Archive | November 2022

‘Their Ideal Patsy’


‘Their Ideal Patsy’
(27 Nov 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*

Dear Reader:

Killing someone is always a big deal!

There are too many Trans and LGB Community members who are loyal, devoted MAGA Drumpfians, Deplorables, Republi-cons, Christian Con-servatives.

There are too many loyal, devoted MAGA Drumpfian, Deplorable, Republi-con, Christian Con-servative Trans and LGB Community members who hate members of their own Trans and LGB Community.

For them, endearing to respect their Gender is miniscule in importance than imparting their hate that they display as their MAGA, Drumpfian, Republi-con, Christian Con-servative, or Fascist political identity.  Baffling, for sure, but most usually are extremely anti-Trans even in being Trans themselves and in Trans people who de-Transition because they can’t handle their own hypocrisy.

Those anti-Trans of the LGB Community push lies against their own Trans Community that they themselves create.  ‘Gays against Groomers’ Jaimee Mitchell says that Trans people ‘Groom’ children into being Trans, that Gender-affirming health care is ‘Grooming’.

Mitchell speaks violence to justify her hate group’s violence against their Trans Community.  Mitchell prattles the same words as Hitler when he similarly demonised Jewish citizens to his NAZI followers:

‘The only solution to the Jewish problem is to get rid of them all, specifically through Genocide.  Mass extermination is the only Solution, kill the babies of the Jewish people.  It is better to kill the Jew – a parasite, with big eyes and a big nose.  Jews represent an immediate threat.  Destroy! ‘

– ‘Propaganda: How Germany convinced the masses’, by Tracey Martin.

Hypocritically, Mitchell asserts that ‘any Queer person in the presence of a child is Grooming’.  Mitchell is Lesbian, therefore, by extending her own logic, she says that she herself is a ‘Groomer’.  Of course, Mitchell is all for sexually-hyped toddler girls paraded in beauty pageants, all for taking their boys to sexualised Hooters, all for ‘Grooming’ their children into their own ‘sexualised performance’ ideology of Misogyny and Patriarchy.  Mitchell weakly counters that their CisHet ‘sexualised performance’ activities are not ‘Grooming’.

Nope, Mitchell.  You, your ‘Gays against Groomers’, your Republi-cons, your Christian Con-servatives, etc., profess your MAGA hate agenda:  Genocide against Trans people, Genocide against any LGBT person who is not a member of your own twisted, hate ideology.

Mitchell is seriously Disconnected from Reality thinking that siding with American Fascists will save her Lesbian Jewish hide from extermination.  She fails to remember history, that Hitler exterminated Jews and Homosexuals alike, exterminated even the Collaborators.

Mainstream news publishes their hate ‘news’ against the Trans Community.  Mainstream news justifies their journalistic violence, justifies their Genocide, against the Trans Community.

Today’s Amerikan Society renders the Trans Community their ideal patsy, as did Hitler in his Final Solution, in his Three Stages to Genocide:

– You have no Rights
– You have no Rights to live amongst us
– You have no Rights to live.

Not much to say.  ‘Gays against Groomers’ deny the American Constitution’s Rights to ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness’ applying to Our Trans Community.

– Sharon


Jaimee Mitchell is Lesbian, she is Jewish.  She created ‘Gays against Groomers’.  She is a Right-wing propagandist.  She is a ‘crypto-White supremist’, she promotes open White supremacy, she justifies White cops murdering Black people.  She writes and speaks Dog Whistle for her hate audience.

Mitchell and Carlson justify their Genocide against Trans people.  She advocates for public execution. Carlson says ‘it’s funny to murder Gay people’.

She says that ‘Trans people do irreparable damage against Us (Lesbians and Gays)’.

Mitchell spews anti-Trans violence, she calls for the Genocide of Trans people.  She said that she and her ideology ‘predicted’ the attack against Club Q, ‘saw it coming a mile away’.  She says, ‘We must end this Evil of Trans that is attacking children’.

The Club Q murderer now, suddenly, claims self-defense on the basis that he is within the Trans Umbrella, that he is Non-Binary.  His prattles make no difference.  He is amongst Mitchell’s gang if we accept him at his word.  Or he is a vicious murderer filled with hate if we scrape off his ooze. 

– Sharon



The Humanist Report
24 Nov 2022

Tucker Carlson Guest Justifies Genocide Against the LGBTQ Community




Here’s Christian Con-servative ‘love’.

– Sharon



Christian hate-preacher celebrates Club Q shooting: “It’s a good thing”
“Am I sad that five homos got shot? No, I’m not sad at all,” said Pastor Aaron Thompson
Follow “Hemant Mehta” To Receive Notifications About New Pages On “Hemant Mehta”.
NOV 23, 2022

On Tuesday night, Christian hate-preacher Aaron Thompson of Washington’s Sure Foundation Baptist Church celebrated the mass shooting at Club Q, saying that it was a “good thing” five people at the LGBTQ club were murdered because it means “they’re not here anymore to molest kids.”

There is no evidence suggesting the victims did anything of the sort, and Thompson seemed to realize that moments later when he qualified his statement by saying they were molesting kids with “their eyeballs” because the shooting took place during a drag show. However, the victims weren’t drag performers and the event was advertised as “18+.” There were no children inside the bar. Thompson apparently doesn’t know the difference between a drag performance for adults and the child-friendly Drag Queen Story Hours that sometimes take place at public libraries.

His sermon comes just months after a man who described Thompson as “my pastor” was arrested for threatening to kill LGBTQ people at a pride parade.

Hemant Mehta
Christian hate-preacher Aaron Thompson celebrated the mass shooting at Club Q, saying it’s a “good thing” the victims were murdered because it means “they’re not here anymore to molest kids.”
More details:
8:38 PM · Nov 23, 2022

That club got shot up the other day… Now, am I sad that five homos got shot? No, I’m not sad at all. As a matter of fact, I think it’s a good thing that they’re not here anymore to molest kids…

… Again, I’m not condoning anybody to do anything like that. I don’t believe it’s right to take the law into our own hands, and I’ve said that so many times. But here’s what I won’t be upset about: I’m not going to be upset when someone that hates God and actively is promoting against God, and hates His guts, and molests children, even if it is just their eyeballs, to have to see these freaks writhing around and, and, and, you know doing all these crazy dances in front of children and then afterwards reading them a book or something…

… I said it’s not right to take the law into your own hands, but I do understand why people are so fed up, because our own government is protecting these freaks. And that’s all you see on the media right now. You know, “Right-wing MAGA kills”… you know… these queers, and then some guy jumped in and helped them or whatever. Who cares?

Like, I really don’t care that those people got killed. And you’re like, “That sounds really hateful, pastor.” Well, it is hateful. Because I do hate them. Because they’re a menace and a wart on the rear end of society. (Amen.) And there’s nothing redeeming about them whatsoever…

Listen: We’re in America. We could say whatever we want. And I’m not inciting violence, so don’t even try to go there. But anyway, Happy Thanksgiving…

This isn’t the first time a New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist preacher has celebrated a mass shooting with LGBTQ victims.

After the Pulse nightclub massacre in 2016, Thompson’s colleague Roger Jimenez said that the real tragedy was “that more of them didn’t die.” Jimenez has said more recently that his position on LGBTQ people is that “they should be made un-alive”:

Hemant Mehta
Christian hate-preacher Roger Jimenez says (very loudly) that his position on LGBTQ people is that “they should be made un-alive.”
8:36 AM · Jun 22, 2022

Another New IFB preacher, Jonathan Shelley, has said he wouldn’t shed a single tear if an extremist murdered everyone in a gay bar. In 2021, Shelley even celebrated a gay man’s death at a pride parade:

Hemant Mehta
Yesterday, a Christian hate-preacher from Texas celebrated a gay man’s death at a Pride parade.
“It’s great when trucks accidentally go through those… parades… We can hope for more in the future… I think it’s great! I hope they all die!”
(Warning: The language gets worse)
10:07 AM · Jun 21, 2021

These same guys also want the government to execute LGBTQ people. Jimenez has explicitly called for the government to round up all the gay people, “put them up against a firing wall, put a firing squad in front of them, and blow their brains out.”

Aaron Thompson, not surprisingly, has echoed those violent beliefs as well:

Hemant Mehta
Christian hate-preacher Aaron Thompson once again called for the government to execute gay people.
He’s also very upset that I keep bringing this to your attention.
7:26 PM · May 17, 2022

The point is: None of this is new or surprising. Aaron Thompson isn’t on the fringes of right-wing extremism when he denounces Club Q. He’s merely saying out loud what plenty of conservative propagandists have said in other ways. There’s a reason there’s been a lot of discussion about “stochastic terrorism” this week.

None of this will stop unless more pastors and other right-wing influencers use their platforms to call out their hateful colleagues by name, debunk the lies routinely spread in those circles, openly defend LGBTQ people, fight for sensible gun safety measures, and refuse to work with anyone who isn’t on board with all of that.

They won’t. They don’t have the courage or the conviction. Which means conservative Christian hate speech like Aaron Thompson’s will only become more mainstream.

How many more people have to be murdered before those on the Christian Right give a damn?

Hemant Mehta is the founder of, a YouTube creator, podcast co-host, and author of multiple books about atheism. He can be reached at @HemantMehta. More by Hemant Mehta

Join the conversation

Kevin R. Cross
They will never give a damn. Because these scum have tapped into the fountain of hate at the core of Christianity, and can only do the evil therein.

This degenerate lowlife is all but admitting he’s a pedophile, which is why he’s obsessed with accusing others of his criminally deviant lifestyle. I have asked many self-hating rightwingers to name even one drag queen who is a pedophile, which of course they cannot. Naming republicans who are pedophiles and/or sex traffickers/groomers is easy – Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, Denny Hastert, Donald Trump, Mark Foley, Alex Acosta, etc., etc., etc.

David Graf
Nothing says love your neighbor and even enemies like Jesus taught as much as rejoicing over the deaths of others. Yes, that’s sarcasm. In the letters of John, it’s emphasized over and over again that if you hate others then you’re just fooling yourself if you think you love God.

Quislet esq aka Rob P
Obligatory “I am shocked!” post

Robert C
I’m celebrating the FBI investigating the Southern Batshit Convention over decades of concealing sexual predators in their midst.

Gwen the Devout
Since when is telling people how right it is to kill other people “protected speech?” (At the very least, labelling all LGBT people child molesters is clear-cut defamation.) These sociopaths-for-Jesus belong in prison.

© 2022 OnlySky Media INC



Hemant Mehta
Christian hate-preacher Aaron Thompson celebrated the mass shooting at Club Q, saying it’s a “good thing” the victims were murdered because it means “they’re not here anymore to molest kids.”



Hemant Mehta
Christian hate-preacher Roger Jimenez says (very loudly) that his position on LGBTQ people is that “they should be made un-alive.”



Hemant Mehta
Yesterday, a Christian hate-preacher from Texas celebrated a gay man’s death at a Pride parade.
“It’s great when trucks accidentally go through those… parades… We can hope for more in the future… I think it’s great! I hope they all die!”
(Warning: The language gets worse)


Hemant Mehta
Christian hate-preacher Aaron Thompson once again called for the government to execute gay people.
He’s also very upset that I keep bringing this to your attention.



Thom Hartmann 

23 Nov 2022

Will Herschel Walker’s Ad Inspire Another Mass Shooting? “

After five people were murdered in Colorado at an LGBTQ Nightclub by far right gunman with ties to elected MAGA politicians, Herschel Walker is trying to fire up his supporters with a campaign ad targeting transgender people. Rhetoric from GOP officials against transgender people has increased leading to increases in attacks on LGBTQ people. Only time will tell if Walker’s supporters pick up guns as the Club Q shooter did.

‘The seed of this mass slaughter at Club Q was planted:  

 – After the November 2021 Oxford High School shooting.

 – When Boebert released her family Christmas card in common with Jihadist propaganda – herself and her children, each holding an assault weapon. 

 – Or when Boebert actively stoked violence against LGBT, she amongst the most hateful of LGBT on Twitter. 

 – Or the passage of Florida DeSantis’ ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill using terrorists to kill Queer people. 

 – Green is the top of the list of Twitter’s haters. Hate tweets total more than 20 million, and are responsible for their ‘grooming’ narrative. ‘


Thus to you – YOU – MAGAs, Drumpfians, Deplorables of your own Trans Community, we know what you are, we know that your numbers lurk amidst the peace of Our Community, poised to commit your violence against your own Community. 

You are that statistical bell curve 35% to 40% of LGBT, you MAGA, Drumpfian, Deplorable.  As you are, you hate yourselves and your own LGBT Community.  As you, you prefer to express your hatred through violence. 

And we also know that a murderer’s family is likewise anti-LGBT, whose ideology is the extermination of LGBT.

Such concepts are beyond the intelligence of the MAGA, Drumpfian, and Deplorable anti-Trans and anti-LGB who struggle to read the words on their MAGA baseball cap.   It’s why Crooked Drumpf himself calls you MAGA Collaborators his ‘Poorly Educated’, ‘Stupid’, ‘Suckers’, and ‘Losers’ – because you are. 

 – Sharon 


Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting today.  Please return for the next episode.

As always, with this post being Public, I permit you to Share this at your own web-site or Social Media with appropriate crediting. 

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays. The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



You can read an abbreviated version of this post at my Social Media page:


Sharon Nichols 
27 Nov 2022


Additional Resources:


White women selfishly vote Republi-con because they are more inclined by their White Privilege prejudice as opposed to voting Democratic for supporting Rights for all women, especially women of color. 

Look at recent election results. The clear majority of White women voted for Crooked Drumpf and Republi-cons.

 – Sharon 



Clay Davis 
23 Nov 2022

‘White women still vote against their best interests. ‘





Marie Bobo-Smith 
25 Nov 2022

‘Why are Trans people suddenly everywhere! ‘



Yes – ‘Speak the Unspeakable’.

Our numbers amount to one in 10 and you know someone.  It’s how you treat them as Human, or not. 

 – Sharon 



Sharon Nichols 
26 Nov 2018



Robyn Angelique Harvey 
26 Nov 2018

“Speak the Unspeakable”

So we see two women kissing at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade….Stand Tall

So we see drag queens reading stories to kindergarteners…..Stand Proud

So we see a transgender woman take a seat in Virginia’s state assembly….Stand United

Why? Because this is what it take for the LGBT community to be recognized…to say we exist….and that we will not be erased…when you attack one of us….when you rape one of us….and when you murder any one of us…you do so to all of us…

There are 1,400,000 Trans people in the US…and there are 10 million LGBT people in the US…and there are countless other supporters and allies

Our rights are exactly the same as any other more and no less…because we exist…the same as every other person…too long have we lived in hiding…too long have we been silent

Shout it from the rooftops…say it at street corners….speak the unspeakable….we are gay…we are lesbian…we are bisexual…and yes we are transgender.

And we are your brothers and sisters…fathers and mothers…sons and daughters…speak the unspeakable…

We are LGBT …..




How Many Trans People Does The New York Times Believe There Should Be?


9:01 AM EST on Nov 15, 2022



Crooked Drumpf is Pervert-in-Chief.



Re-visit these Additional Resources:


The Lavender Scare web-site:




Utah seeks to obstruct Trans children from their Transition medical care, including using Puberty Blockers:




‘But honestly, we have all the material.  They don’t have the material.’ is Crooked Drumpf’s own admission to the charges of Obstruction of Justice and Obstruction of Congress:




America’s Founding Fathers would Impeach and Convict Crooked Drumpf:




Missouri Republi-cons would jail Librarians:




Alabama obstructs citizens seeking their Constitutional Right to Vote:




McConnell is hooked by Russian mob money:




West, a Black man, campaigns against Equal Rights:




Amerikan NAZIs protest for 2nd Amendment Rights that don’t exist:




Places where you can find elements of this post amongst my social media:






(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘Thanksgiving Day 2022‘

‘Thanksgiving Day 2022
(24 Nov 2022)

(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*

Dear Reader:

Today Is Thanksgiving Day here stateside. 

I’ll leave it to you to read about this day in American history.  There are multiple variations. 

Today I take a brief respite from my usual posting, such as my reaction to the weekend slaughter of Trans and LGBT party-goers and of my Trans life experiences. 

I’m sharing here my Thanksgiving Day today. 


Bestie and I planned to walk to our nearby China buffet restaurant for a day of exercise and to share a meal at our local fave Chinese restaurant. 

Plans are made to be broken. 

Bestie was feeling queasy from her vaccination shots yesterday – Shingles and Coronavirus.  She slept well to hasten her recovery. 

We also agreed that maybe today would not be a good idea to eat out.  We are usually inclined to sit at our corner table by ourselves, to enjoy our dinner, to chat, to not feel rushed when we eat there other times.  The restaurant might be crowded, we might wait in line, we might be placed at a crowded area, the food might be short if we went today.  We can go tomorrow. 

I watched the ‘Soap’ binge on Antenna TV digital channel. 

Mid-day, I began to heat the pork in the slow cooker.  I set out fresh crunchies and water for Lizzie and the other kitties who might visit today.  I set out the special goodies and added a serving of pork. Lizzie gobbled the pork and looked at me as to say ‘Thank you’.

I also made fresh salsa and cooked the corn tortillas for chips and salsa.  The salsa recipe was chili pepper, onion, tomato, tomatillo, and celery. 

Our Thanksgiving Day dinner was slow-cooked pork, potatoes, avocados, and chips and salsa. Yummy!

Bestie and I watched videos on YouTube and ended by listening to Arlo Guthrie’s ‘Alice’s Restaurant Massacree’.

Cousin Donna had the ‘Alice’s Restaurant Massacree’ studio album, I had the soundtrack version. 

I’ve watched the ‘Alice’s Restaurant’ movie on TV a couple times.  I have not seen TV stations promote the movie or show it on Thanksgiving Day, even on the movie digital channels.  I watched the movie on YouTube a couple times. 


In my own thoughts, I remembered past Thanksgiving Day events. 

Growing up during the 1960s, we routinely joined our extended family relatives who lived less than a mile away.  The afternoon was filled with football games on at least two TVs – color, no less. 

Most notable of those Thanksgiving Day holidays with extended family was 1968.  That was the year when Cousin Bev, Kathy, and I went for a walk to the convenience store after the dinner; I plucked an orange from a tree, to snack during our walk.  Meanwhile, during our absence, Hector came, pulled his gun, and shot at someone.  We three arrived home and saw the commotion of the city police still there.  The adults were mostly mum about those events.  I learned more about Hector and that extended family during the next year.  In 1969, he kidnapt my childhood friend Debbie with her friend, took them to Mexico, and tried to OD both of them.  The friend survived and reported the abduction and drugging to both Mexican and American police.  Violence.  That’s my family. 

My father made Thanksgiving Day dinner at home for 1969.  That was Slim’s first Thanksgiving Day, the smells of the food must have been quite an experience for a new puppy. 

The last time when I had a Thanksgiving Day at our cousins’ home was 1970.

I told you, Dear Reader, about the debacle of 1993.  I had been visiting Cousin Carole when I travelled to her city for job interviews that Summer and Autumn.  As November progressed, Carole asked me what I was doing, invited me to spend the day with her family as in old times.  My Aunt Pat and Cousin Bev arrived home.  Carole told them that she invited me for the day.  Aunt Pat and Cousin Bev, in near unison, told me that I am NOT invited.  So much for family. 

I heard nothing from that family for countless years.  Cousin Gail invited me to lunch last August 2021.  Lunch was the last time Cousin Gail and I met.  Gail has texted me less than a handful of times since then.  They have enough of me. 

Of course, not one peep from my sister Kathy.  Last time we had any discourse was when we severed our last legal relationship, we are no longer legally siblings or family.  In a way, disconnecting my legal relationship with Kathy effectively separates me from every other family member, as Kathy was my only legal connection with everyone else. 

Life is lonely, even with Bestie.  She understands, as well, having little communication from her own family.  We are becoming our own family. 

Here follows are the mandatory entertainment for today. 


 – Sharon 



Arlo Guthrie 

‘Alice’s Restaurant Massacree’

( (album version)( (album version)


( (full album)


( (recorded live, 1984)


Music video versions:

( (music video by Pinball Man)

( (music video by Andrew Colunga)


The movie:

( (movie trailer)( (movie)( (movie)


( (soundtrack album)


Bonus tracks:


‘Something New’ was a syndicated music TV show during the late 1960s and early 1970s.  John Byner was the host, he introduced music videos to the audience.  I frequently used my cassette machine to record the audio of those music videos.  This was one of the songs I most remember.

‘Ring around the Rosie rag’



‘City of New Orleans’



I remember first hearing this song through the overnight skip of AM radio on AFRTS, some time during Spring 1973, when my father, Slim, and I lived at Maggana, Greece. 

 – Sharon 

‘Gypsy Davy’



Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting today. 

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays. The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



You can read an abbreviated version of this post at my social media page:



Additional Resources:





(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*


‘Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022 – Remember Each Person’


‘Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022 – Remember Each Person’
(20 Nov 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*

Dear Reader:

(2021 11 20) TDOR 2021 259609396_2737047636596084_6243732127654983969_nTransgender Day of Remembrance 2022.

Please remember each person, their names, their lives. Maybe you knew someone.  Maybe you don’t know anyone.  Maybe you have never known someone listed amongst a TDOR list.  Acknowledge their lives this year, every year.

Please share this post, or any other post, to your social media or web-site.


Why do I attend to this remembrance?

It’s my personal connection.

My Uncle Frank – my mother’s younger brother – was in Transition during the 1960s, was my first guidance.

Though I have little memory of ever meeting him personally, my father was blaming him throughout my childhood – a ‘bad influence’.  My father blamed him as the one who was responsible for my unruly Feminine Protesting behaviour, my dressing in my sister’s clothes, my wearing my teen cousins’ make-up, Kathy and I using her nail polish to paint each other’s fingernails, playing with the neighbourhood girls, playing Barbie with Kathy and Phyllis. 

This was my only one specific memory of Uncle Frank.  He travelled cross-country to visit us.  I remember Uncle Frank and my father arguing at the front door.  Uncle Frank was dressed in women’s clothes, a crime six decades ago.  My father called the police, they arrested uncle Frank.

Uncle Frank remained in family debate throughout my childhood, teens, and adulthood.

Family arranged a conspiracy to murder him, to make it appear as suicide, to piddle with the local police to not bother investigating one irrelevant death of just another ‘tr*nny’ who deserved it.

Shortly afterward, his widow likewise was murdered in the overall plot.  Who would doubt that the distraught wife would commit her own suicide, eh.  Nothing to see here, move along.

Dead, Uncle Frank was still such an influence that he frightened my father.  He was why my father moved us to Greece for the next two years.

The extended family abandoned their son Steve.  Where are you, Cousin Stevie?

Then there is Evelyn, a Trans friend.  She committed suicide a couple years ago.

(2021 11 20) TDOR 2021 Evelyn montage 259450876_2737119679922213_4154524815320748583_nWe met in 2016, we were neighbours at Baan Siri.  We were at Bangkok for surgery with Dr. Chettawut.  She told me about her hobby with quad copters.


Trans Panic Defence:

Anyone, anywhere, for no particular reason, for no reason at all, can scream that they have their Right to murder you solely because you are Trans.  They fear catching your tr@nny cooties.  They fear that you will touch them and they will suddenly become a tr@nny.  Gawd forbid!

I’ve been threatened and beaten by people screaming anti-Trans slurs at me.

