter how much lube; sometimes for me, a solid cough distracts that muscle.

This is when you must ‘relax’, ‘take deep breaths’.

It is important to follow your surgeon’s directions.  Again, allow me to describe my alternate; Dr Chettawut does not endorse this, but it works for me because I developed it through carefull attention.  Sometimes I do not begin with #1, I instead begin with #2.  This is possible as I progressed from year one, to year two, to year three.  My anatomy is not as tight now as it was post-op, nor as it was by the end of my first year, second year.  This looseness seems to enhance sensation – my muscles are gawd more flexible as I work them.

Take in your senses as you insert and remove your appliance.  Focus on how it feels as it slips in – increment by increment.  Focus on how your muscles spasm and throb.  You are approaching orgasm.

(2016 06 19) Chettawut Clinic Dilators IMG_0512Dr. Chettawut’s devices are straight rather than curved.  As a patient of Dr. Chetttawut, I admit my bias for the equipment that he supplied to me.  These straight devices allow me to rotate them as well as move them while in duty – not possible with a curved dilator.

I developed my own duty plan that I reported to Dr. Chetttawut; he does not endorse my once-per-day 4-hours sessions (I enjoy experiencing multiple orgasms and feeling fine), but it works for my personal circumstances.  I stay with #1 as long as I determine (at least one hour at a time) then advance to #2 (another hour minimum) and continue accordingly to #3, and finally to #4.  Or maybe I retain #2, #3, or #4 beyond one hour; maybe go to two or three hours each; I do extra time when orgasms are running their course.  I also sleep with an inserted dilator; this practise is likewise not endorsed by Dr. Chettawut, but it works for me because I developed it for myself with caution and care.

You can recover from missed sessions.  Allow me to share my current predicament.  I had been ill nearly three weeks; I suspended my ‘duty’ at least two weeks.  With caution and persistence, I worked from #1 through #4 all day Wednesday and restored my capacity by the end of that day as if I lost no days.  I’ve been good with #1 to #3 in this current recovery; I was patient with #4 as I recovered, and am now easy with it.


Dunno your prior experience or any preference of lube, here’s my take on lube.

Lube is an essential part of your daily routine during the first two post-op years of your life.

(2017 06 23) Lube Syringe IMG_0529Use water-based lube.  This lube absorbs properly.  Some friends use coconut oil.  I bought some coconut oil expecting to try it, but chickened out.  I never had to douche pre-Dr. Chettawut.  Dr. Chettawut advised me that I should never have the need to douche as long as I use only water-soluble, absorbable lube.  For this, I adhere to his instruction.

Be certain that you sufficiently lube your device, but not too much that wastes it.  One alternate, inject lube (from 0.5g to 1g) rather than putting it on your appliance; not too deep, just past your introitis so that lube stays inside, rather than being wiped off by your labia.

Order the extra supply from Dr. Chettawut, or whomever is your doctor, before you depart Bangkok.  His lube (‘Q-C’ in the picture below) works better than what I find here at home.  I combine the low-priced lube (injected) with the adhesive lube (applied to the dilator):

  • Walmart sells a 3-ounce tube for $.88 (‘Lubri-Gel’):  this formula has minimal adhesion to the device  – this lube might dribble off before you finish applying it – so I inject this rather than apply it to the dilator.
  • Walmart sells a 4-ounce tube for $1.98 (‘Equate’):  this lube works well applied to the dilator.
  • Fry’s (Kroger) sells a 4-ounce tube for $2.19:  save your change, the quality is equal to the $1.98 Walmart lube.

(2017 06 23) Five Lubes IMG_0527K-Mart, CVS, Walgreens, Target (‘Up and Up’) lube is outrageously over-priced.   Dunno about CostCo, I do not hold membership.

Name-brand lubes are more than double the price of store-brand despite the same ingredients formula.

You will be using at least one tube per week to start.  This will increase to two tubes per week once you get to your full-time schedule of all four dilators three times per day.  Thus, over your long run, that 20 cents difference between the Walmart 4-ounce tube versus the Fry’s 4-ounce tube begins to amount to quite a financial impact.  It makes it further obvious that you may want to stay with the $.88 tube as the most economical per unit price.

This is another reason why I now hold sessions once per day for the same accumulated time as if three times per day.  It saves on lube since working consecutively from #1 through #4 once per day uses considerably less lube than three times per day.

Request your gyn prescribe vaginal estrogen cream for you.  This will help you in its own right.  If your labia tend to rub lube off your dilator, then re-purpose your vaginal applicator to inject lube – again, not too deep, just inside your introitis.


One of your priorities upon returning home is to schedule your 6-months and 12-months post-op gynecology appointments – best done by a post-op specialist – unless you will be returning to Dr Chettawut for them.  Lucky you!  (Take me with you.  Please!!!)

Here’s where being both Mom and patient companion can prepare your new daughter for her exams, especially if she has had no prior familiarity with pelvic exams.  I really, deeply am pleased that you have a fabulous mother – daughter relationship.  My mom wanted little to do with me; further, my sister wants little to do with me.

My post-op specialist gynecologist used the big-screen TV monitor at my recent annual gyn exam.  We could see far better – and much more – this time than she could by visual and me by mirror previously.  It was really cool looking at everything in great detail – inside and outside.

I watched her this time as she swabbed my cervix with the butterfly scraper for my Pap smear.  This enlarged view makes me appreciate that much better how well Dr. Chettawut accommodated my pre-op anatomy to his surgery capabilities.  Kapung khaf, Dr. Chettawut!


Your first weeks at Bangkok are in your past.  This closing week will pass quickly.  Savour every moment!  How I want to return to Thailand – I experienced many more emotions there than Salt Lake City.  But I was so stealth during those two events (1982 and 1983) that I had no one to share it; we at Baan Siri shared our experiences among each one of us and have become life-long friends for it.  Good for you that you developed friendships where you resided at Bangkok – cherish them – your shared experience among you will remain with you for the rest of your lives.



I think that I saw a trans-woman while shopping at Goodwill’s half-price day today.   She was acting nervous in the womenswear aisle – we all know how that goes – been there, done that.

She looks nice.

I smiled and said ‘Hello’ to her as we passed in the aisle – she had a masculine voice in reply.

I wanted to say something – speak words of encouragement.  But that’s not proper etiquette.

  • What if she doesn’t want to be out?   Even by another who means well.
  • What if I was wrong?  Ouch!

I wish well for her.

Maybe we shall meet again at another Goodwill half-price day.

*(1949 xx xx) I Was A Male War Bride MV5BMWExY2QwMzYtNGVhMy00NjcyLTk1MWQtMDA1M2JjMGFlNzE1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,666,1000_AL_

‘I Was a Male War Bride’ (c1949) (Cary Grant) was on TV last week (Movies TV):

  • ‘Turning a man into a woman is enormously complicated’,
  • ‘I’m wondering which sex I am’,
  • ‘I’m a war bride’.

‘Whoa fella’ – the first trans-woman.


The story-line is the perfect example of ‘SNAFU’.  The law provided for the ‘married spouse’ of American military personnel, but military management only thought to apply it to brides, not grooms.  Patriarchally sexist.

Here’s where I found that movie poster (kapung khaf):


Sunday was a beautifull day!  I was doing yard work while the temperature was mild.  I took my patio shower; I felt refreshed and clean.  I felt good mentally.

I shared with my friend that I am not suicidal and do not mean to be morbid if my texting came out wrong.  During these past few weeks, I have been suffocating on my congestion while I slept; I awoke gasping for air.  I am reasonably fine while I am awake, active, whether indoors or outside.  I had been reasonably clear since the time I woke up at 6 am that morning.  But I awoke violently – gasping for air, coughing out congestion that filled my lungs.

I sleep upright.  I have been unable to sleep comfortably flat on my back, on either side, or my stomach since my 1999 collision; my muscles tense, I suspect it is a sub-conscious reflex reaction to my injuries.

My fear is that I might die in my sleep; my fear is dying alone.  I lost two friends that way 20 years ago:

  • Linda was single and lived alone, she ‘died in her sleep’
  • Mary died of a heart attack – alone – while dressing for work, her family already gone for their day.

My dad had me with him when he died.  I want to have someone with me when I die.

I do not want to die, not yet, but I need to be ready.  I came to realise that I must take care of the material concerns of my life; it has been nearly a decade since I last reviewed my will and that is too long.  I need to spend time on the affairs of my estate.  I need to consult with my friends about my estate.

My current document is something that I discussed with most all named parties more than a decade ago.  New people have entered my life; it is important to acknowledge these latest relationships.


My friend and I shared our common ideas about life and death the other day:

  • Agree – I want to go in my sleep; nothing violent or catastrophic.
  • Agree – fear is the ‘how’.  I do not want to wake up to die, just fall asleep and never awake.
  • Agree – our other world support will meet and help us; but I really want someone on ‘this side’ to send me on my way.  I had meetings and heard voices when I was in deep depression (after the state fired me and my 2014 episode).  People and pets spoke to me.  They cheered me on.  I miss them all, I can’t wait to see them again.
  • Agree – no such thing as ‘death’, just transition to eternal energy.