I wrote about this event here at this web-site when one of those attacks happened November 2017.  Another creep made threats to me at the bus stop and then as we rode on the bus.

(2021 11 20) TDOR 2021 Trans Panic Defence full 259089012_2737210799913101_8219083355345897210_nA criminal bullied me, taunted me, yelled anti-Trans slurs at me, beat me, left me with a concussion – in public, in full view of several witnesses, at a grocery store.  They sat there,  they stood there, they watched,  they did nothing.  No one came to support me, no one came to defend me.  Store security was nowhere to be found. 

All I got from the local police was their referral booklet; they refused to investigate, they refused to make a report of the criminal assault and battery, they refused to summon EMTs to tend to my obvious injuries and trauma. 

Kapung Khaf, Alana!  My Bestie drove half an hour from her home to take me to the ER for treatment.


Let’s go back to a previous incarnation of Trans Panic Defence, an earlier time, when the government’s policy was the deliberate extinction of the entire Trans Community. 

The Trans Community is right there with others of Hitler’s Final Solution, right there in Genocide and Shoah Holocaust. 

These were Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide:

 – You have no Rights
 – You have no Rights to live amongst us
 – You have no Rights to live.

Hitler’s Final Solution included:

 – Jews
 – Roma,
 – Communists,
 – Socialists,
 – Trade Unionists,
 – Homosexuals,
 – Trans people.

(2021 11 20) TDOR 2021 Dr Hirschfeld Library burned 259166471_2737262953241219_1756088289378707738_nHitler signed the Enabling Acts in early 1933.  He promptly chose the Trans Community as amongst his first targets by Spring 1933.  His Gestapo and SS destroyed Dr. Hirschfeld’s medical research library for one of his first book burnings.  He used the information from Dr. Hirschfeld’s files to identify the Trans Community, he sought Trans people to be his first group to annihilate at his extermination camps.

History WILL repeat when Crooked Drumpf and Republi-cons overthrow our Constitution and our American Democracy, as surely as they sought on Insurrection Wednesday, as surely as they persist their boast that they will today. 

 – Sharon



Let’s look at today’s news. 

News this morning reports still another Hate Crime.  A Drumpfian White Supremacist bigot murdered at least five Trans and LGBT party goers in Saturdays’s late night hours at Club Q of Colorado Springs, Colorado – on the eve of Transgender Day of Remembrance, no less, to make his anti-Trans point quite direct.  This is Hitler’s Final Solution in play in 2022 America:  You have no Rights to Live. 

This first news article comes from Bestie Alana.

 – Sharon 




Police: 5 Dead, 25 Injured In Colorado Nightclub Shooting

A 22-year-old man was subdued by “heroic” patrons and arrested by police following the shooting at Club Q nightclub in Colorado Springs, authorities said.

Thomas Peipert

Nov 20, 2022, 06:15 AM EST

Updated 10 minutes ago

Elijah Newcomb of Colorado Springs lays flowers near a nightclub in Colorado Springs on Sunday where several people were shot and killed overnight.VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — A 22-year-old gunman opened fire inside a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs, killing five people and leaving 25 injured before he was subdued by “heroic” patrons and arrested by police who arrived within minutes, authorities said Sunday.

Two firearms, including a “long rifle,” were found at Club Q after the Saturday night shooting, said Police Chief Adrian Vasquez.

On its Facebook page, the club called it a “hate attack.” Investigators were still determining a motive and whether to prosecute it as a hate crime, said El Paso County District Attorney Michael Allen. Charges against the suspect “will likely include first-degree murder,” he said.

A man was arrested in 2021 after his mother reported he threatened her with a homemade bomb and other weapons, authorities said. They declined to elaborate on that arrest. No explosives were found, authorities said at the time, and The Gazette in Colorado Springs reported that prosecutors did not pursue any charges and that records were sealed.

Authorities were called to Club Q at 11:57 p.m. Saturday with a report of a shooting, and the first officer arrived at midnight.

Joshua Thurman said he was in the club with about two dozen other people and was dancing when the shots began. He initially thought it was part of the music, until he heard another shot and said he saw the flash of a gun muzzle.

Thurman, 34, said he ran with another person to a dressing room where someone already was hiding. They locked the door, turned off the lights and got on the floor but could hear the violence unfolding, including the gunman getting beaten up, he added.

“I could have lost my life — over what? What was the purpose?” he said as tears ran down his cheeks. “We were just enjoying ourselves. We weren’t out harming anyone. We were in our space, our community, our home, enjoying ourselves like everybody else does.”

The gunman was confronted by “at least two heroic people” who fought and subdued the suspect, Vasquez said.

“We owe them a great debt of thanks,” he added. Detectives also were examining whether anyone had helped Aldrich before the attack, Vasquez said.

Of the 25 injured, at least seven were in critical condition, authorities said. Some were hurt trying to flee, and it was unclear if all of the victims were shot, a police spokesperson said.

The shooting rekindled memories of the 2016 massacre at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, that killed 49 people. Colorado has experienced several mass killings, including at Columbine High School in 1999, a movie theater in suburban Denver in 2012 and at a Boulder supermarket last year.

It was the sixth mass killing this month and came in a year when the nation was shaken by the deaths of 21 in a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

Club Q is a gay and lesbian nightclub that features a drag show on Saturdays, according to its website. Club Q’s Facebook page said planned entertainment included a “punk and alternative show” preceding a birthday dance party, with a Sunday “all ages brunch.”

Drag events have become a focus of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and protests recently as opponents, including politicians, have proposed banning children from them, falsely claiming they’re used to “groom” children.

A 22-year-old man has been identified as the sole suspect in the Colorado Springs shooting.

Attorney General Merrick Garland was briefed on the shooting and the FBI was assisting police with the investigation.

President Joe Biden said that while the motive for the shootings was not yet clear, “we know that the LGBTQI+ community has been subjected to horrific hate violence in recent years.”

“Places that are supposed to be safe spaces of acceptance and celebration should never be turned into places of terror and violence,” he said. “We cannot and must not tolerate hate.”

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, who became the first openly gay man in the United States to be elected governor in 2018, called the shooting “sickening.”




Trans Day of Remembrance: Honoring the Beautiful Trans Lives Stolen

Trans Day of Remembrance Candlelight Vigil

Sunday honors trans lives lost and remembers bold lives lived.


NOVEMBER 18 2022 4:30 PM EST

Today, ahead of Transgender Day of Remembrance, the National Center for Transgender Equality has released the 2022 Remembrance Report to honor the lives of 47 trans people whose lives were stolen by violence since November 2021.

On Trans Day of Remembrance, we honor those taken from our communities, we celebrate their lives, and we root ourselves in our collective resilience. Across America, the transgender community is incredibly strong. In the face of systemic violence, trans people continue to survive and thrive. We support and celebrate each other while working hard to achieve our dreams.

Over the past several years, extremist politicians across the country have attempted to weaponize disinformation about trans people. They misuse and abuse the powers of state governments to persecute us and our families. We live in a political climate that has exploded with anti-trans legislation, policy, and rhetoric. In the lead-up to the most recent election, extremists spread lies about trans people, denigrating our community and stoking fear in people who simply don’t understand what it means to be trans. 

These actions have consequences. They contribute to a deeply unsafe environment for trans people and our families – some of whom have had to flee their home states just to get the medical care they need. Over 25 percent of the trans people we lost to violence over the past year were located in Texas and Florida – two states which saw dozens of anti-trans legislative and administrative actions. Even the hospitals where trans people can access gender-affirming care across the country have been the targets of serious threats, and violence against trans people overall has increased in recent years. 

Within our community, we know very well that trans women of color, and especially Black trans women, face an alarming and unacceptable amount of violence. Trans women made up 85 percent of those taken from us, and 70 percent of those trans women were Black.

No one should have to fear violence or mourn lost loved ones. No matter what, trans people across the nation deserve to live safe, healthy, and authentic lives. Trans people are vital parts of our communities. The trans experience is about far more than violence and statistics. We are brilliant, we are beautiful, and we are full of joy. Our lives have meaning. We matter.  

In the National Center for Transgender Equality’s 2022 Remembrance Report, we honor the 47 trans people we have identified whose lives were lost to violence since November of 2021. The information in this report has been compiled from a variety of sources, including national and local news outlets; national, state, and local LGBTQ+ organizations; and social media posts. Here are stories of some of the people we remember.

Ariyanna was a 17-year-old Black transgender girl, an avid member of a local dance academy, and a junior in high school.

Chanelika was a 30-year-old Black transgender woman. She had just graduated with a degree in biology and was planning a move to California to become a physician’s assistant.

Marisela was a 39-year-old Latina transgender woman. Originally from Honduras, she spent most of her life in North Carolina and recently moved to Houston to be closer to her nieces and nephews.

Ray was a 26-years-old white transgender man and an avid cosplayer and convention-goer. His coworkers remember him as “a kind soul who had a glowing smile.”

Semaj was a 33-year-old Black transgender man who started his own cleaning business and was a student at Florida State College.

The stories of all 47 of our departed trans siblings are available in the full report.


This report is, unfortunately, almost certainly incomplete. Violence against our community is often underreported, and data about it is difficult to capture. Trans people who are victims of violence are frequently deadnamed, misgendered, or otherwise misidentified in death by law enforcement, journalists, and even by unsupportive family members. In addition, what reports do accurately reflect trans people’s identities, they often fail to represent the fullness of our humanity.

NCTE’s Remembrance Report centers the humanity and individuality of trans people whose lives were stolen by violence. We honor the loved ones we’ve lost to violence and celebrate those who are still here. No matter what, trans people across the nation deserve to live safe, healthy, and authentic lives.

We are brilliant, we are beautiful, and we are full of joy. Our lives have meaning. We matter.

In memoriam:

Ace Scott, 15, Kansas City, MO

Acey D. Morrison, 30, Rapid City, SD

Amariey Lej (Myara), 20, Pittsburgh, PA

Angel Naira, 36, Aliquippa, PA

Ariyanna Mitchell, 17, Hampton, VA

Brazil Johnson, 28, Milwaukee, WI

Brent Wood, 31, Seattle, WA

Chanelika Y’Ella Dior Hemingway (“Sid”), 30, Albany, NY

Cherry Bush, 48, Los Angeles, CA

Cypress Ramos, 21, Lubbock, TX 

Danyale Johnson, 35, Memphis, TN

Dede Ricks, 33, Detroit, MI

DeeDee Hall, 47, Dallas, TX

Duval Princess, 24, Jacksonville, FL

Fern Feather, 29, Morristown, VT

Hayden Nevah Davis, 28, Detroit, MI

Jasper Aaron Lynch, 26, McLean, VA

Jenny DeLeon, 25, Sulpher Springs, FL

Kandii “Dee Dee” Redd (Kamila Marie Swann), 29, Kansas City, MO

Kathryn “Katie” Newhouse, 19, Canton, GA

Kesha Webster, 24, Jackson, MS

Keshia Chanel Geter, 26, Augusta, GA

Ke’Yahonna Stone, 32, Indianapolis, IN  

Kitty Monroe, unknown age, Cordova, TN

Maddie Hofmann, 47, Malvern, PA

Marisela Castro, 39, Houston, TX

Marquiisha Lawrence, 28, Greenville, SC

Martasia Richmond, 30, Chicago, IL

Martina Caldera, 38, Channelview, TX

Matthew Angelo Spampinato, 21, New Castle, DE

Miia Love Parker, 25, Chester, PA

Naomie Skinner, 25, Highland Park, MI

Nedra Sequence Morris, 50, Opa-Locka, FL

Nikai David, 33, Oakland, CA

Nikki Turietta, 31, Albuquerque, NM

Paloma Vazquez, 29, Houston, TX

Paris Rich, 25, San Diego, CA

Princess, 24, Houston, TX

Ray Muscat, 26, Independence Twp., MI

Regina Mya Allen, 35, Milwaukee, WI

Sasha Mason, 45, Zebulon, NC

Semaj Billingslea, 33, Jacksonville, FL

Shawmaynè Giselle Marie McClam, 27, Gulfport, MS

Tatiana “Tee Tee” Labelle, 33, Chicago, IL

Tiffany Banks, 25, Miami, FL

Toi Davis, 34, Milwaukee, WI

Za’niyah Williams, 21, Houston, TX

The National Center for Transgender Equality is a leading social justice advocacy organization looking to make life-saving changes for transgender people.

Views expressed in The Advocate’s opinion articles are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the views of The Advocate or our parent company, Equal Pride.








Posted on 8th November 2022 in Press, Research, Trans Murder Monitoring

TMM Update • Trans Day of Remembrance 2022

327 trans and gender-diverse people reported murdered in the past year

8 November 2022 – On occasion of the International Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR),1 TGEU is releasing the 2022 update of Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM).2

The year 2022 saw 327 reported murders of trans and gender-diverse people between 1 October 2021 and 30 September 2022. With 222 cases, Latin America and the Caribbean remains the region that reported most of the murders.

Cases from Estonia and Switzerland were reported for the first time this year. The victims were migrant Black trans women – Sabrina Houston from Jamaica and Cristina Blackstar from Brazil. They were both stabbed to death in their own residences.

TMM 2022 data shows that:

327 trans and gender-diverse people were reported murdered;

Cases from Estonia and Switzerland were reported for the first time – both victims were migrant Black trans women;

95% of those murdered globally were trans women or trans feminine people;

Half of murdered trans people whose occupation is known were sex workers;

Of the cases with data on race and ethnicity, racialised trans people3 make up 65% of the reported murders;

36% of the trans people reported murdered in Europe were migrants;

68% of all the murders registered happened in Latin America and the Caribbean; 29% of the total happening in Brazil;

35% of the murders took place on the street and 27% in their own residence;

Most of the victims who were murdered were between 31 and 40 years old.

The data continues to indicate a worrying global trend when it comes to the intersections of misogyny, racism, xenophobia, and whorephobia, with most victims being Black and migrant trans women of colour, and trans sex workers. The high number of murder reports from Latin America and the Caribbean can be considerably attributed to the existence of established monitoring systems, and must be understood in the specific social, political, economic, and historical contexts in which they occur.4

These numbers are just a small glimpse into the reality on the ground. The majority of the data came from countries with a strong network of trans and LGBTIQ organisations that conduct the monitoring.5 Most cases continue to go unreported and, when reported, receive very little attention.

More information

Table Oct 2021 – Sep 2022 (pdf)

Namelist Oct 2021 – Sep 2022 (pdf)

Namelist Oct 2021 – Sep 2022 (xlsx)




Media contact: Lukas Berredo, Senior Communications Officer


1 Since 1999 the Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR) takes place every November. It is a day on which trans and gender-diverse people victims of homicide are remembered. Started in the US, TDoR is now held around the world.

2 The Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) research project systematically monitors, collects, and analyses reports of homicides of trans and gender-diverse people worldwide. Updates of the results are published on the TvT website:

3 Like Equinox, we use the term “racialised people” to refer to those that have been negatively racialised or racialised as “other”.

4 Further analysis can be found on Carsten Balzer/Carla LaGata and Lukas Berredo (2016) TMM Annual Report 2016: 2,190 murders are only the tip of the iceberg – An introduction to the Trans Murder Monitoring project.

5 This year’s collection was possible thanks to Anna-Jayne Metcalfe (, TGEU members, Rede Trans Brasil’s Observatório Trans, and Centro de Apoyo a las Identidades Trans.




Louise Lawrence Transgender Archive

13 Nov 2022

The Origins of Transgender Day of Remembrance. 

On November 20, 1995, Chanelle Pickett, an African American transgender woman living in the Greater Boston area, was murdered. She had been strangled. The Transgender Community Forum, a chat room on America Online (AOL), reported Chanelle’s death. The director of AOL’s Transgender Community Forum was Gwendolyn Ann Smith.

Three years later on November 28, 1998, Rita Hester, another African American transgender woman, was also murdered in Boston. She was stabbed 20 times. Gwen went online to chat with friends. She talked to others in the community and there was an air of sorrow that a Black trans women had been murdered so brutally, but though another Black transwoman was killed in the same month, in the same city, no one remembered Chanelle Pickett.   

This lack of community memory frightened Gwen. She felt a, ”sense of frustration, seeing our community not seemingly having any idea of these murders, and feeling that they might not even care.”

So, Gwen began researching transgender deaths-by-violence. She launched the website Remembering Our Dead in late 1998. In March 1999, a fledgling trans rights group, called TG Rage, planted the seed for what would become Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR). During a showing of “The Brandon Teena Story” at San Francisco’s Castro Theater Gwen and about 50 others held a vigil, holding candles and signs showing the names Gwen had collected. Gwen said a few words.

That autumn Gwen and Penni Ashe Matz decided to hold the first TDoR observances on November 20, 1999, in Boston and San Francisco. About 70-100 people gathered in the rain at Harvey Milk Plaza in The Castro for the first TDoR candlelight vigil. Their sign read:

Sunday, November 28th, 1999, will be the one year anniversary of the death of Rita Hester. Rita was stabbed to death in her own apartment.

Remembering Our Dead and TDoR began as one person’s quest to preserve transgender history and to memorialize those who died by violence year after year. And though other communities celebrate holidays born from a spirit of joy or liberation, the first holiday the transgender community put on the calendar is a solemn observance, a plea to respect human life.

Text by Ms. Bob Davis

Art by Robyn Adams

The TDoR Website reports that there have been 386 recorded violent deaths of trans people worldwide. The true number is certainly higher, as many deaths go unreported, the victims misgendered and dead-named by family and media. In the United States, the Human Rights Campaign has reported 32 murders of trans people in the United States since last November 20, the majority of whom were trans women of color. 



Remember their names.




Sharon Nichols
23 Nov 2022




Pamela Raintree
21 Nov 2022

TDoR 2022

This is from the VA TDoR service, on 18 Nov.

In the interest of compiling the most accurate list of names possible, the organizations that track transphobic homicides have started reporting deaths from 1 October, of the previous year, through 30 September of the current year. This is the list for 2022. There are 69 names on the list, but last year we read the names from Oct 2022. Last year there were 46, including Riversong Phoenix, whose name is not included on this list. Not counting the names from October 2021, there are still 59 names to read. These are the names we read at the VA.

24 Sep 2022: Serena Brenneman: 16; Salem, OR; suicide
21 Sep 2022: Semaj Sincere Billingslea; 22; Jacksonville, FL; gunshot
29 Aug 2022: Regina (Mya) Allen; 35; Milwaukee, WI; gunshot
27 Aug 2022; Dede Ricks; 33; Detroit, MI; gunshot
21 Aug 2022: Acey D Morrison; 30; Rapid City, SD; gunshot
6 Aug 2022: Kimbell Kimble; 21; Gulfport, MS; died in police custody
29 Jul 2022: Marisela Castro; 39; Houston, TX; gunshot
25 Jul 2022: Hayden Nevah Davis; 28; Detroit, MI; gunshot
25 Jul 2022: Kamila Marie (Dee Dee) Swann/Kandii Redd; 29; Kansas City, MO; stabbed
20 Jul 2022: Keshia Chanel Geter; 26; August, GA; gunshot
16 Jul 2022: Toi Davis; 34; Milwaukee, WI; cause not reported
11 Jul 2022: Martasia Richmond; 30; Chicago, IL; stabbed
8 Jul 2022: Jimmie (Jay) Lee; 20; Lafayette Co, MS; undisclosed violence
7 Jul 2022: Jasper Aaron Lynch; 26; McClean, VA; gunshot
6 Jul 2022; Cherry Bush; 48; Los Angeles; gunshot
29 Jun 2022: Kitty Monroe; Memphis, TN; gunshot
21 Jun 2022: Shawmayné McClam; 27; Gulfport, MS; gunshot
15 Jun 2022: Brazil Johnson; 28; Milwaukee, WI; gunshot
13 Jun 2022: Paris Rich; 25; San Diego, CA; cause not reported
3 Jun 2022: Rexy Que; 26; Witchita, KA; suicide
31 May 2022: Chanelika Y’Ella (Sid) Dior Hemingway; 30; Albany, NY; murder
26 May 2022: Dee Dee Hall; 47; Dallas, TX; died in police custody
20 May 2022: Maddie Dickens; 28; Roseville, MI; possible suicide
19 May 2022: Maddie Hoffman; 47; Malvern, PA; gunshot
14 May 2022: Nedra Sequence (Sequence) Morris; 50; Opalocka, FL; gunshot
13 May 2022: Sasha Mason; 45; Zebulon, NC; gunshot
10 May 2022: Michelle S Tarrio; NY; cosmetic filler complications
8 May 2022: Ray Muscat; 24; Independence Twp; MI; gunshot
21 Apr 2022: Asher Garcia; 14; Frazee, MN; suicide
17 Apr 2022: Kenna Leigh Gillock; 26; Gold Hill, Oregon; suicide
15 Apr 2022: Ace Scott; 15; Kansas City, MO; cause not reported
12 Apr 2022: Fern Feather; 29; Morristown, VT; stabbed
2 Apr 2022: Ariyanna Mitchell; 17; Hampton, VA; gunshot
1 Apr 2022: Milla Love Parker; Chester, PA; gunshot
27 Mar 2022: Kai Khan; 18; Great Bend, KS; suicide
26 Mar 2022: Kesha Webster; 24; Jackson, MS; murder
19 Mar 2022: Tatiana (Tee Tee) Labelle; 33; Chicago, IL; murdered
17 Mar 2022: Elise Malary; 31; Evanston, IL; drowned
9 Mar 2022: Kathryn Newhouse; 19; Canton, GA; gunshot
3 Mar 2022: Brent Wood; 31; Seattle, WA; beating
3 Mar 2022: Milo Winslow; 30; Lincoln, NE; suicide
26 Feb 2022: Paloma Vasquez; 29; Houston, TX; gunshot
13 Feb 2022: Cypress Ramos; 21; Lubbock, TX; beating
12 Feb 2022: Naomie Skinner; 25; Highland Park, MI; gunshot
9 Feb 2022: Destinee Lashaee/Matthew Ventress; 29; Houston, TX; suicide
9 Feb 2022: Matthew Angelo Spampinato; 21; New Castle, DE; run over
2 Jan 2022: Duval Princess; 24; Jacksonville, FL; cause not reported
1 Jan 2022: Amarey (Myara) Lej; 21; Pittsburgh, PA; gunshot
31 Dec 2021: Nikki Turrietta; 31; Albuquerque, NM; gunshot
30 Dec 2021: Amelia Furniss Leonhart; 22 Idaho Falls; gunshot
28 Dec 2021: Ke’Yahonna Stone; 32; Indianapolis; gunshot
20 Dec 2021: Za’niyah Williams; 21; Houston, TX; run over
6 Dec 2021: Martina Caldera; 38; Channelview, TX; gunshot
3 Dec 2021: Nikai David; 33; Oakland, CA; gunshot
12 Nov 2021: Haley Gabrielle Feldmann; 19; Beach, ND; suicide
11 Nov 2021; Angel Naira; 36; Aliquippa, PA; gunshot
7 Nov 2021: Danyale Johnson; 35; Memphis, TN; gunshot
4 Nov 2021: Marquisha Lawence; 28; Greenville, NC; gunshot
2 Nov 2021: Jenny De Leon; 25; Tampa, FL; murdered

The following is the poem, and speech, I read at the memorial service:

all the invisible stars
on a new moon night
in clear November skies
red white and brown
dwarfs too dim to spy

myriad Sol-sized lights
spin about black holes
with red and blue giants
the flashy bright pulsars
even degenerate little
neutron stars are noticed
by star-gazing geeks

let just one familiar sun
suddenly stop shining
we’ll all hear the news
but there’s nary a word
when a dark one dies

An estimated two hundred, seventy-five million stars die every day. The public might hear about two or three of those events, in a whole year. The same is true of people who are killed for appearing to be gender non-conforming. Every day – somewhere today – several people will die, not because they stand out, but because their humanity goes unnoticed.