Then a strong wind (tornado?) came from the South travelling North – lasting maybe 30 seconds – heavy dust carrying debris.  Was this a sign?


Point of fact, I’m feeling elated!  This is recent realisation.

Allow me to elaborate what happened.  My Dasahori (Greece) school-mates were searching for me in their process of recently beginning a new web-site for we Dasahori students – they persisted and never quit.  They found me when they did an Internet search for ‘Dasahori’ and realised that the Sharon who posted about Dasahori on this web-site was the Nick of their search – that the Nick of their search is now Sharon.

Forty-five years and they still have fond memories of me (as I of them), they are posting some of the sweetest, kindest words at the Dasahori web-site (as I of them).  Even now knowing about me, it makes no difference, they still like me (as I of them).  Their recollections are of me as a nice boy who was always friendly to each one; they were always friendly and kind to me.  Efharisto!

Quite a pleasant change from the harassment from my sister Kathy and cousin Bev.

IMG_0109 (2016 01 19) Orange Flag boatI thanked them profusely; I shared how deeply I feel their support, how much I have always cherished my year with them, and apologised for my bad behaviour, or at least what I recalled.  I explained that they are the only people from my ‘before’ who are in my ‘now’ life, that I lost all ‘friends’, and that Cousin Nancy is my only family.

Brad told me that he frequently travels to Thailand; he will be leaving now to visit his daughter the next two weeks while she is there, that he was at Bangkok when I was there.  Wow!  We were two orange flags passing in the stream.

Jenny wants us all to visit.  I proposed that we formulate a class re-union.

It is all profound!

Efharisto, my Dasahori Friends!

My Dasahori school-mates were American and one British boy.  They were children who had a parent who worked for ‘Voice of America’ – civil service or construction contractors.

Sadly, I have no pictures of Dasahori to share with my Dasahori friends; the crooks who ransacked and burglarised my home stole what I had.  My Dasahori friends have plenty of their pictures to share.  Efharisto!

I browsed my search engine for ‘Dasahori’ and got curious results:

  • Who is ‘Dasahori’ on Twitter?


Father’s Day is recognised in the USA this Sunday.

I wrote a Father’s Day message last year.

Allow me to share with you, Dear Reader, a record that was popular in 1969; my dad made me buy it:

I suppose that it is a song of respect toward an adopting father.  No matter that my adopting father abused me.

I shared a long conversation with one of my support group friends earlier this week.  I commented about my dad – that I have many bad memories of my father, yet there were the choice events when he was as much my cherished father as he ever could be.

I arrived on Father’s Day 1989 when I travelled to New Jersey to be with my dad for his last three weeks.

I miss you, Pop.  We missed so much that we could have had to share, but you left too soon.

I miss having family.

Kathy’s last texts to me were attacks at me – that was about a month ago.

I wish my parents were around to see that i’m not the devil child they made me.

I’m glad for you, my Thai experience sister friend, that you had a loving family, your parents’ memories keep you motivated.


(1970 06) Slim - Crater Lake (sitting - portrait)Kapung khaf. Thank you for visiting.

Please read my prior post.  It is about politics and history repeating itself.

Please come again.



‘United by Liberals We Stand, Divided By Republi-cons We Fall’





(17 Jun 17)


‘United by Liberals We Stand, Divided By Republi-cons We Fall’


Dear Reader:

This is a two-fer day.  I had been writing and expected to split one post into two topics:  politics and procedures.  Instead. I have written enough to separate each topic to its own post.

Enjoy whichever or both – as you choose.

This first one is politics.  What follows is procedure.


We celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Loving court case that led to the demise of laws prohibiting inter-racial marriage.

How did this American nation devise such a sinister law?

It began in slavery 300 years ago.  Elite Caucasian Christian land-owing men owned people under terms of slavery – whether the slave be Caucasian or Negro.  The purpose of those original laws was to keep the slaves divided – to keep whites separated from blacks, to keep them under the concept of division. one against the other.

And so it came to persist that poor whites perceived poor blacks as lesser people, lesser than human, as part of this enculturated division, even after the Civil War and after the Amendments abolishing slavery.  Republi-cons persist pushing division as their political, social, cultural platform to this day.

Note through the many decades how Republi-cons push division – especially between white versus black – poor white versus poor black.

This division is one basis for Trump and Republi-cons winning the last election.