Rita Hester was murdered because she presented as female, in violation of our society’s stereotypes and taboos. In 1999, transphobic homicides were daily occurrences, in the USA. The general public just didn’t hear about those murders. Our law enforcement agencies didn’t even bother to track hate crimes involving sex and gender minorities, until years after Rita died.

What set Rita’s death apart, was that her friend, Gwendolyn Ann Smith, organized a memorial service, to honor Rita’s life. Gwendolyn was mourning the loss of her friend, but more than that, she was calling attention to the senseless violence that took her friend’s life, and threatened the lives of everyone in the transgender community. She also wanted to send a message to the people who hate us.

While it’s true that Rita Hester was a victim of a hate crime, she was not the target. She was the example. Her killer was sending a clear message that gender non-conformity will not be tolerated in this country. The silence, among law enforcement officials and in the news media, about daily hate crimes against members of my community, signaled support for our eradication. The message was intended for: transsexuals; drag performers; crossdressers; people who just appear “too” androgynous; and anyone who supports our right to live authentically.

Gwendolyn Smith’s message was also clear. She was telling the world about the terrorism against the transgender community. And she was putting our killers on notice that we are not going to die quietly ever again. Neither are we going to hide in fear. We will live our lives, despite the hate, and we will expose transphobia, as intolerable.

Since that first service, Transgender Day of Remembrance has become a global phenomenon. Every year, on November 20th, transgender people gather, not to mourn our dead, but to call attention to the violence against us, and to reiterate Gwendolyn Smith’s message, in defiance of our killers. Every year, our voices grow louder. And every year, our enemies’ voices grow louder too, and no matter how loud we shout, their voices outnumber our voices, so I wonder who, outside these services, can hear us.

Last year, we read the names of forty-six transphobic homicide victims. There are fifty-nine names to read this year. There are hundreds more names, that we won’t read, because that would be “too inconvenient,” and there are too many other names that we don’t know, just like all of those stars that die every day, without notice.

Looking around the room, I see some familiar faces, and recognize that a few of you have been in the trenches, fighting with us, to end the oppression and murder of people in my community. I appreciate your efforts more than I have words to adequately express. Others of you have offered sympathy for our losses, but I’m not here seeking sympathy, or to mourn the dead. I won’t have time to mourn, until the killing stops. No! I’m here to recruit volunteers.

I know you’ve come, to this memorial, because you want to show support. Thank you for that, but my community needs your voice. Together, we can shout down the people who claim that sex and gender diversity is intolerable. Together, we can make clear that this is a society for all people, where intolerance is unacceptable. Your voice can help carry that message. If you’re not sure how to use your voice, talk to your LGBT Care Coordinators, [redacted names]. Would you stand please? They can explain ways you can get involved. Any of you will add your voice, please stand with Dana and Danielle, and with everyone in the transgender community. Will you please stand and join us.

Thank you.

I walked away from the podium, leaving the attendees standing.



Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting today. 

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Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays. The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



You are reading an expanded version of a post from my Facebook page:


Sharon Nichols 

20 Nov 2022

Trans Day of Remembrance 2022


Additional Resources:



Transporting the Burden of Justification: The Unethicality of Transgender Conversion Practices
Published online by Cambridge University Press:
18 November 2022
Florence Ashley


Transgender conversion practices involve attempts to alter, discourage, or suppress a person’s gender identity and/or desired gender presentation, including by delaying or preventing gender transition. Proponents of the practices have argued that they should be allowed until proven to be harmful. Drawing on the notion of expressive equality, I argue that conversion practices are prima facie unethical because they do not fulfill a legitimate clinical purpose and conflict with the self-understanding of trans communities.


Transgender conversion practices aim to alter, discourage, or suppress a person’s gender identity and/or desired gender presentation, including by delaying or preventing gender transition.Reference Ashley 1 Conversion practices are heterogeneous and wide-ranging. They include not only wanting to help individuals “reconcile with their natal body,” but also attempts to identify the cause of the person’s expressed gender — including under the pretext of gender exploration — pursuant to the belief that it may be caused by social contagion, trauma, mental illness, internalized homophobia, and flight from womanhood.Reference Ashley 2 Tying together these heterogeneous practices is the belief that transitude — being trans — is suspect, and that cisgender identities are more desirable, legitimate, or authentic.Reference Salway and Ashley 3 Although some governments have banned conversion practices targeting gender identity, it remains legal in most jurisdictions. Instead of falling into desuetude, trans conversion practices may experience a revival in the wake of recent legislative and judicial attempts to curtail access to gender-affirming care.Reference McGuire 4

Despite widespread condemnation by professional organizations, some theorists and practitioners defend trans conversion practices on account of the fact that their harmfulness has not been proven, unlike that of gay conversion practices, and therefore argue that trans conversion practices should be allowed.Reference Green 5 Underlying this argument is the premise that opponents of trans conversion practices bear the ethical burden of justification and must prove the practices’ harmfulness before they can be deemed unethical and prohibited. In this paper, I argue that the argument misrepresents the ethical burden of justification. Trans conversion practices are prima facie unethical because they are contrary to the ideals of equality and justice. Accordingly, their proponents carry the burden of establishing that they are significantly more beneficial than all alternative clinical approaches — enough to outweigh that inequality. Since the available evidence does not countenance the view that trans conversion practices have better outcomes, we must conclude that they are unethical.

To be sure, we have reasons to believe that trans conversion practices are psychologically harmful. However, given the egalitarian implications of trans conversion practices, is sufficient to prohibit them that we have no evidence that they have substantially better outcomes than other approaches, such as gender-affirmative approaches. That the burden of justification lies on proponents of trans conversion practices is meaningful, because it allows us to circumvent methodological debates around whether the evidence of harm is strong enough to justify prohibition.

In this paper, I argue that the argument misrepresents the ethical burden of justification. Trans conversion practices are prima facie unethical because they are contrary to the ideals of equality and justice. Accordingly, their proponents carry the burden of establishing that they are significantly more beneficial than all alternative clinical approaches — enough to outweigh that inequality. Since the available evidence does not countenance the view that trans conversion practices have better outcomes, we must conclude that they are unethical.

The paper is divided into four sections. The first section draws on the work of legal philosopher Paul Gowder to establish expressive equality as an ethical requirement for clinical practices. The second section argues that conversion practices are prima facie unethical due to their negative relationship to expressive equality. The third section demonstrates that conversion practices do not overcome this prima facie case given the available evidence. The fourth section explores the implications of my arguments for the law and other clinical practices.

Conversion Practices are Prima Facie Unacceptable


See for example Green, R., “Banning Therapy to Change Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity in Patients Under 18,” Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry Law 45, no. 1 (2017): 7–11. It could be suggested that, to the contrary, that there is equally strong if not stronger evidence of the harmfulness of trans conversion practices. A comparative analysis of the scientific literature is, however, beyond the scope of the present paper.Google ScholarPubMed

I use the word transantagonism instead of transphobia to avoid the connotation of “fear”, to center its oppositional and hostile role in trans lives, and to avoid the clinical undertones of “phobia”.Google Scholar

The only thing sick about being trans are the memes we make.Google Scholar

Moreover, calling trans people depraved freaks just for being trans is really insulting to those of us trans folk who work really hard to be depraved freaks.Google Scholar

In other words, those who resort to the null hypothecis may open themselves up to litigaytion.Google Scholar



Excellent response to the NYT recent article questioning the use of puberty blockers to treat gender dysphoria in children & adolescents.



The NYT’s Big Piece on Puberty Blockers Mucked Up the Most Important Point About Them
Here’s a more straightforward look at what the drugs do, and what the downsides and benefits can be.
NOV 17, 202211:10 AM

On Monday, the New York Times published an article billed as an in-depth look at puberty blockers as a treatment for gender dysphoria in youth. It wasn’t a guide to the science of the medication, or even just a look at the disagreements in clinical protocol among specific doctors who treat teens. Instead, the piece grappled with whether young trans people should be treated with puberty blockers at all.

It’s a common error for certain journalists to make—viewing an essential piece of transgender health care as a newfangled, untested invention that may pose grave harm. It’s a bias I hope the paper of record seriously considers in its future coverage. In the meantime, as a trans journalist, I wanted to offer a more straightforward look at what puberty blockers are, and how they can help some patients. It’s true they have downsides and that they aren’t right for every young person with gender dysphoria—but this is true of every medication, no matter the patient population. The mainstream medical consensus is that blockers are a useful tool in treating gender dysphoria, and more data is coming in all the time to support their efficacy in the patients for whom they’re indicated. They are currently used only by a small percentage of trans-identifying youth.

Puberty blockers are drugs that disrupt the release of sex hormones. The primary drug used is called Lupron, and it has been prescribed for over 30 years, in a variety of medical contexts, to treat both children and adults. In addition to being used for prostate cancer, for endometriosis, and to address the distressing psychological effects of early puberty, it’s used (rarely!) to halt puberty for adolescents experiencing severe gender dysphoria.

A good starting place for thinking about puberty blockers—one the Times mentions only in passing—is to consider their use in children with precocious puberty. This is a deeply distressing condition, for both children and parents, in which a young child begins to develop the secondary sex characteristics more typically found in adolescents. This results in looking different from their peers, which can cause social issues. There can also be a lot of stress associated with early menstruation or other pubertal changes.

Gender-dysphoric youth, coincidentally, can also experience psychological and social benefits from these same drugs. Pausing puberty can allow youth to be accepted socially and prevent the intense psychological distress that so often accompanies puberty in gender-dysphoric teens. These are the great benefit of the drugs, as well as the fact that they’re entirely reversible, meaning that if treatment is stopped, puberty will recommence normally. There are side effects, but the mainstream medical consensus has been that these drugs are well known in other applications, and that for trans youth, as for other populations, the benefits can outweigh the risks.

The Times, however, does not seem to trust that medical consensus view. Instead, it focuses on one potential issue: reduced bone density. Bone density increases greatly in adolescence, under the influence of sex hormones. By halting puberty, Lupron also halts the expected increase in bone density. A 2017 investigation by Kaiser Health News looked at women who had used Lupron as teens to delay precocious puberty and who later in life reported side effects like osteoporosis and cracking teeth. It is difficult to suss out whether these side effects were definitely caused by Lupron, the Kaiser Health News investigation concluded.

For youth with preexisting bone density issues, all this may be a reason not to arrest puberty, for whatever reason, using blockers. For other youth, the best practice is to discuss the potential risks and benefits. If the drugs are the right choice, a doctor should conduct regular bone density scans if the youth and family decide to move ahead with treatment. The Times piece notes two instances in which young people on blockers did not receive appropriate bone scans during treatment; one of those patients “developed osteoporosis and sustained a compression fracture in his spine.” But this oversight seems like a point in favor of improving access to health care for trans youth, not limiting it. It’s also important to note that laws introduced in states like Tennessee and Florida to outlaw blockers for gender-dysphoric youth have all included language allowing them to be used to prevent early puberty.

Another useful comparison point is psychiatric medications, such as SSRIs, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics. These medications often have quite severe side effects, and their use in children has been criticized, though never at the level of the current moral panic over puberty blockers.

There are genuine quibbles to be had with how, say, SSRIs are prescribed—namely, doctors could do a better job of discussing the downsides and helping patients access other treatment options like talk therapy. There should be more research into side effects like decreased sexual functioning. But the locus of those discussions should be between the provider and the patients; it’s not a question of whether they are prescribed but of giving patients the right information and space to ask questions before either beginning a prescription or deciding it’s not right for them. The same holds true of puberty blockers. Ironically, most alternative treatments for the depression and anxiety and suicidal ideation caused by untreated gender dysphoria are likely to involve psychiatric medications—which can themselves, particularly antipsychotics, come with severe side effects.

None of this context was mentioned by the Times. Something that was mentioned, but downplayed, is how few kids are actually being treated with puberty blockers in the U.S. There are over 25 million youth between the ages of 12 and 17 in this country. The best estimate of how many children are on puberty blockers, according to a recent Reuters investigation, is roughly 5,000. The percentage of U.S. children from 13 to 17 on puberty blockers for gender dysphoria, therefore, calculates to .02 percent. The Times estimates that 300,000 U.S. youth identify as trans. Five thousand is less than 2 percent of those trans-identifying youth. A much, much higher percentage of youth have been on a diet.

If that picture were to change with new data, best practices and recommendations of the medical establishment would change in order to reflect that. At this time, fearmongering aside, there is no reason to believe that puberty blockers are not a safe and effective treatment option for youth experiencing severe gender dysphoria. The only reason to fear kids’ using them stems from a fear of trans people themselves.

Health Care
Prescription Drugs

All contents © 2022 The Slate Group LLC.




Reckless NY Times reporting fuels disinformation about trans youth
The NY Times’ analysis of this data is so misleading that some advocates question the motives behind the piece: “This is not investigative journalism.”
Erin Rook
Friday, November 18, 2022

While public sentiment toward transgender people in the U.S. continues to warm, anti-transgender campaigners are exploiting the public’s uncertainty about trans youth to promote Florida-style bans on gender-affirming care.

Claims about the irreversible dangers of transition-related care were once the bread and butter of far-right pundits, they have officially entered the mainstream with Monday’s front-page story in The New York Times: “Pressing Pause on Puberty. Drugs Can Buy Time for Trans Youth. Is There a Cost?”

And the stakes couldn’t be higher. Boston Children’s Hospital has been on the receiving end of at least three bomb threats this year due to misinformation about health care for transgender youth being provided there.

The piece hinges on what the authors describe as “emerging evidence of potential harm” related to the use of puberty-suppressing medications for transgender youth. But transgender health experts say that the data referenced in the Times‘ reporting comes to a different conclusion. The Times’ analysis of this data is so misleading that some advocates are questioning the motives behind the piece.

I talked with three experts – a trans advocate and educator, a psychology researcher, and a gender-affirming healthcare provider – to better understand what the Times got wrong and why it matters. Their criticisms touched on a range of issues including the data, the sources, and the framing of the issues. Many of these concerns are echoed by transgender people and care providers across the country.

Dr. Quinnehtukqut McLamore, a psychology researcher familiar with the studies on gender-affirming care, criticized The Times’ interpretation of the data about puberty blockers. Dr. Quinnehtukqut McLamore

“Basically, any way you slice it, this is not investigative journalism,” said Dr. Quinnehtukqut McLamore, who has a Ph.D. in Psychology and conducts research at the University of Missouri at Columbia. “This is storytelling and editorializing from science they – at best – don’t understand because they don’t apply a logical lens to it.”

Critics of the Times piece said the reporters did get a few things right: More research on transgender health topics is needed. The reticence of drug companies to conduct research with transgender people creates barriers for FDA approval. Bone scans are beneficial for youth before and during treatment with puberty blockers.

And the most concerning is the fear that research findings could be exploited in the current political climate.

The Times article is itself a clear example of this exploitation in action and is arguably more dangerous than the transparently transphobic content published by opponents of trans rights. By echoing their claims in an ostensibly objective news outlet with a large, mainstream audience, the authors lend legitimacy to hateful extremists.

Many of the false claims promoted by those who believe gender-affirming care is tantamount to child abuse are presented to readers as if they’re objective fact. While this would be dangerous enough in an opinion piece, the Times framed this reporting as a well-vetted public service piece:

As growing numbers of adolescents who identify as transgender are prescribed drugs to block puberty, the treatment is becoming a source of confusion and controversy.

We spent months scouring the scientific evidence, interviewing doctors around the world and speaking to patients and families.

Here’s a closer look at what we found.

The celebratory response from far-right pundits is revealing. The Daily Wire‘s Matt Walsh, whose film What is a Woman? manipulates the documentary format in an attempt to legitimize harmful transphobic myths, took credit for “[forcing] the NYT to admit that puberty blockers are dangerous.”

Matt Walsh
We forced the NYT to admit that puberty blockers are dangerous. They’re a decade late and deserve no credit or applause. But it’s still great news because it shows that our movement is winning. We’re dragging left wing institutions into the light, kicking and screaming.
12:38 PM · Nov 14, 2022




Gay Army
12 Nov 2022






What rights don’t trans people have?
Katy Montgomerie
Sep 3 ·
26 min read

(2021 11 20) TDOR 2021 - 2018 259086445_2737090966591751_2869496948983920975_nA list of the rights that trans people are missing in order to be equal to cis people around the world.

This is a live document and is not exhaustive. If you know of a right missing in your country, or you have an article to back up one mentioned (even if it already has a source), please comment below or contact me on Twitter.




Trans Rights Map 2021 documents alarming loss in trans rights
Posted on 17. May 2021 in Legal Gender Recognition, Research, Law, discrimination & human rights, Health & Depathologisation

On the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia, TGEU is launching an interactive version of its Trans Rights Map in English and Russian.

TGEU Trans Rights Map illustrates the legal situation of 49 countries in Europe and 5 in Central Asia. It shows country-specific requirements for legal gender recognition, as well as existing protections for trans people in asylum, hate crime/speech, non-discrimination, health, and family.

This year’s Trans Rights Map documents an alarming loss in rights when compared to 2020. While progressive countries in Europe and Central Asia have slowed down in increasing protections for trans people, moderate countries have often stalled progress altogether. Worse yet, a growing number of countries have been aggressively removing rights from trans people.

(2021 11 20) TDOR 2021 Genocide 259287776_2737120496588798_8795694798055990921_n*


(https://www.asherfergusson (dot) com/lgbtq-travel-safety/)

The 150 Worst (& Safest) Countries for LGBTQ+ Travel in 2021

Updated March 23, 2021
Asher & Lyric Fergusson

A study of the world’s most popular countries for LGBTQ+ travel reveals the good, the average & the ugly

Instead of relying on hearsay and anecdotes from other travelers, we took a deep look at LGBTQ+ rights, country by country. After 250+ hours of research, we’ve reviewed all countries’ individual laws and gathered data from a variety of trusted international sources to create the definitive “LGBTQ+ Travel Safety Index” that will help you find the safest (and least safe) countries for your next trip abroad.


(2021 11 08) Domestic Violence hand signal 255783030_430647015251533_2854104898671427446_n7.

Canadian Women’s Foundation – anti-Domestic Violence hand signal.






Trans Army
(2 Nov 21)

Our Word is not good enough.



Prior TDOR posts.  Apparently, I posted my 2020 entry on my Facebook page, but not here at this Slim and Me web-site.



‘Trans Day of Remembrance – 2019’ (2019)



‘STOP!!! JUST STOP!!!’ (2018)



‘TDOR, Uncle Frank, And Cousin Steve’ (2017)



‘Another TDOR’ (2016)



TDOR has been happening for many years.

Then why!

(2021 11 20) TDOR 2021 Naked priest 258786910_2737119693255545_8773521021536544308_nBoth national network news and local news make scant mention of it, if at all.  If all members of our own Trans community don’t know of TDOR, then how can we expect non-members to be aware!  Let’s see about whether and how much the national and local news report this year’s events.

Lack of awareness is because of said paucity of the publicity distributed among the population in general – the world beyond the Trans community has no concern for our well-being, therefore no concern for those whom they murder and no concern to publicise the slaughter of our Trans community members.

One of the elements that really bothers me during the reading of these names is the number of ‘Name Unknown’:

How can that be?

How can a family or social circle allow someone of their own to be murdered as ‘Name Unknown’?

How can a legal system and news process be satisfied that they have done their job concluding with ‘Name Unknown’?!

– Sharon


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*


‘Looking Back To The Future: 2018 Election Expectations For 2022 Election Results’

‘Looking Back To The Future:  2018 Election Expectations For 2022 Election Results’
(16 Nov 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


Dear Reader:

Remembering from four years ago what happened for Election 2022, for future elections. 

Decades of Republi-con Party effort is paying off:

 – Permanent Republi-con Majority 

 – Con-tract on Amerika 

 – Pax Amerika. 

I would suppose that Election 2018 involved severe anti-Drumpf attitudes.  It was short-lived. 

Red Republi-con states saw opportunity in Election 2020.  They had been denying voter registration, blocking voters, purging voters, Gerrymandering their states.

A long list of ways Republi-cons claim ‘voter fraud’, something that doesn’t exist, to manipulate the election process through:  voter registration denial, voter purges, voter intimidation, Gerrymandering, eliminate early voting, close college campus voting locations, reduce voting locations at targeted anti-Republi-con populations, loss of mail voting, delay delivering mail votes to polling sites, eliminate voting drop boxes, block voting, pretend that counting delayed delivery ballots is ‘fraud’, refuse to count votes, enact anti-voting legislation at Red Republi-con states.



NowThis Politics 

16 Nov 2021

How Republicans Have Been Rigging the Vote.




Greg Palast


Investigative journalist & author of the NY Times bestsellers Armed Madhouse + The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Catch his films and reports at:

JournalistLondon, New York, Los AngelesGregPalast.comJoined July 2008


Greg Palast


Sep 12

Watch this 103-sec clip from our new film Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman, and meet one of Gov. Kemp’s 88 voter challengers. This one likes to dress up like vigilante Doc Holliday – with a loaded six-gun.

Get YOUR name in the film’s credits:


 Thanks to Census Reapportionment, Republi-cons expected to seize as much as a 50 seat majority in the House of Representatives following the 2022 Election.

Democrats currently hold only 46 seats in the Senate, that’s not a majority.  Both Manchin and Sinema were planning to flip to the Republi-con Party; they may be waiting for the Georgia results.  No current Republi-con Senator was in danger of losing their re-election, whereas, Democrats were positioned to lose Senate seats; results of no less than status quo is remarkable considering history. 

Thus, in 2022 we expected to see the Republi-con Party effect the demise of the Constitution and government of the United States of America in favour of their Authoritarian Theocracy. 

 – Sharon 


‘The King can do no wrong.’

Unfortunately, that phrase is US Attorney General Merrick Garland’s stated judicial philosophy.

This means that Garland will not prosecute Crooked Drumpf, will not prosecute any of his closest inner circle.  Garland proves this, he refuses to prosecute simple obstruction and failures to comply with federal Court subpoenas.  How can we expect Garland to prosecute the important cases when he fails to act on the easiest routine cases!

Garland has been in office since February 2021, give or take.  I’m NOT holding my breath on Garland to suddenly find his way and change for Crooked Drumpf. 

Ignore Rachel’s long list and consider merely one crime – theft and destruction of government property. 

Garland sat on Drumpf’s theft of federal documents, no matter whether or not to debate their Confidentiality level.  Garland waited til late Summer 2022 to finally issue the Search Warrant.  Even then, federal agents missed collecting all documents, they’ve been stumbling to recover countless other federal government documents that Crooked Drumpf hides from those authorities.  Any one of us lesser ‘Little People’ would already have been sitting in prison, but here Crooked Drumpf gets his federal pass from Garland, the agency official in charge. 

Work product is the property of the employer, NOT the employee.  Presidential documents are the property of We The People, NOT Crooked Drumpf. 

I worked in both federal and state governments for about a combined 25 years.  My duties included document management.  No one – NO ONE – is allowed to take original documents from the office, from your employer – not even the agency Director.

The governments are the owner those documents, not a public officer, not an employee, not a private citizen.

Theft and / or destruction of government property is, at minimum, a Termination offence, it can lead to criminal charges.  No employer would be that inept to re-employ anyone who committed those criminal acts of theft and destruction of massive collections of employer property that Crooked Drumpf is publicly known for doing.  Instead, we have Crooked Drumpf campaigning for public office again, rather than Garland invoking Constitutional provisions to stop him. 

Same for private business.  Do you really expect Drumpf to be happy if one of his flunkies stole boxes of corporate files and trade secrets with impunity!  To profit from the sale of those private papers to hostile parties!

 – Sharon



Rachel Carson Zerbe

16 Nov 2022

WASHINGTON, DC – DECEMBER 04: A list of high crimes and misdemeanors are listed on a monitor as constitutional scholars Noah Feldman of Harvard University, Pamela Karlan of Stanford University, Michael Gerhardt of the University of North Carolina, and Jonathan Turley of George Washington University testify before the House Judiciary Committee in the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill December 4, 2019 in Washington, DC. This is the first hearing held by the House Judiciary Committee in the impeachment inquiry against U.S. President Donald Trump, whom House Democrats say held back military aid for Ukraine while demanding it investigate his political rivals. The Judiciary Committee will decide whether to draft official articles of impeachment against President Trump to be voted on by the full House of Representatives. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Here is a complete list of crimes Donald Trump has been credibly accused of since first running for office:

1) 52 U.S.C. §§ 30109, 30116, 30118; 18 U.S.C. § 2 Causing (or accepting) an individual contribution in excess of the lawful limit (2015)
2) 18 U.S.C. § 371 Conspiring to commit campaign finance offenses and/or defraud the enforcement of campaign finance laws (2015-2017)
3) 52 U.S.C. §§ 30104, 30109; 18 U.S.C. § 2 Causing a campaign committee to fail to report an unlawful corporate contribution (2016 – AMI)
4) 52 U.S.C. §§ 30104, 30109; 18 U.S.C. § 2 Causing a campaign committee to fail to report an unlawful corporate contribution (2016 – Cohen)
5) 52 U.S.C. §§ 30109, 30116, 30118; 18 U.S.C. § 2 Causing (or accepting) an individual campaign contribution in excess of statutory limits (2016)
6) 52 U.S.C. §§ 30109, 30118; 18 U.S.C. § 2 Causing (or accepting) an unlawful corporate campaign contribution (2016)
7) 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 1519 Causing a campaign committee to fail to report an unlawful corporate contribution (2016-2017) 18 U.S.C. § 1001 Knowingly omitting or failing to disclose a material fact (2017)
9) 5 U.S.C. app. § 104(a)(1)-(2) Knowingly and willfully failing to report required information (2017)
10) 18 U.S.C. § 1001; 18 U.S.C. § 2 Obstruction of justice and witness tampering (2017)
11) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(b); 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice and witness tampering (2017)
12) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice (2017 – Flynn)
13) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice (2017 – firing Comey)
14) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice (2017 – Mueller)
15) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice (2017 – attempted influencing Comey)
16) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice (2017 – attempted firing Mueller)
17) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice (2017 – 2018 – Sessions)
18) 18 U.S.C. § 1001 False statement (2017 – 2019)
19) 5 U.S.C. app. § 102(a)(3)) Criminal violation of the Ethics in Government Act (2017 – 2019)
20) 18 U.S.C. § 1361 Willful destruction of government property (2017 – 2021)
21) 18 U.S.C. § 2071 Willful destruction of government records (2017 – 2021)
22) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(b); 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice and witness tampering (2018 – Manafort)
23) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice (2018 – McGahn)
24) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice (2018 – Manafort jury)
25) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(b); 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice and witness tampering (2018 – 2019 – Cohen)
26) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1505, 1512(b); 1512(c)(2) Obstruction of justice and witness tampering (2018 – 2019 – Stone)
27) 18 U.S.C. § 201 Bribery (2019)
28) 18 U.S.C. § 610 Coercion of political activity (2019)
29) 18 U.S.C. § 641 Misappropriation of federal funds (2019)
30) 18 U.S.C. §§ 1505, 1512 Obstruction of Justice (2019 -Ukraine)
31) 52 U.S.C. §§ 30109, 30121 Soliciting unlawful foreign campaign contributions (2019)
32) 18 U.S.C. § 595 Criminal violation of the Hatch Act (2020)
33) 8 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy against rights (2020 – 2021)
34) 52 U.S.C. § 20511(2)(B) Depriving state residents a fair and impartial election process (2020 – 2021)
35) Ga. Code Ann. § 16-10-20 Knowingly making a false statement (2020 – 2021)
36) Ga. Code Ann. § 16-10-93 Influencing government officials to withhold or alter a record (2020 – 2021)
37) GaCodeAnn.§16-4-7 (soliciting at least one of GaCodeAnn.§§16-10-1, 16-10-20, 16-10-71, 16-10-8, 16-9-1(b), 16-9-93(b), 16-9-93(c)) Criminal solicitation of a felony (false statements and writings, false official certificates, false swearing, and/or computer trespass) (2020-1)
38) Ga. Code Ann. § 21-2-566 Interfering with primaries and elections (2020 – 2021)
39) Ga. Code Ann. § 21-2-603 Conspiracy to commit election fraud (2020 – 2021)
40) Ga. Code Ann. § 21-2-604 (soliciting at least one of Ga. Code Ann. §§ 21-2-596, 21-2-560, or 21-2-576 for a misdemeanor or Ga. Code Ann. §§ 21-2-566, 21-2-575, or 21-2-562 for a felony) Criminal solicitation to commit election fraud (2020 – 2021)

We know we said Justice Dept. up top, but yeah, some of these are state crimes. There are a lot of crimes. Back to the list:

41) Ga. Code Ann. § 21-2-604 (soliciting at least one of Ga. Code Ann. §§ 21-2-596, 21-2-560, or 21-2-576 for a misdemeanor or Ga. Code Ann. §§ 21-2-566, 21-2-575, or 21-2-562 for a felony) Criminal solicitation to commit election fraud (2020 – 2021)
42) Ga. Code Ann. § 21-2-604 (soliciting at least one of Ga. Code Ann. §§ 21-2-596, 21-2-560, or 21-2-576 for a misdemeanor or Ga. Code Ann. §§ 21-2-566, 21-2-575, or 21-2-562 for a felony) Criminal solicitation to commit election fraud (2020 – 2021 – Fake electors)
43) Ga. Code Ann. § 21-2-604 (soliciting at least one of Ga. Code Ann. §§ 21-2-596, 21-2-560, or 21-2-576 for a misdemeanor or Ga. Code Ann. §§ 21-2-566, 21-2-575, or 21-2-562 for a felony) Criminal solicitation to commit election fraud (2020 – 2021 – fraudulent results)
44) 18 U.S.C. § 1512 Obstruction of an Official Proceeding (2020 – 2021)
45) 18 U.S.C. § 371 Conspiracy to defraud (2020 – 2021)
46) 18 U.S.C. § 372 Conspiracy to prevent an officer from discharging any duties (2020 – 2021)
47) 18 U.S.C. § 595 Interference in Election by Employees of Federal or State Governments (2020 – 2021)
48) 18 U.S.C. § 610 Coercion of political activity (2020 – 2021)
49) 18 U.S.C.§ 2384 Seditious conspiracy (2020 – 2021)
50) Ga. Code Ann. § 16-14-1 et. seq Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) violation (2020 – 2021)
51) Ga. Code Ann. § 21-2-597 Intentional interference with the performance of election duties (2021)
52) 18 U.S.C. § 793(e) Unauthorized possession of national defense information (2021 – 2022)
53) 18 U.S.C. § 1519 Obstruction of justice (2021 – 2022)
54) 18 U.S.C. § 2071 Concealment, removal, or destruction of government records (2021 – 2022)
55) 18 U.S.C. § 1343 Wire fraud (2021-2022)
#Trump #Criminal



Murder seemed to be the highlight of Crooked Drumpf’s Presidency.

Kyle the Kenosha Killer murdered two innocent people in cold blood.

People who observed those two murders sought to stop him from killing more people.  They have every Constitutional Right to use every bit of force necessary to subdue him, including killing him to prevent him from committing further acts of violence and murder.

The protesters were trying to chase him toward the police, for the police to apprehend him.

Instead, KKK shot at more people, shooting off the arm of one man trying to corral him towards the police.

Therefore, Killer’s claim of self defense is a sham.  No one can murder people, then claim self defense when other people seek to subdue you.  Additionally, those people sought to summon police to KKK’s murders.

KKK proudly walked amongst the police that night – before and after his murder rampage. The police welcomed KKK with open arms and told him to go home.

 – Sharon 

Republi-cons don’t know what to do.

They still love Drumpf.

They are also setting their attention on DeSantis as their future.

A good chunk of the Republicans are mad that Crooked Drumpf declared his presidential candidacy when he did.   Republi-cons think that this quick announcement will bring Democrats out to vote for Warnock in the Georgie run-off.  Crooked Drumpf doesn’t care, he hopes announcing will shield him from prosecution; I fear that Crooked Drumpf will be correct. 

I expect DeSantis will become the new GOP ‘Chosen One’.  Many life-long Republi-cons and Con-ervatives are upset that Crooked Drumpf’s endorsements were not as helpful as he was in 2016 as for these 2022 mid-term elections.  I will not lose sleep that Crooked Drumpf’s baggage means that he fails to perform as the king maker he was since 2016.

What’s to become of American during these coming two years?

We shall see what shakes out in the future. 

 – Sharon 


Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting today. 

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



Additional Resources:


Your vote for Christian Con-servatism is a vote to exterminate the Trans and LGBT Community.

Here’s this video of a raging Christian Con-servative who demands that HIS Christian Con-servative government will execute the Trans and LGBT Community:


He calls his demand the love of God and Jesus. 




Scott Huffman for Congress 

The Republi-con path is making all women Second Class citizens.  They’ll take away Social Security, giving our money to the Extreme Rich.  MediCare, MedicAid, Voting Rights are on the chopping block.  MAGA Republi-cons told us their path – tax breaks for the rich, lies, chaos, and violence from the Republi-cons. ‘

‘Democrats fight for women’s Rights, the Working Class, Veterans. And Democracy. ‘



Another domestic terrorism group.  Drumpfian and Deplorable nice boys, eh.  They’d do better hiding in their mommy’s basement, playing video games.  They are so impotent that they need to present three upright high calibre rounds as their logo.


Three Percenters

The Three Percenters, also styled 3 Percenters, 3%ers and III%ers,[1] are an American and Canadian far-right anti-government militia.[2][3][4][5]

The group advocates gun ownership rights and resistance to the U.S. federal government.[6][7] The group’s name derives from the erroneous[8][9] claim that “…the active forces in the field against the King’s tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists…” during the American Revolution.[10]

One Canadian expert, Maxime Fiset, a former neo-Nazi who works with the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence, considers the group the “most dangerous” extremist group in Canada.[6]

The movement has been characterized as part of the broader patriot movement.[6] Founded in 2008, it was given impetus by the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States.[6][14] Members believed that Obama’s presidency would lead to increased government interference in the lives of individuals, and particularly stricter gun-control laws.[1] Many members are former or current members of the military, police and other law-enforcement agencies, as well as anti-government groups such as the Oath Keepers.[1]

The movement was co-founded by Michael “Mike” Brian Vanderboegh[15] from Alabama, a member of the Oath Keepers, a group with whom the Three Percenters remain loosely allied and are often compared.[2][16] Vanderboegh became a Second Amendment activist and by the 1990s was involved with the militia movement.[18]

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reports that in the mid-1990s, Vanderboegh claimed to be commander of an Alabama militia group, the First Alabama Cavalry Regiment, though he appeared to be its sole member. After the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, Vanderboegh became better known for popularizing anti-government conspiracy theories.[5]

The Three Percenters’ Facebook page featured numerous racist comments made by its supporters.[19] 

According to the ADL, Three Percenters constitute a major part of the broader anti-government militia movement, whose ideology they share.[23] Three Percenters believe that ordinary citizens must take a stand against perceived abuses by the U.S. federal government, which they characterize as overstepping its Constitutional limits.[1]




List of militia organizations in the United States

Not to be confused with List of United States militia units in the American Revolutionary War or State defense force § Active state defense forces.

This is a list of active and armed militia organizations in the United States. While the two largest militias are the Oath Keepers and the 3 Percenters, there are numerous smaller groups.

Main article: American militia movement

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified 334 militia groups at their peak in 2011. It identified 276 in 2015, up from 202 in 2014.[1] In 2016, the SPLC identified a total of 165 armed militia groups within the United States.[2][3]

National groups

As of 2020, the following militia groups have a national presence:

The Constitutional Sheriffs[3]

Oath Keepers[4]

Not Fucking Around Coalition[5]

Three Percenters[6][7]




Three Percenter

or 3 percenter or 3%er or III%er or threepers [three per-sent-er]

Published March 27, 2018


A Three Percenter is someone who advocates for a strict interpretation of the Second Amendment of the US constitution, strongly believing in armed rebellion against perceived government overreach, especially with respect to gun laws.


Three Percenter


The Three Percenters are a national group that was loosely organized in 2008 by Mike Vanderboegh, the late militia leader and author of the controversial novel, Absolved. Their central ideology is a strict reading of the Second Amendment’s clauses of a ” well-regulated militia” and “right of the people to keep and bear arms,” feeling these protections permit armed insurrection in the face of governmental power grabs.

The name Three Percenters is based on a false theory that, during the American Revolution, only 2.96% of the US population actually served in George Washington’s army. Historians have estimated the percentage was closer to 15–25%, but Three Percenters are persistent in citing the debunked statistic as evidence of the US federal government as tyrannical from the start.

Since their founding in 2008, the Three Percenters have been aggressively opposed to (and armed against) any potential gun-control laws, along with other areas where they believe the federal government—particularly under their then-frequent target, Barack Obama—is becoming too large and powerful. For instance, Vanderboegh was recorded arguing for armed resistance against the 2009 Affordable Care Act, rallying fellow Three Percenters to “break windows” at the offices of the Democratic National Committee. Despite Vanderboegh’s cry, the group’s official website states that they do not condone violence and prohibits members from committing “first use of force.”

During the 2016 US presidential election, the Three Percenters became increasingly visible at political rallies, protests, and armed standoffs, usually aligning with far-right policies and political candidates. The group has faced broad criticism from both liberals and conservatives, decrying the group as racist, prejudiced, and violent. The Anti-Defamation League has indeed labelled them an extremist organization.

In 2018, they claimed over 150,000 followers and have individual chapters in nearly every US state. They are often included as part of a broader small-government, militia-based movement especially in the rural US known as the Patriot movement.

© 2022, LLC



George Weltman

‘real curious what your take is on the fact that 100% of republicans want to keep dark money in politics, and 100% of democrats want it out. ‘


Republicans block bill requiring dark money groups to reveal donors


09/22/22 12:30 PM ET

Senate Republicans voted Thursday to block the consideration of a bill to promptly require organizations that spend money on elections to promptly disclose the identities of donors who give $10,000 or more during an election cycle.   

The body failed to invoke cloture on the measure, in a 49-49 vote. Every Republican present voted against the measure, while every Democrat voted for it.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) brought the bill to the floor to highlight the reliance of Senate Republican candidates on huge cash inflows from GOP dark-money groups, such as the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC linked to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), has been a top Democratic priority since the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United in 2010 that enabled corporations and other outside special interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on federal elections.   




Brave New Films 

5 Oct 2022

Our right to vote is under attack. Fight back before it’s too late. Join us and take our “I will fight voter suppression” pledge.



Loesch doesn’t care about Walker paying for his girlfriend’s abortion, doesn’t care that Walker paying for abortions violates their Republi-con Party tenet against all abortions. 


‘Winning is a virtue, and I’m not going to be baited, nor should you.  I’m concerned about one thing and one thing only.  I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles — I want control of the Senate.  Walker used his money to pay some skank for an abortion.  I don’t even care.  The people of Georgia don’t need a good decent, hardworking Senator.  I need supreme control. ‘

 – Dana Loesch, R-Drumpf / NRA (her ‘The Dana Show’ podcast, 4 Oct 2022)




Palast’s New Film Exposing Hidden GOP Vote Suppression Trickery


‘Vigilante ‘ (trailer)




Cree Hardegree 

9 Oct 2022

Two months ago I was steady ringing the political apocalypse bell, much to the dismay of many readers who were leaving my posts with a deep feeling of darkness because so many other posts were busy flinging happyhorseshit about the coming “blue tsunami.”

Around that time, things seemed to be turning around for Democrats, so liberal media and pundits quit discussing the end of democracy and end of women’s control over their own bodies and all the good things Joe has done, and went back to full-time speculating over when Trump is going to get indicted. 

(The answer, in case you have forgotten, always has been, and always will be, never.)

And now, with less than 30 days remaining, the pendulum is swinging back to Republicans.

CBS Battleground Tracker and The New York Times are still saying Republicans will retake the House. 

All current models show the Republicans taking over the House, even with everything that has happened.




When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag

In 1917 “The Muncie Sunday Star” of Indiana printed an announcement for a speech that prominent labor activist Eugene V. Debs was planning to deliver. The announcement presented a quotation from Debs which partially matched the saying under examination:

Every robber or oppressor in history has wrapped himself in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both. I am not a patriot as defined in the lexicon of the house of Morgan. I’d not murder my fellow men of my own accord, and why should I do it at the behest of the master class?

During a speech delivered in 1918 Debs made a similar statement:

No wonder Jackson said that “Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.” He had the Wall Street gentry in mind or their prototypes, at least; for in every age it has been the tyrant, who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both. (Shouts of “Good, good” from the crowd) (applause).



More to come in the next news post.

 – Sharon 


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

”Trans Awareness Week’ – 2022′

(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*

”Trans Awareness Week’ – 2022′
(15 Nov 2022)


Dear Reader:

Jó napot!

November is a month to acknowledge Our Trans Community, remember our Trans pioneers, commemorate our deceased Trans family.


For you who might be new to my Internet presence, allow me to share this chronological summary of my life journey that began as Transsexual and resulted in Inter-sex:

 – My family assigned me male (AMAB, 1956). Curiously, I remember times during my earliest childhood when my family called me a girl, referred to my sister and me as ‘the twins’ (meaning twin girls).

 – I was out among my family as a ‘Feminine Protesting’ child – my family taught me to play girl activities with my sister and other girls during the 1950s and the 1960s, but raised me as a boy by the time I entered Kindergarten.  Yowch!  Such a long time ago.  So few of us back then.

 – I enrolled in Stanford University Medical Center’s ‘Gender Dysphoria Program’ at age 21 (1977).  

 – My initial Inter-sex diagnosis was at age 26 (1982). I am biologically female, affected by excess T Poisoning. I learned later (2017) that my exploratory surgery included a hysterectomy without my consent.

 – I have had two additional surgeries (1983 and 2016).

 – In 2017, my Gynecologist entered into my medical record that I am ‘Female Klinefelter’s’ (a common misnomer for Female XXY), as opposed to Male Klinefelter’s (Male XXY).


Of course, I am more than Transsexual, more than Inter-sex.

Here are some of my personal activities:

 – I may not be expert, I like science, nature, music, history, politics.

 – I learned to play piano, acoustic guitar, and drums – but I lost my Muse by early 1980s.

 – I tend more towards non-fiction than fiction. I post little about gaming, fantasy, etc.

 – I participated in electric car clubs during the 1990s. I have a converted Ford Pinto, but it needs work. I produced an electric car TV show during the 1990s – ‘Dick’s Automotive’. We had electric car races here at Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona.

 – ‘Rock Club Rising’ was another TV show that I produced (1994 – 2000). I video recorded music performances live on stage – mostly Rock, but there were other genres. I taped more than 500 different acts through the course of the series. Here’s this news article written about RCR:  


Eat the Document


AUGUST 27, 1998 4:00AMe


About my pictures that you can see throughout this web-site:

 – Mincemeat and me at the pool of our Grambling, Louisiana, apartment (Summer 1969, age 13).

 – 9th Grade school picture (September 1970, age 14).

 – Relaxing at the Mount Olympos cabin (October 1971, age 15).

 – Slim and me at our Compton Hall residence, Anatolia College campus, Thessaloniki, Greece’s (Easter 1972, age 15).

 – Island-hopping the Greek Aegean islands (June 1972, age 15).

 – Christmas vacation at Vienna, Austria (January 1973, age 16). 

 – Slim and me at Thassos, Greece (February 1973, age 16).

 – High School graduation night (May 1974, age 17).

 – Slim and me at Follansbee, West Virginia, overlooking the Ohio River (August 1976, age 20).

 – Work ID picture from USDA Forest Service Geometronics Service Center (February 1981, age 24).

 – Pima Community College ID picture (July 1985, age 29).

 – DES ID picture (1986, age 30).

 – DMV ID picture (July 1996), age 40).

 – Passport ID picture (October 2015, age 59).

 – Using Wi-Fi at the Fry’s customer seating area (2016, age 60).

 – Back patio (Summer 2017, age 61).

 – Riding the City bus (2018, age 62).

 – Riding the City bus (2019, age 63).



Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my abundance of memes, images, and commentary throughout this experience.

I invite you to browse this web-site and my social media page. 

You will note that I post mostly either Left-wing politics or Transsexual / Intersex issues to my on-line presence. I post almost entirely as public. I rarely post limited; I will if it is something critical to restrict the audience.

I welcome you to submit your Facebook Friend Request to me at social media.  Please – send your text message describing your personal self, your interests, your political persuasions. 

I am Lesbian, thus I am NOT interested in men come-ons.

Know that I am Trans.  I am a long time Student of the Shoah.  I am aware of NAZI-ism and their ideology to exterminate the German Trans Community, how it compares to today’s Republi-con-ism and their ideology to exterminate Our Trans Community in America.

Despite this being more of a celebratory week, we must adjust our focus next week to the aforementioned virulence wrought upon Our Trans Community.



Puszi! Puszi!

Köszi, Sharon 


Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting this post today.

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this web-site.  Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this composition, that I present throughout this web-site, that add to the essence of these posts.

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images provided for you here at this web-site.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



You can read the abbreviated version of this post at my social media page:



Additional Resources:



Art by Veya

15 Nov 2022

“Why do you have make everything queer?!”

That’s a great question. Why do we have to make everything queer? Why is that? Why do we have to make it queer…

Why isn’t it queer already? Why is everything cishet? Why is everything straight? Why do we have to *make* it queer now? Why do we have to do that? Why can’t we have queer content without having to make that effort? Why can’t we already have normalised queer representation? Why do WE have to make it queer? Why? Because of you. Because of you WE have to make it queer.

Oh, that wasn’t what you meant? Tough shit.




Lizette Trujillo

15 Nov 2022

The cruelty and stress each legislative session brings to families who support their trans and non binary kids is so harmful! It is not natural to have to worry about your kids well-being, and the safety and stability of your home just because of your child’s gender identity! It is an abuse of the state and the politicians who find tormenting our families as politically effective in their bases for support! I’m so deeply heartbroken that many families in Texas will be worried about this shit instead of enjoying time with their families as the holiday season begins! It’s not NORMAL for states to push this level of harm and discrimination every single year! If you aren’t in TX reach out to parents who are, and ask how you can help them! Donate to equality orgs in the area who are doing the work to support families and protect trans kids. Texas families need us now more than ever! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

#repost @erininthemorning





5 Nov 2022

According to Equality Texas a whopping 30 proposed anti-LGBTQ+ laws are currently in the Texas legislature, the MOST of any state in the country. 