PBS World broadcast an episode of ‘America Reframed’ last week:  ‘Broken Heart Land’.  This episode is about LGBT rights and the suicide of a Gay high school student at Norman, Oklahoma.

The anti-LGBT crowd are quite cold-hearted toward the boy who committed suicide after enduring bullying by his school-mates and others of his community.


BBC reported that the Episcopal Church of Scotland voted to approve marriage equality.

Do you suppose Scotsmen will wear white kilts to their weddings?


CBS News reported (6 Jun 17) that Russia ‘fake news’ created that phony story about Qatar that is now leading to an international crisis among the Arab Persian Gulf states – Trump boasts credit for this situation – he boasts planting ‘fake news’.


We witnessed that shooting the other day – the gun assault against Republikans at a baseball practise field.

In responce, Congressional voices shed alligator tears for our ‘divided’ nation.  Voices asserted that divisiveness was promoted from both sides of the aisle – their Republi-con false equivalency.  That was their lie.  Republi-cons want – demand – this division.  It is the basis of their political platform.

On this day of efforts by some – mostly on the Left – to end division, we heard this standard-bearer Republikan, among others of their cacaphony, proudly pushing more division and more violence.

Joe Walsh, R (14 Jun 17, his radio show):

  • ‘Fox News abandoned ‘Fair and Balanced’.  You were never ‘fair and balanced’.  You are a Republican network.  Be honest, show your bias.  Nobody is honest, nobody is ‘fair and balanced’!  Yes, Fox News is not ‘fair and balanced’!  Deal with it!  O’Reillly – bull crap!  O’Reilly spinned every day.  Republicans spin.  I have a bias, everybody has a bias.  I never once believed Fox was ‘fair and balanced’!  I’m a conservative.  I am aligned with Fox News, but they are NOT ‘fair and balanced’!   This dishonest media helpt get Trump elected.  ‘Fake news’ worked for Trump.  The media is not honest with you, from Fox to CNN.  There is this war in America – between conservatives and liberals.  ‘Fair and balanced’ is a joke, Fox News is Team Republican – always has been – never admitted it – obvious – clear.  We support Trump here, we support the Republican Party.  We are a divided nation!  We are at war!  We are in the 3rd American revolution.  Pick your side.  I believe in revolution.  I believe in the fight!  I’d rather be divided!’

Walsh later bloviated:

  • ‘I do  NOT believe in unity.   I would rather move to Indiana, build a fence around the state, and live with my own kind.’

Republi-conos seem to take pleasure building walls, eh.


Poor Joe Walsh.  He is whining that only Librrrls are ‘intolerant’ toward other opinions.  His sole example is a North Carolina LGBT group holding a ‘gay parade’ but refusing to allow Gay Trumpsters.

Walsh fails to grasp that that parade is a private enterprise and that the US Supreme Court held that a private parade has every right to decide who marches.  I was associated with feminist groups who lost their case at the Supreme Court when it ruled that the Mummers’ Parade can refuse a pro-ERA entry in their parade (1980’s).


There you have it, Dear Reader.  Straight from his own voice.  Walsh is proud to present his bias:  favouring Trump, Fox News, ‘fake news’, Republi-con media, dishonesty, Republikans, conservatism, divided nation, revolution, violence, war.  He said it himself.

Violence?  Look to Walsh for their ingrained Republi-con violence.  His radio show’s promos and intro predominantly include locking and loading, the cocking of a rifle as it takes aim at Republikan opposition of whatever persuasion.

Walsh is merely one among many who push this agenda of violence and division.  That is the side that he chose.

Walsh makes me proud to be Leftie, Liberal, Green.  We support the ideal of a unified America.  We support peace.  We live honestly.

Walsh exhorts you to pick sides.  Pick your side, Dear Reader:

  • his Republi-con conservative side of division and violence, or
  • our Liberal, Leftie side of unity and peace.


I uncovered Forest Service’ GSC Director’s corruption as well as favouritism (for some select employees, against others) that led to FS GSC management violating laws to enact their favouritism.  I used my inside experience to counter their antagonism against me.

My journal as a State of Arizona employee documented nearly 200 crimes that my management committed; I recorded three additional federal felonies that my agency director freely admitted during his testimony at my hearing.

I watched  PBS Newshour detailing Comey’s prepared statement the day before he testified to Congress and to the American people; excellent analyses.

I watched Comey testify live on TV; he really put it back on Trump.

CBS News commented that:

  • (1) even if federal prosecutors refuse to prosecute Trump’s crimes, Trump is now proven to be a serial liar with serious character flaws
  • (2) only the hard-core Trumpsters still see nothing wrong
  •  (3) Congressional Republicans must decide how much to tie their political future to Trump.