That’s why it’s important that you get out to vote this election! 

Visit and find resources to help you register, better understand the candidates running for office (and where they stand on LGBTQ+ rights), and learn how you can make a difference where you live. 









International Transgender Day of Remembrance 2021

Posted on November 13, 2021

Kelley Winters, Ph.D. 

Updated Nov. 19, 2021

As the International Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) approaches on November 20, there is often confusion in the press and our community about disparate lists and totals from different organizations. Every year, I put together a comparative table of U.S. trans murders from the leading organizations and individuals who compile them, so that organizers and community members can better understand and explain those differences.

This year, my table includes remembrance lists from the Transgender Europe (TGEU) Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) project, the TransGriot Blog, the International Transgender Day of Remembrance Trans Lives Matter site, the Human Rights Campaign, and the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs. I deeply appreciate the emotional labor and sacrifice made by the individuals and organizations who compile these lists. What they do is essential and difficult work.

Monica Roberts, founder of the iconic TransGriot blog, passed away on October 5, 2020, and her absence from this work this year leaves an empty void in my community and my heart.

Some of the differences between TDOR compilations are substantial. For example, some lists are based on the calendar year. The European TMM and U.S. Trans Lives Matter lists begin on Oct 1. Others begin on Nov 20. Some lists exclude murders not confirmed by local coroners. Others exclude suicidal deaths. Others exclude police killings. Some exclude deaths while incarcerated (or linked to ICE medical neglect or CBP deportation). Finally, some lists accidentally omit names, where cases were solved or victims were identified late in the year.

Excerpt from 2021 U.S. TDOR meta-table

This meta-table is a side-by-side, tabular compilation of the most respected remembrance lists for 2021 in the U.S., including PR. It is intended to help TDOR organizers to make informed choices for their community observances. Here is the complete, downloadable pdf meta-list document: [Revision C updated 20201114]

202111tdorcalcd Download

Tragically, trans women of color still suffer the overwhelming majority of anti-trans hate-murders in the U.S. and worldwide. Like so many others, I dream of a world where intersectional hatred of gender and racial diversity no longer necessitate a Transgender Day of Remembrance observance for our fallen sisters, brothers, and siblings. Until that day, we say their names, in clear voices, to an intolerant world that allowed no space for their authentic lives. I wish you peace on this International Transgender Day of Remembrance and safe passage through the next year. Please feel free to copy and share this meta-list of trans murder victims from multiple sources with TDOR organizers and participants in your area. I will continue to correct and update this post until November 20.

Formatted reading list of U.S. names, merged from the meta-list table, above, for dates Nov 21, 2020 to Nov 20, 2021:

202111tdord-us-pr Download

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit I encourage Trans community members, allies, and allied organizations to copy and share it widely, with CC attribution.


Transgender Europe (TGEU) Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) project

https://transrespect (dot) org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/TvT_TMM_TDoR2021_Namelist.pdf

TransGriot Blog, founded by the late Monica Roberts

“Remembering Our Dead,” Trans Lives Matter

Human Rights Campaign

National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs,

Lives Lost to Fatal Anti-LGBTQ and Intimate Partner Violence






Dubbed torture, ID policies leave transgender people sterile
November 11, 2022 GMT

SINGAPORE (AP) — She was the only woman soldier working in the guard room, surrounded by men who harassed and frightened her after she said she was transgender. She tried to ignore them as they opened up their shirts and pretended to rape each other, while beckoning her to join them.

And then one day, as Lune Loh stood under the searing Singaporean sun, one of those men took his rifle and tried to shove it between her legs.

She was a woman. She was not supposed to be here, because Singapore’s compulsory, two-year military service is required only for 18-year-old men. But under Singapore law, she was still considered a man, because she had not undergone surgery that would render her sterile.

Across the world, scores of countries still require transgender people to submit to such surgeries before their genders are legally recognized, a practice international human rights bodies have condemned as torture. These policies have left untold numbers of transgender people with an agonizing choice between their fertility and their identity.

For those who opt against surgery, the policies’ consequences can be severe, limiting their prospects for jobs, housing, marriage and safe passage through the world. Since their identification documents list their genders as the opposite of how they present in public, they can easily be outed, leading to everything from bureaucratic hassles to life-threatening confrontations.

For some, the fear of being outed is so intense that they withdraw from the world. Loh, however, has taken the opposite approach, becoming an unusually visible transgender rights activist in Singapore, a rigidly controlled city-state that only announced it would decriminalize sex between men in August.

© copyright 2022 The Associated Press.




Florida Medical Boards Ban Gender-Affirming Care for Kids

— First state to limit care for trans youth through medical board action

Amanda D’Ambrosio, Enterprise & Investigative Writer, MedPage Today

November 7, 2022

Florida’s medical boards approved a rule on Friday banning gender-affirming medications and surgery for youth with gender dysphoria who aren’t already being treated.

The Florida Board of Medicine voted to adopt a proposed standard of care for new patients under age 18 with gender dysphoria, which will prohibit both gender-affirming surgeries and medications including puberty blockers and hormone therapies. The rule will not apply to transgender and gender-diverse youth who are already receiving treatment.

The state’s Board of Osteopathic Medicine also voted to restrict use of gender-affirming care for minors on Friday, but it included an exception for kids enrolled in clinical trials, according to ABC News.

The rule will now go through a weeks-long approval process that will include further public comment. Once the rules are adopted, physicians who don’t adhere to them will risk losing their medical licenses.

The move to ban a procedure through a state’s medical board is an unprecedented one, according to the New York Times. The strategy got around the Republican-controlled State Legislature, which had twice declined taking up a bill to restrict gender-affirming care.

The medical board voted 6-3, with five members not present, to adopt the new rule, according to the Times. All 14 members of the board were appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The Endocrine Society called the new standard of care “anti-science” and “blatantly discriminatory,” adding that it “contradicts medical evidence followed by the Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, the Pediatric Endocrine Society and other mainstream medical organizations.”

“Medical evidence, not politics, should inform treatment decisions,” the society said in a statement. “The move by the Florida Board of Health to ban gender-affirming care based on a political agenda rather than on science sets a dangerous precedent for all health care decisions.”


Sort by Newest


a day ago

Medical therapy should not be adjudicated in the quasi-political arena of a state medical board whose members are not appointed for their medical expertise.




UCLA – Challenging Gender Identity: Biologists Say Gender Expands Across A Spectrum, Rather Than Simply Boy And Girl





What rights don’t trans people have?

Katy Montgomerie

Sep 3 · 26 min read

A list of the rights that trans people are missing in order to be equal to cis people around the world.

This is a live document and is not exhaustive. If you know of a right missing in your country, or you have an article to back up one mentioned (even if it already has a source), please comment below or contact me on Twitter.

(Please note: So far I have only done Europe, Central Asia, the USA, and some of Africa. I haven’t even attempted to research most of the Americas, East Asia, South Asia, Australasia or most of Africa yet.)

Katy Montgomerie is a feminist, LGBT rights advocate, atheist, metalhead, insect enthusiast and trans woman]



I posted a ‘Coming Out Day’ composition to this ’Slim and Me’ web-site in 2019:


‘Today Is A ‘Coming Out’ Day’
(11 Oct 2019)



Here’s this video: the ‘Violence at home ‘Help Me!’ Signal’.





‘Domestic Violence victims are arrested as much as abusers. ‘
– Julie Owen (interview; Newsy, 12 Oct 21)

National Domestic Violence Hotline:
(800) 799 SAFE




Trans Women and Public Restrooms: The Legal Discourse and Its Violence
Beatriz Pagliarini Bagagli1†, Tyara Veriato Chaves1† and Mónica G. Zoppi Fontana1,2*†

1Laboratory PoEHMaS (Politics, Enunciation, History, Materialities, Sexuality), Institute of Language Studies, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil
2Department of Linguistics, Institute of Language Studies, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil

(2015 08 20) Decide to be a Girl11046480_376569759191961_3227315234969587031_nSafe access to public restrooms is an essential need for participation in civic life, in the workplace, in educational settings, and other public spaces. This is no different for transgender people. However, access to public restrooms according to gender identity has sparked controversy to the extent that transgender people face embarrassment and even expulsion from these spaces. The lack of access of the transgender population to public restrooms has a negative impact on the physical and mental health of this population. Thus, this article aims to address the main consequences that the ban on the use of bathrooms has for the transgender population, specifically the access of transgender women to the women’s restroom. We covered some legal aspects of “bathroom laws” and the main arguments in this discussion. We understand that the prohibition of access to the restroom constitutes a form of gender violence and discrimination, as we conclude that the arguments that express concerns about safety are not supported.


At the restroom door, the security guard came to me and asked for my documents. I replied: “why?” He said: “you know why”. I replied: “I don’t know”. So I went into the bathroom with my friend and I suddenly realized that the bathroom was being evacuated. I was alone in the bathroom. He sent a cleaning woman into the bathroom and asked everyone to leave. At the time… I think that was the biggest humiliation I went through in my whole life and, believe me, I’ve been quite humiliated. Because he treated me as if I were a delinquent, but not just any delinquent, a highly dangerous one, who might risk those people, so dangerous that a public place needed to be evacuated1 (Maria Clara Spinelli2).

Once the door is closed, a white toilet, between 40 and 50 cm height, as if it were a perforated ceramic stool that connects our defecating body to an invisible universal cloaca (Preciado, 2018).

Surveillance, violence, humiliation, embarrassment, trauma, and suffering are everyday actions and affections in the lives of some individuals who need access to public restrooms in Brazil and throughout the world. Preciado (2018) notes that it is when architecture seems to harmlessly serve basic natural needs that a perverse and effective policy of access restriction is established, in which doors, windows, furniture, walls, partitions, exits, and entrances work as a complex apparatus at the service of technologies of gender3. Just as there is extensive research in Gender Studies regarding the complex network of constraints involving the presence of women in public spaces4, it is urgent to analyze the policy of transphobic spatial segregation that permeates many practices and functions, which has as one of its most violent exclusion and segregation devices in the access to public restrooms. The language in social practices and subjective relationships actively participates in these exclusion devices.

From the account of Maria Clara Spinelli, we have a sample of how discrimination operates. It is a complex apparatus that involves not only the State and its institutions, but the smallest and singular dimension—although not the less cruel—of everyone who authorizes themselves to be the “inspector of other’s gender.” This discourse involves, for example, the security agent of a shopping mall, who, from misunderstanding games of glance, recognizes certain individuals as subjects, and authorizes himself to question them, demanding their documents, saying “you know why.” It is by returning to the other the evidence of historical violence that the arguments turn into a “you know why,” closing the door and locking the other inside the very own violence that victimizes them.

Language helps us realize how certain ideological processes materialize, and, in this case, we are facing a very familiar functioning. According to Pêcheux (1975/2009), it is not just about “everyone knows”—i.e., fundamental ideological evidence—, but the “you know,” which implies an enunciative game in which the subject is placed as accomplice of the violence that affects them: “you and I know why5.” A perverse game that finds shelter in the social relations, as all the women present agree with the scene and participate in it, leaving the bathroom. We ask ourselves: what if they stayed? What if, by staying, they showed the security guard that the only dangerous thing was his prejudiced attitude? And that the assumption of a danger and threat say much more about who acts that way and where their desire rests? Maria Clara remembers that the restroom is a public space. Are we really willing to live together?

This account, or rather, this outburst, is available on Youtube, which confirms that there is a voice, a face, a body giving life to those words, faltering in the syntax, exposing how disturbing it is to express oneself in a traumatic experience. If we consider enunciation, we can notice when the speech trembles, when the pause interrupts the word, when the nervous laughter is followed by the expression: “and, believe me, I’ve been humiliated a lot.” The most humiliating episode in Spinelli’s life takes place at the entrance of a “Women’s” restroom, as the door sign indicated. And we know that crossing that door, or rather, crossing that border, says much more about the subject’s relationship with desire—by a psychoanalytic (Allouch, 2010) perspective—and the subject’s relationship with a naming process, which is part of a repeated norm (Butler, 1993/2013, p. 161), than a biological, anatomical, or genetic data.

The bathroom is part of the exclusion operation of cities and, as Preciado (2018) points out, it is necessary to think of the historicity of the public bathroom as a bourgeois institution responsible the management of bodily waste, especially from the nineteenth century onwards, which emerges in accordance with conjugal and domestic codes crossed by the spatial division of gender, the normalization of heterosexuality6 and the pathologization of homosexuality: “[…] In the twentieth century, bathrooms became authentic public inspection cells, in which the adequacy of each body with the current codes of masculinity and femininity is evaluated7” It is as if an unwritten law authorizes people going to the bathroom to inspect the bodies of those who choose to cross the border that separates the inside and the outside (of the door and of gender).

Trans Women and Public Restrooms: The Legal Discourse and Its Violence



Itali Marlowe – 20th Trans person murdered this year – murdered because she is Trans:



Nope – I was not confused. I knew at least by the age of 3 – ‘I’m a girl! I proclaimed to family. I didn’t necessarily know that that made me Transsexual. Uncle Frank, who began Transition when I was age 4, made Transsexuality a normal concept at home.



The Birth Certificate fight continues at Utah.



Trevor Project’s LGBT Handbook for Youth.



AMA support for LGBT Rights.



Stealth at work.



It’s no surprise that an anti-LGBT Republi-con is charged with child porn and sexual abuse.



The USA Supreme Court wants to tell Trans persons what public restroom to use.



The 2020 Election is important for Our LGBT Community.



Poland right-wing attacks against LGBT.



TERF Lesbian opposes LGBT and Trans Civil Rights at Supreme Court demonstration.



Transgender youth activist.



Australian Trans Community seeks health care coverage by Medicare.



Surgery leads to improved mental health.



Adult support helps Trans youth overcome suicidal thoughts.



A preview of the USA Supreme Court presentation.

Transcript of oral arguments in Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC.


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘Music Saturday – A Break From Election 2022 Politics‘

‘Music Saturday – A Break From Election 2022 Politics’
(12 Nov 2022)

(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*

Dear Reader:

It’s Saturday evening at the United States of America.

Music Saturday.  Taking time from my posts about Transsexual / Inter-sex and politics issues.   Almost.

Time to review what music came my way during the last time when we met on this topic.  What music has been rummaging throughout my mind?   What music have people been sharing with me?

It’s been a couple weeks since my last Music Saturday post here, time for something to break our focus on Election 2020 issues. 

And then we shall return to the usual 

 – Sharon 



Friend Zoe posted about Cha Cha Cha music today.

That brought to mind my mother’s record and the unknown Julie that I previously wrote about:


‘Who Is Julie?’ (15 Feb 2020)

Julie London issued an album with this title, but I have no clue if she is the Julie referred by my mother. 

The earlier URL for this Rene Touzet song is deleted (see the attached image)

Thus, I had to find another URL.  But this YouTube channel lacks the original picture sleeve that I have from the prior post. 

 – Sharon 


Rene Touzet 

‘Julie is her name’



To boot, here is more Cha Cha Cha music. 

 – Sharon 

Rene Touzet

‘Mr. Cha Cha Cha Medley’



Here’s the song by Julie London from her album ‘Julie is her name’. 

 – Sharon

Julie London 

‘It never entered my mind’



Bestie Alana and I watched this YouTube video a couple days ago. It’s an interesting critique about Led Zeppelin and their song ‘Stairway to Heaven’.

 – Sharon 


‘Stairway to Heaven:  Led Zeppelin Hero’s Journey’



Friend Mary recently asked me about Blues Rock.  I found this YouTube video of Blues Rock covers and alternate takes.  I shared this YouTube video with Mary. 

 – Sharon 


‘Top 20 Blues Rock music best songs – greatest Blues Rock music of all time’



Mary is not familiar with Rock music.  I referred this song to her when she mentioned that her sister was planning to attend a Led Zeppelin concert.  I shared this with Mary to accompany the critique video.

 – Sharon 

Led Zeppelin 

‘Stairway to Heaven’




Bestie Alana and I were watching YouTube videos the other evening.   This item came to her YouTube Feed. Memories came back to me. 

This goes back to the time when I travelled to Anaheim, California, to attend the Catholic Church conventions (1983, 1984, 1985).

I discovered Alt Rock on KLOS FM.

I wrote about this on a previous Music Saturday. 

Enjoy multiple versions of this track. 

 – Sharon 


‘Bela Lugosi’s dead’



















Bestie Alana and I watched a YouTube video about Racism in America, about Racism in American Rock music.  The White-wash of Black Blues music. 

I was young at the time, the 1950s and the 1960s.  I knew Black and White.  I remember the first time when I ever recognised seeing a Black person; I must have been no older than age 4, my father’s lesson to me was positive.  My father had me read ‘Black like me’ in 3rd Grade; I clearly comprehended bigotry, hatred, prejudice, Racism. 

As I learned, Rock music originates from Black American music of the 1920s – Black America dubbed their style as ‘Rock and Roll’ in the 1920s before Alan Freed used that term for his White America radio audience of the 1950s.  White America would come to call Rock and Roll performed by Black artists as ‘Race Music’ to segregate the two, as an element of Segregation itself. 

This got me to remember when we lived at Grambling, Louisiana (1969).  One of my neighbour friends that Summer was Black, my age, we rode our bikes around the town, we played volleyball at Wednesday night games at the College, we drank strawberry soda together.  Yeh, he is Black, I’m White, so what, we were buddies.  I swam at our apartment pool with a Black girl who was a couple years older than me.  Yes, I see that the boy and girl are Black – they were my friends because they were my friends. 

I listened to KRUS AM from nearby Ruston for my fill of music. 

KRUS played a variety of popular music of the time – Rock, Soul, R&B.  I didn’t comprehend anything different about their playlist.  I didn’t tell myself that one song was White or the other song was Black, I didn’t know the performance was either Black or White.  I enjoyed the song, plain and simple, be it Black, White, so Pink polka dot.

I came to listen to Chuck Berry.  I remember BB King songs in the record charts.  I remember Fats Domino and Chubby Checker records in my mother’s collection that we played on Saturdays. 

I had not put much thought to Racism in the music five decades ago.  I probably thought little about Racism in music until perhaps another decade later, not overnight, but a gradual awakening. 

Allow me to find and add music that was popular on KRUS, but that I can’t recall hearing anywhere in White America.  A sad example of Racism in American music. 

 – Sharon 


Marvin Gaye 

‘Too busy thinking ’bout my baby’

( (45)


( (Extended version)



‘Color him father’






Buchanan Brothers 

‘Medicine man’

(https://youtu (dot) be/b-8J61g0lzg)

(https://youtu (dot) be/q7F9ZspOpy0)

(https://youtu (dot) be/uUv5jv_GjBY)





Vick Venus







‘Everybody’s on strike’




Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting this post today.

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this composition, that I present throughout this web-site, that add to the essence of these posts.

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



There is an abbreviated version of this post at my social media page:


Sharon Nichols 

12 Nov 2022

Music Saturday – A Break From Election 2022 Politics 



Additional Resources:


You want to use ‘guy’ and ‘dude’ as some form of generic non-sex appellation.


Lemme ask you CisHet men how much you enjoy having sex with ‘guys’ and ‘dudes’.

– Sharon







‘Air Afrikaans’




(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*


‘Election Talk As We Await The Final Results’

‘Election Talk As We Await The Final Results’
(12 Nov 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n


Dear Reader:

Republi-con talk-o-sphere so eagerly expected their Red Tidal Wave, it doesn’t know how to handle their Red Piddle. 

The Democratic Party needs to take a hint from their constituency, from the American voters.  The Liberal Left Progressive platforms increased their numbers.  Sadly, the overall election end results are not positive for Republi-con Lite Democrats and Corporatist Democrats:

 – Election results seem to lean towards Republi-con control of Congress – both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Republi-cons vow chaos and obstructionism. 

 – Supreme Court holds tight as loyal political operators for their Republi-con Party. 

 – State governors and legislatures remain under Republi-con control, guarantee to persist their destructive legislative agenda. 

One bit of note is that the Republi-con scheme to overthrow the House of Representatives and install Crooked Drumpf as Speaker of the House seems less likely.  That was the Republi-con plan in the event of their Red Tidal Wave; the close results have many Republi-cons acting otherwise cautiously.  But don’t think that Republi-cons removed that option, or variations, from their bag of tricks. 

Robertson was correct – Republi-con and Christian Con-servative constituents drank their Red Ripple. 

Yes, Aneese.  Fox Snooze and other Republi-con, Christian Con-servative, Right-wing media are beginning to allow their next narrative:  ‘It’s time for the GOP to move on from Drumpf’.  The biggest losers of Election 2022 evening were mostly MAGA die-hards, while the biggest Republi-con ‘winner’ by a sizable margin was Florida’s DeSantis, a once loyal Drumpfian who now flips his public image as an opponent of Crooked Drumpf.  Pure Dog Whistle to draw unwitting public attention from Crooked Drumpf – a wolf wearing sheep’s clothing. 

There is that fearful element of the Republi-con Party who are finally growing tired of Drumpf and his tantrums at social media and at his rallies.  These Republi-cons see the possibility that Crooked Drumpf will be their albatross around their neck as election is not quite as automatically guaranteed. 

So it’s entirely possible, and we can hope that it does happen, that over the next two years we shall see an internal conflict within the Republi-con Party. 

But don’t hold your breath.  We must not celebrate the demise of Crooked Drumpf.  ‘Dobbs, Deniers, and Drumpf’ surely define the Republi-con Party as Extremist.  Those 3-D Drumpfian Republi-cons were reasonably successful at American Democracy’s expence.  Broadcast network news reports that about 300-some Crooked Drumpf Big Lie Election Deniers ran for office this 2022 Election.  So far, in races determined, the clear majority of more than 180-some of those Crooked Drumpf Big Lie Election Deniers won their office, 155 of those Crooked Drumpf Big Lie Election Deniers are in the US Congress.  Those Crooked Drumpf Big Lie Election Deniers are the antithesis of American Democracy. 

 There remain several offices still not determined due to the close results, perhaps reason for Republi-cons to feel disappointed that they didn’t win every election in a landslide. 

To me, this means that Republi-cons are still into Crooked Drumpf, only now, some Drumpfian Republi-cons less devout to Crooked Drumpf might be sitting on the proverbial fence, might be publicly tentative after this election.  Without their Red Tidal Wave, these Drumpfians and Deplorables feel that they lost because they don’t have massive majorities of everything. 

Robertson is the typical Republi-con goof, his Fickle Finger to the wind.  He says one thing on one day and will say the opposite on the next day, as if his audience has little clue to his flip-flops.  Robertson’s CBN audience have the perception and memory of a box of rocks. 

Republi-cons control at least 30-some states, they will control both houses of the Congress, they control the Supreme Court.  Not good enough.   Republi-cons are authoritarians.  They want absolute control of everything.  They are pondering their future moves to achieve their ends.

Democrats need to find their home, need to return to their home.  Antonia Ocasio-Cortez’ group of Progressive Democrats successfully added three more members to their Progressive caucus by running on their Progressive platform.  Conversely, Democrats who insist campaigning as Republi-con Lite or as Corporatist lost their election to Drumpf Republi-cons. 


Let’s go back to the video tape!

Compare and contrast.  Time for quotes with attention to Gordon Robertson in this post. 

Allow me to address those quotes. 

As I previously reported, Pat Robertson’s spawn is reporting, confirming, that Russia (Putin) interfered in our 2016 Election to put Crooked Drumpf and Republi-cons in office (Gordon Robertson’s CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 8 Nov 2022).


Compare and contrast Robertson’s statements about his support for Crooked Drumpf from three different days. 

Here was the Spawn on Election Day, bright and cheerful:

‘Republi-cons expect a Red Wave.  Congress will slip from Democrat to Republi-con control.  It’s all about Biden and the economy for Republi-cons.  Also about election security to protect poll workers from Right-wing violence.  It’s also about documented Russian interference in past elections and in this current election.  Drumpf will launch his 2024 campaign after this election. ‘

‘Conspiracy Theories are about ballot counting and reporting results early or late.  The problem is mail-in ballots getting counted days after the Election. Counting ballots late, not reporting early, is election fraud. ‘

‘Abortion is on the ballot in five states to restrict abortion.  State constitutions do not protect the Right to have an abortion. ‘

 – Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 8 Nov 2022)


Then, his tune changed as time passes, less joyful:

‘The overwhelming Red Wave through the midterms are a mixed bag.  Republi-cons flipt House seats.  Defeating Democrats in hotly contested seats.  Gains for Republi-cons.  Crushing their Democrat opponents. ‘

‘Republi-cons had the issue of the economy on their side.  Democrats get out the vote early, Republi-cons on Election Day.  Republi-con Campaign Money was a big factor.  Democrat vote totals are down substantially. ‘

‘It was the type of candidate.  DeSantis of Florida was a good candidate, Oz was a carpetbagger.  The Right money, the Right backing, the Right candidate.  There is the Drumpf factor, he won 90% of his races.  This IS Drumpf’s Party, no one’s gonna stop Drumpf. ‘

‘Big Democrats go down.  Democrats are losing.  Control of the House will go Red thanks to New York flipping the seats.  Republi-cons are flipping the House and the Senate.  

‘Democrats are winning their races by thousands less votes than 2020.  Democrats are losing votes in many districts. ‘

‘Drumpf is running again.  He’ll say yes! ‘

‘Drumpf will definitely run 100%. ‘

‘If you’ve been touched, let us know. ‘

 – Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 9 Nov 2022)


His 11 Nov 2022 statement went further negative. 

‘Drumpf’s Red Wave has became a Red Ripple.  Drumpf supported weak candidates.  Red Wave Republi-cons are disappointing, they floundered.  Drumpf’s Presidency announcement is not well-received.  Republi-cons blame Drumpf for this debacle.  Establishment Republi-cons were against Drumpf.  It’s time to move on.  The Republi-con voters gave that very clear message.  DeSantis is the Republi-cons’ frontrunner for 2024.  Drumpf is busy looking into his future.

– Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 11 Nov 2022)


The intervening weekend was not good news for the Spawn.

‘GOP is scrambling to figure out what went wrong and bickering who’s to blame for the Red Wave that wasn’t. ‘

‘The rejection in the Senate is because of GOP extremism. ‘

‘The predicted Republi-con Red Wave fizzled.  Now begins the Republi-con finger-pointing and the scramble for Party leadership.  Drumpf candidates lost.  Republi-cons blame McConnell. ‘

‘We are the ‘Party of the Future’.  ‘Party of the Future’ is saying no more Drumpf in 2024. ‘

‘House Republi-cons are questioning if McCarthy has support for Speaker. ‘

‘Drumpf is expected to announce his 2024 Presidential run on Tuesday. ‘

‘We Republi-cons need to pause before we start looking at 2024.  I don’t know what’s going on.  Republi-cons need to get their act together by 2024. ‘

 – Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 14 Nov 2022)


We shall see how these shake out in the future. 

 – Sharon 


Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting today. 

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



Additional Resources:


Your vote for Christian Con-servatism is a vote to exterminate the Trans and LGBT Community.

Here’s this video of a raging Christian Con-servative who demands that HIS Christian Con-servative government will execute the Trans and LGBT Community:


He calls his demand the love of God and Jesus. 




Scott Huffman for Congress 

The Republi-con path is making all women Second Class citizens.  They’ll take away Social Security, giving our money to the Extreme Rich.  MediCare, MedicAid, Voting Rights are on the chopping block.  MAGA Republi-cons told us their path – tax breaks for the rich, lies, chaos, and violence from the Republi-cons. ‘

‘Democrats fight for women’s Rights, the Working Class, Veterans. And Democracy. ‘



Another domestic terrorism group.  Drumpfian and Deplorable nice boys, eh.  They’d do better hiding in their mommy’s basement, playing video games.  They are so impotent that they need to present three upright high calibre rounds as their logo.


Three Percenters

The Three Percenters, also styled 3 Percenters, 3%ers and III%ers,[1] are an American and Canadian far-right anti-government militia.[2][3][4][5]

The group advocates gun ownership rights and resistance to the U.S. federal government.[6][7] The group’s name derives from the erroneous[8][9] claim that “…the active forces in the field against the King’s tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists…” during the American Revolution.[10]

One Canadian expert, Maxime Fiset, a former neo-Nazi who works with the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence, considers the group the “most dangerous” extremist group in Canada.[6]

The movement has been characterized as part of the broader patriot movement.[6] Founded in 2008, it was given impetus by the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States.[6][14] Members believed that Obama’s presidency would lead to increased government interference in the lives of individuals, and particularly stricter gun-control laws.[1] Many members are former or current members of the military, police and other law-enforcement agencies, as well as anti-government groups such as the Oath Keepers.[1]

The movement was co-founded by Michael “Mike” Brian Vanderboegh[15] from Alabama, a member of the Oath Keepers, a group with whom the Three Percenters remain loosely allied and are often compared.[2][16] Vanderboegh became a Second Amendment activist and by the 1990s was involved with the militia movement.[18]

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reports that in the mid-1990s, Vanderboegh claimed to be commander of an Alabama militia group, the First Alabama Cavalry Regiment, though he appeared to be its sole member. After the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, Vanderboegh became better known for popularizing anti-government conspiracy theories.[5]

The Three Percenters’ Facebook page featured numerous racist comments made by its supporters.[19] 

According to the ADL, Three Percenters constitute a major part of the broader anti-government militia movement, whose ideology they share.[23] Three Percenters believe that ordinary citizens must take a stand against perceived abuses by the U.S. federal government, which they characterize as overstepping its Constitutional limits.[1]




List of militia organizations in the United States

Not to be confused with List of United States militia units in the American Revolutionary War or State defense force § Active state defense forces.

This is a list of active and armed militia organizations in the United States. While the two largest militias are the Oath Keepers and the 3 Percenters, there are numerous smaller groups.

Main article: American militia movement

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified 334 militia groups at their peak in 2011. It identified 276 in 2015, up from 202 in 2014.[1] In 2016, the SPLC identified a total of 165 armed militia groups within the United States.[2][3]

National groups

As of 2020, the following militia groups have a national presence:

The Constitutional Sheriffs[3]

Oath Keepers[4]

Not Fucking Around Coalition[5]

Three Percenters[6][7]




Three Percenter

or 3 percenter or 3%er or III%er or threepers [three per-sent-er]

Published March 27, 2018


A Three Percenter is someone who advocates for a strict interpretation of the Second Amendment of the US constitution, strongly believing in armed rebellion against perceived government overreach, especially with respect to gun laws.


Three Percenter


The Three Percenters are a national group that was loosely organized in 2008 by Mike Vanderboegh, the late militia leader and author of the controversial novel, Absolved. Their central ideology is a strict reading of the Second Amendment’s clauses of a ” well-regulated militia” and “right of the people to keep and bear arms,” feeling these protections permit armed insurrection in the face of governmental power grabs.

The name Three Percenters is based on a false theory that, during the American Revolution, only 2.96% of the US population actually served in George Washington’s army. Historians have estimated the percentage was closer to 15–25%, but Three Percenters are persistent in citing the debunked statistic as evidence of the US federal government as tyrannical from the start.

Since their founding in 2008, the Three Percenters have been aggressively opposed to (and armed against) any potential gun-control laws, along with other areas where they believe the federal government—particularly under their then-frequent target, Barack Obama—is becoming too large and powerful. For instance, Vanderboegh was recorded arguing for armed resistance against the 2009 Affordable Care Act, rallying fellow Three Percenters to “break windows” at the offices of the Democratic National Committee. Despite Vanderboegh’s cry, the group’s official website states that they do not condone violence and prohibits members from committing “first use of force.”

During the 2016 US presidential election, the Three Percenters became increasingly visible at political rallies, protests, and armed standoffs, usually aligning with far-right policies and political candidates. The group has faced broad criticism from both liberals and conservatives, decrying the group as racist, prejudiced, and violent. The Anti-Defamation League has indeed labelled them an extremist organization.

In 2018, they claimed over 150,000 followers and have individual chapters in nearly every US state. They are often included as part of a broader small-government, militia-based movement especially in the rural US known as the Patriot movement.

© 2022, LLC



George Weltman

‘real curious what your take is on the fact that 100% of republicans want to keep dark money in politics, and 100% of democrats want it out. ‘


Republicans block bill requiring dark money groups to reveal donors


09/22/22 12:30 PM ET

Senate Republicans voted Thursday to block the consideration of a bill to promptly require organizations that spend money on elections to promptly disclose the identities of donors who give $10,000 or more during an election cycle.   

The body failed to invoke cloture on the measure, in a 49-49 vote. Every Republican present voted against the measure, while every Democrat voted for it.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) brought the bill to the floor to highlight the reliance of Senate Republican candidates on huge cash inflows from GOP dark-money groups, such as the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC linked to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), has been a top Democratic priority since the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United in 2010 that enabled corporations and other outside special interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on federal elections.   




Brave New Films 

5 Oct 2022

Our right to vote is under attack. Fight back before it’s too late. Join us and take our “I will fight voter suppression” pledge.



Loesch doesn’t care about Walker paying for his girlfriend’s abortion, doesn’t care that Walker paying for abortions violates their Republi-con Party tenet against all abortions. 


‘Winning is a virtue, and I’m not going to be baited, nor should you.  I’m concerned about one thing and one thing only.  I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles — I want control of the Senate.  Walker used his money to pay some skank for an abortion.  I don’t even care.  The people of Georgia don’t need a good decent, hardworking Senator.  I need supreme control. ‘

 – Dana Loesch, R-Drumpf / NRA (her ‘The Dana Show’ podcast, 4 Oct 2022)




Palast’s New Film Exposing Hidden GOP Vote Suppression Trickery


‘Vigilante ‘ (trailer)




Cree Hardegree 

9 Oct 2022

Two months ago I was steady ringing the political apocalypse bell, much to the dismay of many readers who were leaving my posts with a deep feeling of darkness because so many other posts were busy flinging happyhorseshit about the coming “blue tsunami.”

Around that time, things seemed to be turning around for Democrats, so liberal media and pundits quit discussing the end of democracy and end of women’s control over their own bodies and all the good things Joe has done, and went back to full-time speculating over when Trump is going to get indicted. 

(The answer, in case you have forgotten, always has been, and always will be, never.)

And now, with less than 30 days remaining, the pendulum is swinging back to Republicans.

CBS Battleground Tracker and The New York Times are still saying Republicans will retake the House. 

All current models show the Republicans taking over the House, even with everything that has happened.




When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag

In 1917 “The Muncie Sunday Star” of Indiana printed an announcement for a speech that prominent labor activist Eugene V. Debs was planning to deliver. The announcement presented a quotation from Debs which partially matched the saying under examination:

Every robber or oppressor in history has wrapped himself in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both. I am not a patriot as defined in the lexicon of the house of Morgan. I’d not murder my fellow men of my own accord, and why should I do it at the behest of the master class?

During a speech delivered in 1918 Debs made a similar statement:

No wonder Jackson said that “Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.” He had the Wall Street gentry in mind or their prototypes, at least; for in every age it has been the tyrant, who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both. (Shouts of “Good, good” from the crowd) (applause).



More to come in the next news post.

 – Sharon 


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘Election Results So Far’

‘Election Results So Far’
(11 Nov 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n




Dear Reader, Dear America:

Well, we had a good day, shared a delicious dinner, I snoozed through watching an evening video with my Bestie.

And I nearly stept on the rat.

That was Election Day. 

Not good politically today for Democrats and Liberals. 


The cold light of day tells us the results of Election Day – the future of American Democracy is not positive.

Republi-cons won, but no nationwide Republi-con Red Wave.  That’s little consolation.

The House of Representatives currently remains close and undecided, merely a tentative matter.

Likewise, the Senate remains too close to know which party will have control, though clearly it’s advantage to the Republi-cons.

Republi-cons are certain to take control of Congress, to move both the House of Representatives and the Senate to the Republi-con majority.

When will either or both Manchin and Sinema finally make it official and flip to the Drumpf Party?  They effectively are Republi-cons.  They are all too eager to vote with Republi-cons.  They were expecting to jump at the result of their Red Wave.  Well, no Red Wave.  Now what?


Enough of Crooked Drumpf’s Big Lie Election Deniers won election – about 130-something candidates of about 300-something nationwide.  How do people vote for that ideology!

This appearance of friction between Crooked Drumpf and DeSantis is merely window dressing set for public consumption.  Dog Whistle confirms that both are scheming in unison against the American people, the American government.

All this morning’s Happy Talk from the talking heads of both the Republi-cons and the Democrats is nothing more than hot air, sucking valuable oxygen from Society.

Maybe Crooked Drumpf didn’t win his Red Wave, so far. 

Crooked Drumpf still won, Biden still lost.

Crooked Drumpf’s scheme with his 120-some military generals and admirals to bring about his overthrow of the House of Representatives and removal of both Biden and Harris was in play upon his expected Red Wave in the immediate post-election days.  It may now be tenuous, at best.

Republi-cons might still plan to appoint Crooked Drumpf to Speaker of the House; they may need to wait til January.  Or maybe their coup will be less likely in the shadow of his crippled Red Wave.


Republi-cons are a political gang. 

There is something bizarre that Republi-cons vow to destroy America.

They espouse their opposition to government, campaign on their hate for government, demand to take over government, then shut down that government as their grudge against their own constituents.

Yet that remains amongst the first order of business when Republi-cons claim victory and take charge in January 2023.

Red Wave or Red Piddle – either way, Republi-cons will still control both the House of Representatives and the Senate and the majority of state governments (governors, legislatures, both).

Republi-cons have no legislation in their platform to provide for the General Welfare to benefit the  common citizen, only their Corporate bosses.


There was a curious statement by one of the network news’ analysts.

The analyst said that the Georgia Senator race is too close for either Warnock or Walker to be declared the winner, that there will be a run-off election in December.

The analyst said that Warnock will likely win the run-off because Republi-cons have a base distaste about Walker, they are simply not too eager to vote for Walker when the Senate control is known – whether controlled by Democrats or Republi-cons.


That speaks poorly about Republicans-cons.

Save us the grief.

Why couldn’t Republi-cons simply not vote for Walker, period!


Here at Arizona:

 – Arizona Governor results remains undetermined between Katie Hobbs (D) and Kari Lake (Drumpf).

 – Drumpfian Lake is speaking in demand for Christian Nationalism ideology.  What a wacko!

 – Drumpfian Lake prattles, ‘We’re gonna take back the State from the cheaters and Crooks.’.  But Republi-cons own Arizona, control Arizona’s governorship and state legislature, and ARE the ‘cheaters and Crooks’ in this state. 

 – Speaking of ‘cheaters and Crooks’.  Republi-con Tom ‘Tin’ Horn IS both a ‘cheater’ and a ‘Crook’; Horn IS a criminal.  Yet Horn is defeating Kathy Hoffman (D) for School Superintendent.  Horn  – some fine Republi-con example for Arizona’s school children!

 – Drumpfian Andy Biggs told his audience that they will hit Rep Nancy Pelosi with a hammer.  Biggs INCITES criminal violence against the Speaker of the House of Representatives as a punchline.

 – O’Halloran lost his Democratic House seat to Drumpfian Gerrymandering.  Republi-con House members won.  That makes Republi-cons taking one seat here.

 – Worse, all Arizona Republi-con state legislature ‘100’ series propositions won – measures meant to destroy Democracy.  Yuck!


A Disconnect from Reality.

Unfortunately, in my five decades of political observation, too many women vote Republi-con / Con-servative.

In my experiences, generally, women vote for the woman candidate simply because she is a woman, no matter that the woman politician’s platform is opposed to the woman voter’s own, rather than voting for the man whose ideology is similar to the woman voter’s.

Here’s how ideology does matter why women vote against their better interests:

 – A Democratic / Liberal woman will predominantly vote for a Republi-con woman, rather than a Democratic / Liberal man.

 – A Republi-con / Con-servative woman will almost never vote for a Democratic / Liberal woman.

This plays out with each election.  Notice how Republi-cons have been recruiting more and more women.  Examine the ideology of those Republi-con women – they fall in line with whatever the man commands them to do.  Crudely put, Republi-con women are essentially a Republi-con ‘man in a dress’. 


Why are people still voting Republi-con? 

I dare you Republi-cons, Drumpfians, Deplorables to watch Greg Palast’s documentary ‘Vigilante’ (see the Additional Resources section). I double down. Triple down. You don’t have the decency.

PBS NewsHour, CBS News, ABC News, CBN ‘700 Club’, Newsy – all are amongst the news reporting confirming that Putin has been interfering in our American elections, helpt Drumpf get elected in 2016, helpt Republi-cons in every election since then, and still in this 2022 Election.  


Because they would rather assert their allegiance to Putin than to America. They say so.

 – Sharon 



Let’s go to the video tape!

Time for quotes.

Let’s begin with PBS NewsHour reporting Putin and Russian interference into our American elections on their 7 Nov 2022 newscast. 

Of course, this is merely re-confirmation of what the world already knew in 2016 and 2017, reported throughout countless news agencies.  I was re-reading my own 2016 and 2017 posts here at this web-site about Putin’s interference in our elections to help Crooked Drumpf and Republi-cons, about Crooked Drumpf himself and others, this past weekend.  Please do likewise for the historical perspective. 


Please take special interest.  Even Pat Robertson and his spawn are reporting, confirming, that Russia (Putin) interfered in our 2016 Election to put Crooked Drumpf and Republi-cons in office:  Gordon Robertson, his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 8 Nov 2022.


‘The Republi-cons are threatening a government shutdown. ‘

 – NHK News (9 Nov 2022).


‘Women voted for their abortion Rights and also voted for Republi-cons who oppose abortion Rights. ‘

‘Republi-cons are expected to take control of the House of Representatives. ‘

‘California enshrined their Right to abortion.  Abortion was a big issue in the Election. Republi-cons vowed to enact trigger laws and state constitutional amendments against abortion Rights.  Abortion Rights won tonight in the United States.  Republi-con women voted to protect their abortion Rights.  But women also voted for Republi-cons who oppose abortion Rights. ‘

‘Republi-cons had been strong supporters for abortion Rights.  Prescott Bush led Planned Parenthood.  Five Republi-con Justices on the Supreme Court voted with two Democrats for Roe v Wade in 1973. ‘

‘Lake said that the only results that she will accept is that she won election. ‘

‘McCarthy will have an un-governable Republi-con caucus. ‘

‘The Republi-con Red Wave did not materialise. There was talk of a dire Red Wave that would undo Democratic efforts, including aid to Ukraine. ‘

‘Republi-con control of the House depends on how big. ‘

‘The Republi-con control of the House of Representatives makes things difficult for Biden.  Bad things will come across. ‘

‘Ukraine is following what happens in the United States midterm election.  Ukraine depends upon support from the United States to fight against Russia.  Republi-cons in Congress spoke out against funding arms to assist Ukraine fighting Russian aggression.  Ukraine is suffering from this Russian attack and need American assistance. ‘

 – BBC News (9 Nov 2022)


‘Christians can be so mean. ‘

 – Tasha Layton, R-Drumpf (CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 8 Nov 2022)


‘Republi-cons expect a Red Wave.  Congress will slip from Democrat to Republi-con control.  It’s all about Biden and the economy for Republi-cons.  Also about election security to protect poll workers from Right-wing violence.  It’s also about documented Russian interference in past elections and in this current election.  Drumpf will launch his 2024 campaign after this election. ‘

‘Conspiracy Theories are about ballot counting and reporting results early or late.  The problem is mail-in ballots getting counted days after the Election. Counting ballots late, not reporting early, is election fraud. ‘

‘Abortion is on the ballot in five states to restrict abortion.  State constitutions do not protect the Right to have an abortion. ‘

 – Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 8 Nov 2022)


‘The overwhelming Red Wave through the midterms are a mixed bag.  Republi-cons flipt House seats.  Defeating Democrats in hotly contested seats.  Gains for Republi-cons.  Crushing their Democrat opponents. ‘

‘Republi-cons had the issue of the economy on their side.  Democrats get out the vote early, Republi-cons on Election Day.  Republi-con Campaign Money was a big factor.  Democrat vote totals are down substantially. ‘

‘It was the type of candidate.  DeSantis of Florida was a good candidate, Oz was a carpetbagger.  The Right money, the Right backing, the Right candidate.  There is the Drumpf factor, he won 90% of his races.  This IS Drumpf’s Party, no one’s gonna stop Drumpf. ‘

‘Big Democrats go down.  Democrats are losing.  Control of the House will go Red thanks to New York flipping the seats.  Republi-cons are flipping the House and the Senate.  

‘Democrats are winning their races by thousands less votes than 2020.  Democrats are losing votes in many districts. ‘

‘Drumpf is running again.  He’ll say yes! ‘

‘Drumpf will definitely run 100%. ‘

‘If you’ve been touched, let us know. ‘

 – Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 9 Nov 2022)


‘Republi-cons care more about winning. ‘

 – Alyssa Farah, R-Drumpf (ABC ‘The View’, 9 Nov 2022)


‘Results of the midterm elections remain unclear. ‘

‘Republi-cons’ hope for a landslide victory were dashed. ‘

‘McConnell becomes the Senate leader.  Confirmation of Biden appointments slows to a trickle.  

‘Walker has been dogged by scandal.  He’s getting support from Republi-cons who want control of the Senate.  There is much more pause about Walker, he has character issues and an inability to comprehend politics. ‘

 – BBC News (10 Nov 2022)


‘Drumpf’s Red Wave has became a Red Ripple.  Drumpf supported weak candidates.  Red Wave Republi-cons are disappointing, they floundered.  Drumpf’s Presidency announcement is not well-received.  Republi-cons blame Drumpf for this debacle.  Establishment Republi-cons were against Drumpf.  It’s time to move on.  The Republi-con voters gave that very clear message.  DeSantis is the Republi-cons’ frontrunner for 2024.  Drumpf is busy looking into his future.

– Gordon Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 11 Nov 2022)


Allow me to address those quotes. 




Additional Resources regarding Voting Rights, Republi-con Voter Suppression, Republi-con Domestic Terrorists:




See new Tweets

Greg Palast


Investigative journalist & author of the NY Times bestsellers Armed Madhouse + The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Catch his films and reports at:

JournalistLondon, New York, Los AngelesGregPalast.comJoined July 2008

4,571 Following


Greg Palast


Sep 12

Watch this 103-sec clip from our new film Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman, and meet one of Gov. Kemp’s 88 voter challengers. This one likes to dress up like vigilante Doc Holliday – with a loaded six-gun. 

Get YOUR name in the film’s credits:









Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman

Greg Palast



Palast’s New Film Exposing Hidden GOP Vote Suppression Trickery


‘Vigilante ‘ (trailer)



‘Vigilante’ Documentary By Greg Palast – Vote!’

(4 Nov 2022)



Your vote for Christian Con-servatism is a vote to exterminate the Trans and LGBT Community.