ABC ‘The View’ repeated on multiple days that Trump demonstrated criminal intent when he cleared his office to speak to Comey alone.

Jedidiah Bila, R (16 Jun 17, ABC ‘The View’)

  • ‘We talk about impeachment coming to Congress.  A lot of Republicans prefer Pence.  Trump is an impediment to their policy – a distraction.’

Could be that House and Senate Republicans are poised to impeach and convict Trump to elevate Pence to president and get on with their agenda.  Trump can be charged with this instant ‘obstruction of justice’ accusation.

Then we heard KFNX’s right-wing Republi-con radio network news reported that AG Sessions failed to disclose that he met secretly with Russians at least three times that he has not otherwise disclosed as required by law.  One more act of subversion and treason among Trumpsters.

The entirety of this Trump act firing Comey and obstructing the investigation of Trump and his campaign colluding with a hostile government of Russia demonstrates Trump’s wholly bankrupt management style and delinquent corporate mores.  Comey is similar as was my Forest Service and State of Arizona employment:  my agencies offered bribes, demanded my personal loyalty, and imposed penalties against me for standing with the law and ethics.

Please take note.

Yes, Trump can’t be criminally prosecuted for charges of obstruction of justice while he is president; he can be prosecuted for his acts of obstruction of justice and other crimes under the laws or impeachment and conviction through the Congress.  While the criminal standard is high, the Congressional standard is merely the preponderance of the evidence – it is more likely than not – 51% preponderance.  Of course, in my prediction, there will never be any impeachment and conviction while the current Republikan Congress remains in office – this current Congress using ‘tyranny of the majority’ Republikan control.  That, my friend, is Fascism – American Fascism that is happening here.


Check PBS ‘Nightly Business Report’.  They show the daily market commodity closings at about 20 minutes into the show.

I doubt much movement of the Sterling due to the recent British election, regardless who wins – whether from the current results or another election.  Trump is bad news to the markets more than the British prime minister election.

BBC news reported that PM May received only the plurality of votes in their l”atest round of elections – she will need to form a coalition government or else call another election.

The real issue to Brits is their ‘Brexit’ action.  Many Brits cast a protest vote not expecting ‘Brexit’ to pass – big regret.  There might be a vote to repeal ‘Brexit’, especially if Labour Party prevails and forms a government.

Brits compensated for their Brexit mistake with their final vote to deny a majority to PM May; it’s a loss for Trump who campaigned for May.  Pro-Brexit members of Parliament are now the minority.  This could predict a Republi-con loss in American 2018 elections – as long as the American electorate keeps that focus.  Disaffected Republikans will persist voting Republi-con – even though that platform is against them – because that is all they know.


We recently celebrated the anniversary of the publication of ‘1984’.  Too bad that most people mistake its reference – its actual message is anti-Fascism.  The story’s issues are about the elements of Fascism.


Did you watch ABC’s ‘Nightline’ interview of Chelsea Manning?  Excellent!  She endured ill-arranged punishment; she held her position all these years.  Of course, we who are whistle-blowers are our own kind; we comprehend each other.  There is much to learn about Manning.  She is the Ellsberg of our current time; Manning will be seen as her generation’s Ellsberg.  There remain blinded Ellsberg detractors today; there will remain  blinded detractors of Manning 50 years from now.

‘Decades’ digital TV had a special day that must have been co-incidental to ABC’s ‘Nightline’ broadcast of their Chelsea Manning interview the previous night.

First, Decades broadcast an extended interview of Daniel Ellsberg from a past ‘Dick Cavett Show’ episode  – 90 minutes of deep discussion about the Viet Nam War and the ‘Pentagon Papers’.  Then came the movie entitled ‘Pentagon Papers’ (c2003) (James Spader) telling Ellsberg’s story, why he became a whistle-blower, and how he came to publish those reports at both the ‘New York Times’ and ‘Washington Post’.

Also on ABC this past week was their ’20 / 20′ retrospective of Watergate:  ‘Truth and Lies – Watergate’.  Not one Republi-con interviewed for this documentary was the least bit apologetic.  Not one word of remorse for all the turmoil that these Republikans inflicted against the people and the Constitution of this nation.  Each would do it all again.  They are doing it now – they are repeating Nixon’s crimes through Trump – word for word, act for act.  Trumpsters refuse to comprehend they are repeating history.


Kapung khaf. Thank you for visiting.

Please read my following post.  It is about duty, travel, and other issues of one’s personal initiatives.

Please come again.