Here’s this video of a raging Christian Con-servative who demands that HIS Christian Con-servative government will execute the Trans and LGBT Community:


He calls his demand the love of God and Jesus. 




Scott Huffman for Congress 

The Republi-con path is making all women Second Class citizens.  They’ll take away Social Security, giving our money to the Extreme Rich.  MediCare, MedicAid, Voting Rights are on the chopping block.  MAGA Republi-cons told us their path – tax breaks for the rich, lies, chaos, and violence from the Republi-cons. ‘

‘Democrats fight for women’s Rights, the Working Class, Veterans. And Democracy. ‘



Another domestic terrorism group.  Drumpfian and Deplorable nice boys, eh.  They’d do better hiding in their mommy’s basement, playing video games.  They are so impotent that they need to present three upright high calibre rounds as their logo.


Three Percenters

The Three Percenters, also styled 3 Percenters, 3%ers and III%ers,[1] are an American and Canadian far-right anti-government militia.[2][3][4][5]


Michael “Mike” Brian Vanderboegh

The group advocates gun ownership rights and resistance to the U.S. federal government.[6][7] The group’s name derives from the erroneous[8][9] claim that “…the active forces in the field against the King’s tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists…” during the American Revolution.[10]

The group is based in the U.S. with a presence in Canada. One Canadian expert, Maxime Fiset, a former neo-Nazi who works with the Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence, considers the group the “most dangerous” extremist group in Canada.[6]

On February 21, 2021, their leadership dissolved the American national group in response to the 2021 United States Capitol attack, condemning the violence.[11] Other Three Percenters remain as independent local groups.[12] In June 2021, six men associated with the group were indicted for conspiracy, and Canada declared the group a terrorist entity.[13]

Foundation and membership

The movement has been characterized as part of the broader patriot movement.[6] Founded in 2008, it was given impetus by the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States.[6][14] Members believed that Obama’s presidency would lead to increased government interference in the lives of individuals, and particularly stricter gun-control laws.[1] Many members are former or current members of the military, police and other law-enforcement agencies, as well as anti-government groups such as the Oath Keepers.[1]

The movement was co-founded by Michael “Mike” Brian Vanderboegh[15] from Alabama, a member of the Oath Keepers, a group with whom the Three Percenters remain loosely allied and are often compared.[2][16] Vanderboegh claims to have formerly been a member of Students for a Democratic Society and the Socialist Workers Party, but abandoned left-wing politics and politics in general in 1977 after being introduced to libertarianism.[17] Vanderboegh says the book The Road to Serfdom pushed him to the right. He became a Second Amendment activist and by the 1990s was involved with the militia movement.[18]

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reports that in the mid-1990s, Vanderboegh claimed to be commander of an Alabama militia group, the First Alabama Cavalry Regiment, though he appeared to be its sole member. After the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, Vanderboegh became better known for popularizing anti-government conspiracy theories.[5]

The group’s website states that it does not discriminate against anyone; however, in response to Black Lives Matter protests following the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the Three Percenters’ Facebook page featured numerous racist comments made by its supporters.[19] In response to events at the 2017 Unite the Right rally, the group issued a statement that they “strongly reject and denounce anyone who calls themselves a patriot or a Three Percenter that has attended or is planning on attending any type of protest or counter protest related to these white supremacist and Nazi groups”.[20][21]


The group’s website states it is “not a militia” and “not anti-government”.[19][22] According to the ADL, Three Percenters constitute a major part of the broader anti-government militia movement, whose ideology they share.[23] Three Percenters believe that ordinary citizens must take a stand against perceived abuses by the U.S. federal government, which they characterize as overstepping its Constitutional limits.[1] Its stated goals include protecting the right to keep and bear arms, and to “push back against tyranny”.[6] The group opposes federal involvement in what they consider local affairs, and states in its bylaws that county sheriffs are “the supreme law of the land”.[19]

Like other American militia movements, Three Percenters believe in the ability of citizen volunteers with ordinary weapons to successfully resist the United States military. They support this belief by claiming that only around 3% of American colonists fought the British during the American Revolution, a claim which underestimates the number of people who resisted British rule,[7] and which does not take into account the concentration of British forces in coastal cities, the similarity of weapons used by American and British forces, and French support for the colonists.[7]




List of militia organizations in the United States

Not to be confused with List of United States militia units in the American Revolutionary War or State defense force § Active state defense forces.

This is a list of active and armed militia organizations in the United States. While the two largest militias are the Oath Keepers and the 3 Percenters, there are numerous smaller groups.

Main article: American militia movement

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified 334 militia groups at their peak in 2011. It identified 276 in 2015, up from 202 in 2014.[1] In 2016, the SPLC identified a total of 165 armed militia groups within the United States.[2][3]

National groups

As of 2020, the following militia groups have a national presence:

The Constitutional Sheriffs[3]

Oath Keepers[4]

Not Fucking Around Coalition[5]

Three Percenters[6][7]




Three Percenter

or 3 percenter or 3%er or III%er or threepers [three per-sent-er]

Published March 27, 2018


A Three Percenter is someone who advocates for a strict interpretation of the Second Amendment of the US constitution, strongly believing in armed rebellion against perceived government overreach, especially with respect to gun laws.


Three Percenter


The Three Percenters are a national group that was loosely organized in 2008 by Mike Vanderboegh, the late militia leader and author of the controversial novel, Absolved. Their central ideology is a strict reading of the Second Amendment’s clauses of a ” well-regulated militia” and “right of the people to keep and bear arms,” feeling these protections permit armed insurrection in the face of governmental power grabs.

The name Three Percenters is based on a false theory that, during the American Revolution, only 2.96% of the US population actually served in George Washington’s army. Historians have estimated the percentage was closer to 15–25%, but Three Percenters are persistent in citing the debunked statistic as evidence of the US federal government as tyrannical from the start.

Since their founding in 2008, the Three Percenters have been aggressively opposed to (and armed against) any potential gun-control laws, along with other areas where they believe the federal government—particularly under their then-frequent target, Barack Obama—is becoming too large and powerful. For instance, Vanderboegh was recorded arguing for armed resistance against the 2009 Affordable Care Act, rallying fellow Three Percenters to “break windows” at the offices of the Democratic National Committee. Despite Vanderboegh’s cry, the group’s official website states that they do not condone violence and prohibits members from committing “first use of force.”

During the 2016 US presidential election, the Three Percenters became increasingly visible at political rallies, protests, and armed standoffs, usually aligning with far-right policies and political candidates. The group has faced broad criticism from both liberals and conservatives, decrying the group as racist, prejudiced, and violent. The Anti-Defamation League has indeed labelled them an extremist organization.

In 2018, they claimed over 150,000 followers and have individual chapters in nearly every US state. They are often included as part of a broader small-government, militia-based movement especially in the rural US known as the Patriot movement.


III%er caught in FBI sting bomb plot

@ara_losangeles, September, 2017

You know you live in an interesting place when you see bumper stickers for 3 percenters on vehicles.

@Minervasbard, March, 2018

There are more than 10,000 Three Percenters—heavily armed Second Amendment supporters who believe their right to own firearms is under attack—scattered across the country.

Vice, October, 2017


While the Three Percenters are a national organization, not every person who describes themselves as a Three Percenter is necessarily an official member. The label Three Percenter can more generally signify someone who believes in broad gun rights and small government, all as potentially defended from a government tyranny through armed rebellion.

People identify as Three Percenters in speech, writing, and social media, where forms of the term variously appear in screen names and hashtags. They often use the Roman numeral III as their symbol, combined with a circular star formation representing the original thirteen states, and so often style themselves as III%ers, 3%ers, 3 percenters, or threepers for short.

The Three Percenters are not to be confused with 3%, a popular 2016 dystopian Netflix series.

© 2022, LLC


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Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site.  They add to the essence of this post.

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays.  The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense.


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources:



You can read an abbreviated version of this post at my social media page. 



Additional Resources.



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George Weltman

‘real curious what your take is on the fact that 100% of republicans want to keep dark money in politics, and 100% of democrats want it out. ‘


Republicans block bill requiring dark money groups to reveal donors


09/22/22 12:30 PM ET

Senate Republicans voted Thursday to block the consideration of a bill to promptly require organizations that spend money on elections to promptly disclose the identities of donors who give $10,000 or more during an election cycle.   

The body failed to invoke cloture on the measure, in a 49-49 vote. Every Republican present voted against the measure, while every Democrat voted for it.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) brought the bill to the floor to highlight the reliance of Senate Republican candidates on huge cash inflows from GOP dark-money groups, such as the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC linked to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), has been a top Democratic priority since the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United in 2010 that enabled corporations and other outside special interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money on federal elections.   




Brave New Films 

5 Oct 2022

Our right to vote is under attack. Fight back before it’s too late. Join us and take our “I will fight voter suppression” pledge.



Loesch doesn’t care about Walker paying for his girlfriend’s abortion, doesn’t care that Walker paying for abortions violates their Republi-con Party tenet against all abortions. 


‘Winning is a virtue, and I’m not going to be baited, nor should you.  I’m concerned about one thing and one thing only.  I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles — I want control of the Senate.  Walker used his money to pay some skank for an abortion.  I don’t even care.  The people of Georgia don’t need a good decent, hardworking Senator.  I need supreme control. ‘

 – Dana Loesch, R-Drumpf / NRA (her ‘The Dana Show’ podcast, 4 Oct 2022)




Palast’s New Film Exposing Hidden GOP Vote Suppression Trickery


‘Vigilante ‘ (trailer)




Cree Hardegree 

9 Oct 2022

Two months ago I was steady ringing the political apocalypse bell, much to the dismay of many readers who were leaving my posts with a deep feeling of darkness because so many other posts were busy flinging happyhorseshit about the coming “blue tsunami.”

Around that time, things seemed to be turning around for Democrats, so liberal media and pundits quit discussing the end of democracy and end of women’s control over their own bodies and all the good things Joe has done, and went back to full-time speculating over when Trump is going to get indicted. 

(The answer, in case you have forgotten, always has been, and always will be, never.)

And now, with less than 30 days remaining, the pendulum is swinging back to Republicans.

CBS Battleground Tracker and The New York Times are still saying Republicans will retake the House. 

All current models show the Republicans taking over the House, even with everything that has happened.




When Fascism Comes To America, It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag

In 1917 “The Muncie Sunday Star” of Indiana printed an announcement for a speech that prominent labor activist Eugene V. Debs was planning to deliver. The announcement presented a quotation from Debs which partially matched the saying under examination:

Every robber or oppressor in history has wrapped himself in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both. I am not a patriot as defined in the lexicon of the house of Morgan. I’d not murder my fellow men of my own accord, and why should I do it at the behest of the master class?

During a speech delivered in 1918 Debs made a similar statement:

No wonder Jackson said that “Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.” He had the Wall Street gentry in mind or their prototypes, at least; for in every age it has been the tyrant, who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both. (Shouts of “Good, good” from the crowd) (applause).



More to come in the next news post.

 – Sharon 


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘This Is Nothing New (Part 6) – Before Kristallnacht, After Kristallnacht’


‘This Is Nothing New (Part 6) – Before Kristallnacht, After Kristallnacht’
(10 Nov 2022)


(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*

Dear Reader:

The anti-Trans hate gangs are working hard exterminating Trans people altogether – same as Hitler. 

Republi-cons legislate the perfect Catch 22.  Their surreptitious ideology is to impose that Trans girls must obtain hormones and surgery to qualify to participate on girls sports.  Meanwhile, they criminalise all health care, prohibit Puberty Blockers and cross hormones, and outlaw all Transition medical services for Trans children and adults; thus, meeting those Repubi-con and Christian Con-servative legislated obligations is impossible.

Deny our Human Rights, allow the extermination of our Class of people from society – Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide fullfilled.


This series continues the greater theme of organised anti-Trans antagonism and hostility as previously documented in the ‘Lavender Scare’ post.

I divide this current presentation into multiple parts:

‘This Is Nothing New (Part 1) – The NAZI Period’

‘This Is Nothing New (Part 2) – Leading To The Here And The Now’

‘This Is Nothing New (Part 3) – The Blatant Religious Component’

‘This Is Nothing New (Part 4) – Denying Trans Health Care – Legally’

‘This Is Nothing New (Part 5) – The Matter Of Laws And Civil Rights’

‘This Is Nothing New (Part 6) – Before Kristallnacht, After Kristallnacht’

‘This Is Nothing New (Part 7) – Sharing My Personal Journey’

‘This Is Nothing New (Part 8 ) – Remembering The Trans And LGBT Community On Shoah Holocaust Remembrance Day’

‘This Is Nothing New (Part 9) – Looting Private Records To Expose Trans And LGBT Community To Violence’

I may add to a part already published, may add a new part, as additional resources become applicable.

Thank you for reading through this assembly of documentation to present the theme.

– Sharon


This composition does not diminish the suffering of Jewish people because of NAZI-ism and the Kristallnacht.  My attention here reminds the Reader that Hitler began his Final Solution attacking Germany’s Trans Community, looting and ransacking Dr. Hirschfeld’s Trans Research Library and medical institute, capturing Trans people, sending Trans people to extermination camps.  German laws that ordered the arrest and imprisonment of Trans and LGBT people did not end til the 1990s. 

Let’s not forget that Eisenhower and Patton were hardly friends to the imprisoned Trans and LGBT people upon Liberation at the concluding era of World War Two.  Eisenhower ordered that Trans and LGBT people remain under custody at Hitler’s concentration camps throughout the post WW2 era.  Eisenhower and his Republi-cons established his Lavender Scare laws against the Trans and LGBT Community, laws that remained on the books til Clinton signed their end in 1995.  I speak as one mere and humble voice amidst the more than tens of millions of Americans terrorised by and since Eisenhower’s Lavender Scare laws and other hate ideology that pervades American society. 


We await the results of America’s 2022 elections, the ever-expanding legislative assault against Trans Rights throughout the USA, the physical attacks against families with a Trans member.  Christian Con-servatives force Trans children, Trans teens, Trans adults to flee from their homes at cities and states where anti-Trans laws now flourish.  All reminiscent of Kristallnacht, when Christians of Hitler’s NAZI ideology destroyed Jewish homes and businesses and houses of worship in order to decimate their community. 

Comparing the Trans and LGBT Community with Hitler’s Final Solution is accurate.  Hitler’s earliest targets were the Trans Community, especially those identified following the ransacking of Dr. Hirschfeld’s Trans Research Library and medical institute. 



An important time to take pause and reflect upon one’s government terrorisation of their people. 


Something to memorialise and commemorate.

Crooked Drumpf sought to re-create his own Kristallnacht upon segments of the American population.  Our Election does not clear our nation of his nefarious scheme.  Eternal vigilance is the call.

These are Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide:

 – You have no rights

 – You have no rights to live amongst us 

 – You have no rights to live.

Hitler targeted several groups for his ‘Three Stages to Genocide’ – his Final Solution. We are all too familiar with this common list:

 – Jews 

 – Roma 

 – Communists

 – Socialists 

 – Trade Unionists 

But history serves short acknowledgement of the complete accounting – namely the absence of these people:

 – Homosexuals 

 – Trans persons. 

Please read the history of Kristallnacht. 

Notice the similarities between Hitler and Crooked Drumpf, to the state of life as it was during NAZI Germany and now under Crooked Drumpf Amerika.

 – Crooked Drumpf declares Executive Orders against Our Trans Community same as Hitler’s pronouncements against Jews and then others;

 – members of Our Community – especially Trans persons – under attack: our homes, our employment, our schools, our selves;

– many members of Our Trans Community have fled Crooked Drumpf Amerika, others making plans to flee, others making plans to stay and fight, others making plans to hide.

Please read and deliberate America’s looming future with a Crooked Drumpf resurgence through Republi-con machinations to destroy Election 2022 and future elections:

 – Con-tract on Amerika 

 – Permanent Republi-con Majority

 – Republi-con New Amerikan Century

 – Gerrymandering 

 – Voter Suppression

 – Voter Purges.

This is all on you, the American Citizen. You possess the evidence to make the correct decision – to sustain American Democracy for generations to come rather than repeat Hitler’s NAZI Germany that Crooked Drumpf and Republi-cons would re-establish.

Thank you.

 – Sharon 



‘I’m creeping you out. Facebook allowed the Russians to interfere in our Election. To suppress votes in the Election. The Russians hit 126 million out of 137 million American voters. The Russians influenced our American Democracy and the outcome of our Election and the United Kingdom over Brexit. The whole goal is to cause dismay about Democracy. To move you from one side to the other, to make you feel less confident in Democracy, to cause people not to vote. The core thing was Cambridge Analytica – tie 137 million voters to suppress enough voters to change the outcomes in jurisdictions. ‘

‘In 2018, Drumpf had three groups. They focused on suburban White women, People of Color, and idealistic young people. These were the ones the Russians really focused on. They suppressed a lot of votes. Four million who voted for Obama in 2012 didn’t vote in 2016. In 2018, those three groups voted Republi-con. We have to watch because Election interfering can happen in a lot of ways – turn off the electricity, hack the voter machines. This is not Democracy. We need to take Democracy back. ‘

 – Roger McNamee, former Facebook executive (PBS ‘Overheard’, 4 Apr 19)




On November 9–10, 1938, Nazi leaders unleashed a series of pogroms against the Jewish population in Germany and recently incorporated territories. This event came to be called Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass) because of the shattered glass that littered the streets after the vandalism and destruction of Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues, and homes. 



Excerpt from the testimony of historian and Holocaust survivor Prof. Zvi Bacharach, who was ten years old when the events of Kristallnacht unfolded in Hanau, Germany. During the pogrom 91 Jews were murdered, more than 1,400 synagogues across Germany and Austria were torched, and Jewish-owned shops and businesses were plundered and destroyed. In addition, the Jews were forced to pay “compensation” for the damage that had been caused and approximately 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.

 – ‘That was the heart of the problem of German Jewry: It was so much a part of German society that the Nazi blow hit it from within. Until 1938 my parents never thought of leaving Germany. “There’s no way the Germans we live with will continue to do these things. It’s only an episode.” That was the atmosphere. It was also the atmosphere on Kristallnacht. They couldn’t comprehend it. It came as a blow. I remember my mother standing pale and crying… I remember her phoning her gentile friends – she had more gentile friends than Jewish friends – No answer. No one answered her.’








קרישטאָל נאַכט

A pogrom against Jews throughout Nazi Germany on 9–10 November 1938, carried out by SA paramilitary forces and German civilians. The German authorities looked on without intervening. The name Kristallnacht comes from the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues were smashed. 



On November 9 to November 10, 1938, in an incident known as “Kristallnacht”, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses and killed close to 100 Jews. In the aftermath of Kristallnacht, also called the “Night of Broken Glass,” some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps. German Jews had been subjected to repressive policies since 1933, when Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) became chancellor of Germany. However, prior to Kristallnacht, these Nazi policies had been primarily nonviolent. After Kristallnacht, conditions for German Jews grew increasingly worse. During World War II (1939-45), Hitler and the Nazis implemented their so-called “Final Solution” to the what they referred to as the “Jewish problem,” and carried out the systematic murder of some 6 million European Jews in what came to be known as the Holocaust.


David B. Green

8 Nov 2018 | 17:03


On the 80th Anniversary of Kristallnacht, Overturning Assumptions About the Nazi Atrocity

Germans now prefer to call the ‘Night of Broken Glass’ the ‘November Pogrom,’ rejecting Nazi terminology of the time. It is just one of the perceptions to have changed over the years about the November 1938 attack, scholars say

November 9-10 marks the 80th anniversary of the event commonly known as Kristallnacht. The name, of course, is German for “Night of Broken Glass,” and refers to the windows of synagogues and other Jewish-owned property around Germany that were smashed during an orgy of violence unleashed against the country’s Jews in 1938.

The extent of property damage was indeed horrific: The Israeli scholar Meier Schwartz, himself a Holocaust survivor, has calculated that the number of synagogues destroyed countrywide during those two days exceeded 1,400. No less appalling was the death toll – more than 1,300 fatalities – in addition to those who were injured in beatings meted out both by German officials and civilians.

For a long time, the conventional wisdom about Kristallnacht was that it was organized at the senior levels of the Nazi regime, which took advantage of the November 7 assassination of a German diplomat in Paris by a 17-year-old Jew as an excuse to let loose with a spasm of violence against Jews within the Reich. 

Kristallnacht was said to be the first time the Nazi Party encouraged the use of physical violence en masse. 

Zimmermann argues that if “the traditional approach has been to relate first and primarily to an image of burned synagogues,” that perception should be replaced by “one of a German crowd that watches as lines of Jews are being sent out of town to concentration camps by way of Main Street.” 

Historians agree that the Final Solution – the genocide of Europe’s Jews – took shape only after the Wannsee Conference of January 1942, by which time Germany had to reckon with millions of Jews in lands now under its control. But in 1938, the Holocaust was still not an inevitability. Nonetheless, the period immediately preceding and following Kristallnacht can be understood as a turning point – if not for German society in general, then for Jewish-German society, according to Gross.

“Until November 1938, for Jews the idea was how to emigrate,” he tells Haaretz by phone from Berlin. “You prepare your affairs, you choose a country that might accept you. This was difficult after the Anschluss [the Nazi annexation of Austria in March 1938], but people still tried to emigrate. And in the Zionist organizations they still thought in terms of emigration. After November, however, we’re talking about a refugee crisis. Jews were no longer thinking about the best place to go, but just how to get out.” 

They need only look at the Kindertransport operation, in which some 10,000 Jewish children from the German Reich were sent by their desperate parents to be cared for by volunteers in the United Kingdom. “If you send your children to another country, alone, without knowing if you will see them again, that’s dramatic”.

By November 9, the order had gone out for anti-Semitic violence countrywide. What all the historians note is that, even if the attacks – which even extended into the homes of Jewish families – were initially carried out by ruffians from the SA (Storm Troopers) and other party faithful, they were soon joined by regular Germans. 

Writes Steinweis: “The circle of perpetrators expanded during the following day. In many localities, entire workforces of business enterprises mobilized to participate in the vandalism of Jewish homes and the desecration of synagogues. … Similarly, classes of schoolchildren were marched from their schools and let loose on Jewish targets, egged on by their teachers.” 

On November 11, Göring convened a meeting at the Aviation Ministry of some 120 top German officials to discuss the way forward. Eventually, the Jewish community was ordered to pay an “atonement tax” of some 1 billion Reichsmarks (more than $400 million at 1938 rates of exchange.

“This was a meeting where many, many high-ranking civil servants were present. Yet this was one of the cruelest documents of anti-Semitic policy you can find.” A lot of sarcastic remarks were made about Jews by the bureaucrats. No one seemed to feel compelled to demonstrate restraint. “Whether you were for or against the pogroms, something had changed,” says Gross. 

(© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd.)




Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide 

9 Nov 21

Today the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide released a new report, “‘To Make Us Slowly Disappear’: The Chinese Government’s Assault on the Uyghurs.” 

The report explains the Museum’s grave concerns that the Chinese government may be committing genocide against the Uyghurs, a Muslim community in the Xinjiang region of China. The report also affirms and expands on the Museum’s previous analysis of the crimes against humanity that the Chinese government is committing against the Uyghurs. 

The targeting of Uyghurs is alarming in scale and severity. It is marked by the mass detention of between one and three million people as well as abuses such as forced sterilization, torture, sexual violence, and forced labor. The Chinese government must end its attacks on the Uyghur people, and the seriousness of these mass atrocity crimes demands the immediate response of the international community to protect the victims.


‘Drumpf won the Election. Dead people voted. Drumpf is ready to fight it out, a corrupt stolen Election. Down ballot success by Republi-cons undercut any Democrat Party mandate. Democrats’ Socialism scared voters. Drumpf is planning rallies. The Senate confirms judges and political appointees. The majority can ram anything through the Senate that they want to. Drumpf has not conceded. There’s packing the Courts. Pelosi may lose Speaker. Pelosi is the reason Republicans-cons did so well in the House. Pretty well. Really well. We’re heading down a dangerous path. Drumpf doing campaign rallies. A powder keg. Something’s coming. This country could explode. Rioting in the streets. You got another war. Who’s running the Pentagon? GSA is not giving any money for the Biden Transition. There’s Electoral limbo. Chaos in Georgia. Sure, there’s Global Warming. Absolutely. Drumpf doesn’t believe in Global Warming. What you oughta do is plant a bunch of trees. Green New Deal is Socialist. Record number of GOP women are a stunning blow to the ‘Pro Abortion Agenda’. Christian Ministry Liberty Council will bring new energy to make the womb a safe place in Amerika. Coronavirus is making the Stock Market happy, delighted. The Fed is pumping money into the Market like crazy. The Fed is gonna give you money. The Market is going up. Enjoy! ‘

 – Pat Robertson, R-Drumpf (his CBN ‘700 Club’ TV show, 9 Nov 2020)



How the Nazis destroyed the first gay rights movement

While these developments didn’t mean the end of centuries of intolerance, the 1920s and early ‘30s certainly looked like the beginning of the end. On the other hand, the greater “out-ness” of gay and trans people provoked their opponents.

A French reporter, bemoaning the sight of uncloseted LGBTQ people in public, complained, “the contagion … is corrupting every milieu.” The Berlin police grumbled that magazines aimed at gay men – which they called “obscene press materials” – were proliferating. In Vienna, lectures of the “Scientific Humanitarian Committee” might be packed with supporters, but one was attacked by young men hurling stink bombs. A Parisian town councilor in 1933 called it “a moral crisis” that gay people, known as “inverts” at that time, could be seen in public.

“Far be it from me to want to turn to fascism,” the councilor said, “but all the same, we have to agree that in some things those regimes have sometimes done good… One day Hitler and Mussolini woke up and said, ‘Honestly, the scandal has gone on long enough’ … And … the inverts … were chased out of Germany and Italy the very next day.”

The ascent of Fascism

It’s this willingness to make a blood sacrifice of minorities in exchange for “normalcy” or prosperity that has observers drawing uncomfortable comparisons between then and now.

In the 1930s, the Depression spread economic anxiety, while political fights in European parliaments tended to spill outside into actual street fights between Left and Right. Fascist parties offered Europeans a choice of stability at the price of democracy. Tolerance of minorities was destabilizing, they said. Expanding liberties gave “undesirable” people the liberty to undermine security and threaten traditional “moral” culture. Gay and trans people were an obvious target.

What happened next shows the whiplash speed with which the progress of a generation can be thrown into reverse.

The nightmare

One day in May 1933, pristine white-shirted students marched in front of Berlin’s Institute for Sexual Research – that safe haven for LGBTQ people – calling it “Un-German.” Later, a mob hauled out its library to be burned. Later still, its acting head was arrested.

When Nazi leader Adolph Hitler needed to justify arresting and murdering former political allies in 1934, he said they were gay. This fanned anti-gay zealotry by the Gestapo, which opened a special anti-gay branch. During the following year alone, the Gestapo arrested more than 8,500 gay men, quite possibly using a list of names and addresses seized at the Institute for Sexual Research. Not only was Paragraph 175 not erased, as a parliamentary committee had recommended just a few years before, it was amended to be more expansive and punitive.

As the Gestapo spread throughout Europe, it expanded the hunt. In Vienna, it hauled in every gay man on police lists and questioned them, trying to get them to name others. The fortunate ones went to jail. The less fortunate went to Buchenwald and Dachau. In conquered France, Alsace police worked with the Gestapo to arrest at least 200 men and send them to concentration camps. Italy, with a fascist regime obsessed with virility, sent at least 300 gay men to brutal camps during the war period, declaring them “dangerous for the integrity of the race.”

The total number of Europeans arrested for being LGBTQ under fascism is impossible to know because of the lack of reliable records. But a conservative estimate is that there were many tens of thousands to one hundred thousand arrests during the war period alone.

Under these nightmare conditions, far more LGBTQ people in Europe painstakingly hid their genuine sexuality to avoid suspicion, marrying members of the opposite sex, for example. Still, if they had been prominent members of the gay and trans community before the fascists came to power, as Berlin lesbian club owner Lotte Hahm was, it was too late to hide. She was sent to a concentration camp.

In those camps, gay men were marked with a pink triangle. In these places of horror, men with pink triangles were singled out for particular abuse. They were mechanically raped, castrated, favored for medical experiments and murdered for guards’ sadistic pleasure even when they were not sentenced for “liquidation.” One gay man attributed his survival to swapping his pink triangle for a red one – indicating he was merely a Communist. They were ostracized and tormented by their fellow inmates, too.

The looming danger of a backslide

This isn’t 1930s Europe. And making superficial comparisons between then and now can only yield superficial conclusions.

But with new forms of authoritarianism entrenched and seeking to expand in Europe and beyond, it’s worth thinking about the fate of Europe’s LGBTQ community in the 1930s and ‘40s – a timely note from history as Germany approves same-sex marriage and on this first anniversary of Obergefell v. Hodges.

In 1929, Germany came close to erasing its anti-gay law, only to see it strengthened soon thereafter. Only after a gap of 88 years are convictions under that law being annulled.


These Additional Resources:

Truth at a Crooked Drumpf rally.



Drumpfians scream, ‘Get outta MY country!’.



All Republi-cons knew who is Crooked Drumpf.



Four years with Crooked Drumpf.



Paula White speaks in tongues, blames demons.



Lightning Round:










Dear Reader;

Thank you for visiting this post today.

Please return for the next episode.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. 

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays. The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



You can find an alternate version of this SlimAndMe post at my Facebook social media page:



Sharon Nichols 

November 9, 2018 at 6:29 AM · 

Shared with Public 

Kristallnacht and Hitler’s Three Stages to Genocide:

 – You have no Rights

 – You have no Rights to live amongst us

 – You have no Rights to live.


More Additional Resources:



Karen Caron
6 Aug 2021

Costco carries this jam and I felt that this story needed to be shared.

The incident took place in a supermarket in New Jersey. The tweet is by Michael Perino @ProfessorPerino

“At the supermarket today, I found a small, elderly woman standing in front of a high shelf holding @BonneMamanUS preserves. She was having trouble finding the flavor she wanted because the jars were set back on the shelf.

She couldn’t read the labels. She could barely reach them. I offered to help.

After I handed her the raspberry preserves, she thanked me, paused, and then asked, “Do you know why I buy this brand?”

I laughed and replied, “Because it tastes good?”

“Yes, it tastes good.” She paused again. “I am a Holocaust survivor.”

This was not the conversation I expected on a Sunday grocery run. “During the war, the family that owns the company hid my family in Paris. So now I always buy it. And whenever I go to the store, my grandkids remind me, ‘Bubbe, don’t forget to buy the jelly.’”

I told her that that was the best reason I ever heard to buy any company’s product. And then we both smiled behind our masks and went our separate ways.”


Someone else on Twitter looked into the story and indeed, the town that Andros Company, the makers of Bonne Maman, comes from, hid and saved Jewish families in WW2. It was called Biars sur Cere, which then had about 800 villagers.

From an article, “You have to understand what it was like then. There were posters on the walls, from the Nazis and from the collaborators, and they said that if you are found to help a Jew, a freemason, a communist, a socialist, or a pervert, you will be shot on sight.” Despite the great danger in which helping them put the villagers in, still they kept the children safe.”

A good reason to buy Bonne Maman products. And a poignant reminder that when we look out for each other it can change lives, and that there are good and selfless people in the world.

♥️Bonne Maman! 🇫🇷
Karen Caron
Tue 12:56 AM



Hitler’s Enabling Act:




Christian Con-servatives impose Trans Panic legislation targeting the Trans Community.

Christian Con-servatives preach the Old Testament as American law – that Trans is ‘pervert’.  Sheesh!  My 11th Grade Psychology teacher also taught our class that same lesson in 1973 – that Trans is ‘pervert’.


Daily Show
7 Apr 2016

Legal Discrimination.




When LGBT was illegal.

A Stonewall Inn veteran recalls the riots that sparked an LGBTQ revolution





Liberal Redneck – Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill

Trae Crowder
10 Feb 2022

Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill.




A cult.  Drumpf supporter reversing course after participating in January 6th.


10 Feb 2022

‘Stop the Steal’ was about Black votes don’t count.  Biden won election in 2020 with 92% of the Black voters.

The subject admits Drumpf is a cuit; he still believes in the propaganda and he still excuses his actions.  He’s not sorry about what he did.  As a member of the Drumpf Insurrectionist mob, he doesn’t accept his responsibility for the terrorist attack.


‘It was the greatest day of my life.  I was a patriot standing up for my president.  I was not in control.  I got caught up into this.  All the evidence will be coming, wait for our next breath.  Crazy fight scenes started happening.  I wasn’t doing anything wrong storming the Capitol.  Police should be held accountable.  I created a reverence for Stop the Steal.  It is a second Civil War. ‘

 – Keith Scott, Drumpfian Insurrectionist




Daily Show
11 Feb 2012

Freedom Convoy Compares Vax Mandates to Holocaust





File Civil Rights complaints at the Health and Human Services website – Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (‘ObamaCare’) protects against Sex Discrimination.

Don’t spend ANY time worrying about whether the ACA applies in your case.  Assert that this is Sex Discrimination, because it is.  They will figure out whether the ACA applies in the particular case.  If people do not file, HHS doesn’t know what is going on.

Such complaints wouldn’t have been beneficial under Croooked Drumpf and Republi-cons.  We are in a different place now.  For now.  Use it!


Filing a Civil Rights Complaint

If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, or religion in programs or activities that HHS directly operates or to which HHS provides federal financial assistance, you may file a complaint with OCR.  You may file a complaint for yourself or for someone else.

If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your disability by a State or local government health care or social services agency, you may file a complaint with the OCR.  You may file a complaint for yourself or for someone else.

Do you have a complaint about housing, law enforcement, labor, education or employment discrimination?  OCR does not generally investigate these types of complaints.  Find other Federal civil rights agencies that can help you.




‘Drumpf will re-take the President in 2024 and fix the trouble we in. (sic). ‘

‘We’re back in the game.  We Republi-cons have a very positive future. ‘

 – Lindsey Graham, R-Drumpf (ABC ‘This Week’, 13 Feb 2022)



‘Far Right groups, Drumpf supporters, are the danger when they join the T-party. ‘

– Jerry Seib, R-Drumpf / ‘Wall Street Journal’ (‘Fox News Sunday’, 13 Feb 2022)



Tony Guida

‘Lavender Scare ‘


Interview: 14 Jun 2019

With guest Josh Howard.




PBS Frontline

Trump’s American Carnage #3910

Arizona PBS HD

From his first days as president to his last, how Trump stoked division, violence, and insurrection.  Trump’s siege on his enemies, the media, and even the leaders of his own party, who for years ignored the warning signs of what was to come.

Broadcast In: ENGLISH
Duration: 0:56:46

3:00am, 02/02/2022 | Arizona PBS HD



‘Drumpf’s Presidency ended in a violent assault on American Democracy.  Drumpf stood at the Capitol on his Inauguration, lighting the fires that would become the Insurrection.  Elected leaders looked on – unable to stop Drumpf or unwilling to see the coming violence and the Insurrection.  Carnage that Drumpf vowed to end was just beginning. ‘  ‘Drumpf stirred chaos and violence.  Violence worked.

 – Narration

‘WE are led by Stupid People! ‘

 – Drumpf (his speech)

‘American people were angry.  They saw Drumpf fighting for them. ‘

 – Corey Lewendowski, R-Drumpf

‘Drumpf’s a Race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot.  Tell Drumpf to go to Hell. ‘

 – Senator Lindsey Graham

‘We have a Con artist in Drumpf in the Republi-con Party.  He’s made a career telling lies. ‘

 – Senator Marco Rubio

‘Drumpf is a pathological liar.  He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. ‘

 – Senator Rafael Cruz



(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*

‘Science Is Not Enough, My Word Is Not Enough’

(2019 06 09) Slimand Me (Thassos -February 1973) 50091091_2252905174984063_633501676090687488_n*

‘Science Is Not Enough, My Word Is Not Enough’
(8 Nov 2022)





Dear Reader:

Had enough?

Science is not good enough to the CisHet normative.


This warning persists about Christian Con-servative Taliban Theocracy – it remains a threat to America’s Democracy.

This is what you get for voting Republi-con:

-You voted for Con-tract on Amerika.

– You voted for Permanent Republi-con Majority.

– You voted for the Republi-con New Amerikan Century.

Republi-cons are poised to seize the House of Representatives through Census Reapportionment, voter suppression, voter purges, Gerrymandering amongst their arsenal against American Liberty; they are poised to name Crooked Drumpf to Speaker of the House to re-take the Executive Branch.  Republi-cons currently control the Senate with 50 members to the 46 Democrats; Manchin and Sinema were planning to flip Republi-con for Election 2022, if not sooner.  Republi-cons control about 30 states – either Strongman Governors, state Legislatures, or both.  Republi-cons control the American Judiciary as we witness their takeover.  All this done, all this is Con-stitutionally legal.

All leading to their Con-certed effort to annihilate Our Trans and LGBT Community.

Thank you, Republi-con Voters, for destroying America’s Democracy.

– Sharon



My self-described Deplorable Christian Con-servative Cousin Nancy from West Virginia obviously has much better education and experience than the experts. She says that there are only two Genders.

– Sharon




Sharon Nichols

7 Nov 2019

Another declaration supported by resources.

Humanity is a spectrum – shades of grey, not black-and-white.

We all want what everyone of the privileged and dominant CisHet standard takes for granted – Equal Rights and protection from discrimination.


This comment about religion sticking its nose into science.

Crooked Drumpf’s faith based law would only protect his Right-wing Republi-con Christian Con-servative Evangelical Fundamentalist Fascist Amerikan Taliban.

– Do you really think that an Atheist would be allowed to make that declaration against a Drumpfian?

– Or a Satanist be allowed to make that declaration against a Drumpfian?

– Or a Catholic be allowed to make that declaration against a Drumpfian?

– Or a Moslem be allowed to make that declaration against a Drumpfian?

Now you get it!

Crooked Drumpf’s Law was to establish only his religion as the official State religion.

Worse, he shows himself absolutely ignorant about Inter-sex. There are far numerous chromosome variables than his binary. Plus, an otherwise ‘normal’ Female can be XY and an otherwise ‘normal’ Male can be XX. Seems that he should study elementary school science and biology.

Nor is this a novel ‘phenomena’. Trans and Inter-sex is an essential element of life on Earth – whether plant or animal. In fact, innumerable life forms spontaneously change anatomy from one sex to another.

Countering that Christian Con-servative’s assessment, I have never been confused about my Female gender in all my 60-some years. I did not ‘mutilate’ myself. Oddly, his ‘science’ demands that Inter-sex infants must be mutilated to conform to his CisHet standard.



Johnna Dianna Burke:

Scientific research has pretty much proven that gender dysphoria has a biological basis. But the evangelical community refuses to accept science. They feel that gender dysphoria is a delusion reinforced by liberal agenda for the purpose of destroying Christian America. They see it as an anti-social construct.

Opinions expressed on The Christian Post conservative web site:

Matt Barber wrote:

“For those tethered to biological reality, the self-evident truth that, prior to birth, people develop either “XY” or “XX” genetic markers and, as such, are objectively, and shall forever remain, either male or female, is as plain as blue is blue or pink is pink.” 1

Referring to the LGBT community, where “T” stands for both “transgender individuals” and “transsexuals,” he said:

“… this ‘progressive’ sociopolitical scheme moves quickly from merely pitiable and delusional to ghastly and abusive when children are the targets — when selfish adults exploit sexually confused young people by feeding their ‘gender’ delusion and pumping them full of dangerous hormones, or otherwise surgically mutilating and sterilizing them for life via so-called ‘gender reassignment surgery.’ …”

“The ‘gender’ phenomenon is, in the larger sense, an artificial and anti-theist-tainted social construct. It’s an overt act of fist-shaking rebellion against the laws of nature and nature’s God.” 1


He quotes from a report by The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds): 2

“A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such. 2

ACPeds is a tiny Christian group of conservative pediatricians with about 200 members which is frequently cited by conservative religious media. It is often confused with the more liberal American Academy of Pediatrics, which has a staff of 390 persons and a membership of:

“… 66,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical sub-specialists and pediatric surgical specialists.” 2,3



Kai Hikaru argues for science:



From Kai Hikaru

27 Oct 2019

This is what happens when you try to argue science with a scientist.

CW: Transphobic comments

EDITED TO ADD: I didn’t expect this to get shared so much, but because it has spread – the links within the images are in the comments. Additionally, I’ll just list them here for easy access.

If you’re sharing this to try and convince transphobes to change their minds, unfortunately its very unlikely to work. As you can see reading through these, they cling to their preconceived notions no matter what facts you provide.

I didn’t engage in these conversations to convince them of anything. I did it, because bigotry shouldn’t go unchallenged. I did it, because any transgender, intersex, or non-binary person who happens upon the original comment thread (which is a public news article on Always removing the Venus symbol from their menstrual pad packaging) will see the hate countered with facts and will have access to numerous credible scientific sources supporting them.

You are seen. You are valued. And your experiences are real.


1. UCLA – Challenging Gender Identity: Biologists Say Gender Expands Across A Spectrum, Rather Than Simply Boy And Girl

https://socgen.ucla (dot) edu/2015/03/01/challenging-gender-identity-biologists-say-gender-expands-across-a-spectrum-rather-than-simply-boy-and-girl/?fbclid=IwAR2GRgsWskQCl_dbG2hMsax2IKfkalTnJaj4YCE-U7b34GYHthUox1SXzxU

2. NY Times – Anatomy Does Not Determine Gender, Experts Say

https://www.nytimes (dot) com/2018/10/22/health/transgender-trump-biology.html?fbclid=IwAR22AFU0GZuN5NS_8-p4N0VhVVSGamaIOWppkNnCIxK733TTARcqgmmgbII

3. Discover Magazine – Skeletal Studies Show Sex, Like Gender, Exists Along A Spectrum

4. National Geographic – How Science is Helping Us Understand Gender

5. Scientific American – The New Science of Sex and Gender

6. Harvard – Between the (Gender) Lines: The Science of Transgender Identity

http://sitn.hms.harvard (dot) edu/flash/2016/gender-lines-science-transgender-identity/?fbclid=IwAR1k_3weEmpo7E7t-1ytU5el5Z7JheBU0ZZD437pcwm1kezmXLmjm5qcW_k

7. AP News – Sciences Says: Sex and Gender Aren’t the Same

8. World Health Organization (WHO) – Gender and Genetics

9. World Health Organization (WHO) – Genetic Components of Sex and Gender

10. Medline Plus Encyclopedia – Intersex

11. Scientific American – Where Transgender is No Longer a Diagnosis

12. American Psychological Association (APA) – Answers to Your Questions About Transgender People, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression

13. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) – Suicide and Suicidal Behavior Among Transgender Persons

14. Disrupting Dinner Parties (Blog) – Take the Red Pill: The Truth Behind the Biology of Sex



Marie Bobo-Smith’s Facebook page:


Marie Bobo-Smith

Inter-sex people campaign against anatomical butchery:


2019 Election Day results:





Trans people murdered in the USA and elsewhere:





Federal Court blocks Crooked Drumpf effort to deny Constitutional Rights of Trans persons:






Religion used for power and control:




Thank yous to each and every one of these resources who contributed to this discourse.




Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post.

Thank you to the Resources who contribute to this page. Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their social media content, essays, and images.

Additional Resources:


Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Katy Montgomerie is a feminist, LGBT rights advocate, atheist, metalhead, insect enthusiast and trans woman



What rights don’t trans people have?

Katy Montgomerie

Sep 3 ·

26 min read

A list of the rights that trans people are missing in order to be equal to cis people around the world.

This is a live document and is not exhaustive. If you know of a right missing in your country, or you have an article to back up one mentioned (even if it already has a source), please comment below or contact me on Twitter.

(Please note: So far I have only done Europe, Central Asia, the USA, and some of Africa. I haven’t even attempted to research most of the Americas, East Asia, South Asia, Australasia or most of Africa yet.)




The 150 Worst (& Safest) Countries for LGBTQ+ Travel in 2021

Updated March 23, 2021

Asher & Lyric Fergusson

A study of the world’s most popular countries for LGBTQ+ travel reveals the good, the average & the ugly

Instead of relying on hearsay and anecdotes from other travelers, we took a deep look at LGBTQ+ rights, country by country. After 250+ hours of research, we’ve reviewed all countries’ individual laws and gathered data from a variety of trusted international sources to create the definitive “LGBTQ+ Travel Safety Index” that will help you find the safest (and least safe) countries for your next trip abroad.

At the end of the page, we include 37 LGBTQ+ safety tips shared by four travel experts.





– Sharon




(2015 08 20) Decide to be a Girl11046480_376569759191961_3227315234969587031_n

Dear Reader:

Thank you for visiting this post today.

Please return for the next episode.

Acknowledgement and credit goes to those who create their news reporting, social media content, essays, and images provided for you here.

Please take note of the specific and the random memes and screen print images that may be attached to this article, that I present throughout this web-site. They add to the essence of this post

Please visit those references when I add them to these essays. The contributors work hard and tirelessly to bring about sense from the non-sense


Thank you to for listing my ‘Slim and Me’ web-site with them. Please check them out for plenty of good resources.



You can find an alternate version of this SlimAndMe post at my Facebook social media page:



Additional Resources:


Trevor Project’s LGBT Handbook for Youth.



AMA support for LGBT Rights.



Stealth at work.



The USA Supreme Court wants to tell Trans persons what public restroom to use.



The 2020 Election is important for Our LGBT Community.



Poland right-wing attacks against LGBT.



TERF Lesbian opposes LGBT and Trans Civil Rights at Supreme Court demonstration.



Transgender youth activist.



Australian Trans Community seeks health care coverage by Medicare.



Surgery leads to improved mental health.



Adult support helps Trans youth overcome suicidal thoughts.




Florida Restricts Doctors From Providing Gender Treatments to Minors

The state’s medical board, whose members are appointed by the governor, has barred doctors from prescribing gender care to new adolescent patients.

Azeen Ghorayshi

Nov. 4, 2022

Updated 4:27 p.m. ET

Florida has effectively banned medications and surgery for new adolescent patients seeking gender transitions after an unprecedented vote by the state’s medical board.

The move makes Florida one of several states to restrict what’s known as gender-affirming care for adolescents, but the first to do so through the actions of its Board of Medicine, whose 14 members were appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The strategy circumvented the Republican-controlled State Legislature, which had twice declined to take up a bill aiming to restrict such treatment.

The board voted 6-3 (with five others not present) on Friday to adopt a new standard of care that forbids doctors to prescribe puberty blockers and hormones, or perform surgeries, until transgender patients are 18. Exceptions will be allowed for children who are already receiving the treatments.


(1970 06 00) Slim at Crater Lake (sitting) 62108991_353447288645822_7445126293500198912_n*
